Mehmed: Fetihler Sultani (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[End of 626 near Medina]
[End of 626 near Medina]
-Peace be upon you.
-And peace be upon you.
Aren't you ready yet?
Aren't you ready yet?
We've got this stuck in this rock.
Is there any news about infidels?
They are several days away.
They are several days away.
They will be here soon.
We must hurry, Abu Ayyub.
Everyone in the city is worried.
Everyone in the city is worried.
The Messenger of God is coming!
Messenger of God!
O Muslims!
O Muslims!
O Muslims!
Don't be discouraged!
The Messenger of God has given good
news in the trench a little while ago.
The Messenger of God has given good
news in the trench a little while ago.
I swear to God who sent him
and the holy book
I believe in what he says.
My brothers, the Messenger of God said
My brothers, the Messenger of God said
He said: "From Kisra's palace in Medan
to Yemen and Damascus,"
"Every land will belong to the believers!"
"Every land will belong to the believers!"
-God is great!
-God is great!
Then he announced another message.
May today,
maybe centuries later
May today,
maybe centuries later
The good news of our Prophet is:
Constantinople will be conquered!
How beautiful is the commander
who conquered it,
What a blessed army
that army is!
Abu Ayyub!
Who is that commander?
Abu Ayyub!
Who is that commander?
God knows.
God knows.
We are ready, sir.
Shall we begin the attack, sir?
What is this now?
This is the new magic of our young Sultan.
We have other guests too.
Orhan didn't come alone.
There are Byzantine knights
in the front rows.
Our scouts didn't tell us this, my sultan.
Science is never wrong, Candarli.
Judging by the equipment,
these are the emperor's Vareg guards.
Shahab ad-Din.
Pull back the raiders.
Janissaries will be in the front.
Sir, we get the raiders
to meet the rebels.
Sir, we get the raiders
to meet the rebels.
If we only had rebels,
it would have been true.
They are an organized unit.
Only the Janissaries could fight.
Only the Janissaries could fight.
-What about Zagnos, sir?
-Nothing has changed.
He'll move when he gets the signal.
Candarli, come with me.
Hold it tight, that'll keep you alive.
Where are the Crazy's?
Where are the Crazy's?
They won't come unless
their name is told.
What is he doing?
Too bad for you, Candarli.
You become the today of a child
who calls him self Sultan.
Being a Vizier to the Ottomans is not
like being a wand to Byzantium, Orhan.
Being a Vizier to the Ottomans is not
like being a wand to Byzantium, Orhan.
We know who you came here with.
Powerful Vizier!
This boy cannot be a Sultan.
This boy cannot be a Sultan.
I have come to take what's mine.
And you know this, too.
But let's follow the rules.
Tell me your terms.
There isn't
You will resort to the justice
of Sultan Mehmed Han.
You'll kiss his hand,
and consent his judgement.
You'll kiss his hand,
and consent his judgement.
When I give up, you know exactly
how I will die on the gallows.
When I give up, you know exactly
how I will die on the gallows.
No one dies without my will
in the Ottoman Empire, Orhan.
Your father said the same thing
to my father.
Your father said the same thing
to my father.
Kasim Celebi did not trust my dad,
rather, his own ambition.
But we both know his fate.
But we both know his fate.
So let what you know
be an example to you.
And not what you know, to you, Candarli.
That Mehmed you hide behind,
will be your end one day.
Brave knights of the invasion!
My heroic army!
My heroic army!
Those who couldn't Stop us
with the Crusades
They are trying to stop us with
an enemy of ours and our blood.
They are trying to stop us with
an enemy of ours and our blood.
With Orhan, who is colluding
with the infidels!
As we seek to elevate the word of God
in order to achieve world order,
As we seek to elevate the word of God
in order to achieve world order,
They want to hit us with
the hands of our relatives.
My brothers!
Do not be complacent
because the enemy is like us!
The hypocrite is worse than the infidel!
Traitors are more villainous
than the enemy!
The talk is over now!
Today is a day of effort.
Today is a day of effort.
Today is a diet day!
Today is a martyrdom day!
May your conquest be blessed!
-God is great!
-God is great!
-God is great!
-God is great!
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
Shahab ad-Din.
Let's go.
It's battle time, Pasha!
Draw your sword!
O Allah!
Allah is the greatest!
From here! Come on, hurry up!
Byzantine ship.
You are wounded, sir.
It's a small scratch,
it's not important.
The wounds of the sword are severe.
The soldiers must not see it, it.
There's a Greek village behind us,
I know a Doctor, let him examine it.
Oh guide.
Oh God, oh Muhammad, oh Ali.
It's over, Mr. Dogan.
It's over, Mr. Dogan.
Dogan. I remember his first day
at the Janissary Corps.
Now I bury him with my hands.
Now I bury him with my hands.
It is a battle that leads
to martyrdom, sir.
Everything happened because
of that Shahab ad-Din!
Everything happened because
of that Shahab ad-Din!
Don't think about it,
don't bother yourself.
Don't think about it,
don't bother yourself.
This has it's future.
Sultan put us in the front
for a reason, Pasha.
Don't hide this from me.
-You couldn't do it, right?
-Not this time.
I told you it's not the right time.
I told you it's not the right time.
I can't go back to Constantinople anymore.
I can't go back to Constantinople anymore.
But I'll hold them accountable.
Don't worry, we'll go back
to Morea together.
When the time is right,
you'll be the Ottoman Emperor.
And I'll be the Byzantine Emperor.
Crew! Sails!
-Let's be careful.
-I'll wait.
Is Tatios here?
-Mr. Zagnos?
-Our Sultan has a wound, Tatios.
Pardon my astonishment, sir.
Please, come in.
Does the little king know the facts?
Surely he would know eventually.
Surely he would know eventually.
But when he does, I would have been
a king long time ago.
No one would forgive the leader
who betrays his father.
This isn't important.
I don't think he'll live long anyway.
I don't think he'll live long anyway.
Don't be delirious, János.
It's still too early for it.
Or does the Vatican not trust me?
We're at the same side right now,
but the issue does not concern us.
Who is it concerns, then?
What happened in Varna
is still very recent.
No one thinks we can defeat the Turks.
The English and even the French, as well.
The English and even the French, as well.
The English and French are all cowards.
Do you think I'll ignore Turk's occupation
because of their cowardice?
Do you think I'll ignore Turk's occupation
because of their cowardice?
But you have to prove
yourself to Papacy first.
How so?
Even though you were defeated
in Varna, you have an army.
If the Orthodoxy emirate
accepts fighting with you
If the Orthodoxy emirate
accepts fighting with you
The Vatican will convince
other Christians.
So, our only cure is Serbs.
Serbs or Vlad? It doesn't matter.
Serbs or Vlad? It doesn't matter.
Time passes quickly János, hurry up.
The cut is deeper than I thought.
Your hand is shaking, Tatios.
My good old famous doctor days
are long gone.
I'm getting old.
My hands will tremble,
and my eyes will not see.
It must be sterilized.
Daughter, Eleni.
Take a look at the wound.
-I didn't know you had a daughter, Tatios.
-Eleni is not my real daughter.
But she is no different
than the one I lost.
But she is no different
than the one I lost.
Does she know these things?
She is better than most of the doctors.
Herbs speaks when they see her.
She is better than most of the doctors.
Herbs speaks when they see her.
It's irritated under the armor.
If we don't clean it, it'll collect pus.
What is that?
I read it in my father Tatios' library,
in a book by a Muslim doctor
named Akshamseddin.
in a book by a Muslim doctor
named Akshamseddin.
It's called "Madda-tul Hayat".
It says that sickness are caused by
small germs we can't see.
It says that sickness are caused by
small germs we can't see.
I want to cleanse those germs
with vinegar.
Hold on, sir.
Hold on, sir.
Did it hurt you?
Just a little.
I'd appreciate it if
it didn't leave this room.
I'd appreciate it if
it didn't leave this room.
Your command, sir.
There is no reward
for serving our Sultan, Pasha.
There is no reward
for serving our Sultan, Pasha.
Give this gift for those
who need it, please.
Don't cry, my dear Ahmed.
Look, your father is working,
don't disturb him.
Leave my son alone, Halime Hatun.
Leave my son alone, Halime Hatun.
He's a baby.
Sometimes he cries and sometimes laughs.
So as not to disturb
your concentration.
He wouldn't, on the contrary,
he'll inspire me.
He wouldn't, on the contrary,
he'll inspire me.
Children are the nectar
of the hearts of parents.
Children are the nectar
of the hearts of parents.
A good son removes trouble.
"Who is the son?"
"If the father had a cane field"
"If the father had a cane field"
"The place where it is found
is in his spaciousness nursery."
It's nice, is it for my Ahmed?
For Ahmed.
And for the late
But I haven't been able to finish it yet.
It needs another verse.
Come in.
Sir, messenger came.
Sultan Mehmed Khan defeated Orhan
in the Yenice.
Sultan Mehmed Khan defeated Orhan
in the Yenice.
The rebellion was suppressed.
May God perpetuate the sword of
our Sultan always sharp, God willing.
"Who is the son?"
"Who is the son?"
"If he were to take prayers"
"He is the pride of his country."
My Mehmed succeeded
in a great matter, Karaca.
And sir, you said, when we get a letter
from Huma Hatun, get me.
And sir, you said, when we get a letter
from Huma Hatun, get me.
"Sir, my bliss."
"Sir, my bliss."
"And my two eyes, my Murad Han."
"While you are in contemplation
in Bursa"
"Since I knew that your health is nice"
"Since I knew that your health is nice"
"I feel healed, too."
"And I understood that
my illness is your sadness."
"And my time is your happiness."
"And my time is your happiness."
Your resistance to the rebellion
made your father proud, my lion.
Your resistance to the rebellion
made your father proud, my lion.
Only thing my father cares
about is you, mom.
Only thing my father cares
about is you, mom.
And I got you.
If he didn't believe that the doctors
here had cured my illness
If he didn't believe that the doctors
here had cured my illness
You know he won't keep me here.
Stop bragging.
However, let's keep us between
that you are cured, okay?
While we talk about cures
-Show me your wound to see.
-Just a small wound, not important.
-Show me your wound to see.
-Just a small wound, not important.
I didn't know that Zagnos
had skills like this.
His hands are too rough for fine work.
His hands are too rough for fine work.
The threads are ingeniously embroidered.
Who is this skilled lady?
Her name is Eleni.
Since she had you smiled
She didn't just treat your wound.
Thank God.
My conversation with my mom made me happy.
I'll definitely smile.
My conversation with my mom made me happy.
I'll definitely smile.
Finally, the Turks expelled you,
Princess Mara.
I stayed with them for 20 years.
I've never seen them betray on a friend.
I haven't heard of it.
Your husband left his throne
to a child and run away.
And you are here because
you are scared of him, right?
Here is a question, Brankovic.
Why do you think I don't cut your,
Why do you think I don't cut your,
beautiful daughter's neck and shed
her royal blood looking at your eyes?
Because, I won't let anyone
who has loyal to me before,
Because, I won't let anyone
who has loyal to me before,
get harmed.
That's why
There is no need to fear my army
positioned at your door
Or from me.
Fighting with Ottoman Empire
was the biggest mistake I've ever made.
Fighting with Ottoman Empire
was the biggest mistake I've ever made.
And I paid for it alone.
I won't do it again.
You won't be alone this time.
But don't rush your decision.
But when I come next time
Know that I won't be this friendly.
Sultan Mehmed Han has news for you, János.
If I let you out of here,
it's because of the mercy of the Sultan.
If I let you out of here,
it's because of the mercy of the Sultan.
Sultan Mehmed Han says:
If you turn back quickly,
your innocent people won't pay the price.
If you turn back quickly,
your innocent people won't pay the price.
This is his final warning to you.
Tell your Sultan
Our Sultan won't listen to a devil.
He knows what you do
and who you meet.
He knows what you do
and who you meet.
I hope you insist on your mistake
so that I can see your head cut off.
I hope you insist on your mistake
so that I can see your head cut off.
Give it to me. Thank you.
Will the artisans be inspected?
Will the artisans be inspected?
What an progress junkie.
He really likes new weapons.
He's so excited.
He's so excited.
He talks about the Hungarian.
You talk about youth
But it's hard to see what he'll do.
What is he thinking?
He left Orhan's family.
I think he wants to go
to Hungary with powerful cannons.
Doesn't this scare you, Pasha?
Doesn't this scare you, Pasha?
He thinks that
He can achieve anything
with new weapons.
No need to worry.
I control him.
You say that, but
This is not the same man
whose mother left you years ago.
This is not the same man
whose mother left you years ago.
His strength is increasing
day after day.
It is custom and tradition.
It is custom and tradition.
It's information.
Strength isn't being able to put a lens on
a stick and seeing 100 meters ahead.
Strength isn't being able to put a lens on
a stick and seeing 100 meters ahead.
It is being where you are not
And knowing what will
happen 100 years ago, Isaac.
And Mehmed will see that.
Okay then, Pasha.
Hazrat Sultan Mehmed Han!
Hazrat Sultan Mehmed Han!
Will we succeed this time? Tell me.
The drawings are done.
The drawings are done.
If we can't control the mine,
it'll work my Sultan.
Why is it not homogeneous?
Because we make it
from forged iron, my lord.
Except for the barrel,
we could only use a linen clamp.
Except for the barrel,
we could only use a linen clamp.
Is there no other mine?
Does it have to be iron?
Does it have to be iron?
To be easy and light, sir.
So they say so.
I said that so it will be transported
easy to the battlefield.
I said that so it will be transported
easy to the battlefield.
It does not matter how light the ball is
when it cracks during the shot.
Why not try bronze?
Isn't it easier to pour?
It cost four times more, sir.
But it's benefit will be forty.
Do it bronze.
But it's benefit will be forty.
Do it bronze.
We tried it already, sir.
Their openings swell at the first shot.
That isn't caused by the bronze.
That isn't caused by the bronze.
It is related gunpowder.
But these cannons are small.
But these cannons are small.
The destructive power needs
to increase at least fivefold.
That's not possible, sir.
It hasn't been done before, sir.
No one could do it.
Except one man, from Hungary
An infidel man.
An infidel man.
I heard that
He did it with a texture he discovered.
If the infidel can do it,
we will succeed, too.
If the infidel can do it,
we will succeed, too.
"Knowledge is the lost property
of the believer, not of the infidel."
The Messenger of God.
Of course, sir.
I talked about possibilities.
I talked about possibilities.
Let it be strong.
Empowerment comes with faith.
I was sure that
Orhan will succeed.
I warned you, Your Excellency.
I warned you, Your Excellency.
At the throne
While there is a young sultan
We had no choice but to try.
We had no choice but to try.
Thanks to you, that young Sultan
He earned a reputation
he couldn't have earned in 10 years.
Congratulations, Your Excellency.
I heard that Orhan has escaped.
Your brother Constantinos
He saved himself from death
at the last minute.
-He is in Mora.
I wanted to tell it's bad, but
I know that
I know that
My mom Helena gave him
this courage.
I wish courage and talent could
be given to everyone, Your Excellency.
I wanted to see him
on the Byzantine throne.
This isn't important, Your Excellency.
My only fear
My only fear
How much more daring the Turks can be.
Forget the Turks now.
Come here.
Do you want
A recommendation?
My mother.
Don't trust her.
I'm aware that
Both want Constantinos
on the throne
Both want Constantinos
on the throne
After I'm gone.
And I
I won't let you do it.
I won't!
No one can predict what
your younger brother Demetrius can do.
No one can predict what
your younger brother Demetrius can do.
Do you think
Someone's this unstable taking
the throne
Someone's this unstable taking
the throne
Let that
Emperor think about it.
Not you.
You know what I wonder?
Was it worth the risk
for a Turk?
Hunting rabbits again?
Actually, we haven't seen you do
another thing yet, little brother.
Actually, we haven't seen you do
another thing yet, little brother.
Calm down, calm down!
Calm down.
I'm a hunter who makes his
dogs listen, brother.
I'm a hunter who makes his
dogs listen, brother.
You're hunted again, right?
Don't meddle where you have
no business, Demetrius.
Don't meddle where you have
no business, Demetrius.
Not because of that
Rather, I speak
for my right to the throne.
Rather, I speak
for my right to the throne.
You'll never be
Emperor of the Byzantines.
You honored us by coming.
Let them take you to your room,
you must be tired.
While the Ottoman derives
its strength comes from unity
The heirs of our throne
can't evens talk.
Are we going to unite
with an Ottoman prince, mom?
Our empire's survival depends
to making Orhan a Sultan.
Our empire's survival depends
to making Orhan a Sultan.
His sitting on the throne in Edirne
will divide Ottoman. Get this.
Well, and get this, mom.
The dogs of our enemies
make us prey, not hunters.
The dogs of our enemies
make us prey, not hunters.
Emperor will decide
this when the time comes.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
When I become emperor,
I'll make you all pay.
Viceroy of the Hungarian Empire
János is right here.
In the south of Budin Castle.
But he is not sitting still.
But he is not sitting still.
He is silent.
What is its purpose?
According to our spies' information
He works with the Vatican.
He works with the Vatican.
I think he wants to make an alliance.
If we act immediately and go to Hungary
We'll attack them before a new
Catholic unit is created, sir.
We'll attack them before a new
Catholic unit is created, sir.
After the defeat at Varna, it'll took
years for a alliance to be forged.
After the defeat at Varna, it'll took
years for a alliance to be forged.
Let him try.
Aside from Catholics, there are
Albanians and Macedonians, sir.
Bogomils, Armenians and the Orthodox
Bogomils, Armenians and the Orthodox
The sectarian divide deepens every day.
It is difficult for them to unite.
The infidels
only care about profit.
only care about profit.
We've seen that many times, right?
We saw what happened when they allied.
But we can't be sure.
The Serbs alone are enough
for János to mobilize.
The Serbs alone are enough
for János to mobilize.
I took the precautions.
Don't worry, Ishak Pasha.
Without a doubt
Of course, sir.
Of course, sir.
This is the most appropriate time
to attack Hungary.
The timing is right.
The timing is right.
And attack, too.
But the direction is wrong, Pasha.
As we move to the West
They stab us in the back.
Is that so?
We saw that in the Orhan rebellion.
They wanted me to stop
with someone of my blood.
They wanted me to stop
with someone of my blood.
They might come again,
is that possible?
Yes, it is.
Because there are Byzantines who
live like a disease inside Ottoman lands.
The obstacle that I thing there is
The obstacle that I thing there is
It is here.
If we want to become
Ottoman Empire to become stronger
We must go here.
We must go here.
The city heralded by
the Messenger of God.
Our ultimate goal.
Our ultimate goal.
We have seen from bitter experience
that this is impossible.
Humanity could not muster
an army to breach these walls.
Humanity could not muster
an army to breach these walls.
I will create such an army that
That old city,
would have never seen such one!
That old city,
would have never seen such one!
History tells us many things.
Everyone from Avar Khans
to Ottoman warriors tried.
32 times.
All these states and warriors
could not break down those walls, why?
Because there was no cannon
to destroy those walls.
Because there was no cannon
to destroy those walls.
Moreover, this siege will
ruin our budget.
-All these soldiers, equipment, and fleet.
May God protect us,
we won't overcome it.
May God protect us,
we won't overcome it.
-And there is Janissaries.
-Soldier wants to go to Hungary.
Even your great father
Sultan Murad Han
Even your great father
Sultan Murad Han
who stopped Crusades,
couldn't do it.
I am Sultan Mehmed,
not Sultan Murad, Pasha!
Don't confuse me with my dad.
Because I don't walk with
those were persuaded
Because I don't walk with
those were persuaded
I walk with believers.
I want to conquest Constantinople
because it is an obstacle to me.
I want to conquest Constantinople
because it is an obstacle to me.
Do not hinder me, Pasha!
I have no other goal but
to fulfill God's prophets word.
I'll be that glory commander.
My soldier will be those soldiers.
Yes, sir.
Gather your writers
and work detailed.
Let's see what Constantinople
will cost.
Let's see what Constantinople
will cost.
Yes, sir.
I sensed your change.
I did, but
I didn't except this much, Pasha.
I didn't except this much, Pasha.
The blind has opened his eyes.
If we broke his staff before
If we broke his staff before
All this because of
Shahab ad-Din and Zagnos.
They influenced Sultan
with their toxic thoughts.
You still don't know him.
Do you think he'll listen to them,
while he doesn't listen to me?
You say so?
You say this, but
What about ​​Constantinople?
How did it become the topic,
while we await for Hungary?
He grew up on me.
He grew up on me.
I raised him.
He thinks that the conquest
of Constantinople is a nice dream.
He thinks that the conquest
of Constantinople is a nice dream.
But he doesn't know that it is nothing
more than a nightmare.
Oh, great Sultan Murad!
Who did you left us, come and see.
Come in.
Get this to Karaca Bey.
He'll take this to Huma Hatun.
Yes, sir.
Come on, you can leave, boys.
Don't be late for the lesson.
Let's go.
Well done.
Well done, boys.
Children are happy.
Children are happy.
Tell me, Zagnos.
Who made my son's face laugh?
On the way back, we stopped by
a village to have his wound treated.
On the way back, we stopped by
a village to have his wound treated.
A lady there who assisted the doctor.
She's clearly a clever girl.
You know best, my Sultan.
Did she do something
that didn't please you?
Of course not!
On the contrary
She was a polite girl enough to refuse
She was a polite girl enough to refuse
a pouch a gold that we gave her.
After all, she's from a lineage
that isn't good for our Sultan.
After all, she's from a lineage
that isn't good for our Sultan.
She is just a doctor's assistant
bought as a slave.
We too originally was a slave.
What are you trying
to say, Zagnos?
Forgive me, Sultan.
I've crossed my limit.
Forgive me, Sultan.
I've crossed my limit.
That's not what I wanted to say.
Tell me.
In which village does this doctor live?
"My soul, my happiness."
"My soul, my happiness."
"My paradise, Huma Hatun."
"Even if doctors find
a cure for my health"
"The cure for your absence
is your beautiful face."
"The cure for your absence
is your beautiful face."
"And the healing of my
heart is in your heart."
I've heard my lion's Mehmet Han's
courage like the whole world.
What are you waiting for to come to Bursa
as soon as possible, to heal my soul?
What are you waiting for to come to Bursa
as soon as possible, to heal my soul?
He invites Huma to here.
Enough of being ignored!
What did you do, my Sultan?!
What will you say to Murad Han now?
While Huma reigns at Hasbahce
While Huma reigns at Hasbahce
I shared his concerns.
While he was mourning
for Aladdin
I was the one beside him, me!
Get out.
Get out!
Come in.
Sir, Shahab ad-Din is here.
Waiting for permission to enter.
You asked for me, sir.
You asked for me, sir.
Sit down, Lala.
Sit down, Lala.
Don't make me feel the shame of
a student who makes his teacher stand.
You know what it is?
My Sultan knows better.
Experienced people answer that it is
using the right stone for the right sword.
Experienced people answer that it is
using the right stone for the right sword.
It is a stone of courage and victory.
Just like you, Lala.
You've done a lot for me.
You've done a lot for me.
Your value is clear.
But I'm sure your star
will shine in a better place.
The sword I'll decorate
its body is a little difficult.
It's your call, sir.
It's your call, sir.
You'll go to the Janissary Corps.
What is your purpose, sir?
See what are their opinion
about the siege.
I see you're hesitating, Lala.
You know the Corps
relation to Candarli, sir.
You know the Corps
relation to Candarli, sir.
What is your wisdom now?
Use the correct stone.
In the right sword, Pasha.
You planted all the seeds, right,
Dilaver Agha?
Murad Han wants to see roses looming
on the prince's grave in all seasons.
I planted them, Karaca Bey, don't worry.
But daffodils and tulips
are bulbous plants.
They only grow up when it's their time.
You should see them..
When they bloom.
Murad Han is coming.
Murad Han is coming.
Does our Bey come here regularly?
The pain of losing
a son is difficult, sir.
The pain of losing
a son is difficult, sir.
The great Murad Khan abdicated the
throne after the pain of prince Aladdin.
He comes here constantly.
You should have on your way to there.
What are you doing here, Karaca?
What are you doing here, Karaca?
Sorry, sir?!
I'm saying the letter I sent you, man!
Why are you still here?
No one get me that, sir.
If I had known
The woman who bandaged
Sultan's wound,
There is a doctor called Tatios Effendi.
She might be his assistant.
There is a doctor called Tatios Effendi.
She might be his assistant.
A little further on, by the fountain,
the one with the brown cloak.
Hey ladies.
I'm coming from a long way.
I see there's a queue,
but let me drink a glass of water.
Since you came from a long way,
sit down, I'll get you some.
Thank you, daughter.
Move away, Mina.
Move away, Mina.
-Come on, Eleni, we're waiting.
-Come on, Eleni, hurry!
-Come on, Eleni, we're waiting.
-Come on, Eleni, hurry!
We waited since morning.
Come on, girls! Shouldn't we give
her a glass of water?
Forgive them.
Our water is beautiful
but it flows poorly.
Our water is beautiful
but it flows poorly.
They have waited for a long time.
No problem, daughter.
You said you just came.
Drink slowly, it's very cold.
It'll even crack a stone.
It'll even crack a stone.
In the name of God.
There is a doctor called Tatios,
I'm here for him.
Do you know where he lives?
Of course, he is like my father.
Of course, he is like my father.
I'll take you to him.
How could I not notice this?!
What is it, daughter?
Did something happen?
The saddle hurt his back.
Carrying load like this
will be a torment.
What will you do now then?
I'll have to carry that.
I am strong and healthy, thank God.
It won't hurt.
You take it.
Come on, come on.
Oh God, Oh God!
Oh God, Oh God!
Oh God, Oh God!
What is the matter?
What brought you here?
This isn't something to speak here,
Dogan Agha.
This isn't something to speak here,
Dogan Agha.
There are no rules in random work.
Tell it.
It is a state matter.
Let's go to the Agha room.
Let's go to the Agha room.
This is the states corps as well.
The Agha room is not available, Pasha.
When will it be available?
Whenever Candarli Halil Pasha comes.
I'm not a young man
who doesn't know customs.
I came here by order of the Sultan.
I came here by order of the Sultan.
The Sultan asks how
Janissaries are before the great siege.
We're fine, thanks to God.
Our only wish is from the Sultan,
may his health be fine.
Our only wish is from the Sultan,
may his health be fine.
But let's assume we have a problem.
We won't reveal that to anyone
who comes in this room
We won't reveal that to anyone
who comes in this room
We will tell Candarli Halil Pasha
whose ancestral blood is in this corp.
Where is the answer you sent
to the capital, Halime Hatun?
Not to the capital, to Huma.
Not to the capital, to Huma.
How do you dare interfering
with my work, woman?!
I dare it because of you, sir.
I dare it because of you, sir.
When you lose a son, when you lose
your sovereignty, I was there for you.
I didn't force you into anything.
I didn't force you into anything.
Huma, whom you long
She doesn't even leave her son.
You envy her!
You are unfair.
But I gave you a prince to hold
on to in your worst days.
You are also a mother.
She is a mother.
She is an innocent woman.
She is an innocent woman.
She played the role of mother to Aladdin,
without separating him.
When will you see me, Murad?
When will you realize
I'm burning for you?
When will you realize
I'm burning for you?
I've had enough of the poisons you
spewed hiding behind the prince.
You'll collect your stuff
and go back to your dad.
You'll collect your stuff
and go back to your dad.
You no longer have a place by my side.
Will you separate me from my son?
Take the prince
and take him to his wet nurse.
Take the prince
and take him to his wet nurse.
Ahmed! I won't leave Ahmed!
I won't give me to you.
Don't do this!
Do not separate my son from me!
Don't take him!
Mercy me, for God's sake!
Mercy me, for God's sake!
The late prince Aladdin
grown up an orphan, too.
Don't let Ahmed remain
without a mother!
Let this be a lesson.
This time, for the sake of Aladdin
I forgive you.
But if it happens again
But if it happens again
I promise! I promise, my Sultan.
This is the last.
I can't live without Ahmed.
Forgive me.
You have tired yourself, sir.
Welcome, Mara Hatun.
You've come a long way.
-Are you fine?
-Thanks, sir.
I received the news that
you sent about János.
I received the news that
you sent about János.
I'm glad your father didn't make
the same mistake again.
Still, János won't remain calm.
I know.
Efla visited after you.
Efla visited after you.
I don't think Vlad will support him.
Let go of these things.
Let go of these things.
How was the trip?
It was not good until I heard
that Huma Hatun had recovered.
Let's keep it a secret
from my dad for a while.
Let's keep it a secret
from my dad for a while.
How long will you stay?
I'll stay for a few days.
After that, I have to go to Bursa.
Of course.
You know Halime Hatun.
She won't be calm.
-Mom will be very happy that you came.
-By the way, where is she?
-Mom will be very happy that you came.
-By the way, where is she?
I thought she would be the one to meet me.
Couldn't you put a load on
the healthy part of the animal's back?
They are God's mute servants,
entrusted to us.
Even if we do, if it hurts
He wouldn't be able to tell.
Even if I got tired
I didn't betrayed my trust.
I didn't betrayed my trust.
You are right, daughter.
Every soul given by God is precious.
At least, get a break. You are tired.
At least, get a break. You are tired.
It's rosemary, I'll gather some
since we found it.
It is a medicine for wounds
and a pain reliever.
If I take it's oil and apply it,
it'll be good for its wounds.
If I take it's oil and apply it,
it'll be good for its wounds.
I tell you to sit down,
but you work hard.
God bless!
You know herbs and treatments.
God bless!
You know herbs and treatments.
Tatios Effendi has taught me.
I'm good at these, he says.
That's clear, that's why I came.
That's clear, that's why I came.
-Have you heard of Tatios Effendi's skill?
I mean your skill.
I saw your skill on the bandage of the
hero you healed last night.
I saw your skill on the bandage of the
hero you healed last night.
Forgive me, ma'am, but
How do you know who came last night?
It's because he's my kid.
It's because he's my kid.
Forgive me, my Sultan.
I didn't know who you were.
If I had known
I don't like to talk too long.
I don't like to talk too long.
You are a compassionate,
skilled and decent person.
If you wish, I'd like
to take you to the capital.
That's very kind of you, my Sultan.
But the doctor has made
a lot of efforts on me.
Your offer is very generous.
But I can't leave him and come.
My affectionate girl, if you wish,
we won't make him sad.
My affectionate girl, if you wish,
we won't make him sad.
Don't think about it.
This is the incident, Pasha.
This is the incident, Pasha.
Look at the Sultan we called young.
He thinks he is shining
Shahab ad-Din.
His intention isn't Shahab ad-Din.
What is it then?
Mehmed know that,
since I got the corps behind my back,
Constantinople won't be anything
more than a dream.
What do you think of this, Dogan Agha?
This battlefield made us know
the thing called human, Pasha.
There was no worry
or concern in his eyes.
There was no worry
or concern in his eyes.
He obviously secured it.
I can't say it, but,
I think Shahab ad-Din
I can't say it, but,
I think Shahab ad-Din
He tries to be Grand Vizier.
This is Hasbahce.
This is Hasbahce.
Here you only see Sultan
and the little princes as men.
The rest are odalisque, blacks and whites.
The rest are odalisque, blacks and whites.
Everyone has a duty in the harem.
Here people are busy
with all day long.
Here people are busy
with all day long.
Or learn science.
Like what, my Sultan?
Speaking with grace,
and reading with recitation.
The open-eyed account, the honest the law.
The open-eyed account, the honest the law.
Those who can, how to sing.
And you'll learn the art of medicine.
And you'll learn the art of medicine.
Midwife Besile.
Midwife Besile.
Eleni daughter, whom I told you.
-You are welcome, my Sultan.
-You are welcome, my Sultan.
You're welcome, too, daughter.
I can personally vouch
for my daughter Eleni's skill.
I hope she becomes skilled
in medicine like you.
I hope she becomes skilled
in medicine like you.
Be her guide.
Yes, my Sultan.
Don't worry about it.
Teach her the medicine
you have prepared for me.
Teach her the medicine
you have prepared for me.
Let her bring it from now on.
She is first Gods, and then your trust.
My lady.
My lady.
My lady.
My lady?
My lady?
Are you fine?
You didn't make a sound for several hours.
You didn't make a sound for several hours.
My lady, please say something.
Say that you're okay.
I'm not.
I'm not okay, Didar.
I'm not okay, Didar.
Let's call the doctor.
Would you like that?
Order it and they'll come.
Maybe they will find
a cure for your problem.
Should we call them?
Should we call them?
Do it.
But call Vesile.
The cure for my problem is Vesile.
She is in the capital, my lady.
We'll get someone else.
Write a letter to Vesile, Didar.
Since they put me in this position
with a letter.
You should write a letter, too.
You should write a letter, too.
If Murad Han hears,
this time he'll..
Do what I tell you.
Tell Vesile
It's time to pay her back
for all the efforts I've given her.
Do you order something, Pasha?
I'll do my prayers and sleep.
Rest easy, too, Bahadir.
Rest easy, too, Bahadir.
In the name of God.
In the name of God.
Sultan Mehmed
He gave me this apple, but
I like Amasya apples more.
I like Amasya apples more.
How did you get in?
Don't change the subject.
I'm saying something important.
Sit down.
Amasya apples are thick,
and delicious.
When we are students
We used to eat them a lot.
The Amasya's people call it "marble".
The Amasya's people call it "marble".
Do you know it?
It's crunchy and delicious.
It is juicy.
However, it is light.
Why did you come here?
I came to show you that
I won't share anything but my apple.
Don't touch the men at the door.
Don't touch the men at the door.
They were raised by me.
Look, daughter.
Two dirhams of white amber and dry rose.
And four muskals of sandalwood
and galangal.
-Did you understand?
-I did, Mother Vesile.
-Did you understand?
-I did, Mother Vesile.
Nice job.
God bless.
God bless.
You learn quickly.
Whether I'm by your side or not
Whether I'm by your side or not
You'll prepare the medicine
for Huma Hatun as I showed.
Shake it.
And be sure to seal
the bottle with red wax.
And be sure to seal
the bottle with red wax.
Let's see.
Now take her this.
Okay, Mother Vesile.
My Sultan.
If you'll excuse, I'd like to give you
this ring made by Serbian craftsmen.
If you'll excuse, I'd like to give you
this ring made by Serbian craftsmen.
Thanks, Mara Hatun.
Thank you.
It's a skilled craftsman.
Sapphire is difficult to work with.
Sapphire is difficult to work with.
Where I come from, they
believe that sapphire,
is the stone of heaven and
sky because of its color.
And for some reason, it protects lovers.
And for some reason, it protects lovers.
You both know that,
I haven't had any love to protect.
But you don't get tired
of talking about it.
God knows when that will be.
God knows when that will be.
Come in.
Your medicine, my Sultan.
Here you go, Huma Sultan.
Put it, daughter.
My Sultan.
My Sultan.
Bring the books of Rajab and Dhu'l-Hijjah.
I will look at them again.
Your Grand Vizier,
I was distracted, I'm sorry.
Siege calculation
Siege calculation
It seems difficult, treasurer.
There is dust everywhere.
We took out the books
that has never been out, Pasha.
But we're almost there.
What is the situation?
Will the treasury allow the siege?
God willing
Even if it is difficult, Pasha,
it will bear this burden.
Are you sure?
This is the siege of Constantinople.
It's not like trapping Orhan
in front of Yenice.
It's not like trapping Orhan
in front of Yenice.
Accounts don't lie, Pasha.
If you like, let's check it together.
I won't.
In these notebooks
It does not write about the
mansions in the Meric countryside
and the shopkeepers in the
bazaar where you bought their sons.
Come on, Pasha. No way.
Come on, Pasha. No way.
It will, it will.
We already know that pen doesn't
write it all.
We already know that pen doesn't
write it all.
We know it all, but
We write it aside, not in public.
I think, you should
Close this notebook.
Open a new notebook.
Open a new one
That is I'll close your old notebooks.
Okay, Pasha.
Okay, Pasha.
But, what will we say to our Sultan?
What is the state of my treasury?
Where do all these taxes and revenues go?
My Sultan.
To be able to build 55 small ships with
80 decks and the 12 pullers you wanted
it is necessary to build a slipway
in addition to the shipyard building.
it is necessary to build a slipway
in addition to the shipyard building.
Their debt is big.
Give my order to
the Sanjak Bey of Gallipoli.
Let him do everything
that's needed for this.
Let him do everything
that's needed for this.
Cannon building workshops
which you ordered, my Sultan.
It's expensive.
It's expensive.
However, taking them to Constantinople,
We need lots of horses, mules,
camels and other animals.
We need lots of horses, mules,
camels and other animals.
In the current circumstances,
the state treasury can't cover it.
Why, Agha, why?
My Sultan.
Prince Orhan's rebellion, Janissary
salaries, and soldier salaries
Prince Orhan's rebellion, Janissary
salaries, and soldier salaries
The treasure is almost empty.
For such high expenses
We need time.
Enough of the excuses, Agha!
Will such excuses come between me
and the goal I want to achieve?
Either give me a solution
Or I'll find someone to find the solution.
My Sultan.
There are two ways
to cover these costs.
There are two ways
to cover these costs.
Tell me, man, what are they?!
The first is taxation.
And to reap its fruits
And to reap its fruits
-It takes time, maybe years.
-Time is short, Agha.
Forget that.
I can't wait that long.
-And the other one?
-For the other
Even if it'll create inconvenience
among your people
Reducing the amount of silver in the coin.
Will that work?
Yes, my Sultan.
If we pay the pending salaries like this,
Leftover silver will be left
to the treasury.
Leftover silver will be left
to the treasury.
With this way the treasury will be
ready for campaign in no time.
If we succeed,
the treasure will be filled with spoils.
If we succeed,
the treasure will be filled with spoils.
There is no mercy without hardship.
As long as it's fast
So the road is clear.
So the road is clear.
Get started right away.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
Thank you.
Is our dagger ready?
Yes, it is.
Here you go, brave one.
Here you go, brave one.
You won't be able to find anything
sharper or stronger than this.
It's really what you say.
But you need to give 2 more coins.
We said 10 coins.
Yes, but
These are newly minted coins.
These are newly minted coins.
It is the same coin, what is it?
This coin is low on silver, my brave.
That's why its value is low.
Vesile Hatun, the candlesticks you
asked for, came from the bazaar.
There is also news from Bursa.
There is also news from Bursa.
It's time to pay off your debts.
From now on, you will be a pain
to your patient, not a cure.
From now on, you will be a pain
to your patient, not a cure.
Your bride and son who lives here
are our guest, until we hear from you.
Your bride and son who lives here
are our guest, until we hear from you.
Their lives are in your hands.
Solve this as soon as possible.
I will consider your debt paid.
I will consider your debt paid.
Are you okay, Vesile Hatun?
Are you okay, Vesile Hatun?
Let go off it!
I'm fine.
Did something happen?
Did you receive bad news?
It's fine.
Mind your business.
Don't interfere in everything.
I think people make the same mistake
Which we probably fell into, my Sultan.
I think people make the same mistake
Which we probably fell into, my Sultan.
They too are incapable
of understanding our purpose.
Finish your word, Pasha.
Finish your word, Pasha.
There are grumbles
from the Janissary Corps.
There are grumbles
from the Janissary Corps.
It is the work of the ignorant
who don't know what they are doing.
Sorry, I'm very sorry
But they question your decisions.
What are they talking about?
You know, they love us and respect us.
You know, they love us and respect us.
I went and talked to them.
I did, but
They didn't listen to me.
What is your concern, Pasha?
I fear that they'll get provoked
and rebel.
I say that
Either you obey the Janissary Corps
Either you obey the Janissary Corps
Or the corps will obey you.
You know, Pasha.
Judgment is riding
on the back of a tiger.
Everything will be fine
if we held on tightly.
Everything will be fine
if we held on tightly.
But if we don't
That tiger will tear us apart.
The Janissaries are tigers.
We shouldn't get off their backs.
Tell us, there is no stranger.
There is news from Halil Pasha, Agha.
He said that Sultan won't back down
He said that Sultan won't back down
and that he won't be
an obstacle on our way
and whatever the custom is
it should be implemented.
The talk is over, Aghas.
The talk is over, Aghas.
Not it is up to our swords.
The Sultan who intentionally harmed
us during the Orhan rebellion
He now ignores our issues and problems.
He now ignores our issues and problems.
While we expect great campaigns and
spoil in the Hungarian
He manipulates the value of our
coins and makes fun of our minds.
He manipulates the value of our
coins and makes fun of our minds.
While some of people like Shahab ad-Din
filling their wallet,
While some of people like Shahab ad-Din
filling their wallet,
our comrades cannot find coins
to spend in the market!
Briefly, it's time for war!
Go out, burn and destroy!
Go out, burn and destroy!
Take what is yours with your claws!
Let the whole capital see
the power of the Janissary!
Let the whole capital see
the power of the Janissary!
We want our coins!
We want our coins!
We want our coins!
In the name of God.
O acceptable!
The owner of the order and acceptance.
The owner of the order and acceptance.
The one who made Yazid vomit blood.
His chest is shield,
and saving the people
from the lions.
and saving the people
from the lions.
Many die here, and no one asks.
That who provides miracles
and generous!
That who provides miracles
and generous!
We obey him!
Our Pir, our saint,
Haci Bektashi Veli Shah-ı Khorasan.
Our Pir, our saint,
Haci Bektashi Veli Shah-ı Khorasan.
For the sake of him,
let's say "Hu"!
Either our coins or death!
Either our coins or death!
Either our coins or death!
Either our coins or death!
Either our coins or death!
Don't forget Shahab ad-Din.
The Janissaries are coming! Run away!
The Janissaries are coming! Run away!
What is it, Bahadir?
I think you missed your mother.
I see you do chores
when you are alone.
No, Pasha. It's my mother's advice.
She always said:
"Don't let God's word get dirty."
She always said:
"Don't let God's word get dirty."
When I saw its cover
I have prepared your horse, Pasha.
You stained your handkerchief.
Isn't that what your mother
made and sent me?
Yes, Pasha.
Albanian work.
Albanian work.
As you know, my mom sees you
like one of his children.
Is there any news from her?
I received a letter
from my brother yesterday.
I received a letter
from my brother yesterday.
He says she isn't good, Pasha.
Stop, Aghas!
This is the Pasha's Palace!
Stop, Aghas!
This is the Pasha's Palace!
What's going on?
How could you enter my palace like this?
How could you enter my palace like this?
Pasha, let's get you out the back.
Pasha, let's get you out the back.
Will a brave man run away
from war, Bahadir?
You traitors! You lowly!
You obviously have a death wish.
We want our coins!
We want our coins!
We want our coins!
We want our coins!
Even if it is Sultan Mehmed
He'll come and give Janissaries right!
He'll come and give Janissaries right!
Give us our rights!
Give us our rights!
If Sultan Mehmed doesn't come
and give us our right
If Sultan Mehmed doesn't come
and give us our right
We'll bring the Sultan of Constantinople!
Either our coins or death!
Either our coins or death!
Either our coins or death!
O brave ones!
O brave ones!
The looting is over.
We'll give Sultan Mehmed one last chance.
We'll go to Alatepe
with what we took.
We'll go to Alatepe
with what we took.
Come on, brave ones!
Come in.
Sir, there is something very important.
Sir, there is something very important.
What is this concern, Kazim?
Sir, they rebelled.
The Janissaries rebelled,
and ruined the market.
They destroyed everywhere.
What do you say, Kazim?
What do you say, Kazim?
Kurtcu, middle Agha's, did no one
stop them?
Sir, Kurtcu Dogan himself started
the rebellion.
Sir, Kurtcu Dogan himself started
the rebellion.
There is no safe place anymore.
If a fire occurs, it will not stop.
And since they lit a fire in the capital,
God knows who will burn after this time.
What is it, daughter?
I'll prepare Huma Sultan's medicine,
Mother Vesile.
I'll prepare Huma Sultan's medicine,
Mother Vesile.
I was looking for the jars.
I prepared it.
You take this to the Mother Sultan.
It's color looks a little different,
It's color looks a little different,
-Is it fine?
-It's her medicine, daughter.
Come on, take it without wasting
any time. Don't distract me either.
Be careful, Mother.
Let there not be a mistake.
Be careful, Mother.
Let there not be a mistake.
Leave it, I'll get it.
You just came and trying
to teach me my job?
Pasha, it might hurt a little. Hold on.
Pasha, it might hurt a little. Hold on.
God is the healer.
In the name of God.
I didn't expected them
to exceed their limits, sir.
Forgive me, I couldn't stop them.
Forgive me, I couldn't stop them.
Don't blame yourself in vain, Pasha.
It's not your fault,
none of us could see that.
It's not your fault,
none of us could see that.
But they will see.
They'll see the price of
rebellion against the state.
What's your order, sir.
What is your decision?
What is your decision?
The decision is clear.
The state will not obey the corp,
the corp will obey the state.
Tell my raider soldier
to come to the capital.
Is it right to make brothers
fight brother, my Sultan?
Is it right to make brothers
fight brother, my Sultan?
A lot of blood will be shed.
Even if my hands and feet don't
obey orders, they will be cut off.
Even if my hands and feet don't
obey orders, they will be cut off.
Please come in, midwife Vesile.
She is available.
Please come in, midwife Vesile.
She is available.
My Sultan.
My Sultan.
Are you okay, Vesile? You look tired.
I am fine, my Sultan.
But I couldn't sleep much last night.
But I couldn't sleep much last night.
I told that daughter Eleni to prepare
my medicines from now on.
I told that daughter Eleni to prepare
my medicines from now on.
Where is she?
I looked for her, but I couldn't find her,
my Sultan.
I looked for her, but I couldn't find her,
my Sultan.
I brought it so that we won't be late.
You look for Eleni, but couldn't find her,
is that so, Vesile Hatun?
You look for Eleni, but couldn't find her,
is that so, Vesile Hatun?
No, Mara Hatun, I just said that.
No, Mara Hatun, I just said that.
We saw that a lie came out of your mouth.
Tell the truth now.
Mara, what's going on?
Eleni says there is something
wrong with this medication.
Eleni says there is something
wrong with this medication.
And I say, there is something else in it.
What do you say, Vesile Hatun?
I swear nothing is in it, my Sultan.
I swear nothing is in it, my Sultan.
I added a few things
to make it more potent.
It should be fine.
Since there is no harm in it,
you should drink it first.
Since there is no harm in it,
you should drink it first.
Please leave me alone, I am innocent.
Tell us, who is not innocent?
Your bride and son who lives here
are our guest, until we hear from you.
Your bride and son who lives here
are our guest, until we hear from you.
Their lives are in your hands.
Forgive me, my Sultan.
True, it's true.
We differed on the Hungarian campaign
and the siege of Constantinople.
We differed on the Hungarian campaign
and the siege of Constantinople.
I too, had mistake.
I too, had mistake.
But who knows
Maybe I felt bad because he sent
Shahab ad-Din instead of me.
Yet, we could have prevented all the
shame which happened from the beginning.
Yet, we could have prevented all the
shame which happened from the beginning.
But I couldn't.
The Janissary Corps is my son,
I thought I knew their character.
I left you as Mehmed's guardian
so as not to make any mistake.
Now you stand before me and say:
"The Janissaries have rebelled!"
I didn't want that to happen.
I didn't want that to happen.
But things got heated.
Our Sultan is stubborn.
Especially after this time,
he will never back down.
Especially after this time,
he will never back down.
If we don't take precautions,
blood of brothers will spill.
What do you want from me?
Even if not to me
To your state, which has
the effort of many martyrs.
I know the traitors among you, one by one.
All the tyrants who spit at the doors
of the state whom they eat,
They'll feel my wrath!
But now I am addressing
the innocent among you.
You have all sworn allegiance.
You acknowledged this when you
entered Shah-i Khorasan gate.
Is this your favor?
Is this our reward?
I swear by God who holds
my soul in his hands
Everyone will know the price
for destroying my capital!
Everyone will know the price
for destroying my capital!
I give you one last chance,
a piece of mercy from the Sultan.
Drop your weapons down,
and surrender to my justice!
Drop your weapons down,
and surrender to my justice!
I think they'll surrender.
The Sultan of security and prosperity,
the leader of the invaders
The Sultan of security and prosperity,
the leader of the invaders
His Eminence Sultan Murad Han.
Look at the state I left you.
Look at the state I left you.
This will have a price.
This will have a price.
Go to Manisa.
And wait for my decision.
I seek refuge with God
from the accursed Satan.
I seek refuge with God
from the accursed Satan.
In the name of God.
"Didn't we not open your chest for you?"
"And we have removed your burden."
"Which whom broke your back."
"Did we not raise your glory?"
"For with hardship comes ease."
"Indeed, with hardship comes ease."
"Indeed, with hardship comes ease."
"If so, after you finish one,
start another."
"Only turn to your Lord and supplicate."
It's all over, Aksem.
It's not over yet, Mehmed.
Everything is just beginning.
Next Episode