Mehmed: Fetihler Sultani (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
To avoid attacks, wouldn't it
be better to move the goods,
to the city by lands instead of sea?
We can do the trade like this.
We can do the trade like this.
But if it was only getting it.
We also send what we produced.
That is, it is both money
and time waste, sir.
Our prince knows about the situation.
And God willing, he'll find
a solution soon.
Come on then.
Let's go.
Life and money!
Don't leave anything behind!
Life and money!
Don't leave anything behind!
He is close to Pasa, run!
Pasa, Pasa!
Pasa, Pasa!
Take Zagnos Pasa, carry him.
We'll withdraw.
Son, slow down!
Don't run, I will catch you!
Your right is the edge of the sword.
Here are the blows of my sword!
Beyazid, dear, enough. Come here.
Come here.
My lion!
I almost fell, dad!
Don't worry, my hero.
Parents do not allow
their children to fall.
Did you see how I eliminated the enemies?
Of course, I did. How couldn't I?
I thought you'd never get out
of the library.
I thought you'd never get out
of the library.
Are you jealous of books, woman?
Am I wrong?
You see those more than us.
One is jealous of her loved one
from her own eye.
One is jealous of her loved one
from her own eye.
Then you'll miss me a little more.
What is it?
I'll go to the capital,
merchants will come.
They wanted to come.
If they didn't want anything,
they wouldn't have insisted.
If they didn't want anything,
they wouldn't have insisted.
What happened?
The Ahi caravan was raided
by pirates on the way.
-What is the situation?
-We have many martyrs.
Zagnos Pasa?
What happened to Zagnos?
He was brought to health center
heavily injured.
It shows from far away!
It shows from far away!
It is clear it befits our prince.
I'm his Lala in the end, Ishak.
This gift befits me.
Your personal interest in our prince
is noticeable, sir.
If not today, tomorrow,
Ottoman will need a Sultan.
Take it.
It is complete, right?
Did you see yourself in it, Ishak,
what is it?
Even worse, Pasa.
What is that?
Sultan Mehmed!
Who did you get it from?
Oh, it's not my fault.
I earned from trade with the Venetians.
I earned from trade with the Venetians.
That's all, here.
-How is he?
-We treated him, sir.
-How is he?
-We treated him, sir.
He is better than before, but,
his wound is deep. He needs rest.
I swear.
I will eradicate those
who did this to you.
I will eradicate those
who did this to you.
Sultan Mehmed!
Sultan Mehmed!
It is clear that
The prince who was in Saruhan for 4 years
is still naught.
The prince who was in Saruhan for 4 years
is still naught.
You had told me, but I didn't listen.
But this isn't something
that can be overlooked.
But this isn't something
that can be overlooked.
This is an open rebellion, Pasa!
This is disobedience!
I wonder
Should we tell the Sultan?
Don't hurry, Ishak!
The hasty fly falls in the milk.
Upon feeding himself,
The hasty fly falls in the milk.
Upon feeding himself,
it dies and everyone will make fun of it.
Let Murad Han have
the circumcision ceremony.
Let Murad Han have
the circumcision ceremony.
Then we'll see who is the Sultan!
We'll see how it is printing money.
God willing, Pasa, God willing.
God willing, Pasa, God willing.
This has been too much!
This has been too much!
How many lives will we lost
to understand it?
The topic and the issue is known,
Hikmet Bey.
We are following them.
We are following them.
If not today, tomorrow,
we'll get to their caves.
We no longer hear words except wishes!
The merchants are sick of pirate Capello.
This isn't the first attack.
It won't be the last either.
Many goods have been destroyed.
Many of their caravan were attack.
This infidel, is like
a black cloud over us.
This infidel, is like
a black cloud over us.
And the lives he took
And the pain he made us live is clear.
The Saki's we call bandits
They aren't ordinary bandits.
The Saki's we call bandits
They aren't ordinary bandits.
They are tough.
But it's soon.
I'm close to that infidel Capello.
Rest assured.
Rest assured.
Just be patient.
We'll be patient, sir, but
There are orphans and widows.
What about all these poor people?
How will they live?
What about all these poor people?
How will they live?
I say that, if you don't solve
this soon
There are merchants thinking
about emigrating.
Know that.
Know that.
Mom, it hurts. Will we stay more?
Oh dear, the pain will pass.
Our Sultan will also come.
He will give you gifts, my prince.
His Eminence Murad Han!
His Eminence Murad Han!
Dad is coming, mom.
Dear Ahmet.
May God let us see your marriage as well.
Be rich and powerful.
This is
It is the sword my grandfather
Murad Han held when he died.
Take good care of it.
It is our inheritance.
Let me kiss you.
When you become a Sultan one day
When you become a Sultan one day
You'll carry it, God willingly, my hero.
Let's keep it traditional.
Ladies first.
Congratulations to you, Halime.
Congratulations to you, Halime.
May God prolong your son’s life,
God willing.
Thank you, Huma.
May your son live long as well.
I came to meet János.
Prince Mircea of Wallachia.
Prince of Wallachia.
I heard it. Take him in.
Make room for him.
General János.
Are you angry because
I don't respect you?
We can't get along if you lie.
We can't get along if you lie.
A little.
Do you want me to respect you?
I don't like my questions unanswered,
Prince Mircea.
Do you want to know what
I see in your eyes?
Fighting illegally will
not change your fate.
The contradictions you experience
won't make me call you a coward.
The contradictions you experience
won't make me call you a coward.
When I look in your eyes, I find
a young man who wants to be an king.
An honorable king.
We have a king.
A despicable king who sold his soul
to the Ottomans.
A despicable king who sold his soul
to the Ottomans.
He is my father!
A coward father who gave
his children to the Ottomans.
I just want our people to be okay.
Don't hurt the people of Wallachia.
I'll ask you the important question again.
Do you want me to respect you?
Do you want me to respect you?
Then let the doors of your kingdom
open to me when I knock.
And be the new king of your people.
And be the new king of your people.
An honorable king!
Don't let Murad's stagnation fool you.
He will attack.
If not today, tomorrow.
If not Murad, someone else.
If not Murad, someone else.
Countries aren't ruled
by possibilities, Cardinal.
Not with neglects, either, Emperor.
Countries are managed only
by making strong decisions.
Countries are managed only
by making strong decisions.
From this
I feel like we are on the verge
of a great offer.
As the Vatican
We are establishing a new world order
where Turks are not part of our lives.
We are establishing a new world order
where Turks are not part of our lives.
It sounds interesting, but
It has been tried many times, Cardinal.
This time, we'll confront
the Turks more strongly as Christians.
This time, we'll confront
the Turks more strongly as Christians.
What if we don't want
to be part of this system?
It's a crusade, Emperor.
It's a crusade, Emperor.
Either you are with us,
or with Muslims.
What do you expect?
There's a pirate operating
in the Aegean Sea.
There's a pirate operating
in the Aegean Sea.
Pirate Capello.
He has a lot of ships.
We'll send our warriors with his
ships to the Kingdom of Hungary.
We'll send our warriors with his
ships to the Kingdom of Hungary.
To the respected sword of Christianity,
to General János.
These costs will be covered by you.
These costs will be covered by you.
Is the Byzantine Empire with us or not?
I convey my respect and greetings
to His Holiness the Pope.
I convey my respect and greetings
to His Holiness the Pope.
The Byzantine Empire,
the patron saint of the Orthodox,
won't leave them alone
on this hard path.
Captain Capello wanted me to remind
you that these our last days here.
Now, no more raids.
You'll wait news from us.
These will go to Capello.
-What do you look at?
-I didn't get enough gold last 2 raid.
Capello ordered this.
Where is Capello? I need to see him.
Where is Capello? I need to see him.
No one knows where Captain Capello is.
And wouldn't want to know, Andrea.
And wouldn't want to know, Andrea.
Don't ask stupid questions
as if you were born yesterday!
Come on, get ready, quickly!
You'll join the army with your ships.
While you were fishing
I was the ruler of the seas.
Do we have the news from our informant?
Do we have the news from our informant?
Yes, but, he said no raid, Martinelli.
If Capello hears we go behind his back,
he'll kill us.
Didn't you hear?
These are our last days here.
Didn't you hear?
These are our last days here.
No one will know but us.
We'll be in fast and out fast.
There are three classes
of people in the state.
Those who work, those who
watch and those who rule.
Those who work, those who
watch and those who rule.
The ideal state is based on two
basics, knowledge and justice.
Justice is the most important
part of virtue.
Justice is the most important
part of virtue.
The state sets the laws
and protects them as well.
Justice in the state is divided to two.
The first type is distributive justice.
The first type is distributive justice.
The second type is organizational justice.
A country that balances them two
It is an ideal, fair and peaceful country.
It is an ideal, fair and peaceful country.
The book has become boring too.
Don't bother yourself.
Platon is right, lady.
Peace requires order and justice.
Plus, he believes in the world of ideas.
Plus, he believes in the world of ideas.
Beyond things,
but a world connected to our own.
The afterlife.
The afterlife.
There is a difficult reckoning
for the dark rulers.
No one has any doubt about
your justice, my prince.
No one has any doubt about
your justice, my prince.
Even the merchants are thinking
of immigration because of Capello.
Are you sure?
Sadness is the fuel
of the brave, my prince.
We'll get through this too, God willing.
Come in.
What is it, Shahab ad-Din?
Finally there is news
from the informant, my prince.
-Do we know the date?
-Do we know the date?
Tell the merchant master Mesud.
He'll come with us.
Dear Vlad, it's been a long time
since we last met.
Dear Vlad, it's been a long time
since we last met.
Isn't your army too huge
for a visit, János?
As you know, I don't like long words.
As you know, I don't like long words.
Open the doors
and pledge allegiance to me, Vlad.
Wallachia is an emirate belonging
to the Ottoman Empire.
Wallachia is an emirate belonging
to the Ottoman Empire.
Murad is very far away.
There's no one here but us.
You and I.
-And your son, Mircea.
-Years ago in Varna
You said this before you left your king
on the battlefield and ran away.
You said this before you left your king
on the battlefield and ran away.
You forgot about Sultan Murad's
wrath quickly.
I remember this false courage
from somewhere.
I remember this false courage
from somewhere.
I think these are your informants.
You haven't changed at all.
All you knows is bloodshed.
You haven't changed at all.
All you knows is bloodshed.
While Murad made us feel
nothing but peace.
What about your son?
Does Mircea think this?
This city has a king.
Forgive me, father!
Forgive me, father!
There's no one left but us.
And Mircea.
Get the rook and weaken me.
Smart move.
After the king, rook.
The rook that protects the king.
The rook that protects the king.
Say it, where do we get in?
Say it, where do we get in?
From here, I got the guardians.
Let's go!
You've been cornered, Prince.
Won't you withdraw?
Withdrawal only encourages the attacker.
-Fresh, fresh, here you go.
-Please, please.
There must be a fight, Prince.
Calmness is the basis
of chess, Mesud Agha.
Calmness is the basis
of chess, Mesud Agha.
Drawing the queen
Come on, brave ones!
It requires courage, my prince.
It's a trap!
Run away!
Run away!
Living is the right of the brave.
You scoundrel!
Check and mate.
Check and mate.
Thank you, sir.
I salute you, Prince.
We told you our concern
and our problem.
We told you our concern
and our problem.
But you are playing with us.
The famous pirate Andrea.
No matter how painful it is
No matter how painful it is
It pays off.
Isn't it, Mesud Agha?
Watch out!
Will it be just us?
-Are you afraid of fighting alone?
-The shame of defeat from Turks.
-Rest easy.
-The shame of defeat from Turks.
-Rest easy.
Byzantine Empire
It'll carry support by the pirate Capello.
Will the Orthodox be with us?
Will the Orthodox be with us?
May the Lord forgive us.
They will be with us.
I can't see Brenkovic's soldiers.
Aren't the Serbs with us?
They are with Ottoman.
The Serbs will not be with us.
What's going on?
Not now, Mircea.
I'm in an important meeting.
We didn't agree on this.
We didn't agree on this.
You said you wouldn't hurt them!
I gave you a promise to be king.
You're a damn liar!
And now I'm the only one.
What were we talking about?
Oh, the Serbs.
They won't be with us from now on.
Is what I heard true, Emperor?
Are you here to hold me accountable?
If I'm still the megas doux
of Byzantium
You should have consulted me
before talking to the Cardinal.
We talked this
We talked this
with the future emperor, Demetrius.
Have you ever thought what it is
sending Demetrius to a bandit?
Have you ever thought what it is
sending Demetrius to a bandit?
Don't cross your limits, Notaras.
Ignorance has several causes.
Ignorance has several causes.
The biggest element of this
is being blind to truth.
You are ignorant
And just a child.
Why did Catholics put you on the same ship
with that bandit, don't you get it?
Why did Catholics put you on the same ship
with that bandit, don't you get it?
Pope Niko will open his hands
And he'll say: "Oh Christian nation."
"The Orthodox are our slaves."
"Pests near the prisoners of our ships!"
"Pests near the prisoners of our ships!"
That's enough, Notaras.
Pope Niko won't let it go like this.
And he'll continue.
"Even if we capture their cities"
"They'll obey us"
"Until their last breath."
"They will bow before our power!"
"They will never"
"Get their heads off the ground."
So on, will say Pope.
I'm afraid
Your hatred towards Catholics,
Your hatred towards Catholics,
turned into love of Turks.
At least they recognize our religion.
But the Catholics call us infidels.
You can't even see it, Emperor.
You can't even see it, Emperor.
I remove you from all
your duties, Notaras.
I remove you from all
your duties, Notaras.
You no longer needed
In my empire.
In short, if Prince Mehmed
In short, if Prince Mehmed
By making pirates a shield
and attacks our lands
We Venetians fear that
our business interests will conflict.
Our bigger fear is that
Our naval forces on future attacks
Our naval forces on future attacks
-Your prince
Stand strong.
This is our old custom.
We don't harm the messenger.
Our anger
It is only for the traitor.
But don't forget..
Only a Sultan of Ottoman
will punish an prince of Ottoman.
We are just afraid
of harming our relations.
We are just afraid
of harming our relations.
-What if he continues his acts?
-He won't.
He can't.
If he does
If he does
You'll hear my wrath from
All the way from here to Venice.
According to your face,
what I've heard is true.
My biggest concern
Byzantium is being dragged into an abyss.
Byzantium is being dragged into an abyss.
But, Byzantine has eagles, right?
The eagles are desperate.
I don't think they can be convinced.
Keep calm, Notaras.
This agreement with the Vatican.
This agreement with the Vatican.
It is treason to the Byzantine.
Emperor Johannes makes a big mistake.
Emperor Johannes makes a big mistake.
Kill him.
He is sick.
No one would suspect his death.
No one would suspect his death.
What will happen
to Demetrius after his death?
He's about to leave, isn't he?
And with half the wealth of Byzantine.
This means we don't have much time.
That pirate
Isn't he Capello which prince of Ottoman
Mehmed searches for a long time?
Isn't he Capello which prince of Ottoman
Mehmed searches for a long time?
So Demetrius
He'll die at the hands of Mehmed.
-What if they don't succeed?
The János, which Demetrius supports,
will win the war.
The János, which Demetrius supports,
will win the war.
Murad will die.
Just like his son Mehmed.
Only candidate for the Ottoman throne
-The winner will be in both cases
-The winner will be in both cases
It will be us.
Who will tell Prince Mehmed
where Capello is?
Who will tell Prince Mehmed
where Capello is?
Orhan will help us.
For sure.
There is a long way for me, my friend.
There is a long way for me, my friend.
This time without you and difficult.
I think the end of
the Turks is closer than ever.
You smelled prey, of course.
You smelled prey, of course.
I'll miss you, Baroness.
-Aren't you going to say goodbye to me?
-You know, right?
One says goodbye only
to what one will miss.
One says goodbye only
to what one will miss.
That's why I'll miss you most, Baroness.
I am your wife, Demetrius.
I am your wife, Demetrius.
You don't care about me
as much as dog, right?
Don't make me lie.
Don't make me lie.
Yes, only cowards lie.
But you are the bravest man
in the Byzantine Empire
Demetrius, who is not afraid of anything!
Demetrius, who is not afraid of anything!
Let me go!
You're a man who doesn't even have
the courage to look his wife in the face.
I'd rather die a slave,
than marry a coward like you!
Look at me! Look at me!
I didn't want to marry a slave like you.
This was punishment from my father.
This was punishment from my father.
Don't exceed your limits and shut up.
Where is Capello?
I have nothing you can take
from me but my life.
Water please.
Shut them up, give them some water.
Shut them up, give them some water.
Are you thirsty?
Kill me and it'll be over.
You won't take a single word from me.
How easy saying it, right?
But an easy death does not suit you.
All those kids you got orphans.
And those widows you made,
must hurt you, right?
And those widows you made,
must hurt you, right?
The echo of these groans must be heard.
So that the justice is achieved.
Isn't that right, Andrea?
An ancient Byzantine poison.
An ancient Byzantine poison.
It spreads quickly.
First it makes you cough.
Then it makes you vomit.
And it takes your breath.
And you'll die writhing in pain.
You have short notice
to tell us where Capello is.
I beg you to give it to me!
If you speak,
you will get the antidote.
No one knows where he is.
On which island did you settle?
Don't you know that too?
I will talk.
It's a sea of islands.
It's a sea of islands.
No one knows where Capello will spend
the night except his loyal man Martinelli.
Tell us what you know, Andrea.
Capello has been in contact with
the Venice Doge a lot lately.
Capello has been in contact with
the Venice Doge a lot lately.
I think they want to stop the trade there.
What does that infidel Capello look like?
How will we know him?
He has a sword wound on his face.
From his nose to jugular vein.
Shahab ad-Din.
Look, the antidote worked for everyone!
You deceived me!
We are at war.
War is a trick, Andrea.
Are you going to kill me?
If we kill a prisoner without trial,
we would be like you.
Whatever our law tells us.
You'll be prosecuted
according to our laws.
Your lip.
Is something wrong?
This is enough!
How do you allow this?
How do you allow this?
-Please, Alex, this isn't the time!
-Why did he do this?
-Or did he
-I don't know he knows, but he suspects.
And when he gets it
And when he gets it
Understood, princess.
We need to talk clearly
at the same place tonight.
We need to talk clearly
at the same place tonight.
Oh my brother.
Oh my companion.
Tell me, Brother from Candarli.
What will we do with Mehmed?
What will we do with Mehmed?
Oh, my lord!
The son of a wolf will be a wolf.
If we tell him not to howl,
it's wrong.
If we tell him don't attack, it's wrong.
If we tell him don't attack, it's wrong.
His claws surround us, but
What will we do about it?
We can't hold him by the neck.
He's a young.
And inexperienced.
We must not confront him
with his ignorance, sir.
We must not confront him
with his ignorance, sir.
Young, learn.
Inexperience, grow up.
Did we send him to Sanjak for nothing?
Did we send him to Sanjak for nothing?
Even the infidel Venetians
are sick of him.
You blamed me when I told you
to keep him away from Aksemseddin.
He is the source of it.
He is the source of it.
He doesn't even listen to me
when he doesn't want to.
Do you think he'll listen to Aksemseddin
if he doesn't agree with him?
Yes, this is correct.
Yes, this is correct.
Or can he read a sermon in his own name
And gather the Viziers?
I don't have anything to customs, but
It wasn't okay that he called out
the merchants and talked to them.
Why don't I know about this?!
Why don't I know about this?!
I didn't want to make you worried.
I told you because you are his dad.
Don't think I've stopped
tracking him, sir.
Don't think I've stopped
tracking him, sir.
He minted coins in his name as a sultan.
Even the messenger and the merchants.
Everyone is confused.
I'm ashamed to tell
you this, but,
They want to know which
Sultan they'll follow.
The one at the Saruhan
Or the one in Edirne?
And God forbid!
Send a message to governor.
Send my words.
Let them take Mehmed
And bring him here.
Let's go!
Tell us who you are?
I'm coming from the capital, sir.
I am a messenger.
He's right, sir.
Here are the words of the Sultan.
-Forgive us.
-I forgive you.
Return to the capital, brave one.
The word will get to the governor.
I have to deliver it myself, sir.
If seeing governor was easy
If seeing governor was easy
His fame wouldn't have spread
throughout the world.
-But sir
-Don't prolong it!
He sees everyone he wants.
But not everyone he wants can see him.
Now go on your way.
I have your trust.
Rest easy.
Tell me your name at least.
Tell me your name at least.
Malkacoglu Hamza Bey.
You should have washed your hands.
You should have washed your hands.
Cleanliness is faith.
Come on!
But sir, what you say
I can't do it!
Perhaps it is the fate of the
empire is in your hands, Julian.
They'll kill me.
You and I.
Or Demetrius.
None of us will outlive Byzantine.
But if you don't do what I say
Everything we fight for
It will be lost from our hands.
Well sir, what about Empress Helena?
Well sir, what about Empress Helena?
Does she know about it?
She wanted this herself.
No need to talk, Notaras.
I won't deviate from this path.
No need to talk, Notaras.
I won't deviate from this path.
Inform all leaders.
This door is the door of the Sultan.
This door is the door of the Sultan.
No one is rejected or left to their fate.
May God bless you
and prolong your life, sir!
Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir.
It makes me very happy that
the Turks love you to this extent, Orhan.
It makes me very happy that
the Turks love you to this extent, Orhan.
Sultanate isn't just sitting
on the throne.
But you must pay attention
all the problems of the people.
I'm sure Murad isn't good as much as you.
If he were, many people all around
wouldn't have come to greet me.
Did anyone come from Saruhan?
Don't worry.
My greeting to my informant in Saruhan
must have reached.
My greeting to my informant in Saruhan
must have reached.
Can we trust him?
He has provided correct
information before.
Will Mehmed believe this man of yours?
Will Mehmed believe this man of yours?
He provided true information
to him before, as well.
That is, there is no reason
not to believe him.
I'm pleased.
I'm pleased.
Because if your informant
succeeds in this matter
Everything will be nice!
As I said, Prince
As I said, Prince
The pirate Capello settled
in Cortas Island in Venice.
Who protects this island?
Only Venetian people has the property.
Where do you know all this information?
Where do you know all this information?
I know it like I know
the market raid, sir.
Don't you trust him?
What is your doubt, Prince?
It is unbelievable that Capello who
can survive everything and everyone
It is unbelievable that Capello who
can survive everything and everyone
getting exposed to an informant.
We learned the previous information
with him as well.
The pawns have it easy, Shahab ad-Din.
The pawns have it easy, Shahab ad-Din.
But the road to the head
won't be opened easily.
Aren't we going to Cortas?
I once trusted to the information
Grand Vizier of the High State.
We acted without hesitation.
We acted without hesitation.
I was a sultan and lost my throne.
It was a lesson.
What do you order, prince?
Don't stop chasing this, Lala.
Verify the accuracy
and validity of the information.
If it is correct
It's time for us to let them
we are coming.
Come in.
Do you write to Mehmed, sir?
I practice the name of our prophet.
You know, they are both written
with the same letters.
What is it, Huma Hatun?
What is it, Huma Hatun?
I heard you summoned Mehmet
to the capital.
If you've heard it
You must have heard what he did.
You must have heard what he did.
Yes, sir.
-You know that Mehmed
-And the Ottoman knows me, Huma!
Two Sultan is too much for this state.
Two Sultan is too much for this state.
Sir, listen to me.
Sir, listen to me.
Mehmed could not have done
anything disobeying so openly.
He came before.
He asked for forgiveness.
So we pardoned him.
We send Mehmed to Saruhan.
We send Mehmed to Saruhan.
Nothing has changed.
Mehmed is the future
of this great country.
Mehmed is the future
of this great country.
Is the future of the entire state
left to a rebellious prince?
Why is Ahmed there then?!
You can go out!
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Have you had a nightmare again,
Your Excellency?
I told you what are you doing here?!
It's too late to get up, Emperor.
You lowly!
You have sworn to serve me.
Not to you.
Not to you.
I have sworn to serve Byzantium, Johannes.
You were the Emperor of Byzantium.
As for me, I'm Byzantium itself.
As for me, I'm Byzantium itself.
Jesus Christ!
As you sacrificed your soul in order
to free people from their sins,
Here, I will sacrifice my children.
For humanity.
I praise the Father, the Son
I praise the Father, the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
For whole eternity.
I thought you'd never come.
You're stressed a lot.
Demetrius's not even in town.
Demetrius's not even in town.
Alex, we have to end this.
Zoey, we can escape.
To a place where no one can find us.
You know very well that
you can't escape Demetrius.
You know very well that
you can't escape Demetrius.
Everyone knows how to treat you.
How can you let yourself be crushed?
Or will you leave me for someone
that doesn't care about you?
What, Zoey?
Of course.
In the hope that one day
you'll be the empress
In the hope that one day
you'll be the empress
You'll leave me, right, Zoey?
-Let go of my arm, Alex, it hurts.
Even if the price is death
I will never leave you. Never.
Wait here.
-What's going on? Where are you running?
-Hagia Sophia, Emperor Johannes died.
How much road do we have left?
Around 10 kilometers.
Around 10 kilometers.
We'll be at Saruhan by morning.
Do you think it will be easy?
We can't know this
without seeing the prince.
He is cruel, like fire, they say.
He'll burn who comes close.
What if he behaves bad?
Don't talk, Hamza!
It is even written on your sword.
"What is destined to happen will happen."
It is even written on your sword.
"What is destined to happen will happen."
You are right.
No doubt about it.
What will we do if he resists, sir?
What will we do if he resists, sir?
He is the prince!
He isn't some German or Hungarian
we got!
Sultan decided it, not us.
You're right.
And those who oppose his words,
it is clear in the customs.
And those who oppose his words,
it is clear in the customs.
Either this or that.
It is either obey, or death!
It is either obey, or death!
May the morning come and be good.
May the morning come and be good.
Shahab ad-Din Pasa.
Are the fisherman who'll watch
Cortas ready?
They are, sir. They await your order.
Let them go out tonight.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
The moon will be full tonight.
They can't get close to the island.
There will be soldiers. And if Capello
knows we are after him, he'll escape.
There will be soldiers. And if Capello
knows we are after him, he'll escape.
We won't find him ever again.
Who else escaped Ottoman that
Capello can?
Who else escaped Ottoman that
Capello can?
As long as it is the torch of knowledge
that illuminates the darkness.
There is a lunar eclipse tonight.
It happens in 6 thousand
eight seventy-five days.
It will be pitch black.
It will be pitch black.
The Babylonians call this Saros eclipse.
They send the governor
from the capital, my prince.
He is waiting to appear before you.
Let him come.
What did governor Malkacoglu came?
What is it?
Your Honor.
Don't worry.
He'll just warn him and send him away.
You know Murad.
You know Murad.
If intention was to warn,
he wouldn't have called him.
Mehmed isn't just his son.
He is the future of the state.
Do you think he'll let
anything happen to him?
Do you think he'll let
anything happen to him?
What about Ahmed?
Our Sultan said that future
of the state is now in Ahmed's hands.
Our Sultan said that future
of the state is now in Ahmed's hands.
Come on.
Do you remember the first advice
you gave to me when I first arrived?
This is the homeland of the strong!
This is the homeland of the strong!
"If you want to live here,
you need to be strong." you said.
What does this mean now?
If Ahmed has to fall,
in order to survive Mehmed
We have to unite and make a decision.
We have to unite and make a decision.
If Mehmed will live with
the last breath of a children
He shouldn't even live!
You didn't say it and I didn't hear it.
It's not just about Mehmed, Huma Hatun.
What is it, governor?
Your name is all throughout the Hungarian,
but you are here at the Saruhan.
Our name, our reputation and our sword
are under the command of Sultan Murad Han.
We came here with a mission.
What does our Sultan order?
What does our Sultan order?
-Shahab ad-Din Pasa?
Do you know each other?
We fought together,
in the Rumelia invasion.
We fought together,
in the Rumelia invasion.
I can't say that I'm skilled, but
Don't say that, Pasa.
I saw many fields and lions.
I saw many fields and lions.
-But you are different.
Zagnos Pasa.
What does our Sultan order?
He is calling our prince to come
to the capital as soon as possible.
He is calling our prince to come
to the capital as soon as possible.
Give a house to them.
They came from a long way.
They must be tired.
Good willing, after the morning prayer,
we'll listen to our Sultan
And we'll be on our way.
Those who were alive after Wallachian army
attack withdrew to the mountains.
The degenerate slaughtered
anyone who tried to resist.
The degenerate slaughtered
anyone who tried to resist.
It was clear that János
will make a malicious move!
If you permit, let me ask to which side
will the surrounding emirates take?
As long as it was clear
Why didn't you take the precautions, Pasa?
Why didn't you take the precautions, Pasa?
Who knows where the scorpion
might sting, my Sultan?
You'll know, Candarli. You will!
You'll know, Candarli. You will!
The scorpion is afraid of fire.
The scorpion is afraid of fire.
We'll burn everywhere.
The army must be assembled and mobilized!
The army must be assembled and mobilized!
As long as they made a malicious move
It's time for men's field!
So that, we are in a such game that
So that, we are in a such game that
We came here with our prince, governor.
It is politics, Pasa.
It can make you either a vizier,
or a disgrace.
Don't be pessimistic.
Don't be pessimistic.
-Is Candarli still doing what he does?
-Can he ever stop?
He is in the capital.
But his eyes are always here.
Still, don't let your guard down.
His games never end!
Forget that, but
Forget that, but
The prince looks angry.
He's not mad at us, is he?
Because we came with the Sultan's words.
Because we came with the Sultan's words.
Mehmed knows the custom better than us.
He won't get mad, but
What? What is the matter?
Peace and mercy of God.
Peace and mercy of God.
Should you directly go to
the presence of our Sultan, I wonder?
There is shield for everything,
but not to betrayal.
There is shield for everything,
but not to betrayal.
Maybe for something else.
My father is calling me
for the second time.
My father is calling me
for the second time.
The first time, he gave me the Sultanate.
Then he took it.
And now?
The second time?
Since he sent governor himself
Since he sent governor himself
Maybe this time he wants
to take the life he pardoned.
Maybe this time he wants
to take the life he pardoned.
Can our Sultan ever do this to you?
Do not fill your beautiful heart
with sadness.
Don't neglect your prayers.
I know that
Your prayers
It will protect me more.
It will protect me more.
Prince of Transylvania.
Prince of Transylvania.
I knew you wouldn't leave us alone.
I don't know what use
I am with one leg.
The great walks aren't made with steps.
The great walks aren't made with steps.
Rather, with the heart.
That's why I chose you
for a sacred mission.
You know I don't get along with God.
I don't need the mercy of
a man crying for God.
Rather, I need the courage
of a man who talks to God.
What is this mission?
Vlad and Mircea's heads
must have arrived Murad.
It won't take long for him to get here.
I can confront him
with my best knights at the borders.
I don't want that. I want you to go
to Edirne, to his palace.
Murad has no problem with you for now.
You'll pledge allegiance to him
on behalf of all the kingdoms
And you'll make sure that he comes here
with a small army.
Where are you going?
To make things right between God.
I'm going to need him.
This is the real plan.
Suppose we stalled governor.
But if you can't get there
without them figuring out
But if you can't get there
without them figuring out
They will call us rebels.
And, it won't end nice.
There is nothing else to do.
The Sultan's rule is at our door.
Either we bow down and comply before him.
Or we'll chase the intelligence we got.
Or we'll chase the intelligence we got.
This is what limits us, Prince.
We can't even sail the galleys.
We have no choice but to sneak in quietly.
We have no choice but to sneak in quietly.
All this happens because of Candarli.
Since we came to Saruhan,
he didn't let us have peace.
We don't have time to waste.
Are the preparations done?
We have prepared everything
as you ordered, Prince.
You have to catch Capello alive,
and also be here before dawn prayers.
This is what I fear.
This is what I fear.
We won't escape fate, Lala.
But if we escape from the
effort fate loves
But if we escape from the
effort fate loves
This isn't befit of a Muslim.
I should have been with you too.
You should stay and rest, Lala.
You should stay and rest, Lala.
We'll work hard together.
From now on, the sharp sword
and the strong wrist will talk.
From now on, the sharp sword
and the strong wrist will talk.
Let's go, Shahab ad-Din.
Are we strangers to you, Prince?
Can you go there without Malkacoglu?
Come on then.
We'll sneak through the forest.
Be careful.
Saltuk, stay close to the prince.
I hope your trip was nice, Prince.
There was nothing wrong.
But I think I feel sea sick,
Captain Capello.
We get land sick.
How long will our trip take?
It will take about two days.
The army is around 100 thousand people.
The army is around 100 thousand people.
No force can stand against it.
Fighting the Turks isn't like raiding
ships around Mediterranean, Capello.
Fighting the Turks isn't like raiding
ships around Mediterranean, Capello.
Let us go before you, Prince.
Today isn't that day, Shahab ad-Din.
Let's go.
Hamza, stay alert here.
Hamza, stay alert here.
Okay, sir.
Tomorrow will be hard, Julian.
I think it's a long journey, sir.
I think it's a long journey, sir.
Let's have a good rest today.
Go to your room.
I'll see you in the morning.
Where are they?
Where are they?
It's cold.
It's very cold, right?
Why don't you talk?
This shift won't end without talking.
-I am talking to you!
-Look at the moon.
-I am talking to you!
-Look at the moon.
This is a curse!
What is the matter? You seem upset.
Alliance of Byzantines,
Pope, and the Crusaders.
It confuses my mind.
It confuses my mind.
We have spent our years raiding.
And now we will be part of the war.
Didn't you see the gold?
Didn't you see the gold?
Even if we raid for years,
we can't see this kind of gold.
That's right, Captain.
Do not think about it.
Have it all ready by the morning.
Have it all ready by the morning.
I don't want any problem.
The war is not over.
You stay here.
You stay here and clean up the place.
Where is Capello?
Take it.
He flee.
I do not think so.
He doesn't know we're coming.
Prince, you go to the lifeboats.
We'll spread out and find him.
We'll spread out and find him.
Lala, come with me.
Ali Bey, you take the others.
Julian, is something wrong?
The Ottomans infiltrated the castle.
We have to get you out, sir.
How? Did you tell Capello?
How? Did you tell Capello?
We don't have time.
We have to get you out of here, sir.
We need Capello alive, remember.
We need Capello alive, remember.
This is Capello!
What did you do, Lala?
Where is here, Julian?
How do you know here?
Where is here, Julian?
How do you know here?
I've seen slaves carry straw here.
It leads to barn. If we get to horses,
we'll run quickly!
Scumbag. Julian!
You vile traitor.
Open this.
Sorry sir, you've entered
the wrong direction.
What did you sell me for, Julian?
My loyalty has always been to
the Empress Helena Dragas, and it will be.
My loyalty has always been to
the Empress Helena Dragas, and it will be.
I trusted you, open up.
Constantine will be the new emperor.
He run away!
You're not Capello.
Carry him.
You couldn't succeed in cowardice.
It's the turn of courage.
It's the turn of courage.
Come on, come to your death.
You daring infidel!
This is my favorite, come on.
You idiot!
I'll cut you to pieces.
Let's go.
Don't do it.
Don't worry, everything that is written
will happen Shahab ad-Din Pasa.
I wish you had looked at his face
before killing him, Pasa.
I wish you had looked at his face
before killing him, Pasa.
I still don't understand why you saved me.
I still don't understand why you saved me.
In this life
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Even someone who was send
to death by his mother?
Why would your mother do that?
Why would your mother do that?
Because she always wanted my brother
on the throne.
You have brought a ship full
of gold to Kortas.
You have brought a ship full
of gold to Kortas.
A large Crusader unit is gathering
against your father, Sultan Murad.
We were in that union.
Capello and I were assigned to take
the knights in Naples to János.
And the gold was in exchange
for what Capello did. Right?
Get down a boat.
Yes, Prince.
I pardon you.
And sit on the throne
that is rightfully yours.
Catapult, hoop, battering ram.
And I had all kinds
of armor prepared, Pasa.
And I had all kinds
of armor prepared, Pasa.
So, the supply is good.
Yes, Pasa.
God bless.
You are fully prepared, Kurtcu Agha.
You are fully prepared, Kurtcu Agha.
Well, how is the morale of my warriors?
These brave warriors,
they were created to fight, Pasa.
These brave warriors,
they were created to fight, Pasa.
Others escape death,
and our warriors go to death.
But you know us better than us, Pasa.
Do all these soldiers make
a living easily?
They want fights and expeditions.
Don't worry.
Sultan Murad Han won't let them
live hard times.
Sultan Murad Han won't let them
live hard times.
But we heard that
Prince Mehmed were called to capital.
What if Sultan Murad Han
gives him the authority?
Then what will we do?
Will we fight for him??
Will we fight for him??
Don't worry about these things.
Just stay strong,
we'll tell you what to do.
And about Mehmed
And about Mehmed
Janissary Corps from now on
not on the battlefield
They will only be behind
Mehmed at his funeral.
They will only be behind
Mehmed at his funeral.
Have we made a mistake by sending
Demetrius to Byzantine?
He should have left.
He should have left.
He must spoil the game,
and get on the throne that
We'll have an upper hand.
What if Capello dies?
Aksemseddin is a good doctor,
don't worry.
Aksemseddin is a good doctor,
don't worry.
He will be fine, God willing.
God willing, Prince.
They must be on their way.
They must be on their way.
We have no other solution
then Capello waking up.
What is his condition?
Welcome to your country, son.
My brother
How did it happen?
Did you bury him?
Somewhere he can see his beloved
Somewhere he can see his beloved
Welcome Emperor.
The throne awaits you.
I hope the children live longer
in the lands
Which you will rule with justice.
What is it, Mara?
I wanted to come see our prince's
situation personally.
He is the apple of our Sultan's eye.
He is fine, thank God.
I am now a complete prince,
right, Mother Mara?
Yes, you are a complete prince.
Yes, you are a complete prince.
So let me tell you the story of a prince.
Many children send their parents,
many parents send their children
Many children send their parents,
many parents send their children
To roads of no return for the throne.
Mara, is that something
to say to such a young child?
I'm talking to Ahmed.
I'm talking to Ahmed.
It is also a story every prince
should know.
Where were we?
Andre, son of the Duke of Calabria.
Andre, son of the Duke of Calabria.
He died at an early age, in the morning
of his ascension to the throne.
Is it because wolves ate him after he went
to forest not listening to his mother?
No, my prince, because of his nobility.
No, my prince, because of his nobility.
The nobility made him an enemy.
And an enmity to his own brother.
And an enmity to his own brother.
Now of course, you ask whether
can brothers be enemies?
Mara, enough!
If there is a throne and there is
a rule, they could even kill each other.
And without a mercy.
So, can princes play?
They can definitely play.
Come out and play too.
I talked to the prince about myths.
I talked to the prince about myths.
Let's talk about the truth together,
Halime Hatun.
You came without respect or customs.
You vomited poison on my prince.
You vomited poison on my prince.
Is it my turn now?
Since when did it become a poison
talking about the truth, Halime?
You come into my room and look me
in the eye and threaten to kill my son.
You come into my room and look me
in the eye and threaten to kill my son.
As if that wasn't enough,
you're trying to get on top.
As if that wasn't enough,
you're trying to get on top.
Don't you
confuse me with those new comers
and new people.
Otherwise, your end will be bitter, Mara!
Otherwise, your end will be bitter, Mara!
Candarli Halil Pasa!
My lord.
Looks like governor came empty-handed.
I hope your prince didn't hear
your wrath and run away.
If so
We'll talk about, Pasa.
What's the situation?
Tell me that.
We are ready for that campaign
we were getting ready.
Our strength is more than enough
to eliminate the infidel Hungary.
Our strength is more than enough
to eliminate the infidel Hungary.
What about the Emirates beyond Rumelia?
Whose side are they on?
Everything as we expected.
-What do you mean?
-I mean
That infidel János practiced all kinds
of torture on them.
That infidel János practiced all kinds
of torture on them.
That's why, they picked Prince
of Transylvania and send him here.
-Is he here?
-Is he here?
He is waiting for your permission.
-Prince of Transylvania.
-Prince of Transylvania!
-Prince of Transylvania.
-Prince of Transylvania!
Saint Paul says that sin entered
the world through Adam.
For an apple.
The apple was just a reason.
The world needed to be polluted, son.
However, there are some prices
to pay, mom.
In short, the regent of the Hungarian
Empire, János, has fed everyone up.
What about others? What do they think?
Knights of Bohemia, Moldavia
Totan is in a state of alliance.
Knights of Bohemia, Moldavia
Totan is in a state of alliance.
When your army lands on the arena,
all our forces will join your ranks.
What do you think, Candarli?
What do you think, Candarli?
If the they will be on our side,
No need to wait for
the warriors of Anatolia.
No need to wait for
the warriors of Anatolia.
God willing, the Janissaries
and the warriors on the frontiers
They'll be enough to defeat Hungary.
Let's start the campaign
without losing time.
So you're saying we should go campaigning!
Yes, sir, that's right.
Someone else has a saying about this.
Someone else has a saying about this.
Let's listen to him too.
Emir of Manisa, Prince Mehmed!
Have you seen Prince Ahmed?
My lady, don't forget
the medications, please.
My lady, you also neglect your meals.
My lady, you also neglect your meals.
God forbid, if your old health problem
My son is on the wing of the reaper
and coming here.
How can I care about food
and healing, Cesmidil?
How can I care about food
and healing, Cesmidil?
Prince Ahmed!
Prince Ahmed!
In short, when this happens,
Demetrius, who owes us his life,
will get the throne.
will get the throne.
That's all that happened, sir.
This is the papacy's call for unity.
If Mehmed hadn't come,
we would have trapped you,
If Mehmed hadn't come,
we would have trapped you,
in front of Kosovo with a weak army.
Mehmed swear on his ancestors.
And for my life, I told you what I know.
This bandit is lying!
Would you believe a pirate
like him or me, sir?
Would you believe a pirate
like him or me, sir?
My lord, János
My lord, János
János, my lord.
He threatened us.
Have mercy on me, sir.
Have mercy on me, sir!
Betrayal does not remain unpunished.
And no stupidity goes unpunished.
And no stupidity goes unpunished.
You're old.
Halil Pasa.
The years have polished you a lot, Mehmed.
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