Mehmed: Fetihler Sultani (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

No living beings were harmed
while filming this series.
Protect the prince!
They are everywhere, sir.
Prince, Bali Bey is coming.
Thank you, Bali Bey.
Thank you, Bali Bey.
What is the situation?
Janos played us with Branković, sir.
The Serbs did not betray us.
Janos sent us to disperse
Akinci's and Janissaries.
We'll go to Kosovo square right away,
come on.
Where is Korkut?
Where is Korkut?
We belong to God
and to him we shall return.
We belong to God
and to him we shall return.
What do we do with them, Pasa?
What do we do with them, Pasa?
From now on, here will be
the lands of Turks.
Hang them all on mountaintops.
We caught these infidels alive, sir.
Blood needs blood.
Cut off their heads.
Cut off their heads.
If the road had been secured, all
these heroes wouldn't have been martyred.
Prince Mehmed moved in
to secure the road, but
Prince Mehmed moved in
to secure the road, but
-Obviously, he couldn't do it.
-That's what you say, but
The guns our prince gave
saved our Sultan's life.
The guns our prince gave
saved our Sultan's life.
What's the situation, Candarli?
All measures have been taken, sir.
All measures have been taken, sir.
It seems safe, but
Janos doesn't stop. He set traps
for us on all roads and bridges.
It is clear that Akinci's
And Prince Mehmed
They couldn't secure the road.
Our Akinci force is less
then we expect, sir.
Our Akinci force is less
then we expect, sir.
Evrenosogulları takes care
of the Berat Castle.
But Malkacogullari didn't come.
Turahanogullari is here.
But we can't win only with them.
But we can't win only with them.
Is there anything from Bali Bey?
Not just from Bali Bey, sir.
No news about the prince either.
No news about the prince either.
Our number is small
and the odds are against us.
The place was both swampy and barricaded.
Our horses will get stuck at the barriers,
even if they crosses the swamp.
We won't be able to use our horses.
They want to get rid of our horses, but
They want to get rid of our horses, but
They are in the same situation.
It seems so, sir.
But the horse is the wing of
the Turk, not the infidel.
But the horse is the wing of
the Turk, not the infidel.
It seems impossible to win a victory
without wings.
Then, we need to make a road
for Akinci's.
Then, we need to make a road
for Akinci's.
Sipahi's will fight the enemy
hand-to-hand until the barricades.
Sipahi's will fight the enemy
hand-to-hand until the barricades.
After there are holes in it
Deli's and Akinci's will move
to Janos' center tent.
Deli's and Akinci's will move
to Janos' center tent.
With this number, it will be hard, sir.
But if our prince, with Malkacogullari
We aren't afraid because
of their large number.
We aren't afraid because
of their large number.
We won't withdraw
because we are few.
Either we win here
Or we become martyrs.
Or we become martyrs.
Our tongues will no longer speak.
But our swords!
It seems so Ottoman isn't alone.
Their most important forces
are still not in the battlefield.
Will they make it?
Will they make it?
I do not think so.
Akinci's are still waiting for
the Serbs which won't come.
What if they stop waiting?
What if they stop waiting?
We are based on the fact, Cardinal.
We left all hope to them!
We left all hope to them!
The fear of they might come
will keep Akinci's in their places.
Even if they don't have many
horse force
Even if they don't have many
horse force
Don't take Ottoman lightly.
Moreover, as you can see,
they have other Turkish tribes as well.
That's why I took Urban.
That's why I took Urban.
With his long-range cannons,
you'll see how they got destroyed.
With his long-range cannons,
you'll see how they got destroyed.
Do not overestimate their support forces.
It is only symbolic.
It is only symbolic.
They are just a few soldiers.
However, seeing them united is disturbing.
However, seeing them united is disturbing.
And if we lose the war
That symbolic meaning will become reality.
What are you worried about?
We will be created
an Islamic union with our hands.
This is our last chance.
If any failure occurs
We will have to withdraw.
Then era of conquests
will begin for the Ottoman Empire.
Then era of conquests
will begin for the Ottoman Empire.
I will never allow that.
They demolished this bridge, too.
They demolished this bridge, too.
Let's head to the other bridge
without wasting time.
This was the last one, sir.
They demolished all the bridges
located on the river.
They demolished all the bridges
located on the river.
It'll take months to repair this.
Aren't there any other way
to go to Kosovo?
We'll have to go around Bosnia.
But we don't have that much time.
I'm afraid, it is impossible
to catch up with the war.
My heroes!
My warriors!
My lions!
Is one fearful?
Today there is no room for fear!
Does a person abandon his companion?!
Today there is no room for abandonment!
It is become time to be a dagger
and stab the infidels in the heart!
With your looks like hawks
With your looks like hawks
Send fear into the hearts of your enemies!
And with your wolf skills
And with your wolf skills
Be victorious!
Heroic warriors of the Supreme State!
Today is the day to
announce the nobility of Islam,
and the valor of
Turks all over the world!
and the valor of
Turks all over the world!
Shake the earth
and the sky in the name of God!
God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
May God bless your conquest!
God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
After this, it is death.
It is the end of the road, Zagnos.
What happens if we die?
Isn't it the end for every mortal?
If you didn't save me from that fire
-You wouldn't be here.
-It's all meant to be, Demetrius.
You shouldn't say "I wish" and doubt.
You shouldn't say "I wish" and doubt.
Open up.
It seems that my time is sooner
then yours.
Wholes began to open in the barriers.
Candarli, with Deli's
and brave Akinci's
Candarli, with Deli's
and brave Akinci's
Start attacking on the right side.
-Why don't you order the cannons?
-Not yet, Cardinal.
-Why don't you order the cannons?
-Not yet, Cardinal.
Let them think they have won.
Come on, brave ones! O God!
The knights are approaching!
Why don't order the cannons to be fired?!
Not yet, Cardinal.
Be patient.
Not everything is as it seems.
The last face I will see is yours then.
I'm not a killer like you, brother.
If you forgive me,
I won't let you rest on that throne.
I know.
Will you still let me go
and send me to Mora safe and sound?
Not safe and sound.
A man without a hand will
not be a threat to my throne.
Kill me!
Kill me!
Alex! Hit my neck with that axe,
not my hand!
Kill me, Alex!
Kill me! Kill me!
Kill me!
God! Fire!
It is guns, sir.
They do damage, but they are many.
This is the time of war, Pasa!
This is the time of war, Pasa!
Draw your sword!
God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
Murad chose death rather than surrender.
Murad chose death rather than surrender.
Soldier, tell Urban.
Let him shot everyone in the field.
But what about our soldiers?
They will go to Jesus.
No need to worry, Cardinal.
No need to worry, Cardinal.
Come on, brave ones!
Come on, my heroes!
Come on, brave ones!
Come on, my heroes!
Sir, the infidels are many.
-It's dangerous, go back to your tent!
We'll try to break in from that side.
Stop, brother! Stop!
It is the turn of our martyrdom.
-Come on, brave ones!
God is the greatest!
You are now bearing witness
to end of Sultan Murad's era.
You are now bearing witness
to end of Sultan Murad's era.
From now on, no won't stop
ahead of us until Jerusalem.
Oh God!
Oh God!
What is that damn Urban waiting for?!
The cannon must cool down, sir.
The cannon must cool down, sir.
-Let's go.
-Where do you think you're going?
We have no other way.
We have no other way.
Oh noble people of
the Byzantine Empire.
I promise you on my honor that 'll serve
Byzantine until the last drop of my blood.
Long live the Byzantine Empire!
Long live our Emperor Constantinos!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Commander Mehmed!
Demetrius arrived
in Mora yesterday morning.
I hope he calms down there.
Even if he is from our empire,
he has an amputated part.
In short, neither Senate
nor will the army be by his side.
But he's still alive.
You know, I never thought
Constantinos will forgive him?
You know, I never thought
Constantinos will forgive him?
The expected ending.
They say the Turks won in Kosovo.
Yes, we heard about it.
They even say that Prince Mehmed
is the one who brought them victory.
They even say that Prince Mehmed
is the one who brought them victory.
The way for the Turks is open.
They will go as far as they can, Emperor.
As much as
Crusaders lost blood in Kosovo
They exhausted the Turks, Notaras.
My big son Johannes
If we listened to him
We'd share the same fate with Janos.
Don't worry about Ottoman, mom.
The last powerful sultan
they'll have is Murad.
The last powerful sultan
they'll have is Murad.
Then, they'll lose their prosperity.
You think Orhan will take over
after Murad, Emperor.
You greatly underestimate
Prince Mehmed.
You greatly underestimate
Prince Mehmed.
He is a defeated sultan who was overthrown
from his throne by his soldiers.
He is the same with Demetrius.
He is the same with Demetrius.
Not just a defeated sultan.
Rather, with the swimming bridges,
he made them built,
he took Akinci troops across the river.
he made them built,
he took Akinci troops across the river.
In this, he decided the fate of the war.
It would be better to say about him
He is a genius prince.
He is a genius prince.
These walls saw a lot of geniuses, mom.
Many emperors were defeated.
So, the time is for a genius price.
So, the time is for a genius price.
Baroness, my dear friend.
You're still by my side when no one is.
You didn't forget me.
I haven't forgotten those
betrayed me either, Baroness.
What happened? Is there anything new?
We track down General Alex, but
We haven't been able to find Zoe yet.
What do you mean?
Look at me.
You will search under every
stone in Constantinople.
I want Zoe.
She'll pay the price for betraying me!
Come on.
Not only did the Ottomans
confront us, sir.
Rather, all Muslims united.
And the entire Christian nation
was in your army, Cardinal.
And the entire Christian nation
was in your army, Cardinal.
-Janos, where is Janos?
-In Hungary, he
Even thought we shouldn't even say
his name in our holy church,
Because of you, we are
under his command again.
I remove you from all your positions.
Get out of here immediately.
I remove you from all your positions.
Get out of here immediately.
Just as he lost the war,
He united the Muslims.
The prince who messed our plans.
What was his name?
What was his name?
Prince Mehmed.
I think we'll hear that name a lot.
Praise be to God who granted us victory.
We defeated the infidels, thank God.
We defeated the infidels, thank God.
-Thank God.
-Thank God.
Sent messengers
to all parts of the nation of Islam.
Sent messengers
to all parts of the nation of Islam.
Every Muslim should hear our victory.
The decision is our Sultan's.
What are the losses of the infidels?
Is it clear?
The Crusader Alliance lost a third of
the army sent to the battlefield, sir.
Twenty thousand of them became a
vulture bait on the plain of Kosovo.
Twenty thousand of them became a
vulture bait on the plain of Kosovo.
He who plays with fire gets burned.
Whoever clings to water gets wet.
Whoever fights the Turks loses.
Whoever fights the Turks loses.
I hope this sets a good
example for everyone.
The largest share of it
will go to the Vatican.
The largest share of it
will go to the Vatican.
I hope they've learned their lesson.
What are our losses?
Four thousand soldiers
have been added,
to our army in heaven, sir.
May God
Rest them in peace.
Rest them in peace.
May we have a share of
their martyrdom, God willing.
Contact their families.
We don't want any martyr children
to become anxious or sad.
From now on, their father
It is the Sultan of the
Ottoman Empire, Murad Han.
Yes, sir.
I can't thank God enough
To have brothers and
battle comrades like you.
To have brothers and
battle comrades like you.
There is also a blessing
I want to thank God for.
And it is
Dear Mehmed, the light of my eyes.
If it weren't for his intelligence
and courage
If it weren't for his intelligence
and courage
We could have returned
With nothing from Kosovo.
Thanks, sir.
What made us win
It is our brothers who made the courage
and honor of Muslims obvious to the world.
Oghuz leaders whom united with us.
Oghuz leaders whom united with us.
Mehmed's words are as true
and upright as his sword.
He is right.
We must strengthen this brotherhood.
If you don't mind
We want to host you
and the rest of the leaders
for a longer time in
the capital, Ibrahim Bey.
for a longer time in
the capital, Ibrahim Bey.
It is an honor for me, sir.
Won't you accept Gennadius?
Who is it?
One of the priests whom
your brother Johannes,
One of the priests whom
your brother Johannes,
Send to Vatican
for the sake of Christian unity.
Saint Constantinos.
The first emperor of Byzantium.
The first emperor of Byzantium.
I promise you
It won't be the last emperor.
Is he someone important, Notaras?
A very important person.
A very important person.
Especially what they heard there.
Let's listen to him, let's do it.
Priest Gennadius.
Welcome to our city.
The great emperor.
I don't like to talk long.
Catholics still see us as infidels.
Does the Pope think the same?
Does the Pope think the same?
Don't have any doubt.
Damn him!
Why does he want a Christian unity.
All they want is to make
everyone Catholic
And to create a powerful religious empire.
From what I understand,
my big brother's idea
It is complete nonsense.
My mother and Notaras are right.
My mother and Notaras are right.
They think you have
important information.
What should I do
To bring this city back
to it's glorious days?
Trust not in Catholics, but in God.
Excuse me.
We brought the cannon master Urban
as you ordered.
He is now waiting for you.
Welcome, Prince.
May God always grant you victory.
May God protect you, wife.
May God protect you, wife.
My longing for you tired me
more than the battle.
Did something happen?
Bayezid is fine, isn't he?
Fine, thank God.
Fine, thank God.
But I can't say he's not sad.
Will you tell me what happened, Bahar?
Will you tell me what happened, Bahar?
Huma Hatun.
What happened to mom?
The Sultan exiled her to Bursa.
The Sultan exiled her to Bursa.
Bayezid was as sad as I was for her.
The Door!
History book of Ibn Bibi.
I worked with my own hand
for the high seal of our great origin.
God bless.
It looks great.
It is the proof of our agreement
with Ibrahim Bey, sir.
It is the proof of our agreement
with Ibrahim Bey, sir.
Leave us alone, Pasa.
We have nothing secret.
We were already talking
with our Sultan about state affairs.
I will talk to my father
about family matters.
Allow us.
I hope you can explain how
you can come in, Mehmed.
What's the reason?
What's the reason?
Why did you send my mother
Huma Hatun to Bursa?
Coordination and balance
are important, son.
Coordination and balance
are important, son.
What Huma Hatun messed with?
With custom, son.
With custom, son.
She has upset the
balance of morals.
You only think about yourself.
What about my balance?
I'm not disappointed with
you protecting her,
I'm not disappointed with
you protecting her,
And your respect
I won't be offended, son.
That mother of yours
That mother of yours
She is my wife, don't forget that.
Whoever does not defend his Harem
He will not defend his country
and his customs.
You have one wife.
There will be others in the future.
There will be others in the future.
And then
You will understand
what I said very well.
You said coordination and balance.
Why my mother instead
of Halime Hatun, father?
Will I do anything bad to my Huma?
But if you despise Halime
Ahmed will be my enemy.
Ahmed will be my enemy.
Just like you came,
to me today with hostility.
-Don't explain.
Do not hurt your bleeding heart.
We'll talk about it later.
I have ordered a feast to be prepared
for Karamanoglu Ibrahim.
for Karamanoglu Ibrahim.
You called him to war,
And gave him his rights.
Be there.
We'll stand there as father
and son.
Yes, sir.
What you lived with Janos
does not concern me.
Tell me what you want from me.
The thing you concerns you is this,
A slave girl sold by Janos to the Serbs
and by the Serbs to the Byzantine court.
A slave girl sold by Janos to the Serbs
and by the Serbs to the Byzantine court.
Zoe is my daughter.
I beg you to let me see my daughter.
So, Zoe is your daughter!
Now I understand better how much
I did well to forgive her.
-Is my daughter okay? Where is she?
-She's fine, don't worry.
Your desire to meet
your daughter is normal, but
She's not here now.
She is with her husband in Mora.
We'll host you here for a while,
Master Urban.
If you prove to us how much
you want your daughter
We will bring her to you.
We will bring her to you.
What do you want from me?
The cannons you'll make
Our city has been experienced many sieges.
Our walls are impregnable.
But with your long-range cannons
We will be able to live safely forever.
We will be able to live safely forever.
If you give me my daughter, I'll serve
you until my last breath, Emperor.
Are you sure?
My information is confirmed, Pasa.
Even the new emperor Constantinos,
he didn't kill Zagnos.
Even the new emperor Constantinos,
he didn't kill Zagnos.
He threw him in the prison.
He's a smart guy!
He's a smart guy!
The skilled hunter sets his trap tightly.
He wants to have a bait
and get Mehmed to Constantinople.
He wants to have a bait
and get Mehmed to Constantinople.
-Why would he do that?
If Mehmed dies, only Murad's
strongest heir, Orhan will remain.
You say this, Pasa, but
Mehmed will not go to
Constantinople for a man!
You didn't know Mehmed well.
He can even walk to Rome for Zagnos,
let alone Constantinople.
How do we stop it?
How do we stop it?
Mehmed yelled at me in presence
of the Sultan that it is a family affair!
Mehmed yelled at me in presence
of the Sultan that it is a family affair!
Tree from a axe,
A hero will lose from his family, Ishak.
Come, daughter.
Bahar Hatun brought us various herbs.
Here, this one is for the cough.
I hope it will benefit me.
I hope it will benefit me.
Heal is from God.
But, if you take it 3 times a day
for a month, it will work.
I hope so.
Thank you Bahar.
Come on, of course.
God willing, nature have many blessings.
God willing, nature have many blessings.
They are all unique.
Inhale this first, Gulsah Hatun.
It's sharp!
-What smell is this?
It is good for everything
and gives a fresh smell.
It is good for everything
and gives a fresh smell.
When did you learn all these things?
Who taught you this?
Who taught you this?
Tatyos Effendi.
May God bless him.
Everything I learned was thanks to him.
He took care of me like his daughter
until I came to this palace.
And then Huma Hatun took the rest.
What about your marriage?
He had come for a war wound.
He left a heart wound and left.
He left a heart wound and left.
But he did not leave that open, thank God.
God bless.
Hold on, Bali Bey, don't be sad.
Hold on, Bali Bey, don't be sad.
We will take revenge on Janos,
sooner or later, God willing.
I'm not sad because Korkut left,
but because he reached his
place of martyrdom before us, sir.
He knew the traditions too, but
I waited for martyrdom
in all those attacks.
I waited for martyrdom
in all those attacks.
But God did not give it to me.
My nephew and my brother has arrived
heaven before me.
My nephew and my brother has arrived
heaven before me.
At least Brother Korkut's
situation is known.
What about Zagnos Pasa?
Don't worry, Lala.
Don't worry, Lala.
I'll take him from there, no matter what.
We are up for the mission, sir.
I know it, I have no doubt of it.
Not Zagnos, Urban is in Constantinople
as well.
With all this trump cards,
Emperor will take precautions.
That is certain.
That is certain.
But there is another
certain fact as well..
-I have to enter that city.
This is impossible, sir!
You can too rescue Zagnos.
Only I can convince Urban.
I need someone who knows
Constantinople well.
I need someone who knows
Constantinople well.
Akinci's will get in there
and learn it in no time.
That young man
From Ulubatli, what was his name?
-Do you mean Hasan?
-Yes, Hasan.
He said he knew Constantinople well.
He said he knew Constantinople well.
-Where is he now?
-We did not take him, sir.
He must be on his way back.
He must be on his way back.
We have until morning, Bali Bey.
I want Ulubatli Hasan.
Everything could have been completely
different if you want, Zagnos.
By following a leader who sold himself
to a infidel?
By following a leader who sold himself
to a infidel?
You never managed to exist
in the right direction.
Look at Candarli.
He knows how it's nice
to leave with power..
-And you?
-Thank God.
The honor of the martyrdom
is enough for us.
The honor of the martyrdom
is enough for us.
You can have the rest.
If death would do any good,
The martyrdom you long,
I would have took you there.
We'll see Mehmed,
who even let me took his Lala
We'll see Mehmed,
who even let me took his Lala
which doors will it open for us.
Don't confuse me with yourself Orhan.
Instead of becoming
a disgrace to my country like you,
I'd rather die here right now.
I'd rather die here right now.
Don't waste your breath in vain.
We'll see when the time comes.
How much are you worth to the Ottomans?
How much are you worth to the Ottomans?
Take care.
I don't want anything bad
happen to you!
I brought news from Ishak Pasa.
I brought news from Ishak Pasa.
Let the merchant leader
stop what he does.
Maybe we'll need a wedding dress.
Wake up! Idiot!
Looking at his clothes,
he must be homeless.
-He can't be an Akinci!
-Don't you have anyone else to mess?
-Get out of here!
-Oh my God!
-Get out of here!
-Oh my God!
It is a real hero!
I have nothing with me
but my "cura".
Get out of here!
Then we will take your gold coins.
You'll only get a beating from me today.
Nothing else!
You'll only get a beating from me today.
Nothing else!
Enough! Kill him!
That's how you freeze!
That's how you freeze!
-Come to me, scoundrels.
-We have no problem with you, friend!
You can't have a problem with me!
You can't have a problem with me!
But I have a problem with you now.
If I didn't catch you
They would have killed you, brother Hasan!
They would have killed you, brother Hasan!
I would have dealt with them.
Without a doubt!
Our prince wants to see you.
We have to hurry, come on.
-Or will he take me to the corps?
-You are a man of no understanding!
Hasan, brother.
Hasan, brother.
As long as Bali Bey doesn't want it,
it won't happen.
Our prince goal is something else.
You'll see when we get there.
If he called me,
it must be a glory mission.
If he called me,
it must be a glory mission.
Let's go, sir!
Come on, come on!
I'm coming, sir.
Those who sow reap, it is the law.
Those who stay go,
it is the Oghuz custom.
Our God said that,
generous people go to heaven.
Here, enjoy it.
Here, enjoy it.
In the name of God.
-In the name of God.
-In the name of God.
Your generosity and tolerance
made us happy.
Your generosity and tolerance
made us happy.
Seeing the Oghuz tribes have a hero like
Mehmed, it made us happy, sir.
Seeing the Oghuz tribes have a hero like
Mehmed, it made us happy, sir.
Mehmed's intelligence and courage
are a source of pride for us, thank God.
And for you, everyone nice on
a good day.
And for you, everyone nice on
a good day.
But you came at a difficult time
Ibrahim Bey, you helped us.
Thank you.
What do you think, Candarli?
The companionship of Oghuz's
means brotherhood.
But blood is more important.
But blood is more important.
Those who knows, know us.
Candarogullari's mission is to serve
Turkish leaders.
If I have exceeded my limit,
I ask you for forgiveness.
If I have exceeded my limit,
I ask you for forgiveness.
In my opinion
Why don't two river unite
and become a sea.
Why don't two river unite
and become a sea.
Why don't two hills unite
and become a mountain?
What I'm trying to say
Why don't we become relatives
upon this?
Why don't we become relatives
upon this?
Be clear.
You aren't clear, Candarli.
You aren't clear, Candarli.
If you'll excuse and Ibrahim Bey agrees,
I think we should marry
Gulsah Hatun and our prince Mehmed.
I think we should marry
Gulsah Hatun and our prince Mehmed.
We opened the topic with it.
We opened the topic with it.
Buy the cloth from Mosul,
And take the bride from noble,
our ancestors said.
What do you think of it,
brother Ibrahim Bey?
I would be honored, sir.
I would be honored, sir.
As long as we seek custom,
let's swear.
As long as we seek custom,
let's swear.
May it be blessed!
May it be blessed!
May it be blessed!
Won't you tell me where we're going?
We'll take you to Orhan Bey's mansion
for a while.
And after that?
I don't know. This is what I was ordered.
I don't know. This is what I was ordered.
I didn't come here to be a guest!
I told the emperor,
but he didn't understand.
I came here looking for my daughter.
Please don't make it difficult.
Please don't make it difficult.
Solve your problems with the emperor,
not with me.
Look at me.
My daughter
I know she's still in this city.
They lied to me saying she is in Mora.
Is Zoe your daughter?
Or do you know her?
What is it, Mehmed?
Did something bad happened?
Did something bad happened?
Won't you say it?
Bahar, I'll say something, but
It had to happen.
Is it about Huma Hatun?
Or is it our Sultan?
What is it, Mehmed?
Or is it our Sultan?
What is it, Mehmed?
What had to happen?
I do not understand anything.
My dad.
He ruled his judgment
and decided.
He ruled his judgment
and decided.
A decision I can't change
or refuse.
What and who is it about?
What and who is it about?
With Karamanoglu's.
We survived a lot together, Mehmed.
You being overthrew from the throne.
You being overthrew from the throne.
Going to Saruhan together.
All that trouble.
Who was with us?
We will get through this together.
Don't put pressure on yourself.
Tell me and we'll find a way, Mehmed.
Tell me and we'll find a way, Mehmed.
Gulsah Hatun.
With Gulsah Hatun
We will get married.
What marriage? Gulsah?
What marriage? Gulsah?
I didn't even saw her eye, Bahar.
This isn't my hearts decision,
it is our Sultan's.
Couldn't you say anything?
Mehmed, he opposes everything
Were you quite about this?
Couldn't you say to him:
"I'll get hurt."
"It will destroy me, I can't, father."
Don't you think I suffer?
Do you think my heart is not in pain?
Do you think my heart is not in pain?
How can you agree then, Mehmed?
Was this my value?
Was this my value?
You are the queen of my heart.
But my father is the Sultan of our state.
But my father is the Sultan of our state.
Neither you, nor I have anything
to say about it.
Karamanoglu Ibrahim Bey's wife,
Hasibe Hatun.
And their daughter, Gulsah Hatun.
And their daughter, Gulsah Hatun.
Shall we send a messenger
to Bursa, Halime Sultan?
Of course, Huma Hatun would like
to know it, right?
Of course, Huma Hatun would like
to know it, right?
Nice thought, Didar.
She'll learn, so she'll feel worse
where she is!
She'll learn, so she'll feel worse
where she is!
Bahar will bear Huma Hatun's sin.
She should of think of it
when supporting Huma.
She should of think of it
when supporting Huma.
She is her mother-in-law, ma'am.
She isn't her mother!
And remember,
Bahar saved her from my hand.
And remember,
Bahar saved her from my hand.
It's been years trying to get rid of her.
To get rid of Bahar,
Gulsah Hatun.
To get rid of Bahar,
Gulsah Hatun.
Look, you get it now.
Whatever goes around comes around.
Whatever goes around comes around.
What Huma suffered me,
her bride will suffer it from me.
Bahar will experience with pain
what Halime has lived.
While I got Gulsah,
Mehmed won't be a threat to me.
This news won't wait.
This news won't wait.
If you'll excuse,
I'll go and do it, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am?
Let's send our regards to Ishak Pasa.
He should know that we won't be in debt.
Yes, ma'am.
I want you to keep
your promise to me, ma'am.
You know what I see looking at you, Alex?
You know what I see looking at you, Alex?
A soldier who betrayed
his emperor for love.
Do you think I'll lie to someone
who betrayed his emperor?
I don't think so, ma'am.
Your loyalty is to Zoe.
And not to me.
But you know, Zoe is fine.
Can I see her?
Can I see her?
Can you see her?
When Orhan takes the Ottoman throne,
why not?
We didn't talk this way.
If my plans are successful
Mehmed will come for Urban.
The only thing left
The only thing left
It is to catch Mehmed when he arrives.
If Mehmed dies
The sole heir of the throne will be Orhan.
Zoe can't wait to see you, Alex.
You'd better start your preparations.
According to news, the guards
at the city doors have been doubled, sir.
They almost don't let anyone
in to the city.
Tell me, Ulubatli.
How will we get to Constantinople?
Constantinople is a crowded city.
Constantinople is a crowded city.
Even if they close the door to everyone,
they can't do it to merchants.
But only familiar traders.
That's right, prince.
My late father and I delivered
goods to the city for years.
The guards know me.
The guards know me.
Now tell me.
How can we reach easily to that city?
The city needs grain the most right now.
We'll join to a grain caravan.
That's why we need cart full of flour
That's why we need cart full of flour
And two porters.
However, they will be search us
at the city gate.
I'll sneak in as a merchant, Saltuk
and Hamza will go in as porters.
I'll sneak in as a merchant, Saltuk
and Hamza will go in as porters.
They'll search it. They might only take
me, but not Saltuk and Hamza Bey.
The guards know me.
Then my turn will come.
If they won't enter, they'll send you
the news we sent.
If they won't enter, they'll send you
the news we sent.
In order not to attract attention, first,
we'll sell our goods to the merchants.
Then we'll go to the port,
Then we'll go to the port,
To Pedro, an old friend of my late father.
He's my father's old friend.
But he is, after all, a merchant.
He loves money as much as he loves me.
He loves money as much as he loves me.
Maybe more than that.
So we'll give him the price
of the goods we sell in the market.
With the ship that'll bring Pedro's goods,
you will enter the city, sir.
Do not be sad.
We'll save Zagnos alive.
I owe him my life, sir.
I owe him my life, sir.
And many times.
When there is nothing you can do
Zagnos is my Lala.
Just like you,
he has a lot of effort on me.
Just like you,
he has a lot of effort on me.
He knows well I won't leave him there.
I hope so, sir.
Sir, I just think about it
among all these problems.
As I heard, you are getting married.
I heard so.
You'll see it, Mara Hatun.
You'll see it, Mara Hatun.
Our Sultan turns his face
everywhere he sees me.
Our Sultan goes one place to another
for the state.
His mind is absent-minded.
He didn't see you.
No, Mara Hatun.
Because I was a slave,
I don't have a value.
Because I was a slave,
I don't have a value.
And in the past
They didn't even had a wedding for me.
What did you expect?
What did you expect?
That you will be the only one
in Mehmed's harem?
I am Mara, the daughter of Serbian king
Durak Branković.
I am Mara, the daughter of Serbian king
Durak Branković.
But above all
I am the wife of Sultan Murad Han, Mara.
They didn't have a wedding
for me, too, you know.
But you
But our Sultan never discredited me.
Quite the opposite,
Whenever I look into his eyes,
I see them shining.
Mara Hatun
Moreover, while he has women
who gave birth to princes
I couldn't even give him a son.
You have a son,
and now you're complaining to me?
You have a son,
and now you're complaining to me?
You are Mehmed's favourite.
He doesn't see anyone but you.
But don't
There is no great distance
between the eye and the foot.
Is this a threat?
Mehmed is currently the
heir apparent to the throne.
What about tomorrow?
When he becomes the Sultan,
you'll be the Sultan of this Harem.
When he becomes the Sultan,
you'll be the Sultan of this Harem.
What can I do, Mara Hatun?
This hurts me deeply.
This hurts me deeply.
Sultan's wives may have been several,
but his favorite is one.
Don't hurry and make a mistake.
Don't hurry and make a mistake.
This is all the
last year's income, Emperor.
You see, our merchant ships are starting
to make more profits every year.
You see, our merchant ships are starting
to make more profits every year.
If you're tired, let's continue later.
If you're tired, let's continue later.
Let's say your expectation
is right, Notaras.
If Prince Mehmed enters
the city for Zagnos,
If Prince Mehmed enters
the city for Zagnos,
We must make Mehmed's work easy.
Tell Alex to take Zagnos with other slaves
to the task of repairing the wall.
And let our archers
wait for Mehmed.
wait for Mehmed.
Instead of fighting a lion
and getting injured
Let's trap him and kill him.
It is unfortunate
that Hamza Bey couldn't come, sir.
What is the matter?
Don't you trust me, Ulubatli?
Come on, sir!
Come on, sir!
They search everything carefully outside.
I can't get how our prince will get in
passing all those guards.
Don't you worry about our prince.
But if we keep walking around together
while there's all this precautions,
We'll be figured out, let me tell you.
Shall we continue separately, sir?
Where have you been all that time?
Guards are everywhere. I was late
to avoid attracting attention.
Guards are everywhere. I was late
to avoid attracting attention.
You told our man, right?
-Of course.
I liked you on our first meeting.
You had your share, that's why.
You had your share, that's why.
We liked each other.
I liked you that day, as well.
And now I will be a bride
for your family, God willing.
And now I will be a bride
for your family, God willing.
I don't want to interrupt
your conversation.
But I have a headache.
I'll rest, come on, daughter.
Halime Hatun will also rest.
I'll send her off.
You may rest.
-I'll go, then.
-May you be safe.
Our prince
Does he love me?
Does he love me?
The prince loves roses the most.
And whoever loves roses,
of course, loves the rose queen.
This was a memory from my mother.
Let it be a memory
to you from me, daughter.
This is beautiful!
Thank you.
The valiant son of our Sultan Murad Han!
The valiant son of our Sultan Murad Han!
Our prince Mehmed is getting married.
Let everyone hear it!
The valiant son of our Sultan Murad Han!
Wedding for Mehmed, and a holiday for us,
right, Kurtcu?
Yes, there's elephant hunter
bigger than an elephant, Pasa.
Yes, there's elephant hunter
bigger than an elephant, Pasa.
I can't still comprehend.
How did you set up this game
and it came so far.
Did I tell you the story of the wolf?
Did I tell you the story of the wolf?
No, you never told me about it.
Kurtcu, I'm sorry, but
If you are a villager,
then wolves are a great scourge.
Especially its wife,
once she attacks the flock
It takes one sheep, but
It takes one sheep, but
She destroys them all.
One day, a wolf attacked the flock.
All the villagers were sad.
All the villagers were sad.
Because the villagers starved.
They were very angry at the wolf.
They sought revenge.
They sought revenge.
They have had enough.
They got some dogs
and started following the wolf.
The villagers were very angry.
The villagers were very angry.
Then they cornered the wolf
on a steep hill.
The villagers became angry.
They said: "Let's kill it, let's cut
it into pieces, let's destroy it!"
"We are hungry because of it."
"We are hungry because of it."
They're right, they shouldn't pity it.
Let them kill that!
On that conflict
A wise man came.
A wise man came.
He said: "No, let's not kill it."
"Let's not even kick it!"
Won't they take revenge on him?
He said: "Let's love him, pet him.
Let's not hurt him."
He said: “I have a cure for this disease.”
He took out a bell with a rope
from his bag.
They hung it on its neck.
They hung it on its neck.
They petted him and let it off.
Fools! They'll have problems again.
Fools! They'll have problems again.
It'll attack the flock
and will kill them.
Wolf thought so.
When he felt hungry,
he went down to tribe.
And looked for an alone flock.
And looked for an alone flock.
But the moment it moved
The bell began to ring.
The flock fled, dogs got up.
The villagers raised their sticks.
The villagers raised their sticks.
The poor wolf, without a piece of meat
He moved slowly, weak and exhausted.
He moved slowly, weak and exhausted.
But he died screaming
from extreme hunger.
What does this have to do with Mehmed?
You are the villagers.
You are the villagers.
I am the wise man.
And Mehmed, he is the wolf.
I put a bell around him by making
him a groom for Karaman.
He can't get close to our flock.
Whatever's going on inside you
Pour it out.
Pour it out.
Do it, so you won't drown.
My heart feels tight, master.
Things I live
And what I made them live
My heart tightens.
The heart
When the heart is healthy,
The whole body is also healthy.
And when the heart is corrupted,
it also corrupts the body.
And when the heart is corrupted,
it also corrupts the body.
Prophet said it.
You must listen to it.
My mother is far from me.
My mother is far from me.
And my wife is angry.
My Lala is captive.
And, cannon master Urban
I need to conquer Constantinople
And, cannon master Urban
I need to conquer Constantinople
He is located in Byzantium.
Is it possible not to fall into worry?
How will I get out of this, master?
Will I choose my mother,
my wife, or my country?
Don't think this world as permanent.
People come and go.
Those who don't know their hearts
will born and die empty.
Those who don't know their hearts
will born and die empty.
Return to your heart.
The only place where there is
no contradiction is in your heart.
Ask it.
What kept you away from your ideals?
And think
What is the order you can't give up on,
What is the order you can't give up on,
Even if they give you
the sun and the moon.
Remember it.
Remember it.
Remember the purpose for which
You gave up the throne and power.
Remember it until you find yourself again.
Here is your mission, Mehmed.
It is the mission that will solve
your tightened heart
It is the mission that will solve
your tightened heart
And the pain in your heart.
God created every heart
for its true purpose.
God created every heart
for its true purpose.
This is the gem inside you.
Resort to it.
And hug it.
And follow it.
Great truth of God.
Great truth of God.
Sir, Hamza Bey from Malkacoglu's has come.
In the name of God.
Why are you here, Hamza?
Why didn't you go to Constantinople.
Why are you here, Hamza?
Why didn't you go to Constantinople.
They take one porter
with every merchant to the city.
-They didn't let me in.
-Saltuk and Ulubatli?
They are inside, Pasa.
I have come to you with good news.
Zagnos Pasa is alive, thank God.
Thank God!
Praise be to you, God.
Is there any news about Pedro's ship?
Yes, Pasa.
Tonight they will sail behind Tekfurdagi.
Tonight they will sail behind Tekfurdagi.
-When is the next ship?
-In twenty days, Pasa.
If we miss it
But tonight is our prince's wedding.
But tonight is our prince's wedding.
I'm full, take it and eat.
No, you work the most.
You must be strong.
You'll learn it. Look
He who has a full desire is stronger
than he who has a full stomach.
From now on, this is your place.
You've rested enough!
Let everyone go to work!
Let's get up.
Let's get up.
When my eye of the heart opened,
they closed it.
-You're welcome, Gennadius.
-Look at me.
-You're welcome, Gennadius.
-Look at me.
Do I look like I'm welcome?
Won't anything good happen
in this city?
Is it just the city?
Even the church.
Why wasn't the roof repaired?
Unfortunately, the allocated budget
is not enough to repair the church.
Unfortunately, the allocated budget
is not enough to repair the church.
Income has declined, what about aid?
It would be more accurate
to call them bribes.
We cannot repair the house of the God
just to look nice,
with that dirty money they gave.
Make sure that the aid
you call dirty is cleaner
of the state's income gathered
with raids and wars.
of the state's income gathered
with raids and wars.
However, it is better to remain silent.
That's how we make our living.
So you tell me to shut up,
and not tell
our betray for empire, state,
and even our faith.
We need to be deaf not the hear
help cries of the city
And blind not to see it.
And blind not to see it.
Be it as you wish,
I will not deny your request.
But what about cemeteries?
At least let's make
our dead rest in peace.
At least let's make
our dead rest in peace.
Like all, it is in poor condition.
What is it?
What is it?
Last night, soldiers buried a young woman.
Young woman? Who is she?
I think it was Zoe, Demetrius' wife.
I think it was Zoe, Demetrius' wife.
Figs won't work.
The only thing I remember from my mother.
Do you want to taste it?
No, thanks.
Your choice.
Do you know why they keep me here?
You Hungarians
Do you always complain?
Do you always complain?
My daughter doesn't even remember
any meal from his mother!
She only remembers one thing,
and that is me.
-I came to find my daughter
-Not only you,
And your daughter carry your past burdens.
If you want to fight for your daughter
All that falls on you is
Do what you are told.
I'm being held here like a prisoner.
I'm being held here like a prisoner.
Come on!
Where did it come from?
You can go out and walk around the city.
-Are you sure?
Of course, if you are okay with
guards accompanying you.
-Do you call it freedom?
-I call it safety.
-Do you call it freedom?
-I call it safety.
From what I heard, Janos is still alive.
He might come after you.
We don't want anything to happen to you.
We don't want anything to happen to you.
The grave and roses were taken care
of as you said, sir.
Aladdin is just like Mehmed.
He was a brave prince who
was not afraid of anything.
He was a brave prince who
was not afraid of anything.
May God take him to heaven.
Here, ma'am.
Ma'am! Help us!
Hurry, doctor!
By the command of God
And according to our Prophet's way
With the help of the people
And the testimony of witnesses
I start the marriage.
God bless.
God bless.
They are suitable.
The harem will have
a prince with good morals.
Karamanoglu Ibrahim Bey's
daughter, Gulsah Hatun.
With five times 10.000 coins as dowry,
Do you agree to marry the prince Mehmed,
son of the Sultan Murad Han?
Did you agree?
Did you agree?
Son of Sultan Murad Han,
prince Mehmed.
With five times 10.000 coins as dowry,
Do you agree to marry Gulsah Hatun,
son of Karamanoglu Ibrahim?
Prince Mehmed.
Prince Mehmed.
Did you agree?
Did you agree?
Did you agree?
Ishak Pasa.
Candarli Pasa.
Do you bear witness?
By God's will
According to the witnesses
According to the witnesses
I pronounce you husband and wife.
I wish you happiness.
In the name of God.
In the name of God.
In the name of prosperity,
peace and well-being for the family
Thank God.
May God grant them blessing.
I wish Huma Hatun were here.
Every mother has the right
to see her son get married.
I went after love when it called me.
His voice fooled me and I followed him.
His voice fooled me and I followed him.
I made every sacrifice he asked for.
I endured any pain for his love.
This love was my last hope.
This love was my last hope.
I ran after it without getting bored.
And I saw him.
And I loved him.
I looked at him when he called.
I looked at him when he called.
I believed him when he spoke.
However, I couldn't see it.
Swords, daggers
and arrows hidden behind his eyelashes.
Swords, daggers
and arrows hidden behind his eyelashes.
They said this love would
made me wear a crown.
But love destroyed my throne.
They said I would find safety.
Love destroyed my heart.
And in the end, I understood.
And in the end, I understood.
Neither you can have love,
Nor does love wanted to be had.
Nor does love wanted to be had.
May God complete it, sir.
Is there any news?
The ship carrying Pedro's goods.
It will be waiting for you today
in Tekfurdagi at the open sea.
It will be waiting for you today
in Tekfurdagi at the open sea.
Other ship İS after 20 days.
Today is my wedding!
Allow me to go, SİR.
You won't worry.
You won't worry.
Whatever the cost, God willing
I'll bring Urban and Zagnos.
I'll take a look here.
Look, Dad, what a beautiful color, right?
Dear, you make the colors beautiful, Zoe.
Dear, you make the colors beautiful, Zoe.
Here you go, sir.
This one.
For a dress.
For whom, sir?
If you like, I'll get measurements.
We sew very well.
Just gave me some.
We don't have much time.
We don't have much time.
I know where your daughter is.
Hey, who are you?
Take it, take it.
-Don't forget, tonight.
This city is full of beggars.
Oh God!
Oh God!
All that was left was charity
from the infidels!
I've heard from the assistants.
If it is a lie, they will burn in hell.
If it is a lie, they will burn in hell.
What are they saying?
The prince is very worried at the moment.
I won't even lie.
I won't even lie.
If Huma Sultan was here,
she wouldn't have let this happen.
The sweets burned while you are talking.
The sweets burned while you are talking.
I'll cut your tongue out.
It's over, Reyhan Agha.
See, they send the baklava.
Prepare the clove syrups and rose water.
Prepare the clove syrups and rose water.
You are slow.
I hope you won't eat it again!
I hope you won't eat it again!
Hurry up!
It's the prince's wedding
and you're still having fun.
You must be wise.
And the ear must be deaf, cook.
Don't say everything you hear.
Or, they'll cut your tongue
and cook it on fire.
Know that.
May God protect you.
May God protect you.
God bless.
Come on, hurry up, come on.
Is there a celebration, Reyhan Agha?
Stop, wait for me too.
Son, stop.
Come here.
Just like that, daughter.
Just like that, daughter.
Be happy, you are an Ottoman.
It was a wedding worthy
of your name and our prince.
Thanks, Candarli.
This wedding and marriage is your idea.
This wedding and marriage is your idea.
-You have the right to be proud.
Of course, a sultan's son like Mehmed
would be worthy of a sultan's daughter.
Of course, a sultan's son like Mehmed
would be worthy of a sultan's daughter.
Let's leave mother and daughter alone.
They must talk.
Mom, what's that noise?
The groom's ceremony has ended.
The groom's ceremony has ended.
They will come shortly.
Let's go.
My daughter with beautiful eyes.
Let me tell you what was said to me.
Let me tell you what was said to me.
Cover your family with that cover,
just like I cover you.
Don't let anyone attack your family.
We came from God
and we'll go back to him, daughter.
Come, you infidels!
I didn't come here to kill you.
Are you the ones going to kill me?
Let's go.
I heard you know where Zoe is.
-If you're telling the truth
-Did Urban send you?
-If you're telling the truth
-Did Urban send you?
It isn't important, Turk.
Look at me.
Look at me.
If you are after the truth
Only you and I.
These are my tips for you, daughter.
Keep them all in your mind.
Okay, mother.
You came here with customs
and will stay here.
Take care of your home and your husband.
Take care of your home and your husband.
Yes, mother.
This is my advice to you as a mother.
Always keep it in mind.
A wife makes the house,
a state make the country.
A wife makes the house,
a state make the country.
May I help you?
Let me, let me.
Do you regret it?
I suffered a lot.
Demetrius did not treat me like his wife.
I don't think you shouldn't cover up
your betrayal with your anger.
All my life was hard.
All my life was hard.
I needed love.
Get me.
I don't question you.
But believe me,
it would be more honorable.
Love and strength.
I'm not angry with you picking love.
Maybe I would have done the same.
Maybe I'm tired.
Maybe I'm tired.
You only know Zoe in the palace.
My separation from my father
Me being sold to your palace by a soldier
called Janos when I was a child
By whom did you say?
Did you say Janos?
Why is this important?
He's just a sick soldier.
Who is your father?
He is a famous cannon master.
His name is Urban.
His name is Urban.
Although I don't even remember his face.
It's hard.
It's a hard life, Zoe.
Nothing will happen to Alex, right?
Him being alive benefits me for now.
At least for a while longer.
At least for a while longer.
Will you allow me to see
him for the last time?
This will do nothing but to make
things more difficult for both of you.
Am I going to die?
Am I going to die?
I already killed you.
I did everything you wanted.
Yes, yes.
Yes, yes.
You did, and you've even done things
you shouldn't have done.
You have betrayed the Byzantine Emperor,
my son.
You cheated on him.
You played with his honor.
Betrayal has a price!
Let's go.
Let's go.
Don't stop!
Don't stop!
Let's go!
Let's work! Walk!
Let's go!
Don't wait here! Let's go!
Don't wait! Work!
Let's go!
Come on, don't stop, work!
Come on, come on, come on!
Don't stop, work!
Work for the bread you eat!
Let's go!
Don't wait, let's work!
Work for the bread you eat!
This is the worth of a bread.
Let's go!
Stand up!
I tell you to get up!
Don't you see my feet?
Don't you see my feet?
Don't answer back!
Stand up! Stand up!
Leave him!
What do you want from the boy?
So, work?
Come on, work!
Bahar Hatun!
Since you'll be Mehmed's wife
You'll get used to it, Gulsah.
What are you doing here?
Mehmed Where is he?
You don't even know your husband.
You don't even know your husband.
He only has a dream he strives to achieve.
And it is Constantinople.
You will carry the dishonor
of being abandoned,
on your wedding night in
your heart for a lifetime.
Get out.
You still have a lot to learn
Gulsah Hatun.
Do you think it's worth
it? All this trouble, Prince?
Every lover
He must reunite with his lover.
He must reunite with his lover.
We're going to the city of my dreams.
To Constantinople.
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