Mehmed: Fetihler Sultani (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
The story and characters
in the series are inspired by history.
No living beings were harmed
while filming this series.
I wonder if anyone
has heard that we left Edirne?
That's no longer important now.
You are silent and look distracted.
That's why I asked.
That's why I asked.
How could I not be?
We're going to a royal city.
I read all the details in a separate book.
I read all the details in a separate book.
I remember when I first saw you
at Enderun's garden.
I remember when I first saw you
at Enderun's garden.
You were all dirty.
You blew up a cannon in Harem
and flee.
You were screaming that I destroyed
Constantinople's walls!
You were screaming that I destroyed
Constantinople's walls!
The Harem master,
and the others were behind you.
You were running in front of the park.
You were running in front of the park.
That child has grown, Lala.
His hands, feet, face changed but
His hands, feet, face changed but
His destination has not changed.
I don't know if God will let us, but
I don't know if God will let us, but
I will conquer that old city,
I'll make it, Islambol.
I'll make it, Islambol.
God willing, my prince.
Don't stop working!
Show the effort of the bread you eat!
I can only work this much for a bread!
Come on, don't wait!
Stand up.
Stand up.
Stand up.
I tell you to get up!
Don't you see my feet?
Don't answer, don't wait!
Get up, get up.
Get up, get up.
-Leave him!
-Stand up!
What do you want from him?
Work, huh?
What do you want from him?
Work, huh?
Work, huh? Come on, work!
You will die next time.
You should have stayed.
We are used to you.
The atmosphere of Edirne
is also inspiring for the soul.
I should go, Huma Hatun.
I should go, Huma Hatun.
We have achieved our victory,
and we had our wedding.
There is also no need to wait.
In fact, I missed my homeland very much.
In fact, I missed my homeland very much.
We'll wait for you.
Even not for us,
to see our daughter Gulsah.
What's the matter, Reyhan Agha?
What is this hurry?
No one is a stranger here.
No one is a stranger here.
Say it.
Bahar entered the private room.
What is she doing there?
No one knows why.
No one knows why.
She get in and out fast.
She didn't talk to anyone.
What about Gulsah?
Gulsah Hatun closed
the door after Bahar Hatun.
Gulsah Hatun closed
the door after Bahar Hatun.
But she didn't make any sound after that.
I'll go and have a look.
I'll go and have a look.
Gulsah, daughter!
Gulsah, daughter!
Dear Gulsah.
What happened, daughter?
Why are you like this?
Bahar came into the room.
What did she say?
Did she do something bad, daughter?
Mehmed? What did Mehmed say?
Didn't he throw Bahar out?!
Mehmed didn't come
into the room, mother.
When will we receive our goods?
We'll review your papers.
We'll check your goods.
We'll review your papers.
We'll check your goods.
Then you'll receive it.
You can go.
Trader Sergio, welcome!
Trader Sergio, welcome!
I won't hold you long.
Good earnings.
Thank you.
Okay, here you go.
Go in.
Welcome, Mr
Welcome, Mr
How are the conditions
in the Mamluk country?
How are the conditions
in the Mamluk country?
It's pretty good.
We've had a bumper season.
How long have you been here?
How did you know I was Italian?
You take your work serious
instead of them.
You take your work serious
instead of them.
Looks like you are a merchants
for a long time.
For too long to find it
strange that a Catholic man,
can be the guardian of the Orthodox.
can be the guardian of the Orthodox.
There aren't many places in Naples
where outlaws can find shelter.
This world is big enough for all of us.
This world is big enough for all of us.
My friend.
Good luck, Muhammed.
Good luck, Muhammed.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Come in.
Come in.
How did you know he was Italian, sir?
He didn't look at the ID
of the Italian before us.
-Help yourself.
What does this mean, Ibrahim Bey?
Your daughter is crying
and you sit here?
Your daughter is crying
and you sit here?
My mind can't comprehend it.
I was shocked.
You shouldn't do that,
you should act.
Don't prolong it.
We'll find a way.
You better hurry.
Because I did not marry
my daughter to be insulted.
Did I wanted this?
If you didn't, do what you must!
If you didn't, do what you must!
Hold them accountable.
Lady, come to your senses.
We are guests here!
Guest, Ibrahim Bey?!
Guest, Ibrahim Bey?!
They are playing with our dignity.
Don't forget where you are.
This is the palace of the Ottomans.
If they are the sons of Osman,
we are the children of Karaman.
If they have a state, so do we.
Maybe you forgot, but
If Murad is the sultan
You are also a sultan Ibrahim Bey.
How can you go back to Karaman?
If you are a man, act so.
Or give me your sword,
and they'll see how it is done!
So, Duke of Vega Notaras will come too.
So, Duke of Vega Notaras will come too.
Yes, unless there is an emergency.
You should come tonight.
You should come tonight.
We'll prepare a Turkish table.
Urban loves Turkish food a lot.
Urban loves Turkish food a lot.
Isn't that right, Urban?
Two Turkmen leaders came
from Anatolia, sir.
And they want to meet you.
And they want to meet you.
Enjoy it.
How is it?
Any news?
The Turk was right.
We found your daughter.
Did you? Is she fine?! Where is she?
Did you? Is she fine?! Where is she?
Be quiet.
Where is she? Is she okay, tell me!
You must come
and see for yourself, Urban.
You must come
and see for yourself, Urban.
I can't get out of here alone.
I got it, don't worry.
My prince.
Don't do it, please!
Come on, walk!
Help me!
Constantinople, which had resisted
so many sieges, surrendered to immorality.
Constantinople, which had resisted
so many sieges, surrendered to immorality.
I ask God to fix them, sir.
Give me.
Is this for me?
Buy yourself something to eat.
Are you a trader?
What did you bring to town?
What did you bring to town?
Hagia Sophia!
Despite all these thorns,
in the heart of Constantinople
It looks like a pink rose.
It looks like a pink rose.
They didn't care about their cities,
streets or their temples.
They didn't care about their cities,
streets or their temples.
They live in corruption.
When we take this city
This Hagia Sophia we see,
will look better with,
This Hagia Sophia we see,
will look better with,
the blessing of Muslims
and the honor of Turks!
The prayer which we'll tell
from it's dome
The prayer which we'll tell
from it's dome
It will revive this dead city again.
Candarli Pasa is in there,
let me tell you are here, Ibrahim Bey.
Candarli Pasa is in there,
let me tell you are here, Ibrahim Bey.
I'll tell them, move!
And tomorrow, we'll give the money
as you wished.
You can't go in, Ibrahim Bey!
What is it, Ibrahim?
You have ruined our dignity.
And you looked down on us.
-What do you say, Ibrahim?
-Since the prince didn't like this
-What do you say, Ibrahim?
-Since the prince didn't like this
Why didn't you tell us?
Is my daughter a toy?
Ibrahim Bey!
Ibrahim Bey!
Speak nicely!
Don't even talk, Candarli!
You did this!
Don't talk too long.
Don't talk too long.
Speak clearly.
Your son Mehmed is not around.
No one saw him after the engagement.
No one saw him after the engagement.
Is leaving the bride Ottoman custom?
It is enduring the guest.
It is enduring the guest.
Do not exceed your limits, Ibrahim!
Custom is over.
We have sworn and pledged by the sword.
We have sworn and pledged by the sword.
But the ruling
I'll take my daughter
and return to Karaman.
I'll take my daughter
and return to Karaman.
I can't bear it!
Ibrahim Bey.
Come here.
Come closer.
I don't know what happened.
About taking my daughter Gulsah
What was ours remains ours.
She is not Karaman
Rather, Ottoman.
She has become one of my daughters.
If you are powerful enough
Come and take her.
Ibrahim Bey.
Okay then.
Sultan Murad.
Don't worry, sir.
Don't worry, sir.
Even the Empress Helena
can't recognize you.
Here you can find the most comfortable
shoes of Byzantine!
Would you like to try it?
We have nice shoes.
We have nice shoes.
Are these shoes sturdy?
My path is long, I'll go to Hungary.
They are strong as rocks.
It doesn't seem so.
It doesn't seem so.
Obviously Hungarians don't
understand shoes.
It is Turkish goods.
Its workmanship is flawless.
Because Turks don't cheat in trade.
What about the Byzantines?
Cheating has become their nature.
Even I'm sick of them.
Doesn't Emperor
do something about it?
It is clear that you just got here.
It is clear that you just got here.
As if there is an Emperor!
Isn't he the Emperor?
Can't he fix it?
His title is Emperor.
But he isn't ruling Byzantium.
Rather, his mother Helena runs it.
What would happen if so,
they took bribery.
Religion sells heaven,
merchants cheats
Religion sells heaven,
merchants cheats
This is clearly our destiny.
This is what Jesus Christ wanted.
I no longer have hope for Byzantium.
"Why people thinks God is responsible?"
"Their trouble comes from their pain."
"Their trouble comes from their pain."
For a Muslim, your command
of Homer is astonishing.
It is even more surprising that
a Hungarian knows Homer.
Is there no news yet?
Is there no news yet?
Where is Mehmed?
I don't know how to say it.
Our prince is in Constantinople.
Do you realize what you say?
An Ottoman Prince? What is
he doing there at the wedding night?!
An Ottoman Prince? What is
he doing there at the wedding night?!
His mentor, Zagnos.
He had gone to Constantinople
to retrieve Orhan and arrest him.
But he was captured there.
But he was captured there.
You know, our prince is excited.
What are these things, Candarli!
Whom did he tell and get permission
to act their own?!
Whom did he tell and get permission
to act their own?!
Go find them, Candarli.
In whatever whole they are,
take them out.
Yes, sir.
Is there something else..
Is there something else..
You know and don't tell, Candarli?
The prince
Come in.
Sir, Huma Hatun
What happened to her?
News came from Bursa Palace.
Huma Hatun is dead.
She surrendered her trust.
She surrendered her trust.
It is so, my prince.
Master Urban has sent Alex
because he doesn't trust me.
Master Urban has sent Alex
because he doesn't trust me.
Does Urban know that
his daughter was killed?
Yes, Pasa.
Even Alex will find a way today,
and take Urban out of the palace.
Even Alex will find a way today,
and take Urban out of the palace.
Then they will go to the cemetery.
We'll talk to Urban there.
This may be a trick of Alex, sir.
This may be a trick of Alex, sir.
Let me go and take Urban here if you like.
We can't force Urban while
he mourns his daughter.
I want to go myself and talk to him.
What about Zagnos?
What about Zagnos?
Where is he?
Were you able to collect information?
Don't leave me here.
Let me come with you.
Let me come with you.
The marriage has been concluded.
The ruling is implemented.
You must stay here, daughter.
How can I stay here alone
among all this trouble, Dad?
How can I stay here alone
among all this trouble, Dad?
You are not alone.
You are just of lineage.
It isn't time to cry,
it is time to be strong, daughter.
It isn't time to cry,
it is time to be strong, daughter.
Don't bow your head.
Be strong.
Dear Gulsah.
I am aware of the burden
I gave you, daughter.
You now bear the honor
of the Karaman family.
Wait for news from me.
The Ottoman will pay a greater price!
Just like our Prophet says:
"Whoever deprives morals,
deprives all goodness."
The true ethics is
founded by moral.
The true ethics is
founded by moral.
Those who can't, they won't
get the secret of the Sharia.
In conclusion, nothing happens
without morals.
In conclusion, nothing happens
without morals.
Therefore, morals while eating.
Morals while wearing clothes.
Morals while talking.
What did they said?
"Moral is a crown made of light."
"Moral is a crown made of light."
"Wear it and get out of trouble."
I know you came because of what
I said to Gulsah, Mara Hatun.
But I'm not ashamed of it.
On the contrary
I did the right thing.
Put yourself in my shoes, Mara Hatun.
If you came to punish me
I am satisfied with that.
If you came to punish me
I am satisfied with that.
I didn't make a mistake.
Mara Hatun.
I didn't wanted to make you sad.
I didn't wanted to make you sad.
Forgive me.
Huma Hatun
She died.
If you have power and money,
they won't make you carry stones, man.
They make us break.
All stones will be moved before sunset.
All stones will be moved before sunset.
There won't be
any stone left by nightfall.
How will we carry all these stones
until then?
If I say it will be moved,
it will be moved!
If I say it will be moved,
it will be moved!
We are humans, man!
Have a little mercy on us!
You have legs like us.
-To keep you standing.
-What do you think you are doing?
-To keep you standing.
-What do you think you are doing?
Leave the boy!
Leave me!
You have hands that work like ours.
And you have screaming mouths!
Do you think yourselves are human?
Leave me!
Go ahead, kill me if you will!
You will all end up like him!
No, no!
No, leave me!
No, leave me!
Do you think you will get away with it?!
-Move away!
-Don't die!
-Move away!
-Don't die!
Don't die, don't leave me alone!
Don't leave me here alone!
Please don't die! You traitors!
You traitors!
Okay, okay.
Okay, okay.
Be patient.
It will be your turn.
Oh, my beautiful daughter!
Oh, my beloved daughter!
We couldn't meet.
We couldn't meet.
I bought you those colored fabrics
you loved so much as a child, pink ones.
I bought you those colored fabrics
you loved so much as a child, pink ones.
I couldn't bring it.
I'll make those who did this to you pay.
I'll make those who did this to you pay.
That day will inevitably come.
Be patient.
But we must stand up first.
But we must stand up first.
Finding her was my only hope.
Now my focus is revenge.
But I don't know how I'll do it.
I know.
By coming with me.
By coming with me.
With accompanying me.
If you want to do it alone,
And if you are lucky,
you'll be buried next to her.
And if you are lucky,
you'll be buried next to her.
What do you want from me?
We have to save Zagnos
as soon as possible, Alex.
We have to save Zagnos
as soon as possible, Alex.
That's easy.
They're holding Zagnos under the walls.
All the soldiers there obey me.
I'll order them.
All the soldiers there obey me.
I'll order them.
I will send one of my men with you.
He'll take Zagnos from the prison
and help you.
He'll take Zagnos from the prison
and help you.
What about Orhan?
We've heard his palace is well protected.
Can you help us to get him?
Can you help us to get him?
Bodyguards of the Emperor
protects the palace.
Not even my orders will apply.
But I know a way to enter Orhan's palace.
There is a corridor leading to the palace.
But it will cost, right?
But it will cost, right?
She will also be there tonight.
While you take Orhan,
I'll settle my scores with Helena.
If you want to take Orhan
Urban must return.
Otherwise they'll understand
that he is kidnapped,
And they'll take precautions.
How is he doing?
His muscles stiffened
and his feet stumbled.
It looked like he was hurt in a battle.
Tighten it.
Tighten it.
It is loose.
It's the test world, Ishak.
It's the test world, Ishak.
God hurts those powerful men
to not forget they are human.
Pasa, what worries you? You look sad.
I'm afraid of what I don't know, Ishak.
If Murad Han left his crown
for his son Aladdin
I don't know what he'll do
with the pain of Huma Sultan.
I don't know what he'll do
with the pain of Huma Sultan.
That's why, I have to be there for him.
I will go with Sultan to Bursa.
The capital is in your trust
while I'm gone.
The capital is in your trust
while I'm gone.
Of course.
But what if something happens
to Murad Han?
But what if something happens
to Murad Han?
What if his heart can bear it
and God forbid, dies?
Then we will left to Mehmed's mercy.
Then we will left to Mehmed's mercy.
And you know that he won't
have mercy on any of us.
What are we going to do, Pasa?
What are we going to do, Pasa?
It isn't even clear
that he'll survive Constantinople.
Suppose he comes back.
If God takes Murad Han
If God takes Murad Han
Then a lot of people
will die in the capital.
Then a lot of people
will die in the capital.
It isn't for cunning people
to survive.
It isn't for strong people
to fight.
It is wolves' table.
No one will care about each other.
However, be careful.
Hurry, we'll be leaving soon.
Are we going somewhere, mom?
Or are we going to go to Mother Huma?
Or are we going to go to Mother Huma?
I know you are sad,
And there is a deep pain in your heart.
This doesn't mean bowing your head.
Hold it up.
This doesn't mean bowing your head.
Hold it up.
We all know that one is born,
lives and dies.
And Huma Hatun left.
And Huma Hatun left.
This doesn't mean that unity
is long gone in Harem.
What we should is preserve her memory.
What we should is preserve her memory.
You were the apple of Huma Hatun's eyes.
I have no doubt that you'll perform
this duty properly.
I have no doubt that you'll perform
this duty properly.
Let's continue
without stopping where we left off.
Everyone, to their jobs!
Everyone, to their jobs!
My condolences to you, Mara Hatun.
Thanks, Gulsah.
When will you go to Bursa?
We won't go.
The Harem must not be disrupted.
The Harem must not be disrupted.
Murad Han must do what it takes.
Our responsibility is to be here.
Do you want something from me?
I realize it.
The first days you arrived
to our palace was not good for you.
The first days you arrived
to our palace was not good for you.
I see that what happened
to you hurt you deeply.
But you are a lady who knows the custom.
But you are a lady who knows the custom.
"The long words are talked to young."
Turkmen's say.
Go talk to Bahar.
End the differences
and anger between you.
Show everyone a behavior
befits a lady of the Ottoman Empire.
Show everyone a behavior
befits a lady of the Ottoman Empire.
I have no problem with Bahar Hatun,
Mara Hatun.
If this is what you want
I will do it.
Your great mother
What happened to my great mother?
We won't be able to see her anymore.
But she told me that
I can come whenever I want.
But she told me that
I can come whenever I want.
She is somewhere where we can't see her.
My son
to heaven.
Gulsah Hatun is here,
she wants to see you.
Let her come in.
Come out, son.
My condolences to you, Bahar Hatun.
My condolences to you, Bahar Hatun.
May Huma Hatun rest in peace.
I didn't know her personally.
But I realized through
the conditions of the Harem
She was precious to all.
She was precious to all.
Huma Hatun always taught us
how to act and where.
We learned everything from her.
You packed the boxes, but
You will not go to Bursa.
Have you decided on this?
Have you decided on this?
Don't get excited right away,
I'm coming from Mara Hatun.
She said it.
It's not doing you any favors.
It's not doing you any favors.
The favor that will come from you
It should stay away from me!
A new era has now begun.
A new era has now begun.
I won't tolerate old neglects
and lack of seriousness.
From now on
My era has begun.
Everything related to the past
in this Harem, it will change.
Firstly, Huma's room.
What are you doing here, Mara Hatun?
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Butler Didar, you can go out.
It's a shame.
Huma Hatun hasn't been buried yet.
It is the custom, the deceased
will be forgotten soon.
Or the order will go bad.
Only mischief makers spoil work.
I told those in Harem.
I told those in Harem.
You should hear it.
Everything old is buried with Huma.
Now, a new era and order has begun.
Don't be happy because Huma Hatun
died and you got the Harem.
Don't be happy because Huma Hatun
died and you got the Harem.
With this anger,
Neither you can fill this Harem
nor our Sultan's heart.
Neither you can fill this Harem
nor our Sultan's heart.
Leading the Harem won't work
with golden crowns.
Rather, with manners and mercy
with loyalty.
It happens with our Sultan's order.
Now you want to come and stay here, right?
It isn't possible without
the order of our Sultan!
Don't you forget this!
Your limits in the Harem
It is as much as my shadow!
Now get out of here.
Get out.
Get out.
He was good.
Freedom is almost impossible.
But you'll definitely get out.
There is no one to save me.
I am one of you too.
I am one of you too.
If we're going to get out,
we'll get out together.
Every Muslim makes this promise
to God five times a day.
Every Muslim makes this promise
to God five times a day.
And they die to fulfill that promise.
All over the earth.
They always rebel against the oppressor.
They always rebel against the oppressor.
It is obligatory for every believer.
For this
We must rebel against them all.
He's right, he's telling the truth.
He's right, he's telling the truth.
Right, truth?!
Everything that happened
to us was because of that man.
Since you are here, all the guards
started treating us harshly.
Since you are here, all the guards
started treating us harshly.
You'll survive here one way or another.
But they will kill us, sir.
Saltuk, Hasan.
You'll go to courtyard from
the path that leads to Orhan's palace.
Alex and Urban will meet you there.
You got the traitor Orhan.
Dead or alive?
Traitors do not deserve to live.
Traitors do not deserve to live.
Lala, we'll go to Zagnos, by the walls.
Alex's man, Alios, will receive us there.
Alex's man, Alios, will receive us there.
By God's will, we'll take Zagnos safely.
God willing, my prince.
After we take Zagnos
and you take Urban..
At the exit door by the walls
We'll get out of here, together.
But it won't take long for them
to catch up with us, my prince.
Akinci's and Bali Bey will wait us
across the walls.
Akinci's and Bali Bey will wait us
across the walls.
We will meet there.
As I said, Master Urban.
As you also saw,
all of Byzantine is under your control.
You'll give me my daughter, is that so?
I know you don't trust us.
But if you make them bring Zoe
I think you might ran away from here
just like you did with Janos.
There is one thing in common
between me and Janos.
There is one thing in common
between me and Janos.
It is that we never forget our enemies.
I didn't run from him.
He ran away from me.
You're in no position
to bargain, Master Urban.
Our agreement is clear.
You'll make the cannons we want
and we'll hand you your daughter.
You'll make the cannons we want
and we'll hand you your daughter.
That's all.
Pedro has come and wants
to meet you, sir.
Is this the right time?
He said some suspicious Turks
are in the city, sir.
He said some suspicious Turks
are in the city, sir.
Listen to him.
A man from the port, Pedro.
He said some Turks came secretly.
And there are others.
Is he here?
They were saying there is another city
under the city
They were saying there is another city
under the city
But I didn't believe them.
See what the fear established.
The infidels have established
that path in advance.
The infidels have established
that path in advance.
In which direction?
Are you sure you know the way?
Are you sure you know the way?
Here, come on.
I don't trust him.
Be careful, brother.
Be careful sir, be quiet, he will hear us.
Be careful sir, be quiet, he will hear us.
Let him hear, come on.
Ulubatli Ali.
He wasn't with other Turkish merchants.
He wasn't with other Turkish merchants.
You told me:
"He might be Murad's man."
"Take care." and I did.
Hasan is that Ali's son.
What that kid will do with such men?
What that kid will do with such men?
Are you sure?
I didn't understand.
He came with a big man first
then took two other men.
He came with a big man first
then took two other men.
They said they were merchants,
I didn't believe them.
They watched me until the men came.
That's why I couldn't come to tell you.
With what ID's they've come?
They came dressed as Arab merchants.
But they don't look like merchants at all.
They were like warriors.
"Why people think God did it?"
"But there is pain because
of what they did."
"But there is pain because
of what they did."
For a Muslim, your command
of Homer is astonishing.
One of them might be the Prince Mehmed.
Perhaps this is the opportunity.
If he is in the city, the first
place he'll come is here.
We must tell Emperor Constantinos.
We must tell Emperor Constantinos.
We don't have time.
Is there somewhere
they can sneak in, Orhan?
After here will be dangerous, wait.
-Nothing will happen, right?
-Do not worry.
-Nothing will happen, right?
-Do not worry.
All the guard here are loyal
to General Alex.
Hurry up.
Come on.
Come here.
From here.
From here.
Let's go.
Are you the one who sold us?
Let me go!
You promised me.
And you promised me
that you would be faithful to me.
You took my beloved
You took Zoe from me!
She paid the price for betraying my son.
And you will pay the price
for betraying me.
And you will pay the price
for betraying me.
Say it.
is Mehmed?
Take him.
You'll know when you go.
What happened? Where did they take him?
Where will it be? Freedom.
Didn't I tell you that they would
pay his ransom and take him?
Didn't I tell you that they would
pay his ransom and take him?
He was also telling us about
the power of rebellion!
It's good that we didn't listen.
Otherwise we would all end up like him.
Otherwise we would all end up like him.
You are right.
Where is Prince Mehmed?
Speak up, and save, or
We will talk, but
We will talk, but
We won't bow to you.
Empress Helena is merciful.
You can make her forgive you
with the favor you will provide.
Since when is injustice equal to mercy?
Where is Mehmed?
If you don't speak, he will burn.
If you don't speak, he will burn.
Why are you talking with them?
Burn the little one.
The elder will speak right away!
If you're brave, untie me.
If you're brave, untie me.
Then I'll show you!
Leave him.
Leave the boy.
Leave the boy and take me.
Leave the boy and take me.
Don't bother, sir.
Obviously my share
It was martyrdom.
It was martyrdom.
Idiots! Infidels! Let him go, take me!
Idiots! Infidels! Let him go, take me!
Leave the boy.
Don't worry, Turk.
Death won't be so easy for you.
Where are they?
Don't worry, Lala.
Don't worry, Lala.
Zagnos is like my brother.
That's why I feel worried, my prince.
Thank God.
You're fine, aren't you?
You're fine, aren't you?
I saw you, and I became much better.
Come on, we have to leave now.
What about them?
They are unfair to them.
I can't allow it.
What I was ordered
to do was just take you out.
What I was ordered
to do was just take you out.
They kill an innocent every day, sir.
I can't leave.
I'll burn the whole world
for the cry of the oppressed!
I'll burn the whole world
for the cry of the oppressed!
Don't force me to do this.
Do not you dare!
Is there any news?
You are closer to the
Ottoman throne then ever, Orhan.
You are closer to the
Ottoman throne then ever, Orhan.
Enjoy it.
It seems that
Notaras is gone to
inform my son Constantinos.
He still can't decide which side to take.
Did he take Urban with him too?
I thought he was with you.
I ask you, where is Mehmed?
You'll soon see your friend burning alive.
You'll soon see your friend burning alive.
This is your last chance.
I truly forgive you, sir.
I have no fear of death.
Take him outside and burn him there.
Leave him!
But don't go too far with it.
But don't go too far with it.
We want to hear his cries.
Leave him, leave the boy, you scoundrels!
Leave the boy, leave him!
Leave the boy, leave him!
Leave me!
If you survive
I have an old mother in the village, sir.
Tell her that her son
was martyred with courage.
Tell her that her son
was martyred with courage.
She should be proud.
Take him!
Leave me, leave me!
Leave him, leave him!
Leave him and take me!
You will soon hear your friend screaming.
You'll wake up to those screams
every night until you die!
Pray that I die early.
Otherwise I will kill you!
Leave the boy, leave him!
I will kill you!
I will kill you!
Leave him!
I will destroy you all!
I will destroy you all!
What are you doing here?
Please, don't leave me here.
Please, don't leave me here.
He will kill me.
I beg you!
I beg you, don't leave me.
Don't leave me to him.
Don't leave me to him.
Do something.
Don't leave me to him, I beg you!
What did I say to you?
What did I say to you?
What did I say to you?
What did I say to you?
Didn't I tell you I would kill you?
That's enough, sir!
-That's enough, sir!
-Leave me.
Come here!
-That's enough, sir!
Stand up! Come here!
Stand up! Come here!
Let's go!
Let's go!
All stones will be broken until sunrise!
For the sake of freedom!
God is the greatest!
Kill them!
The Ottomans are coming!
The Ottomans are coming!
The Ottomans are coming!
The Ottomans are coming!
Come on, knights! It's time to fight!
We have to get out of here
as soon as possible.
There's a little left, Master Urban.
Bear it.
We'll be out soon.
No, let's catch our breath.
The cell I stayed in
It caused me some problems.
We have to catch up with our prince.
We have to catch up with our prince.
Let's not waste our time.
Helena knew we were coming.
Someone told her.
Only Pedro knew that we were
in the city changed us.
Only Pedro knew that we were
in the city changed us.
Is Pedro that merchant?
He's the man who sold you to Byzantium.
Maybe it is a mistake?
He himself came to palace and tell Helena.
I heard it with my own ears.
Is your name Hasan?
Is your name Hasan?
Yes, but
Why did you ask?
It was Pedro who killed your father.
We all left someone
from our family in this city.
We all left someone
from our family in this city.
Brother Hassan.
Let's go.
Why am I the last to know
with every event, Notaras?
Why am I the last to know
with every event, Notaras?
You are very right, Emperor.
Events developed suddenly.
-As fast as I can
-Where is my mom?
-As fast as I can
-Where is my mom?
Your mother, Empress Helena
She interrogates the spies she
caught in Orhan's palace, sir.
If Mehmed was there
He would have destroyed
that palace for his men, Notaras.
He would have destroyed
that palace for his men, Notaras.
Don't you think it was Prince Mehmed
who went inside the city walls?
Don't you think it was Prince Mehmed
who went inside the city walls?
He must have gone there.
Notify the guards, Notaras.
-We'll go to the walls.
-Okay, sir.
Come on, everyone here, come on!
Saltuk's are late.
Saltuk's are late.
There must be a problem.
We can't wait any longer.
Not without Urban.
Sir, this place will be full of guards.
We can't resist.
Sir, this place will be full of guards.
We can't resist.
Listen to me, Master Urban.
My prince, the boy has no one.
Let's take him with us.
Okay, Zagnos.
Come on, boy.
You are coming with us.
They are here.
Thank God.
-Come here.
Come on, Zagnos.
Let's go.
They are late, sir.
We will wait until dawn breaks.
And after that?
There is no after, Hamza.
God willing, we will take our prince,
our companions and we will return.
God willing, we will take our prince,
our companions and we will return.
God willing, sir.
Did you catch them? Where are they?
Unfortunately, sir.
-They escaped with the slaves.
-They escaped with the slaves.
What were you doing here?
How could they?!
After the slaves joined the rebellion,
our guards weren't enough, sir.
Enough, Notaras!
Send men after them, Notaras, hurry!
Send men after them, Notaras, hurry!
Come with me.
-Thank God you came, thank God.
-Praise be to God, sir.
Where is Hasan?
He spoke to me before leaving town.
He said he wanted to stay
in the city voluntarily
to find the killer of his father
and revenge on him.
to find the killer of his father
and revenge on him.
If they have within their walls,
everything outside is ours.
There will be those who come after us.
Stay here.
There will be those who come after us.
Stay here.
Yes, sir.
Let's hit the road quickly.
They are waiting for us in Edirne.
They are waiting for us in Edirne.
You must go to Bursa.
What is it, Bali Bey?
Your mother, Huma Hatun.
She delivered the trust.
She delivered the trust.
Forgive me, forgive me.
I did not know.
I did not know.
Halil Pasa.
Halil Pasa.
Halil Pasa.
Halil Pasa.
Sir, sir!
Don't let go.
Halil Pasa.
What will I say to Mehmed?
What am I going to say?
What will I say to Mehmed?
What am I going to say?
We belong to Allah
and to Him we shall return.
We belong to Allah
and to Him we shall return.
Are you a little nervous?
How can I not?
An Ottoman prince entered our city,
did what he wanted and left freely.
An Ottoman prince entered our city,
did what he wanted and left freely.
How could I know Alex
was going to betray us?
How could I know Alex
was going to betray us?
You should have thought about
that before you kill Zoe, mom.
Don't look at Notaras, he is the
Megas Doux of Byzantium.
As for you, you didn't even feel
the need to tell me.
I did what was necessary
for our own good.
Exactly like your accession
to the throne of Byzantium.
Exactly like your accession
to the throne of Byzantium.
Do not you dare.
Do not you dare
Tell me that again.
Otherwise, it will be expensive, mom.
Otherwise, it will be expensive, mom.
-How was the deceased?
-She was a good person.
-Do you forgive her?
-We forgive her.
-Do you forgive her?
-We forgive her.
-Do you forgive her?
-We forgive her.
I intended to pray for God.
I intended to pray
for the Messenger of God.
I intended to pray
for the Messenger of God.
I intended to pray for the deceased.
I followed the present imam.
For our lady.
God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
Stop sir, why do you take without asking?
Stop sir, why do you take without asking?
We'll pay for it.
We'll pay for it.
They are sold, sir.
I'm taking it to its owner.
Let it be two missing,
nothing bad will happen!
They are numbered, sir.
It is their right.
You talked enough!
What are you doing here?
You gave them too much consideration.
He turned the capital upside
down for two apples.
Forgiveness of God.
He said it isn't for sale.
It is numbered!
He said it isn't for sale.
It is numbered!
Come on, walk.
He counted it wrong,
let him count it again.
He counted it wrong,
let him count it again.
Come on, gather around.
Come on, gather!
What are you looking at?
Ulubatli remained alone in the city.
Don't worry, don't worry.
Don't worry, don't worry.
He will calm his nerves
and come back, come on.
Come on, gather, you brave ones!
-Are we going to Bursa, sir?
-No, we'll return to the capital.
-Are we going to Bursa, sir?
-No, we'll return to the capital.
The Governor ordered it.
Come on, come on!
If I didn't send your mother here
If I didn't send your mother here
All of this might not have happened.
precedes caution.
This is her destiny.
I was a victim of my anger, son.
It wasn't right.
I couldn't take care your mother,
or your brother Aladdin.
or your brother Aladdin.
Can you forgive me?
Forgive you?
Pardon me, father.
Only my mother can forgive you.
Reyhan, the slave girls' hostel is full
with tree leaves. Why don't you take care?
Huma Hatun was in the stormy days,
maximum two days
Huma Hatun was in the stormy days,
maximum two days
Huma no longer exist!
I am here.
Even there is flood,
you'll clean it five times everyday.
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.
After they wipe, clean the marble.
When it's rainy,
cleaning them won't be of much help.
-But if you want
-I'm not asking.
-But if you want
-I'm not asking.
I command.
The era of disobedience is over.
Here you go, prince.
Let's console each other.
There is nothing feeling
you better, right?
You fly in the sky, but
You can't find a branch to lean on, right?
Yes, Master Ak.
As if this whole world
It is alone for me.
I no longer have anyone to lean on.
The light of the eye
is the joy of the heart.
The light of the eye
is the joy of the heart.
It cannot be replaced by anything.
Its pain is deep.
I know your heart burns like coal.
I know your heart burns like coal.
To be an orphan means to be alone.
Every breath I take
Every breath I take
It hurts me, master.
Is there no solution to this sadness?
Will every pain be forgotten,
And every trouble will get better, Mehmed?
Is what makes one human
their victories?
Is what makes one human
their victories?
Feelings, sadness, pain
Aren't they part of humanity?
Do you know why I left the pen and ink
And told us two orphans?
And told us two orphans?
You've thought about it, haven't you?
Why this old man thinks himself
as a orphan?
I will, Mehmed.
When I hear a child saying mother
The fire in my heart gets hotter.
The fire in my heart gets hotter.
I feel like an orphan again.
I find my tears falling again.
Let them fall.
What is the use of tears if they
don't flow for the loss of a mother?
Don't hold yourself back.
Just cry.
Bring out the pain inside you.
Surely the eyes will fill
and cry for the mother.
Surely the eyes will fill
and cry for the mother.
But don't forget,
there is no eternal separation.
Direct your heart toward
eternal encounter.
Direct your heart toward
eternal encounter.
Until then,
her face will remain in your mind
And your mother's words in your ears.
And when it's time to leave
We'll meet our mothers,
then we will certainly find safety.
We'll meet our mothers,
then we will certainly find safety.
Your mother, you have separated from
You'll keep her alive
with things you got from her.
With your kindness
And with your mercy.
Let me ask you the hard question now.
If Huma Hatun was alive,
If Huma Hatun was alive,
which whispered you
the Constantinople story,
and told you the Prophet' hadith
like a lullaby
What would she say and want from you?
What would she say and want from you?
Stand up, master.
She couldn't bear seeing my sad.
So, stand tall, Mehmed.
Hit the road.
Work hard.
And don't forget
Every beginning has an end.
Everything that comes will go.
Everything will fade, everything fresh
will get old and everyone will die.
Only God is eternal and everlasting.
Thank you, master.
Do not deprive me of
your prayers or your help.
My prayers and my help
are with you, Mehmed.
My prayers and my help
are with you, Mehmed.
May God ease your path.
If you want love in this house,
you must leave it.
You have to bear the pain,
to get better.
You mustn't wait anything.
You mustn't wait anything.
Only those who seeks the end
reaches their goals.
Food was distributed for Huma Hatun
as you requested, sir.
Food was distributed for Huma Hatun
as you requested, sir.
May her soul rest in peace.
May God inspire you patience, sir.
May she rest in peace.
-My deepest condolences, sir.
-My deepest condolences, sir.
Will we return to Manisa?
To the capital, Edirne.
Urban has many enemies.
Janos, Orhan, and Helena.
Janos, Orhan, and Helena.
We've been through so much.
I can't leave him there.
Our prince's order is a decree!
(Mevlid-i Serif Veladet Bahri)
(Mevlid-i Serif Veladet Bahri)
Accordingly, they'll pay on Friday.
Yes, thank God.
We are find in the rule of Murad.
May God prolong his life.
Allow me, gentlemen.
-Where are you going?
-I want to see Dogan Agha.
Do you think everyone
who comes here can see him?
Do you think everyone
who comes here can see him?
Tell us your problem and we'll tell him.
Today I was robbed by
some of your comrades.
They also assaulted me.
-What? What's wrong with this man?
-He wants to see Kurtcu Agha, sir.
Why would it be?
Why would it be?
At this time?
Haci Bektas says: "Control your hand."
"Control your body."
Tell us what you have to say.
Tell us what you have to say.
If what you say is true
Your comrades robbed me today.
And they assaulted me. Is this
how you be a friend to Haci Bektas?
And they assaulted me. Is this
how you be a friend to Haci Bektas?
If you are right, you are right.
Tell me.
-Would you recognize them?
This is the wage of
the fifteenth battalion.
This is the wage of
the fifteenth battalion.
Bektas Agha, gather
your comrades and distribute it.
Okay, sir.
Okay, sir.
What is it, Mustafa?
Why aren't you in training?
Some comrades created chaos
returning from the invasion, sir.
Some comrades created chaos
returning from the invasion, sir.
We must create a council
and issue an order.
What is their fault?
They disobeyed their commanders.
They did not obey.
They caused chaos as they returned.
-And disturbed people's comfort.
-It is important to listen.
-And disturbed people's comfort.
-It is important to listen.
Because the troop is built on it.
You talked to Prince,
without telling Kurtcu Agha.
What will we do about it?
without telling Kurtcu Agha.
What will we do about it?
We have postponed that, sir.
Mustafa Agha must be lucky
that guns saved our Sultan.
Mustafa Agha must be lucky
that guns saved our Sultan.
But the concern for the comfort
of the people is more important.
We saved ourselves after making a promise
to the Sultan Murad Khan in Bucuktepe.
We saved ourselves after making a promise
to the Sultan Murad Khan in Bucuktepe.
If he hears this returning from Bursa
If he hears this returning from Bursa
He'll hang us in the square.
There is no need for the council, sir.
Take those men to the square.
Take their helmets and shoes.
And tear off their collars.
They won't work anymore. Anyone who
strays from the path is not our comrade.
They won't work anymore. Anyone who
strays from the path is not our comrade.
Let everyone see them and learn.
Is this how you'll gain strength, Gulsah?
Will you earn Mehmed by not eating?
After everything,
I no longer have a mother or father.
After everything,
I no longer have a mother or father.
They both left angry.
I was left alone in this big palace.
Don't think yourself alone.
Why am I here?
Don't think yourself alone.
Why am I here?
Tell me, is being ashamed
or being defeated worse?
Tell me, is being ashamed
or being defeated worse?
I am both ashamed and defeated.
I have no pride or love left.
I have no pride or love left.
Heart and pride.
Everyone lives for that, of course.
But there is one thing
But there is one thing
When you get it,
everything will follow.
It is authority!
It is authority!
Mehmed might become Sultan one day.
Who will she keep by his side then?
The one he loved
The one he loved
Or what suits him?
He sees no one but Bahar.
Even our marriage is political.
For now.
When Mehmed becomes Sultan,
he'll want a noble lady!
When Mehmed becomes Sultan,
he'll want a noble lady!
Look at yourself, Gulsah,
then take a look at Bahar.
Do you suit Mehmed or does Bahar suit?
Do you suit Mehmed or does Bahar suit?
And decide.
Will you give up?
Or will you fight for what you deserve?
These three men
They disobeyed the orders
of the Horasan Shah!
Our boots which shows strength
is too much for these ignorant!
Take them off!
These three men
They stole Muslim goods.
They can't wear our helmets of chivalry!
They can't wear our helmets of chivalry!
Take them off!
Comrades! These three men
They disobeyed orders
and deviated from the path.
They can't wear our clothes
showing our comrades!
They can't wear our clothes
showing our comrades!
Take them off!
You are not our comrades anymore.
Get out of our way.
-So? What will happen?
-Who knows how they'll be ruined.
-So? What will happen?
-Who knows how they'll be ruined.
They have weakened.
They separated like a branch from a tree.
Their fate is left up to the wind.
Let's go inside, Pasa.
All preparations have been made, sir.
Don't let go.
We cannot prevent the
term when the time comes.
Doctor! Call the doctor!
Sultan Murad Han's heart
won't bear this pain.
How much that heart carried, Pasa!
How much that heart carried, Pasa!
This is Sultan Murad Han.
Do you think he will soften?
Don't say that, this is different.
Do you think the Candarli
went after him in vain?
Do you think the Candarli
went after him in vain?
Huh? But
What makes me think is the future.
What will happen to us
if Mehmed takes the throne again?
What will happen to us
if Mehmed takes the throne again?
What? Has fear crept into your heart?
Why would I care, Dogan Agha?
Rather, you are the one
who should be afraid.
Why did you see me scared, Pasa?
Why did you see me scared, Pasa?
Be scared, Dogan Agha!
Did I shed blood while Mehmed was Sultan?
Did I destroy the capital?
Did I put the Janissaries to confront
Mehmed in Bucuktepe, Dogan aGHA?
Did I put the Janissaries to confront
Mehmed in Bucuktepe, Dogan aGHA?
Now tell me.
If Mehmed ascends the throne again
Will my head be cut off or yours?
Will my head be cut off or yours?
You started talking!
Tell me what your problem is.
Now listen to me carefully.
Isn't your master here?
Then you'll give the meats today.
Don't do it!
My hand! My hand!
Did you think you would get away with it?
Haven't you ever thought about
what will happen to you?
Haven't you even think a while
when you trapped the prince?!
Don't do it!
My arm!
My arm!
Didn't you ever think that Hasan will hear
and he'll get his revenge?!
You have no breath
to take left in this world.
You have no breath
to take left in this world.
What I want to say is
that Prince Ahmed will grow up.
In a few years, he'll be strong.
In a few years, he'll be strong.
He'll be powerful!
What if he didn't?
How about Orhan?
How about Orhan?
Watch your words, Pasa!
-Why would we work with him?!
Isn't ruling in his blood?
Isn't he from the descendants
of the Oghuz, Ottomans?
Isn't he from the descendants
of the Oghuz, Ottomans?
Think well, think well Dogan Agha.
There is execution
at the end of this road.
There is execution
at the end of this road.
What does Candarli think on this?
Everyone knows someone like him!
Everyone knows someone like him!
Right, Kurtcu?
What do I say and what do you say?!
Suppose the Sultan Murad Han is dead.
Suppose the Sultan Murad Han is dead.
You are talking about Ahmed
and Orhan, but
What about Mehmed?
What will happen to him?
You will think about it.
You will think about it.
Did I come here in vain?
Either you kill him first
Or he'll kill you once
he takes the throne.
Or he'll kill you once
he takes the throne.
Okay, but who will do it?
We don't need anything exaggerated.
A leaf cut off from its leaves
will do the job.
Let them not make a sound,
that's enough.
Let them not make a sound,
that's enough.
Yes, I won again!
It's yours, take it.
Good luck guys!
-Thank you, brave man. Tell us.
-Who are you looking for?
-I'm looking for the fallen.
-Aren't they here?
-Forget about them.
-Aren't they here?
-Forget about them.
Come here and play, brother!
You look like a rich man!
I said I was looking for fallen!
Who are you to come here and yell at us?
Who are you to come here and yell at us?
Kurtcu Dogan, leader of the Janissaries.
Look at the man! He thinks himself
Kurtcu Dogan even though he is sober!
Look at the man! He thinks himself
Kurtcu Dogan even though he is sober!
Far from it! If he drank, he would
think himself Sultan Murad!
Oh God!
Oh God!
Enough warm-up!
I will burn anyone who says Sultan
Murad Han's name without permission.
I will burn anyone who says Sultan
Murad Han's name without permission.
Now tell me.
Where are the fallen?
Dogan Agha.
Dogan Agha.
Healer, In the name of God.
Healer, In the name of God.
In the name of God.
In the name of God.
Sir, we have made our preparations.
Let's hit the road if you are healthy.
Let's hit the road if you are healthy.
The evil of the day is better
than the good of the night.
We'll see it in the morning, Candarli.
Okay, sir.
As you see fit.
Yes, sir?
Get closer.
Sit here.
-Yes, sir?
-Yes, sir?
We don't know what is in our fate.
There is no need to talk much.
There is no need to talk much.
If something happens to me
If something happens to me
The state is in your trust, Candarli.
The state is in your trust, Candarli.
What words are these, sir?!
-If God decrees for me--
You get what I mean, don't you?
Yes, sir.
Enjoy it.
I know the fire in you.
I also know that the rules are strict.
I also know that the rules are strict.
But you still have
a chance to return to the Corps.
How will this happen, sir?
How will this happen, sir?
Our reputation has been ruined.
All this does not concern me.
I'll set the law.
I'll set the law.
Okay, sir.
Okay, but tell us what's on your mind.
-How will it happen?
-It is easy.
But its consequences are difficult.
And now
Come closer.
Listen to me carefully.
And listen to what I have to say.
Peace and mercy of God.
Peace and mercy of God.
-May God accept it, Prince.
-May God accept.
-May God accept it, Prince.
-May God accept.
Let's reach the capital before evening.
Put out the fires and prepare the horses.
Put out the fires and prepare the horses.
Let's go!
Is Candarli Pasa aware with
the operation we are doing, sir?
Don't talk too much, Bektas.
If the fail, they'll follow us, sir.
They will follow and find us.
Don't talk nonsense.
Don't talk nonsense.
Do what's up to you.
We set up an ambush.
They won't get out alive.
What did our prince do?
What will he do, Hamza?
He must be on the way.
What will he do, Hamza?
He must be on the way.
He'll be here before evening.
When will we reach the border?
You know, heroes in the corp
is waiting for our return.
Once our prince comes back,
we'll get the permission and go back.
Once our prince comes back,
we'll get the permission and go back.
Okay, sir.
Shahab ad-Din.
-Are you fine?
-I'm fine.
Up there!
Ishak Pasa!
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