Mehmed: Fetihler Sultani (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
[Mehmed: Sultan of Conquers]
The story and characters in the
series are inspired by history.
No living beings were harmed
while filming this series.
Every soul will taste death,
then to us you will be returned.
Every soul will taste death,
then to us you will be returned.
And those who believe and work,
And those who believe and work,
We'll give them rooms in heaven
with flowing rivers beneath.
We'll give them rooms in heaven
with flowing rivers beneath.
We'll place them in the palaces of heaven.
We'll place them in the palaces of heaven.
Great truth of God!
Atmaca, send two
of the fastest messengers.
Hand this over to the
prince Orhan in Constantinople.
Hand this over to the
prince Orhan in Constantinople.
And send this to Prince Mehmed in Saruhan.
Tell them that our Sultan
has reached to God
And they must come here.
Come on.
Let's see who will get it.
Let's see who will get it.
Orhan or Mehmed?
Did you send word to the Janissaries
in Karamanoglu, Lala?
As you commanded, Prince.
If Ibrahim Bey risked this
Some other emirates might support him.
Sir, what Ibrahim Bey did
is an declaration of war to our state.
Sir, what Ibrahim Bey did
is an declaration of war to our state.
If you'll excuse me, I'll go to
the capital and tell our Sultan.
For now, he shouldn't hear it, Zagnos.
For now, he shouldn't hear it, Zagnos.
But they tried to kill you.
How do we know they will stop there?
It isn't okay to shed innocent people
blood in Karaman because of Ibrahim Bey.
It isn't okay to shed innocent people
blood in Karaman because of Ibrahim Bey.
Just be careful, that's enough.
Have no doubt.
Finish your words, Pasa.
Sir, marriage is not possible based
on suspicion.
Mrs. Gulsah led us into a trap.
If we are alive today
We owe it to Mrs. Gulsah.
We owe it to Mrs. Gulsah.
Forgive me, sir.
Mrs. Gulsah is the reason we lived this.
You can go.
They used to say good leads
to evil but I didn't believe it.
They used to say good leads
to evil but I didn't believe it.
You took advantage of me!
You deceived me.
How can you do this, Gulsah?
Tell me, how do you do that?
Do not pressure me, Bahar.
I know what I've done.
But the burden on my shoulders
It is for entire Karaman.
My father
My father forced me to do this.
My father forced me to do this.
Are you fooling yourself
with these excuses?
I wish they were excuses.
But it's true.
He hurt me saying you can't
live with this shame.
Now you blame your father!
Now you blame your father!
How do I know you don't
say these to save yourself?
I abandoned my family
for the sake of Mehmed, Bahar.
I disobeyed my father.
If I cared about my life,
would I have done this?
I do not believe anything you say.
I do not believe anything you say.
Do not tire yourself.
I have already given up on myself, Bahar.
I'm satisfied with the ruling
and the punishment of Mehmed.
Do not worry.
You will not wait long.
Mehmed will divorce you
and spit in your face in no time!
Mehmed will divorce you
and spit in your face in no time!
Then you'll realize that crying
and whining is not the solution.
Then you'll realize that crying
and whining is not the solution.
-What is it?
-There is news from the capital.
I need to give it to Bali Bey.
Give it to me.
They sent it from the capital, sir.
Sultan Murad Han has died.
This is a time for mourning.
What happened, Notaras?
Your son, Emperor Constantinos
He invites you to senate chamber, ma'am.
He invites you to senate chamber, ma'am.
The plan we made through senators worked.
That is, he finally realized
who has the real power.
Isn't it always like this, Helena?
This is the only thing
new emperors can't see.
They think they own the
throne with a gust of wind
They think they own the
throne with a gust of wind
And the feel comfortable.
They make decisions at their discretion.
Then another wind blows.
Then another wind blows.
It shook their throne.
Then they worship
the real owner of the throne.
He is just a poor, miserable emperor
holding tight to his mother's skirt.
He is just a poor, miserable emperor
holding tight to his mother's skirt.
He now waits for you in the senate room.
In the name of God.
In the name of God.
Why do they cut off
the tails of the horses, sir?
We create the flag of war
for our rulers from horse's tails.
We create the flag of war
for our rulers from horse's tails.
And now they nail
the horseshoe's upside down.
They also have the right to mourn.
Do they sprinkle salt on horses' faces?
-Aren't they in pain, sir?
-Aren't they in pain, sir?
Yes, they are in pain.
They do, but it is an old Oghuz tradition.
When a ruler dies
Horses cry first.
Horses cry first.
Why is he doing this?
It is an Akinci tradition.
It is an Akinci tradition.
When one Turkish ruler dies
Leader of Akinci's cuts his hair.
Will he do something to his face?
He'll scratch it.
Why does he bleed?
To let his blood mix with his tears.
This is where the idiom
crying blood comes from.
Drink, so you can grow up!
Drink, so you can grow up!
And if you don't, you won't grow up!
Attention, Mrs. Gulsah!
Attention, Mrs. Gulsah!
What happened, my prince?
What happened, my prince?
You are a bad person.
Where did you get it from?
Where did you get it from?
My mother said you wanted
to kill my father.
Why do you want it?
Is it because he got mad at you?
He gets angry with me too,
but I don't think about harming him.
He gets angry with me too,
but I don't think about harming him.
What are you thinking?
It is a tough decision, Bahar.
Understand me.
She tried to kill you.
Will you keep her in your palace
as if nothing happened?
She realizes her guilt.
She also asked for forgiveness.
She realizes her guilt.
She also asked for forgiveness.
We are both witnesses to her grief.
I don't think she'll try it again.
You can't believe his crocodile tears
and forgive her, Mehmed!
You can't believe his crocodile tears
and forgive her, Mehmed!
Do you think they'll let us live here
while Karamanoglu's are sad?
What if Ibrahim deceives
his daughter again?
What if Ibrahim deceives
his daughter again?
What would we do if they kill you, Mehmed?
Will your child become an orphan?
And should the state will be left
without a future?
Do you want this, Mehmed?
Let's say you don't think
about you and me.
At least think about your kid, Mehmed.
What if they hurt him?
What if they hurt him?
Will you come to your senses then, Mehmed?
I am not telling you to kill her.
I am not saying to exile her.
I just want you to divorce her, Mehmed.
Divorce Gulsah, Mehmed.
This is what is best for all of us.
Since everyone is talking
Since everyone is talking
It is my turn now.
The fact of the matter is that you
never think about your people.
The fact of the matter is that you
never think about your people.
You don't even care about
the poverty Byzantium suffers.
When was the last time
you went out into the street?
When was the last time
you went out into the street?
I ask you, when was the last time?
Hunger and obscenity control the city!
Because you rats, whom called senators,
You don't care about anything else
other than gold you'll earn!
-We can't accept this.
-We can't accept this.
All that matters to you
is your personal wealth.
All you can think about is
It is your full stomach and pleasures.
This is unfair to Senate!
This is an insult to us!
Shut up and listen to me!
It is a scandal to address
Senate members this way.
It is a scandal to address
Senate members this way.
We won't listen anymore.
That is not real!
-Sit down, you idiot.
-We can't take this!
You are betrayers,
who disobeyed your emperor,
You are betrayers,
who disobeyed your emperor,
And listened to his mother!
And I can't stand betrayal.
Watch your puppet senators, mother.
Watch your puppet senators, mother.
This is an insult.
Enough, Constantinos.
We're just getting started, mother.
Mercy, Emperor.
No mercy, my rules apply now.
Stop, don't do it.
There is no longer an obstacle
between you and Senators, mom.
There is no longer an obstacle
between you and Senators, mom.
They are yours and Rome is mine.
Hasibe Hatun has come, sir.
What's going on, Ibrahim Bey?
Is my daughter Gulsah okay?
Is my daughter Gulsah okay?
Your daughter did it!
Your daughter who sold us to Ottomans!
Your daughter did it!
Your daughter who sold us to Ottomans!
I don't have a daughter
who would agree to live with a scorpion.
I don't have a daughter
who would agree to live with a scorpion.
Stand tall.
-It's clear that
-All this happened to us because of you.
Don't make me angry anymore!
What happened when
you acted calm, Ibrahim Bey?
What happened when
you acted calm, Ibrahim Bey?
They just said war and left.
Your soldiers died.
They wanted your daughter, you gave them.
Your soldiers died.
They wanted your daughter, you gave them.
She was left on the wedding night.
And now
For the sake of Rustem's in that bag
For the sake of Rustem's in that bag
Do what suits you.
Tell me, Ibrahim Bey.
Tell me, Ibrahim Bey.
Should we go to Rustem's
funeral with a water sieve?
Or should we rain fire on Ottomans?
Or should we rain fire on Ottomans?
What have you done?
What have you done?
How did you manage
to do something so crazy?
You should have thought of it
before making me crazy, mother.
You should have thought of it
before making me crazy, mother.
I wanted to show you that Emperor
of Rome won't be under anyone's shadow.
I never thought you would do all this!
You were defeated because you didn't
see my power and capability, mother.
You were defeated because you didn't
see my power and capability, mother.
Now tell me, does Rome
have an Empress or an Emperor?
Now tell me, does Rome
have an Empress or an Emperor?
Come on, Notaras, Grand Duke of Byzantium.
Come on, Notaras, Grand Duke of Byzantium.
See the great work of the Emperor.
Your Excellency
The Sultan of the Ottomans,
Murad Han, has died.
They summoned Orhan from Edirne, Emperor.
It is news of the death of the Sultan.
Send him to the borders.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
What's up, Ishak?
I just got the news.
I get Orhan, but why did you send
a messenger to Mehmed, Pasa?
I get Orhan, but why did you send
a messenger to Mehmed, Pasa?
-That's what it takes, it's tradition.
Are you distracted by sadness, sir?
Are you distracted by sadness, sir?
We have brought down Mehmed
from the throne.
What do you think will happen
when becomes a Sultan?
What do you think will happen
when becomes a Sultan?
Where is Orhan, Ishak?
What about Mehmed?
What about Mehmed?
Who is at the capital right now?
Who controls a state without a ruler?
Who controls a state without a ruler?
Candarli Halil. Neither Mehmed nor Orhan.
The state is my inheritance
from my ancestors.
What if Mehmed comes
and tries to kill you?
Is that easy?
Only God can rule death
to Candarli Halil Pasa.
Only God can rule death
to Candarli Halil Pasa.
May God protect it, sir.
I won't leave this state neither
to a prince as a toy for the infidel
Nor to a fake Sultan who'll destroy
the state with his dreams.
Nor to a fake Sultan who'll destroy
the state with his dreams.
-But, sir
-Don't prolong it!
This state what created with traditions.
It will live and die that way.
This state what created with traditions.
It will live and die that way.
What do you talk about?!
It's about your life, sir.
Are our lives more important than
the future of our country, Ishak?
Are our lives more important than
the future of our country, Ishak?
We've been waiting for this, Orhan.
Today I am a true emperor of Rome.
Now it's your turn.
Now it's your turn.
When I get what's right for me
You and I'll be the best allies ever.
And Rome will gain its former glory.
And Rome will gain its former glory.
Tighter, come on!
It is done, sir.
We had the same dream at Yenice.
It remained incomplete.
But today nothing will remain unfinished.
But today nothing will remain unfinished.
My guard unit is outside.
They'll be with you to Edirne.
Entering Edirne with Byzantine
soldiers won't be nice.
Entering Edirne with Byzantine
soldiers won't be nice.
Rest assured.
I'll go with the Turkish gentlemen
from Anatolia,
I'll go with the Turkish gentlemen
from Anatolia,
whose problem I solved,
and waited for today.
I will go to Edirne with them.
I will go to Edirne with them.
Your late father's
Kasim Celebi's sword, sir.
Your late father's
Kasim Celebi's sword, sir.
Be loyal to our authority.
Be loyal to our authority.
Try to tell the truth.
-Let's say hu, friends.
-Let's say life, guys!
-Let's say life, guys!
-Let's say it's truth, friends.
Oh God!
God bless.
Oh God, God bless!
Oh God, God bless!
Oh God, God bless!
Skip the introduction, tell me.
The news is true,
a messenger is send to Mehmed.
The news is true,
a messenger is send to Mehmed.
It went to Orhan as well.
It is Candarli.
It's not easy.
It's not easy.
What shall we do sir? If Mehmed becomes
a Sultan, he'll skin us alive!
Don't say that!
Respect your hood.
Respect your hood.
His father saved him at Bucuktepe.
But it won't happen this time.
But it won't happen this time.
Tell the leaders close to us.
Once the soldiers sleep, we'll meet.
But be careful,
Mustafa Agha shouldn't hear it.
But be careful,
Mustafa Agha shouldn't hear it.
Gulsah Hatun has come, sir.
You know why I called you here.
Right, Gulsah Hatun?
Yes, my prince.
I just want you to listen.
I just want you to listen.
When I acted behind you that night
I lost my parents.
I lost my parents.
I have neither a place to go
Nor people to be with.
I don't say these to make you feel
sorry for me and change your mind.
I don't care about anything.
I stood for the truth I know.
I stood for the truth I know.
I don't care about losing my parents.
But the lie I told you.
That's why I deserve your ruling.
That's why I deserve your ruling.
I'll obey whatever you say.
Know that
This isn't your husband Mehmed's decision.
It is ruler Mehmed's decision.
You are
Your lala Shahab ad-Din is here, sir.
He wants to meet you.
My father!
My prince
Murad Han
He has died.
May God bless your life.
My condolences.
The throne and the whole Ottoman
state awaits you.
The throne and the whole Ottoman
state awaits you.
Soldiers, you can't go there.
Go to your room and sleep, come on.
Soldiers, you can't go there.
Go to your room and sleep, come on.
This is the issue.
There is no need To prolong it.
We met to consult.
What will we do then?
What will we do then?
Will we pledge allegiance
to Mehmed or Orhan?
Mehmed can't be.
He'll hold us accountable for Bucuktepe.
Won't Orhan do it?!
Won't Orhan do it?!
Didn't we destroy his army
when he tried to rebel, sir?
Yes, but
What do you say, Dogan Agha?
They are dead ends.
What do you say, Dogan Agha?
They are dead ends.
I don't worry about Orhan.
He will want to lean on us.
But if Mehmed comes,
there will be bloodshed.
But if Mehmed comes,
there will be bloodshed.
What will we do?
What Candarli says?
What will we do?
What Candarli says?
Didn't he gave us a way?
It's going to be a little bloody, but
This birth is going to happen, guys.
This birth is going to happen, guys.
We can no longer turn our backs on anyone.
We are not sheep waiting
to be slaughtered!
We are not sheep waiting
to be slaughtered!
We will take care ourselves!
Wake up all who will support us
on our way!
We'll go to the capital
and wait for Mehmed.
We'll go to the capital
and wait for Mehmed.
Since our Sultan is dead
We have become the system
and the government!
We have become the system
and the government!
Shame on you!
Did you think tradition is over
because our Sultan died?
We belong to God
and to Him we shall return.
Shahab Al-Din told me. They sent Orhan
who is sitting on Rome's lap a messenger.
Shahab Al-Din told me. They sent Orhan
who is sitting on Rome's lap a messenger.
I'm afraid Orhan must be halfway there.
I'm afraid Orhan must be halfway there.
Prepare now, we'll hit
the road right away.
The order is our Sultan's.
Shahab ad-Din.
Shahab ad-Din.
My harem is your trust, come after us.
A white hood.
While my grandfather Kara Halil Pasa
created this legion by order,
He ordered them to wear white hoods.
He ordered them to wear white hoods.
And over it, he had put a crane father.
You know why, Kurtcu Agha?
I know, Pasa.
You knew but you forgot.
Because the crane loves to catch snakes.
It was so because Janissaries
would be the enemy's nightmare,
It was so because Janissaries
would be the enemy's nightmare,
And so that it will protect the state.
Is it time to rebel while Murad Han
just died, Kurtcu?
Is it time to rebel while Murad Han
just died, Kurtcu?
We only cared about the state, Pasa.
-But if Mehmed comes
-Forget about Mehmed now!
-But if Mehmed comes
-Forget about Mehmed now!
And tell me.
Do you know the prayer when
Haci Bektas put the hood,
on the first Jannisary?
on the first Jannisary?
-I know it, Pasa.
-You forgot it, too.
He said a short prayer in Turkish, but
He said a short prayer in Turkish, but
In my opinion it was very important.
If you look from the beginning,
you will see a vast and endless oasis,
If you look from the beginning,
you will see a vast and endless oasis,
If you look from its end,
you will see a deep, bottomless ocean.
Haci Bektas Veli said: “May your ending
be better than your beginning.”
Haci Bektas Veli said: “May your ending
be better than your beginning.”
Let me explain to you
so you can understand.
"May your end be better
then your present."
"May your end be better
then your present."
We thought about it, too, Pasa.
If Mehmed comes and takes the throne,
If Mehmed comes and takes the throne,
It will not be good for any of us.
If he Orhan becomes Sultan,
this is a problem.
If he Orhan becomes Sultan,
this is a problem.
If Mehmed becomes one,
it is another one.
Do you think I get on an adventure
without thinking any of these?
Do you think I get on an adventure
without thinking any of these?
You think I didn't calculate them?
How will it happen?
Not Orhan, not Mehmed?
How will it happen?
Not Orhan, not Mehmed?
The people who have the Ahmed,
is safe, Kurtcu.
The people who have the Ahmed,
is safe, Kurtcu.
Mother, I'm bored here.
When are we going out?
We will stay here longer, my prince.
You can play any game you want here.
You did this
to yourself, mother.
You wanted me to be your doll.
And now your neck
It is under my sword.
You wanted to humiliate me
and control of Rome.
Now your name
It is under my feet.
Forgive me, son.
Forgive me, you were right.
I did this so you wouldn't get hurt.
I interfered in your affairs so that
you don't look like a weak emperor
I interfered in your affairs so that
you don't look like a weak emperor
In the eyes of the Rome
and they didn't hurt you.
I talked the senators to show
your throne's power, not mine.
I talked the senators to show
your throne's power, not mine.
I did it all as a mother who wanted
to protect his son.
I did it all as a mother who wanted
to protect his son.
Pardon me.
Pardon me, son.
Pardon me.
Pardon me.
The time has come.
The time has come.
My father, the Sultan,
passed away from the mortal world
And he went to God.
And he went to God.
We must now
Spread the greatness of the country
Murad Han led to these days!
Spread the greatness of the country
Murad Han led to these days!
Orhan, who considered
the cross remained his abode,
He already started moving
to sit on that blessed throne.
He already started moving
to sit on that blessed throne.
Lion skin is not suitable for a jackal!
If we die, heaven is ours.
If we stay, the state is ours!
If we die, heaven is ours.
If we stay, the state is ours!
Whoever loves me, come after me!
Whoever loves me, come after me!
The teacher did not
enter the lesson today.
Were you able to find out why?
She was sick, the other teacher
took the lesson.
She was sick, the other teacher
took the lesson.
Are needs met in the kitchen then?
Everything you asked
for was done ma'am, don't worry.
I do not want any negligence
in the harem.
I do not want any negligence
in the harem.
Everything must be done precisely.
We are following it, ma'am.
Is there any news about Halime?
Is she still missing?
Is there any news about Halime?
Is she still missing?
She rarely lefts her room, she doesn't
leave Prince Ahmed alone for a moment.
You know Halime.
Her actions are unpredictable.
Her actions are unpredictable.
You shouldn't leave her door for a second.
As you ordered, Reyhan Agha
and Daya Hatun are waiting.
Murad Han has entrusted Ahmed to us.
We'll take care of his trust.
You know Halime.
She might do something.
She might make a move through Ahmed.
We can't justify the blood
that will be spoiled.
They could have waited in here!
They could have waited in here!
What happened, Didar?
Why do you complain?
Our prince has become valuable, ma'am.
Our prince has become valuable, ma'am.
You are always valuable
to us my prince, that's why.
Dear Ahmed, go to sleep now.
Come on.
Reyhan Agha and Daya Hatun
stand at the door and guard it.
Reyhan Agha and Daya Hatun
stand at the door and guard it.
I know, they are watching my prince.
What shall we do, ma'am?
What shall we do, ma'am?
Are we going to wait?
I don't know, Didar.
But I won't leave my son to them!
But I won't leave my son to them!
Orhan is closer to
the throne than Mehmed.
Orhan is closer to
the throne than Mehmed.
From now on, your ally Sultan
will sit at the Ottoman throne.
He is close to us.
But we must not forget about Mehmed.
Yes, Mehmed has a long way.
Yes, Mehmed has a long way.
And I have a plan for him.
After passing through Gallipoli,
we'll build a barrier.
If the guard Orhan didn't take with him
on the road succeeds, they'll kill him.
If the guard Orhan didn't take with him
on the road succeeds, they'll kill him.
If they fail, we'll have saved Orhan time.
Your idea to attack Mehmed
is nice, Notaras.
But not like that,
Mehmed must have calculated it.
Instead of guards, we need a unit
to stop the Mehmed at the field.
Is there a strong hero capable of
stopping Mehmed in Karesi?
Is there a strong hero capable of
stopping Mehmed in Karesi?
Commander Felix, who you
appointed to replace Alex.
There isn't a better chance
to prove himself.
Or he will die.
You didn't eat anything
since morning, ma'am.
Eat a few bites.
Am I in a state to eat, Didar?
But this isn't fine, ma'am.
God forbid, you might lose strength.
God forbid, you might lose strength.
If you don't like this,
they can get other foods.
-Yes, ma'am.
Do we still have the old door
to the palace kitchen?
Do we still have the old door
to the palace kitchen?
It isn't used often, but yes.
Why did you ask?
We have to get out of here.
This is necessary for my Ahmed
to become a sultan.
Who will care about our Sultan?
Who will care about our Sultan?
Let's assume that he ascended the throne.
Neither Mehmed nor Orhan
will have mercy on him.
Neither Mehmed nor Orhan
will have mercy on him.
They will kill our prince, God forbid!
What if the Vizier Candarli Pasa
makes him ascend?
What if the Vizier Candarli Pasa
makes him ascend?
They teach everything
but not politics in harem, right?
If you knew how sharp politics is
You'd have understood what I said by now.
When Candarli bows, everyone will bow.
Neither the army, nor the ministers.
No one can oppose Sultanate of my Ahmed.
How do we get to Candarli Pasa, ma'am.
How do we get to Candarli Pasa, ma'am.
Come on, you go
and look at the kitchen door.
That door will make us ascend
to the throne.
That door will make us ascend
to the throne.
Untie the horses. They had enough rest.
We'll be in the capital soon, sir.
God willing, my hero, hopefully.
The longing we had,
the throne we waited
The longing we had,
the throne we waited
Malkacoglu Bali.
There is no way out
for you from here, Orhan.
There is no way out
for you from here, Orhan.
We'll see for whom it is
the end of the road.
Come on, my heroes!
Let the field see men!
Come on!
Didn't you learn what happened to Vesile,
Daya Hatun?
Do you even have authority
to threat me, Didar?
Do you even have authority
to threat me, Didar?
Do you think we don't listen?
Help us, or
I'll tell them you're involved
in poisoning of Huma Hatun.
They can't both get out.
It will get attention.
Take out Halime Hatun, she'll come back
one way or another and take Prince Ahmed.
Take out Halime Hatun, she'll come back
one way or another and take Prince Ahmed.
We'll not forget your favor, Daya Hatun.
Sir, God willing, by midnight
We'll have arrived to the Karesi.
We'll go to Gallipoli
from there without losing time.
But what is your solution to cross, sir?
We'll pass through Cimpe which my
great-grandfather, Suleyman Pasa passed.
We'll pass through Cimpe which my
great-grandfather, Suleyman Pasa passed.
At once with boats, if necessary.
This way, we'll get all across,
God willing.
This way, we'll get all across,
God willing.
But, my lord
Orhan is already near Edirne.
Orhan is already near Edirne.
I think he must have hit the road.
It is up to Bali Bey.
It is up to Bali Bey.
Either they'll stop them
Or a bloody fight awaits us
at the capital.
God forbid!
God forbid!
Noon is almost up.
We'll hit the road after
we perform our prayers.
The campaign is from us
and the victory is from God.
The campaign is from us
and the victory is from God.
Not here!
Not here!
We must retreat, sir!
We must retreat, sir!
I can't go back while
I almost got the throne!
Go away!
We'll distract those who come.
Saltuk Bey!
Orhan escapes!
Orhan escapes!
Oh, my God!
Let's go! Let's go!
He's running away.
My son is burning!
Maybe the it was too much.
Don't worry, ma'am. It'll pass soon.
Call Reyhan then.
Reyhan Agha!
Reyhan Agha, come quickly!
What is it? What's all the fuss?
Ahmed has fever.
I need to get him to infirmary!
He is burning, tell the doctor!
Open the door!
If your son Constantine sees you
walking around despite pardoning you
I won't take up much
of your time, Notaras.
I'm here to remind you of a few things.
We have a partnership, don't forget this.
Emperor Constantinos doesn't know you
killed his brother Johannes, I thought
If he knew about it
What would happen so, Helena?
We're like a medal, Helena.
On one side, you and on the other, I.
We're both going to the same place.
Moreover, I don't see any reason
for you to tell the Emperor about this.
There is no reason yet.
There is no reason yet.
But if you keep ignoring me like this
And if you cause Constantinos
to become my enemy again
I might have to tell him
the facts, Notaras.
Don't forget, Notaras
Your fate is still in my hands.
Your fate is still in my hands.
I won't.
I will not forget, Helena.
Come out quickly, ma'am!
If Reyhan Agha leaves our prince
and can't find you, he'll get mad!
If Reyhan Agha leaves our prince
and can't find you, he'll get mad!
Halime Sultan got your back now,
don't worry.
This door not being used
benefited us, ma'am.
No one will know this for our good.
No one will know this for our good.
No one will know, ma'am, don't worry.
I'll never forget this favor. Know it.
I'll never forget this favor. Know it.
It is the end, Orhan.
Will you stop me?
Yes, you did not live like men.
Now come and die like a man!
Now come and die like a man!
Kill this dog!
Come on!
Your betrayal ends here, traitor Orhan.
The end of the road is death, Orhan.
Saltuk Bey!
Leave me, you infidel!
You aren't upset because
we bothered you, right, Pasa?
Of course not!
Everything you say is an order.
Everything you say is an order.
This isn't a Sultan's order.
It is the cry of a worried mother, Pasa.
It is the cry of a worried mother, Pasa.
My son has also lost his father.
Before even he got buried
I'm afraid that he'll die.
Tell me, ma'am.
Explain your order to me.
What Mehmed did
They don't support him.
As for Orhan
The shadow of Byzantium
overshadowed him.
The shadow of Byzantium
overshadowed him.
No one respects the Sultan.
But you are the powerful agent
But you are the powerful agent
And his senior deputy.
You are the eye,
And the ears of this state.
You have the right of a lala.
You have the right of a lala.
You have efforts on Ahmed.
Help Ahmed to have the throne, Candarli.
Help Ahmed to have the throne, Candarli.
Even if our prince sits on the throne
Keeping him there is difficult.
Keeping him there is difficult.
He's still young.
He won't be able to protect his throne
against Orhan or Mehmed.
Is my son going to die
Is my son going to die
Before my eyes?
Help me, Candarli.
Save my son from this blazing fire.
Your mercy will save him
from this affliction.
Your mercy will save him
from this affliction.
God forbid, ma'am.
He won't be harmed, don't worry.
I'll take care of it.
As long as I exist, no one will harm him.
I have a plan, but it's dangerous.
Only then will we save the prince.
Only then will we save the prince.
Now tell me
Are you ready to pay the price for this?
Are you ready to pay the price for this?
You didn't want to take
my guard unit with you.
As for Turks you showered
with gold for years
As for Turks you showered
with gold for years
They were defeated, Orhan.
As I said
I didn't want to enter Edirne
with Byzantine soldiers.
It has
It has already happened.
But I didn’t left my business to luck.
But I didn’t left my business to luck.
I sent a unit of soldier to Mehmed.
If he can succeed
You may still have a chance.
What's your plan
For me?
I hope Felix succeeds.
What about Mehmed?
What if he skips him
And he sits on the throne?
You'll live with our hostage
You'll continue to live with us
As you did until today.
As you did until today.
We are here.
Karesi City.
The other side is Gallipoli.
The boats are ready, sir.
The sea is calm,
we'll pass without a problem.
The sea is calm,
we'll pass without a problem.
Certainly, the Byzantines
might guess we'll go to Gallipoli,
And prepare something for tonight.
They're preparing for tonight.
That's why we'll cross in the morning.
What do you think, Commander Felix?
What do you think, Commander Felix?
If we go in the morning,
we'll ruin their trick.
If they are bold enough
to fight with us during the day
They'll be the losers.
When we arrive in Edirne,
What will Halil Pasa do?
What do you think?
This is the question that must be asked.
The only thing I couldn't calculate
It is Candarli Halil Pasa.
He must be planning, but
He must be planning, but
It is hard to know
that before going to Edirne.
So we'll be here longer.
We couldn't rest today,
horses will fall from exhaustion.
We couldn't rest today,
horses will fall from exhaustion.
Rest them.
You are also exhausted, sir.
Go ahead and rest.
You are also exhausted, sir.
Go ahead and rest.
Thanks, Pasa.
Guys, take turns guarding among you.
Guys, take turns guarding among you.
Get ready to shoot.
It is crowded.
If we can't succeed,
they'll know our place.
We'll go in sneaking in.
You move forward.
I'll sneak in first.
Come with me.
You are my blessing.
You are my son
And my comrade.
Didn't we give you the trust?
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your kindness.
It is clear.
We have a problem.
The arena is yours, son.
Our Master Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon him.
Our Master Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon him.
And the children and loved ones
of the Messenger of God
And his pure companions
And the followers of
the Messenger of God
And our most complete guide.
And our most complete guide.
Hâmid'ûd-Dîn-i Aksarayi Veli.
And our master Haci Bayram Veli.
And our master Haci Bayram Veli.
And also
Our great father, our master
Aksemseddin-i Veli
May God sanctify them all.
I seek refuge with Allah
from the accursed Satan.
In the name of God, the most gracious,
the most merciful.
In the name of God, the most gracious,
the most merciful.
He will also give you another
favour that you long for:
He will also give you another
favour that you long for:
Help from Allah and an imminent victory.
Help from Allah and an imminent victory.
So give good news O Prophet
to the believers.
So give good news O Prophet
to the believers.
Great truth of God.
O God, bless our master
and prophet Muhammed.
O God, bless our master
and prophet Muhammed.
In the name of God.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
(Somuncu Baba - Biz Ol Ussak-i Serbaziz)
(Somuncu Baba - Biz Ol Ussak-i Serbaziz)
There is no god but God,
there is no god but God.
There is no god but God,
there is no god but God.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God except Allah.
No God
Except God!
(Somuncu Baba -The Secret of Love)
(Somuncu Baba -The Secret of Love)
The opener!
Extend, owner of the field.
Extend, owner of the field.
Hey, protect the Sultan!
Hey, protect the Sultan!
The merchant of love
is his wealth, his soul.
The merchant of love
is his wealth, his soul.
I saw the brave one who was killed.
Look, brave one, abandonment
strikes your soul.
Does the sword cut someone
who has kindness?
My lord, you're not wounded, are you?
Forgive us, we have failed in our duty.
Come in.
We have received the news, Pasa.
Mehmed is on his way to the capital.
-There is a needle there, give it.
-There is a needle there, give it.
A needle, Ishak! The leather is thick!
In that box.
I tell you Mehmed!
He sent Bali Bey and stopped Orhan.
He no longer has any obstacles
for coming to the capital!
Whatever we do, he is ahead of us.
We are like the hound and hare again.
-Hound, I said.
He always chase the hare
but couldn't catch it.
One day, hound told the hare:
"Oh, brother hare!"
"My feet are long
and your feet are short."
"My feet are long
and your feet are short."
"Why can't I get you?"
The rabbit shouted:
“You run for others"
"But I'm running for myself."
"But I'm running for myself."
I don't get it, Pasa.
What I say
We ran for the Sultan,
from now on we will run for ourselves.
We ran for the Sultan,
from now on we will run for ourselves.
Kidnap Prince Ahmed and hide him.
Even if Mehmed ascends,
we will control him.
This is my opinion.
His Eminence Sultan Mehmed Han.
As you told us before, we stopped
Orhan from going into Edirne, sir.
-What happened?
-We killed all the rebels, but
-What happened?
-We killed all the rebels, but
The traitor Orhan succeeded
in escaping, sir.
He'll pay the price
for his betrayal sooner or later.
Welcome to your capital, sir.
Where are my Pasa's?
Why did you come alone?
Halil Pasa
He'll welcome you at the Janissary Corp.
It's a show of power!
Ma'am, please.
Ma'am, please.
It is prayer time.
There is no one in the kitchen.
I hope Ahmed doesn't get hurt.
I hope Ahmed doesn't get hurt.
Don't worry, ma'am.
Didar will get him safely.
God willing, God willing.
My Ahmed!
My lion! Thanks God!
Didn't anyone see you?
I brought him
without anyone seeing, ma'am.
Where are we going, mom?
We have to get away for a while.
But don't be afraid.
I'll always be by your side.
But don't be afraid.
I'll always be by your side.
Won't I go back to the palace again?
You will come back, my prince.
You will come back, my prince.
You'll return as a Sultan!
The hunting palace in
Didymoteicho is ready, right?
Yes, sir. We have secured it.
What is the status on our way?
Akcadam and Kavakli are secure, sir.
Akcadam and Kavakli are secure, sir.
Okay, okay.
When Halime Hatun comes,
we'll hit the road. Be ready.
Yes, Pasa.
I hope nothing bad happens.
Come here.
Hurry, Didar!
I'm opening it, ma'am.
Didn't I tell you Ahmed isn't yours
he is Sultan Murad Han's son, Halime?
Don't do it, let us go.
They'll kill my son!
Don't do it, let us go.
They'll kill my son!
-I won't leave my prince! I won't!
-Stop! Mother!
-Mother! Stop! Where do you take me?!
-Mother! Stop! Where do you take me?!
Don't do it, mother!
-Ahmed! Let me go!
-Mother! Mother!
You did the last thing
you were to do, Halime.
You did the last thing
you were to do, Halime.
Not only you, you threw Ahmed
in an unknown well, too.
Please, Mara. Let us go!
They will kill Ahmed, you know it.
Wouldn't your conscience hurt you at all?
Let us go.
Take her and throw her
in the harem's prison.
-New Sultan will decide it.
-Let me go!
Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go! Let me go!
You were not a mother
and you will never be!
This is why you hate Ahmed!
This is why you hate Ahmed!
I know this, Mara! Let us go!
Take me to my father.
The order is our Sultan's.
The order is our Sultan's.
Welcome, Bahar Hatun.
Since Halime Hatun isn't here,
we didn't worth a welcome.
Since Halime Hatun isn't here,
we didn't worth a welcome.
Halime Hatun won't be able
to come even if she wanted to.
I hope it all fine.
I hope it all fine.
It was bound to happen.
We can't talk it here.
I'll tell you inside.
Why does Gulsah Hatun stands back?
Did something happen?
You aren't the only one
who has something to tell.
Come on girls, back to work. Come on!
Come on girls, back to work. Come on!
Let's go.
Did he leave a will?
Yes, sir.
He wanted no dome on his grave
to have the rain fall on him.
He wanted no dome on his grave
to have the rain fall on him.
He said: "Bury me to Bursa,
with my favorite son Aladdin."
He said: "Bury me to Bursa,
with my favorite son Aladdin."
"I don't want anyone else
besides Aladdin."
The hare was young, brother Aladdin.
Why did you shoot it?
-Don't envy me, Mehmed!
-I saw it first.
-Don't envy me, Mehmed!
-I saw it first.
I could have shot him
but it was still young.
Whose skill is this?
It's mine.
I saw it first, father. But
Of course, Mehmed.
My lion!
Maybe you loved me less, but
I loved you so much, dad!
God is one and only!
He cut off his head,
with sword dripping blood!
He cut off his head,
with sword dripping blood!
Many die here but no one asks!
We heard and obeyed, we heard and obeyed!
Our anger and our sword, woe to the enemy!
Our obedience to the Sultan!
Three, seven, and forty!
Three, seven, and forty!
From the light of Prophet
And dignity from our master Ali!
Our leader is Haci Bektas Veli!
Our leader is Haci Bektas Veli!
Let's say "Hu" for him!
Let the pay begin.
We relied on your words
and submitted to Mehmed.
God willing, it will be fine, Pasa.
God willing, it will be fine, Pasa.
There will be no problem as long as
I'm the Grand Vizier, Dogan Agha.
Son, don't be fooled with your situation.
Son, don't be fooled with your situation.
There white in black, day in night
and light in darkness.
Kill the alive, it is your body.
Kill the alive, it is your body.
And revive the death, it is your heart.
Don't be deceived by other things. Bear
the belt of effort and walk to your cause.
Son, don't be friends with gossip
and enemies with pain.
Be skilled, with a good heart
And have wisdom in your mind.
And have wisdom in your mind.
Stand for justice.
And be like a mountain upon
which all concerned people rely.
And be like a mountain upon
which all concerned people rely.
Have courage!
And be a legend on your own!
Be like a breath
that makes oppressed live!
And be alert while your enemy sleeps.
And be alert while your enemy sleeps.
While other regret, learn from mistakes.
While other regret, learn from mistakes.
O Son!
Be determined while everyone gives up.
Son, put the book in your sword's
shadow so that it don't gets hurt!
Make your judgment even
so that your state will continue.
Make your judgment even
so that your state will continue.
Think nice, and welcome.
Be blessed with goodness.
Be blessed with goodness.
Don't forget those who
become big and can't be good,
can become
love and fit in the hearts.
And, don't forget this.
Controlling the people
starts with controlling yourself.
Controlling the people
starts with controlling yourself.
You placed Sultan Murad Han's coffin
at Sultan Mehmed's way, right?
You placed Sultan Murad Han's coffin
at Sultan Mehmed's way, right?
Yes, Pasa.
We do this so that new Sultan's
don't forget that they are mortals.
We do this so that new Sultan's
don't forget that they are mortals.
Attention, Sultan Mehmed!
Attention, Sultan Mehmed!
Grand Mufti, His Eminence Husrev!
Oh God!
To our Sultan who protect your servants,
give him power!
To our Sultan who protect your servants,
give him power!
And perpetuate his power
and his state in your dear name.
And perpetuate his power
and his state in your dear name.
And make his position, system
blessed in your name of justice.
Make him conquer everywhere!
The ruling is now yours.
The ruling is now yours.
And the power is yours.
And the strength is yours.
But don't be deceived, my Sultan.
There is a God greater than you.
There is a God greater than you.
It's fine.
He didn't call him Grand Vizier.
Ishak Pasa!
Ishak Pasa!
Mehmed Zagnos Pasa!
Shahab ad-Din Pasa!
Janissary Agha, Kurtcu Dogan!
Great Sultan Murad
Great Sultan Murad
Come on see what they do
to your son and wife.
I'll follow you in both worlds, Mara.
Don't you forget it.
It isn't a good time to threat, right?
Where is my son?
Where is my son?
Do you want him to be pardoned?
Where were you taking him, then?
Tell me.
Where were you taking him, then?
Tell me.
Who is behind this matter? Tell me.
I will do everything I can for your son.
No one.
No one.
Look, Halime, you know me.
I don't guarantee anything I can't do.
If you're honest with me,
I'll pardon Ahmed.
Mara Hatun.
I was going to take him and run.
I was going to take him and run.
Really, I
Halime, today someone's blood
will be shed.
Either your Ahmed, or the one who
played games on him. It is your choice.
Either your Ahmed, or the one who
played games on him. It is your choice.
They brought Prince Ahmed, sir.
They brought Prince Ahmed, sir.
My Sultan.
Do not be afraid of me.
I am your older brother.
We carry the same blood.
What will happen to my mother, brother?
My Sultan.
Your mother made a mistake
that cannot be ignored.
Are you going to kill her?
Are you going to kill her?
If she regrets and tells the truth, no.
Well, are you going to kill me?
Well, are you going to kill me?
I would never hurt you, brother.
I would never hurt you, brother.
Then don't leave me
without a mother, brother.
Mara Hatun has come, sir.
He is waiting for you permission.
My Sultan.
My Sultan.
I want one answer to one question.
Who is planning games against me
through my brother Ahmed?
Peace and mercy of God.
Peace and mercy of God.
Peace and mercy of God.
Oh God!
Sultan Murad the Great.
Without companions, without friend,
without Candarli Halil,
It isn't good that you left, sir.
It isn't good that you left, sir.
Come, Halil Pasa, come.
Come, Halil Pasa, come.
Let's talk a little bit.
What are you doing here?
Is it from Candarli traditions
to welcome a guest with a sword?
If someone enters my place at this time
This means he wants to die
This means he wants to die
Shahab ad-Din.
Amasya apple.
It is hard.
It is juicy.
It is small.
You know?
You love it.
You love it.
I brought it for you.
But I eat apples without peeling them.
But I eat apples without peeling them.
I said what are you doing here?!
I came by the order of Sultan Mehmed Han.
I came by the order of Sultan Mehmed Han.
You'll come with us, Halil Pasa.
You'll come with us, Halil Pasa.
Take him!
Stop, Shahab ad-Din! Let me get dressed!
Stop, Shahab ad-Din! Let me get dressed!
Take him.
At least
Come in.
Come in.
The former Grand Vizier
Candarli Pasa is here, my lord.
The former Grand Vizier
Candarli Pasa is here, my lord.
Snakes and eagles reach the top.
Snakes and eagles reach the top.
One crawls to reach, the other soars.
Now tell me, Candarli.
Are you a snake?
Or an eagle?
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