Mighty MonsterWheelies (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Escape From The Car Wash

-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
[electricity crackling]
Oh-oh-oh ♪
MonsterWheelies, oh-oh-oh ♪
[engines revving]
-Guess who's here to save the day ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Let's go motor, let's go play ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Rev it up and get in gear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-When you see us, have no fear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Rolling up to help you ♪
-Let's roll ♪
We know what to do ♪
Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
| -Wheelies ♪
-[electricity crackling]
[Bolts] The Mighty MonsterWheelies
in "Escape from the Car Wash."
[tires screeching]
Blue bin. Blue bin.
Green bin. [panting]
[engine revving]
Lookin' clean, Mr. Green!
-[engine revving]
-[brakes squealing]
-[Briggs screams]
-[brakes squeal]
Sweeps! [coughs] What have you been doing?
It's trash day.
I was doing what I was born to do.
I was just about
to go through the car wash,
but maybe you want to go first?
[Sweeps] Uh No, thanks.
I'm not a huge fan of the car wash.
It's so boring and slow and sudsy.
But have fun.
[Briggs screams]
[air sucking]
-[Mayor] Ooh!
[sighs] Citizens love a clean Mayor.
Looks like it's my turn.
-[Mayor chuckles]
[Mayor sighs]
-[electricity crackling]
-[Mayor shrieks]
[Briggs gasps]
-[Briggs whimpers]
-[electricity crackling]
[Mayor gasps]
[car wash whirring]
[Briggs whimpers]
[Mayor gasps]
[screams] Help me!
[Mayor] Briggs!
Oh, no! Briggs needs help!
I better call the MonsterWheelies!
[electricity crackling]
-[thunder crashes]
-[bell tolling]
-[bell tolling]
-Oh! We've got an alert.
Let's kick it into high gear
to the Garage!
[bell tolling]
[tires screeching]
[bell tolling]
[bell tolling]
-[bell tolling]
[bell tolling]
[horn honks]
[tires screeching]
MonsterWheelies, circle formation!
[platform whirring]
Activate screen.
[electricity crackling]
Go for Axyl.
Motorvania needs your help!
The car wash is going haywire,
and Briggs is trapped inside!
We're on it, Mayor. We'll save Briggs
and get that crazy car wash under control.
Here's the plan.
Sweeps, you'll use your Sweeper Paws
to get the soap off the roads.
Ready to clean up the streets!
Gill E., you're not afraid
to get your fins wet,
so you'll go inside the car wash
and rescue Briggs.
Time to make a splash!
MonsterWheelies, let's motor.
[thunder crashes]
[engines revving]
[tires screeching]
[Sweeps laughs]
-[thunder crashes]
-[thunder crashes]
[Sweeps] Huh?
[Mayor] Uh
[Sweeps laughs, howls]
[Briggs spluttering] Help me!
We're coming, Briggs!
[both grunt]
[both sigh, gasp]
[Gill E. screams]
[Gill E. grunts]
[straining] We need to squeeze through!
-[Gill E. screams]
-[Sweeps whimpers]
[both scream]
[Gill E.] Dizzy!
[screaming continues]
[Gill E.] I got some soap in my shocks!
[Sweeps howls]
-[Sweeps chuckles, splutters]
-[Briggs whimpers]
[rapid buzzing]
Something went wrong.
I'm locked on the track and
[grunts] I can't get off.
[yaps] I could use that soap
to help her slide out of the tire locks.
And I'll use my grappling hook
to pull her to safety.
[engine revving]
Hang on, Briggs!
We're gonna get you out!
Whoa! Whoa!
-[Briggs whimpers]
-[tires screeching]
-More to the right!
[Sweeps howls]
-A little to the left. You're doing great!
-Whoa! Whoa!
[Sweeps] I am? Tailed it!
-[tires screeching]
[Briggs screams]
-[Briggs] Whoa!
-[Gill E. gasps]
[Briggs whimpers]
-[Gill E. giggles]
-[sighs, chuckles] Thanks for helping me.
[car wash chimes]
We should get out of here
before anything else goes wrong.
[air blowing]
[screaming continues]
[Sweeps grunts]
Whoa! [grunts]
[car wash chimes]
The door is closing!
[straining] We just have to hold on
a little longer!
[Briggs and Gill E. scream]
[engine revving]
Full Moon Zoom!
-[Sweeps grunts]
-[engine revving]
[gasps] Well, that was
a lot more exciting than I remember.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[Briggs whimpers]
Chaotic car lifts?
We have to get to the other side,
and fast.
[gasps, whimpers]
I think the car wash is broken.
Looks like
the only way out of here is through.
-[both scream]
-[Sweeps whimpers]
I think we have to time this just right.
[Briggs whimpers]
[Gill E. gasps]
Luckily, timing is my specialty.
Follow me.
One, two
[gasps] three, jump!
[Briggs whimpers]
One, two,
three, now!
[Sweeps gasps]
Jump! Jump!
[grunts] Jump!
[grunts] Jump!
-[Sweeps grunts]
-Jump, Gill E.
[Gill E. grunts]
-Nice timing.
-[car wash chimes]
Go, go, go!
[Sweeps laughs, howls]
[all gasp]
[Gill E. gasps]
Whee! [giggles]
Look, the exit. We're finally out of here!
-[Gill E. gasps]
-Let's get out of here!
Try not to get buffed!
[Briggs whimpers]
I'm coming, Briggs!
-[engine revving]
-Full Moon Zoom!
-We made it!
[car wash buzzer]
-[Gill E.] Yeah! Whoo!
-[Sweeps howls]
Oh, come on!
-What happened? We were right on schedule.
[electricity crackling]
[cogs grinding]
[gasps] It's my pencil that fell earlier!
[gasps] That's what's been causing
all this car wash chaos.
All we have to do is get that pencil.
Then it should be
smooth sailing out of here.
-[both gasp]
-[Briggs screams]
[whirring intensifies]
Not on my watch.
Gill E., you get the pencil.
I'll hold back this oversized washcloth.
Aye-aye, Captain!
Activate Creature Crawl!
[tires screech]
[grunting continues]
Come on!
[straining] Almost.
[gasps] Got it!
-[both] Huh?
-[Sweeps laughs]
I had you all wrong, rogue scrubber.
And sorry for calling you
an oversized washcloth.
[whimpers, gasps]
[Mayor sighs]
Thank goodness you're all safe.
And clean.
[gasps, chuckles]
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