Mighty MonsterWheelies (2024) s01e24 Episode Script

The Wobbly Lighthouse

-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
[electricity crackling]
Oh-oh-oh ♪
MonsterWheelies, oh-oh-oh ♪
[engines revving]
-Guess who's here to save the day ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Let's go motor, let's go play ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Rev it up and get in gear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-When you see us, have no fear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Rolling up to help you ♪
-Let's roll ♪
We know what to do ♪
Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Wheelies ♪
-[electricity crackling]
[Bolts] The Mighty MonsterWheelies in
[voice warbling] "The Wobbly Lighthouse."
I present to you
the brand-new Blacktop Lagoon lighthouse!
Yeah! Fin-tastic!
It looks great, Mayor Van Helsing.
My friend, the SS Rita,
will be able to make her delivery
safely at night.
Gill E.!
[laughs] Check out the new lighthouse.
It's finished.
Yep. All we need is the light bulb.
It should be here by sundown.
That puts the float in my boat.
I'm bringing a delivery
to Blacktop Lagoon tonight,
and the light will help me
avoid the rocks along the way.
[ship horn blares]
Time to set sail.
Sea you later, Gill E.!
[Gill E. giggles]
[engine revving]
Bon voyage!
-[lighthouse creaking]
-[lighthouse creaking]
[sighs] The brand-new lighthouse
doesn't seem like it's very sturdy.
[chuckles nervously] That's not good.
What if it falls? It could hurt someone.
And without the lighthouse,
a ship could crash!
I can check underwater
to see what the problem is.
Time to dive and glow!
[electricity crackling]
-[motor revs]
-[water splashes]
Good thing I always bring my own light.
Let's see what I can see under the sea.
Good. Good.
Giant crack. Good.
[siren wailing]
Giant crack?
That board is not shipshape.
One of the support beams is broken.
That's what made the lighthouse wobble.
[whimpers] Oh, my headlights!
If we don't fix it,
the whole lighthouse will fall!
The MonsterWheelies are on it.
Alert the team, Mayor.
[electricity crackling]
-[thunder crashes]
-[bell tolling]
-[Sweeps howls]
-[bell tolling]
-[tires screech]
-[Sweeps howls]
-[bell tolling]
-[bell tolling]
[tires screeching]
MonsterWheelies, circle formation!
[platform whirring]
Activate screen.
[electricity crackling]
Go for Axyl.
Motorvania needs your help!
One of the wooden beams underwater
has a big crack in it,
and it's making the lighthouse all wiggly.
[gasps] What about this?
I found this piece of wood earlier.
Maybe it can help save the lighthouse.
Great idea!
Now Axyl can take the wood and
[mimics engine revving]
and meet Gill E. at Blacktop Lagoon, and
[mimics whooshing]
Then [mimics tools whirring]
work together to replace the board
and fix the lighthouse.
Charged up and ready to ride!
Sweeps, board.
Time to motor!
[thunder crashes]
-[engine revving]
-[electricity crackling]
-[electricity crackling]
Repair specialist reporting for duty.
Here's the board, Gill E.
[Gill E. gasps, whimpers]
Oops. [chuckles]
My fins can get slippery on land.
[Gill E. grunts]
Got it!
[Axyl laughs]
Now you can take my screwdriver
and fix the board.
But I'm not that great with tools.
[chuckles] Aww, no problem.
I can talk you through it.
Huh. Swimmerific!
Time to dive.
[water splashes]
-[Axyl sighs]
All right, Axyl, I'm at the board.
Hi, Clackity.
Looks like I've got an assistant
ready to lend a helping claw.
All right, Axyl, what's my next move?
[Axyl] First, use the screwdriver
to take off the old, broken board.
Got it.
Now put the new board on.
Clackity, board.
[motor whirring]
-[screwdriver whirring]
[rumbling stops]
All fixed. Heading back to shore.
Thanks, Clackity! Sea you later!
[claws clacking]
Nice job!
Now, for the last and most important step.
Nailed it!
Excellent work, MonsterWheelies.
You fixed the worrisome wobble.
And just in time for Rita's delivery.
The sun is setting,
and we're going to need that light.
It's ready to go.
how do we get it up there?
Too bad no one can
just drive up the side of it.
Wait. Actually, I can do that.
With my sticky tires,
I can climb up any surface.
Activate Creature Crawl!
-[engine revving]
-Whoa! [chuckles]
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
I made it to the top! Yes!
[Gill E.] Oh, yeah!
[mimics klaxon blaring]
[gasps] No!
[Mayor screams]
-[Mayor gasps]
-[Mayor groans]
-Oh, sprockets.
I'm really sorry, Axyl.
First, I fumbled the board,
then I broke the awesome light bulb
you made. [sobs]
[chuckles] Hey. It was just an accident.
You didn't mean to drop the bulb.
And we will figure it out together.
[ship horn blaring]
[gasps] Rita's coming!
And it's gonna get dark soon.
And without the lighthouse,
she could crash on the rocks.
[yelling] Rita!
I think I'm getting close.
How can we warn her
without the lighthouse light?
-Brain Zap!
-[electricity crackling]
Gill E., you may not be a light bulb,
but you do glow.
So you can drive
up to the top of the lighthouse
and lead Rita to shore.
That's a bright idea.
Time to make a splash.
Activate Creature Crawl!
Here I glow.
That was close!
Those rocks almost rocked my boat.
Ooh! The lighthouse looks so pretty.
-Thar she glows!
-[ship horn blaring]
Hey, that light looks familiar.
Rita, it's me!
What were you doing up there?
Ah, the lighthouse light bulb broke,
and we didn't have time to fix it.
You had to light up
the lighthouse instead.
You do always bring your own light.
-Aww! Thanks.
-[Mayor] All right, Gill E.
So, it's settled.
You'll live in the lighthouse
and be the light forever.
-[Axyl chuckles]
Or I could just make a new light bulb.
[chuckles] And we'll put it
in the lighthouse tomorrow.
A brand-new light bulb.
Go, Gill E.!
Very exciting.
I'm saving my excited face
for when I finally flip the switch.
[Gill E. laughs]
Gill E.'s got this.
And I promise,
I'll be extra careful this time.
Activate Creature Crawl!
Fins, don't fail me now.
[sighs] Made it.
There, it's in.
All right, Mayor,
you can finally switch the lighthouse on.
Here goes!
[electricity crackling]
This calls for a rousing sea shanty.
-[cheery melody playing]
-Oh, yeah!
Oh, that's a good one.
-[Axyl] Oh, yeah!
[Gill E.] Ooh-ooh! Ooh-ooh! ♪
Oh, yeah!
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