Minder (1979) s01e05 Episode Script

The Bounty Hunter

I could be so good for you
Love you like you want me to
I could be so good for you
Love you like you want me to
(FAINTLY) Hey! Terry!
Terry! (SIGHS)
- Hello, Des.
- I've been knocking for five minutes.
- Yeah, I was out the back.
- I need some help with a breakdown.
You're just the man.
What about that big American
breakdown truck you keep on about?
It's broken down. It has.
I can't get the parts to fix it.
- I told you, buy British.
- It'll only take half an hour.
Maybe 20 minutes. Young Kevin didn't
come in. I'm on my own.
Will I get dirty?
All you've got to do
is drive the van.
- Yeah, all right.
- Good lad.
What's that?
You don't do MOTs, do you?
No, but it reassures the customers.
What happens if they want one?
I tell them I'm booked up for a
- You'll come to a bad end, Desmond.
- I know.
Cut a fraction shorter, do you think?
No, you don't show a lot of cuff.
No, wearing those flash sovereign
cufflinks was never your line.
- The minicab is here, Mr. Daley.
- Thanks, son.
- How about next Wednesday? That suit you?
- Wednesday, ah?
Could you put it down?
Mr. Daley, Wednesday, same time.
As a matter of fact, I was gonna
next Wednesday evening
as our night out.
- Fine, I'll
- I took the liberty of making a few arrangements.
- Perhaps you'd
- Of course, I'll give you a ring
and then we can confirm all the
It's nice to see you looking so well,
Nice talking to you, Harold.
Mr. Daley.
Arthur Daley.
That's what I call a nice surprise.
I've got a cab waiting somewhere.
Look, why don't I drop you off wherever
you're going and have a little chat?
- Why don't I drop you off?
- What, you got into the taxi business?
- Not exactly.
- Oh, no.
Where to, sir?
Jo, why?
Big pile-up.
Norman was killed instantly.
After his death, it was either this
or bar work.
But I was afraid of getting the
change wrong. So
Look, Jo, I don't want you to think
well, you know, but
you're the last person I would have
expected to
I should have learned to type.
But there you are.
But I never felt the need to be out
working when Norman was alive.
I know a lot of people do.
But I was quite happy
the way things were.
At least I think I was.
It seemed that way.
- But he left you, all right?
- Oh, yes.
Nice home.
Not so much in the way of savings.
But we believed in spending
everything we earned.
Quite right.
After all you can't take
You can't do otherwise, can you?
Plus, of course, Norman never made a
great deal of money.
Too honest for his own good
some would say.
Not me though.
- He was insured?
- Oh, yes.
Yes, I got
the insurance money all right.
Then like a fool, I let some little
rat walk off with it.
I don't know how you've got the front
to pick up cars with something like
It's all part of the job.
He hasn't left me the key.
- Shall we give it a tow?
- No need.
They always forget their keys
so, I brought my own.
- Is that legal?
- Now, would I do anything illegal?
I suppose not.
Not if there was a witness.
I wouldn't have a red one though.
Oh, blimey.
The way they do things nowadays.
- Choke cable has come unsoldered.
- Has it?
I'll just get some tools
and you can be on your way.
I'll get this one started up
in two minutes.
Just dump this back at the garage?
Oh, key under the driver's mat.
- Who's gonna nick this?
- You never know.
Oh, thanks a lot, Terry.
- I won't forget this.
- I won't let you, mate.
Honestly, Arthur,
I tried everything.
Police. Solicitors. I even thought of
hiring a private detective.
But I've heard so many stories about
But you haven't yet tried me.
Oh, it's nice of you, Arthur, but
No, no. I mean it.
I think I can offer you just the
help you need.
I don't know anything
about property deals, Arthur.
You're average intelligence, you
know how to bring pressure to bear
and your heart's in the right place.
I know she's a friend of yours,
but she's grown up, isn't she?
As I presume she is. Nobody forced her
to hand over the money.
Terry, she was conned
in the most heartless way.
Young woman, recently widowed
Please, not the violins.
But you can see it, can't you?
The villa in Majorca was security.
A home, a new life.
It all seemed kosher.
And she wasn't the only one
to get taken.
What they do is open with a big,
glossy brochure,
follow it up with a free trip
to where the villas will be built.
Balls of Champagne all round,
no expense spared.
How bad's that?
Not bad at all. As long as the villa
you paid for gets built.
- It's a job for the law.
- No, they can't do anything.
In a case like this, you have to
it was planned as a fraud from the
I don't think I have
your undivided attention.
Look, I'll be honest with you.
If she drives a cab for a living
she can't afford to pay me, can she?
When you get her 6,000 quid back,
we're in for 12.5%.
The bounty hunter.
What's 12.5% of nothing?
- There you are, Arthur.
- Jo.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
This is the young man
I was telling you about.
- Terry, Jo. Jo, Terry.
- Hello.
Funny enough, Terry was just saying
he looks on your story
as a sort of challenge.
And how he'd be delighted to help.
Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
- If you are agreeable.
- Well, I don't quite know what to say.
Of course,
I'll make it worth your while.
- I put that rather clumsily, didn't I?
- No, not at all.
What I meant to say was
if you recover the money you can
take what you think is right.
That's worth thinking about.
this is the one letter
I got from them.
Just off Holland Park.
Homes In The Sun & Co Ltd.
I liked the name.
Seemed sort of reliable.
The man I dealt with
was Ralph Hurst.
Yeah. Well, I'll shoot round and have a
word with them this afternoon.
Why waste time?
What's wrong with now?
Because he'll be having lunch
like everybody else.
There's a clever bit of deduction.
Mr. Daley, we have some very special
baby lambs for you today.
Or if the lady prefers fish,
we have some very special fresh
How about some very special retsina?
- No, thank you.
- Driving?
Taking a customer to White City.
We'll drop you off.
Oh, how kind.
Right then, George.
What are you gonna have, Jo?
This is 188, isn't it?
Sunworthy Homes?
I'm not the first, then? Listen
RECORDING: 'We have no connection
with Sunworthy Homes.
We have no knowledge of the
of Sunworthy
or any Sunworthy personnel.
We had never heard of Sunworthy till
we moved here last month,
and only then from other people.
We cannot help you in any way.
Mr. Booze.'
Says it all, doesn't it?
Are you Mr. Booze?
Are you a customer?
Because if not, you can push off.
I'm not afraid to scream, you know.
Where's Hurst?
They've all gone, I'm afraid.
You're looking for an allotment?
We're all growing our own now.
No, I'm looking for
someone called Hurst.
Well, I'm someone called Hurst.
What is it?
Ralph Hurst?
No. He's my father.
Well, would he be at home?
- Why?
- I want a word with him.
- What about?
- Well, I'd rather tell him that.
It's about the villas in Majorca.
I'm working on behalf of a friend.
- Where are you from, a newspaper?
- No, I'm just
I see. You've just come to lean on
To hound him, to cause him distress.
Cause HIM distress? What do you think
he did to all those poor punters
who lost money on villas that never
got built?
Don't waste your time, son.
Get out of here.
Get off my land. Look, which of those
houses is yours?
I warned you.
I'm sick to death of people abusing
my father.
- Oh, yeah?
- For something he didn't do.
What about conning people
out of all their savings?
He didn't con anyone.
That will do. That will do.
Just look at your clothes,
the pair of you.
You've done the beans and the spring
cabbage a power of harm, too.
- He's another one of them, Dad.
- I'm not "another one" of anything.
I'm a friend of someone who lost
their money on your villas racket.
I see.
- You'd better come inside.
- But, Dad!
He deserves an explanation.
We're in full view of everyone
round here.
I don't know what your mother is
going to say.
Sugar, Mr. Terry?
No thanks.
- A scone, Mr. Terry?
- No, thank you.
I think he wants to say his piece.
Well, let me.
You see, Mr. Terry,
the Sunworthy fiasco was as much a blow
to me as it must have been to your friend.
6,000 quids' worth?
- Are you going to listen or not?
- It's all right, Graham.
Ralph was facing redundancy when it
I sold pharmaceuticals
but holds were being drawn in
and they were obliged to let me go.
The handshake was far from golden.
So, when Freddie Fenton offered me
the job
Freddie Fenton?
Yes, it was his project.
Naturally I seized the opportunity
with both hands.
You see at the end of it,
by way of commission,
there would have been
a small villa for us.
An ideal place to retire to.
- So, you're not Sunworthy then?
- No, he employed me as one of the salesmen.
But that's not the point.
Because he did the selling,
he has to take the blame.
You've no idea what it's been like.
People coming here, accusing him,
threatening violence.
It's not only frightening,
it's humiliating.
Why didn't you send all these people
round to Fenton?
If it had become a police matter,
I wouldn't have hesitated.
The man has done nothing wrong.
And I gave my word
I wouldn't disclose his whereabouts.
He's probably left London now
There's no purpose to be served
by pursuing him.
There's no money.
Bankrupt, I expect. I'm sorry for
the creditors of course.
But why punish a man
because he's made a mistake?
- Where was he the last time you saw him?
- Don't ask any more questions.
He doesn't know and
wouldn't tell you anyway.
God knows why.
Fenton owes him
three months commission.
Then there was that business
He didn't mean it.
He didn't know what was saying.
- I don't blame him for getting excited.
- Excited?
What? Threatening to beat you up
for asking for money that was yours?
He did not mean it!
I hope you understand now, Mr. Terry,
that I was not responsible
for your friend's loss.
Yeah, OK.
Thank you for the tea.
I am sorry about the
No. Don't be silly.
I'll see you out.
I don't want to upset Ralph
any further
but I don't think he should take all
the responsibility for Fenton's mistakes.
It might help.
It's his office address.
- Can I have a word?
- What about?
No, thanks, I have nothing to say.
- You'd better have something to say.
- No comment.
No comment?
- Nothing to say. Thank you.
- Fenton!
Thank you very much,
that's all I have to say.
Fenton! I'm not moving from here till
you come out.
Fenton! Fenton!
He's gone home, mate.
He's always away by half past four.
No, he's still in there.
He won't come out, that's all.
- What's your game, then?
- He owes me some money.
You wanna take the appropriate steps.
Go through the proper channels.
A barney in the street
won't do no good.
No, you're right, dear. I'll
I'll go through the proper channels.
Mr. Fenton, I'm in the house opposite
keeping an eye on your front door
so, you'd better stay put.
What I want you to do
Now, look, you're trespassing.
No, I'm not. I'm exercising my
citizen's right of arrest.
What do you mean?
Can only mean one thing, can't it?
I don't know what you want.
I want £6,000 that belongs
to a friend of mine.
Mrs. Josephine Williams
Who put it down as a deposit on one
of your villas that never got built.
Are you trying to threaten me?
I'm not sure yet.
We'll see how it goes.
I've just been talking to Hurst.
Oh, no doubt he told you
I was the villain
and he was the harmless dupe?
- No.
- Let me tell you something,
he was no help at all.
He was supposed to be the business
All he knew about was selling.
And how not to upset the natives.
It's not very easy to admit
you've failed.
I hope you're not gonna make me cry.
I get upset very easily.
- Look, I don't want to upset anybody.
- You shouldn't have conned anybody.
I didn't con anybody!
If you didn't con Mrs. Williams,
how come she lost six grand?
I've done my best
to pay everybody back.
If anybody was conned, I was!
All right, I was a bad businessman.
I was undercapitalized.
I got taken by the bloke who owned
the land in Majorca.
In the end, I found I was paying way
over the top for it.
It's been a bloody nightmare.
I wish I hadn't got into it.
But what are you gonna do about it?
There's nothing I can do about it.
I'm bust. Broke.
So, she's just got to write off
I wish I'd only lost £6,000!
Everything's gone. The lot.
They've even taken my car away.
I had a beautiful Jag.
I wish I'd never heard of Majorca.
Look, I'm doing my best to get
- And if I do, I promise
- Don't make promises you can't keep.
Oi. What are you living on?
Social security.
You mean the poor old taxpayer has
to keep the likes of you?
I've paid my share, over the years!
Myself, I see nothing
against using a bit of pressure.
- Would have done no good at all.
- If you say so, is it?
Did they say anything about my
Come as my guest a few times.
Show your face.
I'll introduce you around
then we put out feelers.
It's not a knighthood I'm after.
I just want to join the club. That's all.
- So, you'll tell Jo, all right?
- Me?
That's your department.
I just tell the good news.
- See what I mean about the narrow lapels?
- Yeah, more discreet.
She's working tonight
and I'm going to the Montclair.
- Wowee.
- What do you think of the whistle, Terry?
- What does he know?
- Yeah, what do I know?
I'm still into wide lapels.
Listen, you said
you wanted to help her.
- I do. We eating there, Harold?
- Yes, I booked for 8:30.
Bit early, isn't it?
That's why I put you on the case.
Put me on the case? You can say that
when you've given me $200 a day plus
Best to be early
before it gets busy.
It's your problem, Terry.
Your 12.5% of six grand.
Mine? It was "ours" yesterday.
That's while you still had a chance
of getting it.
Well, thanks.
Thanks a lot.
Won't be a minute, Mr. Fenton, sir.
That's all right.
I want it done properly.
I like this one much better than
the old blue one you had, sir.
The old blue one was a '76.
I know, sir.
But it's nothing like a valued car
like this Rolls, sir.
Thank you very much, sir.
Hey, Terry!
No, not this afternoon, Des. No.
Oh, come on, 15 minutes, that's all.
What's happened to young Kevin now?
I wish I knew.
He didn't come in again today.
It's just round the corner in High
Street Ken. It's a Mercedes. Look
- Look
- You can bring your suit with you.
Face it. It's pouring with rain.
It's in a plastic bag.
- I'm not!
- Come on.
Silly idiot has left the radio on.
Here, give us my toolbox.
- Here you go.
- Ta.
You can drive back to the garage.
Right. Come this way,
- Good evening, Mr. Stone.
- Hello, Julia. How are you?
- I'm fine, how are you?
- Good, terrific, Mr. Daley is my guest.
- Good evening.
- Evening.
- You been keeping well?
- Very well, and you? Splendid.
- All set for a heavy night?
- Oh, I hope so.
All right. Sign the book.
Thank you very much. Come with me.
I think Fenton didn't know what he
was doing and you all paid for it.
Hurst is really down on his luck.
And Fenton, he's got a crummy little
office, he drives an old banger.
If anybody got any money out of it,
it wasn't those two.
- Does Arthur know about it?
- Yeah, I told him.
He's very disappointed, of course.
Yeah, but it didn't stop him
going to the Montclair this evening.
No. He told you about that, did he?
Yeah. Seemed important to him.
Would you like a drink?
Yes, please.
- Friends of yours?
- Used to be a customer of mine years ago.
Often see him here.
I haven't got much choice
at the moment.
I mean, I've got to earn my living.
Housekeeping, shopping.
Oh, you make too much of that.
I mean, it's just a way of filling in
time really?
Look, I understand, it's good for us
all to have some routine to work by
but you've got to change it a little.
You extend your frontiers.
What frontiers did you have in mind?
Your mate is not doing too well.
- Ha, he can afford it.
- Huh? What's he in?
Property. He's had some very nice
developments in Spain apparently.
He's got nice ones there
if he doesn�t keep losing.
I like Beethoven.
Did you see the film?
Was it from a film?
Don't answer that.
Er, hold on.
Turn it down.
Oh, can't you find someone else?
Oh, no, of course not.
Would I let you down?
I'm on my way.
You're not going to work?
I can't let them down.
I don't see why not.
You don't even like the job.
That isn't the point, is it?
I can't take
any more disappointments.
Good evening.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night, Mr. Daley.
Good night.
He remembered my name.
I reckon a fiver was about right,
don't you?
I don't want to look ostentatious.
Oh, yes, I think that was all right.
Is your young lady
driving you home tonight?
No, she's off tonight.
No, I'll pick up a cab.
- I'll drop you home if you like.
- Oh.
Harold. That bloke with the Spanish
- is his name Freddie Fender?
- Not quite. Freddie Fenton.
- Do you know where he lives?
- Where he lives?
I can tell you his inside leg
measurement if you like.
- Arthur!
- I've got some news for you.
How cozy.
I think you'd better leave us, Val.
And turn that thing off.
And turn that music off.
I suppose you think you're Jack the
Lad walking in here?
You weren't quite straight with me,
were you?
You said you'd lost everything.
Had to sell your Jag.
It's lucky you had the Roller.
- That's not mine.
- It's got your initials on it.
Doesn't mean to say I own it.
It's leased by a company I do some
work for.
They allow me to use it.
That's nice, innit?
And what about all this?
Owned by another company.
I don't own anything.
Except of course that 1970 Cortina.
Lucky to have all these companies
that you can do some work for.
Yeah. Run by friends of mine.
Where would we be without our friends?
- That's what I always say.
- And I don't like cheap con artists.
- That's what I always say.
- There's nothing cheap about me, son.
This watch cost more money
than you'll earn this year.
But you don't own it, do you?
It belongs to one of your companies.
No. As a matter of fact,
I did buy this.
Out of winnings from a casino.
A friend of mine lent me the
original stake of course.
And I'm not a con artist.
Like I told you before,
I was unlucky.
I paid too much for the land.
That's right.
And that was a deal you had with the
Whatever you could get these
poor punters to pay,
that was the price of the land.
And then when the company went bust,
he'd quietly, very quietly
give you back half the money.
That's just a fantasy.
Is it?
Now, here's a bit of reality.
If Mrs. Williams doesn't get her six
grand back today,
I'm gonna make you famous.
I'm gonna get you in all the Sunday
Freddie Fenton, Monster of the
Mediterranean. Do you like it?
- I'll get you on TV, radio, everything.
- I've been on the radio!
I've been on the BBC.
I've been on London Broadcasting.
I even had a television crew here
I had to ask them to leave
I've been in the Sunday newspapers,
too. Not just the cheap ones.
I've had more publicity than
you've had hot dinners.
So, if that's the best you can do,
Well, what about the neighbors?
This is respectable stockbroker
country, innit?
What are they gonna say when they
find out
- what sort of racket you're in?
- You should meet some.
I've got a friend next door,
just out of Durham Maximum Security.
I'm sure he'd be delighted to meet
Look, Fenton,
I don't like my friends being conned.
And I'm likely to turn very nasty.
Oh, I wouldn't advise that.
My chauffeur.
And my gardener.
They're likely to turn very nasty,
And you're trespassing again.
So, we can use reasonable force
to throw you out on your thick
little head.
But before you go,
I'm gonna do you a bit of a favor.
I'm gonna give you
a little bit of advice.
In this life there are winners
and losers.
Now, I'm a winner.
And people like you and your friend
are losers.
There's not a great deal you can do
about it. It's a fact of life. OK?
So, you just shove off
and don't try to be a hero
because you won't make it.
Losers never do. Goodbye.
You haven't seen the last of me.
I think I have.
You'd better drive me around for
the next few weeks, John.
Yes, sir.
Can I put the lamp on?
I'm missing out on my tan.
Course you can, love.
That's all finished with.
Hey, Terry.
Hey, Terry.
Not today, mate, I'm not in the mood.
No, I'm not after a favor today.
I've come to pay you for the help
you gave me.
- Pay me?
- Fair's fair.
- What's that?
- It's your share.
- My share of what?
- There's 500 quid there, Terry.
Des, do you mean those motors
we were nicking 'em?
Half a grand, Terry.
- All for you.
- Desmond
what are you trying to do to me?
What are you trying to do?
Stay! Come here! Oi!
Oi! Come down!
Come down!
- Listen, you
- What?
You want to get me put away again?
It was as safe as houses,
honest it was.
You're gonna give those motors back.
- Terry, I can't do that.
- You're going to!
Terry, they're all crated up
and halfway to Saudi Arabia by now.
There's a big waiting list for that
class of motor over there.
Get the money and forget it. It was
a mistake. I'm sorry. I shouldn�t
- Shut up!
- I'll shut up.
- Could you nick a Roller?
- Sure, any kind you want.
It's a Silver Shadow,
about a month old.
- Come on, now.
- Listen.
- Sure. It'll take a bit of finding. But
- Don't worry about that.
- I know exactly where to find it.
- What?
Come on, then.
Right, let's get to work.
Leave that, you can afford a new one
now, can't you?
Come on.
I don't know, Terry.
I don't think I can be associated
with a criminal enterprise.
Criminal enterp? Ouf!..
He's bought it all with the money
he's nicked.
- But suppose he reports it as stolen to the police?
- It will be too late.
And even if he does, Des will take
the blame. Won't you, Des?
- Yeah.
- Nah.
There's the insurance.
You pinch it, he'll wait for the insurance
to pay up and just buy a new one.
Yeah. I hadn't thought of that.
You're right.
No, he's not.
He's wrong.
They're like gold dust, new Rolls
Royces, you can't get 'em.
People will pay 15,000 over the odds
to get one.
- Listen, I knew a fella
- Is that right?
You don't have to
take my word for it.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?
Yes, I'd like to know how long it
takes to get a new Roller.
Er, Royce Rolls Royce.
I won't give you the shock, sir.
I'll get one of our salesmen.
- He won't keep you a moment.
- Thank you.
Good afternoon. Mr?
- Daley.
- Mr. Daley, what can I do for you?
If I were to come in here,
plonk down the cash now,
full purchase price, mind,
how long would it take me
to get a new Silver Shadow?
Rather longer than the gestation
period of an elephant, sir.
Yes, well, we're not all zoological
experts. How long is that?
About three years, I'm afraid, sir.
Three years?
I didn't think it was that long.
There must be a way round that,
- Simpson.
- I'm sure you follow my drift, Mr. Simpson.
I mean, chap comes in, not short
of cash You know what I mean?
Yes, I do know what you mean, sir,
and I'm afraid it wouldn't do any
good at all.
You see, none of our customers
is short of cash.
Ah. Well, that's all right then.
Not putting your name down, Mr. Daley?
Nah, I think
I'll stick with the Maxi.
This may not be
the best place, you know?
If it isn't,
we'll find somewhere else.
You didn't make all this fuss
with the Jag and the Mercedes.
That was different.
I'd got it all worked out.
That's what we're doing here, innit?
Working it all out.
Crafty old sod.
That's all right.
- Leave this one today, son.
- Why? Who are you?
Freddie Mr. Fenton wants us
to fit a radio telephone in here.
- It'll be back by four.
- The first I heard of it.
I'm supposed to wash it
and go home early today.
With all due respect, sunbeam,
Mr. Fenton doesn't have to ask your
permission for us
- to get a radio telephone fitted, does he?
- Funny, he didn't mention it.
He didn't mention it cos we only just
phoned him to tell him
we could do it today.
If you don't like it, phone him.
Don't get stroppy with me.
I only work here!
Yeah, all right.
Don't worry. I'll tell him
what a wonderful job you doing.
It's on Mr. Fenton's account,
isn't it?
- Oh, that's right.
- Thank you.
- Where are you gonna keep this?
- Well, there
No, no. On second thoughts,
don't tell me. I don't want to know.
It'll be quite safe, don't worry.
I tell you what, Terry. They fetch a lot
of money in the Middle East, these.
- Desmond.
- Just making a point.
Well, don't make a point.
Don't even think about it.
- I can't help it.
- Well, stop it.
- Have you sorted out the lorry?
- Is that absolutely necess?
Yes! Absolutely.
I wouldn't worry about your Cortina.
That's in your usual place
in the car park.
It's your Roller that's been nicked.
- John!
- Don't do that.
You'll only get your suit ripped.
- Well, I shall just tell the police.
- That's a novel idea, yeah.
But if you do, my friend who's
looking after the car,
he'll see that something very
dramatic happens to it.
Like it might fall over a cliff or
burst into flames,
that sort of thing.
So, you wouldn't be any better off,
would you?
On the other hand,
if you were to return
Mrs. Williams her £6,000,
I think I could guarantee you'd get
your Roller back good as new.
And of course,
it is brand new, innit?
What's the difference, Freddie?
It's insured.
Let 'em have it.
You can get a new one.
Shut up, John.
Yeah, shut up, John. You see, it
takes three years to get a new Roller
and Freddie knows that, don't you?
So, where are we?
Mrs. Williams gets her six grand back.
And you get your Roller back.
Otherwise you don't.
And there's nothing you or anybody
else can do about it.
You know, I do hate having
to say this,
but you won't get away with it.
Oh, yes, I will.
And I'm gonna do you a favor.
I'll give you a bit of advice.
You see, there are winners and losers
in this world.
Now you, you're the one with the
you're the one with the cash,
the Roller,
whether you say you own it or not.
So, you're the one who stands to lose.
And me, I've got nothing.
I'm fireproof.
Read that carefully. Take your time.
It's your instructions.
Don't worry. It's perfect.
The keys.
And this little chap
connects the electric ignition.
You got the money?
A thousand in each packet.
Sealed at the bank.
There's no need to count them.
It's a pleasure
to do business with you.
How are you getting home?
Well, I thought you might give me a
lift to the tube.
- Are you all right?
- Certainly!
Off you go!
12.5% of 6,000 quid
- 25 over two.
- Arthur, it's 750.
Yeah, 750.
375 quid each.
That's fair, innit?
I'm not bothered. I did it for Jo. She
can do what she likes with the money.
You mean you don't want to be the
who brings up
the subject of rewards?
It's all right. I don't mind.
Jo so kind of appreciates someone
who says what's on their mind.
Unless you have some
other arrangement with her?
- More personal?
- No.
- No?
- No. No arrangements.
No? Ah, Jo.
Andy radioed the message to me.
I was out at Luton.
That's why I've been so long.
There you go. Three.
You don't know
what this means to me.
- Terry, I never thought
- Oh, don't be silly. It's a pleasure.
Thank you.
Suddenly everything is different.
O, Arthur, Terry, this is my boss Andy.
- Andy.
- Not any more.
What are you fellas drinking?
No, no, we're fine, thanks.
- You've just lost a driver.
- That's right.
You don't have to count it.
It's all there.
I know, but
I know you didn't do it
for the money.
That's just for expenses,
that's all.
Well, I know you won't be offended.
It's just a token of
my appreciation.
No, I'm not offended. It's
a really nice thought.
Isn't it, Arthur?
Well, I
must be going, if you don't mind.
No. We have to call on
my solicitor.
Yes. Andy is thinking of selling his
share of the business to his partner
so, we're thinking of buying
a little place in Majorca.
- Majorca?
- Mmm.
A bar with hotel accommodation.
This is my partner now.
For want of a better word.
Oh, Terry, you've been marvelous.
Good luck to both of you.
Let us know how you get on.
Make sure you come and see us.
- Bye-bye, Jo.
- Our treat, of course.
- Thanks. Come
- See you.
- Good luck.
- Bye.
Take care.
- Arthur, you said
- No, don't bother, son.
You've made a couple of hundred.
Why don't you buy us a drink
out of the winnings?
Excuse me, love.
Two vodkas and slimline tonic.
One large one.
Two large ones.
Only money, innit?
discolor, some resync and a few lines
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