Miss Sherlock (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

The Dock

Calm down.
It's all right.
You're not wrong.
The one to blame is your friend.
She's not my friend. She's a murderer.
Do you know where she is?
It seems the police can't find her.
Sherlock might get away.
The suspect took a gun
from Sergeant Shibata.
She shot and killed Toru
Moriya 20 hours ago.
There's still no trace of her.
It's likely she's still armed.
Are you really the police's elite force?
You should be ashamed.
Excuse me.
Please let me explain Sherlock's behavior.
You're no longer on this case.
I was against
hiring a civilian from the start.
I understand, but
Say another word and you're fired.
Sherlock is not the suspect.
She had to shoot him
to prevent spreading the virus.
Put her on the wanted list
for killing Toru Moriya!
You may shoot if she doesn't cooperate.
Yes, sir!
You're still on her side.
She always ridicules others and shows off.
I had a feeling this day would come.
"Resignation letter"
Nothing's changed.
Who's playing?
YoYo Ma.
It's a record.
Thank you. Goodbye.
What a wonderful piece.
The Prelude from Bach's Cello Suite No. 1.
I figured I should welcome you,
Akira Moriwaki.
I'm glad you remember me.
I was worried you had a poor memory.
What's your end goal?
Why cause all these crimes?
So, there "are" things
even you don't understand.
Miss Sherlock.
I don't understand illogical thinking.
No interest.
Still so full of pride.
It wouldn't hurt you to ask for once.
I wanted to verify my theory.
I'm going to demonstrate it
to the entire world.
Especially you.
You're the one who's wrong.
You'll realize that soon enough.
You killed people for that?
What's more important
than proving my theory?
you don't think lives are more important.
What are you planning to do?
It's a surprise.
It's more fun not to know, don't you think?
What about her?
Hint 1.
If I'm alive,
Wato won't listen to anyone but me.
Hint 2.
Wato will become famous.
I wouldn't do that.
If anything happens to me,
you'll never see your favorite friend.
We're not
Not friends.
We call this place the Dock.
It's where
you train your mind for a new voyage.
This way.
Dr. Irikawa made this place for us.
You'll be reborn here, too.
We're all shocked.
Toru Moriya was one of us.
Dr. Irikawa told us what happened.
A skilled consulting detective killed him.
But isn't it weird?
The Japanese police are some of the best.
But she always solves cases they can't.
Thank you.
It really is strange.
It's as if everything was planned out.
The mastermind behind everything is
"Please take care of Wato."
"I'm sure"
"everyone at the Dock will welcome her."
Don't you hate emotions?
They hamper intellectual productivity.
If that's true, you're useless right now.
Why are you here?
What are you looking for?
The Dock.
Probably some kind of facility.
I need to find it.
Is Wato there?
Important data
is unhackable and unrestorable.
That's common sense.
Inspector Reimon is off the case.
And Shibata resigned
because of the gun you took.
He joined his father's cleaning company.
Nobody can help you.
I'm not asking.
What is it?
Look him up.
Look who's asking now.
Kunio Sakakibara?
He's connected to Moriwaki's next plan.
It's urgent.
Don't get your hopes up.
I'm under surveillance
thanks to a certain someone.
Who could that be?
Anyway, just do it.
"Shibata Cleaning"
I'll take that.
Bring the drums and polishers.
So you did change your job.
Why are you here?
I came to return this.
Are you crazy?
This is exactly what I hate about you.
Don't you know?
What happens to a cop
who loses a gun to a civilian?
Even a kid can figure it out.
So you knew I'd be forced to quit.
Everyone had a gun then.
But I chose yours because
I'm not cut out to be a cop?
Because it was "you".
No matter how many apologies
you'd have to write
Or if you got demoted
I thought you'd never quit.
Anyway, take this.
What the hell
Did you find anything?
Sakakibara was an atomic physicist.
He was arrested 5 years ago
for taking nuclear data.
Where is he now?
He died in prison 6 months ago.
He's dead? Which prison?
Kanagawa Medical Prison.
He had a lung disease
and frequently vomited blood.
What was he trying to do with the data?
Build a micro nuclear warhead.
A nuclear warhead?
The U.S. terminated the project in 1991.
But he made a model light enough
to carry around.
You mean he completed it?
In theory.
But he must've disposed of the specs.
Now it's just an urban legend.
If he had actually completed things
Terrorists would have
jumped at the possibilities.
Hint 2.
Wato will become famous.
Kento Futaba's burner
phone's been turned on.
It's in use now.
In the Harue area.
Alert everyone.
Yes, sir.
We traced the suspect's
cell phone activity.
Everyone, head to Edogawa ward.
That's it. Terrorists.
Moriwaki wants the specs
to make Wato a terrorist.
No way.
Where are the specs?
If Moriwaki gets them,
there's no turning back.
The police couldn't find anything.
If they existed,
they were inside Sakakibara's head.
He died 6 months ago, so they're gone.
They exist. I'm sure of it.
Probably at the prison. Help me.
Impossible. I can't
help you.
"Sherlock, be patient."
Do I look impatient?
It's Inspector Reimon's message.
"If you run, the police will chase you."
"Come forward and explain the shooting."
"We'll find Wato afterwards."
"We need" That's enough!
I'm almost done.
I've heard enough!
We'll find Wato afterwards.
We need to solve this one by one.
I'm on your side.
What's so funny?
Daigoro, relay the whole message.
"We need"
Don't call the police.
Are you sure about that?
The computer was turned on.
It'd be worse if it hadn't been.
Just have the lock fixed.
Yes. Thanks for your help.
She took the bait.
Can she really find them?
Three of our people searched the prison.
But they couldn't find a thing.
Sherlock will find it.
It's the only way she can find you.
Let's call the police.
They'll arrest that murderer.
We tracked her cell phone signal.
And searched the area,
but we couldn't find her.
Reexamine all of her
connections and friends.
Especially her brother, Kento Futaba.
Got it?
Yes, sir!
"We need to solve this one by one."
"I'm on your side."
"Can't help. Being watched."
So Sherlock broke into your office.
And copied important data on your computer.
But you're saying it was a trap?
Yes, to lure her out.
It's my duty as a citizen
to help the police.
Where will Sherlock turn up?
I'll show you.
"Kanagawa Medical Prison"
A medical prison?
Why do you think she'll be here?
She needs something
here for her next crime.
She should come within a few days.
Or she might
even be looking around now.
Dr. Irikawa.
Now they can catch Sherlock.
That's right.
Sakakibara completed the warhead specs.
He dedicated his life to it.
They would have always been on his mind.
He had a lung disease
and frequently vomited blood.
He was dying, so he left them somewhere
Sherlock, what's going on here?
You ate too many.
It helps me focus.
But not this time.
I wonder when Wato's coming back.
You're irritated because she isn't back.
I don't care.
It's fine if she doesn't come back.
Pull yourself together, Sherlock!
Do I have to slap you again?
You're both important to me.
Believe in yourself.
I believe in you.
Good work, everyone.
All of this is from our garden.
How great! The fruits of your labor.
It looks delicious.
You don't have to do work like that.
Once we get the specs,
I need you to go to Syria.
You can easily
go as a medical volunteer again.
Dr. Irikawa.
Will that help Toru's
and your
Will it help the cause?
That's right.
Will we be able to kill Sherlock?
Of course.
Handle the equipment with care!
Wash and put away everything.
See you later.
Nice view.
There's no reason for you to give me that.
Why are you here?
It's about Sherlock.
As you said, she's a selfish showoff.
I understand why you hate that.
Then why did you ask her to help?
Because she solves cases.
Her knowledge, observation
and deduction skills
They're nothing without our investigations.
I was the one doing all the investigating.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
He only had one way to
hide the specs here
It was
Get her.
Raise your hands and come with us.
Don't move.
What's this?
Put it on the floor!
Step back slowly.
"Did you catch her? Hey!"
"What's going on?"
"Follow her!"
The suspect has escaped.
It's lavender.
Find her getaway route.
Yes, sir!
It can't be!
Are you all right?
What's up with your outfit?
Let's go.
You're welcome.
No need to say it so many times.
I haven't even said it once
Thank you.
So, what did you find?
Specs for a micro nuclear warhead,
written in blood.
He knew he was dying,
so he wrote them down.
That's disturbing.
I erased them so Moriwaki wouldn't see.
But I've got them right here.
What are you going to do?
I have a favor to ask.
Hello? I have what you're looking for.
You've been searching for the specs,
haven't you?
And you're dying to know where the Dock is.
Pity you failed.
Come to the Reichenbach Building.
We'll trade.
The Reichenbach Building. Understood.
Unload the drums and polishers.
Where's Wato?
This is in exchange for her.
I'll return her once I finish
proving my theory.
That's wasn't our deal.
It's fine.
The more you wait,
the more touching the reunion.
Although your reunion will be in prison.
I'm sorry, Dr. Irikawa.
I can't go to Syria until I settle this.
I meant for you to go down in history.
But this works, too.
Sherlock will realize her mistake.
Stop! Drop your gun!
It's all right. You can do it.
Leading crime is an empty theory.
Come to your senses!
It's no use talking to her. I told you.
If I'm alive,
Wato won't listen to anyone but me.
Go ahead, Wato.
I don't mind being shot by you.
You're my friend.
My very first friend.
I'd rather you shoot me than anyone else.
Part of her surface consciousness
is resisting.
If it continues,
she'll have a split personality.
It's OK.
I'll count to three and then you shoot.
You'll be free now.
Oh my God!
Don't push. Move, please. No photos.
Ready, lift!
"Illegal clinic searched."
"Brainwashed patients?"
Going already?
You're welcome to stay.
I can't
You're going with Sherlock.
Here. Wear this.
Don't tell me what to wear!
You're disturbing my sense of beauty.
I never got to ask her
why she's called Sherlock
It was short.
But the time she spent with you
must have been precious to her.
I appreciate what you did for her.
Thank you.
Shouldn't we give her the autopsy results?
Toru Moriya died from the virus,
not the gunshot.
She's suffering enough already.
Time to head back to work.
Weren't you fired
for unauthorized use of the lift?
If I hadn't kept this, you'd be unemployed.
Let's go.
Ah, Shibata.
Write up a report for this case.
Yes, sir.
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