Motown Magic (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

It's Easy as ABC

-["ABC" playing]
-[children singing]
You went to school to learn, girl ♪
Things you never, never knew before ♪
Like I before E, except after C ♪
And why two plus two makes four ♪
Now, now, now, I'm gonna teach you ♪
Teach you, teach you ♪
All about love, yeah ♪
All about love ♪
Sit yourself down and take a seat ♪
All you gotta do is repeat after me ♪
A, B, C ♪
Easy as one, two, three ♪
Or simple as do, re, mi ♪
A, B, C
One, two, three ♪
Baby, you and me, girl! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
[Ben] This is where I live.
And that's me, Ben!
Just a normal kid with an unusual
I mean, a crazy, big imagination!
What's that doin' in there?
Whoa! Uh!
-Get off my face!
Listen, Harmony, this is the day.
The one I've been anticipating
Uh, expecting Uh, waiting for!
It's my first day back after vacation.
New class, new teacher,
new everything!
And I don't wanna be late.
Catch you on the flip side, cat!
[children laughing and cheering]
-[Angie] Hey, look out!
-Whoa! Ugh! Oh.
Benny, sometimes you're like an accident
waiting to happen, you know?
My name is Ben Love, and I love drawing,
basketball, music,
and my family, the Loves.
My dad works at the museum,
and my mom has the Love Bakery
Did that crash scramble your marbles?
It's me! Your best friend, Angie?
I already know that stuff.
Oh, uh, sorry, Ange.
I've just been practicing that intro thing
we always do in a new class.
This year, I'm gonna nail it.
Class, hi!
I'm Ms. Hernandez,
and, uh, now usually on the first day,
uh, of school, I get everyone
to introduce themselves
[whispers] I've totally got this.
But this year, I've decided
to do something a bit different.
Ugh! No! No! Don't do different!
So, tomorrow, I want you
to do something or show us something
that's your own special thing.
Like a talent, or a hobby,
or something you really
are passionate about.
But that's so difficult for me,
Ms. Hernandez!
Why is that?
Well, I have so many
truly remarkable talents,
it's virtually impossible to choose.
Ms. Hernandez, what if
you don't have any special, um
Oh, I'm sure you have
at least one, Benjamin.
You just need to work out what it is.
[playing "ABC"]
You went to school to learn, boy
Things you never, never knew before ♪
Like I before E except after C
And why two plus two makes four ♪
[chuckles] I love music!
Maybe that's my special thing.
[class cheering]
Grandma! Grandpa! Can I join in?
Absolutely! Oh, yes,
I just would love that.
Honey, just grab
an instrument, okay?
Sit yourself down and take a seat ♪
All you gotta do is repeat after me ♪
-[plays wrong note]
It's easy as one, two, three ♪
As simple as do, re, mi
[plays out of tune]
One, two, three
Baby, you and me, yeah ♪
It's easy as one, two, three ♪
As simple as do, re, mi ♪
One, two, three
Baby, you and me, yeah! ♪
Well, ABC.
That's the saddest face I ever did see!
Oh, it is. Now,
what's the trouble, Ben, honey?
I was supposed to show the class
my special talent tomorrow.
Trouble is, I don't have one.
You have lots of specialness, Benji.
Oh, see?
Your lil' sister's right.
You got so many talents,
I don't even know where to begin.
Oh, honey, listen.
How about you take a walk through Motown
to clear your head, hmm?
Okay. If you think it'll help.
You make sure to go past that ol' house
on the next block, you hear me?
I don't remember seeing that before!
Oh, come on!
Whoa! Whoa!
"Once you see who you can be,
it's like ABC, easy as one, two, three"?
Whoa! [gasps]
I gotta check this out.
Whoa! Whoa!
Oh. Huh?
It's just like it was
on the wall, only for real!
Uh Oh! Looks like I'm, uh
[car honks]
[both laughing and whooping]
-Huh? [screams]
-[Dancing Machine laughs]
'Bout time you got here.
You were expecting me?
[chuckles] Yeah, we've been waiting
for a new artist for a long, long time.
Thanks for saving me!
So, are you like a bird or what?
"Or what," I guess!
Uh, but you can call me Skywriter.
I'm Ben!
Cool to meet you at last.
See how faded
and gray this world's become?
We've been waiting
for someone to bring it back to life
with the Master Piece.
The Master who?
The Master Piece, silly.
The most amazing paintbrush
there ever was.
Oh, this isn't mine, Skywriter.
I just found it lying around.
You don't find the Master Piece.
The Master Piece finds you!
Somehow, it knows
if you got the imagination,
and creativity you need to use it.
All you gotta do is say,
"ABC, easy as one, two, three."
Got it?
It's easy as one two three!
[gasps] That's it!
As simple as do, re, mi
One, two, three
Baby, you and me, girl! ♪
It's easy as one, two, three
As simple as do, re, mi
One, two, three
Baby, you and me ♪
ABC, it's easy ♪
It's like counting up to three ♪
Sing a simple melody ♪
That's how easy love can be ♪
[Skywriter laughs]
Hey, maybe
Maybe this is my special thing.
Jump aboard, Ben.
We got a whole lot more painting to do.
[singing] ABC, it's easy ♪
It's like counting up to three ♪
Sing a simple melody ♪
That's how easy love can be ♪
[panting] Grandma! Grandma!
-Whoa! Oof.
You okay there, Benny?
Did you know about this, Grandma?
Is that why you sent me
past the old house?
Sorry, Benny, honey.
I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout.
[Stephanie grunting] Ha ha!
And that's just three
of my special talents.
Would you like to see more, Ms. Hernandez?
No! Uh, I mean
I mean, that was wonderful.
Thank you, Stephanie.
Uh, uh!
Okay, who's next?
Um, this is a
This is a painting I did.
[students gasping]
[all] Wow!
That is so beautiful, Ben!
And you thought
you had no special talents.
-Oh, yeah!
-All right!
Okay, slow down.
I still don't get what this is about.
It's about
me trying to be an artist, but
But I think I messed up.
[Angie scoffs]
It's just an old wall painting.
What does it matter?
Oh, it matters.
It matters a lot.
ABC, easy as one, two, three!
What's happening?
Come on, let's go!
Uh [laughs nervously]
Well, usually I stay away
from big, swirly, vortexy things.
It's fine, Ange.
Trust me.
[both] Whoa!
[both] Oof! Oh
"Trust me," you said,
just before we fell five stories onto a
A giant guitar?
Wait till you see the rest.
[Angie] I gotta be dreaming.
This place is unbelievable!
But what's going on over there?
[Ben] I think it's where
I painted last time,
but it's gone.
Uh weird!
Uh, don't want to bother you,
but, uh, we're kinda surrounded!
Uh, don't worry, Ange.
It should be okay to walk on.
Whoa! [grunting]
Or not.
So what's the plan, Benny?
I'll just, uh
Oh, paint us a way out!
[chuckles] Uh, that's not helping.
Did you read
the instructions on that thing, Benny?
I don't know why I was given this power
when I don't know what I'm doing.
Hang on down there! I got you!
Just grab my rope and hold on!
Skywriter! Am I glad to see you.
Okay, now we're being rescued
by a bird girl?
Could today get any weirder?
[sighs] Forget I asked.
Skywriter, this is my best friend, Angie.
Hey, Angie. Welcome to my humble nest.
Humble? Hah!
I wish my nest, uh, house was this humble.
That's where I painted, isn't it?
Uh, so it's my fault?
Don't feel bad, Benny.
The Master Piece is real powerful,
and you gotta have
a ton of confidence to control it
or, um
Or it messes things up?
[sighs] Then how come it was given to me?
How can I be in charge of all of this?
Stop doubting yourself, Benny.
You're the artist.
But what if it was all a mistake?
I mean, what if the Master Piece
was meant for someone else?
Oh! Oh, wait! Grandma! Grandma!
[laughs] Hey, now!
Who you callin' "Grandma"?
No, no, no. My grandma knew
where I'd find the Master Piece.
So maybe We gotta go back.
Come on!
What? Now? Benny!
You gotta fix this,
uh, before it's too late!
Don't worry, I'll be back.
Ouch! Is it always that rough?
Mmm, you get used to it.
Come on! We gotta find Grandma.
Music is a world within itself ♪
With a language we all understand ♪
With an equal opportunity ♪
For all to sing, dance
And clap their hands ♪
Whoa! Your family's so cool.
Grandma, you know how you told me
where that paintbrush was?
Did I?
Yeah. But what if I'm not the one
it was meant for?
I mean, if I'm not the artist?
Child, hush. 'Course you are.
Our whole family are artists.
With me, baby, it's music.
With your mom, it's cakes.
And your grandpa made cars,
and even your dad does a
Well, he, uh
Some people's gift is the piano or guitar,
but mine's the triangle! Whoa!
Uh, anyway, with you,
it's those beautiful drawings, Benny.
Okay, but
Uh, no, no, no. No buts.
You just gotta believe it. And feel it.
[singing] They can feel it all over ♪
They can feel it all over, people ♪
They can feel it all over ♪
They can feel it all over, people ♪
It's gotta be Ella. She's the one, not me.
Hey, Ben, Angie, come on.
Grab an instrument and join in.
Oh, sure, Mrs. Love. That'd be great.
Mom, you know I can't play anything.
Uh, of course you can.
Look, even your dad
and Uncle Rod are playing. See?
Triangle solo!
-[keyboard crackles]
-Uh, not the sound I was expecting.
Hey, that's what I'm talkin' about!
-Hey, Ella, wanna go somewhere fun?
Funner than this?
Ooh! I didn't know it was gonna
get on fire like that. Whoo-hoo!
What are we doing here, Benji?
What is this place?
ABC, easy as one, two, three!
That makes me dizzy!
Don't be scared. Just hold my hand and
[Ella laughing] Whee!
Bestest playground ever! Whee!
[laughing] Hey!
[gasps] Am I glad to see you.
Look, it's getting worse!
[Ella laughing]
Skywriter, this is Ella.
Uh, I think maybe she's the artist.
Hey, Ella, I need you
to go do some painting.
[Ella] Whee!
[yells] Uh, are you sure she's the artist?
Oh, Benny, she's making it way worse!
-[Ella] Whee!
-Ella, you gotta stop!
Look around.
Oh, no!
[Ella and Ben yell]
What's happening, Benji?
It's going everywhere, and honestly,
gray is, like, my least favorite color.
You're the only one
who can stop this, Benny,
but you gotta believe in yourself.
Yeah. I believe you're the artist,
Skywriter believes you're the artist.
Even Ella believes.
So if we all believe, why can't you?
Try, Benny. Uh, feel it.
Uh, you know, you got so much heart,
but you gotta use it.
Okay. You can do this.
You're Ben Love, so show some love!
You can feel it all over ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
You can feel it all over ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
You can feel it all over ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
You can feel it all over ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
[Ben] Ow!
Ha ha ha!
Wow. You know, you just created
a whole world?
Okay, but don't, like,
get a big head, okay?
You can feel it all over ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
You can feel it all over ♪
You can feel it all over ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
[music continues]
You can feel it all over ♪
Oh! ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
-[crowd cheering]
-[woman] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
[laughing] Thank you.
Thank you all.
Oh, and while we been playin',
another artist has been doin' his stuff!
[all] Whoa!
[all cheering and clapping]
That's where I went, Mommy!
And I met a talking bird and everything!
Oh, how lovely, sweetpea.
What a wild imagination, huh, love?
-You can feel it all over ♪
-You can feel it too, yeah! ♪
You can feel it all over, people ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
Come on, come on
Let me show you what it's all about! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
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