Motown Magic (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Mickey's Monkey

-["ABC" playing]
-[children singing]
You went to school to learn, girl ♪
Things you never, never knew before ♪
Like I before E, except after C ♪
And why two plus two makes four ♪
Now, now, now, I'm gonna teach you ♪
Teach you, teach you ♪
All about love, yeah ♪
All about love ♪
Sit yourself down and take a seat ♪
All you gotta do is repeat after me ♪
A, B, C ♪
Easy as one, two, three ♪
Or simple as do, re, mi ♪
A, B, C
One, two, three ♪
Baby, you and me, girl! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
[cars honking]
[school bell rings]
Here we go again. The new kid in school.
Ah, come on, Mickey, you got this.
You're a cool cat.
The coolest and the cattiest cat ever.
Class, I want you to meet Mickey!
It's his first day, so everyone,
let's make him feel welcome.
Remember your first day, Benny?
Ugh! I'm still trying to forget it.
[children laughing]
[Ben] Or was that just a bad dream?
Nope! It was disturbingly real.
-Earth to Ben!
-[Ben] Mmm?
I said you'd be happy to show Mickey
around, right?
Oh, oh, sure.
[children talking]
Okay, this is where I show you the ropes.
The basic rules are, the more tricks
you do, the more points you rack up.
I guess I showed him the ropes.
Okay, class, everyone form
into your groups.
We're going to do our presentations now.
[all talking excitedly]
Hey, Mickey, you can be
in our group if you want.
[laughs] Cool. Thanks, man.
[Ms. Hernandez] And to present another
great moment in science,
we have Ben, Angie and Mickey.
[Angie grunts and sighs]
Mmm Once upon a time,
there was a scientist called Isaac Newton,
and he was sitting under an apple tree
[groans] when all of a sudden
I discovered something super awesome.
Oh! [sighs]
And what did you discover, Mr. Newton?
Uh, oh
[whispering] Gravity! He discovered
Oh! Ah, ah!
Mmm, an apple a day
keeps the doctor away?
[grunts] Whoa!
[Mickey thuds] Oh!
And what else, Mickey?
Uh Hmm. Uh, uh
Hmm, oranges?
[children laughing]
Mickey, what did Newton discover
when the apple fell on his head?
Uh, um
[both whispering] Gravity.
[children laughing]
[tapping feet]
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
[all] Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Oh, yeah ♪
[children gasp]
You know a cat named Mickey
Came from out of town, yeah ♪
[all gasp]
He was spreadin' that new dance
All around ♪
[children] Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
In just a matter of a few days, yeah ♪
His dance became the new teenage craze ♪
When the people see him dancing
They begin to sing ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
[Mickey] To see that cat
Do that Monkey thing ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
It's really something to see ♪
[children] Yay!
This cat named Mickey
Doin' that Monkey ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Come on, let's do
The Mickey Monkey, children ♪
Do the Mickey Monkey, children ♪
Yeah, let's do
Mickey's Monkey, children ♪
Do Mickey's Monkey, children ♪
[children] Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
[children cheering]
How did you do that?
Do what?
It took you one class
to get everybody to like you.
I've been trying for my whole life.
[chuckles] I was just being myself.
-[Ben] Oh!
-Hey, Mickey,
that was literally the best dance ever.
-Do it again!
-[all cheering]
It was quite exhilarating.
Demonstrate it once more, please?
[Mickey laughs]
[children talking]
Wow, how'd he get so popular so fast?
If I knew that, I'd be doing it, too.
He's so cool.
We're never gonna be friends now.
Yeah? Well, that's his loss.
And who says you're not cool?
Ange, I can't even do that dance.
But you could!
All you need is a dance teacher.
And where are we gonna find one of those?
[both] Dancing Machine!
ABC, easy as one, two, three!
Ha ha! Hey, movers and groovers!
[makes robot sounds]
[in robotic voice] Welcome
to the disco!
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
He knows the dance already?
Great! That means he can teach you.
Hey, Dancing Machine?
Ben has something to ask.
Lay it on me, Benja-matic!
Well, all the kids at school
can do Mickey's dance, except me.
[laughs] You want to learn? Cool-a-roonie!
Let's get funky with the Monkey!
First, get your arms swinging!
Yeah! [laughs]
Then, bop your head up and down like this.
[laughs] Yeah!
Uh, ah, whoa!
[Dancing Machine]
Now, get your hips into it!
Uh Cramp! Bad cramp!
Then, finish with the funkadelic footwork!
[inhales deeply]
Okay, we need to get creative to the
[beeping] max! [laughs]
[children cheering]
Hey, you guys seen Ben or Angie?
I literally don't care.
Just do that Monkey thing again!
[Stephanie] I concur.
Repeat the dance immediately!
One more time!
Go on, Mickey. Go on, Mickey. [laughs]
Monkey see and monkey do ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Come on, you can do the Monkey, too ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Come on, they're doin'
Mickey's Monkey, children ♪
Doin' Mickey's Monkey, children ♪
Yeah, they're doin'
Mickey's Monkey, children ♪
Doin' Mickey's Monkey, children ♪
Do the monkey ♪
Do the monkey ♪
Mickey's Monkey ♪
Mickey's Monkey ♪
[sighs] I'm never gonna get this dance.
Maybe you gotta find your own style.
Be yourself!
But how?
Well, for me, who I am, it's in my name.
[beeps] Dancing Machine.
But Ben's just a name, not who I am.
Then you got to figure that out, bro.
I'm doing the Monkey dance. Look!
It's crazy. It's sweeping the whole town.
[laughs] Come dance with us, Benny!
Oh, man! Not my own family.
-How can I be myself, Harmony?
-[purring] Meow!
What's my dance style?
Thanks, but drawings aren't gonna help.
Harmony, drawings can't make me
Wait! Drawings can make me dance.
Thanks, Harmony!
Hey, you guys seen Ben and Angie?
-[children shouting]
-Please do the dance, Mickey!
Again? [scoffs] I'm kind of over it.
Stop messing with us!
Do the dance!
I will literally get mad.
[Angie] Hey, Mickey!
Angie! Ben!
I've been looking everywhere for you guys.
You have?
Yeah! Thought you was
gonna show me around.
Well, I do have something to show you.
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
Lum dee lum dee lie ♪
-[all] Yay!
-Wow! That was awesome!
It's like a robot taught you, yo!
And you drew these?
That's so cool.
You're one of a kind, man.
You both are.
And I just like being with people
who like doing their own dance,
like being themselves.
[humming and dancing]
Hey, yo, Ben! Can you draw me a new dance?
"Mickey's Monkey" is so yesterday.
I don't know.
Dancing's not really my thing.
But we do know someone
who, like, lives to dance.
Yeah? Who?
Want to see something
really cool?
ABC, easy as one, two, three!
Ready? Let's go!
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
Come on, come on
Let me show you what it's all about! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
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