Motown Magic (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Happy Birthday

-["ABC" playing]
-[children singing]
You went to school to learn, girl ♪
Things you never, never knew before ♪
Like I before E, except after C ♪
And why two plus two makes four ♪
Now, now, now, I'm gonna teach you ♪
Teach you, teach you ♪
All about love, yeah ♪
All about love ♪
Sit yourself down and take a seat ♪
All you gotta do is repeat after me ♪
A, B, C ♪
Easy as one, two, three ♪
Or simple as do, re, mi ♪
A, B, C
One, two, three ♪
Baby, you and me, girl! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
[singing] You know
It doesn't make much sense ♪
There ought to be a law against ♪
Anyone who takes offense ♪
At a day in your celebration ♪
You go here, and you go here.
Ella, can you speed it up?
Don't rush me, Benny.
Rod, is all that welding necessary?
Well, um, it just depends
on what you think.
I Wait a minute.
Can't a man use top-secret technology
without being hounded?
[gasps] Whoa! What are you guys making?
A rocket car?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Who ratted me out? Shh!
It's a float for Motown Day,
my least favorite day of the year.
But I heard Motown Day is a lot of fun.
Yeah, it's like a birthday party
for the whole town.
That's not why I despise Detest
Don't like it.
It's because my birthday is on Motown Day.
So? Everyone's celebrating anyway.
Everyone's celebrating Motown Day,
and they always forget my birthday.
It's like I'm an old toy at Christmas,
Hey, Ben buddy. [chuckles]
We were just this second,
discussing your birthday party and, uh
And, uh, since it's so important,
we thought we would, uh
Well, we thought we should ask you
what you wanted to do.
Yeah! Yeah, yeah. [laughs]
Because your birthday
is super-duper important to us.
Well, maybe I could have
a petting zoo at my party.
Or a magician.
Or that pirate guy Mickey had. Or
-And none of that is a problem.
On any other day but Motown Day.
Oh, sorry, Benny, but we tried
to throw you a party
on Motown Day once, remember?
Hmm, let's see.
[people cheering]
Hmm. Mommy, where is everybody?
[crowd] Motown Day! Best day ever!
I get it. No party.
Uh, how about we get you
a really nice present instead?
Well, I did have my eye
on a new telescope.
The Star Watcher 5000.
Uh, dollar, dollar my name's Bill, y'all.
That sounds kind of expensive.
Uh, consider it done, buddy.
Man, I don't blame you
for hating Motown Day.
So, why don't you do something about it?
What can he do? Go back in time
and be born on a different day?
No, but you gave me an idea.
What if I get Motown Day moved
to another day?
Then we'd have two parties,
which would be better for everyone, right?
Sure, but how ya gonna move Motown Day?
Don't worry, I got this.
[Bill panting]
No, no, no, open up! Open up!
This is a birthday emergency!
We're closed early for Motown Day.
But I need to buy that telescope.
Hmm, you mean that telescope there?
Yes. And you're a lifesaver.
You see, my kid
Your kid will have to wait
until after Motown Day.
[Bill] No!
Four signatures?
You got more for your petition
to put days of the week
in alphabetical order.
It made so much sense.
Hey, at least you gave it a shot.
Yeah, but Motown Day wins again.
Don't look at me like that, Harmony.
I tried, didn't I?
Benji, it's today! It's today!
Come see what's outside!
See, Harmony? They didn't forget.
I bet they got me a present so big,
it can't even fit in the house.
It's finished, and I helped lots and lots.
Isn't it incredible?
[Bill] Will you look at that?
[Bernadette laughs]
It's a wonderful float.
-[Bill] Whoo!
-[Marvin] Oh!
But today isn't only Motown Day.
It's also a very special day
for someone else.
Hey, uh, where where did Benny go?
Don't worry. Don't worry, I'll find him.
And while you're gone,
see if you can get him that telescope.
It's okay, Harmony.
I just need to go some place
where no one knows about Motown Day.
ABC, easy as one, two, three!
Hey, Dancing Machine, what you doin'?
I put on my boogie shoes
and I'm gettin' down!
Wanna get down, too?
I'm too down to get down.
Get outta town!
You can never be too down to get down.
It's just that
everyone forgot my birthday. Again.
Oh, that is bad.
What's a birthday?
You don't know what a birthday is?
I guess for you it was, um,
the day they turned you on.
Ha ha! But they turned me on and off
a few times, like this.
[Dancing Machine powers down]
[Dancing Machine powers up]
Ha! What were we talking about?
[clears throat] I'm sorry, sir.
I'm unable to process your request.
But it's my little boy's birthday,
and I promised him a telescopic device.
Now, give me one reason
I can't buy that one.
Because it belongs to the museum.
Uh, sir?
Just out of curiosity,
how were you planning to carry it?
Well, looks like we'll never work out
what day your birthday is.
So, why don't we celebrate it right now?
Ha ha! Dynomatic!
Let's get down and get funky!
[music starts playing]
[laughs] Yeah!
Let the celebration begin!
[singing] You know
It doesn't make much sense ♪
There ought to be a law against ♪
Anyone who takes offense ♪
At a day in your celebration ♪
What's all this hollering about?
We're having a birthday party
for Dancing Machine!
Uh, what's a birthday?
You don't know either?
It's a day to celebrate just
Well, just being who you are.
'Cause we all know in our minds ♪
There ought to be a time ♪
That we can set aside ♪
To show just how much we love you ♪
And I'm sure you would agree ♪
What could fit more perfectly ♪
Than to have a world party
On the day you came to be ♪
Happy birthday to ya
Happy birthday to ya ♪
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to ya ♪
Happy birthday to ya
Happy birthday ♪
I just realized something.
You guys don't care
exactly when your birthday is, do you?
-Ha ha! No!
-No. Oh, no! No way!
[laughs] Not at all.
Oh, uh, there you are, Benny.
Your dad's just gone looking for you.
Mmm! Happy birthday, Benny.
-[Ruby] Happy birthday, Ben.
-[Marvin] Happy birthday, Ben-Ben.
Happy birthday, Benny.
[panting] Ben! Oh, you're back!
Phew! Now, um, about that telescope.
Um, it's kind of a, uh, funny story.
It's okay, Dad.
What? It is?
I decided to postpone my birthday
until tomorrow.
I realized the actual day isn't important,
long as you make a time to celebrate.
Oh, well, that's real smart of you, Benny.
And it gives us more time
to get that telescope.
Come on, everyone.
We're gonna be late for the parade.
And I'm sure you would agree ♪
What could fit more perfectly ♪
Than to have a world party
On the day you came to be ♪
Happy birthday to ya
Happy birthday to ya ♪
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to ya ♪
Happy birthday to ya
Happy birthday ♪
Know what? Maybe sharing a birthday
with Motown isn't so bad after all.
[all] Yeah!
Why are parades so slow?
Oh! Time to hit that turbo booster
I installed.
Happy birthday to ya ♪
Whoa, that's not supposed to happen.
Wait, wait a minute, wait a minute,
wait a minute!
[float crashes]
Yep. Bestest birthday ever.
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
Come on, come on
Let me show you what it's all about! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy ♪
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three ♪
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
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