Murder in Provence (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

(theme music)
(birds chirping)
(light suspenseful music)
(door closes, locks)
(indistinct chatter)
(Marine) Hello?
- (Marine) Antoine?
- I'm through here.
- Is that all you're taking?
- We're only going for a weekend.
Jesus. Origami
and the art of packing.
If you were an article of clothing,
you'd be a perfectly folded shirt.
You'd be a white sports bra
- that's been through a mixed wash.
- (scoffs)
No, sorry, you'd be a shower cap.
Why are you packing
your entire wardrobe?
Because you won't tell me
where we're going,
and I need to be ready
for every eventuality.
It's supposed to be a surprise,
but we won't be going skydiving,
and there are
no equestrian events planned.
- Does that help?
- Surprises give me a tic.
- Tough.
- When I was a child,
a surprise meant
"Mummy and Daddy are
off to Biarritz
for three months
and sadistic Gudrun
with the moustache
will be looking after you,
won't that be fun?"
(Marine chuckles)
(church bell tolling)
It's George Moutte here.
I've just noticed a missed call.
I've got this do in half an hour.
I've rearranged things,
put it that way.
Call me back.
(door closes)
(light music)
(lock rattles)
(indistinct chatter)
Thanks for helping
with this, Claude.
No problem, Monsieur Rodier.
I'm happy to help.
It's just brilliant news
about you
getting the professorship.
Our lips are sealed, remember.
Well, I haven't said a word
to anyone, I promise.
Moutte better keep his promise.
(indistinct chatter)
(Yann) So who do we reckon's
getting Moutte's job?
We'll know in about two hours.
I'm more bothered
about who gets the scholarship.
- (Garrigues) Yeah, me too.
- So, may the best man win.
Quite a bit of gender bias
going on there.
- Welcome to my world.
- (Yann gulps)
- (Thierry) May the best person win.
- (Yann) Sorry, best person.
Oh, Claude! We're taking bets
on who's going to get Moutte's job.
Annie Leonetti, Rodier, or Rocchia.
- Dunno.
- Well, nobody thinks
I'll get the scholarship, sadly.
It's never gone to a woman,
and I can't see Moutte
breaking the mould, can you?
Not a chance.
He's stuck in the wrong century.
- 14th.
- (all laugh)
Yes, no?
Okay, you win.
This is where we are going.
Oh, is that the
- The Hotel Colombe!
- (Marine) Yeah.
- I've been there.
- No!
It's supposed to be a surprise.
You remember that former minister
who tried to bribe me,
the one with the terrible wig?
This is where he arranged to meet.
Left me with the bill.
A bottle of white,
two glasses of water.
I had to take out
a second mortgage.
Just as well I'm paying, then.
(light music)
(indistinct chatter)
- (Thierry) Okay, here we go.
- (Yann) Christ.
My grandmother's funeral
was livelier than this.
Hit the bar? Dr Leonetti, hi.
- Hi, guys. What can I get you?
- Can I go for some red, please?
(Thierry) Yeah, same.
What time's the announcement?
A weekend of utter squalor, then.
What time do we have to leave
in the morning?
Ten-ish. It's only an hour away.
There's a bed in the next room
in case I need to escape
your snoring.
Of course, it could be me
escaping your snoring.
- You're the one who snores.
- I've only your word for it.
- To us.
- (glasses clink)
- Nervous?
- A bit, which is mad.
- I know I'm not gonna get it.
- Hey!
You could be our new professor
by the end of the evening.
- Let's wait and see, shall we?
- (chuckles softly)
(Rodier) I would like
an explanation, Georges.
I have perfectly
valid reasons, Bernard,
but I'm not able
to discuss them here.
This is, I don't believe this.
- Well, get used to it.
- You know what, piss off, Georges!
Monsieur Rodier!
My grandmother
thought oysters were
the work of the devil.
(Marine) Hmm.
She was English, of course,
and could say that while adoring
something called Marmite,
which she had specially shipped
from London.
Marmite? What's that?
- God knows!
- Mm-hm.
- It's kind of like salted tar.
- (chuckles softly)
Probably a by-product of Formica.
Clarence, what did Georges say
to make Bernard storm out?
I've no idea.
Georges is never
what you'd call forthcoming, is he?
Three of you up
for the professorship,
Bernard has pissed off,
Giuseppe Rocchia hasn't pitched up.
Thank God,
he brings me out in hives.
Which only leaves you.
Maybe they know something we don't.
(indistinct chatter)
(glass clinking)
- Here we go.
- Ladies and gentlemen
We've gathered here
in this beautiful apartment
on this perfect, balmy evening,
for the announcement
you've all been waiting for.
And I'm afraid I'm going to have
to disappoint you.
I won't be announcing
my successor this evening
because I've decided
not to retire after all.
This is due, let's just say,
to circumstances beyond my control.
As for the Dumas Scholarship,
I will be making my recommendations
at a later date.
Now, I know this must be
a tremendous disappointment
to some of you,
but please, help yourselves
to more food and wine.
And now, if you'll excuse me
a moment.
(guests groan, murmuring)
It's insane!
He told me I've got it.
Well, he obviously dangled
that carrot in front of everyone.
- Treacherous piece of shit.
- What a bastard.
- Did he say anything to you?
- He never mentioned anything.
I'm not gonna a stay here
and drink his crappy wine.
I'm gonna hit the gym.
Well, well, well, the old bugger.
- Are you all right, cherie?
- Yeah, yeah.
I'm just a bit stunned.
(suspenseful music)
(indistinct chatter)
(cell phone ringing)
All right,
will you excuse me a moment?
Georges Moutte,
international man of mystery.
Jesus. When did this happen?
Okay. What do you need me to do?
(Moutte) Oh. Let me take that down.
(dog barking in distance)
That was the longest pee
anyone's ever had
in the history of peeing.
I used to just lift the lid
and pee like a horse.
Now it's like effing Morse code.
Dot, dot, dash, dash.
Be there all night.
How often do you think about death
on an average day?
Once or twice.
It's every other thought with me.
Well, you're older than me.
For you,
it's just around the corner.
God, you're cheery, aren't you.
(Marine chuckling)
- (door opens)
- (gasps)
I sent Garrigues home,
there wasn't much more to do.
Thanks for everything, Annie.
I appreciate it.
(Moutte) I just have to go over
to my office.
Can you let yourself out?
Of course. But, Georges,
what just happened tonight?
(door closes)
(glass shatters)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music intensifies)
- (thwacks)
- (Moutte groans)
(indistinct chatter)
(birds chirping)
There's a restaurant I know
near the hotel.
It's got six tables,
the chef's a genius,
not a foam or a sous vide in sight.
(cell phone ringing)
- Antoine Verlaque.
- (Hélène) Judge!
It's Deputy Commissioner Paulik.
Our new deputy commissioner,
get you.
- How does it feel?
- (Hélène over phone) Overdue.
But I'll tell you when I see you.
How's your weekend going so far?
You're about to spoil it,
aren't you?
- (Hélène) Yep. Sorry, Judge.
- (sighs)
There's been a murder
at the university.
How soon can you get here?
(Antoine) Bastards.
Why couldn't they wait
till Monday to do their murdering?
Oh, well. Bye-bye, Hotel Colombe.
Which means, tragically,
you'll miss out on the pillow menu.
I was hoping to order
one filled with hops.
I'm bereft, I've always longed
- to sleep in a brewery.
- (Marine chuckles)
Any more murder information?
No, she just said
at the university. That's all.
I'm so, so sorry about this.
Go. Go!
It's not your fault.
(Marine) Time to mark the essays
I was avoiding.
Let me know what happens.
(blows air)
(suspenseful music)
(car door opens)
(car door closes)
(indistinct chatter in distance)
Okay, give me the scoop.
Hang on a minute.
Hey, Lemoine,
piss off or I'll have you arrested!
That was very efficient. Who is he?
Registered sex offender.
He was kneecapped.
- Where were we?
- Do we know who the victim is?
It's a Professor George Moutte.
Forensics are almost through.
Cleaner found him
at eight o'clock this morning,
lying behind the desk.
(Antoine) And I thought
my weekend had turned out badly.
(light music)
(camera shutter clicks)
(Antoine) Do they have the weapon?
(Hélène) Blunt object,
that's all we have at the moment.
(Antoine) Anything missing?
His secretary says nothing obvious.
Audrey Zacharie, she arrived
just before the police did.
The laptop was opened on the desk.
Nothing was awry. She's downstairs.
Why am I still here?
I've already spoken to the police.
I'm Judge Verlaque.
(Antoine) Deputy Commissioner
Paulik, you've met.
We won't keep you any longer
than necessary.
I'm supposed to be
at a family barbecue.
I'm supposed to be
at a boutique hotel in the Luberon.
I'm sure Professor Moutte had
his own plans for the weekend.
Yet here we are,
and one of us is in a mortuary.
- How long's this gonna take?
- That's up to you.
You arrived here this morning
just before the police did.
Do you normally come in
on a Saturday?
Uh, no. Professor Moutte had
a drinks do last night,
and I got changed here
before I went.
I came in to get my clothes.
- Any other reason?
- No. Why?
- Was anyone else here?
- Uh, the cleaner who found him.
She was hysterical,
so I went with her to his office.
- I don't think it was a burglary.
- Why?
Because those two Galet vases
in his office are worth
about 10,000 euros each.
I read history of art,
I know about these things.
Antique glass was
Professor Moutte's big thing.
(Antoine) I see.
He was supposed to announce
his successor last night,
but seemed to change his mind
about retiring.
Can you shed any light on that?
- I was as surprised as anyone else.
- Did you like him?
He was okay, yeah.
- He trusted me.
- With what?
No, I just mean he respected me.
He knew I was worth
more than I was being paid.
Counts for a lot in this place.
They're all a bit up themselves
in here, as you'll discover.
What did you do
after you left the party?
I went to meet my boyfriend
in Bar du Commerce, he works there.
- We left around two and went home.
- (Antoine) Okay.
In the next hour,
I need you to draw up a list
of everyone who was
at the party last night.
(Antoine) And could you mark those
who were in line
for Professor Moutte's job
or the Dumas Scholarship.
I told you,
I'm supposed to be at a family
That wasn't a question, by the way.
Thank you. You can go now.
(indistinct chatter)
- (Thierry) Got any paracetamol?
- (Yann) No.
How come you don't have a hangover?
From Garrigues.
(sombre music)
(indistinct chatter)
(mouse clicking)
(keyboard clacking)
According to Audrey's list,
Annie Leonetti, Bernard Rodier,
both lecturers in the department,
and an Italian guy
called Giuseppe Rocchia,
who apparently does
popular TV shows
about the medieval church in Italy.
Who knew that was even a thing?
But only one of them was there
when Moutte made his announcement.
Annie Leonetti.
Rodier had an argument
with Moutte earlier and walked off.
Do we know what it was about?
Not yet.
And Rocchia never showed up.
What about the Dumas Graduate
Scholarship, was that a big thing?
Oh, sure.
A large grant to fund research,
accommodation, pretty much
guaranteed a job at the end of it.
Yeah, but not something
you'd kill for, right?
- People are full of surprises.
- (cell phone ringing)
(Antoine) Excuse me.
(Marine over phone) I'm still
at your place, I'm afraid.
Tell me about the murder.
It happened in
the Medieval History Department.
Christ. Who was it?
- A Professor Georges Moutte.
- Oh, my god.
- You know him?
- (Marine) Well, I've met him.
My mother worked with him
for 30 years.
I think she was at a drinks do
at his apartment last night
to announce his successor.
How weird is that?
Well, you know Aix, everyone's
connected to everyone else.
She's never been able
to stand him, incidentally.
Great! We can wrap
this up pretty sharpish, then.
Who knew your mother had it in her?
I'll tie up my dossier
and let the prosecutor know.
You do know, whoever got the job
also got the apartment.
- Was that a big deal?
- (Marine) Have you seen it?
Jesus, Antoine,
it's worth squillions.
- Who did get the job?
- (Antoine) No one.
He postponed his retirement
at the last minute.
And then someone killed him?
Wow. It's very Agatha Christie.
I have to go. Talk later, okay?
Shall we?
(cell phone vibrating)
If you're phoning to tell me,
I already heard.
Si. Si, molto, molto tragico.
When you say missing
That is not the point.
I have to go.
Call me the moment you
(light music)
(indistinct chatter)
(knocks on window)
- Cherie. Am I late?
- No, I was early.
I was photographing
a really irritating playwright
for a theatre programme, who kept
insisting I take his good side.
I hadn't the heart to tell him
both sides were equally awful.
(both chuckle)
Oh, and then he blew his nose,
looked into the tissue,
as if it might hold
the key to life,
- and asked me for a date!
- Ooh.
(Sylvie) Ugh. Jesus.
Thank God for air-conditioning.
(blows air)
But I have to know,
have you decided about the job?
I woke up this morning
and decided yes.
- Is Antoine thrilled?
- I haven't told him yet.
Aw. So, how's it gonna pan out?
One day a week teaching
at university,
and then criminal psychologist
as and when the police need you?
A bit more formal.
That's what the haggling was about.
Now, it's a two-year contract,
plus I get to work from home
- and save them a fortune.
- (Sylvie) Hmm.
So, where's Antoine?
You said he was called away
because of a murder.
(Sylvie) Who was it?
A colleague of my mother's
at the university.
Oh, your poor mother. Who?
It's okay. She couldn't stand him.
Someone called Georges Moutte.
- Did you know him?
- Um
(chuckles softly)
(Sylvie) Not really. I mean
I took his photo once
for a magazine article.
We had a, a drink afterwards,
and he was
(chuckles softly)
He was really sweet.
Oh. Commissioner Roussel
and his midlife crisis.
(Hélène) Shh. He's still my boss.
Judge Verlaque and my new deputy.
How's it all going?
Well, we're the dream team.
I wish I could be
more hands-on myself,
but I thought I'd let her
have her head on this one.
Generous and noble-spirited
as ever.
Are you being sarcastic, Judge?
I'm hurt
you should think that, Francois.
Yeah, well, have a good weekend.
- Keep me up to speed, Hélène.
- Ride safely.
Has he any idea what a twat
he looks like on that bike?
None whatsoever.
(light music)
(Antoine) Hi, it's me.
Guess who I'm interviewing later.
- (Marine over phone) Who?
- Your mother.
(Marine laughs)
Lucky you.
I bet you 50 euros she brings up
A, why we haven't got married yet,
and B, the fact that she was
on the barricades in 1968.
Yes to the barricades,
no to the wedding.
It's a murder investigation.
She's not that mad.
- 50 euros.
- Okay, but I'll win.
Sorry, I'm interrupting
your lunch with Sylvie.
(Marine) It's okay.
Apparently, she took
Georges Moutte's photo once
for a magazine.
I think she took a bit
of a shine to him.
She looked pretty shocked.
Okay, call me later
when you're done.
(Antoine) Okay, bye.
- Are you okay?
- (Sylvie) Yeah, fine.
Just a bit, you know
(sniffs, chuckles)
- (Sylvie) Poor Georges Moutte.
- Yeah.
Taking someone's photos
(breathes deeply)
It's quite an intimate thing,
you know?
- He wasn't naked, was he?
- No, of course he wasn't.
It was for an arts magazine,
but you know?
We make a connection.
But you didn't really know him
that well.
- (Sylvie) No, no.
- Right?
It was just, um
Oh, sod it,
I was having an affair with him.
(Sylvie sobbing)
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I was, I don't know!
I mean, he's 76. And it was,
it was kind of clandestine.
Don't tell Antoine. Please?
Sylvie, for God's sake,
he's been murdered!
I know. I know! I know!
But just don't tell him, okay?
Please. It was private.
I never told anyone about it,
and I don't think he did either.
I didn't really know anything
about the rest of his life.
It was just
God, why would anyone kill him?
(Sylvie) Sorry.
She's meeting us in the brasserie
because, as she put it,
she's "patently" not our murderer.
Plus, she knew Moutte for years
and will be able to fill us in
on a bit of background.
(Hélène) I haven't seen
Marine's mother in ages.
(Antoine) She hasn't mellowed,
put it that way.
I'm not sure
how ethical this is, Antoine.
- I mean, we're practically related.
- Purely a formality, Florence.
Uh, so if it's
an alibi you're after,
I was tucked up in bed by midnight.
And there is nobody
who can confirm that.
That's fine.
Tell us about Georges Moutte.
He was the most
opaque person I ever met.
Some people might say shady.
What did he have to be shady about?
I'm not sure. Of course,
it could have been an act.
Some people like to cultivate
an air of mystery, don't they?
What about his personal life?
Girlfriends, boyfriends?
(Florence) The former, I think.
Again, all very discreet.
He and I were the same age.
I retired eight years ago,
he should have done the same.
Any idea why he didn't?
I think he liked having
that apartment to swank about him.
Show off
his hideous glass collection.
(Florence) He was an awful snob.
He liked Grand Cru wines
and antique furniture.
And he thought
that reality television
was the end of civilisation.
Of course, he may have had a point.
My late husband and I
were communists.
We were on the barricades in '68.
Whilst Moutte was no doubt
bidding for an 18th century
escritoire at Sotheby's.
It's all about um, stuff with him.
Not people. Things.
Thank you, Madame Bonnet,
you've been very helpful.
He was a pain in the arse,
but it hardly merits murder,
does it?
Um, you should marry Marine
while you still have your hair.
You'll look better in the photos.
- Kerching.
- Sorry?
Oh, nothing.
Thanks for talking to us, Florence.
(Hélène) First up, Bernard Rodier.
(door closes)
So, you were home by 11:30.
What was the argument about
with Professor Moutte?
- At the party?
- There was more than one?
No. No, no.
(chuckles softly)
- Uh, well, I was upset.
- Clearly. Several people noticed.
He more or less said
the job was mine. I told people.
Claude Ossarte, I'm his supervisor,
he helped me move stuff
from my office.
We spent a whole afternoon
packing boxes.
So, you must have felt
Pretty stupid, yes.
Thierry, were you surprised
when Professor Moutte
made his announcement?
He kind of hinted I'd won
a scholarship, so, yeah.
And that was important to you?
The money would have been
Would have changed everything.
It was weird,
cos I saw him the day before
and he said he was really
looking forward to retiring.
And never having to read
another dissertation
as long as he lived.
So, you left the party. Then what?
We, Yann and I, went
to a couple of bars.
Did you go straight home
after that?
Yeah. No, we didn't.
I mean, we were pretty drunk.
We just hung about a bit.
- Doing what?
- Just hanging. Talking.
What time did you get home?
I guess about
Thierry and I, we went
to a couple of bars afterwards.
Drank too much.
It's all a speeded-up blur
after that.
I think we tried to chat up
some American girls.
- Could they verify that?
- Didn't get their names.
- What time was this?
- I can't remember.
Sort of after midnight.
Then we went home.
So you left the bar
around what, 12:30?
Something like that.
- And went straight home?
- Yeah, we'd crashed out by one.
Do you often go to the gym
at that time of night?
Well, it wasn't even nine o'clock.
(Claude) I was so fed up
and I needed to work off
some steam.
And then I went and undid
all the health stuff
by going to the Bar du Commerce
and drink an entire pichet of red.
- Talk to anyone there?
- (Claude) The barman, probably.
I, I was just really upset.
I just, I, I didn't get why
Moutte went ahead with the party,
just to let everyone down
like that, you know?
Did you like Professor Moutte?
He was a bit of an old buffer,
but he was okay.
He wasn't as bright
as he thought he was, though.
Most people aren't.
Or maybe you are.
How important
was the professorship to you?
It was a step up,
of course it was important.
My wife and I, we're um, split up.
(Rodier) Six months ago.
Um, I'm living in a bedsit.
Next to a ring road.
I thought, you know,
a fresh start, tenure
We might get back together.
And of course, you'd have
that rather fine apartment.
Well yeah, but that, that wasn't
uppermost in my mind.
(Antoine) No? I think
it would have been in mine.
Lying there in my bedsit,
listening to the traffic.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
It was certainly
Ooh, yeah,
it would have been great. Yeah.
So, all in all,
a bit of a bad night.
You could say that. Yeah.
You left Doctor Leonetti
clearing up at Moutte's apartment,
- and got home about what time?
- Around 12:45.
Did you notice anything
when you left?
- Anyone hanging around?
- (Garrigues) Not really.
I mean, there were
people around, but
Nothing that stuck out?
About midnight, Georges left
to go over to his office.
- Do you know why?
- I guess he wanted to get online.
The apartment's
in a Wi-Fi black hole.
What did you do?
I finished putting the glasses away
and left.
You said you called
Guiseppe Rocchia yesterday.
Do you know why
he wasn't at the party?
(scoffs, inhales sharply)
Oh he's way too grand
for cheap plonk
and canapés from the freezer shop.
He's a bit of a celebrity in Italy.
Do you know him well?
We're not what you'd call mates,
but he can be quite entertaining.
Bernard Rodier might know
why he didn't come.
(Annie) They were just
at a conference in Italy together.
Giuseppe's a semi-expert
on all sorts of stuff.
Like what?
I think that's why
he and Moutte got on.
They were both interested
in antique glass.
I mean, how niche is that?
I'm going to stick my neck out
and say I don't think
- Marine's mother did it.
- (scoffs)
However, Yann and Thierry's stories
don't match.
Exactly. One says
they were asleep by 1:00,
the other, that
they didn't get home until 2:30.
- They were drunk, of course.
- They say they were, but even so
One and a half hours is
a pretty major discrepancy.
Rodier certainly had a motive.
A sandal-wearing murderer?
I suppose there's a first time
for everything.
- Claude Ossarte.
- Check out his story about the gym.
Check out the bar too.
But my main feeling is this
Either Moutte was lying
to Thierry Marchive
about wanting to retire, or
at some point in the next 24 hours,
he changed his mind.
He said it was due to circumstances
beyond his control.
Let's find out what they were.
Somewhere in those 24 hours,
we'll find the key to all of this.
- Oh, Christ.
- How's it going?
- All solved, in the bag.
- You're joking!
Yes, I am.
What have you got for me?
Good work, Sayïd. Thank you.
Yann Falquero, he has a record.
- (Antoine) Really?
- Breaking and entering, in Paris.
We're getting him in tomorrow.
Well, there's your man,
right there.
And, apparently,
his fingerprints are
all over Moutte's office.
(fan whirring)
(Antoine) What's that weird noise?
A battery-operated fan.
- I'm having a hot flush.
- You look ridiculous.
How's the prostate?
Okay, one-all.
I suppose it's downhill
all the way now.
Incidentally, you owe me 50 euros.
I don't believe you.
I'm afraid she got them both in,
marriage and manning
the barricades.
Oh, god!
It was all I could do
to stop myself
from dancing round the room.
- (laughs)
- (grunts)
So, how was your day?
Student essays, they're enough
to finish off a saint.
I spend weeks
explaining the difference
between an inquisitorial system
of justice and an adversarial one.
I explain minutely
the role of a judge
in the French legal system.
I tell them
you're a bit like a detective.
- And hugely more important.
- Obviously.
I tell them a judge decides
which lines to pursue.
Sifts through the evidence.
Throws out the dross.
Compiles the rest into a dossier
for the court.
And half of them still think
your job is banging a gavel
and sentencing people to 300 years
without parole.
I blame American TV.
Any thoughts on who killed
Georges Moutte?
Uh, one of the students has
a record, apparently,
but sadly,
not for anything violent.
- Hmm.
- (yawns)
Oh god, it's exhausting
interviewing people.
- (Antoine sighs)
- (Marine groans)
Shall I do that American thing,
- and say, "Good night, love you"?
- (chuckles softly)
- No, don't, I'll be sick.
- All right.
I meant to tell you,
I'm taking the job.
- Oh, that's brilliant news!
- Mm.
- We'll be working together.
- Yeah.
I'll talk about it tomorrow.
(Yann) We were drunk.
We just wanted to know
who'd won the Dumas.
The door to his office was open,
so we went in.
And I looked in the desk.
Yet failed to notice he was lying
dead on the floor?
There was only a desk lamp on.
You couldn't really see
the rest of the room properly.
(Yann) We turned round
and he was just lying there.
- You could tell he was dead.
- How?
You could see
the corner of his face.
We thought he'd had a stroke
or something, so we ran.
We were so drunk
and we shouldn't have been there.
- You just left him there!
- (Yann) It was like a bad dream.
We just ran.
We were really, really drunk.
Look, the reason
my fingerprints are on file is,
I broke into a chichi
Paris apartment
and stole a bottle
of 50-year-old whiskey.
It was my father's apartment,
he and my mother had split up.
I was angry. And 16.
He grassed me up.
- What sort of father does that?
- (Hélène) Maybe he meant well.
Maybe he was just
trying to teach you
right from wrong.
I was a screwed up teenager!
I did a lot of stupid things.
It doesn't make me a murderer.
It doesn't make you
not a murderer though.
Does it?
- (birds chirping)
- (siren blaring in distance)
I've spoken to Yann Falquero.
And he admitted
that he and Thierry were there.
So what do you want to do?
First of all,
talk to Thierry Marchive again.
But why would either of them
kill their professor?
A scholarship, seriously?
How would killing him help?
And it's not
as if Falquero needs the money.
(Hélène scoffs)
(light music)
Here we are.
This was the prize they all wanted.
My family had an apartment
like this in Paris.
It was the unhappiest place
I've ever lived in.
What was
your family business again?
Flour. We were the second largest.
- In the whole of France?
- No, the world.
My family is comedically ghastly.
I have as little to do with them
as possible.
These windows need replacing.
That's 100,000 at least.
- Is the department short of money?
- Not at all.
They had
a massive endowment years ago.
They have money coming out
of their ears, apparently.
(exhales deeply)
Maybe someone would kill
to get their hands on this.
Only if you absolutely knew
you'd get Moutte's job.
And you knew
you wouldn't get caught.
Or you were so angry
you weren't thinking.
(door opens)
(door closes)
- Madam Zacharie. Can we help you?
- (gasps)
- (Audrey shrieks)
- (glass shatters)
(Audrey gasps, pants)
(Audrey) Look what you made me do!
Was the vase valuable?
Yes. Yeah.
And he only got it the other week.
It was a present
from a friend from Italy.
What are you doing here?
I was looking
for some student grant forms,
Professor Moutte was supposed
to have signed them.
- Let's have a look at that hand.
- (Audrey) No. I'm fine.
Come with me.
Am I in trouble?
I don't know.
You tell me.
Expensive taste.
These cost a fortune.
And she's on what, minimum wage?
Where is she?
Having a pee.
How'd she get the keys
to this place?
She was his secretary.
Maybe he gave her a set.
A gift from an Italian friend.
Guiseppe Rocchia?
Could be.
Let's get it examined, shall we?
Find out what it actually is.
I'm guessing Gallé.
If it is, and it is from Rocchia,
it's a pretty expensive gift.
(paper rustles)
Well, I'm no expert, obviously,
but these don't look like
student grant forms to me.
(Hélène) What are they?
Departmental bank statements.
I think we need a word with Audrey.
(Hélène) Antoine!
- She's legged it.
- What the f
She hasn't got any shoes on!
She was obviously
scared of something.
Not me, surely, I'm adorable.
So, what do we think she was up to?
(Antoine over phone) Nothing good,
I'm pretty certain of that.
And I have a hunch.
You had a hunch Hillary Clinton
was gonna be
the first female president
of the US,
and look how that ended.
Moutte's murder was nothing to do
with the job, or the scholarship.
- No?
- You don't kill someone
because you didn't get
a scholarship or a job.
- Where's the logic in that?
- I hate to break it to you.
But logic isn't a strong point
for most killers.
All I know is,
Audrey Zacharie's disappeared. Why?
Moutte said he wasn't retiring
due to circumstances
beyond his control.
What were those circumstances,
and what did Audrey know
about them?
He's here. Just this way. Ma'am.
I should have told you.
I'm sorry.
(Thierry) I'm so sorry.
We were
in Professor Moutte's office
on Friday night.
- Yes, I know.
- But we didn't kill him!
I swear to God, we didn't kill him.
We just wanted to know
if I'd got the scholarship,
that's it.
- News on Audrey?
- No.
She's not in the department.
She's not at home.
They're checking
her parents' house.
God Almighty,
our number one suspect, vanished.
What about Yann and Thierry?
Do we believe them?
Um, it's all a bit convenient.
"We just happened to be there.
And we just happened
to find him dead.
- And then we ran away."
- So give me a motive.
They didn't get the scholarship.
Got drunk. Hit him over the head.
No, you're right.
It's not
what I would call compelling.
Which is why
we need to find Audrey.
Why did she take off like that?
What does she want
with those bank statements?
And most importantly,
where the hell is she?
On the upside,
we tracked down Guiseppe Rocchia.
And I have news
about the murder weapon.
- What?
- It was made out of wood.
Oh well,
that narrows it down vastly.
What could it be?
A tree trunk? A chair leg?
Or something more comedic,
like a rolling pin?
No, wait for it. There were traces
of varnish and paint on it.
And it's around 700 years old.
Of course it was!
It's never a hammer
someone picked up in a DIY store.
And oh look, here's the receipt.
Is it?
(knocking on door)
- (Marine) Maman!
- Please don't call me that.
- Am I disturbing you?
- (Marine) I'm marking essays.
Just give them all B minus.
By the time they're 60,
none of it will matter anyway.
Um, any more of that coffee?
When I think of the house you had
when you were married to Thibault.
Ah, yes. Lovely Thibault.
Remember that time
he slammed me against a wall
and broke my wrist?
Well, that was appalling.
- But when people get overawed
- Florence, I'm warning you!
You can't have pitched up here
to discuss a marriage
that ended 15 years ago.
If you loved Thibault that much,
you should have
married him yourself
and then had a very rude awakening.
Now what do you want?
Ah, I just remembered
something about Friday night
and uh, wondered
if should tell Antoine.
Carry on.
Did you ever meet
Moutte's secretary,
Audrey Zacharie?
Long hair, moody.
(Florence) I think there was
something going on there.
She was either
having an affair with Moutte,
or she wanted him
to think she might.
Thanks for meeting me here.
I'm not ready to face
the department yet. After
Well, it's so shocking.
I can hardly believe it's happened.
And also, it's a novelty for me
to have a quiet drink in public
without being asked
for my autograph.
In Italy, of course
Why weren't you at the party
on Friday night, Dr Rocchia?
Because Georges called me
Friday morning
to say he'd changed his mind
about retiring.
He assumed I was in Italy.
He didn't want me to make the trek.
Did he say why he changed his mind?
Not ready to go.
Couldn't face the upheaval.
Personally, I think he liked
that apartment too much.
Who wouldn't?
Tell me about your interest
in antique glass.
That was something
Georges and I shared.
- An interest in Gallé glass?
- God, no! I hate the stuff.
You never gave Professor Moutte
anything like that as a gift?
No. Why would I do that?
Roman glass,
that's what I'm interested in.
It has history and rarity,
and it's so much more beautiful.
- Where were you on Friday night?
- At my apartment in Nimes.
- Can anyone confirm that?
- My wife, Claire, was with me.
- Is she there now?
- We have an apartment in Cassis.
She's there for the weekend.
But, please, feel free to call her.
I'll give you her number. May I?
- (Rocchia) Grazie.
- Prego.
(indistinct chatter)
There, little gift for you.
My autograph.
You're a lucky man, Judge.
People pay a lot of money for that.
(microwave dings)
(knocking on door)
(light music)
(Rodier) Giuseppe.
- Would "snug" be the word?
- (chuckles softly)
(Rocchia) I've just
been interviewed by the judge.
At last,
I was beginning to feel left out.
- Oh.
- (both chuckle)
So, any news?
No, I'm afraid not, no.
Bernard, we'll both be in the shit
if you don't sort this out.
I trusted you with it,
and now my professional reputation
is at stake.
Do you understand?
This place is tragic.
What do you reckon
happened, Claude?
To Moutte?
I don't know. Burglary gone wrong?
- I mean, did they take anything?
- Don't know.
Who was the last person to see him?
Annie Leonetti, probably.
I think she was the last one
at his apartment.
I left a bit before she did.
Right, and she was pretty
pissed off with him, wasn't she?
Well, so was Dr Rodier.
So was everyone.
You're not seriously suggesting
Annie did it?
- (both laugh)
- Yeah, okay, not really.
I've always thought
Professor Moutte had a
secret life none of us know about.
Wonder if it was to do with that.
- (Antoine) Hello.
- (Marine) Hi!
(key jingles, clanks)
I've brought some things
so you wouldn't have to cook.
I could've made us an omelette.
Course you could!
In an alternative universe.
I've got Jamón ibérico,
olives, cheese, bread, fruit.
(Antoine) What's that in your hair?
A fork.
Wanna make something of it?
So, my mother
thinks there was something going on
between Moutte and his secretary.
Apparently, she saw her
brush a bit of fluff
off his shoulder at the party,
which is apparently how
the world knew
that Princess Margaret
was having an affair
with the group captain
in 1950-something.
Honestly, for a die-hard communist,
my mother knows an awful lot
about the British Royal Family.
Of course, Florence sees
conspiracies everywhere,
as you know.
Have you told her about the job?
I can't face it.
She'll only bang on about me
joining the police, which I'm not.
But anyway
Is Audrey Zacharie
your main suspect?
Her boss has been murdered,
and she's vanished.
It's not a great look.
The pathologist report
said that Moutte was hit
by someone
standing in front of him,
so if he was standing here
and the desk was here,
the murderer
Oh. That'll be me!
Is here on the same side
of the desk.
The blow struck him
on the left temple.
Unfortunately, that's one
of the weakest spots on the skull,
um, the point
where four bones meet.
- One blow, that's all it took.
- Pfft.
He went down but clutched the desk,
like this, as he went.
I'm thinking runner-up,
small film festival.
- Arse end of Pas-de-Calais.
- (Antoine) Hmm.
(Marine) So, I'm looking at you
in the face when I kill you?
- I guess so.
- That's quite intimate.
Someone was furious,
or frightened, or both.
- It probably wasn't planned.
- And could it have been a woman?
Audrey Zacharie.
If she was having an affair
with him.
She wasn't having
an affair with him.
Sylvie was.
Christ, there's two of you
at it now.
Menopause world.
We bought the franchise.
- So
- I know.
I should've told you
all this earlier, Antoine,
I'm aware of that, okay?
So don't start.
If you want an alibi, my brother
was over for dinner on Friday
- and stayed the night.
- I believe you,
but you'll have to come in
and make an official statement.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
I wasn't in love with him.
He wasn't in love with me.
It was just
We enjoyed being with each other.
I'm sorry, Sylvie,
I don't know how to put this,
but I have to ask.
Is it remotely possible
that Georges Moutte
was having an affair
with someone else as well as you?
- You mean, did he have the stamina?
- Yeah, okay.
Yeah, I doubt it.
He didn't need Viagra, but
- I get the picture.
- (Sylvie chuckles)
He did mention
Audrey Zacharie to me.
I told her my mother's theory.
He said he was trying
to boost her confidence.
She was a working-class girl
who had a posh degree
and dreamt of running The Louvre,
but she didn't have the vocabulary.
She didn't have the connections
and she didn't have the personality
to rise above those things.
Do you think
he may have given her money?
Possibly. He was a good man.
I think he was trying to save her.
And I think she was taking him
for a ride, to be honest.
(Hélène) What am I looking at?
(Antoine) This is
a piece of the broken vase
from Moutte's study.
- Forensics sent it over.
- Okay.
So, this is part of the rim.
You see how sharp the edge is?
(Hélène) Is that good?
Apparently not.
It means it was machine-cut.
If it was authentic,
it would've been hand-finished.
It's a fake.
- That complicates things.
- It sure does.
Question is,
did Moutte know it was a fake?
He must've done, surely.
He was an expert on all this stuff.
So, was he trading
in fake artefacts?
Is that what got him killed?
We need to see his bank account.
(cell phone ringing)
They've found Audrey.
They're bringing her
over to the station now.
I ran because I thought
they'd make me pay
for the broken vase.
Do you have any idea
what it's worth?
That wasn't my original question.
Why did you want a box file
of old departmental
bank statements?
I didn't. I just took down
the wrong box.
I was looking
for student grant forms.
Yes, really.
Well, she's hiding something,
but we need some hard evidence.
Of what, exactly?
- Something, anything.
- (cell phone chimes)
Oh, my Lord.
They just got
into Moutte's bank accounts.
Listen to this. He has three.
New York, Geneva and one in Aix
with 350,000 euros in it.
What the hell's going on there?
How does a university professor
come by 350,000 euros honestly?
Every time Georges had to go
to a conference,
or a gallery,
or a museum somewhere,
he took me with him.
We stayed in nice hotels.
I mooched around,
taking photographs,
and he did whatever he had to do.
- Which was what?
- I don't know, really.
He had meetings
with museum officials,
gallery directors
- (Sylvie) Stuff like that.
- What were the meetings about?
(Sylvie) I'm not sure.
He knew about loads of stuff.
Medieval manuscripts, paintings,
sculpture You name it.
And he had
an unexpected personal passion
for Art Nouveau glass.
He had a huge brain.
Can you remember the names
of any of the galleries he went to?
Uh, there was one in Nimes,
owned by an American.
He went there a lot.
Christopher something.
Elliot? Christopher Elliot?
Did he seem to have
a lot of money, Sylvie?
He wasn't poor.
He always upgraded our hotels,
but, you know, he was just
You know
He didn't flash the cash,
if that's what you mean.
(Sylvie) Why?
- (cell phone ringing)
- (Claire over phone) Hello?
- Madame Rocchia?
- (Claire) Yes.
Deputy Commissioner Paulik,
Aix-en-Provence Police.
Oh, yes, I thought you might call.
It's such an awful thing, isn't it?
Poor darling Georges.
If you could just confirm
your whereabouts
on Friday evening, madame.
Of course. Guiseppe and I were both
at the apartment in Nimes
on Friday night,
and I left on Saturday afternoon.
It's very sad. We're so shocked.
Will you call me if there's
anything else I can help you with?
I will. Thank you for your help.
Anytime. Goodbye.
Okay, Guiseppe Rocchia has an alibi
for the night of Moutte's murder.
But let's leave that aside
for the moment.
Let's say he gives Moutte
that Gallé vase.
Why? Is he just insanely generous?
Or he knows it's a fake
and he isn't being generous at all.
- And Moutte discovers this?
- Or they were in cahoots.
I mean, where does
Moutte's money come from?
Rocchia has an apartment in Nimes.
This man, Christopher Elliot, has
a gallery there.
Is there a link?
(cell phone ringing)
Yes. She's been talking
to a man called Imbert,
the son of a woman
she goes to keep-fit with.
She wants to know
if she can come over.
Jean-Marc Imbert
was brought in
by the departmental board
as an auditor.
You know that 60 years ago,
the department received
a huge cash endowment,
as well as the apartment in Aix?
I'd heard about it, yes.
This money was kept in an account
called the Scholarship Fund
because some of it had to be used
expressly for that purpose.
So who was overseeing the accounts
before Jean-Marc pitched up?
Nobody. They just let it tick over
as it always had because frankly,
all they do at those board meetings
is swap recipes for tapenade.
Give us the bad news, Florence.
Money has been draining
out of that account
for the last 18 months.
- Santé. Where to?
- Santé.
Well, some of it was transferred
into the department's
current account,
some of it was taken out in cash
and the rest just vanished.
There were, uh, payments
for things like "building projects"
which I'm quite sure never existed,
because otherwise,
the department wouldn't be
as decrepit as it is.
Presumably, Moutte had access
to these accounts?
Obviously, but then,
a couple of years ago,
he gave joint authority
- To Audrey Zacharie.
- How did you know?
We found Audrey Zacharie
in Moutte's apartment,
looking for bank statements.
Claimed she was looking
for student grant forms.
(Antoine) They're getting Audrey in
again tomorrow.
Do you think Moutte knew
she was creaming off money?
Maybe they both were.
Is it hot in here, or is it me?
- It's you.
- Hmm.
- (paper rustles)
- (Marine) Mm.
(Marine) Mm.
Oh, that's nice.
Where are you?
- (thuds)
- (indistinct chatter)
- (woman) Is she all right?
- (man) Did you see that?
(indistinct chatter)
Monsieur Rodier,
it's Judge Verlaque.
Sorry to call so early.
Could you contact either myself
or Deputy Commissioner Paulik?
You have our numbers.
There's a few things
we'd like to ask you
about your recent trip to Italy
with Dr Rocchia.
Thank you.
- (knocks on door)
- (door opens)
- (Antoine) What?
- Audrey Zacharie was killed
by a hit-and-run driver
at 6:30 this morning.
She was our main suspect.
Where the hell does that leave us?
I've arranged to speak
to her boyfriend.
Did Audrey often go for a run
that early in the morning?
(Luc) Sometimes.
She left you in bed?
I got in really late from work.
Smoked a spliff when I got home
and fell asleep on the sofa.
Next thing I know, the cops are
at the door, and she was
This is unreal.
Is that her bag?
(Luc) Yeah. It cost a fortune.
- A relative left her some money.
- When?
That's what she said, anyway.
But I kept thinking
I don't know
She was getting it from either
one guy or a whole bunch of them.
Always out, like she was doing
escort work or something.
So, the bag, the shoes
Looks like she's been using
the department
as a handy source of income.
We need to get
into her bank account.
(cell phone vibrates)
(Antoine's voicemail)
Monsieur Rodier,
it's Judge Verlaque.
Sorry to call so early.
Could you contact
either myself or Deputy
- Monsieur Rodier.
- Commissioner Paulik?
Oh, Claude. Hi.
- You okay?
- Yeah, why?
Well, have you heard
about Audrey Zacharie?
Oh, yes. I'm sorry.
That's just terrible.
I always thought
she was a bit weird.
I, I didn't really know her.
Why? She seemed okay.
Do you know that guy?
No, I don't know who he is. Do you?
No, I've no idea.
Oh, well, I'd better get back
to the library.
Don't let me scare you off, Claude.
Oh, well,
I was just going. See you.
Why are you so anxious to speak
to me, Bernard? What's going on?
(exhales deeply)
(cell phone ringing)
- Verlaque.
- It's Claire Rocchia.
I spoke with your colleague
the other day.
(Claire over phone) I'd like you
to come down to Cassis.
I have something
I need to show you,
but more importantly,
my husband was
in the Nimes apartment
on the night
of Professor Moutte's murder.
However, I wasn't with him.
(suspenseful music)
So, when we get there
I'll sit in a cafe
and read Improving Literature.
And I'll come and join you.
And I'll have ordered
the Bouillabaisse.
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, hi, Hélène. He's driving.
(Hélène) Tell him we just found
Audrey Zacharie's phone
under a wheelie bin.
(Hélène over phone) The last call
she made was to a burner phone
moments before she died.
Any more info
on who was driving the van?
- Nothing.
- (Antoine over phone) Okay.
Uh, keep digging at your end.
I'll get back as soon I can.
- Do you like them, Judge Verlaque?
- Oh. Yeah. No. Sorry.
My husband and I are
in the process of divorcing.
- Did he tell you that?
- He didn't, no.
He's been seeing a young woman.
There have been several.
This one is the wife of the man
whose company produces
his television show.
(Claire) He was there with her
that Friday night.
I agreed to say it was me
because he knew
that you'd want to speak to her.
Her husband would find out
about the affair,
and Guiseppe's career
as a Z-list celebrity
would be over.
Two things.
Why did you want to help him out
and how do you know
he was in Nimes that night?
Because the apartment has
a burglar alarm and CCTV,
which has an app.
(Claire) There.
- Does he know you have this app?
- (Claire) No.
(chuckles softly)
He thinks only he has it.
- (Antoine) Are those vases Gallé?
- Vile, aren't they?
- He told me he hated the stuff.
- Oh, he'll say anything.
So, you ask me
why I agreed to lie for my husband.
He promised me these paintings
in the divorce settlement if I did.
Madame Rocchia, I have to tell you,
- these paintings may well be
- They're fake, probably.
- Fake what?
- I don't know.
I'm more of an opera person.
Art was more of Guiseppe's domain.
Seems to be yours, too.
No, not at all.
But my family were
Well, let's just say
I was brought up with art.
But these things are perfectly nice
to hang on your wall.
Lovely, in fact.
But people churn this sort of stuff
out by the metre.
However, if you like it,
who cares what it's worth?
Well, I did rather like them,
but they feel a bit tainted now.
But the thing you need to know
about my husband is this.
He's pathologically inquisitive.
Art, houses, women, money.
Do think he knew
the paintings were worthless?
Of course he did.
Why else would he give them to me?
(light music)
So, do we think the glass
in Rocchia's apartment
is fake, too?
That'd be interesting, wouldn't it?
The others in Moutte's possession
are all genuine, apparently.
But if you really love
a work of art,
does it matter if it's fake?
Only if you want to sell it.
But does part of the pleasure
come from knowing
- it's the real thing?
- Or of other people thinking it is.
My parents had a Watteau.
Turned out to be fake.
- And what did they do with it?
- Kept it on the wall.
- Never told anyone.
- (Marine chuckles)
(Marine) Typical.
Thank you.
Audrey Zacharie's boyfriend,
Luc Martinez, he works here, right?
Yeah. How is he?
Not great.
Audrey said they were both here
the night
of Georges Moutte's murder.
Yeah. He finished around midnight.
They stayed for a few drinks
and left way after one.
- How did they seem?
- Okay.
They had a massive fight
in the street after they left.
- They'd had a bit to drink.
- A physical fight?
(Patrick) No, no. Shouting,
yelling. Luc wouldn't harm a fly.
I think he was accusing her
of having an affair.
That's what
it sounded like, anyway.
- How well did you know Audrey?
- Not very. She was a bit
I don't know. Sometimes she came in
with that guy in a wheelchair.
The one that got done
for child porn.
I think he was her cousin
or something, but still
(Patrick) A couple of times,
they were with a student.
Uh, I don't know his name.
Short-ish, glasses.
Thanks. That's really helpful.
(uneasy music)
(waves crashing)
Are you thinking about Cecile?
22 years, she's been out there.
Twice as long as we were married.
Seems like ages.
No time at all.
Every time I see a ferry,
I imagine her jumping off it,
into the darkness.
How black the sea must have been.
How cold.
Sometimes, I imagine her bones
on the sea bed
being nibbled by fish.
Hermit crabs living in her skull.
I was relieved when she did it.
Does that make me a bad person?
Alcoholics are hard to live with.
And the pain of it was
too much for her.
You can't save everyone.
(cell phone ringing)
(Hélène over phone) Claude Ossarte.
I think the barman saw him
with Audrey and Lemoine
more than once.
- The sex offender?
- Exactly.
- So, Lemoine was Audrey's cousin.
- Yeah.
- I didn't see that coming.
- Me neither.
And he's the sort
to have a burner phone, right?
Don't know how he would have
killed Moutte, though.
Well, he can't have
gone up the stairs in a wheelchair.
(Antoine) Tell us about Audrey's
cousin, Christophe Lemoine.
- He's a paedophile.
- That much we know.
- Did she see much of him?
- (Luc) She was brought up with him.
He was like her brother.
She said he was wrongly convicted.
- Was he?
- No. He wasn't.
Do you know someone
called Claude Ossarte?
- Do you?
- (Luc) Kind of.
I know who he is, anyway.
Saw him a few times with Audrey.
She swore blind
she wasn't having
an affair with him.
Was she?
(Antoine) It's been bugging me,
so I asked her to come in.
Fine. Also, they're keeping an eye
on Ossarte's apartment.
He's not there right now.
(Hélène) As soon as he shows,
they'll pick him up.
Okay. So, we have Claude Ossarte,
who's been linked to Audrey,
and Giuseppe Rocchia,
who's dodgy as hell
and lying to us.
- They can't both have done it.
- Can't they? Why not?
- (knocks on door)
- (door opens)
Garrigues. Thank you for coming in.
Please, sit down.
You know
Deputy Commissioner Paulik?
What, um, what did you want
to see me about?
Remember the last time
we spoke, Garrigues?
It was the day
after Professor Moutte's death.
There was a moment
during that conversation
which has been bothering me.
I think
you were omitting something.
I asked you if you noticed anything
when you left
Professor Moutte's apartment,
and you paused,
before you replied in the negative.
I read that as a significant pause.
Was I wrong?
I didn't, well, I don't want
to get anyone into trouble.
I mean, it might not mean anything,
it's, it's just,
when I came out of the building,
right by Professor Moutte's door,
there was
a heap of cigarette butts.
(Garrigues) They were fresh.
Like someone
had been waiting there, smoking.
- They were roll-ups.
- (Antoine) Right.
And Claude Ossarte smokes roll-ups,
doesn't he?
IT finally sent screenshots.
This is what Moutte was looking at
on his laptop just before he died.
Italy, Italy, churches.
- It's all churches in Italy.
- Italy.
- Rocchia.
- Exactly.
Okay, I'm flying a kite here,
but is there a link
between him and Claude Ossarte?
- Like what?
- Don't know, but something.
Right, you deal with Ossarte,
I'm going to Nimes.
Rocchia had an apartment there.
Moutte frequented a gallery there.
He had a fake vase, Rocchia had
a bunch of fake paintings,
it can't be a coincidence.
Uh, where are we
on Audrey Zacharie's bank account?
- They're on it now.
- (cell phone ringing)
I'll catch you later.
- Hélène Paulik.
- (Annie over phone) Madam Paulik
I've someone with me
who wants to speak to you.
So, Giuseppe gave me this thing
to bring back from Italy.
It's a copy of
an early Renaissance carved statue.
Uh, he needed it
for a TV programme.
Why couldn't he
bring it back himself?
Because he was flying
to London first,
and it was too heavy.
(Rodier) Anyway, it's gone.
It was in my office
and it's vanished,
and now he keeps calling me
and saying he needs it.
And, um, it's getting
It's getting
really quite threatening.
Why would that be?
Bernard's been in a bit
of a state about this,
that's why I've come with him.
He thinks maybe
it's not a copy after all.
That it's the genuine article.
And I smuggled it into the country.
I mean, I didn't know. Honestly.
I, I didn't realise
what I was doing.
You said Claude Ossarte
was helping you pack up your study
when you thought
you had Moutte's job.
- Perhaps he knows where it is?
- No, no, he doesn't.
(Hélène) How do you know?
Because I asked him
and he said he hadn't seen it.
Audrey Zacharie put
nearly 300,000 euros
through four
different bank accounts
in the last two years.
Mostly transferred
from departmental accounts.
(cell phone ringing)
(Claire over phone)
Hello? Judge Verlaque?
Madame Rocchia, is something wrong?
It looks as if
he's packed up and left,
and he seems to have taken
his vases with him.
I wasn't thinking straight.
I told him you said
the paintings were worthless.
It might have been better
if you hadn't, madame.
I'll get back to you.
Rocchia's done a bunk.
She told him we were on to him.
Let's go to the gallery anyway,
we're almost there.
(light music)
(Clémence) I don't know
what happened. It's gone!
I know
- Good afternoon, madame.
- (Clémence) Good afternoon.
You're clearly not
Christopher Elliott.
That was my late father.
I'm his daughter, Clémence.
Are you looking for anything
in particular?
I was wondering
if you could talk to us
about a Professor Georges Moutte?
I believe he was a client of yours.
Georges Moutte?
I vaguely recognise the name.
Giuseppe Rocchia,
do you vaguely recognise his name?
Why are you looking
for Giuseppe Rocchia, Monsieur?
- I'm sorry, you are?
- Lionel Monetti, Interpol.
- And you?
- Judge Antoine Verlaque.
Uh, this is
Professor Marine Bonnet.
We're investigating the murder
of Professor Georges Moutte,
in Aix.
What exactly is going on here?
Georges Moutte was working for us,
- Monsieur.
- In what way?
Well, he was an internationally
renowned expert in art fraud.
He informed us about Rocchia.
Rocchia recently had
an early Renaissance masterpiece
brought into the country
by a colleague.
Lifted from a church in Umbria.
What is this masterpiece?
It's a 14th century
statue of St Francis,
still traces of the original paint.
- Is it wooden, by any chance?
- It is.
We told Georges
about it late Friday night,
and next thing he was dead.
This colleague of Rocchia's.
- Is it Bernard Rodier?
- You know him?
(light suspenseful music)
Oh, my god, I know what happened.
Who helped Rodier
pack up his office?
It wasn't Rocchia
who killed Moutte.
(cell phone vibrates, rings)
(Antoine over phone) Hélène,
it's me. It's Claude Ossarte.
We're in his apartment now.
I think you should get back here.
(Hélène over phone)
Antoine, we found him.
Meet me at the university.
- (officer 1) Stay back, please.
- (officer 2) Stay back, please.
(indistinct chatter)
He's on the roof.
- (officer 3) Sir?
- Antoine!
(suspenseful music)
- You go on, I'll deal with this.
- Okay.
Top of the stairs, landing,
at the back of the building,
there's a man unconscious.
(siren blaring in distance)
(Claude sniffs)
(Antoine grunts, pants)
(Claude) Piss off!
(Antoine grunts)
- You okay?
- What do you think?
How did Lemoine get up here?
- I brought him up in the lift.
- There's a lift?
And then I pushed him
down the stairs.
Because he was blackmailing me,
the bastard, and
Audrey Zacharie was
his little helper.
Do you mind me asking
why he was blackmailing you?
No, I can't be bothered
to tell you that.
I was just
I was so angry.
You know, I watched
Moutte go into his office
after the party, it was
way after midnight and, um
I'd been to the gym,
and then I went to the bar.
Where you drank a pichet of red.
(Claude) No, I just made that up.
No, I wasn't drunk.
I don't really drink,
I only do it to fit in.
So, anyway, I
I barged in on him in his office
with a box
of Bernard Rodier's things.
They should be here,
in this office.
I think you've had
a little too much to drink, Claude.
Well, I'm stone-cold sober.
You promised him this job.
Actually, I didn't, Claude.
I told him that he was
a very strong candidate for the
(Moutte) Where did you get that?
It's Bernard's.
Oh, I see.
It's "Bernard" now, is it?
It's a prop for a TV show.
Now, let me just have a look at it.
No, get off!
Claude, that isn't prop
for a TV show. It was stolen.
Church in Umbria,
it's over 600 years old.
I don't know
how Bernard came by it,
but he shouldn't have it.
Are, are you accusing him
of something?
Oh, I'm sure
we can work something out.
Bernard is a good man,
he is ten times
the man that you are
and you've just ruined his life!
Right, I see.
- You're in love with Bernard.
- No!
- (thwacks)
- (groans)
Professor Moutte?
Was it so bad,
being in love with Dr Rodier?
- He seems like a nice guy.
- No
I'm, I'm,
I'm not, I'm not like that, I
You know, just because
I don't have girlfriends and
Doesn't mean that I'm
Look, I don't, I don't wanna talk
about it, okay?
So, what happened after you
When I came out,
Christophe Lemoine
was in the park next door
trying to buy coke.
He had a full view
of Moutte's window.
The light was on,
he saw me go in and
He practically saw me do it.
I was giving him 3,000 euros
in dribs and drabs to say nothing.
And Audrey
was collecting the money.
He said that the police kept tabs
on him, so she had to do it.
(Claude) She'd already given him,
like a fortune
to buy some land
to build a house on it.
Said that she inherited it
from a relative or something. I
Most of his money went up his nose.
What was her problem?
You know, she, she said that
She was trying to save him. It
I didn't kill her, by the way.
I was waiting for her,
she had just called me.
I saw it happen, it was
It was just random.
You know
What could I do? I, I couldn't say
anything, could I? So
Anyway, who cares?
None of it really matters anyway.
I've never really fitted
in anywhere.
Now, I have blown it.
Why did you keep the statue?
If you'd chucked it,
you could have got away with this.
Because I realised it wasn't
just a TV prop. I realised
it was, it was real,
and I couldn't just get rid of it.
You know, like, I know
history is important,
unlike Moutte, who is just
about money and owning shit.
- Oh, I think you underestimate him.
- No.
I think Moutte was a better man
than any of us knew.
You could be out in ten years,
you know?
You'll still be in your thirties.
(breathes deeply)
- (indistinct chatter)
- (suspenseful music)
(Claude) No, I don't think
I'll bother, thanks.
Please, Claude, don't do this.
I can get you help.
Give me your hand. There are people
who love you, Claude.
(Antoine) They would
never want this, believe me.
(Claude sobs)
(Claude) No, I can't even do it.
I can't even kill myself.
Come on.
Come on.
(Antoine) Okay.
(Claude sobs)
(exhales deeply)
(tranquil music)
(breathing deeply)
(Marine) Claude. Let me help you.
(Claude sobbing)
(Marine) Antoine?
Thank goodness.
Well done.
(tranquil music continues)
I don't know
whether to congratulate you
or bawl you out, Antoine,
you could have got yourself killed.
- Yet here I am.
- Just leave it
to someone a bit younger
next time, okay?
(Hélène scoffs)
I always feel slightly calmer
when I'm chopping vegetables.
Cecile died.
(Marine) And Claude didn't.
And the two things
have nothing to do with each other.
They are purely random.
You weren't put on this earth
to save the suicidal.
You could never have saved Cecile.
Been nice
if I could have done though.
(Marine) Stop it.
Kiss me.
- What, now?
- If you could.
Thank you. As you were.
(cell phone chimes)
It's from my mother.
(soft music)
Moutte's niece
was going through his desk
and found a piece of paper.
Guess who he was going to nominate
for the job and the scholarship?
Annie Leonetti and Garrigues Druon.
See? There is some justice
in the world.
It's weird, isn't it, how life
can be absolutely appalling
and actually not bad at all,
all on the same day.
Love and death bang
right up against each other.
Thank God for the love.
Got a bit of tomato on your shirt.
Oh, sod off!
(Sylvie) Will this be
your first job together?
Yes, I suppose it will.
My husband went up to the chateau
and now he's dead.
What the hell are you doing here?
Well, if it was some regular guy,
they'd probably say suicide
and move on.
Somebody seems to have killed him,
wouldn't you agree?
Yeah, but why would it be me?
- Were you close to your brother?
- (Lucien) Yeah, we got on fine.
I was the problematical one.
The aristocracy
are famously unstable.
Was it you who found him?
Lever Pogarovsky,
I want to know more about him.
Girls are trafficked,
I'm very sure of it.
- We need to get out of here.
- Stop panicking.
- I'll deal with it.
- (Marine) The murders are linked.
- But not in the way that we think.
- Getting a bit "detectory" there.
- Is that a word?
- No.
(closing theme music)
Next Episode