Murder in Provence (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(theme music)
(key clanking)
(birds chirping)
(cell phone ringing)
- Hey.
- (Lucas) Hi. Where are you?
I'm on my way. Wish me luck.
You'll be fine.
- Lucien
- Oh, shit.
- You still there?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
I'll let you know how it goes.
(light music)
(birds chirping)
(paper rustles)
Is someone there?
Jean-Claude? Is that you?
(birds chirping)
(footsteps approaching)
What the hell are you doing here?
(birds twitting)
(suspenseful music)
(bell dings)
I'll have the plat du jour.
Maman, you don't even know
what it is.
People pay too much attention
to food these days.
So, you've gone over to the enemy,
I see.
- Sorry?
- The police.
I'm surprised you didn't call them
the pigs.
And I haven't joined them,
I've been seconded.
- Stop splitting hairs.
- As a criminal psychologist.
And by the way,
you didn't moan about the police
when they came at 3 am
after you'd been burgled.
You were rather keen on them then.
What about your university pension?
I'm still there one day a week.
Can we move on?
When you sell
your soul to the devil.
Zip it, Florence.
Honestly, if you could bottle
family tension,
you could sell it
as a weapon of mass destruction.
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(Antoine) Sorry, everyone.
Train massively delayed.
How was your mother?
When she said she'd had a bad
reaction to a general anaesthetic,
I assumed she'd had
a heart transplant
at the very least.
What she'd actually had
was her fourth face-lift.
- She's 87, it should be illegal.
- How does she look?
Like a mummified Jackie Onassis.
You think
that's what she was aiming for?
She's sitting up in bed
in giant sunglasses
with a cashmere shawl round her,
eating foie gras on Melba toast,
because, "It's all I can manage."
(all laugh)
I can't tell you
what a relief it is
to escape from my mother's
hideous Parisian mausoleum.
- (cell phone ringing)
- Oh, sorry.
Will you excuse me a moment?
Do you get on
with your mother, Sylvie?
Well, she's dead,
but I suppose so, yeah.
Did you tell her you loved her
all the time?
God! No.
We're in a sentimental age now,
though, aren't we?
You have to say it
every five minutes.
It reduces human complexity
to the level of a greetings card.
That was Hélène.
You knew Etienne de Bremont,
didn't you?
That past tense is worrying me.
He's been found dead
at the chateau.
- We used to play together as kids.
- What happened to him?
They don't know yet.
- Possible suicide.
- What?
The aristocracy
are famously unstable.
It's the inbreeding.
Bereavement counselling.
There's a career opportunity
you missed.
Sorry to break up the party,
but I've been summoned
to the chateau,
and they'd like
you there too, Marine.
Will this be
your first job together?
(clears throat)
Yes, I suppose it will.
(background chatter)
(light music)
(Marine) I met Etienne
and his brother Lucien
at the kids' drama group.
Seriously posh.
God, in my mind,
their chateau was huge.
It's much smaller than I remember.
And in much worse nick.
We're all in much worse nick
than we were 40 years ago.
Etienne was still pretty dapper,
though, don't you think?
I only met him the once,
when he interviewed me
for his film.
- He seemed charming.
- Mm.
- He was famous for it.
- Although it has to be said
Man makes major documentary
about organised crime
on the Cote d'Azur.
Eighteen months later, found dead,
alarm bells do ring.
He was always the golden boy
of that family,
he kind of ran at life
and scooped it up.
People adored him.
Not an obvious candidate
for suicide, then.
Who knows
what life's thrown at him?
What about Lucien?
He was always in trouble
when we were kids.
That much I remember.
Ah, wayward
younger brother syndrome.
He now hangs out in Cannes
and plays polo, apparently.
- What does he live on?
- Oh, you know these people.
They say they're broke
but they never are.
There's always a house here,
an inheritance there,
an unexpected Tintoretto
in the attic.
(birds chirping)
So we are treating it
as a crime scene, then?
(exhales deeply)
There's no obvious explanation
as to what happened.
- What you got there?
- Found not far from the body.
Well, that's Etienne!
And his brother Lucien,
and that is Jean-Claude Faraud.
The boys grew up here together.
Jean-Claude's mother
was the housekeeper,
and his father
looked after the grounds,
but I think he's dead now
and Jean-Claude is the caretaker.
- He was the one who found him.
- Spoken to him yet?
He says he wasn't here last night,
he was at his sister's in Cotignac.
- What about the wife?
- At their apartment in Aix.
She says he came out here yesterday
to work on his new film.
- No note?
- Nothing so far.
We found his briefcase
in the hallway.
Wallet's intact,
laptop's still there.
- Phone?
- No sign of it yet.
One theory is he fell out
whilst he was securing
the shutters.
How likely is that?
Well, it's a theory.
What do you really think?
Well, if it was some regular guy,
they'd possibly say suicide
and move on.
But you know, posh, bit famous,
knows all the right people,
let's look like
we're doing something.
- He did make that film recently.
- Yeah.
That's the one thing
that gives me pause.
What's that there by the tree?
- Hello?
- Certainly wasn't Etienne's.
This is the cheapest whisky
you can buy. Gut rot.
And who buys a bottle that size?
Children and alcoholics.
And that.
The pathologist says
the major trauma
was to the front of the body.
But he was found on his back.
Someone turned him over.
Probably not looking
at suicide, then.
More like murder, wouldn't you say?
(car whooshing in distance)
So, this caretaker's cottage
used to be the orangery.
(birds chirping)
- Are you OK?
- Yeah.
It's really shaken me up.
Just can't think how it
What do they think happened?
That's what we're here to find out.
Fire away, Judge.
Tell me what you wanna know.
You weren't here last night,
is that correct?
I was at my sister Cosette's place
in Cotignac.
- You remember Cosette, Marine?
- Yes, of course I do.
- How is she?
- She's good.
She cooked me a daube of beef,
she does it a special way,
white wine.
- You stayed the night?
- Yeah.
It's too far to drive back
if you've had
a couple of glasses of wine.
- Do you drink much?
- Sorry?
No, I Just the normal amount.
What about Monsieur de Bremont?
Are you asking me if the Count
fell out of the window pissed?
No. I've never seen him drunk
in my life.
- Did he smoke?
- Years ago. Everyone did back then.
So it's mostly just you here,
Does anyone else come and go?
It's just me now.
There was a gardener or two,
but no one can afford the upkeep
on places like this anymore.
Did Monsieur de Bremont
ever talk to you
about that sort of thing?
What, money? Nah.
That's not the sort of thing
he'd share with me.
So, yesterday evening,
you ate a daube of beef
with your sister
Then what?
Watched a bit of TV,
that was it, really.
What did you watch?
Think it was one of those
Jason Bourne things.
Oh, I love those films!
Was it the one
where he's chilling in Goa,
and then suddenly
all hell breaks loose?
I can't remember.
I fell asleep to be honest
and then I woke up on the sofa
at 3 am with a stiff neck.
- When did you get back here?
- Around eight this morning.
I had some watering to do.
When I saw the shutters open
on the first floor
No one really goes
up there anymore,
it's just used for storage.
And I walked over and
And I found the Count.
He was He was very
- He was clearly dead.
- How was he lying?
On his back.
Did you touch him at all?
No, no.
- Do you know if he had any enemies?
- Not that I'm aware of.
He was, well
He was very charming,
as you know, Marine.
Did you like him?
- I've known him all my life.
- I've known my mother all my life.
But it would be a bit of a stretch
to say I liked her.
I grew up with this family.
They're important to me.
But, well Lucien,
the Count's brother,
you could have a drink with him.
Do you remember this photo,
No. Where did you get it?
Can you think of any reason
why Etienne
may have been looking for it?
- Was he?
- Possibly.
I've no idea why he'd want it.
It's just the two brothers and
Me, looking out of things,
as usual.
Their parents owned the place,
and I was just the son
of the hired help.
- Did you feel resentful about that?
- No.
- I think I'd have been resentful.
- Judge
If I felt resentful
for every slight
I've received
over the course of my life,
I'd never get out of bed
in the morning.
We got on well,
we played together every day.
Well, voila. I said it.
(birds chirping)
(light music)
(car engine ignites)
It was lovely seeing
Jean-Claude again,
I've always liked him.
- But I'd definitely say
- He's hiding something.
- That photo certainly threw him.
- He had seen it before, hadn't he?
- Recently.
- That's my thought, yeah.
But I had no idea you were so keen
on Jason Bourne films.
I saw it
in last night's TV listings.
I guessed the bit
about all hell breaking loose,
but I thought at least
he'd remember the Goa bit.
- But apparently not.
- Ooh.
Getting a bit "detectory" there.
- Is that a word?
- No.
Anyway, first he mentions
he watched the film,
and then he claims
he can't remember what happened
because he fell asleep.
Almost as soon as it started.
Okay, maybe Etienne
falls out of the window.
Next morning,
Jean-Claude finds him,
turns the body over,
realises he's dead
and calls the police.
So why didn't he tell us that?
(birds chirping)
(cell phone vibrates)
Jean-Claude, how are you doing?
- Do you need me to come over?
- No, Cosette.
You've got work. I'm okay.
- Was it you who found him?
- Yeah. Yeah, it was.
- God, what can I do?
- Nothing.
I've got some stuff
to do right now, okay?
I'll call you if I need you.
- We'll talk later.
- Okay. Bye.
(footsteps approaching)
Still no sign of Etienne's phone.
We know he had it with him
because he called his wife Isabelle
en route to the chateau.
That was the last time it was used.
This has been going on all morning.
This is a judge's office,
not a storage depot!
You think they'd understand that,
wouldn't you?
I think they're converting
the space next door
into a new IT room.
But why do they have to dump
their crap in here?
Antoine, look at the size
of this place.
Are those boxes actually
causing you any problems?
Yes! They're upsetting me.
And people in Syria
think they've got problems!
Yes, all right.
Let's start with Etienne's wife.
- What do we know?
- Old school chic.
Probably hasn't eaten a carb
since 1985.
- Your mother would love her.
- Anything to gain by his death?
His half of a chateau
that's a financial liability.
And Lucien, the brother,
owns the other half.
- Have we found him yet?
- He's been informed.
He was on a yacht
moored off Corsica,
owned by Lever Pogarovsky.
- And he is?
- A Russian national.
Massively rich, money comes
from oil and gas, supposedly.
Interesting friend for Lucien.
All right, let's get out of here.
Etienne makes a film about
organised crime on the south coast,
ends up dead. Meanwhile
His brother's on a yacht
with a dodgy Russian oligarch.
Exactly. Check out
that connection, Hélène,
it may have a bearing on our case.
What else do we know
about Pogarovsky?
His finances are opaque,
put it that way.
Course they are.
Any bad blood between the brothers?
Well, they didn't get on as kids,
but that was 40 years ago.
Etienne was always the golden boy
and Lucien, the screw-up.
Let's talk to Lucien ASAP.
Can you sort that, Hélène?
Oh, and check out that alibi
with Jean-Claude's sister,
there's something off about it
and I can't quite put my finger
on what it is.
Multiple injuries.
"Cause of death: external fracture
leading to blunt cardiac trauma."
Poor bastard.
You knew both brothers, Marine,
what else was Etienne,
apart from charming?
When they were kids,
Lucien used to bully him.
Lucien was bigger
even though he was younger,
and they kind of fell into roles.
Etienne was the good,
clever, charming one,
which was probably
a bit of a strain,
and Lucien was the tearaway.
I think Etienne played
the charm role
for the rest of his life.
But it wasn't the real him?
Well, charm's also
a protective thing, isn't it?
I mean, it's there in the word.
God, I never thought of that.
Years ago,
I saw Etienne with a black eye.
He said Lucien did it.
But the adult Etienne
hated to look weak
and he hated weakness
in other people.
- Interesting.
- And his crime documentary
If you think about it,
was about the kind of men
who also hated to look weak.
Let's talk to his producer, Hélène.
Maybe Etienne crossed someone,
may be asked questions
he shouldn't have asked.
(tongue clicks)
Time for me to pay my respects
to the grieving widow.
What can I tell you?
My husband went up to the chateau
and now he's dead.
Must accept it as God's will.
I'm not sure
it was actually God's will.
Well, it wasn't suicide,
I can assure you that.
He loved his family,
he had no worries.
I'm not suggesting
He just secured seed funding
for his new film. Life was good.
It was obviously
a terrible accident.
But how?
Madame de Bremont,
your husband was murdered.
Are you sure?
Pretty sure.
Are you aware that he had
any enemies?
Well, are you?
No. No, of course he didn't.
I do need to ask you
a few questions, Madame de Bremont.
- I'm sorry.
- Yes.
Yes, of course.
I'm sorry. Do you mind?
Not at all. I see you have
some Domaine Nagel there.
- Excellent wine.
- Yes.
My husband bought
most of our wine from there.
So, on Saturday
around 4:30 pm,
your husband
went up to the chateau.
Why didn't you go with him?
We have four children.
He needed a few days'
peace and quiet
to concentrate on his work.
Saturday night, you stayed here?
The children stayed overnight
with my parents,
it was their village fete.
- How do you do?
- Madame.
I'm Beatrice, Isabelle's sister.
They're saying he was murdered,
I feel so
I think she needs a break, Judge.
Is there anything else
we can help you with?
There will be, but not today.
I'm very sorry
for your loss, madame.
(camera shutter clicks)
Is Madame de Bremont
going away anywhere?
No, that's mine.
- It has her initials on it.
- I know.
She gave it to me ages ago,
I keep meaning
to have them removed.
I see.
Thank you, madame.
(door closes)
She says she didn't leave
the house on Saturday night.
But there was a packed
overnight bag in the hallway
as if she was going somewhere
or just got back.
The sister claims it's hers
but I'm not convinced.
(cell phone vibrates)
What, what is it?
The de Bremont car was picked up
by a speed camera
on the A7 northbound,
just south of Avignon,
at eight o'clock on Saturday night.
When, according to the pathologist,
he was already dead,
and his wife claims
she was at home.
So, who was driving their car?
(siren blares in distance)
- Oh, you're back. How was Scotland?
- Bracing.
I'm just on my way back
from a meeting with the prosecutor.
And apparently, Lucien de Bremont's
in the building. Did you know?
Oh, good.
I wasn't expecting him until later.
Well, I'm not sure
how to say this, Judge
Take the plunge, Francois.
I've had the de Bremont family
on the phone,
asking us to deal with all this
as discreetly as possible.
- Meaning?
- Look, they're in shock.
Oh, they would be.
A family member's been murdered.
They're worried about the media.
I mean, this sort of thing, well
I've met them at functions
and they're
extremely civilised people.
God Almighty, Francois,
what is it with you and aristos?
They don't avoid misfortune
because their great, great,
great grandfather
held Louis XVI's
chamber pot for him.
Did he?
Madame de Bremont,
it's Deputy Commissioner Paulik
Please call me as soon as you can.
(light music)
So, on Saturday evening,
Monsieur de Bremont,
you had supper with friends
in a restaurant in Juan-les-Pins.
What time was that?
Early. Around seven?
- They'll be able to confirm that?
- Yeah.
- Do you live alone?
- No.
I share a flat with a guy
who's a chef.
Can he confirm your whereabouts
on Saturday night?
He was at work. I'm not sure
I told him where I was going.
So, after dinner,
we went for drinks
and then later I went
out on Monsieur Pogarovsky's yacht.
- He's also a friend?
- Well, I kind of work for him.
- Kind of?
- His wife, Maria
runs the Tribeca Model Agency
in Cannes.
I own a couple
of rental apartments there.
A lot of their girls
come from Russia, Ukraine,
so that's where they stay.
I settle them in,
make sure they're okay,
show them around,
that sort of thing.
And that's
how you make your living.
Yeah, I guess.
How does Monsieur Pogarovsky
make his living?
He's a businessman.
And what is his business?
I'm not really sure,
most of it's in Russia.
You play polo, I've heard.
Expensive hobby.
Yeah. No, well, that's why
I gave it up.
- About six months ago.
- Even so
How did you afford it
in the first place?
Or maybe Monsieur Pogarovsky
helped you out?
No, of course he didn't.
What does any of this have to do
with Etienne's death?
Were you close to your brother?
Yeah, we got on fine.
He inherited our father's charm.
I was the problematical one.
Ah, that must have been
tricky for you.
What, being second best?
Your words, not mine.
When did you last see him?
I don't know, a month ago.
I was leaving
the chateau as he arrived.
We had a brief chat about
nothing much.
Was he the sort of person
who might have enemies?
There was more to Etienne
than met the eye.
Care to elaborate?
He could be ruthless,
put it that way.
- About what?
- He just
He always got his own way.
Until now.
Yeah, until now.
(cell phone vibrates)
It's that Paulik woman.
It'll be that wretched
speeding ticket.
I'll deal with it.
(cell phone vibrates continues)
Hello, Isabelle's phone.
- Here.
- Thank you, Didier.
So Etienne de Bremont,
WT actual F?
I know. It's pretty shocking.
He was one of my best customers.
Spent a fortune on art
and photography books so
I kind of assumed
they had loads of money. Did they?
Land rich, cash poor.
I think that's what they were.
- Although, when I say poor
- Yeah. It's all relative.
So, anyway,
this is what I wanted to tell you.
He was in with his wife
about ten days ago
and they had this huge row
behind the travel section.
- What about?
- Money.
She kept saying,
"But if they make an offer,
we're not in a position
to turn it down.
We're broke, Etienne.
We'll have to let
the housekeeper go."
Hm. Can you imagine?
And he kept going, icy calm,
you know,
"I don't wish to discuss it."
And she kept going, "Why, why?"
And then he said,
"The matter is closed."
And he walked up to the counter
and paid for his books
while she stood behind him,
seething silently.
I thought, well, the gloss has
certainly gone off this marriage.
So, anyway, yes, it was me.
I borrowed Isabelle's car to
go to a private viewing in Avignon.
I was in a bit of a rush and,
well, you know the rest.
What was the private view?
Uh, it was a friend of mine,
a gallery
just off Rue Joseph Fernex.
Uh, I can't remember
the name of it.
- I can get back to you with it.
- I'd be grateful if you could.
- You have my number.
- Yes, I do.
- I explained.
- Thank you.
How did it go with Lucien?
I don't think
there was much love lost
between him and Etienne.
No change there, then.
He said Etienne was ruthless.
Was he?
I wouldn't be astonished,
put it that way.
Incidentally, they were broke.
I spoke to Didier earlier.
He heard them
having a massive argument
in his shop about money.
I think I need to talk
to Jean-Claude Faraud again.
Because that photo
clearly rattled him.
Let's take another look
in that room at the chateau.
I think Etienne was looking
for something up there.
Jean-Claude knows what it was.
- At last.
- I got here as quickly as I could.
I suppose you've
spoken to the police?
And the judge, yes.
How are you coping?
This helps.
I don't think we should do anything
for at least three months.
It'll look bad.
Now is not the time.
People will talk.
Does that matter?
Patience is a virtue.
(suspenseful music)
So he was making the de Bremonts
an offer they couldn't refuse?
- And what was it for?
- This place, maybe?
We just thought we'd take another
look at that junk room.
We think Etienne may have been
looking for something there.
Have you any idea
what that might have been?
(birds chirping)
Let's go up, then, shall we?
You might notice something missing.
Yeah, okay.
I have to replace
a light bulb anyway.
(background chatter)
- Madame Faraud?
- Yeah, I'm Cosette.
- Please.
- Thank you.
Thanks for meeting me here
rather than the salon.
I don't want my clients
thinking I'm being arrested! Do I?
Who did that?
Sorry, yeah, that was me.
I came up to check the shutter
'cause I could hear it banging.
Notice anything out of place?
Anything missing?
Nothing obvious.
I'll just change that light.
They used to keep family papers
in that, didn't they?
- Did they?
- Yeah.
When we were kids,
Etienne and I found
a death certificate in here
for a stillborn baby
that his grandparents
had never ever mentioned.
How disappointing.
What was in it usually?
Don't know. Not sure.
- Never looked, not really.
- Well, did you or didn't you?
I knew there were
papers in it, yeah.
- When did you last see them?
- Can't remember.
- Couple months ago, maybe.
- Were you looking for something?
No, I moved the case,
the lid opened
and everything spilled out.
- I put it all back.
- So where is it now?
I don't know.
That's my Mimi.
(both giggle)
- Aw.
- Right.
- She's dead now. Bless.
- Okay.
Oh, um, yes.
Right, so Jean-Claude
comes over most Saturdays,
for lunch and supper
and stays over.
I cook him old-fashioned stuff
like my mum used to make,
daube and blanquette de veau.
Did you know that Etienne
was going up to the chateau?
No. Why would I?
Would Jean-Claude have mentioned it
to anyone else?
Like who? Who would be interested?
- Did you get on with him?
- Etienne?
Well, we go back a long way,
We all used to play together,
me, Jean-Claude, Marine Bonnet
and the boys and, um
Well, uh
Etienne was a bit older than me.
And we move
in different circles now,
let's put it that way.
I still run into Marine Bonnet
occasionally when I'm in Aix.
- She's always very friendly.
- What about Lucien de Bremont?
Lucien and I, we were sweethearts
for a while back in the day.
- Really?
- Yeah!
He wasn't racist.
- So, Etienne was?
- The whole bloody family, actually.
You know, the kind who say,
"I never notice colour,"
like they're blind or something.
You must have met them, right?
(background chatter)
(birds chirping)
(lock rattles)
Who else knew about the papers
in the suitcase?
- No one, just me and the family.
- The family being
Lucien, Etienne.
Probably Isabelle, his wife.
Can't think who else
would have known.
Were they thinking of selling
this place, do you know?
- Who?
- The family.
I don't know anything about that.
But Lucien would never sell,
I know that much. Never.
I think we need to get out of here.
Jesus, stop panicking.
It's all gonna be okay.
I don't like it.
I don't like what's happening.
It'll all blow over.
Look, I've got to go,
I've got the funeral to deal with.
We'll talk later.
- Everything okay?
- Hm. Sure.
(car engine revs)
Jean-Claude clearly already knew
the case was empty.
So, who emptied it?
(cell phone ringing)
Right, well, he's early.
Tell him I'm on my way.
Yves Madani, the guy who produced
Etienne's last film.
The one about organised crime.
- Is Antoine with you?
- He's interviewing Yves Madani.
- Yes.
- Oh. How was Cosette?
Why do hairdressers
always have weird hair?
- What colour is it now?
- Vivid aubergine.
I need a beer.
She said Etienne was racist.
You have any view on that?
Ah. That sort of family, that sort
of background, he probably was.
Etienne's father once said to me
about Jean-Claude
and Cosette's mother,
who was from Reunion,
"I never really think of her
as Black."
So You know.
Unpack that.
(cell phone beeps)
About 18 months ago,
when Etienne
was editing his last film,
about crime along the Cote d'Azur,
I get a call from somebody
called Fabrizio Orsani.
Major player in the world
of organised crime.
But I got the strong impression
he was doing somebody
else's bidding.
Someone who preferred
to stay under the radar?
- Very possibly.
- What did he want?
He wanted me to warn Etienne
to be very careful
about what he put in his film.
Then he said,
"We're hoping he's not
as stupid as his brother."
What do you think he meant by that?
The brother's a bit of a liability,
by all accounts.
Massive gambling debts
gets you a lot of enemies
along the coast.
He also, so I'm told,
hangs out with extremely
young women.
He claims he looks after models.
Whatever it is,
the police turn a blind eye.
Anyway, when I told
Etienne about the warning,
he said, "I've no intention
of dying for my art."
- And now he's dead.
- Maybe he should have been worried.
Etienne told Madani
the new film was a sequel
and he'd already shot
bits and pieces.
- But he was quite cagey about it.
- So, where's the footage?
On his laptop, apparently.
- We're looking at that, aren't we?
- They're working on it now.
But if the killer was
worried about the footage,
they'd have just
taken the laptop, surely?
Let's check it out anyway.
Also, Lever Pogarovsky,
I want to know more about him
and I want to know exactly
what Lucien's up to with him.
- How was Cosette?
- Barking. But interesting.
She says she had a thing
with Lucien when they were young.
First I've heard of it.
Lucien claims Etienne was ruthless.
Lucien's not looking great himself.
I got a call earlier
from one of our offices in Cannes.
He says Lucien
was sacked by his polo team
for bribing someone
to throw a match,
presumably because
of the gambling debts.
Jeez! He must have been desperate.
Certainly explains why
he doesn't play anymore.
Let's get him in again tomorrow.
You know it's the funeral tomorrow?
Okay, as soon as it's over.
Also, we got photos from the
Tribeca Model Agency in Cannes,
the one whose girls
Lucien looked after.
- One way of putting it.
- It's run by
Lever Pogarovsky's wife, Maria.
Doesn't she do a lot
of charity work?
Don't they all?
And in every one of these photos
Look who's here
with all the young models.
(cell phone chimes)
It seems Lucien's alibi holds up
for the night of Etienne's death.
Why would he want to kill
his brother, anyway?
Maybe Etienne wanted to sell
the chateau and he didn't.
Although he needed the money.
They both did, by the sound of it.
So with the brothers on my brain,
I started thinking about something.
When we were kids,
we used to play hide and seek
up at the chateau
with a bunch of other kids.
One of them was a much
older boy called Mathieu.
Whenever he found me,
he would jump on me and put
one hand over my mouth
and the other down my pants.
I was ten.
So I stopped playing with them
if Mathieu was there
and I didn't tell Mum
because I thought she'd be shocked.
Cut to years later,
I'm having a drink
with Etienne and we're reminiscing
and I tell him about
the Mathieu thing
and he just laughs and says,
"You must be imagining it."
I'm a bit thrown, to be honest.
And I go, "No, I'm serious,"
he used to jam his hand
right down my pants.
And he looks at me,
really coldly, and says,
"You must be misremembering."
And then asks for the bill.
What an absolute bastard.
I felt erased.
But I just sucked it up.
But I get it now.
His loyalty was to Mathieu, not me.
Because I'm a woman
but also because
they're the same class,
they knew all the same people.
His word counted more than mine.
(thudding in distance)
(dramatic music)
Jean-Claude! It's me.
(breathes deeply)
(door closes)
(bottles thuds)
Everything's gonna be fine.
(dog barking in distance)
Are you awake?
I am now.
We're living our lives
as if we're never going to die.
- What?
- You, me,
Etienne de Bremont.
We think dying is the thing
that happens to other people.
You woke me up to tell me this?
Did you have a nightmare?
I was falling.
I hate those.
Someone pushed me.
Well, call me Doctor Freud
There must have been a millisecond
when he thought,
"Oh, I see.
This is how it ends."
Is that how you felt in your dream?
I felt all the despair
you could ever feel
concentrated into one nanosecond.
And then I fell.
(siren blaring in distance)
- (knocking)
- Come in.
- I bring news.
- Good or bad?
We just got access to
Etienne de Bremont's bank accounts.
The joint account with his wife
is scraping along the bottom.
He puts in enough each week
to cover bills.
The business account has
Wait for it.
2.5 million euros in it.
His wife mentioned
he'd just got some seed funding
for his new film.
That couldn't amount
to 2.5 million, could it?
And here's the best bit.
Someone accessed
that account online
from an IP address in Avignon.
On Saturday night.
Three hours after he died.
- Isabelle's sister was in Avignon.
- She was.
Whoever it was
accessed the latest statement,
then logged off.
Do you have a link
to the IP address?
It's a restaurant called
La Reine Claude.
Let's have a quick confab
with Marine before the funeral.
Right, we get the sister in
as soon the funeral's over.
Did she access the bank account?
If so, why, and how did she know
how to get into it?
Do we know
where the 2.5 million came from?
It was paid over a period
of two months or so,
from four offshore accounts.
But it could have come
from one person.
Theoretically. One company's
registered in Lichtenstein,
another one they traced
to the British Virgin Islands.
Okay, suspects. Where are we?
(Marine) Jean-Claude,
terrible liar and clearly lying.
(Antoine) Agreed.
Next, Isabelle de Bremont.
Did she know about the money
in her husband's account?
If so, there's our motive.
Didier heard them
arguing over money in his shop.
Basically, they were broke.
- So maybe she didn't know.
- Hm.
And now we have a sister
in the mix.
If the sister didn't know
about the money,
she clearly did
after she accessed the account.
Was she close
to her brother-in-law?
How did she get his bank details?
We need to find out.
Okay, next. Lucien.
Apart from all his other baggage,
did he know about the money?
It's not like he stood to inherit.
It would all go to the wife.
Or maybe he somehow
thought he'd get his hands on it.
Very possibly. Also, Jean-Claude's
still bugging me.
He either knows something
or did something,
and he's not telling us about it.
(siren blaring in distance)
Jesus wept.
- You going over to the funeral?
- Not me. Too busy.
What in God's name are you wearing?
My great-great-grandfather
was Scottish.
This is the family tartan.
Hunting Stewart.
Jesus. Talk about drawing focus!
- I'm entitled to wear it.
- My grandmother was English.
I'm probably entitled
to wear a bowler hat, Francois.
- However, I'm wise enough not to.
- (Francois chuckles)
See you at the funeral.
(church bell dings)
(sombre music)
God! I wasn't expecting
to see you here.
I like to keep in the swim.
There's a lot of people here. Why?
- Same reason as you, I presume.
- Here's Antoine.
Hi, excuse me.
- Okay?
- Um-hm.
(cell phone ringing)
Sorry, I'm gonna have to take this.
Hello. Excuse me. Sorry.
Uh, not right now,
but give me 30 seconds.
What's going on?
I'm loving the kilt.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and Holy Ghost
(bell dings)
(indistinct chatter)
I didn't notice Lucien
at the funeral. Did you?
- Oh, Marine!
- Oh.
- Is Jean-Claude with you?
- He'll be here somewhere.
Will you join us for a drink?
Oh, no. No, thanks.
Maybe I'll catch up with you later.
And maybe we can have a coffee
some time.
- Of course. Yes, why not?
- Okay.
Where did Antoine go?
Oh, something to do with work,
I imagine.
Is no one going to the cemetery?
There's no burial, apparently.
Private cremation with no mourners.
That's what he wanted.
Talk about controlling things
from beyond the grave.
- Do you want a drink, Florence?
- No, no, no.
I'm off to a gilets jaunes reunion.
Au revoir.
She's been trying
to overthrow capitalism
since 1968, God love her.
And failing hopelessly!
You have to admire
her persistence, though.
- (cell phone ringing)
- Oh.
Excuse me a moment. Hi.
Lucien de Bremont's been found dead
in the pool of the chateau.
(foreboding music)
(indistinct chatter)
- Who found him?
- Jean-Claude Faraud.
Jesus! That's two bodies he's found
in the space of a week.
Bad luck,
or something more sinister?
There are marks on his neck.
They think he may have been dead
before he went into the water.
I presume Jean-Claude's
been taken in for questioning.
- He has.
- How did he seem?
Pretty upset.
We were going to
the funeral together.
Well that was the plan.
- So, what happened?
- I went out to get bread.
I was back at the cottage by 7:30.
I'd just set the table,
and then I heard a car outside.
So I went out
and saw a black Mercedes
pulling out of the gates.
It had Cote d'Azur plates.
- That's all I can tell you.
- Had you seen it before?
So, I walked over to the chateau.
The front door was ajar.
I went in and called Lucien's name.
When I came back out
I could see the pool,
and he was floating in it.
Face down.
He was all dressed
ready for the funeral.
What did you do at this point?
I dragged him out.
He was heavy.
I almost fell in with him.
So, I started to pump his chest
And it was hopeless.
I called an ambulance,
then I thought maybe
I should call the police, so I did.
You think I killed him, don't you?
Somebody seems to have killed him,
wouldn't you agree?
Yeah, but why would it be me?
Why on earth
would I kill Lucien? Why?
I didn't do it. I swear.
- Hélène?
- Yeah.
Isabelle de Bremont's sister says
that she was driving Isabelle's car
on Saturday night.
- But was she?
- What, do you think she wasn't?
Something's been bugging me
from the off.
There was that overnight bag
in the hallway,
plus, I know people like
Isabelle de Bremont and her sister.
They think the police
are a lower form of life
from whom they can withhold
whatever suits them.
Isabelle and Etienne have a space
in the underground car park
opposite their apartment.
We're checking the CCTV now.
We need that information pronto.
And we're checking for CCTV
on the black Mercedes
Jean-Claude claims he saw.
We do know that Lever Pogarovsky
owns a fleet of cars.
What's the betting some of them
are black Mercedes?
- Any news on him?
- Still away on business.
- Where?
- They were pretty vague about that.
That's convenient.
But he is due back
the day after tomorrow.
I spoke to Isabelle de Bremont
about the money.
She says
she knows nothing about it.
Of course she doesn't.
Now ask her what she meant
when she said,
"If they make us an offer
we're not in a position to refuse."
(key clanks)
What is that?
It's a kind of gratin thing.
A kind of gratin thing?
I bought it in the freezer place.
It's sweet potato and
Jerusalem artichoke.
Maybe an old pair of tennis shoes.
Who can tell?
Shall we eat out?
Pathologist report.
Lucien was dead
before he went into the water.
Manual strangulation.
Two brothers killed within a week
of each other at the same location.
- What's Jean-Claude not telling us?
- The bit where he killed him.
I suppose he's big enough
to have done it.
Strong enough. But why?
Don't wanna ruin your evening,
but can you take a quick look
at something?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
Oh, it's, uh
Here it is. CCTV footage
of the de Bremont car park.
This is the evening Etienne died,
at 7:45 pm.
That is Isabelle de Bremont
getting in and driving away.
You were right, Antoine.
Beatrice wasn't driving.
I wonder what else
she's been lying about.
(Marine spits)
OK. Isabelle's motive
for killing her husband.
Money, if indeed she knew about it?
Does she strike you as a murderer?
People do weird things
for 2.5 million euros.
So, who killed Lucien?
Maybe Lucien killed Etienne,
and someone killed him in revenge.
I'm trying to imagine
Isabelle de Bremont strangling him,
and I'm failing.
I can hear your cogs working.
What's going on?
We can't seem to get hold
of Lever Pogarovsky.
So if we can interview him,
why don't we speak
to his wife instead?
Lucien seems
to have worked for her,
rather than him.
Why don't we go
down there tomorrow?
I'll get them to set up
a meeting with her,
and en route, we can drop in
at a little domaine I know.
Isabelle de Bremont
said that Etienne
got a lot of his wine from them.
Why did he go all the way
down there, I wonder?
Plus, I need a couple
of cases myself.
Two birds, one stone.
- Perfect.
- Perfect.
(birds chirping)
(light music)
(Antoine) Terrible news about
that guy Etienne de Bremont.
Weren't you in that film he made?
I featured for all of a minute,
but, yeah.
He bought a lot of wine from you,
is that right?
No, that was his brother.
- Lucien?
- Yes.
He stayed here quite a few times
in our chambre d'hote.
You know that he also
was found dead
the day before yesterday?
Jesus Christ!
I had no idea. What happened?
We're not sure.
Tell us about him staying here.
Well, he used
to come here regularly
with a woman
who clearly wasn't his wife.
How do you know?
Well, they always arrived
separately on a Friday evening,
in separate cars.
Left again the next morning,
again in separate cars.
- Always paid in cash.
- Was she very young?
No, late 30s. Early 40s, maybe.
- Did you catch her name?
- I think I can find it for you.
There was one occasion
about three months ago.
He'd forgotten his wallet,
so she paid with a card.
It should be in here somewhere.
Okay, yes. So, here's
Lucien de Bremont's name,
on the right-hand page,
and here's her
credit card receipts.
Uh, B de Keppel Valois.
Thank you for this, Marc.
We'll take a carton of red, too.
Sure. I'll sort that out for you.
De Keppel Valois.
That ludicrous, poncy,
and in my opinion, made-up name
belongs to one of the most
important judges in Marseille.
It's also the surname of Beatrice,
Isabelle de Bremont's sister.
(car engine revs)
(Hélène) Hang on. Etienne's brother
and Isabelle's sister
were having an affair?
I'm not surprised
they kept that quiet,
him and his dubious connections,
and her married to a senior judge.
Bloody hell, Antoine.
What's going on in this family?
(suspenseful music)
Antoine Verlaque.
I'll let them know you're here.
- Judge Verlaque?
- Madame
This is Dr Bonnet,
who is helping us
with our investigations.
Ravie, madame. Come, please, sit.
What can I do for you?
Your husband is away on business,
is that right?
Can you tell me where?
He's in Moscow.
- And when do you expect him back?
- Very soon.
Tell me about Lucien de Bremont.
He looked after many
of my young models.
They were arriving from Russia,
the Ukraine.
They stayed in his apartments.
- He took care of them.
- In what way?
(cell phone ringing)
Excuse me.
It's Marc here, from Domaine Nagel.
- Can you speak? It's important.
- Sure.
Excuse me.
There's been some suggestion
that some of the girls
may have been trafficked.
What do you know about that?
Girls are trafficked.
I'm very sure of it.
But really, not my girls. No.
They are models.
And Lucien was a good man.
All the girls love him very much.
They trusted him.
He was always on their side.
He was also heavily in debt.
It's true, he owed very much money
He was a gambler,
but very bad at it.
He made many enemies, I think,
but he had the chateau,
there was money in his family.
It was like a guarantee, you know?
I googled the name de Bremont
out of sheer nosiness.
I'm looking at a photo now
of the guy who stays here.
And it isn't Lucien.
It was Etienne.
- The filmmaker, his brother.
- Okay. Thank you.
It seems
it wasn't Lucien de Bremont
having an affair with the sister.
No. That would be very unlikely.
- I'm sorry?
- Here.
- Who's that?
- Lucas Ahmed, Lucien's husband.
They married, five months ago.
Why would Lucien's brother
have your husband's details
in his address book?
I really could not say.
Madame Pogarovsky,
are you expecting your husband
back from Moscow any time soon?
(waves crashing)
Remember the film producer Mandani
said he felt Fabrizio Orsani
was doing someone else's bidding
when he came to warn Etienne?
I think he was sent by Pogarovsky.
His wife is clearly terrified
of something. Him, at a guess.
And his people.
If Pogarovsky killed Lucien,
he obviously didn't do it himself.
So Lucien didn't have an interest
in young girls,
but Maria said
he was on their side.
So maybe
There was something criminal
going on with those young women.
- And he was trying to protect them.
- Expose him, maybe.
No, Lever, there were no problems.
They won't be coming back,
but now I have a migraine.
No, I'm not lying to you.
I'm going home to bed.
Call me in the morning.
(Marine) Pogarovsky told Lucien
to leave Cannes.
He didn't, and now he's dead.
But Etienne's dead, too.
How does that work?
Okay, here's my take.
I think our problem
has been conflating
two separate things.
The murders are linked,
but not in the way that we think.
You mean in a way
we haven't discovered yet.
- Sadly, yes.
- Jesus. Shoot me now.
(paper rustles)
The CCTV footage from the car park
on the evening
of your husband's murder, madame,
shows that you were
driving the car, not Beatrice.
I see.
I went to Avignon to see my lover.
Beatrice covered for me.
- Why?
- Does it matter?
We know about your husband
and your sister, madame.
Goodness! You have been busy.
- I take it you knew.
- We had an understanding.
Our children were our priority.
Why on earth didn't you
tell us this at the outset?
Because I didn't think it was
any of your business.
Your husband has been murdered,
Your business is our business now.
Jesus! What is the matter with you?
(siren blaring in distance)
(cell phone ringing)
- Lucas Ahmed.
- This Judge Antoine Verlaque.
I'm investigating the death
of your husband, monsieur,
and I'm very sorry for your loss.
- Are you at home at the moment?
- No, I'm in Aix.
I came to organise things.
I need to bring his body home.
Where would be convenient
for us to meet, monsieur?
I can't meet you anywhere
I might be seen.
I can't meet you anywhere official,
or public.
- Why is that?
- Because I'm afraid, monsieur.
(birds chirping)
Can you think of any way
your husband's death
and Lucien's might be connected?
- That's your job, surely.
- And that's not helpful.
Have you heard of Lever Pogarovsky?
No, why?
Did Etienne and Lucien
see much of each other?
- Lucien was gay, did you know that?
- You're not answering my question.
His parents never knew.
They were rather 19th-century.
Horrified by that sort of thing.
That's why he moved to the coast,
I think, to get away.
I'll ask you again.
- Were he and your husband close?
- No.
And, actually,
I felt rather sorry for Lucien.
He allowed my husband to bully him.
I was given the impression
it was the other way round.
That was Etienne's genius.
He could always persuade Lucien
to take the blame,
for more or less everything.
My husband was so charming.
He could say black was white
and people would believe him.
Who do you think killed
your husband, madame?
Someone he crossed, I imagine.
- I don't know who.
- Did he cross a lot of people?
I think my husband was
what you might call a sociopath.
The charm was legendary,
but it was a very surface thing.
All he ever wanted was his own way,
with everything.
He hated that chateau, but he was
damned if he'd ever give it up.
It was his heritage, his family,
his name, his blood.
I mean, ridiculous, really.
So, madame,
my final question.
We know you were in Avignon
on Saturday evening,
were you in a restaurant
named La Reine Claude?
Yes, I was. Why?
Isabelle was the one
who checked his bank account.
She did it on a regular basis
because she didn't trust him
with their finances.
How did she get into it?
He used the same password
for everything.
He never mentioned
the money to her.
I mean, it was a staggering amount.
Was he ever gonna tell her?
Anyway, one of the things
we found on Etienne's laptop
was a Find My Phone app.
Sadly, the phone's not online,
but this is what you need to see.
This is what Etienne was editing.
Maybe lose the Rolex.
What do you think?
Look, they know I'm wealthy,
I'm not pretending to be poor.
It's a bit flash.
I think you should lose it.
Let's talk about the school
that you opened in Cameroon.
That's my wife,
I will need to consult her.
But give me a script,
like a proper movie star.
Because I can't make this shit up
from my head, you know?
Do your job.
(sighs deeply)
There's lots more,
but you get the picture.
He ends up talking
about his charities,
the food banks he's set up.
He comes across
like Mother Teresa on steroids.
I guess, Etienne must have
given him that script.
- So, there he is at last.
- The elusive Lever Pogarovsky.
At the airport,
go straight to check-in.
Do not hang about buying coffees.
Your tickets will be waiting.
Go through as quickly as you can.
When you are at the gate,
you are safe.
(engine revs)
(Hélène) We're thinking the money
in Etienne's account
came from Pogarovsky.
On whom he was clearly
doing a whitewash job.
One more thing Isabelle said,
Lucien wanted to sell off some land
up at the chateau for development
and use the money
to turn the place into a hotel.
Isabelle was all for it,
she was on Lucien's side,
but Etienne refused, point blank.
Lucien was trying to persuade him.
- And now they're both dead.
- Right.
And presumably,
Isabelle inherits everything.
(aeroplane engine rumbles)
- (gunshot)
- (groans)
(car alarm blaring)
(birds chirping)
No one in the de Bremont family
mentioned your marriage to Lucien.
Why might that be?
We never told him.
Because of Etienne, mostly.
He could just about accept
Lucien being gay,
but liberal-minded Etienne
was basically just
an old-fashioned homophobe.
Do you know anyone
who would want to harm Lucien?
(laughs, sniffles)
He owed money
to half the Cote d'Azur.
Tell me about Lever Pogarovsky.
Lucien is dead because of him,
(foreboding music)
(birds chirping)
- Marine?
- Hello?
- Marine, it's Cosette Faraud.
- Cosette!
We were gonna get
a coffee sometime, weren't we?
I'm up at the chateau.
Jean-Claude's in town.
I need to talk to you.
Okay. I'm listening.
I wanted to talk to you
at the funeral,
but there were
too many people around.
- Okay, well
- Can you get up here?
I'm frightened, Marine.
I don't know who to trust anymore.
Half the girls in that agency
were pimped, trafficked.
Look, whatever you want to call it.
They thought they were coming
to Europe as models.
They were sold
to rich, old plutocrats
with a taste for adolescents.
- By Maria Pogarovsky?
- No, no. By Lever.
Maria and the agency were a front
and she didn't know it at first.
It was all legit
when she started out, but with him,
everything was leverage
and kompromat.
He saw the girls as goods.
Well, like things in a shop
and he owned the shop.
Maria tried to stop him,
we did what we could.
We tried to protect the girls,
Lucien begged Etienne
to make a film about him,
but he wasn't interested.
Even when Lucien
brought him evidence,
testimonies from the girls.
You could have gone to the police.
Have you any idea
what we're up against?
Lever Pogarovsky
runs everything down there.
Including the police.
A pimp girl is just a prostitute.
A prostitute doesn't count.
I'm a gay Black man and
I don't count either.
I found something
and you need to see it.
Also, I've had
I've had a bit to drink
and so I can't drive a car.
Please, Marine.
You're the only person
I can think of
who might understand.
You were great to me
when we were kids.
you're not in any danger, are you?
I don't know.
- I might be.
- Just stay calm.
- Uh, give me an hour, okay?
- Okay.
Lever Pogarovsky invited Lucien
onto his yacht
and warned him
to stop what he was doing.
- How did he know about it?
- Etienne told him.
Etienne was in their pockets,
Monsieur, and we had no idea.
Every time Lucien gave him evidence
about the girls,
Etienne would pass it
straight on to Lever Pogarovsky.
Eventually, Lever must have
lost patience.
He had my husband killed.
He'd probably kill me
if he knew I was here.
Do you think he killed Etienne?
Why would he do that?
Etienne had already gone over
to the dark side.
He was no threat
to them whatsoever.
But I tell you this much, Monsieur,
whoever did kill him
did the world a favour.
You're saying the DNA
on the whiskey bottle
is a partial match
to Jean-Claude Faraud?
Lucien wanted to sell some land up
at the chateau. Tell me about that.
He had a dinner with some investors
the night that Etienne died.
They made an offer,
subject to Lucien
putting it to Etienne.
Isabelle was already in favour.
But Etienne, turns out,
was already dead.
I assume you know Jean-Claude
is Lucien's and Etienne's
They did not tell you about
the papers he found at the chateau?
Only that some were missing.
Amongst them was stuff
concerning his birth,
that he was Lucien
and Etienne's half-brother.
Lucien's father had a long affair
with Jean-Claude's mother.
Um, she was the housekeeper
and cook at the chateau.
A very beautiful woman
from Reunion.
Jean-Claude told Lucien all this?
Yeah. Lucien was thrilled.
He adored Jean-Claude.
I guess it didn't sit too well
with Etienne when he told him.
Now he had a Black half-brother,
with a share of his inheritance.
What's this about?
Why didn't you tell us
about the documents you found?
Lucas just told me.
I thought no one would believe me.
They vanished,
I had no proof anymore.
I've looked everywhere,
I've had the place upside down.
There are all sorts of ways
of proving who you are.
The documents don't matter.
The night of Etienne's death,
you say you were at Cosette's,
you ate supper,
you woke up hours later.
(cell phone ringing)
Etienne's phone has been turned on.
We've just traced it.
The signal is coming
from Chateau de Bremont.
(birds chirping)
(cell phone ringing)
- Hi!
- Wait till you hear this.
Jean-Claude is Lucien
and Etienne's half-brother.
- What?
- I know.
Where are you? We're about
to go up to the chateau.
Well, that's where I am.
I'm meeting Cosette.
She's in a bit of a state
about something.
Cosette! Hi!
(Antoine) Marine? Marine?
(foreboding music)
(breathes deeply)
(soft grunts)
- Did you hit me?
- You were talking to the police!
It was Antoine.
- He's not the police
- He's a judge. It's the same thing.
He's on his way here.
He knows you're here, too.
- Why don't we
- Stop talking! Just
I'm on my way there now
with Jean-Claude,
you better send some help. Okay.
The whiskey bottle we found
after Etienne's death
has a partial match to your DNA.
What does that mean?
I don't even drink whiskey.
It means whoever left the DNA
is related to you.
I was going to tell you
at the funeral.
But you were busy
with all those people.
I thought I could trust you.
We go back a long way, Marine.
I mean
I thought
you would be able to help me,
why do you think I called you?
So why don't you tell me
what I can help you with?
This. These papers,
these documents,
I don't know what to do with them.
Etienne was trying to take them
and destroy them
and ruin my brother's life.
How dare he!
This, look.
It's a document, it's official,
it's signed by the old count,
and it says
that Jean-Claude is his son.
If Etienne had taken this,
it would be his word against ours.
And who do you think would win?
We don't have to rely on old papers
anymore, we have DNA testing.
No. He was trying to disinherit
Jean-Claude because he is Black.
That's all! Because he's Black.
His father never acknowledged
my mother.
Even after she gave birth
to his child.
That bloody family.
Did Cosette know
you were their brother?
Yeah, I told her.
I couldn't help myself.
Right. And she knew Etienne
would be at the chateau
the night he died.
You fell asleep
in front of the TV, right?
I drank a Disaronno, woke up
around three in the morning.
So you never really knew
where Cosette was.
She drugged you, Jean-Claude.
Yeah, that's my Mimi.
The vet's just put her to sleep.
Okay. I didn't let him cremate her.
It's a scam.
- Right.
- They take their skin.
And they send it to China,
and they make them into hats.
- Right.
- The vets, the Chinese.
The crematorium people,
they're all in it together.
I'm in a Facebook group.
We keep an eye
on this sort of thing.
Did you have something to do
with Etienne's death?
(paper rustles)
It was an accident.
It was just an accident.
- What the hell are you doing here?
- You first.
This is my home,
you're trespassing.
I see. Is that what you came for?
It's too late.
I'm gonna put it all on a bonfire.
Don't you dare!
and threatening behaviour.
(birds chirping)
It was just an accident.
I hardly touched him,
it was just like a tap. You know?
Anyway, I went down
and looked at him.
I thought he might be okay,
so I turned him over.
I guessed he was dead,
but I wasn't sure.
I picked up his phone, look.
Yeah, yeah, here.
Here. Here's the photo
he took of me.
I went back
I went back upstairs and took
the papers into a carrier bag
so that no one else
could get hold of them.
And then I went and sat down
under that fig tree.
And I just watched him.
I had a fag.
And I had a drink, and then
Well, I thought he might get up,
but he didn't.
So I went home.
(car approaching)
It was an accident.
You're saying you killed Etienne
by accident.
You don't want to start killing
people deliberately, do you?
That family thought
they could just take
what was ours
because we don't count!
(Cosette grunts)
I am so tired of this shit!
- (Antoine) Marine!
- How do you make this thing work?
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
I've got you. I've got you.
I did it for you, Jean-Claude.
- I did it for you.
- I know.
(sobbing continues)
Cosette, it's okay.
- It's okay, Cosette.
- (police) Up we get. Come on.
- Stand up.
- (Jean-Claude) I'm coming with her.
- I'm here, Cosette.
- (Cosette grunts)
- Are you all right?
- I'm okay. I'm okay.
- Did she hit you?
- Am I gonna have a black eye?
Afraid so.
(light music)
- What will you do about Pogarovsky?
- Absolutely nothing.
He'll think it's gone away,
and the minute
he sets foot in Europe
- Will he?
- Yes.
His yacht's still here.
We'll get him for his wife's death
and for Lucien's
Poor Cosette.
Driven mad by it all, wasn't she?
By the total unfairness
of everything.
I have a theory that most violence
comes from shame,
from being traduced
or ignored or humiliated.
Cosette's response was
to see conspiracies everywhere,
and then she snapped.
It's Jean-Claude. Jean-Claude!
- I was just on my way home.
- How's Cosette?
Hey, sit down for a moment. May I?
Me and Lucas and Lucien,
we were gonna run the chateau
as a hotel.
I was gonna get Cosette involved,
that was the plan.
All of us together.
Family, you know?
Even Etienne's wife,
she was up for it.
Now it's all just gone.
You can still do it. You and Lucas.
- The chateau is your inheritance.
- But Cosette
Let's just see what happens.
- Maybe
- She did push him.
She told me.
I told her it would probably
be manslaughter.
What do you think?
It's not impossible.
- Here's to you.
- And to Cosette.
To Cosette.
(Marine) Two women killed
the same evening
within 10 km of each other.
(Hélène) Delphine Jourdan, 27.
I think she's been strangled.
(Antoine) The second victim
was 75, married,
early stages of Alzheimer's.
- You're a criminal!
- She's been shot in the shoulder.
All we need is a serial killer
on our hands.
Isn't it three murders
before you're a serial killer?
Is it?
(Roussel) Every woman I meet,
you all turn on me.
- I deserve respect!
- Stop it!
- Do you think he killed her?
- (grunts)
- Can you hear me?
- This is all my fault.
- (gunshot)
- Antoine!
(closing theme music)
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