My Everlasting Bride (2023) s01e19 Episode Script

Episode 19

[My Everlasting Bride]
[It's time to pay me back
the five minutes you owe me!]
[Episode 19]
This is the place
where Nie Zhen
and I were supposed to escape.
You've got a lot of nerve
to choose such an obvious place.
Hidden in plain sight.
It's a safe bet.
But you still reached out to me.
You didn't follow Nie Zhen's plan.
I have my own plan, too.
Let's go.
I'll go back to Nie Manor with you.
Wait a little longer.
Save it.
He won't come.
He has a more important mission.
The entire Hongzhou
is waiting for his rescue.
How come you know less
about Nie Zhen than I do?
In his heart,
nothing in the world is
as important as you.
He listens to advice.
Does he?
If he did, he wouldn't be Nie Zhen.
Why can't you listen to me for once?
It's time to pay me back
the five minutes you owe me.
You're truly a doomed couple.
You're both annoying and ridiculous.
I know what you want.
You and Mr. Zhao
didn't get enough information, did you?
Is a large part of it
in the hands
of the three division commanders?
But I've already moved those documents.
You've taken so many precautions.
How does it feel to be fooled by me?
Where is it?
What's going on, Young Marshal?
Let Xiaodie go with my men.
I'll give you the other half.
There's no such thing
as doing business by halves.
I'll give you
the other half in three months.
But I've encrypted those documents.
Only Second Young Master Shen
knows how to decipher it.
So you used this method to keep him alive.
Of course, I'm not bold enough
to test your limits
with the life of your young brother.
This is my favorite pen.
♪In every word between us♪
Ms. Yan,
have you thought it through?
Although I'm reluctant,
you're all I need.
Let her go.
Let's go.
Let go of me!
You let go of me!
♪Seeing through myriad facades♪
♪Sorrows become empty♪
♪My love♪
♪Deep affection♪
♪Rooted in the depths of the heart♪
♪Nowhere to hide♪
♪Fear not when love runs over♪
♪Loved too much turns the heart a demon♪
Why don't you leave?
You should reassure me.
Why can't it be you who reassures me?
Why can't it be me who protects you?
Nie Zhen.
At a time like this,
do you have to risk your life?
Do you know
how important you are to me?
I promised you
that I'd win it back.
No! I don't want it.
Let's go.
Nie Zhen!
Nie Zhen!
♪In every word between us♪
- Young Madam.
- Nie Zhen!
Young Marshal.
I've done what I promised you.
Now it's your turn.
Lead the way.
Have you never suspected
Mr. Zhao's true identity?
I've already warned you last time.
You don't have to worry about it.
Who's there?
Nie Zhen.
You betrayed Hongzhou,
hurt my right leg,
and killed my younger sister.
I'll make you pay in blood today.
Don't be impulsive, Mr. Hou.
Stop it!
Nie Zhen!
Nie Zhen!
Young Madam.
Who gave you the right
to shoot him without authorization?
Fifth Concubine.
I know I deserve to die
for killing Young Marshal.
But I just couldn't bear
the thought of it.
Perhaps you don't know
that Fourth Concubine
of Nie Manor is my younger sister.
She was killed by Young Marshal.
I can't even find her body now.
Do you think he deserves to die or not?
We should wait for Grand Marshal
to deal with him.
Grand Marshal has only one son.
No matter how bad he was in the past,
he would harbor him.
If we leave him to Grand Marshal,
my younger sister would have died in vain!
Fifth Concubine, I only beg you
to keep me alive.
From now on,
I'll do anything for you.
Even if it means facing danger or death.
Nie Zhen has a batch of documents.
I need you to find them
as soon as possible.
Thank you for sparing my life,
Fifth Concubine.
I'll fulfill the task
even if it means sacrificing my life.
I'll keep my promise
to Nie Zhen.
You can leave now.
♪Spring breeze is too tender
to blow away the olden days♪
Young Marshal.
Young Madam.
Young Madam!
♪Do you still feel the same way?♪
♪Waking up in the middle of the night♪
♪Waiting for the flowers to bloom at dawn♪
♪Hearts swelling with pride♪
♪And those years going by♪
♪Came to a halt♪
♪Who decides what's right and wrong?♪
♪Why do we love and hate?♪
♪Let go of yesterday♪
♪Trapped in love in a desperate moment♪
♪Let the wind dissipate yesteryear♪
♪Waking up in the middle of the night♪
♪Waiting for the flowers to bloom at dawn♪
♪Hearts swelling with pride♪
♪And those years going by♪
♪Came to a halt♪
♪Who decides what's right and wrong?♪
♪Why do we love and hate?♪
♪Let go of yesterday♪
♪Trapped in love in a desperate moment♪
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