My Hero Academia (2016) s01e12 Episode Script

All Might

H-He got me Teacher! I'm sure I erased his Quirk.
That means he is just that strong.
He's as strong as All Might Let go of her! Smash! Ribbit! We were all, even the teachers covered by the darkness of evil and fear The deeper the darkness the more dazzling the light shines.
All Might! I had a bad feeling so I tore myself away from my chat with the principal and came.
I passed young Iida on my way and got a rough idea of what had happened.
Good grief, it really makes me angry.
Thinking about how frightening it must have been for the children And how hard my juniors fought But that is why I must proudly say— It's fine now.
I am here! All Might! Ribbit All Might He's not smiling I've been waiting, hero.
You trash of society.
Episode 12: All Might Episode 12: That's All Might? It's my first time seeing him in person! He looks so intimidating Idiots, don't hesitate! If we kill that, we'll— Sorry Aizawa.
Huh? Huh?! What? Everyone, go to the entrance.
I'm leaving Aizawa to you.
He's unconscious.
Hurry! Y-Yes, sir! Ribbit.
All Might It's no good It's no good I-It's no good It's no good I-I'm sorry, Father He hit me as he was saving them It's the violence of a government official.
He's fast, as expected.
I can't follow him with my eyes.
But not as fast as I thought he'd be.
I guess it's true, after all that he's getting weaker.
All Might, you can't! That brain villain took One Fo— He took a punch that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch.
He's gotta be— Young Midoriya! It's fine! Carolina Nomu.
Smash! It seriously has no effect at all, huh?! In that case— It doesn't work on his face, either, huh? It doesn't work because of shock absorption.
In order to cause damage to Nomu it would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh.
Whether he'd let you do that or not is a different issue, though.
Thanks for telling me all that! If that's true, then it's easier for me! Hey, hey All right! Take that! W-Wow Those guys are underestimating All Might too much! How did he make a suplex look like an explosion?! All Might's on a whole nother level! Even though he's a rookie teacher who can't teach without looking at his notes.
It's possible they have a way to kill him Even so, there's nothing we can do right now.
Instead, if anyone gets held hostage, we'd be worse than in the way.
Rather than wondering about the villains we have to trust All Might! Get 'em! Aim for the balls! Were we overthinking it? He's amazing.
But But I know! Every day on my way to school, I read the hero news in real time.
Good morning, All Might! He Quickly Resolved Three Cases This Morning When they were talking about how All Might wasn't here the three fingers Thirteen put up secretly were probably because All Might was at his limit! It must have been because he'd used too much of his power! I'm the only one who knows.
It's an injury I got from an enemy's attack five years ago.
Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed and I lost my whole stomach.
I've become emaciated from repeated surgeries and the aftereffects.
Right now, I can only work as a hero for about three hours a day.
I will save people with a smile! The Symbol of Peace cannot be daunted by evil.
I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me.
I'm the only one who knows! All Might's secret and the predicament he's in! Is Is that how it is? Were you trying to keep him from moving by sticking him deep in the concrete? You won't be able to stop him like that.
Because Nomu is as strong as you are.
This is good, Kurogiri.
It's an unexpected opportunity.
Ouch! That's my weak spot! Stop it! What power! This is your first offense? You'd better prepare yourselves! Kurogiri.
I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me but I would be happy to take in someone as great as you.
You are too fast to see with the human eye.
Restraining you was Nomu's job.
And then when your body is halfway in, to close the gate and tear you apart is my job.
What is it, Midoriya? Trade places with me carrying Mr.
Ribbit? Okay But why? No No All Might! Midoriya! There are still tons of things I want you to teach me! All Might! Young Midoriya? What are you! How foolish.
Move, you're in the way, Deku! He's frozen? Young Todoroki?! All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might.
He controlled it so that the ice stopped just before it reached me.
Thanks to that, his grip loosened! All Might! Huh? Damn it! I didn't get to show off! Stop acting so stuck-up, foggy nobody! The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you.
Kacchan! Everyone! Todoroki Bakugou And Kirishima too.
Leave this to them, let's hurry! Yeah.
Everyone Wait, isn't that Tsu? Hey! Hey! Ochako? Hey, help us out! He's heavy! Mr.
Aizawa?! Let's go! L-Leave this to All Might When the other teachers get here get to a safe place O-Okay! Kurogiri our exit and entrance, has been overcome.
We're in a pinch.
You careless bastard.
You're just what I thought you'd be.
Only certain parts of you can turn into a misty warp gate.
The fog gate covered your actual body, right? Back then Oh dear, that's dangerous.
If you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said "that's dangerous.
" Don't move! If I feel like you're moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up! His behavior isn't very hero-like In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured.
Kids these days are amazing.
They make the League of Villains look bad.
Even though his body's broken he's still moving?! Get back, everyone! What? His Quirk wasn't shock absorption? I didn't say that was all he had.
This is his super-regeneration.
Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%.
He's a super-efficient human sandbag.
First, we need to get our gate back.
Go, Nomu.
He's fast! K-Kacchan! Kacchan?! Y-You dodged? That's amazing! No, shut up, scum! I didn't see anything! Then how? Then that was All Might! He protected the child, huh? Do you not know how to hold back? It was to rescue my companions.
I had no choice.
I mean, earlier, that that plain-looking one.
He was about to punch me with everything he had, you know.
Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable.
Isn't that right, hero? You know what, All Might? I'm angry.
I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous deciding what's good and what's bad! What with this "Symbol of Peace"? You're just a device to repress violence.
Violence only breeds violence.
The world will know this, once we kill you! That's preposterous.
The eyes of white-collar criminals like you burn silently.
You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you, you liar?! He's already figured me out? It's three against five.
Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness! These guys are crazy but if we backup All Might we can push them back! No! Run away.
You would have been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right? That was a different story, young Todoroki.
But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got.
All Might, you're bleeding Besides, time's—! All Might Nomu, Kurogiri.
Get him.
I'll deal with the children.
It's true that I barely have a minute left.
My power has been declining faster than I expected! Now, let's clear this and go home.
But I must do this! Hey, we've gotta do this after all! Why? Because I am the Symbol of Peace! Tch.
Hey, you talked about his shock absorption yourself earlier, didn't you? Yes, I did! A head-on fistfight? W-Wow! I-I can't get near them! If your Quirk isn't shock nullification but shock absorption then there's a limit to it, right?! Made to fight me? If you can withstand me at 100% then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that! He's bleeding while giving it his all! He's not swinging randomly.
Every every single hit is more than 100% of his power! A hero can always break out of a tough spot! Hey, villain have you ever heard these words?! Go beyond! Plus Ultra! Wh-What's this vibration?! An explosion?! That was a villain up there just now, wasn't it? Y-Yeah This power is It's All Might! There's no one else who can do something so amazing! Ribbit, ribbit.
Yay! Is this some comic book? It's like he nullified the shock absorption.
His brute strength is crazy.
What insane power Does this mean he rushed at him so fast he couldn't regenerate? So this is the top Is this the world of pros? All Might I really have gotten weaker In my prime five hits would have been enough.
But it took more than 300 hits.
And now I'm out of time! Now, villains I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible.
He used a cheat?! Next time The members of this class will become strong heroes! Next time, "In Each of Our Hearts"! Now, yell out toward that sunset! Go beyond! Next time: In Each of Our Hearts Plus Ultra!
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