My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Imposter

(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
- Let's go! Pass it to me! - Here.
(Episode 5)
- Hurry! - Stop him!
- Block him. - Block him.
(Kim Seung Ju)
- Take it. - Hey, kick it.
- Get his left side! - Hey.
- Block him. - Block him.
- Go to his left side. - Stop him.
- Block it. - Shoot!
- Let's go. - Nice.
Let's go.
- Let's go. - Let's go.
Class President, read the passage.
"I think that there are too many problems"
"with artificial intelligence."
"First of all, a near-future fear is that"
"we are starting to create machines"
- Look at your book. - "that can make decisions"
"like humans."
"However, we cannot trust such machines."
Stop looking at him. Look at your book.
What's going on between them?
Be quiet.
Choi Eom Ji. Do you like him?
- What? - What's going on with her?
- What is it? - No.
If you don't like him, why are you staring at him?
There must be a reason you were staring at him
instead of looking at your book.
- What is it, Choi Eom Ji? - Hey, Choi Eom Ji.
Answer me.
You got this, Choi Eom Ji. Go for it.
I like her.
- What? - What?
- What just happened? - What is it?
- Oh, my! - What?
- What's going on? - Seriously?
Be quiet.
Why are you leaving already?
I came by to see your face briefly.
I have class early tomorrow. I have to get going.
You can't go back to Seoul.
If you leave today, you won't come back.
What did you say? You said you killed Choi Eom Ji.
Why are you saying something different now?
Look at this.
You remember these shoes, right?
Why was there so much blood? What did you stab her with?
Did you prepare your criminal tool beforehand?
I didn't kill her.
Mr. Kim Do Ha. Wake up.
- Mr. Kim Do Ha. - It wasn't
What did you say?
I didn't
kill her.
I can hear his lies.
(Dream Villa)
What about Syaon?
She's not dead.
You saw her leave safely.
You even had a nightmare about it.
Besides, Syaon wasn't going to kill herself.
Don't worry.
What? You're burning up.
Do you have fever reducers at home?
I don't need them.
(Bandage, Ointment, Cooling patch)
I confirmed that he was just a regular guy.
Is this really necessary?
But he's sick. Not helping him would be too mean, right?
Okay. Fine.
I'll be back.
I brought some medicine.
I'm coming in.
Mr. Kim,
wake up and take some medicine before you go to sleep.
I'll leave it here.
(Sleep inducers)
He took sleep inducers?
Gosh, this is really iffy.
Hot water.
Wait, no.
His head is burning up. So should I soak it with cold water?
What am I doing right now?
I don't even know him that well.
My arm hurts. Can you let me go?
I'm sorry.
Did he just answer me? What is this?
You only have ten minutes.
What is this?
I was going to leave after giving you the medicine.
You seemed really sick. So I took care of you for a bit.
Did I open the door for you?
Not exactly. It wasn't closed completely.
I see.
How are you feeling?
Did the fever go away?
Ms. Mok.
Don't worry about me now.
Just treat me
as if I don't exist.
Do you think that I slept here
to seduce you or something?
Then why?
I see. It's because I found out that you're Kim Do Ha.
But isn't that just one of many jobs people can have?
I'm not that interested in celebrities.
- So - I got it.
Please leave now.
Okay. Sure.
Actually, I'm done with you too.
I'm glad the timing all worked out.
He's ridiculous.
What? "Don't worry about me?"
Treat him as if he doesn't exist?
That's what he told me!
Whatever. He's not the one either.
(For flu, chills, fever, runny nose, and cough)
Deuk Chan.
(CEO Jo Deuk Chan)
Deuk Chan. Tell Do Ha to move somewhere else.
Or get him a hotel.
I just don't want him to stay in that house.
How could you be so brazen
after the stunt you pulled yesterday?
A strange woman lives next door from Do Ha.
She even knew his name and drove his car for him.
If you let Do Ha continue to live there,
I'll go to him every day.
The alley in front of his house will be full of reporters.
Hey, Sa Ji On!
Don't yell at me. That's scary.
Do you know how scary Do Ha was yesterday?
I was really happy to see him even if he was angry at me.
I was scared,
but seeing his angry face made me feel better.
Ji On. What you're doing right now
isn't helping your case.
You're acting just like Do Ha's old girlfriend.
How is that not helpful?
Do Ha can't move on and meet other women
because he's still hung up on her. Isn't that it?
What do you know about her?
That she looked like me. That's why I said it.
It's true that he hasn't gotten over her.
But he doesn't miss her or anything.
Anyway, that's enough.
If love was one-sided
Yes. You should meet and date all of your fans.
It's up to you.
Okay. I'll ring it up.
You only have one stamp left for a coupon.
- Come again. - Bye.
Thank you.
Decaffeinated coffee is the way to go.
It's nice and strong. I love it.
What's strong?
- The caffeine? - "Deep."
It means this coffee has depth.
Gosh, don't you know that?
So when I get tired like this, I always drink decaf coffee.
It's shocking that you actually said that to me.
You said the spirit didn't help you when you were with this guy.
What happened with him?
It was nothing
because the spirit did show up.
That's more fascinating.
It means that guy wasn't lying the whole time you were together.
Forget it. I'm not interested anymore.
What did he lie about?
You know, he was talking in his sleep.
You slept with him?
No. Not like that.
I just overheard it.
She overheard it?
She overheard him talk in his sleep?
Then he lied when he was dreaming.
Could he be hiding something
deep down in his subconscious?
Wash the dishes.
(Dream Villa)
This place looks more rustic than I thought.
How much do you need?
When did I ask you for money?
I came because I wanted to see you.
Lower your mask.
No one is here. Come on.
I see. Right.
I still feel guilty whenever I think about that incident.
It must be killing you inside.
I get why you wear masks.
I'll just send you enough money.
Okay. Sure.
Then you gave this money to me because you wanted to.
I didn't ask you for money. Okay?
Don't tell my brother about it.
Promise me.
- I wired the money. - Wait. Hey.
Leave once I check it.
I'll spend this money on something meaningful.
By the way, this place doesn't suit you.
It looks like a place for ordinary people.
But if some of these ordinary people turn out to be your fans,
that might fluster you.
I'll call you again.
You should swing it in one go.
That's it!
Gosh. Bo Ra. Welcome.
Girls, come over here.
These are my daughters.
That's my youngest daughter. And that's my oldest daughter.
- Hello. - Say hello.
- Hello. - Hello.
You have beautiful daughters.
Have you played tennis before?
Of course.
- Look. - Gosh.
Were you an athlete?
- You got this. - Thanks.
- Gosh. - Are you all right, Bo Ra?
Gosh. To be honest, I play golf often.
It's been so long since I played tennis.
I see. Then you should have told me that sooner.
Why don't I teach you how to play?
- All right. Hold it like this. Yes. - Like this?
So this is the most basic Eastern forehand grip.
Swing it backward.
- And then hit the ball like this. - Gosh
Move forward. That's it. Just like that.
- Swing it all the way. - I see.
- Swing. - Okay.
I guess you need to warm up a bit more.
Have some water.
You did an amazing job,
raising them to be so sweet and beautiful.
I'm so envious.
You said you lost your husband early in your marriage
and didn't have any children, right?
I was never fortunate enough to have the joy of raising children
and just ended up getting old.
It's all right
because you may end up with two grown daughters.
I see. Okay.
I'm even sick of my only daughter.
Ms. Kim Bo Ra!
Is Ms. Kim Bo Ra here?
Is Ms. Kim Bo Ra not here now?
Ms. Kim Bo Ra.
Excuse me.
Isn't she looking for you?
- Is Ms. Kim Bo Ra not here? - My gosh.
Yes. I'm Kim Bo Ra! It's me.
Please fill out this membership application.
Oh, sure. Thank you.
My, you're drinking?
This is an emergency.
I ruined the performance.
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
Your hand is okay.
Would it be okay
if I stayed here for the time being?
Sure thing. You can stay here for as long as you'd like.
Thank you.
(World Vila)
How many fake suicide reports have we received? I can't keep count.
I'm relieved and grateful that they're alive.
I'd never complain about this.
Hey, I've been holding it for a while.
Let me use the restroom quickly.
All right.
I was responding to a call in the area. I'm heading back now.
- I see. - Don't get the wrong idea.
I won't.
You're working hard until this late hour.
Shall I help you carry it?
I bet you bought beers and potato chips again.
No, I did not.
- Take it easy. - Thanks.
(Sweet and Salty, Wageul Wageul)
Thank you.
Lee sued the music director and the agency
who took all the songs written by obscure songwriters
and managed to copyright his songs after a fierce legal battle.
However, the composer who led this scheme was acquitted.
They hid us like ghostwriters.
For 3 years, I worked over 10 hours a day, every single day.
They paid me 1,000 dollars a month. Never a single raise.
So his yearly salary was 12,000 dollars?
- I still regret it so much. - Isn't this insane?
- Why did I work like a slave - What? What's insane?
- without rebelling once? - Oh, right.
You're from Hakcheon.
Then you must hate this show.
- Why? - The thing is,
they reported that the detectives there
carried out the investigation in an inappropriate manner
for the Hakcheon disappearance case.
What do they think they know when they just work for a TV network?
They think they're detectives.
The phone is turned off. Please leave a message
I told you not to be obsessed with chords!
You can write a good song
with 3 to 4 chords alone.
Trust me.
Moo Jin is music!
Mr. Park, could you spare me a moment?
What are you doing? I'm having an important conversation now.
I need to talk to you about something important too.
It'd better be something important.
You guys, get out.
We got another email about you plagiarizing.
Of course, I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose, but
Oh, that jerk.
I already taught him a lesson.
What? How?
I know everyone in the industry,
so I can figure things out right away.
It was just some clueless idiot.
It won't happen again, so don't worry.
I listened to all of them, and they're quite similar.
If the original songwriter sues us,
- the company - Mr. Jo.
You really are clueless when it comes to music.
It's the same genre,
so it's only natural that the vibes are similar.
Also, no one even knew the song.
I kindly referred to it so that it'd see the light of day at last.
So who'd complain about it? No one will sue us.
Mr. Park.
Don't worry.
I can take care of everything even if problems were to arise.
I haven't seen you in a while.
How are things these days?
I'm having trouble falling asleep again.
And I can't play the piano.
Did something happen recently?
Could you just prescribe me the same pills I used to take?
You need to tell me what's going on so I can treat you
and give you a prescription.
Do Ha. There is
a big sieve inside your head.
Even when you want to say something, you filter it through the sieve
over and over again.
It's good to be careful with your words.
But sometimes, you need to express your emotions just as they are.
Excuse me.
I guess he packed up and left again.
I stand before you today
to reveal the reality of obscure songwriters
which still hasn't improved,
to tell you my candid thoughts about ghostwriters,
and to make a confession myself.
I should've introduced myself first.
I am the songwriter, Kim Do Ha.
Hey, what's going on? Move.
This is mine.
(Entertainment News Team 1)
"Syaon's man has finally revealed himself."
"Songwriter Kim Do Ha."
Hey! You fool.
That guy isn't Kim Do Ha.
Says who?
- Hey, spy cam. - Sorry?
I heard you ended up at a police station because you were accused
of planting a spy cam while chasing Kim Do Ha.
Gosh, you fool. Did you think I'd never find out?
- That was - Yes, got it.
Trust me. There was some misunderstanding.
Sir, that man isn't Kim Do Ha.
I saw Kim Do Ha right in front of my face.
Trust me.
As if. You little
You can't even prove it.
- Take your hands off this. - What?
- Do a good job. - Got it.
I'm not the only one.
Many of J Entertainment's songwriters
have ghostwriters working for them.
And some of them
habitually copy other songs.
This was what I, Kim Do Ha, wanted to confess.
(Did Syaon know too? Doesn't that make her an accomplice?)
(This was why he kept his face hidden.)
Can't we take this down immediately?
People are sharing shorts and clips of it,
so taking this down won't solve the problem.
Can't we report this person
for defamation or spreading false information?
To do that, we'll need Mr. Kim Do Ha to step in.
Don't tell me that you guys also think
that man is Kim Do Ha.
He's not.
Trust me on this.
That man isn't Kim Do Ha.
This is
(Park Moo Jin plagiarized.)
(Park Moo Jin's ghostwriter)
It has to be one of you guys.
It wasn't me.
It wasn't me either.
- I didn't do it. - You little rats.
You piece of
Let go of me. I said to let go!
You're a big guy, but so what?
Hey! You write songs with your brain, not with your muscles.
You need to be a genius!
Darn you.
Take turns and repeat after me.
(Voice Memo)
"I did not impersonate Kim Do Ha."
(Aftermath Following Songwriter Kim Do Ha's Confession)
(Fans Flocking to Syaon's Social Media Pages Demanding Explanation)
Kim Do Ha is the one at fault.
Why are people harassing Syaon?
I can tell at a glance that this man is a fake.
How do you know?
You said you didn't see his face that day.
I can just tell.
He looks very different from the man I saw that day.
Fine. If it's not him, he should come forward and say so.
He's keeping quiet because he feels guilty about something.
Hey, then why did he stay quiet when the dating scandal broke out?
Kim Do Ha is bad at stuff like that.
He always wears a mask
and avoids people. Can't you tell that much?
What are you doing here?
I came to get coffee.
Oh, hello!
Are you ready to order?
Yes. Two iced Americanos to go, please.
Would you like a coupon if it's your first time here?
Yes, I'll be coming often.
What are you talking about?
You don't even like coffee.
I like coffee.
I really am here just to get coffee, so don't worry.
Thank you.
Who is he?
You still use that?
Oh, this?
I've had it for years, so it's comfortable.
I'm just so used to it.
Get a new one.
It still works just fine.
He's so hot.
- Here. - Thank you.
Why travel all the way here to get coffee?
It's a tarot reading café, not even a coffee place.
Is it any good?
It's pretty good.
Then this will be our go-to coffee place from now on.
What? Well, it's not that good.
- You can have this too. - Thank you.
- It's this way. - Okay.
It's a great piano,
but it's very old.
Hey, Kim. You don't have to do that.
Oh, it sounds nice.
- Does it? - Yes.
Can you start today?
We need someone right away.
I see. Sure, I can.
- Really? - Yes.
- That's great. - Yes.
(J Entertainment's Stock Plummets Due to Ghostwriter Scandal)
(The masked man's confession)
(is sending shock waves across the industry.)
(CEO Jo Deuk Chan)
Nice, you're still open.
May we help you?
You know who I am. It's urgent. Come with me.
You can't do this.
Please make an appointment before you visit.
Who are you? You look like a witch.
Move aside. Go make me a cup of coffee.
You need to leave.
Goodness. Okay.
What is this? That was dangerous.
Hold on. Just take a listen.
Where did it go?
There's a liar.
I didn't impersonate Kim Do Ha.
I didn't impersonate Kim Do Ha
Mr. Park Moo Jin.
One of them is lying!
Recordings don't work
because the spirit doesn't come. Don't you know that?
No, the sound quality is great.
The spirit can hear this too.
Focus and take a listen. Then I'm sure you can feel it.
I don't feel anything now.
And you're on our blacklist due to the incident last time,
so we refuse to offer our services to you.
- Please leave. - "Blacklist?"
Me? Unbelievable.
Hey! You're a fraud.
Darn you. How dare you push me?
Do you know who you're messing with here?
I will be back.
This is nuts.
Yes, hello.
To tell you the truth
I am the CEO of J Entertainment.
Can we have a brief chat?
I'm sorry about the last time.
I was worried Do Ha's identity would be revealed
if I admitted that I was the CEO of J Entertainment.
That day, you drove on his behalf.
Did something happen?
He just
looked really stressed out.
Anyway, why does he do that?
He always has his face covered,
and he runs away and disappears all the time.
Is he ill or something?
He went through a really rough patch in the past.
There was a time in my life
when I drank enough alcohol to last a lifetime.
He changed after that.
He used to be very cheerful.
But he's gotten better since he moved to that building.
These days, he sleeps well at night
and converses with his next-door neighbour.
I guess he's more than just one of your songwriters to you.
You seem to truly care for him.
I'm worrying about Do Ha as his close friend, not as his CEO.
Oh, right.
So when he gets home,
please give me a call.
- We'll see it shortly, - Yes.
but it was neck and neck, overall.
I'd say it was intense.
That's right.
The current score is 1 to 1. The teams
have completed the first half, which was fierce.
That's right.
As you can see
He can't even eat out.
What if he's starving himself?
Hello. You can sit there.
I guess the masked piano player isn't here today.
You won't see him on stage for a while.
I see.
I said you wouldn't see him on stage.
It doesn't mean he's not here.
Pardon me?
We'll be closing up in about an hour.
You can see him after that.
Take a seat.
Mr. Kim?
What are you doing?
You're a pianist.
What brought you here?
How did you know I was here?
I told her.
I told her to wait.
- Just a moment. - Let me.
This is not your business.
Will you please?
Then I'll leave it to you and get going.
Why did you keep your phone off?
It was a hassle.
It's even more of a hassle for me because of you.
I met Mr. Jo earlier today.
Some weirdo visited the café,
and everyone has been talking about you here and there.
It bothers me even more.
Who talks about me?
Aren't you aware of the mess?
Many of J Entertainment's songwriters
have ghostwriters working for them.
And some of them habitually copy other songs.
I should've introduced myself first.
I am the songwriter, Kim Do Ha.
The company probably said it wasn't true.
If people don't believe it,
that can't be helped.
How uncool.
You should say it yourself, not the company.
It seems to be your habit to dump your duties on others.
I thought you'd be enthusiastic about your business of all.
Music is the only thing you can do, no?
You can neither eat nor take off your mask outside.
What if you can't even do music, what will you do in life?
Can you get by with the money you've earned?
This is enough. You know nothing about me.
Of course, I know nothing.
How would I know when you don't say a thing?
I don't know much,
but I do know that you wouldn't plagiarize others' work.
I know that you wouldn't even dream of being a ghostwriter or whatever.
But those who don't know as much would misunderstand, of course.
You made up your mind to stop while drinking the other day.
What was the reason?
You can just make up your mind again.
Give Mr. Jo a call or something.
He's worried sick about you.
Music is the only thing you can do, no?
I've been well.
Seung Ju? Well
He's preparing to study in Germany.
He seems to feel frustrated in this country.
He needs to go to Europe at least to learn something.
Yes, right.
Make a right turn soon.
Make a left turn soon.
There's a speed bump ahead.
The road is narrow here.
Please slow down.
Go straight until the next direction.
You have arrived at the destination.
The directions are over.
(Kim Do Ha, I'm donating my master keyboard.)
Who are you?
Oh, do you live here?
Who are you?
Mr. Kim Do Ha?
Sorry. I'm sorry.
Are you from the police?
I'm Kim Do Ha.
Are you really Songwriter Kim Do Ha?
How did you know?
(Missed call)
(New message)
(Missed call)
(Plagiarist songwriters, J Entertainment, confession)
Many of J Entertainment's songwriters
have ghostwriters working for them.
And some of them habitually copy other songs.
What you said in the video
It's your personal experience, isn't it?
How did you know?
Otherwise, you wouldn't have done it.
But why did you act like you were me?
I wanted to do it with my own name,
but as you know,
I'd be doomed in this industry if I did that.
Apart from borrowing my name,
why did you tell a lie?
I never used a ghostwriter.
It wouldn't be justified if Kim Do Ha
criticized Park Moo Jin only.
It'd be more effective to criticize J Entertainment itself.
Honestly speaking,
I kind of thought
you were like peas in a pod.
You two were the star songwriters of J Entertainment.
And you were faceless.
It seemed quite shady.
So that's how I'm seen.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me just once.
I'll delete the video and post an apology.
Of course, you should apologize.
don't you deserve an apology as well?
The new statement we posted yesterday.
How are people responding to it?
people don't seem to believe it
no matter what we say.
What if Syaon posts a written explanation?
We don't need a singer involved in this songwriter controversy.
It could backfire,
so he better stay put.
Sir, why don't we ask Mr. Kim Do Ha
to take action?
I already said no to it.
What the?
I'm sorry.
I'm actually not Kim Do Ha.
Park Moo Jin used and dumped me,
and that grudge
led me to do this. I'm sorry.
Do Ha.
I'm Kim Do Ha.
I'm sorry, I'm showing up too late.
Are you really Kim Do Ha?
Is he?
You must've been through a lot,
trying to resolve the issue without me.
Thank you, and sorry.
I'll do my best not to cause any more harm to the company.
Hey, move.
Bring the real Kim Do Ha, and everything will be over.
Why must you drag this on?
I just don't understand.
Long time no see.
Who are you?
I've never seen you before.
I'm Yang Ji Hyuk.
Don't you recognize me?
Well, do I have to know you?
Hey, what are you waiting for? Drag him out.
You shouldn't let a hawker in here.
You took his song without his name.
Is that why you don't remember him?
Gosh, what in the world
Hello, Mr. Park.
I'm Kim Do Ha.
Hello, Mr. Park.
Kim Do Ha?
Try to remember his name.
You're covering your face again.
Gosh, the more I think about it,
you seem way shadier than me.
Even Iron Man reveals his face
in a critical situation.
I wonder why he's so obsessed with hiding his face.
I mean, has anyone seen his face before?
The company is about to go down,
and he cares only about himself.
Just how shady is he
that he wouldn't reveal his face?
Just who is Kim Do Ha?
Let's go.
Mr. Kim Do Ha.
I admire you so much.
When you're done working on Syaon's song,
would you mind writing one for us
Ethan. I'm sorry, but we can't afford to talk about that now.
- Let's do it later. - But
I'm really grateful that you stepped in.
But revealing your face wouldn't be a good idea.
I'll handle Park Moo Jin's dismissal as soon as possible.
Were you aware of what he was up to?
I told him a few times.
I'm sorry.
Get him to write a written apology.
Make sure to compensate the victimized songwriters.
Do Ha.
I'm sorry.
Do you still hate me?
Ji On.
Deuk Chan, can you give us a moment alone?
Yes, go out for a bit.
What is it?
Tell me.
I don't like you.
I like you as a singer.
And as a friend.
But not as a woman.
- Do Ha - I'll root for you as a fan.
Let me apologize.
I'm actually not Kim Do Ha.
Being exploited by Park Moo Jin,
I felt wronged.
A bad judgement led me to impersonate Kim Do Ha.
I hope no one will be
victimized like me after this incident.
I want Park Moo Jin and everyone who exploits nameless songwriters
to be kicked out of the industry.
I'd like to apologize once again
to Kim Do Ha who suffered damage because of me
along with gratitude.
("J Entertainment's Ghostwriter Controversy,")
("It Turns Out Not to Be Kim Do Ha")
(A mysterious man with a mask on exposed the claimed truth)
(about ghostwriters in a video which caused controversy.)
(A new message from Kim Do Ha)
I have a concert at 8pm today.
So what?
I'd love you to come.
- Go up to the second floor. - Okay.
Can we bring some bricks?
- It doesn't matter. - No, right?
- You, Park. - Right.
- Gosh. - Right.
- Of course. - Goodness.
- Is it good? - Eat up.
- It's so bland. - Have some eggs.
- There's a lot. - Good.
("J Entertainment's Ghostwriter Turns Out Not to Be Kim Do Ha")
- It's expensive. - Goodness.
- What - What the?
- What was that? - He startled me.
(My Lovely Liar)
- I'm grateful. - For what?
I'm where I am thanks to you.
He came to see me.
Let's get back together.
Are you busy tomorrow? Do you want to watch
the soccer match with me tomorrow?
Does he treat the girl he likes well?
Ice cream
I want to look good for you.
Mr. Kim, you have feelings for me, right?
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