My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e04 Episode Script
Wheel of Fortune
[The characters, organizations, corporations, events, and places in this work are irrelevant to real life.]
[The production team filmed in a safe environment in the presence of the child performers' guardians.]
He's tall and has a pale complexion
Hi, honey!
What took so long?
They're looking for you.
Is that Kim Do Ha?
Why are you home so late, honey?
They look happy together.
[Episode 4]
Did you do this knowing who they are?
Yes, of course.
They're debt collectors.
Did they say that? That they're debt collectors?
They were looking for unit 502, and it seemed fishy.
Reporter Woo, wait for me.
Babe, let's go inside!
Hold on!
- Yes?
- You must have seen your neighbor.
- Unit 502.
- Well
I thought that unit was empty.
- What?
- You should double-check.
Wow, they seem to have no plans to leave.
What are you doing? Come inside.
Babe, let's have dinner!
One second.
It's just today.
I'm usually clean.
Sit. Over here.
I said sit down.
I'm too full to eat, I think.
I'm full too.
But you're my guest, so I need to serve you something.
If we don't do anything, it'll be awkward.
So I'm filling the time.
Give it to me.
It's fine.
Give it to me.
Thank you.
[To Mok Sol Hee: 135-Gil, Yeonseo-3-Ro, Gangsuh-gu, Dream Villa, Unit 501, Seoul]
Mok Sol Hee?
That's a unique name.
How about you? What's your name?
My name is Kim
Oh, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
It's Kim Seung Joo.
I didn't hear you very well.
Can you say it one more time?
Kim Seung Joo.
I'm cold, tired, and hungry.
It must be warm in there, right?
[Kim Do Ha, Kim Seung Joo]
Even outside the box, he'll close the distance right away.
- Of course, yes.
- The players realize that.
Discover your confidence!
Your confidence will go up, up, up!
Improve your prostate function, increase your stamina
Gong Sil hides her ability to see ghosts.
- I want to talk
- But when she is near Joong Won, the ghosts disappear.
She realizes this man incapacitates her superpower.
Oh, hold on, hold on.
- Let's keep watching for a little bit.
- Sure.
If I touch you like this, I can't see or hear them.
I've never met anyone like you.
That's why you're special to me.
If I'm near you, I think I could sleep better and live a normal life
do you usually never lie?
Who doesn't lie?
Of course I lie.
[Do Ha oppa]
I'm going to check outside.
What is this?
You're dating Syaon, right?
No. Like the article said, we're just good colleagues.
My abilities have stopped working since then.
I like you, transparent like water.
My body always needs to be hydrated.
My heart does, too.
Hydration for the whole body!
What do you think of Syaon?
What about her?
A lot of guys say she's their ideal girl.
Gosh, she's so pretty.
She's excellent.
As a singer.
Not like that.
How about as a woman?
I've never seen her that way.
Hey, hurry.
Come on! Get the shot.
Three, four, five
Excuse me.
What are you doing?
Damn it
Delete those.
Why are you taking pictures of me?
- Give me the camera.
- Come on!
We're reporters.
Journalists. So don't you dare touch-
Move your hands, I said!
Reporters, whatever.
I need to check if you're deleting the photos.
We'll delete them on our own. Mind your own business.
- Look.
- This guy-
- I need to see-
- Don't touch it!
T-These lenses
Do you know how much they cost?
Realizing they are meant for each other,
they tenderly confess their feelings for each other.
Without you, the Earth would end.
For you are my sun.
What do you think that's like?
If there was a girl who lost her ability to see ghosts whenever she was with you.
I couldn't make any promises.
It's a lot to handle, seeing ghosts.
I can't promise to stay with a girl
who can't be without me.
I've tried, but
I couldn't help having a change of heart.
I guess you must have tried hard.
I tend to let people go as soon as I feel like they're not the one.
When do you know they're not the one?
When they start lying to me.
Then, you need someone who's an excellent liar.
Because there's no one who doesn't lie.
Do you have money to pay for this?
Do you have money to pay for this!
This guy
Let go!
- You're stretching my clothes.
- Just my luck
Geez. This is me.
He damaged my camera lenses.
You secretly photographed me first.
This guy. You damaged my property, all right?
It's illegal to photograph someone without their consent.
You did damage his property.
If you continue this here, I'm going to add a disturbance charge.
Let's go down to the station to talk.
The station? You want to go to the police station?
Officer, I'm actually in the middle of work right now.
Me too.
I'm a reporter.
Escort them.
Yes, sir.
Let's go, come on.
Geez, this is nuts
Go ahead. I'll take the stairs.
All right.
[Mok Sol ]
Sol Hee.
Oppa, what are you doing here?
I got transferred to Yeonseo Station recently.
Somebody called for us, so
Are you okay? It was loud out here.
Yeah. I'm okay.
What a small world.
How have you been?
Yeah. Well, I've been good.
Are you married, by chance?
Oh. I see.
Sergeant Lee, are you on your way down?
I have to go.
Oh, okay.
Get inside.
Make sure you lock up.
I missed you a lot.
I think he got the wrong idea from my shoes.
You should explain when you see him again.
Good night.
I missed you a lot.
Syaon came to me first, I swear.
Why would she randomly go to a burger place in the middle of nowhere in Namyang-ju?
What are you going to do if a rumor spreads that it was an ad?
How was that an ad?
It's not like I paid her.
did you do a favor for Syaon?
gave her some intel.
- Where Kim Do Ha is staying.
- What?
But I only told her, Yeonseo-dong. I swear.
How did you know he was in Yeonseo-dong?
navigation history.
You, really
You went as low as selling out Do Ha.
But Hyung, Kim Do Ha owes us.
Why can't I get some help?
What are you talking about?
What does Do Ha owe us?
You know. The alibi and everything.
Shut your mouth.
If you mention that ever again
Fine. Fine. I'm sorry.
It was Jae Chan.
He told Syaon.
The reporters following her around ended up here.
I'm sorry this happens every time.
It's okay.
You're being weird.
Reporters show up at your door, and you're not talking about moving.
Why are you so calm?
They don't know I live here.
My neighbor helped me out.
She's basically your guardian angel.
If she helped you get away from reporters,
does she know that you're Kim Do Ha?
She thinks they're debt collectors, not reporters.
She thinks I screwed up big time and ran away here.
That's a relief.
I don't think she remembers
meeting me in Hakcheon.
What did I tell you?
You're the weird one for remembering that.
Oh, thank you.
Hey. Is there a question that would make someone lie no matter what?
No matter what?
The God of Truth is not speaking to me with this one person.
I'm not sure if he really doesn't lie,
or if the God of Truth's powers doesn't work on him.
No. Maybe the God of Truth is intentionally leaving that person out.
Is this person
a man, by chance?
Yes. He is a man.
The God of Truth has sent you a sign!
To let you know he's your soulmate!
Honestly, if the God of Truth keeps pointing out every lie,
Miss Hunter, you'd never be in a relationship.
That's why you're still single.
I think you haven't talked enough.
If you keep talking to him, God will appear for sure.
Bring him here sometime.
We could play Mafia or something and help you out.
You be the emcee!
Yes! I can do that.
- Let's go!
- Yeah!
It's good.
So, for Syaon's next album concept
Do I still need to work with her?
There are many others who would write her great songs.
But you've always worked together
I think that's why this is happening.
We rely on each other for music.
Knowing how she feels, I can't just ignore it.
I'll talk to her.
I understand how you feel.
But let's not tell her right away.
She's busy with her album right now. It will be a disaster.
You don't know what she'll do.
Emotion I feel for the first time ♪
I just want you, babe ♪
- DirCred! DirCred! DirCred!
- What is DirCred?
- Director Park!
- Your credit card.
Got it.
You have an event in Gangneung this weekend, right?
How about dinner after?
My favorite sashimi place is there.
I need to be careful.
I've gotten in too much trouble lately. Deuk Chan-
I mean, President Jo is mad at me.
You must see me as a man, huh?
Trying to "be careful."
I need to practice.
Please go.
You would've never debuted if not for Kim Do Ha.
Be humble.
Your career could go away in a second.
What is this? It's not water.
Oh, it's an energy drink
I told you to get rid of anything with calories!
[Working with Composer Kim Do Ha is fortunate]
You have a guest.
Are you the neighbor next door I've been hearing about?
He's a good friend of mine.
Yes. Hello.
Were you talking about me?
You've helped him out so much.
I'd like to take you out for a meal sometime.
Aigoo, it was someone else's name card.
J Entertainment
You must be in that industry.
Oh. I'm a
[Dae Jung Real Estate]
I work in real estate.
I left my name cards at home.
I see.
This is
my line of work.
If you come in, I'll give you a free tarot reading.
You guys should come together.
Now that I think about it, I don't even know what you do.
Are you in the same industry? Real estate?
- He's unemployed!
- I'm a musician.
You're learning because you want to go into music, right?
There are so many different kinds of music. What kind?
You wouldn't know too much about it.
Is he telling the truth?
I did study classical.
You studied it.
- So, now
- Excuse me.
I'm sorry. We need to go.
Let's go.
Hold on.
This is weird.
Why does she have so many questions?
And you could just make up some stuff.
Why would you tell her you're a musician?
But Hyung.
How can you tell her I'm unemployed?
Are you trying to impress her?
What do you mean by impress? It's not like that.
She thinks I'm in debt anyway.
Maybe it's because she runs a tarot cafe.
I feel like she sees right through everything.
[One Free Tarot Reading]
It's not like that.
Oh, no.
He's going to want to move again.
I heard the President's lies right away.
What do I do?
Should I ask him out to eat tomorrow?
You are my sun ♪
You make me shine ♪
You make me smile ♪
Want to be where you are again ♪
You are my light ♪
When I'm with you ♪
I will be near you ♪
Excuse me.
You murderer.
I came all the way here because I got so pissed after seeing the news.
It's him. He looks exactly like the photo that got posted.
Dude. Where's the body?
If you tell us, we'll let you go.
Hey, stop it.
It's not confirmed.
You kill a person?
Does it hurt? Does it?
He's the perp, right?
Hey, step on him.
Excuse me.
You dropped your wallet.
Thank you.
You were that creep
No. That was you, right?
- Yes.
- I'm so sorry about that time.
I didn't mean to
Here. Take this.
Please take this.
- What's this
- Enjoy. Goodbye.
- Excuse me!
- Bye.
I see. This place looks quiet.
I don't have his number.
Excuse me.
I thought you were someone else.
- I'm sorry.
- No worries.
It's you, right?
Hey, could you wear a mask that stands out a little?
I keep mixing you up with others.
I wear this so I don't stand out.
You got donuts.
You want one?
Yes. Just one, please.
Thanks so much for the donut.
I'll buy dinner.
You don't have to do that.
How about dinner tonight?
I don't eat out.
You had hangover soup with me last time.
That was a unique situation
There weren't that many patrons,
and the hangover soup was good
So, if I find a great restaurant that's not busy, it's a possibility.
No. It won't happen again.
You took off your mask that time!
Before we ran into the debt collectors.
Don't you secretly want to take off your mask?
Type in your number.
There could be a good restaurant like last time.
Or I can give you a heads-up if I see the debt collectors.
Thank you.
The speaker was very happy about the Syaon tickets.
They were great seats, front row.
How did you get them?
I have an acquaintance.
Let me know if you want them too, Assemblywoman.
Assemblywoman Jeong, we need to get you the gubernatorial nomination this year, no?
There are so many great candidates.
But if there is an opportunity, I'm ready to go all in.
Your son is still in Germany, right?
Have a drink with me.
I want to push hard for you.
But it's true that some people are still worried about that case from long ago.
That had nothing to do with my son. But still?
If they at least found a body, the case would've been wrapped up completely.
It won't be found.
I'm sure it's long been fish food deep in the ocean.
Here, have another.
[Loonie's Tarot Cafe]
Can I put this here?
This is where you work?
That's awesome, having your own shop and all.
You used to travel everywhere, doing tarot readings.
I did.
Are you uncomfortable that I'm here?
I'm not comfortable.
I think you can go now.
I'm sorry.
That's the first thing I wanted to say to you.
What are you so sorry for?
Changing your mind a month after your proposal?
Moving away the second I said, "I think we should break up"?
- Sol Hee.
- Did you hate me that much?
So much that you had to change your number and your address?
Sol Hee.
I never hated you.
How could I ever hate you?
I don't hear from you for three years.
Then, we run into each other by chance.
"I miss you," "I'm sorry," stop talking nonsense.
It wasn't by chance.
I asked around and heard you live in Yeonseo-dong.
I came here on purpose.
Just in case I would run into you.
Why didn't you just reach out to me?
Would you have met with me, then?
That's why I did it this way.
And I thought you might have a boyfriend.
I think he got the wrong idea from my shoes.
You should explain when you see him again.
Yes. I have a boyfriend.
How long have you been with him?
Is he good to you?
Yeah. It hasn't been that long, but he's good to me.
What's going on?
Your boyfriend?
You said you were busy.
I saw you were alone with a guy. I got worried.
I apologize.
I made you worry for no reason.
I'll walk you home, just in case.
Is your ex-boyfriend stalking you or something?
It's not like that.
He's nice.
Then why did you talk to him that way?
Don't avoid him. Just tell him clearly.
Also, this.
It was on the floor.
Good night.
You were late tonight because of the girl next door, right?
How did you know?
I knew when you jumped out for her, not even wearing your sunglasses.
So, what's the latest?
Have you held hands?
It's not like that.
No way. If your lover lives next door, you have easy access.
When you miss her, you just have to open your front door.
You don't need to walk her home or anything.
- I told you, it's not like that.
- Come on.
I've played jazz for 20 years.
You can't fool me.
What does this have to do with jazz?
It does.
Get out.
Get out of the car!
You think I wouldn't know it was you if you changed your car?
Are you following me now?
You think I'm on my way to meet Do Ha?
I'm dying to see his face.
Do Ha doesn't want to write for you anymore.
He wanted to tell you himself, but I talked him out of it.
That's not possible.
I can't be without Do Ha, and he can't be without me.
I want you guys to keep working together, too.
But Do Ha's mind is made up.
If you keep acting like this, it's really over.
I'll try to convince him when I get a chance.
So please stop acting out.
Yeah. Come to the parking lot.
Take Ji On home.
It's the same, no matter how I try to change ♪
I guess I can't help it ♪
My heart keeps telling me what to do ♪
It keeps saying it's you ♪
Ji On, you got some big vocal chords over there.
Thank you!
Maybe because you're big.
Sae Hee, why is there no energy in your voice?
But you're pretty, so you pass!
You lost so much weight!
You worked hard on your diet, huh?
Good job. Pass!
Don't you want to sing?
Are you out of your mind?
Give it back.
Go inside and practice.
Give it back!
Give it back, please!
Give it to me! Please!
Oppa! Why are you doing this to me?
Don't you want to debut?
You're the only person.
You're the only person who tells me I'm going to debut.
You're the only one who can sing my songs properly.
If I
If I make it,
and when I win an award, I'll thank you first.
Not second or third. I'm going to say your name first.
The Wheel of Fortune.
A card that predicts a sudden change.
Fortunate or unfortunate.
It's the guy in the mask, right?
- What?
- The person you're worried about.
It's the guy in the mask who we thought was the creep.
Wow. You're scary.
I saw you two talk outside.
Why don't you just get him drunk?
- Drunk?
- Alcohol
makes a person go primal.
He even drinks Coke with fried chicken.
This place is so quiet without Chi Hoon.
Where is he again?
Syaon's fan meet-and-greet.
Hey, where are you at, everything is a spoiler ♪
My heart is breaking, breaking, breaking, it breaks my heart ♪
S-p-o-i-l-e-r ♪
Everything about you is a spoiler, a spoiler you can't undo ♪
Syaon is coming out!
Everything about you is a spoiler ♪
She looks sad.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you. Here's a stuffed animal for you.
- Thank you!
- Thank you.
Hello. What's your name?
B-Baek Chi Hoon.
Mr. Baek Chi Hoon.
By any chance do you remember me?
I'm so sorry. It's hard for me to remember every fan I meet.
- Is this for me?
- No.
It's mine.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you.
Next, please!
Something happened, right?
You look like you've been crying.
Syaon! Stay strong!
Fighting, Syaon! Fighting, Syaon!
Hello. What's your name?
What are you up to?
Want to get monkfish stew?
I'm at a famous place, and they only have one party right now.
I see that you read my texts.
See you at the elevator in five minutes.
What? Like it's up to her
Thank you.
It looks so good.
Good job.
See? You can eat out now.
Oh, thank you.
Honey, you look so pretty when you eat.
You look so sexy eating, too.
Babe, I think I'm falling in love all over again!
Can you tell me any lie?
A lie? All of a sudden?
Just one.
Like tell me I'm pretty.
You're pretty.
I think you're kind of pretty.
Want to drink?
I stopped drinking.
Oh, when I fell asleep in the parking lot,
I hadn't had a drink in years.
Why did you quit?
One time, I drank enough for an entire lifetime.
I couldn't do it anymore.
Now I drink this instead.
I see.
Then, let's finish our last conversation.
You said you're a musician.
That's so cool. Tell me more.
Now you're picking up?
Don't hang up.
Oppa, if you hang up,
you won't hear my voice for the last time.
What are you talking about?
When I think about not being able to sing your songs anymore,
I feel useless.
Thanks for dealing with my shitty temper all this time, Oppa.
What are you-
The phone is turned off. You'll be connected to the voicemail.
Where are you going?
Hyung, do you know where Syaon is right now?
She's in Gangneung for an event.
What's wrong? What happened?
You said you wanted to break up!
If I don't have you, I'd rather die.
Thanks for dealing with my shitty temper all this time.
She says she's going to die.
She says she's going to kill herself.
What's wrong?
Are you all right?
Get out.
You can't drive like that.
Move. I'll drive.
Wait, shouldn't we go to the hospital first?
Promise me something.
Say you'll keep a secret.
Sure. Tell me.
I'm Kim Do Ha, the composer.
I'm on my way to meet Syaon.
No matter what state she's in,
please don't take pictures or tell people.
Got it. Don't worry about it.
But Syaon must have a manager and others around her.
Can you get one of them to go first?
Must you see her yourself?
If you're going to talk like that, get out.
I'll drive myself.
Fine. I'll stay quiet.
Let go!
Why are you doing this?
You said we should break up!
I'd rather die!
Um Ji!
Let me go!
Stop the car.
Stop the car!
What is happening?
Oppa, you're hurting me!
Put on your shoes.
I can't. My feet hurt.
Where are you going?
Let go.
Oh, my gosh!
Who are you?
I'm Kim Do Ha's neighbor.
Don't let me bother you.
You know his name.
Your manager's here. Get out.
Oppa, who is she?
If this is what it is, you should have let me die.
I really wanted to die.
Tell me who she is.
- Hey, I'm just
- Get out!
Are you sick?
I'm sorry.
Get some sleep.
We're here. Wake up.
Wake up.
Kim Do Ha.
Come on, wake up.
Kim Seung Joo.
Kim Seung Joo!
Kim Seung Joo! What did you say?
You said you killed Choi Um Ji.
Why are you changing your story now?
You remember these, don't you?
How did these get so bloody?
What did you stab her with?
Did you prep the murder weapon ahead of time?
I didn't kill her.
What did you just say?
I didn't
kill her.
I didn't
kill her
Run, run ♪
[My Lovely Liar]
Tell me if you want to be my love ♪
If you do, I do too ♪
Wherever you are, run, run, run, run, run, even in your dreams ♪
Tell me if you want to be my love ♪
I'll run to you even to the edge of a cliff ♪
Is he hiding something?
I want to clear my own conscience.
That person is not Kim Do Ha!
You don't need to worry about me anymore.
Just pretend I don't exist.
Why are you being like this?
You cover your face all the time,
you keep running, disappearing.
Stop it! You don't know anything about me!
Of course I don't!
You don't tell me anything, how would I?
Who wants to listen to songs that a murderer wrote?
I'm Kim Do Ha, the composer.
Tonight, 8 o'clock. Please be there.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
[The production team filmed in a safe environment in the presence of the child performers' guardians.]
He's tall and has a pale complexion
Hi, honey!
What took so long?
They're looking for you.
Is that Kim Do Ha?
Why are you home so late, honey?
They look happy together.
[Episode 4]
Did you do this knowing who they are?
Yes, of course.
They're debt collectors.
Did they say that? That they're debt collectors?
They were looking for unit 502, and it seemed fishy.
Reporter Woo, wait for me.
Babe, let's go inside!
Hold on!
- Yes?
- You must have seen your neighbor.
- Unit 502.
- Well
I thought that unit was empty.
- What?
- You should double-check.
Wow, they seem to have no plans to leave.
What are you doing? Come inside.
Babe, let's have dinner!
One second.
It's just today.
I'm usually clean.
Sit. Over here.
I said sit down.
I'm too full to eat, I think.
I'm full too.
But you're my guest, so I need to serve you something.
If we don't do anything, it'll be awkward.
So I'm filling the time.
Give it to me.
It's fine.
Give it to me.
Thank you.
[To Mok Sol Hee: 135-Gil, Yeonseo-3-Ro, Gangsuh-gu, Dream Villa, Unit 501, Seoul]
Mok Sol Hee?
That's a unique name.
How about you? What's your name?
My name is Kim
Oh, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
It's Kim Seung Joo.
I didn't hear you very well.
Can you say it one more time?
Kim Seung Joo.
I'm cold, tired, and hungry.
It must be warm in there, right?
[Kim Do Ha, Kim Seung Joo]
Even outside the box, he'll close the distance right away.
- Of course, yes.
- The players realize that.
Discover your confidence!
Your confidence will go up, up, up!
Improve your prostate function, increase your stamina
Gong Sil hides her ability to see ghosts.
- I want to talk
- But when she is near Joong Won, the ghosts disappear.
She realizes this man incapacitates her superpower.
Oh, hold on, hold on.
- Let's keep watching for a little bit.
- Sure.
If I touch you like this, I can't see or hear them.
I've never met anyone like you.
That's why you're special to me.
If I'm near you, I think I could sleep better and live a normal life
do you usually never lie?
Who doesn't lie?
Of course I lie.
[Do Ha oppa]
I'm going to check outside.
What is this?
You're dating Syaon, right?
No. Like the article said, we're just good colleagues.
My abilities have stopped working since then.
I like you, transparent like water.
My body always needs to be hydrated.
My heart does, too.
Hydration for the whole body!
What do you think of Syaon?
What about her?
A lot of guys say she's their ideal girl.
Gosh, she's so pretty.
She's excellent.
As a singer.
Not like that.
How about as a woman?
I've never seen her that way.
Hey, hurry.
Come on! Get the shot.
Three, four, five
Excuse me.
What are you doing?
Damn it
Delete those.
Why are you taking pictures of me?
- Give me the camera.
- Come on!
We're reporters.
Journalists. So don't you dare touch-
Move your hands, I said!
Reporters, whatever.
I need to check if you're deleting the photos.
We'll delete them on our own. Mind your own business.
- Look.
- This guy-
- I need to see-
- Don't touch it!
T-These lenses
Do you know how much they cost?
Realizing they are meant for each other,
they tenderly confess their feelings for each other.
Without you, the Earth would end.
For you are my sun.
What do you think that's like?
If there was a girl who lost her ability to see ghosts whenever she was with you.
I couldn't make any promises.
It's a lot to handle, seeing ghosts.
I can't promise to stay with a girl
who can't be without me.
I've tried, but
I couldn't help having a change of heart.
I guess you must have tried hard.
I tend to let people go as soon as I feel like they're not the one.
When do you know they're not the one?
When they start lying to me.
Then, you need someone who's an excellent liar.
Because there's no one who doesn't lie.
Do you have money to pay for this?
Do you have money to pay for this!
This guy
Let go!
- You're stretching my clothes.
- Just my luck
Geez. This is me.
He damaged my camera lenses.
You secretly photographed me first.
This guy. You damaged my property, all right?
It's illegal to photograph someone without their consent.
You did damage his property.
If you continue this here, I'm going to add a disturbance charge.
Let's go down to the station to talk.
The station? You want to go to the police station?
Officer, I'm actually in the middle of work right now.
Me too.
I'm a reporter.
Escort them.
Yes, sir.
Let's go, come on.
Geez, this is nuts
Go ahead. I'll take the stairs.
All right.
[Mok Sol ]
Sol Hee.
Oppa, what are you doing here?
I got transferred to Yeonseo Station recently.
Somebody called for us, so
Are you okay? It was loud out here.
Yeah. I'm okay.
What a small world.
How have you been?
Yeah. Well, I've been good.
Are you married, by chance?
Oh. I see.
Sergeant Lee, are you on your way down?
I have to go.
Oh, okay.
Get inside.
Make sure you lock up.
I missed you a lot.
I think he got the wrong idea from my shoes.
You should explain when you see him again.
Good night.
I missed you a lot.
Syaon came to me first, I swear.
Why would she randomly go to a burger place in the middle of nowhere in Namyang-ju?
What are you going to do if a rumor spreads that it was an ad?
How was that an ad?
It's not like I paid her.
did you do a favor for Syaon?
gave her some intel.
- Where Kim Do Ha is staying.
- What?
But I only told her, Yeonseo-dong. I swear.
How did you know he was in Yeonseo-dong?
navigation history.
You, really
You went as low as selling out Do Ha.
But Hyung, Kim Do Ha owes us.
Why can't I get some help?
What are you talking about?
What does Do Ha owe us?
You know. The alibi and everything.
Shut your mouth.
If you mention that ever again
Fine. Fine. I'm sorry.
It was Jae Chan.
He told Syaon.
The reporters following her around ended up here.
I'm sorry this happens every time.
It's okay.
You're being weird.
Reporters show up at your door, and you're not talking about moving.
Why are you so calm?
They don't know I live here.
My neighbor helped me out.
She's basically your guardian angel.
If she helped you get away from reporters,
does she know that you're Kim Do Ha?
She thinks they're debt collectors, not reporters.
She thinks I screwed up big time and ran away here.
That's a relief.
I don't think she remembers
meeting me in Hakcheon.
What did I tell you?
You're the weird one for remembering that.
Oh, thank you.
Hey. Is there a question that would make someone lie no matter what?
No matter what?
The God of Truth is not speaking to me with this one person.
I'm not sure if he really doesn't lie,
or if the God of Truth's powers doesn't work on him.
No. Maybe the God of Truth is intentionally leaving that person out.
Is this person
a man, by chance?
Yes. He is a man.
The God of Truth has sent you a sign!
To let you know he's your soulmate!
Honestly, if the God of Truth keeps pointing out every lie,
Miss Hunter, you'd never be in a relationship.
That's why you're still single.
I think you haven't talked enough.
If you keep talking to him, God will appear for sure.
Bring him here sometime.
We could play Mafia or something and help you out.
You be the emcee!
Yes! I can do that.
- Let's go!
- Yeah!
It's good.
So, for Syaon's next album concept
Do I still need to work with her?
There are many others who would write her great songs.
But you've always worked together
I think that's why this is happening.
We rely on each other for music.
Knowing how she feels, I can't just ignore it.
I'll talk to her.
I understand how you feel.
But let's not tell her right away.
She's busy with her album right now. It will be a disaster.
You don't know what she'll do.
Emotion I feel for the first time ♪
I just want you, babe ♪
- DirCred! DirCred! DirCred!
- What is DirCred?
- Director Park!
- Your credit card.
Got it.
You have an event in Gangneung this weekend, right?
How about dinner after?
My favorite sashimi place is there.
I need to be careful.
I've gotten in too much trouble lately. Deuk Chan-
I mean, President Jo is mad at me.
You must see me as a man, huh?
Trying to "be careful."
I need to practice.
Please go.
You would've never debuted if not for Kim Do Ha.
Be humble.
Your career could go away in a second.
What is this? It's not water.
Oh, it's an energy drink
I told you to get rid of anything with calories!
[Working with Composer Kim Do Ha is fortunate]
You have a guest.
Are you the neighbor next door I've been hearing about?
He's a good friend of mine.
Yes. Hello.
Were you talking about me?
You've helped him out so much.
I'd like to take you out for a meal sometime.
Aigoo, it was someone else's name card.
J Entertainment
You must be in that industry.
Oh. I'm a
[Dae Jung Real Estate]
I work in real estate.
I left my name cards at home.
I see.
This is
my line of work.
If you come in, I'll give you a free tarot reading.
You guys should come together.
Now that I think about it, I don't even know what you do.
Are you in the same industry? Real estate?
- He's unemployed!
- I'm a musician.
You're learning because you want to go into music, right?
There are so many different kinds of music. What kind?
You wouldn't know too much about it.
Is he telling the truth?
I did study classical.
You studied it.
- So, now
- Excuse me.
I'm sorry. We need to go.
Let's go.
Hold on.
This is weird.
Why does she have so many questions?
And you could just make up some stuff.
Why would you tell her you're a musician?
But Hyung.
How can you tell her I'm unemployed?
Are you trying to impress her?
What do you mean by impress? It's not like that.
She thinks I'm in debt anyway.
Maybe it's because she runs a tarot cafe.
I feel like she sees right through everything.
[One Free Tarot Reading]
It's not like that.
Oh, no.
He's going to want to move again.
I heard the President's lies right away.
What do I do?
Should I ask him out to eat tomorrow?
You are my sun ♪
You make me shine ♪
You make me smile ♪
Want to be where you are again ♪
You are my light ♪
When I'm with you ♪
I will be near you ♪
Excuse me.
You murderer.
I came all the way here because I got so pissed after seeing the news.
It's him. He looks exactly like the photo that got posted.
Dude. Where's the body?
If you tell us, we'll let you go.
Hey, stop it.
It's not confirmed.
You kill a person?
Does it hurt? Does it?
He's the perp, right?
Hey, step on him.
Excuse me.
You dropped your wallet.
Thank you.
You were that creep
No. That was you, right?
- Yes.
- I'm so sorry about that time.
I didn't mean to
Here. Take this.
Please take this.
- What's this
- Enjoy. Goodbye.
- Excuse me!
- Bye.
I see. This place looks quiet.
I don't have his number.
Excuse me.
I thought you were someone else.
- I'm sorry.
- No worries.
It's you, right?
Hey, could you wear a mask that stands out a little?
I keep mixing you up with others.
I wear this so I don't stand out.
You got donuts.
You want one?
Yes. Just one, please.
Thanks so much for the donut.
I'll buy dinner.
You don't have to do that.
How about dinner tonight?
I don't eat out.
You had hangover soup with me last time.
That was a unique situation
There weren't that many patrons,
and the hangover soup was good
So, if I find a great restaurant that's not busy, it's a possibility.
No. It won't happen again.
You took off your mask that time!
Before we ran into the debt collectors.
Don't you secretly want to take off your mask?
Type in your number.
There could be a good restaurant like last time.
Or I can give you a heads-up if I see the debt collectors.
Thank you.
The speaker was very happy about the Syaon tickets.
They were great seats, front row.
How did you get them?
I have an acquaintance.
Let me know if you want them too, Assemblywoman.
Assemblywoman Jeong, we need to get you the gubernatorial nomination this year, no?
There are so many great candidates.
But if there is an opportunity, I'm ready to go all in.
Your son is still in Germany, right?
Have a drink with me.
I want to push hard for you.
But it's true that some people are still worried about that case from long ago.
That had nothing to do with my son. But still?
If they at least found a body, the case would've been wrapped up completely.
It won't be found.
I'm sure it's long been fish food deep in the ocean.
Here, have another.
[Loonie's Tarot Cafe]
Can I put this here?
This is where you work?
That's awesome, having your own shop and all.
You used to travel everywhere, doing tarot readings.
I did.
Are you uncomfortable that I'm here?
I'm not comfortable.
I think you can go now.
I'm sorry.
That's the first thing I wanted to say to you.
What are you so sorry for?
Changing your mind a month after your proposal?
Moving away the second I said, "I think we should break up"?
- Sol Hee.
- Did you hate me that much?
So much that you had to change your number and your address?
Sol Hee.
I never hated you.
How could I ever hate you?
I don't hear from you for three years.
Then, we run into each other by chance.
"I miss you," "I'm sorry," stop talking nonsense.
It wasn't by chance.
I asked around and heard you live in Yeonseo-dong.
I came here on purpose.
Just in case I would run into you.
Why didn't you just reach out to me?
Would you have met with me, then?
That's why I did it this way.
And I thought you might have a boyfriend.
I think he got the wrong idea from my shoes.
You should explain when you see him again.
Yes. I have a boyfriend.
How long have you been with him?
Is he good to you?
Yeah. It hasn't been that long, but he's good to me.
What's going on?
Your boyfriend?
You said you were busy.
I saw you were alone with a guy. I got worried.
I apologize.
I made you worry for no reason.
I'll walk you home, just in case.
Is your ex-boyfriend stalking you or something?
It's not like that.
He's nice.
Then why did you talk to him that way?
Don't avoid him. Just tell him clearly.
Also, this.
It was on the floor.
Good night.
You were late tonight because of the girl next door, right?
How did you know?
I knew when you jumped out for her, not even wearing your sunglasses.
So, what's the latest?
Have you held hands?
It's not like that.
No way. If your lover lives next door, you have easy access.
When you miss her, you just have to open your front door.
You don't need to walk her home or anything.
- I told you, it's not like that.
- Come on.
I've played jazz for 20 years.
You can't fool me.
What does this have to do with jazz?
It does.
Get out.
Get out of the car!
You think I wouldn't know it was you if you changed your car?
Are you following me now?
You think I'm on my way to meet Do Ha?
I'm dying to see his face.
Do Ha doesn't want to write for you anymore.
He wanted to tell you himself, but I talked him out of it.
That's not possible.
I can't be without Do Ha, and he can't be without me.
I want you guys to keep working together, too.
But Do Ha's mind is made up.
If you keep acting like this, it's really over.
I'll try to convince him when I get a chance.
So please stop acting out.
Yeah. Come to the parking lot.
Take Ji On home.
It's the same, no matter how I try to change ♪
I guess I can't help it ♪
My heart keeps telling me what to do ♪
It keeps saying it's you ♪
Ji On, you got some big vocal chords over there.
Thank you!
Maybe because you're big.
Sae Hee, why is there no energy in your voice?
But you're pretty, so you pass!
You lost so much weight!
You worked hard on your diet, huh?
Good job. Pass!
Don't you want to sing?
Are you out of your mind?
Give it back.
Go inside and practice.
Give it back!
Give it back, please!
Give it to me! Please!
Oppa! Why are you doing this to me?
Don't you want to debut?
You're the only person.
You're the only person who tells me I'm going to debut.
You're the only one who can sing my songs properly.
If I
If I make it,
and when I win an award, I'll thank you first.
Not second or third. I'm going to say your name first.
The Wheel of Fortune.
A card that predicts a sudden change.
Fortunate or unfortunate.
It's the guy in the mask, right?
- What?
- The person you're worried about.
It's the guy in the mask who we thought was the creep.
Wow. You're scary.
I saw you two talk outside.
Why don't you just get him drunk?
- Drunk?
- Alcohol
makes a person go primal.
He even drinks Coke with fried chicken.
This place is so quiet without Chi Hoon.
Where is he again?
Syaon's fan meet-and-greet.
Hey, where are you at, everything is a spoiler ♪
My heart is breaking, breaking, breaking, it breaks my heart ♪
S-p-o-i-l-e-r ♪
Everything about you is a spoiler, a spoiler you can't undo ♪
Syaon is coming out!
Everything about you is a spoiler ♪
She looks sad.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you. Here's a stuffed animal for you.
- Thank you!
- Thank you.
Hello. What's your name?
B-Baek Chi Hoon.
Mr. Baek Chi Hoon.
By any chance do you remember me?
I'm so sorry. It's hard for me to remember every fan I meet.
- Is this for me?
- No.
It's mine.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you.
Next, please!
Something happened, right?
You look like you've been crying.
Syaon! Stay strong!
Fighting, Syaon! Fighting, Syaon!
Hello. What's your name?
What are you up to?
Want to get monkfish stew?
I'm at a famous place, and they only have one party right now.
I see that you read my texts.
See you at the elevator in five minutes.
What? Like it's up to her
Thank you.
It looks so good.
Good job.
See? You can eat out now.
Oh, thank you.
Honey, you look so pretty when you eat.
You look so sexy eating, too.
Babe, I think I'm falling in love all over again!
Can you tell me any lie?
A lie? All of a sudden?
Just one.
Like tell me I'm pretty.
You're pretty.
I think you're kind of pretty.
Want to drink?
I stopped drinking.
Oh, when I fell asleep in the parking lot,
I hadn't had a drink in years.
Why did you quit?
One time, I drank enough for an entire lifetime.
I couldn't do it anymore.
Now I drink this instead.
I see.
Then, let's finish our last conversation.
You said you're a musician.
That's so cool. Tell me more.
Now you're picking up?
Don't hang up.
Oppa, if you hang up,
you won't hear my voice for the last time.
What are you talking about?
When I think about not being able to sing your songs anymore,
I feel useless.
Thanks for dealing with my shitty temper all this time, Oppa.
What are you-
The phone is turned off. You'll be connected to the voicemail.
Where are you going?
Hyung, do you know where Syaon is right now?
She's in Gangneung for an event.
What's wrong? What happened?
You said you wanted to break up!
If I don't have you, I'd rather die.
Thanks for dealing with my shitty temper all this time.
She says she's going to die.
She says she's going to kill herself.
What's wrong?
Are you all right?
Get out.
You can't drive like that.
Move. I'll drive.
Wait, shouldn't we go to the hospital first?
Promise me something.
Say you'll keep a secret.
Sure. Tell me.
I'm Kim Do Ha, the composer.
I'm on my way to meet Syaon.
No matter what state she's in,
please don't take pictures or tell people.
Got it. Don't worry about it.
But Syaon must have a manager and others around her.
Can you get one of them to go first?
Must you see her yourself?
If you're going to talk like that, get out.
I'll drive myself.
Fine. I'll stay quiet.
Let go!
Why are you doing this?
You said we should break up!
I'd rather die!
Um Ji!
Let me go!
Stop the car.
Stop the car!
What is happening?
Oppa, you're hurting me!
Put on your shoes.
I can't. My feet hurt.
Where are you going?
Let go.
Oh, my gosh!
Who are you?
I'm Kim Do Ha's neighbor.
Don't let me bother you.
You know his name.
Your manager's here. Get out.
Oppa, who is she?
If this is what it is, you should have let me die.
I really wanted to die.
Tell me who she is.
- Hey, I'm just
- Get out!
Are you sick?
I'm sorry.
Get some sleep.
We're here. Wake up.
Wake up.
Kim Do Ha.
Come on, wake up.
Kim Seung Joo.
Kim Seung Joo!
Kim Seung Joo! What did you say?
You said you killed Choi Um Ji.
Why are you changing your story now?
You remember these, don't you?
How did these get so bloody?
What did you stab her with?
Did you prep the murder weapon ahead of time?
I didn't kill her.
What did you just say?
I didn't
kill her.
I didn't
kill her
Run, run ♪
[My Lovely Liar]
Tell me if you want to be my love ♪
If you do, I do too ♪
Wherever you are, run, run, run, run, run, even in your dreams ♪
Tell me if you want to be my love ♪
I'll run to you even to the edge of a cliff ♪
Is he hiding something?
I want to clear my own conscience.
That person is not Kim Do Ha!
You don't need to worry about me anymore.
Just pretend I don't exist.
Why are you being like this?
You cover your face all the time,
you keep running, disappearing.
Stop it! You don't know anything about me!
Of course I don't!
You don't tell me anything, how would I?
Who wants to listen to songs that a murderer wrote?
I'm Kim Do Ha, the composer.
Tonight, 8 o'clock. Please be there.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi