My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

The Suspect

(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
Tell me. Did you kill Eom Ji?
Did you kill her?
Who are you? Get your hands off me.
Oh, it's you! Weren't you Eom Ji's boyfriend?
Just tell me if you killed her or not.
I didn't do it. I didn't kill her.
I did hope that someone would kill her.
My creditors told me
that they were going to sell her organs to settle my debt.
They told me not to be shocked if she suddenly turned up dead.
But I had to get something out of this, you know?
I paid into that expensive insurance policy.
But they said she killed herself. Darn it.
Why aren't you home? When are you coming back home?
I don't have any money to give you even if I go back home.
You little brat.
If you don't want to die, you'd better come home right now.
Who said I didn't want to die?
If I die, don't even hold a funeral for me.
I hate the thought of you collecting the condolence money at my funeral.
Why didn't you tell the police about that?
Are you kidding me?
I couldn't get the insurance claim if she killed herself.
You're her dad. How could you
But I didn't kill her.
You're the one who killed her. Right?
He didn't kill her.
Who are you now?
Is she going to be your next victim?
I've had enough.
How dare you speak to her that way?
She said he didn't do it, then he didn't do it.
Hey, who's the real culprit?
Spill it.
How would I know that?
You jerk. I should knock out all of your teeth.
Spill it!
That guy.
That guy used to follow Eom Ji around all the time.
He was basically a stalker.
- Get that punk! - Get him!
Darn it.
(Singing Club)
Hey, what are you doing?
Hey! You jerk!
Ms. Hunter, hop in.
- Hurry! - Okay.
Tell me. Did you kill Eom Ji?
Why do you keep chasing me?
And when did you get so cozy with the thugs from the gambling house?
Did you kill Eom Ji?
Darn it.
I killed her.
You really fell for it.
I was joking.
Hey, Jo Jae Chan.
You don't have to do this.
Eom Ji
was dating me too.
Did you think she just sat around and waited for you?
She didn't.
She and I were great too.
He's lying.
Tell me the truth.
Did you kill Eom Ji?
Don't come any closer,
or I'm going to stab her.
It's okay. He's lying.
Go and get that jerk.
Come on. I'm fine.
I won't come after you.
Just let her go and leave.
Hey, give me your car key.
Toss it to me.
Don't move.
Get him.
Why did you do that?
(Episode 13)
Gosh. Had I gotten there earlier,
I could have heard if he was lying or not.
why do you think he joked about killing her?
It was also odd that he lied about secretly dating her.
- Sol Hee. - Yes.
Thank you.
For what?
For everything.
Once this is all over,
I'll make sure you won't have to go through anything difficult again.
I promise.
If I didn't have my ability, it would have been tough.
Everyone claims to be innocent,
and not being able to verify the truth would've been frustrating.
All my life,
I thought being able to listen to people's lies made my life hard.
But lately, I'm so relieved that I can.
That is why
this isn't tough on me at all.
That guy used to follow Eom Ji around all the time.
I killed her.
I was joking.
(Dream Villa)
Do Ha.
I was just going to wait for a bit, and then I fell asleep too.
Let's go inside. You should sleep at home.
Well, I'm planning to go and talk to Deuk Chan.
He's probably the best person to know where Jae Chan would go
and what he would do.
I think he might get angry
if he finds out you're suspecting his brother.
Why don't I ask him that?
You can pretend that you don't believe he did it.
But I can pretend to be suspicious of Jae Chan.
You don't have to go that far.
You don't have to worry about him.
I know that you two are like brothers,
but Mr. Jo and Jae Chan are real brothers.
I know Deuk Chan well.
Remember what you told me before?
Deuk Chan said he believed me, and he was telling the truth.
That bothers me too.
Maybe he said that because he knew Jae Chan was the real culprit.
- So let me go with you. - Sol Hee.
I will handle Deuk Chan on my own.
I don't want you to suspect him like that.
Okay. I understand.
You're not upset, right?
Why would I be upset?
Drive safely then.
(Dream Villa)
I'm in Hakcheon now.
(Hakcheon Police Station)
No. The higher-ups won't let me run the story.
So, I'll investigate on my own and post it on my personal channel.
No. My personal channel I'll call you later.
Excuse me. You're Detective Kwak Jin Hyuk, right?
I have a few questions for you.
You're a TV producer, right?
Shouldn't you search the hill where Choi Eom Ji's body was found
a little more?
There's a possibility of finding her belongings or other items.
You need to formally request for our cooperation.
It looks like you don't seem that interested
in solving this case like five years ago.
Is there a reason you're not investigating more thoroughly?
Detective Kwak!
Will you at least take my card?
Let me just give him my card.
Please call me if you have anything to share. Please!
(Clean Store)
You said you saw
the late Choi Eom Ji with Kim Seung Ju, right?
Gosh. When I made the report all those years ago,
the police weren't even interested.
Why are you asking these questions now?
(The owner reported it to the police, but it was ignored.)
You can't trust the police officers who are native to Hakcheon.
I'm sorry.
Can you tell me what you saw again in more detail?
I saw them when I parked my car to get some fresh air.
Gosh, I feel carsick.
Take a deep breath.
Take a look at the sea too.
Seung Ju!
Then I saw a man
wearing a red uniform walk toward her.
I feel better now.
Since we're here, should we take a walk along the beach?
What are you talking about? I have to watch the soccer game. No.
Let's go back.
Then, you didn't see Kim Seung Ju's face.
I was too far away to be able to see his face clearly.
But that woman definitely said, "Seung Ju."
Then it had to be him.
I heard that they were dating.
Then, did you see what happened after that?
No. Well, I left right away.
But I know this for sure.
It looked like the guy left before and then came back for her.
But according to the news,
he said he left the girl there and went to watch the soccer game.
I found that odd.
What? Isn't that Kim Do Ha?
- Isn't that Kim Do Ha? - Yes, it is him.
- What? - It's him, right?
(CEO Jo Deuk Chan)
Come in.
It's been a while, Deuk Chan.
Hey. It's been a while.
Sit down.
Do Ha. As for the last article,
a lot of things got misunderstood.
It must have been tough for you to do damage control because of you.
I'm sorry.
Gosh, no.
This must have been tougher on you.
I went to Hakcheon.
Did the police ask you to come down?
I went there because I wanted to find my culprit myself.
I ran into Jae Chan there.
Was he gambling there again?
Did you know about that?
You know those delinquent kids he hung out with in high school?
They still work there.
He swore he would never go back.
Then, did you also know that Jae Chan liked Eom Ji?
I'm sure you knew that
you were the only one she liked.
Jae Chan just had a crush on her.
- You would've been uncomfortable - Do you know where he is right now?
Why do you ask?
Don't tell me
you're suspecting him.
I am.
I know that he causes a lot of trouble.
But he wouldn't kill anyone. He's not like that.
I met Eom Ji's father in Hakcheon.
He said he suspected Jae Chan.
He's an alcoholic. Do you actually believe him?
Even I found him suspicious on many accounts.
Do Ha.
Of all people, you can't do this to us
after everything we've done for you.
Deuk Chan.
I'm so disappointed in you.
You should leave.
(Beloved and Respected Hakcheon Police)
On the day of the incident,
there was a witness who saw Kim Seung Ju.
But you ignored it.
Who said that?
I saw it in Choi Eom Ho's notebook.
I followed it up with the witness and confirmed it.
Why did you do that?
Did you really take money from Jung Yeon Mi?
You're crossing the line right now.
like you and respect you.
When I came back after my sick leave,
everyone looked at me with concern.
But only you believed in me.
I still don't think you're a bad person.
I'm sure you had your reasons.
But it's been five years, and the body was found.
We can correct this.
Stop it.
Why are you so interested in this case?
Being interested in our cases is our job.
This isn't your case.
If you come back here again, I'll call your station
and tell them to formally request to join my case.
Why isn't he calling me? I'm getting worried.
A guy kept checking out your café.
- A guy? - I asked him who he was,
but he didn't tell me.
Is he a client?
By the way,
if you're temporarily closed because of your boyfriend,
you should open your café again.
We don't care about that.
We also think he didn't do it.
Yes. That's the guy. Him, over there.
I wanted to buy you a nice meal. Why did you want to come here?
I like humble places like this.
What would you like?
I'll take doenjang stew. What about you?
Today's special comes with doenjang stew, right?
- Yes. - We'll take two specials then.
Gosh. That's expensive.
I'll just take doenjang stew.
Don't spend money on me.
You worked hard to make that money. It's too precious.
Dad, but why are you wearing sunglasses?
Oh, these?
I got stung by a bee.
A bee?
- Let me see. - I'm okay. It's all healed.
Gosh. I got used to wearing them.
It looks good, right?
This could've been much worse.
Anyway, where were you until now and how have you been?
Have you been well?
I'm here because of your boyfriend.
Mom must've told you.
It wasn't him. I heard it loud and clear.
Because of what I passed down,
you lost out on so much while growing up.
You never got to believe in Santa,
you didn't have any friends in school.
Your mom wasn't there for you when you needed her the most.
It's why I wish you to be with a man who is disgustingly normal.
It's more than enough hardship with you alone being unique.
But he doesn't see me as unique though.
He wasn't fazed by what I could do.
On top of that, he doesn't lie.
It's why I feel normal whenever I'm around him.
But we sure are wired differently.
My first instinct is to be sceptical,
but not an ounce of doubt exists when he chooses to believe someone.
I envy that in some way, although it can be frustrating.
When it comes to believing someone, it is either all or nothing.
You can't say you believe him if there's even a hint of doubt.
So, if you're going to believe him, do so with every fibre of your body.
Let's eat.
The doenjang stew is eight dollars, right?
Dad, let me.
- No, I have the money. - Stop it. It'll be on me.
- Here. - Please don't.
- This really isn't necessary. - Save it.
Have a good day.
(Jimyeori Transport Café)
- Dad. - Yes?
Take this.
Forget it.
Just take it.
I said I was fine.
You know I meant it.
Exactly. But why do you always mean it
when Mom constantly asks for more?
Talk about exceptional timing.
Hey, Mom.
Wire 5,000 dollars into my account.
I'll give you five minutes. It's urgent.
Stop demanding money from her. Is she your personal bank?
You took 10 to 100 times more
than what we spent raising her.
Having her was our choice,
and she did her part by growing up in perfect health.
Don't make her bankroll you.
Block her number.
Are you kidding me?
What gives him the right to patronize me?
Living with a young brat
must've gone to his head.
I'm so sorry. I apologize for my tardiness.
It's hardly an issue. Please have a seat.
Gift-wrapping this
took longer than expected.
My gosh.
What could this be?
Please don't tell me it's for me.
- Open it. - Goodness.
My gosh.
I wonder what it is.
Oh, my gosh!
- Do you like it? - It's
so shiny.
Is that so?
Then, may I put it on you?
Sorry? No, it's all right
Just a second.
My vision has gotten worse with age.
Gosh. Same here.
- You look stunning. - Gosh.
Is that so?
Let me also put this bracelet on you.
It's all right. I can
I'm astonished to know that this suits you
beyond my expectations.
I owe it all to you for choosing such delicate pieces.
Over here. Can we have the menu?
Do Ha.
Of all people, you can't do this to us
after everything we've done for you.
The call cannot be connected. Please leave a message
after the tone.
Was I too harsh?
Sol Hee.
We should talk.
Sol Hee?
I apologize for earlier.
I should've listened to you.
Sol Hee,
what's wrong?
Luni's missing.
Normally, they're found in dark, secluded areas.
In places like under the desk, the bed, or the fridge.
But Luni has never been missing before.
Could she have fallen down the drain?
The bathroom.
What on earth is this?
No way.
Wait. Where did you find this?
Under the couch.
Hold on.
What if she
dropped off the balcony?
I doubt it.
I'm sure she's inside the house.
I'll help with the search.
I'm sure she's here somewhere.
Don't worry too much.
Sol Hee!
Where were you?
She was under the sink.
I looked for you everywhere.
Don't you leave the tank again.
I've lived with Luni since middle school,
and all my problems were for her to hear.
I still believe Luni understands everything I say.
Why did you talk to Luni about your problems?
Because Luni's tight-lipped.
Being able to detect lies teaches you
that there isn't a true friend who keeps all your secrets.
I'm not saying that's how you and Jo Deuk Chan are though.
I couldn't figure out where Dae Chan was,
and Deuk Chan gave me an earful.
So much for saying I could do it, right?
I bet I upset you earlier.
I was a little annoyed at first,
but that feeling soon turned into envy.
I've never fully believed in anyone.
I'll be your first, then.
I should probably feed Luni.
This is Lee Kang Min.
I'd like to meet up.
But don't tell Sol Hee.
What is this about?
I'll cut right to the chase.
There are witnesses
who saw you approach Choi Eom Ji at the beach
the day she disappeared.
I approached her?
Actually, I accompanied her there.
Who is this so-called witness?
What took them so long to come forward?
You didn't go to the soccer game that day, did you?
I didn't.
When did you part ways with Ms. Choi?
Relatively early.
And I said I couldn't see her anymore.
I then walked all the way home.
you weren't at that pub.
All I did that night was walk down a quiet country road.
There was no one at home,
so I couldn't provide an alibi.
That's why Deuk Chan and Jae Chan
opted to be my alibi.
I see.
So you're saying
that the man caught on camera
was Jo Jae Chan.
That's right.
And I spoke of all that when I testified recently.
Look here, Mr. Kim.
Jo Jae Chan and Jo Deuk Chan
were waiting for you at the pub.
And according to the witness, someone in a red soccer jersey
approached Ms. Choi when she was alone.
Who do you think that was, then?
Then I guess it really could've been Jo Jae Chan.
I wasn't aware of this,
but he liked Eom Ji a great deal.
Hold on. Are you suspecting the man
who fabricated your alibi?
Yes, and it's the same as how you're suspecting me.
I want to catch the killer just as much.
So, rather than trying to find what makes me look guilty,
looking for the real killer
will help the case get solved.
From now on,
don't ask me to meet you in secret again.
I'm a terrible liar,
and I don't have the ability to fool Sol Hee.
How is he so confident?
Min Ji.
What's going on?
Min Ji
Min Ji.
(Intensive Care Unit)
Min Ji
Why is this suddenly happening to her?
She developed this illness seven years ago,
and respiratory distress manifests commonly
during the latter half of the disease.
I suggest you brace yourself for what could come.
What on earth are you saying?
Please don't say that.
We'll do our best.
(Restricted Area Intensive Care Unit)
What brings you all this way?
Being busy seemed like a lousy excuse
for putting off seeing you this long.
I wanted to show my appreciation
for how you neatly handled my son's case
and got rid of the evidence.
If all goes well at the election,
your promotion could be in the works.
Although you might have to transfer out.
You already know that my daughter
will make it impossible for me to leave Hakcheon.
you could leave this city someday.
That's how her illness works.
Are you saying
that my daughter will die?
Were you
already aware that she was in critical condition?
Of course, I wasn't.
You know
you can't use her hospital bills as leverage anymore,
so you're threatening to keep me on a leash in some other way
so that I wouldn't turn against you.
I've been threatening you?
All this time, I thought we were helping each other out.
This is wrong.
I know I'm a dirty cop
who's been on your payroll.
But how could you come at me like this
when my daughter's fighting for her life?
(Out of business)
I guess he's not here.
I was hoping he'd be here.
- Darn it. - Excuse me, sir.
What brings you to this place?
Who are you looking for?
Who else
but the punks who robbed me of my money?
Doesn't the place have one sole owner?
It does,
but another punk also took off with this money.
Could you happen to have his number?
I doubt he'll pick up.
Anyway, who's asking?
I'm also
one of his victims.
What could've made me leave my money with him?
I've been too angry to eat
or sleep.
Same here.
And my wife's always on my case.
This is his number.
Let's get our money back no matter what.
- Good luck. - Good luck.
I'm a victim too.
Do you know where Jo Jae Chan is?
I can't believe that was your opening line.
Even I would hang up without saying anything.
Wait for me.
I want to catch the killer just as much.
So, rather than trying to find what makes me look guilty,
looking for the real killer
will help the case get solved.
(Chief Kwak Jin Hyuk)
Yes, Chief Kwak.
Right now?
Where exactly are you?
(Producer Cha Se Kwang)
Chief, what brings you all the way here?
It was found alongside Choi Eom Ji's body.
My guess is that
it's one of the matching rings she got with Kim Seung Ju,
but only a man's ring was found.
It's true
that I was receiving money from Jeong Yeon Mi.
This won't hold up as evidence anyway,
so look into the weapon Kim Seung Ju used
or check if he possesses any of the victim's belongings.
I know it's a long shot, but it's the only move we have.
I'm sorry about this.
I only did it to help my daughter,
but it seems like she's being punished for my actions.
I will be held accountable for this.
(Choi Eom Ji, Missing since June 24, 2018)
Could it be a ring of a similar design
that belongs to someone unrelated to the case?
What's with that ring?
Is it yours?
No, it's someone else's.
As in, who?
You don't need to know.
Can I take a look?
I've been meaning to get matching rings with my girlfriend,
so maybe I could use that as a reference.
Be careful with it.
Okay. I'll be careful.
The design is unique.
Really? Is this unique?
I bet this person designed this ring themselves.
There are a lot of workshops in the neighbourhood.
It's pretty.
Should I do something like this too?
If this was really designed as you said,
that means there is only one ring in this world with this design.
Well, I guess so.
(Mr. Boss)
Yes, I'm listening.
Ms. Hunter, I found out where Jo Jae Chan is.
Where is he?
There is a gambling house I own in Gangnam.
He was visiting that place,
but my men caught him and confined him nearby.
I'll send you the address.
Okay. So he's in Gangnam, right?
(Gold Zone)
I'm not sure.
You won't be able to find out like this.
There isn't even a logo on the ring.
That's what everyone told me.
Do you know when it was made?
It was probably about 6 or 7 years ago.
The most popular store back then was
That store across the street.
That store had the most customers.
You should try out that store.
Okay. Thank you.
We're here for Jo Jae Chan.
Where is he?
He's not here.
Sorry? We were told he was here.
He ran away when we weren't paying attention. I'm sorry.
How long has it been?
He didn't run away.
Or was he never here to begin with?
What are you saying?
He was here just a second ago, but he ran away.
If he was here, but he didn't run away,
did you let him go?
What? Why would we let him go?
Come on. Stop the nonsense.
If you're done here, you may leave now.
I don't think your boss told you who I am.
Should I call him?
(Mr. Boss)
We had no choice.
He borrowed a lot of money from us,
but someone paid us back for letting him go.
- So - Who was it?
I don't know that much.
By any chance,
was it this person?
Yes, that's right.
I can tell from the craftsmanship.
Only our store can do this.
Can I obtain relevant details about this person?
I am a detective at Yeonseo Police Station.
This ring was found at a crime scene.
We need to identify the person who made this ring,
so your cooperation would be appreciated.
There are so many rings that were made at our store.
It will probably take me several days.
You don't know the person's name, do you?
Kim Seung Ju. Can you try looking up Kim Seung Ju?
I have never seen his face before.
No, it's not him.
It is.
Jo Deuk Chan is the one who took him.
Why did you lie?
Did Jo Deuk Chan ask you to act like he ran away?
That's not it
So it was.
All right. I understand.
Is something wrong with your ears? I said that's not true.
Why do you keep saying the opposite
If I say so, then it is.
Let's go.
Darn it. Gosh.
I found it.
Looking at this, I remember clearly.
The man who ordered the rings was quite fastidious.
"Order placed by Kim Seung Ju. Couple rings."
But he ordered another men's ring.
"The man lost his ring in a week, so he reordered."
"He asked to keep it a secret since his girlfriend would get mad."
We have some memos recorded here.
And when he reordered the ring, he changed the size
from a 16 to a 17.
Then I guess it really could've been Jo Jae Chan.
He liked Eom Ji a great deal.
Do you think it could have been another man?
I can't be certain of that.
This happens from time to time with men
because the ring is too tight at first.
What size is this ring?
This one is
a size 17. The one that was reordered.
What about his phone number when he reordered the ring?
Was it the same as the first time?
That time, it wasn't a mobile phone. It was a landline number.
Here you go.
The number does not exist.
Thank you.
(Deuk Chan)
Deuk Chan, where are you?
I'm not feeling well, so I'm at home.
I see.
Are you with your wife and daughter?
They're at my parents-in-law's. I'm by myself.
What is it?
I'm sorry about the other day.
Don't worry about it.
I'm sorry too.
About Jae Chan
I haven't heard anything either.
After his restaurant went under, I haven't even seen his face.
I see. All right.
Gosh, Deuk Chan. I was slightly touched.
You actually feel like my brother for the first time. Thanks.
How long are you going to stay here like this?
It hasn't even been that long.
I'll stay here for a bit.
This place is the safest.
Do you think
Deuk Chan is hiding Jae Chan, knowing he is the culprit
or not?
There's no way for me to know
until I hear his voice in person.
(Kang Min)
Hey, Kang Min. What's the matter?
With Do Ha?
You had matching rings with Choi Eom Ji, right?
What did you do with it?
This is my third time saying this.
Did you find that ring or something?
Let me hear your answer first.
After Eom Ji went missing, I threw it into Hakcheon Beach.
Did you ever reorder the ring because you lost it?
No, I haven't.
So you're saying you only ordered two, right?
Of course. They were rings for a couple.
This is not your ring.
It's the culprit's ring.
"The culprit's ring?"
What do you mean by that?
- Who is the culprit? - It was probably
someone who was very close to you
because they knew where the ring was made.
someone who faced unrequited love toward Choi Eom Ji.
This is the phone number left by the culprit at the time.
I looked into it, and it was the number of a wine bar
in Cheongdam-dong called JJ, which shut down six years ago.
Do you know it?
It was run by Jo Jae Chan.
Assemblywoman Jung Yeon Mi, is still in the lead
in the midst of her son's controversy.
According to the recent calculation of approval ratings,
Jung Yeon Mi has an approval rating of 41 percent,
while Kim Joong Jin has an approval rating of 33 percent,
which confirms Jung Yeon Mi's popularity.
I, Jung Yeon Mi,
am here thanks to everyone's trust.
Rather than being swayed by suspicions with no evidence,
please look at the incontrovertible accomplishments
that have been achieved by me thus far.
Please make me your representative!
Then what should we do now?
Should we grab Jo Jae Chan and have him confess?
A confession alone cannot prove anyone to be guilty.
There needs to be confirmatory evidence.
Then, this could have been evidence.
So this is the most important part.
We have to check to see if he still has
the weapon he used or anything left behind by the victim.
Although it is highly unlikely that he'll still have anything.
I should meet Jo Jae Chan.
I'm Jung Yeon Mi.
- Good luck. - Good luck.
- I will make Gyeonggi a safe place. - Jung Yeon Mi!
Ms. Jung!
Goodness. Thank you.
- Jung Yeon Mi! - Thank you.
It's delicious.
- I'll take the rest home - Yes.
- to eat. - Of course.
Thank you. I'm candidate number one.
Isn't this you?
Look at the way she talks.
I've been threatening you?
All this time, I thought we were helping each other out.
- Listen to this. - Move out of the way.
A Chinese restaurant in Hakcheon.
(Proof of Jung Yeon Mi bribing a police officer revealed!)
This is the conversation that was held
during the secret meeting between Jung Yeon Mi
and the investigator in charge of the Hakcheon Beach Murder Case.
(Video Confession from the Hakcheon Beach Murder Case Detective)
I wanted to show my appreciation
for how you neatly handled my son's case
and got rid of the evidence.
This isn't right.
I know
I am filthy for accepting your money up until now
("What You Really Want to Know")
After much convincing,
we were able to hear the detective's confession.
To be honest, at the scene where the skeleton was found,
I also found a ring that likely belonged to suspect Kim.
The matching ring he wore with Choi Eom Ji, who died.
But I concealed this piece of crucial evidence.
I'm sorry.
(Temporarily closed for personal reasons)
I also rapidly closed the case
without sufficient investigation five years ago.
What do we do now?
Everyone thinks that ring belongs to you.
Sol Hee.
I want to be your client.
So you want to know
Jo Jae Chan's whereabouts, through Jo Deuk Chan, right?
I would also like to know how much he knows about Jae Chan.
All right.
But you need to be good at acting.
Do you think you can lie?
I have to.
One vibration for the truth, two vibrations for lies.
Where would be a nice location?
Deuk Chan, I'm sorry.
Let's meet up and talk.
Yes, I'm in.
I'll just use the place for an hour.
Thank you.
I can probably listen over there.
Do Ha.
It could end without anything happening.
If that happens,
you can continue to trust Jo Deuk Chan as you do now.
(Deuk Chan)
- Hey. - Hey.
You're here.
What is this place?
Did you rent out the whole place?
I come here
from time to time to play the piano.
You do?
You play the piano here?
To be honest, I've been doing it for a while.
Hey, why didn't you tell me sooner?
I would've come to watch.
I know, right?
For some reason, I just wanted to keep this place a secret.
So you had a secret you didn't share with me.
I thought about it,
and I did have a secret that I hid from you.
I bet the music will sound great here.
There are nice equipment.
Deuk Chan.
I'd like to apologize again for what happened the other day.
I thought you were hiding Jae Chan
and suspected you.
That's absurd.
If he was at my house, I would've told you right away.
I wonder why my ring was found at the scene.
Do you know anything?
I read the articles,
and apparently, the evidence is inadmissible.
Do you also think
that ring is mine?
It's yours, isn't it?
Jo Jae Chan
Where is he right now?
Just be honest with me.
So this is why you called me.
I guess I can tell you now.
Jae Chan
has probably arrived by now.
He went to Hakcheon.
Excuse me.
Can I help you?
Why did he go to Hakcheon?
To turn himself in.
(My Lovely Liar)
It's strange. The culprit has been identified,
but I still feel very uneasy.
I left her shoes at the beach.
I threw away the clothes into the ocean.
There has to be another reason.
I will make an important announcement.
Mr. Kim Do Ha?
If I'm acquitted due to insufficient evidence, that's a matter of law.
Nothing can be done about it.
Where is it? Tell me.
Sol Hee.
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