My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Search for the Truth

(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
Darn it. You
Hello. Please come fast.
Dream Villa in Yeonseo-dong.
Please hurry.
Kang Min. Where are you now?
Let go!
I'm going to kill that jerk!
Let go of me! Darn it.
(Interview Recording Room)
Look. This is the weapon you used, correct?
Yes. I did it. You got me.
So lock me up now.
I need to get locked up first
so I can get released quickly and kill that jerk.
Who said you could get released quickly?
You stabbed an innocent guy, and now he's hospitalized unconscious.
It's all because of Kim Seung Ju.
Is he dead?
He's in surgery.
We don't know yet.
When the elevator doors opened, I saw a man lying down on the floor.
When Choi Eom Ho saw me,
he charged at me with a knife.
Ms. Mok.
After witnessing their scuffle,
did you come back inside and call 911?
You should have waited inside after calling the police.
Why were you so reckless, coming out of the house?
How could I just wait at home?
- I wanted to help him. - He had a knife.
Hey, Mr. Kim.
You said he would only use the knife on you.
A man was stabbed and transported to a hospital.
And her life was in danger too.
How will you explain this then?
Stop it, Kang Min. Why are you doing this? He's a victim too.
How is he a victim?
He doesn't have a scratch on him.
You're the only one who wasn't hurt.
Everyone around you was in harm's way.
But look at you. You're fine.
Kang Min, what's gotten into you?
(Operating Center)
How's your brother?
Are you really him?
Kim Seung Ju?
Is it true that
you murdered a girl?
Then why did that man do this to my brother?
Why did he stab my brother?
I'm sorry.
That's all
I can say.
It's all my fault.
My brother asked me for a favour.
He wanted to meet you.
But I said no.
If I had just said yes
The surgery went well.
Luckily, his vital point wasn't damaged. So he'll live.
He will wake up once the anaesthesia wears off.
Thank you.
Thank you!
That's really good news.
When Young Jae said it was all his fault,
my heart sank
because I knew how guilty he must have felt.
I almost ruined
both of their lives.
Why are you blaming yourself now?
The one who stabbed him is at fault.
But he carried that knife because of me.
Everything Mr. Lee said earlier was true.
Everyone but me
had something awful happen to them.
Don't count yourself out.
This must be the hardest on you.
I should go to the recovery room.
I'll go with you.
Are you hurt?
I sprained my ankle slightly when I fell earlier.
That jerk took all of my money and ditched me.
I need to pay the loan interest and rent for the restaurant.
I've been using credit cards to pay them.
I didn't want to ask you.
But can you help me one last time?
Isn't that what you said every single time you came to me?
I want to stop falling for your lies.
I'm serious.
Once I close down the restaurant, I'll just work here for paychecks.
I will work diligently. I mean it.
Is there a designated position for you in the company?
I might even have to let go of the employees I have.
Deuk Chan. Then
(CEO Jo Deuk Chan)
What is it at this late hour?
Sir, is Mr. Kim Do Ha,
the murder suspect in the Hakcheon case, Kim Seung Ju?
The news articles are all over the Internet. It's really bad.
Okay. Let me check.
(Kim Do Ha)
("Syaon's Songwriter Kim Do Ha Is Murder Suspect?)
Deuk Chan. I'll write up a memorandum.
I'll write a memorandum if you want.
If you don't help me,
I'm going to die.
I already have
enough on my plate with my business.
You take care of your own mess. Get out.
Deuk Chan.
I checked the articles.
Tell them that we are no longer working with Kim Do Ha,
and we had no idea about his past.
("Syaon's Songwriter Kim Do Ha Is Murder Suspect?)
("Ethan of Atlantis Gets Stabbed at Kim Do Ha's House")
They had to take an X-ray scan over a minor sprain.
I'm really okay now.
I can walk.
Don't ever put yourself in danger like that again.
(Yeonseo Hospital)
I can't promise that.
How could I stay still when you could die, Do Ha?
Is that really liking someone?
I'm sorry
for getting you swept up in this.
Call me when you get home.
You're not coming with me?
I want to stay until he wakes up.
Right. You should.
Do Ha.
I didn't get swept up in this.
I'm just standing by a man I like.
Come in.
No, please don't get up.
How are you feeling?
I'm good.
You paid for my surgery.
And you got me this room too.
This is my fault. It's the least I can do.
I was punished.
went to your house because Mr. Park Moo Jin told me to.
What's this about?
- Do you know Kim Do Ha? - No, it's
Gosh. I heard that your group got disbanded.
- Yes. - Goodness.
A junior of mine is working at The K Entertainment.
He's producing a boy group now.
And he told me that he was looking for a main vocalist.
He asked me if I could recommend anyone.
You're a good singer.
What do you say? Are you interested?
- Of course, I - But find dirt on Kim Do Ha.
- What? - Hey.
You know that he framed me
for plagiarizing other people's music, right?
Getting his personal information leaked scares that jerk,
Kim Do Ha, the most.
So you should tail him
and tell me whatever you find out about him. Okay?
Mr. Main Vocalist.
Well, I'm not certain if he's the real Kim Do Ha.
Okay, fine.
Then I can't be certain to recommend you to him.
I got it. Gosh.
Why would anyone want me to join their new group?
I'm old. And I'm not a new face either.
I think this happened so that I would come to my senses.
I should stop now.
Once you recover, I'll write a great song for you.
I'm good.
Thank you for the offer.
Mr. Kim? You're Mr. Kim Do Ha, the songwriter, right?
You're Mr. Kim, right?
- Mr. Kim. - Are you Kim Seung Ju?
- Are you really him? - Mr. Kim.
- Mr. Kim. - Can you give us a comment?
- Are you him? - Are you Kim Seung Ju?
- Excuse me. Wait. - Can you answer our question?
Do Ha.
- Did you change your name? - Are you Kim Seung Ju?
- Answer our question. - A comment, please.
- Did you change your name? - A comment.
Yes. I'm Kim Do Ha.
Did you hide who you were because you were a murder suspect?
Will you continue to work as a songwriter?
Did Syaon or Mr. Jo Deuk Chan
know about your past and help you hide?
Because I was a murder suspect,
I did hide my identity.
Did you kill Choi Eom Ji?
I didn't kill her.
If you didn't do anything wrong,
why did you hide all these years?
Because no one believed me.
Just like now.
Your fans who loved your music are very shocked.
Is there anything you would like to say?
You can still
like my music.
I will do my best
to reveal the truth.
Why did you come to the hospital?
You hurt your ankle.
Are you all right?
What about you? Are you okay?
You told everything to the reporters.
Are you okay?
I only told the truth.
So you're not okay.
When I went down to Hakcheon yesterday,
I wanted to know who buried her there,
who killed her,
and why the culprit killed her.
These questions came to my mind.
But now,
I want to catch the culprit.
I know where you're coming from. But it's too dangerous.
We should wait for the time being.
A man almost died because of me.
I hurt the people around me.
I don't want to wait any longer for things to get better.
I'm sure there's more I can do.
I'll find the culprit.
- Hello. - Hello.
- The news article about - Yes.
No. The allegation in the article isn't true.
No, it's not true.
I thought your son was in Germany.
You said you were certain she committed suicide.
They are criticizing me because of you.
I'm sorry.
But my son isn't the culprit.
What people hate the most is lying.
You should have been honest from the get-go.
Or you shouldn't have let him get caught.
I will do my best to prove his innocence
Here's the best thing you can do right now.
Withdraw from the election.
You know how hard I worked to get this far.
Even if I lose, I would like to finish the election.
You must be mistaken.
Yes. Losing an election is nothing
for politicians in the long run.
But here's the problem.
You don't even have
the opportunity to lose now.
(Assemblywoman Jung Yeon Mi)
(Hakcheon Murder Case)
("Will Hakcheon Murder Case Become a Cold Case?")
("Police Struggle to Investigate Due to Lack of Evidence")
("Ethan of Atlantis Gets Attacked at Murder Suspect's House")
What is going on?
Do Ha.
Help me just this once.
My business partner betrayed me.
My debt is growing even as I speak.
If you don't help me, I have no choice but to jump into the river.
Think about the time when I helped you in the past.
So, can't you please help me just once more?
Back then, it wasn't an easy decision for me either.
I felt bad for Eom Ji.
Of course, I feel bad for you too. I feel bad for everyone involved.
But Eom Ji was in such a pitiful situation.
Her dad took all her money and beat her up.
I'm not saying you did it.
I'm talking about Eom Ji's dad.
But her dad rarely came home.
He came home from time to time and turned the house upside down.
Hey, don't tell me you didn't know?
- Eom Ji. - Why are you here so early?
I rushed here because I wanted to see you.
Let's eat these.
Let's go somewhere else.
Hey, did you cry?
- Let me see your face. - No, I
Don't lie. You did cry.
Something must've happened.
I missed you too much.
Oh, I guess she was too embarrassed to tell you.
She told me everything.
even if Eom Ji hadn't died that day,
that jerk would've beaten her up to death eventually.
That man
Do you know where her dad is and what he's up to now?
If I tell you, then will you give me the money?
My gosh.
So, he really is the songwriter who wrote Syaon's songs?
How come you're not surprised?
Well, I had an inkling.
Then, did you have an inkling about that too?
The fact that he's a murderer?
He is not a murderer.
The spirit told me.
The spirit?
Oh, Ms. Hunter.
Then, how about revealing your true identity?
- What? - At the moment, people
are boycotting Syaon's album, saying a murderer made it.
Why don't you come forward and say this? "I'm a liar hunter."
"Everything Kim Do Ha said is all true. The spirit told me."
Why don't you just say that?
I bet you want to help him clear his name.
- Gosh, that's - No way!
No, never. I won't let that happen!
Hey! Why would you jeopardize your livelihood because of him?
If people found out what you could really do,
no one would lie in front of you.
Come to your senses, and just break up with him!
You said if the man loved me and was rich, the rest didn't matter.
He loves me and is well-off.
I said you should never date a criminal.
A murderer at that. Gosh, you've got some nerve.
He is not a murderer. Trust me, I know he's not!
You're the only one who knows that.
Everyone else would just think that you're a murderer's girlfriend.
Who cares what others think?
I know he's not a murderer, so why should I end it?
I won't break up with him!
Gosh, why is my business so slow?
It's because you step out so often.
There isn't a single customer. I can't stay there. I'm too bored.
Hey, it's so hot today
- Hi. - "Hi?" How random.
Hey, did you hear about Kim Do Ha?
- Yes. - Isn't it crazy?
It must be the "past" he talked about that day.
I thought I was being mean, calling him a bully.
- Who knew he was a murderer - We don't know that yet.
We don't know anything for sure yet.
Well, I'm just saying. I don't really know what's going on,
but I thought he kind of looked like a killer, so
I don't think he's a murderer either.
Why do you say that?
He's dating the owner of the tarot card café.
That woman has amazing psychic abilities.
Remember the guy I met on the blind date? That jerk
Anyway, she's even set up her own shrine.
A woman like that wouldn't date a murderer.
Oh, they found a cockroach in this.
Gosh, shall I buy this or not?
- So you won't buy it? - No.
I'll take everything here.
Fine. If you guys say so, I'll take a neutral stance too.
I'm not neutral. I trust him.
Don't doubt someone for no reason.
I didn't doubt him. I was just
- What's with him? - Yes, don't be so doubtful.
I was just telling you what I was thinking. I wasn't being doubtful.
You can still like my music.
I will do my best
to reveal the truth.
(I wish I had never listened to the songs Kim Do Ha wrote.)
(A murderer has too much to say.)
(My sister, who is a famous shaman, said he wasn't a murderer.)
(Are you crazy? Get a grip.)
(Go have some deep-caffeinated coffee and wake up.)
Is this Chi Hoon?
I have to go to Hakcheon.
Why? Do the police want to meet with you again?
There's something I found out about Eom Ji, so I have to meet someone.
That place is dangerous.
Everyone there thinks that you're the culprit.
Is there a place where I can avoid that?
Then I'll come with you.
No, I'll just go alone.
I don't want to endanger you again, Sol Hee.
Besides, you can't stay quiet in a situation like that.
This time, I promise you that I'll stay quiet.
You see, I can detect your lies too.
Don't worry about me. Just go about your day
as if nothing happened.
That's what I want you to do.
You can tell that I really mean it, right?
Then promise me.
That you'll return safe and sound,
as soon as possible.
Then promise me that you'll take good care of yourself here too.
(Trustworthy Police for Our Safe Nation)
What is going on with my sister's case?
Our precinct isn't in charge of the case, so I don't know.
I left a notebook in the locker.
Please read it just once.
You can't trust the police officers who are native to Hakcheon.
They're all in on it.
Choi Eom Ho! Get in the car.
Just once, okay?
Read it just once. Please?
(Ministry of Justice)
Good day.
I heard Choi Eom Ho left something here.
Oh, he said he wasn't taking it with him.
One moment, please.
Here it is.
Thank you.
Thank you.
(Murderer and psychopath Kim Do Ha. Donate all your money and die.)
Who is a psychopath here?
You're just a keyboard warrior. In front of Kim Do Ha
Gosh, I shouldn't do this.
It'll only provoke people to bad-mouth Do Ha more.
(If Kim Do Ha is a psychopath, aren't you a keyboard warrior?)
Didn't I delete this?
Oh, it's not me.
(Trying to get ripped, still on my diet)
What? This guy is
(Hot guy of the day, chicken breast)
(My dream is to be Syaon's bodyguard.)
(J Entertainment Had No Idea)
(J Entertainment Completely Unrelated to Kim Do Ha's Murder)
(Considering Taking Legal Action)
What's with these articles?
What do you mean we might sue him and kick him out?
Did I ask you to do this?
"We didn't know who Kim Do Ha really was."
"We no longer work with him now that Syaon is taking a hiatus."
I asked you to sum it up like that.
(CEO Jo Deuk Chan)
(Do Ha)
Darn it.
Do Ha, those articles do not reflect my intention.
Are you all right? Where are you?
Hello? Hey, Do Ha?
Hello. Mr. Jo Deuk Chan, right?
Yes. Who is this?
I am Jung Da Yeon, an attorney from Saram Law Services.
I'm calling because your wife wants a divorce.
What did you say?
I heard Choi Eom Ji's dad remarried a woman
who owned a snack bar at the market.
(Hakcheon Market)
Goodness. That's
Darn you!
You murderer! What are you doing here?
I am not a murderer.
I'm lost for words.
See that? He has no shame.
No wonder he could kill someone.
- It's him. - My goodness.
You scumbag!
(Pork Cutlet, Udon, Gimbap)
Do you know Mr. Choi Yong Guk?
Why are you asking about him?
I need to ask him some questions in person.
He's not here.
Then where can I go to meet him?
He'll come back here, right?
Who are you?
If you're not here to eat, get lost.
(Happy Life Insurance)
(To Choi Yong Guk)
("My Girlfriend Took Her Own Life")
(Syaon and Songwriter Kim Do Ha)
(Reporter Oh Jin Soo, Might have seen his face)
(Syaon Strongly Denies Dating Rumours)
(Eom Ji and Seung Ju, seen together at Hakcheon Beer King)
(The owner of a supermarket near Hakcheon Beach saw them together)
(and reported it to the police, but it went ignored.)
There was a witness?
(Sol Hee)
Hey, Sol Hee.
A beef barbecue for lunch? What's going on?
That day, it would've been dangerous if it weren't for you.
So I wanted to buy you a nice lunch.
I bet
you're here to ask me about Kim Do Ha's case.
No. That's not why I'm here, but
Is there anything you know?
It's just as you've read in the articles.
There's no additional evidence to help us find the real culprit.
So it could just end like this?
Why is it
that I can't trust that man, Kim Do Ha?
Five years ago,
I think the precinct in Hakcheon purposely buried the case quickly.
It means their higher-ups pressured them to do it.
If he wasn't guilty, that wouldn't have been necessary.
Because it's hard to prove that she took her own life.
Now, we know that she didn't kill himself.
Now that this has already happened, we must find the real culprit.
Only then can he clear his name.
people will keep calling him a murderer,
and he'll have to live like a fugitive for the rest of his life.
Are you
okay with that?
(Assemblywoman Jung Yeon Mi)
Yes, ma'am.
You must be at the hospital now, seeing how you're whispering.
Yes, that's right.
If this goes well,
I'll put you in touch with a good rehabilitation hospital in Seoul.
Gosh, no. That's okay.
You've helped us out so much already
That's right. I have.
my son cannot be the culprit, no matter what.
You know that, right?
Yes, ma'am.
He's denying it,
and there is no solid evidence,
so it'll be hard to prove him guilty.
Don't worry.
All right, then. I'm counting on you.
(Assemblywoman Jung Yeon Mi)
Wait, but
It's done.
I have nothing to worry about now.
I must be confident.
I suggest you drop out voluntarily.
Wouldn't that look better?
I won the nomination fair and square
by winning the primary election.
As for the speculation about my son being a murderer,
nothing's been confirmed yet.
That's not important.
The public has already turned against you.
Just drop out.
I cannot do that.
If I just manage to clear my son's name,
I can win back all my existing supporters
while also gaining sympathy votes.
Suffering for years due to false allegations
and finally clearing his name.
It's certainly dramatic enough.
But that is
only if your son isn't the culprit.
With Yoo Ji Eun, we won't win.
The other candidate is way more experienced than he is.
Please wait and see.
I'll be sure to turn this into a golden opportunity for us.
Gosh! Hey!
Hey! Go away!
Stay still.
- You're just going to walk away? - Leave.
Your daughter
is seeing someone.
Are they getting married?
It's not that.
He's a murderer!
- Ms. Hunter. - Yes?
You don't have anything left for the day. You should go home.
No, if I'm at home, I end up thinking too much.
I feel like you're thinking too much here as well.
No, whoever comes in starting now, I will do my best to serve them.
Hey, you faker.
Watch your mouth.
Hey, you are all in cahoots, aren't you, you swindlers?
What is the problem, sir?
Hey, since when were you and Kim Do Ha a thing?
I saw everything.
You two were being all lovey-dovey.
Darn it. What's going on?
Did he end up like that because of me?
They had to take an X-ray scan over a minor sprain.
- I'm really okay now. - That lady.
I can walk.
How could I stay still when you could die, Do Ha?
- "Do Ha?" Kim Do Ha? - Is that really liking someone?
Oh, my gosh.
Look at them.
I'm sorry
for getting you swept up in this.
I didn't get swept up in this.
I'm just standing by a man I like.
Is that why you lied and said he was telling the truth?
No wonder. I knew none of it made sense.
Why don't you sit down first? We can continue while sitting.
- Do you want coffee? - Yes.
Back then, we were complete strangers,
and everything he said was the truth.
I knew you would say that.
But there is something I have. Do you want to see this?
What do you think this is?
I'm going to post this everywhere and make your business go under.
Who in the world would trust a shaman who is dating a murderer?
Don't you agree?
I see.
So, there was such an option.
That is a wonderful idea.
I really wanted to follow him,
but I promised to wait for him here while doing my job.
But if you do that, I will no longer have anything to do.
Then that would give me a good excuse to follow him.
What are you saying? Are you crazy?
Please upload that photo everywhere.
Darn it. Hey.
You're just playing it cool because you don't think I can, right?
You punk. Gosh.
Your nails!
Darn it.
I deleted it, Ms. Hunter.
Do you think I'm a fool?
Do you think I came all the way here
with the photo saved on my phone only?
Come on. I uploaded it to the cloud,
sent it to my email, and have it backed up on an external hard drive.
What are you going to do? What will you do now?
You must really not trust that I'm a Liar Hunter,
seeing how you just spat out a bunch of lies.
Fine. Then,
just give me back my money.
I did my job with integrity,
and the picture that you had to threaten me is gone now.
So why should I?
I would like to say one last thing as a Liar Hunter.
Mr. Kim Do Ha is not a murderer.
If he were to be one,
then you, Mr. Park Moo Jin,
would already be dead.
My gosh.
What do you need to ask me?
In the past, didn't Eom Ji's father,
Choi Yong Guk, work at your father's factory?
All the men in the neighbourhood have worked at my father's factory.
Can you ask your father
if he knows where Choi Yong Guk is?
Hey, are you
trying to get revenge?
Are you trying to get back at me for doing that interview?
You even came to my workplace.
I don't have the energy to get revenge on you.
I'm just asking because I need to know.
A while back,
I saw Eom Ji's father at the bank
where Eom Ji used to work.
I found it weird that he was
still visiting that place even after Eom Ji had died.
I don't know anything else.
(Luni Tarot Café)
Let's rest a bit.
Ms. Hunter.
It'll be stipendiary.
That means she'll still pay you.
I see.
I don't think I can even work properly at the moment.
Whenever I deal with clients, I wonder what I'm even doing.
There is someone else who needs the help of my ability.
Okay. Good thinking.
But I'm not sure
if this is right.
Well, the break might not be as long as you expect,
so have fun while it lasts.
Can you close the store for me?
Then I'll be leaving first.
Have a safe trip.
What do you mean? Where is she going?
Did you listen to anything we were saying?
Do you think her powers have gotten weaker?
Isn't it strange?
Her powers have not weakened.
She has just fallen in love.
(Dream Villa)
(Hakcheon Beach)
(Search Results)
The navigation to your destination will start.
I mean, Sol Hee may not listen to me,
but she listens to you.
So you should try convincing her.
I should hear her out first before I try to convince her.
(Temporarily closed for personal reasons)
What is this? "Temporarily closed?"
Does she not have a lot of clients?
So this is where she works.
Our Sol Hee.
Gosh, she won't pick up.
Should we try waiting for her nearby?
They're temporarily closed, so she'll be resting for a few days.
Where would we wait for her?
I was just saying, just in case.
I know where she works now, so I'll come again next time.
Wait. Honey.
It just came out.
I don't know what else to call you.
We're divorced.
We haven't seen each other in years.
Stop acting like nothing happened between us.
Are you going to her?
That young brat.
What are you talking about?
Fine. Go. Just go.
I'm going to go to a rich man too.
(Luni Tarot Café)
Goodness. He really left.
That is why his eye got stung by a bee.
But why does he look even better with the patch?
Hey, Sol Hee.
Are you doing well?
I guess.
I haven't really found much.
What about you?
Me too. I'm so-so.
I miss you.
Me too.
Should we meet?
Where are you right now?
Right now?
I know I promised to wait,
but I just couldn't.
(Bisang Bank)
Customer Number 122?
Customer Number 122, please move to teller window 3.
Is there an employee here who used to work
with Choi Eom Ji?
Are you Director Cha?
(Bisang Bank)
The "Curious Stories" team
has called me multiple times, saying they're covering the story again.
So, I thought you guys were from a broadcasting station.
I didn't expect the prime suspect to come here himself.
We want to find the real culprit who killed Ms. Choi Eom Ji.
To be honest, I didn't suspect you.
Eom Ji's life was full of hard knocks.
She always had to deal with creditors
and her dad coming here, asking for money.
I knew she wouldn't be able to hold out.
I heard her father
kept visiting this place even after Eom Ji died.
What was the reason?
Because of life insurance.
There must've been a life insurance under her name.
He always came and caused a scene, demanding us to update his bankbook,
saying he should be paid out because she went missing.
He even yelled while calling the insurance company.
After her remains were found,
he received the insurance money a few days ago.
He was so happy.
He was happy?
I feel so bad for her.
You can come every day if you want.
I don't know where he is either.
Come on. I know you do.
Can you just tell us?
What are you going to do if you meet him?
- We want to ask him something. - What?
Choi Eom Ji
Go away. I really don't know.
(Choi Yong Guk)
(Happy Life Insurance)
Just go. Gosh, I really don't know.
Did Mr. Choi Yong Guk buy insurance
in your name?
No, there's nothing like that.
We came knowing he did.
He said it was like an instalment savings plan
and it had high interest rate.
Mr. Choi Yong Guk received his daughter's life insurance.
So what?
Then, should he not accept it when they gave it to him?
He just gets violent when he drinks,
but he's not someone who would do that to his own daughter.
Apparently, he was so happy after receiving it.
You could be
the next target.
So can you just tell us where he is?
How do we get in there?
(Hwang Jin A Club)
They don't check anything else.
They just let people enter by looking at their faces.
Then let's just try casually walking in.
(Hwang Jin A Club)
(Singing Club)
(Unlimited beer, free snacks)
What are you doing?
Do you not remember me? I was here yesterday.
We were closed yesterday. What are you saying?
Was it the day before yesterday?
Right. It was the day before yesterday.
We weren't open then either.
We brought a lot of money. We're going to go in.
You can't go in just because you have money.
How much did you bring?
Then what will allow us to go inside?
I want to gamble so bad I'm going crazy.
I can't even sleep.
- Why you little - Aren't you Ms. Hunter?
Goodness. It's nice to see you.
- Who's my client? - Shut your mouth, kid.
Are you the Liar Hunter?
Right. The
Grizzly Bears, was it?
Thanks to the spirit of truth,
I got rid of that spy
and the Grizzly Bears.
We're the Black Bears now.
Thanks to you, the business got so big.
A lot of people hit the jackpot after working with me.
Ms. Hunter, you were so cute
and like a baby back then. You're a grown woman now.
You've gotten prettier.
I was being honest just now, right?
I would like to go inside. Can I?
Why not?
I run this whole place.
- Let's go inside. - Okay.
Hey, move.
You rascals.
He's with me.
Then he can come inside with you.
Let's go.
(We will provide you with the best service.)
What kind of life have you lived?
My life was as wild as yours.
- Come on. Hold on. - Come on.
I gave all my workers a heads-up.
Let me know if you need anything.
Do you know a person by the name of Choi Yong Guk?
Choi Yong Guk?
I don't know people's names. I only know their faces.
All right. I'll look for him myself.
- Let me know if you need anything. - Thank you.
Darn it! This is so annoying.
Gosh. You scared me.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Why are you here?
I mean, I couldn't handle my debt with the money you gave me,
so I was trying to make more here.
But I lost all my money.
You have some money, don't you?
Did you know Choi Yong Guk was here?
He was here?
I had no idea.
- Why did you lie? - What's the problem?
Can't I lie?
I thought you would call me again if you couldn't find him.
Then I would be able to get more money.
Where is Choi Yong Guk?
Tell me everything you know.
My goodness.
You should've treated her well when you guys were still dating.
Why are you doing this now?
she only had you. Do you know that?
Even I'm staying still.
Did you like Eom Ji?
- How dare you, you punk. - What?
Where is it, you punk?
- Just hit me. - You punk.
How dare you try to fool me?
- Let go! - How dare you lie?
You punk.
- Let go! - You punk.
Tell me. Did you kill Eom Ji?
Did you kill her?
(My Lovely Liar)
I'll make sure you won't have to go through anything difficult again.
It's not hard for me at all.
Can you tell me again in more detail?
Seung Ju!
Are you suspecting him?
You can't do this
after everything we've done for you.
I want to be your client.
Just be honest with me.
Who is the culprit?
Don't come any closer, or I'm going to stab her.
Just let her go and leave.
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