My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Bones Get Discovered

(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
Why did they want us to take care of this in the middle of the night?
A gifted fortune-teller told us
we would get into big trouble if we dug it up during the day.
Let's pay our respects and begin.
- Gosh. - All right.
We are trying to move you to someplace nice.
Please don't move or get startled.
What's down here?
- What's going on? - Goodness.
- Gosh. - Hey, is that a bone?
Could it have come out when the body was buried?
Even if it had, the body should have been buried deeper than this.
- Hey, step aside. - Gosh.
- Oh, my. - Goodness.
What's wrong?
Human bones? Where?
They found the bones from the grave.
Maybe, the bones belong to the deceased.
Okay. I'll go and check it out.
Okay. Text me the address.
Let me drive you. Where is it?
You know the hill behind Hakcheon Beach?
I'll pay for this.
Ring up the bill for me.
- We called just in case. - Right. Listen to me.
Hello, sir.
Hey, you're here too.
Are you sure the bones don't belong to the body that was buried?
Some bodies are buried without coffins.
Even if the body was buried without a coffin,
it was supposed to be buried much deeper than this.
We kept digging just in case we were wrong.
The coffin is here.
- Come here for a second. - Okay.
- You too. Come here. - Okay.
So listen.
What is it?
Do you think this could be
the skeleton of the missing girl, Choi Eom Ji?
Where did you get that idea? That was random.
Brutal crimes like this rarely took place in this village.
That's the only case that comes to my mind.
And the beach is around here too.
Did you find any items when you were digging?
Like clothes or personal belongings.
No. We didn't find anything like that.
Why did you come all the way here? Why are you questioning them?
- I - This is my case.
You can leave now.
- Hong Sik. - Yes.
Did you call the forensic team?
Yes. I did give them a call.
- Gosh. - Goodness.
Be careful.
All of us worked hard today.
Do you want to have an after work get-together?
An after work get-together?
It sounds good.
But I'm a bit tired today.
Let's take a rain check.
Same here. I'm kind of beat today.
And I have to watch a movie tomorrow too.
Syaon sang the soundtrack for the movie.
I need to watch it ten times.
Sure. Well, I only asked out of formality too.
Some people are having a wrap party at Boor Boor.
Do you want to go with me?
- Cheers. - Great.
All right.
This hits the spot.
What a surprise to see you here. You came voluntarily too.
I guess he must be in a good mood. He won the cash prize.
By the way, I was really impressed earlier.
What will you do with the cash prize?
I'm going to buy an audio interface.
An expensive one at that too.
- The audio what? - What?
By the way, shouldn't you split the money, 6 to 4?
The pianist contributed a lot to the performance.
No, it's fine.
I made a lot of mistakes because I joined at the last minute.
You wrote a great song.
By the way, what's going on between you two?
She's my girlfriend.
Why did you tell them here?
They must be surprised.
We weren't surprised. We all knew that you were an item.
I think they've been dating for over 100 days.
You guys make a cute couple. You look good together.
By the way, what do you think is going on between us two?
We fell for each other at first sight.
What's wrong with me?
- Calm down. - So cute.
I'll be honest. I fell for you the moment I laid my eyes on you.
Gosh, you should have asked me out on a follow-up date.
I thought you were dating someone else.
I'm not dating anyone else.
I told you that I wanted to be careful.
Hey, I guess I can't hold my liquor anymore.
I already feel like puking.
- Do you have pickles? - It's not a great sight to see.
Let's go over to my place
But we shouldn't tell anyone about this
Will you really go over to his place?
I was wondering if you were really going over to his house tonight.
Well, I'll see how it goes.
I think you should take more time to get to know him.
You should check if he's trustworthy.
If I say so, then you should just
Anyway, I warned you.
It's up to you to decide.
What was that?
Is she really a shaman?
Have some of this.
Well, can you sit somewhere else?
By the way, are you really
Kim Do Ha, the songwriter?
Can you
I would like you to be my master!
Hey, are you drunk? Why would he be your master?
Wait. Do you do martial arts? Are you trained in that field?
I know everything.
The CEO of J Entertainment came to this neighbourhood
a while ago, didn't he?
Please be my mentor, Mr. Kim.
You're already talented. Why do you need me as your mentor?
- What? - You were really the songwriter?
No way. Then your ex-girlfriend is Syaon?
They weren't
in a relationship.
- Really? - By the way,
you guys can't tell anyone.
Sure. We can keep it a secret.
But why?
I did something wrong a long time ago.
- Like what? - What did you do?
That was
School violence!
Be quiet.
- Hey, what's going on? - What?
Were you sharing secrets without me?
- No. - No.
I'll explain it to you if I get a chance next time.
What is it? Tell me.
Why did you stop talking when I came back?
It's nothing important. We were talking about our lives.
We were talking about his ex-girlfriend.
- Right. - It was about his ex-girlfriend.
It's rude to talk about his ex when his girlfriend is here.
- Right. - Yes.
Will you be my mentor?
- Yes, he's your mentor. - No?
- We already talked about that. - He said okay.
- You should accept him. - I know I can be good.
- I'm curious. - I don't know.
- His ex became his mentee. - I'm curious too.
But I don't know.
How much of it were you going to tell them?
You would have told them everything if that guy hadn't come back.
When you told me about your secret, you said something like this.
You didn't want anyone to find out,
so you lived your whole life, protecting that secret.
But at times,
you wondered
if telling your secret to people would make you feel better.
I guess that's how I must have felt.
But still. You never know how they will react to that.
Gosh. It's all my fault.
I believed you too easily.
You must think that other people would do the same.
I don't think you believed that easily.
But I have you to thank.
It still amazes me.
Walking around like this without my mask on.
Letting the night breeze touch my skin.
Laughing and having a good time with other people.
It's been ages since I did all this.
Thank you.
It's my first time doing all this.
It was my first festival.
It was my first time hanging out with people.
So I should be more thankful.
But among everything,
you fascinate me the most.
- Gosh. - You startled me.
- What is it? - What?
Please be my mentor.
I want to make music.
I want to learn from you. Please teach me.
Please be my mentor, Mr. Kim.
Since when did he start following us?
Hello. The cell phone owner can't answer the phone now.
Your brother is at my house right now.
He's very drunk.
It's okay.
I'll let him crash here for the night.
Yes. Do you want to take him?
The address is
(Second-oldest Aunt)
Hey, Soo Jin.
I told you to stop calling.
I have a get-together with my colleagues today.
We can meet tomorrow.
Yes. I love you too.
What was that?
- You startled me. - Who were you talking to just now?
You said you loved her.
I talked to my mother whom I love very much. So what?
What are you doing here?
You acted as if you were a gentleman earlier.
I knew you were a dirtbag.
So what if you know? What are you going to do about it?
Hey. You like her, don't you?
Gosh, seriously. What an odd taste in women.
You jerk.
Go and find another woman.
She was way too easy. So it was no fun.
You jerk!
What are you doing?
- Are you okay? - Yes.
- My goodness. Hey, Oh Baek. - Gosh.
Get a grip.
This jerk
- Forget it. Darn it. - Are you okay?
I think he likes you a lot, Soo Jin.
- Soo Jin? - What?
Was it Yeon Doo?
Yeon Doo?
Cho Rok. I'm sorry.
I thought
I'm sorry.
- Hey, get up. Wake up now. - Hey.
Hey, you.
I'm glad you're here.
Say hello.
This is Kim Do Ha, the famous songwriter.
What are you talking about? Get up now.
You know my brother, right?
He's in Atlantis. J Entertainment produced his group.
He's Ethan, the main vocalist of Atlantis.
Mr. Kim Do Ha. I admire you so much.
When you're done working on Syaon's song,
would you mind writing one for us
- Just get on my back. - Gosh.
- Get on my back now. - But I'm heavy.
I'm sorry.
Don't forget this.
He won the cash prize at the festival.
The festival?
I see. Okay.
Thank you.
Your younger brother is very talented in music.
Get home safely.
Let go of me.
Gosh. You little punk.
You've never done this before. This isn't like you.
You passed out in someone else's house
and said that he was Kim Do Ha or whatever.
Hey, he really is Kim Do Ha.
He's the songwriter.
- Gosh. - Come on.
- Whatever. Be quiet. - You don't believe me?
You don't believe me?
What is this?
What a weird dream this is. Am I going mad?
Am I dreaming?
I don't think this is a dream.
Gosh, it feels so real.
Well, since this is a dream, let me
This isn't a dream!
Gosh. What?
What is this? Goodness.
What? Where are we?
Gosh. We were going to leave after having the spicy tteokbokki.
I must have gone mad.
Gosh. Right. The tteokbokki.
- I must be losing it. - Hey, this never happened.
This was a dream. A nightmare.
A nightmare? Hey, don't be so harsh.
Yes, it's a nightmare.
I hope you're gone by the time I come out of the shower.
Hey, let's have hangover soup before we go.
Let's have hangover soup.
I'll ask for more chilli peppers and the spicy paste.
And I'll ask for lean meat since you don't like fatty parts.
- Keep going. - Extra salted shrimp and chives.
- Great. - Hey, I only ordered two bowls,
but it came out to 48 dollars. Darn it.
Hold on. What is that?
Do you still wear that underwear?
You had it even before we started dating.
I have several pairs of the same underwear.
Besides, these are from a luxury brand.
I'm so sick of your underwear. They stink too.
Gosh, when did she see them? Seriously.
There's a hole here. Darn it.
I knew it. This is the best soup to have after a night of drinking.
- Ma'am. - Yes.
- Can you give us more kkakdugi? - Sure.
Thank you.
Well, since it came out, you should eat it.
This place is good.
I don't eat outside of my house.
- Enjoy. - Thank you.
Please eat.
"I don't eat outside of my house."
That's what you said when we sat over there last time.
You couldn't take off your mask either.
But what made you think about taking off your mask
to eat with me that night?
You were eating it with gusto.
What? When did I say it like that?
Back then, I couldn't tell you this,
but you ate just like a middle-aged man.
A middle-aged man? You're mean.
What about you?
You were like, "I don't eat outside of my house."
("Unidentified Skeleton Found in Hakcheon")
I didn't say it like that.
"I don't eat outside of my house."
It's a woman. She never gave birth.
She must have been in her early to mid-20s.
I don't see any fractures.
I see blunt force trauma to the head.
(Hakcheon Beach Missing Persons Case)
(Looking for a missing girl, Choi Eom Ji)
(Height: 162cm, a slim body type, long hair up to the shoulder blades)
(Seen wearing a knitted sweater, a white dress, pink sandals,)
(and a platinum ring)
(Looking for a missing girl, Choi Eom Ji)
This is the Criminal Investigation Division.
Did you finish the initial report?
A woman in her 20s?
There was blunt force trauma to the head.
I can't be certain if that was an immediate cause of death.
But the body must have been there for over five years.
It will take a while to collect her DNA.
As soon as I get her DNA,
I'll compare it with the samples of registered missing people.
Yes. Okay. I got it.
(Looking for a missing girl, Choi Eom Ji)
(If you know her whereabouts or saw her, please call us.)
Candidate Jung Yeon Mi won 52.1 percent of the votes.
As she won the majority vote, without having to hold another vote,
she officially became the candidate for her party.
Thank you.
(Announcement of primary election results for governorship)
I would like to address my junior and senior politicians here.
I ask for your help.
I will do my best to repay you with a victory.
Thank you.
(Announcement of primary election results for governorship)
(Kwak Jin Hyuk, Hakcheon Police Station)
- Hey. - Could this be
the skeleton of the missing girl, Choi Eom Ji?
Why did you come all the way here? What's up with the questions?
This is my case.
Hi, it's me.
It's been a while.
Are you still at Forensics?
Do you know someone at the National Forensic Service?
My goodness.
What are you doing here?
Did you come to smash the place?
Get me some cold water.
Have you been drinking again?
My gosh.
Hey. The guy you're seeing. What does he do?
Does he have money?
You came to ask me that?
I'm not seeing anyone.
Come on.
The guy who looks like a smooth boiled egg.
Does he have money or not?
I have money too.
He doesn't have any money. He's dirt poor!
You can find a rich guy who loves you too at your age.
Why would you date him
and waste your taut skin and looks?
If he's rich and he loves me, does nothing else matter?
All you need are those two.
What else do you need?
As long as he's not a convict.
I went too far last time.
My bad.
You took your time to apologize.
You're just as much in the wrong.
Do you know
how your father's doing?
Did he meet someone?
You don't know anything?
He met someone?
How would I know? I don't know anything!
You do know.
Darn it. I'm leaving.
What happened? How do you know?
I saw him during a hike.
Is Dad okay? Is he doing well?
There's no need to worry about him.
He was with a woman way younger
My goodness.
It's amazing.
With his good looks, though he's old and penniless,
young women still fall for him.
It was a real sight. I was almost jealous.
My gosh
I decided to believe what you said.
That you can hear when someone lies,
and that you believe him because of it.
All that.
Thank you.
is there a weakness to your ability?
I can't decipher sounds from a TV or phone.
I must hear someone talk in person.
And it's not about facts.
What the speaker really believes comes across to be true.
if someone murdered someone else,
but has no idea they did,
you could hear that as the truth.
I said "if."
You said you believed me.
Why do you keep saying this?
In Hakcheon,
a skeleton of a woman in her 20s was found.
On a mountain near the coast where Choi Eom Ji went missing.
They're analysing her DNA,
and she died about five years ago.
So what?
Sol Hee.
The Kim Seung Ju guy.
He was taking sleeping pills and sedatives at the time.
Side effects include
reduced cognitive function and memory loss.
He took this to sleep?
I get what you're saying,
but he's not like that.
I see.
I'm a bit jealous.
I should go.
Kim. Are you in a good mood?
- Does it show? - Yes, totally.
The guy who played the drums
asked about you.
"What's his name? Who signed him?"
He really grilled me.
What did you tell him?
Not much. I just said you were Kim.
That I don't know much else.
My name is Kim Do Ha.
I don't have an agency right now.
Oh, your name
It suits you well.
Long time no see.
Sol Hee.
You should've come earlier.
Do Ha's performance today.
He tore up the stage.
I missed it.
I'll head out, Do Ha.
Lock up for me.
Do Ha
Play it.
I can't play the piano.
There's one song anyone can play.
"The Chopsticks March" is titled a march,
but it's actually a waltz.
You don't pound the keys.
You play it so listeners sway with pleasure.
That's how it should sound.
Sit next to me.
Your left hand goes here,
and your right here.
Is something wrong?
- What? - You look a bit glum.
I'm not. I was smiling throughout.
I can't hear when someone lies,
but I can read expressions.
(Listening to a soundtrack)
While everything changes,
if there's something you believe is unchanging
Am I the only one here?
Look carefully.
Are you listening?
I could've been alone.
The tteokbokki here is the best.
Hey, you.
Will you eat slowly?
It's so good.
Am I not getting the movie properly?
Thank you.
Don't fight and play together as good friends do.
What? Why would you say that?
Darn it.
You're Syaon, aren't you?
I'm watching this for the tenth time to listen to
the song you sang for the soundtrack.
I was happy all ten times.
And I'd like you to be happy as long as you do music.
If that's too much,
you can take a break.
You can take a long break.
You can even quit music.
I'd be unhappy then,
but what's more important is your happiness.
Don't push yourself.
That's my request as a fan.
Sorry for bothering you by noticing you.
There's no extra footage at the end.
Hey. Who are these people?
Are you okay?
- You can't come in here. - You dirtbags!
- Let's see what you found. - Grab him.
- Show me what you have! - We're looking into it!
Hey, you can't
(Violent Crime Unit Team 1)
My Eom Ji. It's her, isn't it?
It takes a while to analyse DNA from a skeleton.
I don't need DNA!
Let me see her.
I can tell if it's her just from the bones!
If it is her,
we'll show you the bones.
As if you will!
Do you expect me to trust you again?
- Will you calm down? - Darn you.
You think I don't know?
I know Jung Yeon Mi paid you off.
I saw her at the hospital your daughter's at!
Are you spewing that nonsense again?
I'm sick of it.
I raised Eom Ji
like my own.
Not like a sister,
but like my own daughter!
- Get him out of here! - Okay.
Will you stop it?
I'm not asking you to kill someone!
I just want you to find her killer!
What policeman are you if you can't even do that?
We'll handle it!
Get out of here.
("Unidentified Skeleton Found in Hakcheon")
Come in.
I thought about it.
I think you should work with a composer other than Do Ha.
There's no need.
I'd like to compose my own songs.
I used to write music.
I want to study music
and take a break to recharge.
For how long?
I don't know.
I'm ready?
We need a deadline at least.
How can I decide when I don't know
when I'll feel better?
If you won't let me do this,
I can't extend my contract.
I want to stay loyal to you,
so I'd like you to understand.
Okay. Do what you want.
What then?
She should retire.
I'll say just three things.
One, J Entertainment
will no longer work with Kim Do Ha.
What about Syaon, then?
Two, Syaon
will take a break.
I don't know when she'll return.
You might think we're facing a crisis.
We must find another Kim Do Ha
and another Syaon.
Début the singers you think have a chance,
and those who don't,
drop them.
That's number three.
What about Atlantis?
We agreed on a theme,
and we're picking songs.
If you're still working on them,
they're not worth it.
Drop them.
Stay with me
Thank you.
Gosh, you really improved.
I have?
That's great to hear.
Are you getting extra lessons somewhere?
It's not that you're not good enough.
I just want to do better.
I know. I get it.
I'm proud of you.
You're a consistent hard-worker.
I'm the lead singer.
I should improve with each album.
"To make a promise I'm sure I can keep"
(Kwak Jin Hyuk, Hakcheon Police Station)
(Assemblywoman Jung Yeon Mi)
What is it?
I'm very busy.
We found Choi Eom Ji's body.
On a mountain close to Hakcheon Beach.
She was buried in a grave.
What do you mean you confessed?
She died because of me.
Because of me.
Did you find anything that could become evidence?
The only thing we found was a ring.
A ring?
I think it was one of a set, and we only found the man's ring.
A man's ring
was found with the body?
Fortunately for us, I found it first
and took care of it.
Don't worry.
Good job.
Are you sure there's no other evidence?
We found a skeleton,
so there was nothing that would identify the killer.
Where does the investigation go from here?
He'll have to come in to give a statement.
No. He's currently in Germany.
He can't be there.
But you will be contacted.
Okay. I'll get back to you.
Oh, wait.
Where's the ring now?
I got rid of it carefully.
(Ring, Evidence)
(Ring, Evidence)
Hello. How are you?
I have a favour to ask.
("Curious Stories")
This is crazy. They finally found it.
I knew it.
("Skeletal Remains Found in a Mountain in Hakcheon")
("Revealed to Be Choi, the Woman Who Went Missing at Hakcheon Beach")
Jung Yeon Mi blatantly dissed our program.
Hey, if we want to release a sequel, we have to make it fast.
- Let's do a great job this time. - Yes, sir.
Sir, I have some big news.
- I know. I saw it. - Not, this.
This video just went viral.
- A video? - Yes.
(Yeonseo Play Modern Retro Festival)
So he lives in Yeonseo-dong?
(Luni Tarot Café, Closed)
- Hello? - Is this Kim Seung Ju?
- Who is this? - Oh, right.
That was your name before you changed it.
You go by Kim Do Ha now, right?
I'm with the Hakcheon Police Station Criminal Investigation Division.
I'm calling to ask you to come in
for some questioning regarding Choi Eom Ji's Missing Persons Case.
Why, all of a sudden?
We found Choi Eom Ji's remains on a mountain.
On a mountain?
She wasn't found in the ocean
but on a mountain?
you leave?
So we can be alone.
Eom Ji.
What is this?
My dear Eom Ji.
You must've been so lonely all this time.
You must've been so scared.
It's okay.
I'm here now.
Eom Ji!
Don't worry about the questioning.
If they ask any sensitive questions, just say you don't know.
Did you get a call from the police in advance?
Do I have to get a call?
I'm sure it's just procedure.
I'm going to tell them everything I know.
What are you going to say?
Please. Don't do anything.
You can do that for me. Can't you?
If I'm the culprit,
I shouldn't do anything. But
I didn't do it.
Didn't you
and that dead girl have matching rings?
Where is that?
I threw it in the ocean in Hakcheon.
Why are you asking me that?
Okay. I'm not worried.
You just need to answer them like you just answered me.
I saw that it was about a three-and-a-half hour drive.
Eat this on your way there.
You can have it on your way back too.
Thank you.
Do you want me to go with you?
No. Don't worry.
I'll come back safely.
You were commissioned to go to Ms. Kim's home in Seongbuk-dong
at 11am today regarding her inheritance.
And tomorrow at 2pm
and 4pm, you have VIP consultations.
Then I'll go get the car.
There's a lot of traffic going to Seongbuk-dong,
so the shortest route there
Did you see this?
("Hakcheon Beach Missing Persons Case Suspect's Recent Activities")
What is this?
Up until yesterday, this video didn't have that many views.
But the views have kept going up ever since news broke
that they found the body.
What should we do?
Aren't you suspicious of him?
I'm sure you're not dating a murderer.
I'm sure you've already vetted him before you started dating.
Thank you for believing in him.
I wish others would believe in him too.
He really didn't do it.
He's a really nice guy.
Ms. Kim.
If Mr. Jo said that he wasn't going to work with Kim Do Ha,
then you'll need a songwriter and a song. Right?
Why don't you show him my song?
- Gosh - It's not the time for that.
- Can you go? - My gosh.
Isn't that Ethan? What's wrong with him?
Atlantis is breaking up.
Hey, it's me.
Is what you told me about the songwriter Kim Do Ha true?
If it is, could you ask him if he could write a song for me?
All of a sudden?
Don't you need to ask your company
My company isn't going to work with Kim Do Ha anymore.
If you feel uncomfortable asking, can you set up a meeting for me?
I'll ask him myself.
You didn't even believe me. Why are you asking all of a sudden?
I'll ask him when I get a little closer to him.
I have a customer. Bye.
What are you talking about?
Do you know Kim Do Ha?
You said she committed suicide, but we found her body.
On a mountain, at that.
I need you to tell me about that day again.
You got into a huge fight with Choi Eom Ji at the beach.
Tell me again what happened after that.
I left Eom Ji at the beach,
and I was out of it.
I just kept walking.
(Hakcheon Police Station)
Why are you changing your story?
Didn't you say you were at a pub watching soccer?
No. I didn't go.
Your memory seems to be off since so much time has passed.
Stop talking nonsense.
This is exactly how I remember it.
That night,
I walked all night and got home around dawn.
I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to stay there.
That's why I got changed and went to the bus terminal.
If you do this, what will happen to Jo Deuk Chan?
What about your mother?
Are you scared since her body's been found?
Do you feel like you must confess?
No. I didn't kill her.
Didn't you and Choi Eom Ji have matching rings?
What happened to it?
I threw it in the ocean at Hakcheon Beach.
Why do you ask?
All right then.
Is there anyone that Eom Ji knew whom you suspect?
No, there isn't.
Okay. You can go.
Are we done?
Yes, we are.
(Video Recorded Interrogation Room)
Be safe.
That guy, Choi Eom Ho, is out for blood right now.
Be careful not to bump into him.
- Oh, my gosh. - That punk
killed my sister.
- What? - Kim Do Ha.
The reason why he covers his face
is because he's a murderer.
Oh, really?
I see.
His real name is Kim Seung Ju.
Don't you know about
the Hakcheon Beach Missing Persons Case?
So are you telling me that you're the older brother
of the woman who passed away?
Hold on.
Then are you telling me the man in this video
is Kim Do Ha?
("Hakcheon Beach Missing Persons Case Suspect's Recent Activities")
You're right.
These people are from Yeonseo-dong,
and Kim Do Ha also
You're right.
So you knew.
Give me the exact address.
Gosh Why are you asking me for that?
I hate getting involved in things like this.
Didn't I just give you a bit tip?
If I go look for him, beat him up,
and end up in jail, you can write an article about it.
- But - If you don't have any information,
how are you going to connect that guy with Kim Do Ha?
You're right.
I guess you could say this is an act of justice.
But Kim Do Ha always wears a mask,
so it won't be easy to recognize him.
Let me see Yeonseo-dong
Eom Ji.
He should be here by now. It's getting late.
(Dream Villa)
Let's go. This way.
Eom Ho.
I didn't harm Eom Ji.
There are a lot of things I did to her that I should apologize for.
But I didn't kill her. I didn't kill her.
Tonight, you're
going to die.
(My Lovely Liar)
- Is he dead? - Do Ha.
Did you hide who you were because you were a murder suspect?
Tell them that we are no longer working with Kim Do Ha,
and we had no idea about his past.
What do you think about revealing your true identity?
You can't trust the police officers who are native to Hakcheon.
There was a witness?
Do you know what they're doing and where?
I'll trust you.
Did you kill Eom Ji?
Tell me! Did you kill her?
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