My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Do Ha Learns the Truth

(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
(Emergency Ward)
(Episode 15)
Sol Hee.
Excuse me. She's awake.
What about Mr. Jo? What happened to him?
They just started his surgery.
Is it serious?
What about you?
Are you okay?
Yes. I'm all right.
You're up.
You had a vasovagal syncope
due to the shock wave from the explosion.
You'll be all right.
If you feel fine, you can go home.
- Thank you. - Sure.
Thank goodness.
(Surgery in progress)
You're up.
It looks like Mr. Jo
has several fractures in his femur, ribs, and other parts of his body.
The surgery will take some time.
I handed over the evidence to the forensic team.
Once Mr. Jo recovers,
the police will have to question him.
So you should go home and get some rest.
Thanks, Kang Min.
Do you think you can walk?
(Yeonseo Hospital)
I can't believe I actually fainted.
You must have been shocked.
Of course, I was.
I'm talking about Mr. Jo, not me.
Even I was so shocked.
What will you say to him when he wakes up after the surgery?
I want to ask him what happened between him and Eom Ji.
I have nothing else to say to him.
I can go on my own.
You should stay next to Mr. Jo.
I know you're thinking about him.
I'll get going.
Let me know when you get home.
If we take the Yanghwa Bridge, we'll get there faster.
Let me take that bridge.
Thank you.
Sol Hee did everything.
She went to see Jo Jae Chan
and figured out that Jo Deuk Chan was the real culprit.
She also found the evidence.
After finding out about Sol Hee's ability,
I thought
we might not have broken up if she didn't have that ability.
I resented her ability a bit.
her ability helped you a lot.
I should be a better boyfriend.
Then stop ending up in the hospital.
This is getting old.
Would you like some coffee?
No. I'll take the orange juice next to the coffee.
Sir, how long until we arrive?
Gosh, I'm sorry. I thought this path would be quicker.
There's nothing you can do. It's not like you did it on purpose.
Deuk Chan's surgery went well.
Why did you do it?
Did you think about how it would've affected us if you had died?
The police
have the evidence.
As soon as you recover, the police will question you.
I guess I couldn't die
even if I wanted to
before I was punished for my crime.
Now, tell me
what happened.
I didn't do it on purpose.
That night,
you neither came to watch the soccer game
nor answered your phone.
I went to the beach to look for you.
Seung Ju?
Seung Ju!
Why are you here alone? What about Seung Ju?
Why are you all bloody? That again?
broke up.
Is it for good this time?
You'll cling on to him and make a scene again.
Just stop that now. Okay?
You stop it.
Stop what? What do you want me to stop?
Having feelings for Seung Ju.
Stop that.
Eom Ji already knew everything.
That's nonsense. Who told you that?
Did Seung Ju tell you that?
We need to talk.
What are you doing? Let go of me.
Let go of me! Where are we going?
Tell me. Did Seung Ju tell you that?
Then who told you that nonsense?
Well, this
I thought I was just being sensitive.
I put two and two together after seeing that.
I realized why I was strangely jealous of you.
You know what? He won't be yours just because we broke up.
You got it all wrong.
I know everything.
You tried to split us up.
That's because you clung to him like a leech and made him miserable.
You were absolutely no help to Seung Ju's life!
Then what about you?
He's in bigger danger around you than around me.
You need to stop too.
Let go of Seung Ju.
Why should I do that?
You know,
I'm different from you who will fade away over time.
Then I'll tell Seung Ju about you.
What? Tell him what?
I'll tell him why you're staying by his side.
How dare you try to come between us?
You've done enough! Just get out of our lives!
"Our lives?"
Deuk Chan.
I'm sure you know
Seung Ju doesn't feel the same way as you.
Seung Ju and I were in love once.
That's the difference between you and me.
What did you say?
You're right.
Eom Ji. Get up.
Hey, Eom Ji. I
Eom Ji.
Eom Ji.
Eom Ji.
Eom Ji
(Jae Chan)
Deuk Chan, where are you?
Hey, where's Kim Seung Ju right now?
My friend saw him fighting with Eom Ji at a bar.
Apparently, it was quite serious.
Will they finally break up today?
If I left her body like that,
I thought that you might be framed for my crime.
I just thought no one would know
if I made it look like she committed suicide.
(I'm going to leave now. Thank you for everything. Be well without me.)
(Power off)
Then I realized that the ring on my necklace was gone.
I was always worried
that I couldn't find the ring.
I thought everything would be over if I burned the shirt.
But I just couldn't.
If you were to end up in prison,
I was going to turn myself in right away.
I just
wanted to keep that ring.
I was always envious of her.
I had thought that it was all in my past.
I also found a ring that likely belonged to suspect Kim.
The matching ring he wore with Choi Eom Ji, who died.
It was as if Eom Ji was trying to catch me from running away
and saying there was nowhere else to turn.
I was going to turn myself in.
But I had so many loose ends to take care of.
I wanted to wrap up the loose ends at the agency and with my divorce
before I did that.
That's why I asked Jae Chan to take my place temporarily.
I have a question.
Why did you
kill Eom Ji?
Because I had romantic feelings.
Did you like her too?
I had those feelings
for a very long time.
I didn't want anyone to know.
I didn't want anyone to go through trouble.
I was going to take my feelings to the grave.
I wasn't going to tell anyone.
I'm sorry.
So many people have gotten hurt by this.
An apology won't solve everything.
I know.
things must have been tough on you too.
Do Ha.
Take care.
Are you done talking to him?
Thank you for letting me talk to him.
It's been confirmed that the real culprit
of the Hakcheon Beach Murder Case is the CEO of J Entertainment,
an entertainment agency that manages many famous artists such as Syaon.
This discovery has shocked a lot of people.
The police disclosed
the DNA test results that showed Jo's DNA
found on the deceased's clothes.
Jo's attorney has disclosed that
Jo voluntarily admitted to killing the victim
and coercing his brother to make a false testimony.
("Real Culprit of Hakcheon Beach Murder Case Is Finally Revealed")
(The culprit was the CEO of the agency Kim worked with.)
Let's include an apology letter.
Before we air this week's episode,
let's insert an apology letter in the beginning
about our episode for the Hakcheon Beach Missing Persons Case.
It's not like we said Kim Seung Ju was the culprit.
You got Detective Kwak to come clean about fabricating the case.
No. What Jung Yeon Mi said was true.
I made an innocent guy look guilty.
I should own up to what I did.
(CEO Jo Deuk Chan)
(September 4, 2017, Do Ha's birthday)
Eom Ho.
I'm sorry.
Don't be like this. Get up.
I'm sorry.
When I die,
how am I going to face Eom Ji?
I just told Eom Ji
that it was all okay.
It was my first time seeing a picture of Choi Eom Ji,
but I felt like I knew her well.
Was it because I had heard so much about her?
Why didn't you come in?
How could I go in there with you?
Seeing me might make her uncomfortable.
Then why are you here?
I've only attended a few funerals.
But for some reason, I feel like
she'd hear everything you say in your head here. Don't you agree?
That's why I'm here.
I had something to say to Ms. Choi Eom Ji.
I told you. I didn't drink.
Gosh. I swear, I didn't even have a drop of alcohol.
I have to go.
I'm curious about something.
You said you came here to say something to Eom Ji.
What was it?
Nothing much.
I told her to rest in peace now
and asked her to help you sleep peacefully through the night.
But you know, ever since I became your next-door neighbour,
I haven't seen Eom Ji in my dreams.
That was one of the reasons I decided to stay in Yeonseo-dong.
Perhaps, Ms. Choi Eom Ji did that on purpose.
Because she knew that I'd help you clear your name,
she gave you a sign that you should stay by my side.
Right, maybe.
Hey, don't I look like I've gained a bit of weight?
What? No, not at all.
Gosh, thanks. I really wanted to treat you this time.
Yes, I'm almost there.
I'll be there in ten minutes.
People don't lie these days.
Cho Rok, let's eat this together.
Get out. Go.
I've come to the wrong place.
- Hey. - Ouch, that hurt.
Are you seeing him again?
Oh Baek also runs a business in the area, so he dropped by
You're still calling him so fondly?
That bar!
He said he quit the job at that weird bar in just a day.
I saw it with my own two eyes.
They introduced him as a new bar boy.
Clearly, he knew what he was doing.
Besides, you two were together at the time.
If I were you, I wouldn't even want to see him and would move my store.
I can't believe you're still friendly with him.
- At this rate, you'll sleep with - Gosh, I heard you. Stop.
That's enough. I heard you.
Gosh. Why would I sleep with him?
Come to your senses, friend.
Okay. I know why you're worried.
You don't have to tell me. I know.
Here's your coffee.
My gosh. This is a lot.
- Will this be enough for everyone? - Yes, of course.
One moment, please.
Okay. Could you hold this for me?
- I'll leave it like this. - Sure.
(For Kang Min)
They're heavy. Can you carry them by yourself?
Yes, of course. Easy-peasy.
Thanks for these. I'll be off, then.
- Bye. - Bye.
Since when were you and Mr. Lee Kang Min so close?
Are you going to keep calling him by his first name?
You could just call him Mr. Lee Kang Min.
Did that bother you, my dear Do Ha?
My dear Do Ha. I guess that hurt your feelings.
You should've just told me.
Well, it's just that
You can't spring this on me here.
Why don't you call me "my dear Sol Hee" too?
My dear Sol Hee.
Yes, my dear Do Ha.
My dear Do Ha.
My dear Sol Hee.
It wasn't even one of our cases.
You did such a great job.
Thanks to you, we solved a five-year-old cold case.
The higher-ups are discussing a special promotion for Kang Min.
I think it's happening for sure. Applause!
- Go, Kang Min! - Way to go!
Good for you.
What's going on?
Hey, what's that?
The owner of the tarot café told me to take these for everyone.
- Free coffee? - Thank you.
- Thanks for the coffee. - Thank you.
Oh, wait! This one is
It's Kang Min's.
Thanks for the coffee.
- Enjoy. - Can I take this?
(For Kang Min)
She can't meet me because her job is keeping her too busy.
It makes no sense to me.
Maybe that was her way of sternly rejecting you.
You see, I've never had anyone
who "sternly rejected" me.
In fact, I've never been rejected by anyone.
I want to know the real reason she is rejecting me.
I'm confident that I can convince her
once I find out why she's rejecting me.
I see.
Well, we don't want to waste time,
so the first question should be if she rejected you because
- she found you unattractive. - Right.
I'm confident that she'll say no.
Then where shall we meet?
Syaon has a livestream scheduled for this evening.
We'll be done before 7pm, right?
What? 7pm?
Hey, we'll be done way before that. Don't worry.
We should order something to drink first.
- Excuse me. - No, I'm good.
I have to leave shortly anyway.
I appreciate you showing your interest in me,
but as I mentioned the other day
Is it because
you don't like me?
You don't find me attractive at all as a man?
My gosh, it's not like that.
Gosh, you.
Then stop listing absurd excuses and just tell me the real reason.
Why are you rejecting me? Are you just shy?
- Is that it? - Well
The thing is, I'm swamped with work.
You're cute.
All right. If you're that busy,
we'll hang out from time to time. I'll work around your schedule.
There's a reason I must work very hard.
I have a daughter.
- You have what? - A daughter.
Oh, it is true.
Well, I mean
But you're not married.
That's right. I'm a single mother.
That's okay.
Your daughter must be very pretty if she takes after you.
She takes after her father.
Oh, no. She doesn't take after her mother.
It doesn't matter.
It's not like I know that guy.
Anyway, how did you end up getting pregnant?
I go clubbing every weekend.
- What? - I met him at the club
and had a one-night stand.
You had what?
Goodness. It really is true.
Okay, fine.
You've got a nice body and a pretty face,
so I didn't think you'd be naive.
It's all right.
I like that you're honest.
I got a boob job.
And I underwent full-face plastic surgery.
Nothing you see here is natural.
It's hard as a rock.
I can't move the tip of my nose. It hurts so much.
You need money and patience to undergo plastic surgery,
so I see it as a way of making an effort.
And how you look now is what matters.
You're pretty. Your nose looks natural too.
Also, I rarely shower.
To be honest, I didn't take a shower today either.
My gosh. Is this dandruff? Oh, no.
I bet you thought they were glitter. So did I. But it's dandruff. Oh, no.
You know what? I don't care anymore.
My gosh. I have dandruff too!
That's why I mainly wear white.
The thing is, I don't want people to know that I rarely shower.
That's why I always wear such a thick layer of foundation.
I think it's about 5mm today. Shall I scrape it off and see?
And I wear insoles. They add about 5cm to my height.
I'm so bad at using chopsticks.
You don't need to know how to use chopsticks to eat
You know?
You see,
it's all a lie.
I just don't like you, jerk.
Sol Hee, what is going on here?
I didn't want to cause trouble
because you're the CEO's son.
I hope that got the message across.
It's so hard to earn a living, isn't it?
Min Jae. Wait.
Sol Hee, what is going on?
Min Jae. Are you mad at me because of my joke about chopsticks?
Wait, Min Jae.
Ms. Hunter.
What just happened?
Call Kassandra.
Tell her to give the client a full refund
along with the penalty for breach of contract.
A full refund?
(Hakcheon Missing Persons Case Suspect's Recent Activities)
It's all my fault.
He asked me
to help him meet you.
But I said no.
Sol Hee.
My dear Sol Hee.
Do Ha.
What should I do?
What's wrong? Did something happen?
I can no longer detect lies.
I've been thinking that it was weird.
Even when I was sure that someone was lying,
it sounded like they were being truthful.
I should've known when I noticed it.
Is this the first time?
It's never happened before?
No, never.
The doctor said
the sound of the explosion might have damaged your eardrums.
The doctor said it'd naturally heal with time.
And you didn't mention anything about it,
so I thought it'd be okay.
It doesn't look good. Let's go see a doctor.
When I was little, my dad took me
to every ENT doctor in the country,
but none of them could tell me what was wrong with my ears.
It's not something they can figure out by examining my ears.
Right, you must feel confused and lost.
Something that was so natural to you
suddenly disappeared.
But maybe
there's a good side to this.
Like what?
Now, you can make new friends.
And you don't have to hear lies in crowded places anymore.
Also, you can just appreciate it
when others compliment you.
Maybe, if things were always that way.
But I can't do that.
I feel like I'm constantly being deceived,
and I suspect everyone around me.
It's driving me nuts.
Even your sulky pout is so cute.
That sounds like a lie too.
You said you knew I never lied.
You can't suspect me too.
My ability might suddenly come back,
so lie to me once a day.
Lie to you?
About what?
When you said I was pretty, I could tell you really meant it.
Try saying, "Sol Hee, you're ugly."
Gosh, no. I don't want to.
How could I say that?
Come on. I know it's a lie.
It's okay. Just say it.
Sol Hee.
You're pretty.
- It's okay. Say it just once. - I really can't do it.
- "You're ugly." Say it just once. - I can't.
Come on! Just do it. Say just once that I'm ugly.
You're ugly.
I'm offended.
Come on. You know it's a lie.
Yes, I know.
I'm just not used to this yet.
Hey, Sol Hee.
Even if the ability never comes back,
wouldn't it be nice to live a normal life?
You wanted to live like that too.
You know, the VIP cases
Let's stop accepting new requests.
- What? - What?
But not for good, right?
You're just taking a short break because
you're having trouble channelling the spirit, right?
To tell you the truth, I can't channel the spirit of truth.
The spirit wasn't the reason
I could detect lies.
It was all my ears.
I have something like a lie detector in here,
but it broke.
I mean, you're very different from most shamans.
You never perform any shamanic rituals and don't even pray.
You only respond to lies.
Also, I've never once heard you say
that you could see the spirit. You always said you could hear it.
- Oh, that's true. - Hey. If you knew that,
how come you never said anything?
Well, I just thought you probably had your reason.
I mean,
rather than saying you have a lie detector in your ears,
saying that you're a shaman who serves the spirit of truth
would be easier because people would be more likely to believe it.
My gosh, you're scaring me here.
What? So I'm the only one who had no idea?
Why don't we stop accepting VIP clients
and just run the tarot café?
We can do that, but our numbers will drop significantly.
You'll only get paid your hourly wages.
For this month, you'll get your normal pay.
Think about it and let me know.
I'm in.
I'm done thinking. What about you?
I'm in too. I'm a loyal employee.
Of course, I should stay.
Then lunch is on me.
Then how about a barbecue?
A barbecue? Nice, let's have some beef!
Let's go.
We're ready.
You're sure my face will be blurred, right?
Yes, of course.
You agreed to be on the show on that condition.
Please don't forget to blur my face.
I don't want this to affect my family in any way.
Put your worries to rest.
I'm hungry.
Let's have some gimbap before we get started.
If you don't mind,
I'll make some spicy noodles quickly.
Gimbap won't be enough to fill you up.
That dish you made for us the other day?
My gosh. We'd love that.
- I told you about the noodles. - You said it was good.
Thank you so much.
(Idol Group Audition)
- Excuse me. - Yes.
You know, all the ugly scandals surrounding J Entertainment.
I don't like that your name keeps being brought up.
Aren't you struggling without an agent and a management team?
If you decide to work with us,
we'll provide the best service in the industry.
I'll think about it.
Don't you need a composer?
Why would you suddenly ask about composers?
You know I'm pretty close to Kim Do Ha, don't you?
You'll arrange a meeting with him?
How are you?
You had to leave Yeonseo-dong because of me.
I apologize again for that.
I'm really sorry.
No, I should apologize.
Why should you?
You treated me so well,
and I got the wrong idea about you.
Thanks to your help,
my brother recovered and came home.
Thank you.
What does he do these days?
I'd like to see him.
Ten grand per night?
That's too expensive.
But take a look.
You have a view of the Eiffel Tower.
I thought
I'd like to visit the US.
The US?
The US is nice too.
I had the Korean flag
put up in a San Francisco hotel for a month.
The Korean flag?
This hotel puts up a flag that represents certain guests.
Do you know what kind of guests they hang the flags for?
Lend me your ear.
The guest who spends the most that day.
Good for you.
Shall we look up some videos
that recommend honeymoon destinations?
Oh, dear.
I left my glasses in the car.
(Honeymoon destinations)
(Mountains healed my pain of divorce)
Just a moment.
(Mountains healed my pain of divorce)
(Mountains healed my pain of divorce)
We visited him ten times
and only then did he agree to film.
Oh, you like things like this?
Shall we go camping one day?
I once went camping in Iceland when I studied abroad
Be quiet.
I didn't bring home much money,
but I thought I loved her more than enough.
I found out about her affair
and realized she didn't need my love.
So we broke up.
The fact that
a man can do nothing
(Man in the mountain)
for the love of his life is a great torment.
Let's see.
Tarot lady.
Will you read my fortune?
You wouldn't have known,
but Oh Baek is my ex-boyfriend.
Oh, I see.
we broke up when I caught him working at a shady bar.
While you were dating?
He said he only manned the till and that he quit
as soon as he found out it was shady.
But what woman would believe that?
I guess I'm not a woman.
I want to believe that.
You said the guy I met on the blind date was trash.
Will you read my fortune again?
- What? - I'll believe him
if you tell me to.
Read my fortune.
I can't help you now.
Why not?
I really want to help you,
Is it that hard?
You could just tell me to believe him.
That's what I came here hoping you'd say.
I need to wake up.
- Hi. - Where are you?
Are you in Yeonseo-dong?
Yes. Why?
Let's meet up.
I can't come over to your place.
Shall we meet there?
Why do we never have any customers?
I think
we should put up a sign outside that says
"Americano takeout three dollars."
That'll bring in some people.
As if that would work. Look at the interior.
That's why we need a new look.
We need to be more friendly to the customers too.
Watch how I serve the customer
that just came in.
Welcome, dear customer.
Why are you here?
I'm meeting Do Ha here.
Don't get me wrong.
I moved on,
and it's about work.
Sol Hee.
Do Ha.
You got here first.
She moved on? She hasn't.
She could have.
Stay cool.
Take a seat over there.
Would you like a coffee?
- Yes, please. - Sure.
How have you been?
I've been well. Why did you want to see me?
I met with an agency CEO yesterday.
He wanted to sign me,
so I said I'd recommend someone.
Would you like to meet him?
Just like that?
Deuk Chan did everything for you until now,
but things have changed.
You have no connections at all.
But I have a plan of my own.
What's that?
There are people I'd like to work with.
You'll produce a group?
It's not like that.
I'll tell you when I've worked things out.
Are we rivals, then?
That sounds a bit corny, doesn't it?
I'll walk you to your car.
You could be in danger, like last time.
Who are you?
I'm Syaon's Bodyguard.
I know that.
But I want to know the name your parents gave you.
What for?
You don't want to tell me?
No, I don't mind.
My name is Baek Chi Hoon.
Put in your number.
What number?
Your phone number. Would I need you account number?
Oh, okay.
Thank you.
Here you go.
Are you interested in being my actual bodyguard?
You'll have to quit working here, then.
Can you do a reading for today?
Pay ten dollars in advance.
Do you need a cash receipt?
Let's see.
Pick a card.
The one at the end.
This one?
Gosh. You need to go on a date today.
This card signifies a deepening love.
No way. Shall we head out?
I can't. I have to work.
Go ahead. We have zero customers.
Yes, let's. I picked a great card.
Okay, then.
See you.
Have fun!
I'm not
really needed here, am I?
We don't have many customers,
and it would be better for Ms. Hunter
if she had less wages to pay, right?
If you were to say you quit, she'd be upset.
Would she?
What should I do?
Why? Did you get a nice job offer?
Syaon asked me
to work with her.
The host will enter soon. When they do,
we'd be very grateful if you'd welcome them
with loud applause.
I'll let you be, then.
I thought you never saw a play.
How did you know?
All the dialogue would sound like a lie.
- Am I wrong? - You're right.
Please give a warm hand.
Here come the bride and groom.
How lovely.
Here we have the main characters.
What kind of joke is this?
The wedding rings
are going on both their ring fingers.
Were you startled?
Do you smell it? I apologize.
- Let's - Freeze!
I'm so sorry.
- Thank you. - Thank you.
I'd never been to an actual play.
I'd been to watch one of my friends put up in university,
but everything sounded like a lie,
so I never went to one since.
It was so much fun.
Let's go to a musical next time,
and then see standing comics.
Do Ha.
When did you arrange all this?
To be honest, I talked it out with Kassandra yesterday.
You asked me to lie to you once a day.
It was cute, seeing you get duped for the first time.
Let's get something to eat.
Okay. What do you want?
Pork belly?
Pork belly?
Anything else?
We had that yesterday.
Pasta? Or steak?
Right? That's what I've been craving today.
Okay, then.
I think we should go.
We're the only ones left.
- We are. Let's go. - Yes, let's go.
(Input destination)
Do Ha, they say this is a nice place.
Shall we go there?
Sol Hee, the thing is
I'm really sorry,
but I have to go home.
I just remembered I had to work on something.
Do you?
Is it urgent?
It's not urgent,
but it's getting to me.
I'm sorry I kept you from your work.
Sorry. Let's eat out tomorrow.
Okay, let's do this.
Thinly slice the mushrooms.
Slice the mushrooms.
Dice the onion and garlic.
Dice them well.
Snap the ends off the asparagus.
Don't add too much.
This much is 100g.
It cooks in seven minutes.
We'll crush one.
Crush it, then chop it up.
(Save some noodle broth.)
Add some noodle broth.
The noodle broth isn't added now?
- The parsley. - Parsley.
Chop it up.
Sprinkle it on top.
This is parsley?
What did I just add?
What kind of date ends without dinner?
Is someone downstairs cooking something nice?
I'm starving.
I'm starving to death.
Come over for dinner.
The smell was coming from here.
What's all this?
I lied to surprise you.
Are you angry?
Did you cook all this?
I'm figuring out the positives
of you not hearing lies.
- Let's eat. - Okay.
- Try it. - Okay.
It looks nice.
It's good.
Are you lying?
No. Try it yourself, and you'll know.
How is it?
- It's good. - Isn't it? It's nice.
- Why is it nice? - Didn't you cook it?
I did try hard,
but I didn't think it would be nice.
- It's lovely. - Good.
Try the steak too.
- Okay. - I put in some work.
- It's well-cooked. - Gosh.
- What is this? - I don't know.
At a glance, it might look like a rock.
I can't cut mine.
Eat this piece.
It's good.
It tastes nicer than it looks.
That actress is so pretty.
Do Ha. Who is prettier?
Why would you even ask?
You're prettier, of course.
It's nice that it sounds true.
It is true.
Do Ha.
I think
I'll be okay even if I can't hear lies.
I mean it.
(My Lovely Liar)
When I couldn't hear the lies,
I felt so afraid.
See if I'm telling the truth.
I love you.
Seung Ju.
I'm sorry to make you live as Do Ha.
Hello. I'm Sol Hee's boyfriend Kim Do Ha.
- Like this. - Yes.
I need to see your mom.
I'll announce the winner of the Best Composer Award.
The winner is
Will you marry me?
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