My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e16 Episode Script
The Liar Hunter's Final Task
(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
(Final Episode)
Sol Hee!
What? What's this about?
- Did you watch that? - Watch what?
Your dad. He was on TV.
Why would he be on TV?
I found out about her affair
(Man living in nature)
and realized she didn't need my love.
So we broke up.
- This is Dad? - The fact that
- Gosh. - a man can do nothing
- It's obviously him. - for the love of his life
is a great torment.
Do you know what he said?
Apparently, I had an affair. That's why we got a divorce.
- You didn't then? - What?
You Is that what you think happened too?
Whenever I asked Dad why you guys got a divorce,
he always lied.
And the only thing I found out
was that he saw you walk into a hotel with some guy.
How did he see that?
No. What are you talking about?
He just wanted
to buy me an expensive meal at the hotel buffet.
We only went there to have a meal.
You can hear that I'm telling the truth, right?
Hey, I feel so wronged!
I need to go and see your dad.
Let's say you met with him and cleared up the misunderstanding.
What happens next?
Will you get back together?
Are you crazy?
There's a guy I'm planning to marry.
Then the next time I see Dad,
I'll tell him what really happened. Okay?
It looked like he was having a peaceful life there.
Don't go up there and bother him
unless you want to get back together.
- Mom. - Yes?
Tell me when you get married.
I'll send you a cash gift for the wedding.
Wait. Do you take pictures too?
I must take the prettiest pictures and send them to my daughter.
- Hello. - You're here.
Take this.
You didn't have to buy anything.
You invited me to your house.
I didn't think it was good manners to show up empty-handed.
- Come on in. - Okay.
Excuse me then.
Gosh, that's a great song.
There's no guide track for this yet.
- This is your song. - What?
I told you I would write a song for you.
You turned it down, though.
I was wondering if you had a change of heart.
I see.
I'm really grateful.
But I left my team,
and I'm not working with any agency now.
I won't even have a chance to sing this song.
Young Jae said he would help me write this song.
And I'll be your producer.
So you can release your album in the second half of this year.
What do you think?
- My album? - Yes.
If you're doing this
because you feel bad for what happened before
You're way too humble.
I listened to all of Atlantis' albums.
You were such a good singer that I wanted to listen to
your solo song.
(Dream Villa)
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
I'm sorry. We're closed for the day.
Well, I'm sorry how I acted
the other day.
I was pretty drunk.
You must have been startled.
I would have been frustrated if I were in your shoes too.
I made a decision on my own.
What did you decide?
Cho Rok.
You're here too.
I need to have a serious conversation with you.
I'm sorry, but can you give us some privacy?
Sure. Bye.
I don't want to have any serious conversation with you.
Let's just stay friends
and talk about something light
like other businesses in this area as fellow business owners.
Do you mean that?
Bye, Mr. Bar Owner.
Don't regret that.
Ms. Hwang.
You didn't mean that. Right?
No. I meant it.
Right. Let me pack up some leftover salads.
How could you tell?
What do you mean?
I can't hear people's lies anymore.
How do I know if they're being honest or not?
I just believed what I wanted to believe.
That brought me peace.
I see.
When you believed me that I wasn't the culprit before,
you said you just wanted to believe me.
Just do that.
See if I'm being honest or not.
I love you.
I love you too.
Gosh. Please buy my vegetables. I'll give you a good price.
Did you get stung by a bee again?
What? Yes.
You brought a lot of bracken ferns today.
Gosh, you have ginseng too. They are quite valuable.
- I was lucky. - I see.
Gosh, you did a good job growing them. They're big.
I gave them fertilizer, so they grew well.
You've always done a good job.
- How are your crops? - Gosh.
Goodness, my legs.
Oh, my legs!
- Goodness. I'm sorry. Are you okay? - Oh, my. No, not my crops!
- This is awful. - You have to be more careful
when driving.
Gosh. You're not supposed to sell your crops
on the side of the street.
This is illegal.
You don't pay taxes. You only accept cash. You know?
What's going on?
- Take the money. - Gosh. Thank you.
Here. Take it.
I'm good.
Take it.
(Takeout iced Americano, 2.5 dollars)
(A special discounted package for a tarot card reading and coffee)
- Why don't you pick one first? - Let's see.
- This one? - I want to pick this card.
- That looks good. - I can't see it.
- Which one will it be? - Here are your drinks.
Ms. Hunter.
- Ms. Mok. - Yes.
There's something I have to tell you.
You're here.
- Hey, you have a lot of customers. - Yes.
You said you needed to talk to me. What is it?
What? Nothing.
I'll tell you later. It can wait.
This is good.
That drink is really popular these days.
Come back and have the drink again.
- I won't be coming here again. - What?
we ended up staying friends despite our past.
But I can't be a friend to you anymore.
I came to say goodbye.
Thank you for everything.
I mean it.
I didn't do anything.
I couldn't be there for you when things were tough.
You weren't physically with me, but you had always been with me.
I never stopped thinking about you.
I only thought about getting better, so I could go and see you.
That's what kept me going.
And I got to do that.
Sol Hee.
If we run into each other on the street,
let's smile and say hello.
Kang Min.
Thank you for everything.
What do you think?
Well, it's nice.
But the song is geared toward the vocalist too much.
So we should balance it with more emphasis on the instruments.
No, my vocal part must stand out more during the chorus.
The thing is, your chorus isn't that good.
- I know you practiced. - No.
But it wasn't a huge improvement.
All right. Let's move this part like Young Jae said.
Can you add another instrument there?
- No, not there. Here. - You'll barely hear my voice then.
- No, the instruments must - Let's increase the volume here.
The overall balance of the song is important.
- The overall balance is important. - No.
- Let's do a group cheer. - Okay.
- You got this, Ethan! - You got this, Ethan!
That's enough. Just tell her already.
What if Ms. Hunter cries for real?
What if she tries to stop me from leaving?
What am I going to do then? I'm a softie.
- You're here. - Hey
- Ms. Hunter. - Yes.
I think I need to
quit my job here.
- Why? - Well, the thing is,
Syaon offered me a job to be her bodyguard.
Really? Hey, that's great.
Yes, but
- aren't you sad? - Syaon?
- The singer who sang "Spoiler?" - Yes.
That's so fascinating! Congratulations!
Okay. Thank you.
- Sol Hee. - Yes?
- I have a question. - What is it?
You washed them in the same load, right?
- Then what? - You should separate them.
Separate them how?
White clothes, black clothes,
colored clothes, and towels. Like this.
Gosh. Who separates their laundry into that many groups?
- I can't do it. - I'll do it for you from now on.
- Sure. - Okay.
Did you order something?
I didn't.
It wasn't me either.
Sol Hee!
Oh, no.
- What are we going to do? - What should I do?
- I should hide that first. - Okay.
- Yes. - Oh, no.
- Sol Hee. - Yes?
Can you see me?
Yes, I can. I can see you very clearly.
Hurry up. You should stay in my room for now.
Right. His shoes.
What are you doing here? You didn't even call.
Come on. You know that I never call before visiting you.
You should get used to this.
What are you doing?
Go back to your house. Or go to that man's house.
I just ran away from that man's house.
What? Is something wrong?
I ran away
because I just couldn't bring myself to kiss him.
Gosh. Why are you talking about that here?
Hey, your dad was dressed in such shabby clothes.
But he looked a lot sexier than that guy who covered himself
in designer clothes.
You met Dad?
All he has is money. All your dad has is a handsome face.
Gosh, these two guys are making this so difficult for me.
Then you can meet
a handsome guy who's also rich.
Hey, why would he want to date me unless he's crazy?
He could date any woman he likes.
I thought
your dad and I got a divorce
because I thought he had no affection for me
and was embarrassed that I was an ex-convict.
I couldn't get a decent job
because I was convicted of fraud.
Back then, I thought it was all your fault.
So I hated you.
I thought I would feel better
when I extorted money out of you.
But after realizing why your dad divorced me.
my resentment disappeared. I didn't need any money for it.
When I was young,
I was glued to the railing in the balcony
and wondered when you would come home.
I only waited for the sound of your heels.
Back then, I didn't have any friends.
So I wanted to play with you.
I didn't send you to prison on purpose.
I wouldn't have been able to play with you then.
Hey, you're coming with me tomorrow.
To go where?
I need to talk to your dad in person.
You should go alone.
This is something you two have to talk it out.
I need you there, so your dad doesn't lie to me.
But I haven't been able to hear people's lies lately.
Gosh, forget it.
Let's meet at 10am tomorrow. Okay?
No, Mom, I really can't hear people's lies anymore.
- Okay? - Don't stand me up. Okay?
Meet me at 10am.
Hey, you heard everything. Right?
You should go tomorrow.
If you're there, your parents will be more honest.
If it goes well, they might even make up.
Sol Hee.
You harvested a lot.
What? This is not much.
Mom didn't do it.
What on earth are you talking about?
she did enter a hotel with another man.
But they left after having a meal.
Did your mother put you up to this?
To find me and tell me her excuse?
Nothing will change.
It's true that she went to the hotel because of money.
Since you're here, have some noodles before you go.
This is unfair!
You told everyone you got a divorce because I cheated on you.
And you're playing the victim.
This isn't fair for me.
Coming here to see me
will give the wrong idea to the man you're dating now.
Go back down. And live happily with that guy.
Did he mean that?
Why are you using her like a lie detector?
She has to listen to people's lies to make a living.
Don't you even pity her?
I'm the most pitiful person in the world right now.
I got sick and tired of living a poor life with you.
So I dated dozens of rich men.
But I'm here again!
Yet, again,
I found you and came to see you
when your life is the definition of poverty.
So I pity myself the most for being so stupid like this!
- Mom! - I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, you jerk!
Do you think you can live here?
You'll see bugs all the time.
You can't even take a warm shower in the morning.
You can't get your favorite food, pork belly, delivered either.
I can buy you a small apartment.
No. I'm not taking anything from you.
See? You're living like this because you have too much pride.
Do you know why you're living here?
What? Nature healed you?
Gosh, don't be ridiculous.
You just ran away!
It's because you didn't think
you could live a good life like other people.
Because you're ashamed and feel small compared to other people,
you're living your life in hiding like this!
You're the last person to judge me!
You deceived goodhearted people and scammed them!
You mooch off rich men as if you have no pride.
I'd rather live like this than live like you.
Gosh, stop it.
I can't hear people's lies anymore.
So everything you're saying sounds sincere to me.
I'm really upset. So stop fighting.
- Sol Hee. - Why do you say
hurtful things to each other?
Why are you treating each other more harshly?
Do Ha.
It was so scary.
I couldn't hear their lies at all.
So they could have meant everything they said.
A lot of people don't know how they really feel.
Sometimes, they say things, not knowing
if they mean it or not.
Sometimes, they know they're not being honest as they speak.
So they regret saying such things.
I'm sure your parents didn't mean what they said.
I went there, thinking things might work out between them.
But I couldn't have been more wrong.
But good job.
I'm glad you went.
Aren't you hungry?
The police
decided not to detain you while investigating your case, right?
I'm going to comply with the police and pay for what I did.
I'm selling the house where I used to live
because I like this place better.
This apartment reminds me
of the place where we lived when you were little.
I was thinking the same thing.
You were always very mature even when you were little.
You rarely stressed me out while growing up.
You never once caused trouble when you were in school
and always got good grades without me telling you to study.
You were a good son,
but I was not a good mother.
You were a cool mom
who was good at her job.
I wonder what our lives would've been like
if I were an ordinary mother who visited you once in a while
to fill your fridge with food.
That does not suit you.
You know, Mother.
I'm seeing someone.
I know.
I saw her face, although it was from afar.
When there was some kind of festival in this neighborhood.
You seemed really happy.
I didn't want to disturb you, so I just left quietly.
Don't make her uncomfortable by telling her to meet me now.
If you two decide to get married, then you can introduce me to her.
Seung Ju.
I'm sorry I made you live as Do Ha.
I should get going.
- Okay. - Oh, right.
What's her name?
I should know her name, at least.
Sol Hee.
Her name is Mok Sol Hee.
All right. I'll remember that.
Will this be enough?
Oh, Dad.
Come on in.
- Take a seat. - Hey.
Is it true that you can't detect lies anymore?
Are you all right?
I've gotten used to it.
Although I had a hard time when you and Mom were fighting.
Sorry about that.
Mom said she thought you lost all your affection for her
because she was an ex-con.
That's why she said she wanted a divorce.
I got the wrong idea when I saw her walking into a hotel,
and she misunderstood where I was coming from.
My goodness.
Mom doesn't seem happy at all these days.
She's about to marry a man she doesn't even love.
Stop her, Dad.
That day, she went to see you hoping to reconcile with you.
Even if we get back together, we'll split up again.
I don't have a knack for earning money,
but for your mother,
nothing's more important than money.
Don't worry about us. Just focus on your own life.
Now that you can no longer detect lies,
you can try to find joy and happiness in the mundane.
What about you, Dad? Are you happy?
Of course, I am happy.
That's not a lie, is it?
This feels so weird.
This is my first time hearing you ask such a question.
(CEO Sa Ji On)
Oh, this.
- It means nothing. - Sorry?
I have shares in the company,
so I was somehow appointed the CEO of the company.
But I'm an artist, you see.
I have no interest in running the company,
nor do I have a knack for it.
I'm like a puppet CEO.
I'm relieved to hear this because you were born to be a singer.
Anyway, you already quit your job at the cafe?
Oh, no. I don't know when I'm going to release my next album.
- Pardon me? - Well, that's okay.
You can start working right away.
But you're taking a hiatus at the moment.
What's there for me to do?
The practice room, the recording studio, the gym, and home.
That's where you can find me these days,
but some weirdos keep following me around.
They even take weird photos of me and post them.
From now on, I'll stay right by your side and protect you.
Don't worry about a thing.
I have to say, this place feels empty without Chi Hoon.
I know. I agree, Ms. Hunter.
But I'm no longer the Liar Hunter.
Don't you think it sounds weird that you keep calling me "Ms. Hunter?"
Well, you keep calling me Kassandra too.
Come on. It's no big deal.
Sol Hee.
Oh, hello.
I must
meet your mother.
Hi, Mom. Where are you?
Me? I'm in the middle of selecting my wedding dress right now.
Hey, can you meet me
at the cafe at Palace Hotel at 7pm today?
The man I'm marrying wants to meet you.
He said he'd bring his sister too.
Why should I meet them?
Besides, I can no longer detect lies.
- Actually, Mom - Just come!
They want to meet you.
Drop by, even for just five minutes.
- Okay? See you then. - Mom.
Well, you should just go there with your father.
Face the problem head-on.
Go there with Dad?
Sol Hee.
Oh, say hi. This is my dad.
Hello! It's nice to meet you.
I'm Kim Do Ha, Sol Hee's boyfriend.
Oh, I see. Nice to meet you.
You're handsome.
Do Ha, can you help me?
Yellow will brighten his complexion.
Is it too bright?
How about pale blue? It'll look refreshing.
Oh, let's see. That's nice.
What do you think?
No. A jacket will make him look more dashing.
- How about this navy jacket? - Oh, I like this suit.
Is this too dark?
Then how about this jacket
- With this shirt? - and this white shirt?
Yes, they look nice together.
The colors look great on him.
Dad, what do you think? Look.
Forget it. This doesn't suit me.
The size is perfect for you. You'll look dashing in these.
- Yes. - Try these on.
Aren't these clothes very expensive?
No. Hurry up and try them on.
- But My goodness. - Try them on.
Can I have the comb, please?
Thank you. The scissors too.
Sir, I'll give you a bold cut.
Oh, my.
Where did you learn to do this?
Oh, my mom ran a hair salon in the neighborhood where I grew up.
So I watched what she did and picked up the skills.
Sol Hee, come here for a moment.
What's up?
Which one's the prettiest?
Great idea. I felt like something was missing.
I think your mother will like a fancy design.
This one is really pretty.
But my mom won't like it.
My mom will prefer something bigger.
Something glamorous.
- This one's nice too. - Yes.
My goodness.
Hey, this is not good.
We should just be honest with her.
- No. - Why not?
If I tell her I've been divorced, she'll ask me why I got a divorce
and keep bugging me.
Besides, I never registered my marriage certificate.
So on paper,
- I've never been married. You know? - Goodness. You're being ridiculous.
Hyang Sook! Have a seat here.
This is my sister.
Hello, I'm Cha Hyang Sook.
Hello, it's nice to meet you.
- Please have a seat. - Thank you.
Now, it's hitting me
that we are becoming a family.
By the way, where's your daughter?
Oh, she'll be here shortly.
She said she'd be here soon.
- I see. - Okay.
You picked the right woman. Goodness.
She seems nice.
Isn't she a good catch?
Yes, you picked a good one this time.
- I did a good job, right? - Yes, well done.
My goodness.
- Isn't she pretty? - Yes.
- She seems like a nice, quiet lady. - Right?
This is the best decision you've ever made.
- Aren't you proud of me? - Yes, I am.
Here's your Americano.
Here's your lemon tea.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Have some tea. - Thank you.
This is why it's nice to order the same thing
- for everyone. - Yes, totally.
It's a hassle to deal with servers asking you what's for who.
When your daughter gets here, let's go have some beef.
There's a steak house across the street.
They dry-age their meats. It's to die for.
Sure, sounds good.
You see, I really don't need anything.
I just want to see the two of you live a happy life together.
But I have a favor to ask.
When I go on a trip with my family,
could you take care of my Min Soo?
Min Soo?
- Yes, he's her cat. A Persian cat. - Yes.
This is ridiculous!
What was that?
She's allergic to cats.
What? Who is this man?
Are you talking to us?
She hates sour stuff, so she doesn't even put vinegar in her naengmyeon.
How could you order lemon tea for her?
And what? Dry aging? Forget it.
She likes pork better than beef.
Pork belly!
- My gosh. What is going on here? - He knows nothing about you.
You're going to marry this man?
Hyang Sook, who is he?
Why are you here?
How dare you show up here?
- My gosh. - What's happening?
I came here to save you.
What on earth is he saying?
Instead of marrying a man like him,
you should just marry me again.
Marry me.
No, I don't want to get back together with you!
I don't want to get back together with you!
Well done. You made the right choice.
That's a lie, Mom.
You do want to go back to Dad.
Without you, I have no choice but to live like this.
Please save me.
My gosh!
Oh, dear. I knew this would happen, you fool.
Just stay single.
Come with me!
- Wait, sister. - Come on.
(My Dear Do Ha)
Well done, Sol Hee.
- That must've been stressful. - Yes.
I was getting used to it, but it all came back.
I'm no longer sure if this is a good thing. I don't know what to think.
What's wrong with me?
It's natural to feel that way.
Anyone would feel that way.
Where are you?
I'm almost home.
I miss you.
I'll stay up to wait for you. Hurry home.
Drive safely.
(My Dear Do Ha)
You really got the ability back?
You're pretty! You're prettier than me.
Hey. What the
So it really is true.
Hold on. Does it mean we can start accepting VIP clients again?
No, I just want to run the cafe as it is now.
Whether I can hear them or not,
I want to just ignore them from now on.
Well, if you want to work with a real shaman,
you can find another job.
No, I'll just stay here.
Really? Why?
That's because
I like working with you, Ms. Hunter.
Is that right,
Ye Seul?
Sol Hee.
I can't believe it!
When you sing that part, you have to make it sound more rhythmical.
Stay on the beat until the end.
Okay, got it.
We'll try that again.
It's much better, right?
Yes, it sounds much nicer.
I liked that. What do you think?
Can I try it just once more?
- Once more? - I think I can do a better job.
All right, then.
All right.
My, this is perfect for breakfast.
You have to watch what you eat, so I picked something light.
- It's good. - Yes, this is tasty.
I'm worried.
Oh, because of myself, not you.
You wrote such a great song. What if it doesn't do well because of me?
Gosh, you're at it again.
Hey, just eat this.
Be quiet, will you?
Ethan, it looks like you need a confidence boost
before your album comes out.
Go climb a mountain and yell at the top of your lungs.
You should just kill it!
You always let them go.
They think you're letting them out for a walk, so they all come back.
They're living things too. How could I kill them?
Oh, you're that writer. What brings you here?
Oh, I'm
My gosh. Hello.
I'm the writer of the show, "I Live in Nature."
Well, I'm here because
You know, the spicy noodles you made for us the last time.
I came back for more.
You came all the way here on this hot day just for the noodles?
If you sell it, you'll make a fortune.
You see, I've worked on many shows about discovering good restaurants.
I'm telling you. I've never had such delicious spicy noodles.
I gave you the recipe that day.
Right, I tried following the recipe, but it didn't taste the same.
Goodness. Write it down.
One spoon of gochujang and
Sorry. Do you really think we'll make a fortune
if we sell it?
- Here. - Thanks.
This is what's been keeping me busy.
My gosh. Well done.
I'm a little worried.
He put his faith in me and worked so hard.
What if his album doesn't do well?
I'll know once I take a listen.
I've been a jazz musician for 20 years. You can't fool my ears.
Shall we listen to it now?
Listen to it when you're alone.
I will, but I want to listen to it now too.
No, I'm embarrassed.
Goodness. Don't be.
My gosh. Why are you embarrassed?
You won't stop me now?
No, I won't.
("Ethan Makes His Solo Debut")
("Born Out of Collaboration With Songwriter Kim Do Ha")
("Ethan's 'Fireworks' Staying at Number 1 for 3 Consecutive Weeks")
("Fireworks" by Ethan)
(Yeonseo Bakery)
The 2024 KMA.
The show is already nearing its end.
My gosh. Already?
Yes. The highlight of the Korea Music Awards still remains.
We will now announce the winner of the Best Composer Award.
Artist Syaon will present the award.
Please welcome her with a big round of applause.
Hello, I'm Syaon.
Syaon, it's been a really long time.
Could you briefly tell us what you've been up to?
I've been studying music
and working on my new album
while catching up on sleep and eating well.
When I was busy promoting my previous albums,
I wasn't sure what to do
and what I should show you
Oh? Ms. Hunter.
Why are you so late?
This way, please.
I must say, it suits you.
Well, I'm a truly successful fan.
A successful fan?
I can admire my star while working.
Let's go.
Please look forward to my future endeavors too.
All right. The 2024 KMA Awards.
I will now announce the winner of the Best Composer Award.
The winner is
Kim Do Ha. Congratulations.
Yes, congratulations.
Kim Do Ha has led Ethan's first album
and single to great success,
- Thank you. - and he has won this award
for two consecutive years.
No one else has accomplished this at the Korean Music Awards.
Congratulations on winning the award.
Thank you.
To be honest,
Kim Do Ha is a made-up name that I used to hide from this world.
When I was hiding behind my name,
I didn't know that a moment like this would occur to me.
Come to think of it, life is a process
of trying to believe in the things that are hard to believe.
Trusting that our dreams will come true
and that love will last forever.
Stuff like that.
Music gave me this award, but someone's trust
allowed me to come up here to accept this award.
I will share my joy of winning this award
with the person whom I love,
who trusted me more than I trusted myself.
Thank you.
Gosh. This trophy is so pretty.
How pretty.
- What? - You're really pretty.
Come on.
We met a few hours ago. What are you saying?
How could you become even prettier in just a few hours?
That's enough.
Since when were you two a thing?
Us? It's been 580 days.
What? Has it really been that long?
It has only been a week since we started dating again,
but we had originally broken up on day 573.
To be exact, 573 days and 12 hours have passed.
Why are you so detailed?
Look at how sweet he is. Two drumsticks.
You should learn from him.
Hey, I didn't tell you this yet, did I?
My uncle owns a cottage in Donghae.
What do you think of going on a couple trip together?
- I'm down. - Me too.
- That sounds nice. I'm down. - I'm in.
I'm down.
It's a "couple" trip.
You're single.
What do you think of participating in "Single Alone?"
- What? - "Single Alone."
- That sounds like a good idea. - It suits your image.
- That's a good idea. - I can't do that.
Everyone in the country will be able to see my face.
No. Never.
Why not? You're handsome.
- He's right. - Yes.
What part of me is handsome?
Your eyebrows are cool.
- Yes, your eyebrows are handsome. - Yes.
- Your eyebrows are cool. Yes. - Yes.
- Goodness. - Oh, my.
- Gosh. - Amazing!
- Gosh. - Goodness!
He has a nice chin too.
Let's film a support video ahead of time.
Let's do it.
Please give Kwang Soo lots of love,
and I hope you find a nice partner.
He's good at eating jjajangmyeon.
Please contact him for the "Single Since Birth" special.
- Yes, he has attractive eyebrows. - He's handsome.
- Good luck. Let's get married! - He's attractive.
That's good enough.
Then should we congratulate him
- on his marriage ahead of time? - Yes, we should.
- Congratulations on your marriage! - On your marriage!
- Congratulations. - Thanks.
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
Gosh. This feels nice.
Cho Rok.
Congratulations on getting back together with Oh Baek.
Gosh. Please.
I'm not quite sure about it yet. I don't know if this is right.
Well, if you need any help, let me know.
What can you do to help? Tell me.
What can you do?
But I just want to follow my heart now.
How nice!
Do you want to grab something to eat tomorrow with me and Ethan?
I have something to do tomorrow. Sorry.
I see. What is it?
There's someone I didn't get to mention during my acceptance speech.
I saw you on TV.
I like your song.
There was something I really wanted to tell you.
That day
You know
On the day of the happening with Eom Ji.
I looked at Eom Ji's phone
to send a text to Eom Ho.
There was a text that Eom Ji had typed up
to send to you.
To me?
(Seung Ju)
Seung Ju,
there were not a lot of good things
about my life.
It was cold, dark,
and hopeless like this night sea.
I always thought the sea was black,
but after meeting you,
I realized that it was blue.
I'm not dying because you left me.
I was able to survive thanks to you.
I hope you don't blame yourself.
I want you to forget about everything and be happy.
I mean it.
She only had thankful things to say about you.
She really wanted you to be happy.
really wanted to tell you that.
Thank you.
Behind you
In front of you
Full tank. What?
I've only been seeing your face in the news. It's nice to see you
in person after a while.
Goodness. I can't believe
you're working here after doing all of that. Gosh.
Do you have enough money for food?
Did you eat yet? Gosh.
- Gosh. - What a nice car.
- You punk. - But shouldn't you sell this car?
You should just worry about not plagiarizing, you punk.
My gosh. You punk. What?
That punk.
Hey, I'm Park Moo Jin, you punk!
Hey, give me the receipt! This is a corporate credit card, you punk!
- Excuse me. - Yes?
Can we get three glasses of iced Americanos?
- Three? - Yes.
Three iced Americanos.
Three Americanos.
Are you the Liar Hunter?
Yes, I am.
But I don't work as a Liar Hunter anymore. It's been a while.
I know that.
But my daughter-in-law is a bit strange.
Can you meet her just once, please?
I beg of you.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
- Thank you. - Please come again.
Shouldn't you send a notice to everyone?
- A notice? - To the VIPs,
saying you're not a Liar Hunter anymore.
I think you should call them
or email them to explain.
I still receive calls from people,
begging to meet you.
They even offered to pay double or triple the amount.
Do you know how hard it is to say no?
Look at what my fans made.
(Syaon and Her Bodyguard's Chemistry)
We must look good together.
Some people even think you're my boyfriend.
- Isn't that funny? - Yes, I guess.
It's funny.
- It's funny? - Gosh.
How could I even dare to be involved with you like that?
Of course, it's funny.
Why can't you?
Please don't make jokes like that.
- You're so cute. - Sorry?
I said you're cute.
Sir, when will the noodles be ready?
Right. Please wait just a little bit.
Here. I have 2 regular sizes and 1 large.
- Thank you for waiting. - Thank you.
- Dad, I'm here. - Hey, Sol Hee.
- Enjoy. - Mom.
Goodness, you're here.
Where's Do Ha?
What do you mean?
I came by myself on purpose.
You should've come with him.
Hello, I have a quick delivery.
- A quick delivery? - Yes.
Yes, thank you.
What is that?
Do Ha sent something again.
"Father and Mother,"
"I'm sending you this because it's good for controlling blood sugar."
"Always stay healthy. From Kim Do Ha."
Honey. Try it.
- How does it taste? - It's supposed to be good for you.
Send my congratulations to my son-in-law
for receiving his award.
What do you mean by "son-in-law?"
Has he not asked to marry you yet?
What are you saying?
Who would get married this early?
If you're going to, just get it done quickly.
He's so handsome and competent.
You don't want another woman to take him away.
She's right. His looks are on another level.
Can we get more kimchi?
Yes, coming right up!
- Here's the kimchi. - You can just rest.
I'll help.
When will the food be ready?
One moment, please!
You should've gone with me. Why did you go alone?
If you were to go
Never mind.
Do Ha, why are you smiling?
Are you glad that Manchester United is losing?
When did I smile?
See? You're smiling even now.
This is why we shouldn't watch derby matches together.
But why is today's match so boring?
No one has scored yet.
Do you just want to go to sleep?
You look like you're about to fall asleep.
Gosh, that person is sitting super close.
He can probably see the players' pores.
I wonder how it feels to watch a match in those seats.
Should we go to a match too?
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
Hey, you're here.
What is this?
Sol Hee.
I'll stay by your side for the rest of my life.
I'll be someone you can trust.
Will you
marry me?
I love you.
Thank you.
Right. There's one more thing.
What is it?
Do Ha. What is this?
I wanted to go with you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- I love you. - I love you.
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
Hello, I am the Liar Hunter.
I would like to sincerely thank all the people
who have been my clients.
First of all, the VIP service
has been discontinued.
I'm here for a case.
Who's my client?
That's a lie.
- What - Gosh.
Up until now, I've been making money by listening to lies.
Will you marry me?
But I have honestly been in a dilemma.
Just this once.
For some lies were heartbreaking
and some lies
Just seeing you eat fills me up.
were beautiful.
Kang Min, why are you smiling all of a sudden?
Look in front of you. You don't know when the suspect will show up.
Yes, sir.
(He is eating jjajangmyeon by himself.)
Gosh. He's eating by himself.
What is he doing?
He shouldn't have revealed his salary
when he first introduced himself.
I know, right? And he should've dressed better.
I gave a vote to Young Sook.
Why didn't she give me one back?
(Tears end up falling from his face.)
Can't he approach someone else other than Young Sook?
But anyone can tell that she doesn't like him.
- Yes. - Only he likes her.
- What are you doing? - What's wrong?
I don't think I can date anyone.
Hey, there were people who thought you were attractive
after watching the show.
- Really? - My aunts think you're great.
My gosh! You're so annoying.
That is why I am quitting.
A person's heart
is as deep and mysterious as the sea,
so no one can truly tell
what's inside just by knowing whether they're lying or not.
Do Ha, do you know that?
People think we're like a fox and rabbit.
- Who? - Just everyone we know.
Then I must be the rabbit.
Why are you the rabbit? I'm the rabbit.
Sometimes, you're like a fox.
- When? - Even now. You look like a fox.
- I look like a fox? - Yes.
You look like a fox though.
I'll be the fox then. You can be the rabbit.
Fine. Let's do that.
People have reached out to me for many reasons.
But I have decided not to use this ability anymore.
It used to be my job to find the truth for people.
But rather than focusing on the truth,
I want to focus on the things that I trust and love.
Thank you for everything.
From the Liar Hunter.
(My Lovely Liar)
(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
(Final Episode)
Sol Hee!
What? What's this about?
- Did you watch that? - Watch what?
Your dad. He was on TV.
Why would he be on TV?
I found out about her affair
(Man living in nature)
and realized she didn't need my love.
So we broke up.
- This is Dad? - The fact that
- Gosh. - a man can do nothing
- It's obviously him. - for the love of his life
is a great torment.
Do you know what he said?
Apparently, I had an affair. That's why we got a divorce.
- You didn't then? - What?
You Is that what you think happened too?
Whenever I asked Dad why you guys got a divorce,
he always lied.
And the only thing I found out
was that he saw you walk into a hotel with some guy.
How did he see that?
No. What are you talking about?
He just wanted
to buy me an expensive meal at the hotel buffet.
We only went there to have a meal.
You can hear that I'm telling the truth, right?
Hey, I feel so wronged!
I need to go and see your dad.
Let's say you met with him and cleared up the misunderstanding.
What happens next?
Will you get back together?
Are you crazy?
There's a guy I'm planning to marry.
Then the next time I see Dad,
I'll tell him what really happened. Okay?
It looked like he was having a peaceful life there.
Don't go up there and bother him
unless you want to get back together.
- Mom. - Yes?
Tell me when you get married.
I'll send you a cash gift for the wedding.
Wait. Do you take pictures too?
I must take the prettiest pictures and send them to my daughter.
- Hello. - You're here.
Take this.
You didn't have to buy anything.
You invited me to your house.
I didn't think it was good manners to show up empty-handed.
- Come on in. - Okay.
Excuse me then.
Gosh, that's a great song.
There's no guide track for this yet.
- This is your song. - What?
I told you I would write a song for you.
You turned it down, though.
I was wondering if you had a change of heart.
I see.
I'm really grateful.
But I left my team,
and I'm not working with any agency now.
I won't even have a chance to sing this song.
Young Jae said he would help me write this song.
And I'll be your producer.
So you can release your album in the second half of this year.
What do you think?
- My album? - Yes.
If you're doing this
because you feel bad for what happened before
You're way too humble.
I listened to all of Atlantis' albums.
You were such a good singer that I wanted to listen to
your solo song.
(Dream Villa)
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
I'm sorry. We're closed for the day.
Well, I'm sorry how I acted
the other day.
I was pretty drunk.
You must have been startled.
I would have been frustrated if I were in your shoes too.
I made a decision on my own.
What did you decide?
Cho Rok.
You're here too.
I need to have a serious conversation with you.
I'm sorry, but can you give us some privacy?
Sure. Bye.
I don't want to have any serious conversation with you.
Let's just stay friends
and talk about something light
like other businesses in this area as fellow business owners.
Do you mean that?
Bye, Mr. Bar Owner.
Don't regret that.
Ms. Hwang.
You didn't mean that. Right?
No. I meant it.
Right. Let me pack up some leftover salads.
How could you tell?
What do you mean?
I can't hear people's lies anymore.
How do I know if they're being honest or not?
I just believed what I wanted to believe.
That brought me peace.
I see.
When you believed me that I wasn't the culprit before,
you said you just wanted to believe me.
Just do that.
See if I'm being honest or not.
I love you.
I love you too.
Gosh. Please buy my vegetables. I'll give you a good price.
Did you get stung by a bee again?
What? Yes.
You brought a lot of bracken ferns today.
Gosh, you have ginseng too. They are quite valuable.
- I was lucky. - I see.
Gosh, you did a good job growing them. They're big.
I gave them fertilizer, so they grew well.
You've always done a good job.
- How are your crops? - Gosh.
Goodness, my legs.
Oh, my legs!
- Goodness. I'm sorry. Are you okay? - Oh, my. No, not my crops!
- This is awful. - You have to be more careful
when driving.
Gosh. You're not supposed to sell your crops
on the side of the street.
This is illegal.
You don't pay taxes. You only accept cash. You know?
What's going on?
- Take the money. - Gosh. Thank you.
Here. Take it.
I'm good.
Take it.
(Takeout iced Americano, 2.5 dollars)
(A special discounted package for a tarot card reading and coffee)
- Why don't you pick one first? - Let's see.
- This one? - I want to pick this card.
- That looks good. - I can't see it.
- Which one will it be? - Here are your drinks.
Ms. Hunter.
- Ms. Mok. - Yes.
There's something I have to tell you.
You're here.
- Hey, you have a lot of customers. - Yes.
You said you needed to talk to me. What is it?
What? Nothing.
I'll tell you later. It can wait.
This is good.
That drink is really popular these days.
Come back and have the drink again.
- I won't be coming here again. - What?
we ended up staying friends despite our past.
But I can't be a friend to you anymore.
I came to say goodbye.
Thank you for everything.
I mean it.
I didn't do anything.
I couldn't be there for you when things were tough.
You weren't physically with me, but you had always been with me.
I never stopped thinking about you.
I only thought about getting better, so I could go and see you.
That's what kept me going.
And I got to do that.
Sol Hee.
If we run into each other on the street,
let's smile and say hello.
Kang Min.
Thank you for everything.
What do you think?
Well, it's nice.
But the song is geared toward the vocalist too much.
So we should balance it with more emphasis on the instruments.
No, my vocal part must stand out more during the chorus.
The thing is, your chorus isn't that good.
- I know you practiced. - No.
But it wasn't a huge improvement.
All right. Let's move this part like Young Jae said.
Can you add another instrument there?
- No, not there. Here. - You'll barely hear my voice then.
- No, the instruments must - Let's increase the volume here.
The overall balance of the song is important.
- The overall balance is important. - No.
- Let's do a group cheer. - Okay.
- You got this, Ethan! - You got this, Ethan!
That's enough. Just tell her already.
What if Ms. Hunter cries for real?
What if she tries to stop me from leaving?
What am I going to do then? I'm a softie.
- You're here. - Hey
- Ms. Hunter. - Yes.
I think I need to
quit my job here.
- Why? - Well, the thing is,
Syaon offered me a job to be her bodyguard.
Really? Hey, that's great.
Yes, but
- aren't you sad? - Syaon?
- The singer who sang "Spoiler?" - Yes.
That's so fascinating! Congratulations!
Okay. Thank you.
- Sol Hee. - Yes?
- I have a question. - What is it?
You washed them in the same load, right?
- Then what? - You should separate them.
Separate them how?
White clothes, black clothes,
colored clothes, and towels. Like this.
Gosh. Who separates their laundry into that many groups?
- I can't do it. - I'll do it for you from now on.
- Sure. - Okay.
Did you order something?
I didn't.
It wasn't me either.
Sol Hee!
Oh, no.
- What are we going to do? - What should I do?
- I should hide that first. - Okay.
- Yes. - Oh, no.
- Sol Hee. - Yes?
Can you see me?
Yes, I can. I can see you very clearly.
Hurry up. You should stay in my room for now.
Right. His shoes.
What are you doing here? You didn't even call.
Come on. You know that I never call before visiting you.
You should get used to this.
What are you doing?
Go back to your house. Or go to that man's house.
I just ran away from that man's house.
What? Is something wrong?
I ran away
because I just couldn't bring myself to kiss him.
Gosh. Why are you talking about that here?
Hey, your dad was dressed in such shabby clothes.
But he looked a lot sexier than that guy who covered himself
in designer clothes.
You met Dad?
All he has is money. All your dad has is a handsome face.
Gosh, these two guys are making this so difficult for me.
Then you can meet
a handsome guy who's also rich.
Hey, why would he want to date me unless he's crazy?
He could date any woman he likes.
I thought
your dad and I got a divorce
because I thought he had no affection for me
and was embarrassed that I was an ex-convict.
I couldn't get a decent job
because I was convicted of fraud.
Back then, I thought it was all your fault.
So I hated you.
I thought I would feel better
when I extorted money out of you.
But after realizing why your dad divorced me.
my resentment disappeared. I didn't need any money for it.
When I was young,
I was glued to the railing in the balcony
and wondered when you would come home.
I only waited for the sound of your heels.
Back then, I didn't have any friends.
So I wanted to play with you.
I didn't send you to prison on purpose.
I wouldn't have been able to play with you then.
Hey, you're coming with me tomorrow.
To go where?
I need to talk to your dad in person.
You should go alone.
This is something you two have to talk it out.
I need you there, so your dad doesn't lie to me.
But I haven't been able to hear people's lies lately.
Gosh, forget it.
Let's meet at 10am tomorrow. Okay?
No, Mom, I really can't hear people's lies anymore.
- Okay? - Don't stand me up. Okay?
Meet me at 10am.
Hey, you heard everything. Right?
You should go tomorrow.
If you're there, your parents will be more honest.
If it goes well, they might even make up.
Sol Hee.
You harvested a lot.
What? This is not much.
Mom didn't do it.
What on earth are you talking about?
she did enter a hotel with another man.
But they left after having a meal.
Did your mother put you up to this?
To find me and tell me her excuse?
Nothing will change.
It's true that she went to the hotel because of money.
Since you're here, have some noodles before you go.
This is unfair!
You told everyone you got a divorce because I cheated on you.
And you're playing the victim.
This isn't fair for me.
Coming here to see me
will give the wrong idea to the man you're dating now.
Go back down. And live happily with that guy.
Did he mean that?
Why are you using her like a lie detector?
She has to listen to people's lies to make a living.
Don't you even pity her?
I'm the most pitiful person in the world right now.
I got sick and tired of living a poor life with you.
So I dated dozens of rich men.
But I'm here again!
Yet, again,
I found you and came to see you
when your life is the definition of poverty.
So I pity myself the most for being so stupid like this!
- Mom! - I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, you jerk!
Do you think you can live here?
You'll see bugs all the time.
You can't even take a warm shower in the morning.
You can't get your favorite food, pork belly, delivered either.
I can buy you a small apartment.
No. I'm not taking anything from you.
See? You're living like this because you have too much pride.
Do you know why you're living here?
What? Nature healed you?
Gosh, don't be ridiculous.
You just ran away!
It's because you didn't think
you could live a good life like other people.
Because you're ashamed and feel small compared to other people,
you're living your life in hiding like this!
You're the last person to judge me!
You deceived goodhearted people and scammed them!
You mooch off rich men as if you have no pride.
I'd rather live like this than live like you.
Gosh, stop it.
I can't hear people's lies anymore.
So everything you're saying sounds sincere to me.
I'm really upset. So stop fighting.
- Sol Hee. - Why do you say
hurtful things to each other?
Why are you treating each other more harshly?
Do Ha.
It was so scary.
I couldn't hear their lies at all.
So they could have meant everything they said.
A lot of people don't know how they really feel.
Sometimes, they say things, not knowing
if they mean it or not.
Sometimes, they know they're not being honest as they speak.
So they regret saying such things.
I'm sure your parents didn't mean what they said.
I went there, thinking things might work out between them.
But I couldn't have been more wrong.
But good job.
I'm glad you went.
Aren't you hungry?
The police
decided not to detain you while investigating your case, right?
I'm going to comply with the police and pay for what I did.
I'm selling the house where I used to live
because I like this place better.
This apartment reminds me
of the place where we lived when you were little.
I was thinking the same thing.
You were always very mature even when you were little.
You rarely stressed me out while growing up.
You never once caused trouble when you were in school
and always got good grades without me telling you to study.
You were a good son,
but I was not a good mother.
You were a cool mom
who was good at her job.
I wonder what our lives would've been like
if I were an ordinary mother who visited you once in a while
to fill your fridge with food.
That does not suit you.
You know, Mother.
I'm seeing someone.
I know.
I saw her face, although it was from afar.
When there was some kind of festival in this neighborhood.
You seemed really happy.
I didn't want to disturb you, so I just left quietly.
Don't make her uncomfortable by telling her to meet me now.
If you two decide to get married, then you can introduce me to her.
Seung Ju.
I'm sorry I made you live as Do Ha.
I should get going.
- Okay. - Oh, right.
What's her name?
I should know her name, at least.
Sol Hee.
Her name is Mok Sol Hee.
All right. I'll remember that.
Will this be enough?
Oh, Dad.
Come on in.
- Take a seat. - Hey.
Is it true that you can't detect lies anymore?
Are you all right?
I've gotten used to it.
Although I had a hard time when you and Mom were fighting.
Sorry about that.
Mom said she thought you lost all your affection for her
because she was an ex-con.
That's why she said she wanted a divorce.
I got the wrong idea when I saw her walking into a hotel,
and she misunderstood where I was coming from.
My goodness.
Mom doesn't seem happy at all these days.
She's about to marry a man she doesn't even love.
Stop her, Dad.
That day, she went to see you hoping to reconcile with you.
Even if we get back together, we'll split up again.
I don't have a knack for earning money,
but for your mother,
nothing's more important than money.
Don't worry about us. Just focus on your own life.
Now that you can no longer detect lies,
you can try to find joy and happiness in the mundane.
What about you, Dad? Are you happy?
Of course, I am happy.
That's not a lie, is it?
This feels so weird.
This is my first time hearing you ask such a question.
(CEO Sa Ji On)
Oh, this.
- It means nothing. - Sorry?
I have shares in the company,
so I was somehow appointed the CEO of the company.
But I'm an artist, you see.
I have no interest in running the company,
nor do I have a knack for it.
I'm like a puppet CEO.
I'm relieved to hear this because you were born to be a singer.
Anyway, you already quit your job at the cafe?
Oh, no. I don't know when I'm going to release my next album.
- Pardon me? - Well, that's okay.
You can start working right away.
But you're taking a hiatus at the moment.
What's there for me to do?
The practice room, the recording studio, the gym, and home.
That's where you can find me these days,
but some weirdos keep following me around.
They even take weird photos of me and post them.
From now on, I'll stay right by your side and protect you.
Don't worry about a thing.
I have to say, this place feels empty without Chi Hoon.
I know. I agree, Ms. Hunter.
But I'm no longer the Liar Hunter.
Don't you think it sounds weird that you keep calling me "Ms. Hunter?"
Well, you keep calling me Kassandra too.
Come on. It's no big deal.
Sol Hee.
Oh, hello.
I must
meet your mother.
Hi, Mom. Where are you?
Me? I'm in the middle of selecting my wedding dress right now.
Hey, can you meet me
at the cafe at Palace Hotel at 7pm today?
The man I'm marrying wants to meet you.
He said he'd bring his sister too.
Why should I meet them?
Besides, I can no longer detect lies.
- Actually, Mom - Just come!
They want to meet you.
Drop by, even for just five minutes.
- Okay? See you then. - Mom.
Well, you should just go there with your father.
Face the problem head-on.
Go there with Dad?
Sol Hee.
Oh, say hi. This is my dad.
Hello! It's nice to meet you.
I'm Kim Do Ha, Sol Hee's boyfriend.
Oh, I see. Nice to meet you.
You're handsome.
Do Ha, can you help me?
Yellow will brighten his complexion.
Is it too bright?
How about pale blue? It'll look refreshing.
Oh, let's see. That's nice.
What do you think?
No. A jacket will make him look more dashing.
- How about this navy jacket? - Oh, I like this suit.
Is this too dark?
Then how about this jacket
- With this shirt? - and this white shirt?
Yes, they look nice together.
The colors look great on him.
Dad, what do you think? Look.
Forget it. This doesn't suit me.
The size is perfect for you. You'll look dashing in these.
- Yes. - Try these on.
Aren't these clothes very expensive?
No. Hurry up and try them on.
- But My goodness. - Try them on.
Can I have the comb, please?
Thank you. The scissors too.
Sir, I'll give you a bold cut.
Oh, my.
Where did you learn to do this?
Oh, my mom ran a hair salon in the neighborhood where I grew up.
So I watched what she did and picked up the skills.
Sol Hee, come here for a moment.
What's up?
Which one's the prettiest?
Great idea. I felt like something was missing.
I think your mother will like a fancy design.
This one is really pretty.
But my mom won't like it.
My mom will prefer something bigger.
Something glamorous.
- This one's nice too. - Yes.
My goodness.
Hey, this is not good.
We should just be honest with her.
- No. - Why not?
If I tell her I've been divorced, she'll ask me why I got a divorce
and keep bugging me.
Besides, I never registered my marriage certificate.
So on paper,
- I've never been married. You know? - Goodness. You're being ridiculous.
Hyang Sook! Have a seat here.
This is my sister.
Hello, I'm Cha Hyang Sook.
Hello, it's nice to meet you.
- Please have a seat. - Thank you.
Now, it's hitting me
that we are becoming a family.
By the way, where's your daughter?
Oh, she'll be here shortly.
She said she'd be here soon.
- I see. - Okay.
You picked the right woman. Goodness.
She seems nice.
Isn't she a good catch?
Yes, you picked a good one this time.
- I did a good job, right? - Yes, well done.
My goodness.
- Isn't she pretty? - Yes.
- She seems like a nice, quiet lady. - Right?
This is the best decision you've ever made.
- Aren't you proud of me? - Yes, I am.
Here's your Americano.
Here's your lemon tea.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Have some tea. - Thank you.
This is why it's nice to order the same thing
- for everyone. - Yes, totally.
It's a hassle to deal with servers asking you what's for who.
When your daughter gets here, let's go have some beef.
There's a steak house across the street.
They dry-age their meats. It's to die for.
Sure, sounds good.
You see, I really don't need anything.
I just want to see the two of you live a happy life together.
But I have a favor to ask.
When I go on a trip with my family,
could you take care of my Min Soo?
Min Soo?
- Yes, he's her cat. A Persian cat. - Yes.
This is ridiculous!
What was that?
She's allergic to cats.
What? Who is this man?
Are you talking to us?
She hates sour stuff, so she doesn't even put vinegar in her naengmyeon.
How could you order lemon tea for her?
And what? Dry aging? Forget it.
She likes pork better than beef.
Pork belly!
- My gosh. What is going on here? - He knows nothing about you.
You're going to marry this man?
Hyang Sook, who is he?
Why are you here?
How dare you show up here?
- My gosh. - What's happening?
I came here to save you.
What on earth is he saying?
Instead of marrying a man like him,
you should just marry me again.
Marry me.
No, I don't want to get back together with you!
I don't want to get back together with you!
Well done. You made the right choice.
That's a lie, Mom.
You do want to go back to Dad.
Without you, I have no choice but to live like this.
Please save me.
My gosh!
Oh, dear. I knew this would happen, you fool.
Just stay single.
Come with me!
- Wait, sister. - Come on.
(My Dear Do Ha)
Well done, Sol Hee.
- That must've been stressful. - Yes.
I was getting used to it, but it all came back.
I'm no longer sure if this is a good thing. I don't know what to think.
What's wrong with me?
It's natural to feel that way.
Anyone would feel that way.
Where are you?
I'm almost home.
I miss you.
I'll stay up to wait for you. Hurry home.
Drive safely.
(My Dear Do Ha)
You really got the ability back?
You're pretty! You're prettier than me.
Hey. What the
So it really is true.
Hold on. Does it mean we can start accepting VIP clients again?
No, I just want to run the cafe as it is now.
Whether I can hear them or not,
I want to just ignore them from now on.
Well, if you want to work with a real shaman,
you can find another job.
No, I'll just stay here.
Really? Why?
That's because
I like working with you, Ms. Hunter.
Is that right,
Ye Seul?
Sol Hee.
I can't believe it!
When you sing that part, you have to make it sound more rhythmical.
Stay on the beat until the end.
Okay, got it.
We'll try that again.
It's much better, right?
Yes, it sounds much nicer.
I liked that. What do you think?
Can I try it just once more?
- Once more? - I think I can do a better job.
All right, then.
All right.
My, this is perfect for breakfast.
You have to watch what you eat, so I picked something light.
- It's good. - Yes, this is tasty.
I'm worried.
Oh, because of myself, not you.
You wrote such a great song. What if it doesn't do well because of me?
Gosh, you're at it again.
Hey, just eat this.
Be quiet, will you?
Ethan, it looks like you need a confidence boost
before your album comes out.
Go climb a mountain and yell at the top of your lungs.
You should just kill it!
You always let them go.
They think you're letting them out for a walk, so they all come back.
They're living things too. How could I kill them?
Oh, you're that writer. What brings you here?
Oh, I'm
My gosh. Hello.
I'm the writer of the show, "I Live in Nature."
Well, I'm here because
You know, the spicy noodles you made for us the last time.
I came back for more.
You came all the way here on this hot day just for the noodles?
If you sell it, you'll make a fortune.
You see, I've worked on many shows about discovering good restaurants.
I'm telling you. I've never had such delicious spicy noodles.
I gave you the recipe that day.
Right, I tried following the recipe, but it didn't taste the same.
Goodness. Write it down.
One spoon of gochujang and
Sorry. Do you really think we'll make a fortune
if we sell it?
- Here. - Thanks.
This is what's been keeping me busy.
My gosh. Well done.
I'm a little worried.
He put his faith in me and worked so hard.
What if his album doesn't do well?
I'll know once I take a listen.
I've been a jazz musician for 20 years. You can't fool my ears.
Shall we listen to it now?
Listen to it when you're alone.
I will, but I want to listen to it now too.
No, I'm embarrassed.
Goodness. Don't be.
My gosh. Why are you embarrassed?
You won't stop me now?
No, I won't.
("Ethan Makes His Solo Debut")
("Born Out of Collaboration With Songwriter Kim Do Ha")
("Ethan's 'Fireworks' Staying at Number 1 for 3 Consecutive Weeks")
("Fireworks" by Ethan)
(Yeonseo Bakery)
The 2024 KMA.
The show is already nearing its end.
My gosh. Already?
Yes. The highlight of the Korea Music Awards still remains.
We will now announce the winner of the Best Composer Award.
Artist Syaon will present the award.
Please welcome her with a big round of applause.
Hello, I'm Syaon.
Syaon, it's been a really long time.
Could you briefly tell us what you've been up to?
I've been studying music
and working on my new album
while catching up on sleep and eating well.
When I was busy promoting my previous albums,
I wasn't sure what to do
and what I should show you
Oh? Ms. Hunter.
Why are you so late?
This way, please.
I must say, it suits you.
Well, I'm a truly successful fan.
A successful fan?
I can admire my star while working.
Let's go.
Please look forward to my future endeavors too.
All right. The 2024 KMA Awards.
I will now announce the winner of the Best Composer Award.
The winner is
Kim Do Ha. Congratulations.
Yes, congratulations.
Kim Do Ha has led Ethan's first album
and single to great success,
- Thank you. - and he has won this award
for two consecutive years.
No one else has accomplished this at the Korean Music Awards.
Congratulations on winning the award.
Thank you.
To be honest,
Kim Do Ha is a made-up name that I used to hide from this world.
When I was hiding behind my name,
I didn't know that a moment like this would occur to me.
Come to think of it, life is a process
of trying to believe in the things that are hard to believe.
Trusting that our dreams will come true
and that love will last forever.
Stuff like that.
Music gave me this award, but someone's trust
allowed me to come up here to accept this award.
I will share my joy of winning this award
with the person whom I love,
who trusted me more than I trusted myself.
Thank you.
Gosh. This trophy is so pretty.
How pretty.
- What? - You're really pretty.
Come on.
We met a few hours ago. What are you saying?
How could you become even prettier in just a few hours?
That's enough.
Since when were you two a thing?
Us? It's been 580 days.
What? Has it really been that long?
It has only been a week since we started dating again,
but we had originally broken up on day 573.
To be exact, 573 days and 12 hours have passed.
Why are you so detailed?
Look at how sweet he is. Two drumsticks.
You should learn from him.
Hey, I didn't tell you this yet, did I?
My uncle owns a cottage in Donghae.
What do you think of going on a couple trip together?
- I'm down. - Me too.
- That sounds nice. I'm down. - I'm in.
I'm down.
It's a "couple" trip.
You're single.
What do you think of participating in "Single Alone?"
- What? - "Single Alone."
- That sounds like a good idea. - It suits your image.
- That's a good idea. - I can't do that.
Everyone in the country will be able to see my face.
No. Never.
Why not? You're handsome.
- He's right. - Yes.
What part of me is handsome?
Your eyebrows are cool.
- Yes, your eyebrows are handsome. - Yes.
- Your eyebrows are cool. Yes. - Yes.
- Goodness. - Oh, my.
- Gosh. - Amazing!
- Gosh. - Goodness!
He has a nice chin too.
Let's film a support video ahead of time.
Let's do it.
Please give Kwang Soo lots of love,
and I hope you find a nice partner.
He's good at eating jjajangmyeon.
Please contact him for the "Single Since Birth" special.
- Yes, he has attractive eyebrows. - He's handsome.
- Good luck. Let's get married! - He's attractive.
That's good enough.
Then should we congratulate him
- on his marriage ahead of time? - Yes, we should.
- Congratulations on your marriage! - On your marriage!
- Congratulations. - Thanks.
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
Gosh. This feels nice.
Cho Rok.
Congratulations on getting back together with Oh Baek.
Gosh. Please.
I'm not quite sure about it yet. I don't know if this is right.
Well, if you need any help, let me know.
What can you do to help? Tell me.
What can you do?
But I just want to follow my heart now.
How nice!
Do you want to grab something to eat tomorrow with me and Ethan?
I have something to do tomorrow. Sorry.
I see. What is it?
There's someone I didn't get to mention during my acceptance speech.
I saw you on TV.
I like your song.
There was something I really wanted to tell you.
That day
You know
On the day of the happening with Eom Ji.
I looked at Eom Ji's phone
to send a text to Eom Ho.
There was a text that Eom Ji had typed up
to send to you.
To me?
(Seung Ju)
Seung Ju,
there were not a lot of good things
about my life.
It was cold, dark,
and hopeless like this night sea.
I always thought the sea was black,
but after meeting you,
I realized that it was blue.
I'm not dying because you left me.
I was able to survive thanks to you.
I hope you don't blame yourself.
I want you to forget about everything and be happy.
I mean it.
She only had thankful things to say about you.
She really wanted you to be happy.
really wanted to tell you that.
Thank you.
Behind you
In front of you
Full tank. What?
I've only been seeing your face in the news. It's nice to see you
in person after a while.
Goodness. I can't believe
you're working here after doing all of that. Gosh.
Do you have enough money for food?
Did you eat yet? Gosh.
- Gosh. - What a nice car.
- You punk. - But shouldn't you sell this car?
You should just worry about not plagiarizing, you punk.
My gosh. You punk. What?
That punk.
Hey, I'm Park Moo Jin, you punk!
Hey, give me the receipt! This is a corporate credit card, you punk!
- Excuse me. - Yes?
Can we get three glasses of iced Americanos?
- Three? - Yes.
Three iced Americanos.
Three Americanos.
Are you the Liar Hunter?
Yes, I am.
But I don't work as a Liar Hunter anymore. It's been a while.
I know that.
But my daughter-in-law is a bit strange.
Can you meet her just once, please?
I beg of you.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
- Thank you. - Please come again.
Shouldn't you send a notice to everyone?
- A notice? - To the VIPs,
saying you're not a Liar Hunter anymore.
I think you should call them
or email them to explain.
I still receive calls from people,
begging to meet you.
They even offered to pay double or triple the amount.
Do you know how hard it is to say no?
Look at what my fans made.
(Syaon and Her Bodyguard's Chemistry)
We must look good together.
Some people even think you're my boyfriend.
- Isn't that funny? - Yes, I guess.
It's funny.
- It's funny? - Gosh.
How could I even dare to be involved with you like that?
Of course, it's funny.
Why can't you?
Please don't make jokes like that.
- You're so cute. - Sorry?
I said you're cute.
Sir, when will the noodles be ready?
Right. Please wait just a little bit.
Here. I have 2 regular sizes and 1 large.
- Thank you for waiting. - Thank you.
- Dad, I'm here. - Hey, Sol Hee.
- Enjoy. - Mom.
Goodness, you're here.
Where's Do Ha?
What do you mean?
I came by myself on purpose.
You should've come with him.
Hello, I have a quick delivery.
- A quick delivery? - Yes.
Yes, thank you.
What is that?
Do Ha sent something again.
"Father and Mother,"
"I'm sending you this because it's good for controlling blood sugar."
"Always stay healthy. From Kim Do Ha."
Honey. Try it.
- How does it taste? - It's supposed to be good for you.
Send my congratulations to my son-in-law
for receiving his award.
What do you mean by "son-in-law?"
Has he not asked to marry you yet?
What are you saying?
Who would get married this early?
If you're going to, just get it done quickly.
He's so handsome and competent.
You don't want another woman to take him away.
She's right. His looks are on another level.
Can we get more kimchi?
Yes, coming right up!
- Here's the kimchi. - You can just rest.
I'll help.
When will the food be ready?
One moment, please!
You should've gone with me. Why did you go alone?
If you were to go
Never mind.
Do Ha, why are you smiling?
Are you glad that Manchester United is losing?
When did I smile?
See? You're smiling even now.
This is why we shouldn't watch derby matches together.
But why is today's match so boring?
No one has scored yet.
Do you just want to go to sleep?
You look like you're about to fall asleep.
Gosh, that person is sitting super close.
He can probably see the players' pores.
I wonder how it feels to watch a match in those seats.
Should we go to a match too?
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
Hey, you're here.
What is this?
Sol Hee.
I'll stay by your side for the rest of my life.
I'll be someone you can trust.
Will you
marry me?
I love you.
Thank you.
Right. There's one more thing.
What is it?
Do Ha. What is this?
I wanted to go with you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- I love you. - I love you.
(Luni Tarot Cafe)
Hello, I am the Liar Hunter.
I would like to sincerely thank all the people
who have been my clients.
First of all, the VIP service
has been discontinued.
I'm here for a case.
Who's my client?
That's a lie.
- What - Gosh.
Up until now, I've been making money by listening to lies.
Will you marry me?
But I have honestly been in a dilemma.
Just this once.
For some lies were heartbreaking
and some lies
Just seeing you eat fills me up.
were beautiful.
Kang Min, why are you smiling all of a sudden?
Look in front of you. You don't know when the suspect will show up.
Yes, sir.
(He is eating jjajangmyeon by himself.)
Gosh. He's eating by himself.
What is he doing?
He shouldn't have revealed his salary
when he first introduced himself.
I know, right? And he should've dressed better.
I gave a vote to Young Sook.
Why didn't she give me one back?
(Tears end up falling from his face.)
Can't he approach someone else other than Young Sook?
But anyone can tell that she doesn't like him.
- Yes. - Only he likes her.
- What are you doing? - What's wrong?
I don't think I can date anyone.
Hey, there were people who thought you were attractive
after watching the show.
- Really? - My aunts think you're great.
My gosh! You're so annoying.
That is why I am quitting.
A person's heart
is as deep and mysterious as the sea,
so no one can truly tell
what's inside just by knowing whether they're lying or not.
Do Ha, do you know that?
People think we're like a fox and rabbit.
- Who? - Just everyone we know.
Then I must be the rabbit.
Why are you the rabbit? I'm the rabbit.
Sometimes, you're like a fox.
- When? - Even now. You look like a fox.
- I look like a fox? - Yes.
You look like a fox though.
I'll be the fox then. You can be the rabbit.
Fine. Let's do that.
People have reached out to me for many reasons.
But I have decided not to use this ability anymore.
It used to be my job to find the truth for people.
But rather than focusing on the truth,
I want to focus on the things that I trust and love.
Thank you for everything.
From the Liar Hunter.
(My Lovely Liar)