Naked and Afraid XL (2015) s01e10 Episode Script

Dirty Dozen Return

-- Captions by vitac
narrator: These 12
"naked and afraid" veterans
took on an impossible challenge
to endure 40 days
and 40 nights
If that's an anaconda,
I'm gonna lose my [bleep]
[ Shouting ]
Narrator: Stranded in
the badlands nice! Yeah!
no water I need
something to drink immediately.
Narrator: And no clothes.
Chris: I'm getting
eaten alive by ants.
Oh, this is hard.
This thing's kicking my ass.
Narrator: The
brutal temperatures,
relentless hunger
Shane: I hate being so weak.
Narrator: And
vicious in-fighting
[ Voice breaking ] I'm
feeling very attacked.
You've been
bitching for an hour!
Narrator: Forced four
survivalists out of the quest.
I just want to go home.
[ Yells ]
Narrator: To make it out alive,
the eight who remain push
the limits of human endurance
Oh, my god.
[ Grunts ]
finishing the challenge
with a grueling
two-day extraction
Everything you've got.
across one of the most
dangerous rivers in the world.
[ Cheering ]
We're really here.
[ Cheering ]
Narrator: Now,
for the first time sin
the 12 survivalists
have come together.
Some people think they
know what it's gonna be like,
and they have no idea.
Narrator: We'll take
an exclusive look
at never-before-seen footage
Ow. Ooh [bleep] bee stung me.
get unique insight into
their survival strategies
Jeff: Eva, you actually
did teach me a lot.
I was walking different.
It's how you use your feet.
and confront
lingering resentments
I'm saying we don't
need your help.
[ Voice breaking ] I just
really hate that everyone
thinks I'm just an ass[Bleep]
You don't need to act like
you were trying to help us.
[ Sniffles ]
Don't sit here and tell me
that my ideas were bad ideas.
I'm hurting, and I got to
carry your weight and mine?
What the [bleep] is
wrong with you guys?
Narrator: On
"naked and afraid: Xl."
Eva: Be prepared to
face all of your demons.
Narrator: Now,
for the first time
since their adventure in
the badlands of Colombia
Luke: What? Look at these guys.
12 "naked and afraid"
veterans come together
-Team bromance, what up?
-Hey, you.
Narrator: To talk about
their harrowing experience.
Yeah, so there.
You guys look totally
different with clothes on.
Ej: Yeah, I think I've seen
enough of Luke's balls.
[ Laughter ]
Luke: But have you? But really?
Is there such a thing?
When I first got back,
I don't know about th
but I mean, like, Luke and I
were together from day one,
so I'd be, like, looking for him
to, like -- and he's not there.
Jeff: Like, I remember
getting home,
and I'm, like,
texting ej all the time,
like, "dude, like, what's up?
Like, I'm eating
breakfast," you know?
You know, not
having that, you know,
companionship when we got
home was kind of weird, you know?
Those are those little
rituals and routines
and things that, like -- I
mean, you hang on to those.
Like, those are the
things you appreciate.
It's like, "okay, we're
gonna go out lizarding.
Okay, we're gonna drink water."
Like, it's those little things
that we do every single
day that keep us going.
No one knows misery.
Like, you think you know
hunger, you think you know pain,
you think you know bug
bites, you don't know [bleep]
Everything that happened
was 100% in that moment,
feeling it so intensely.
-And no break.
-And no break.
It never stopped.
You go to sleep, you're
just feeding the mosquitos.
I feel like you
can get by 21 days
with a really strong
mental attitude
and a little bit of skill.
40 days is different.
You have to give it
everything that you have,
or you're not making it out.
Narrator: The "naked
and afraid" veterans
began their 40-day
challenge in 4 groups of 3.
Jeff: Got to get some water.
I know, man. I'm feeling you.
Scattered across a
blistering Savanna,
each location presented
different challenges
for scarce resources.
All right, so, it's dinnertime.
Day two.
There we go. Look
how delicious that looks.
It's just -- ah, you don't
know what you're missing.
Just picking the spine out.
The ribs you can chew
up 'cause they're so little.
I think butter just
oozed out of this thing.
It's a little bitter.
-Is it?
If you were at home
eating lizard, Chris,
what condiment would
you put on your lizard?
I would ranch or mayonnaise,
'cause it tastes
just like chicken.
It really does.
[ Laughter ]
Shane: I don't think
that the fans understand
exactly how difficult
it is to be dropped
into an absolutely
foreign environment.
We had a brutal
winter for us this winter.
Like, when I flew out of
Philly, it was negative-20.
We got to Colombia, it was 130.
That's a 150-degree
temperature swing.
I had an idea of
what I was going into.
I knew it was gonna
be really difficult
and everything was gonna suck,
but until you're
actually doing it,
there's so many things
that you don't even think of.
I mean, anybody can
make a fire in their backyard,
but, you know, after
three weeks of starving
and 120 degrees and
mosquito bites out the wazoo,
you know, then the
struggle becomes real.
There's a vulnerability that
comes with being naked,
where I remember just
waking up sometimes at night,
and I'm, like, reaching for this
phantom blanket
that's at my feet.
It's not there, you
know, but it just feels --
you don't realize it, you
know, in everyday life.
It's that little bit of
psychological protection.
Exactly, it's just
like I have a layer
between me and the elements,
and that may not do anything.
Plus, when you're naked,
the bugs have no boundaries.
Like, they can
bite you anywhere.
They're all up in it.
-Personal space.
-That's terrible.
Tell me about it --
remember that night
I got bit on the
[bleep] by a spider?
You remember
what that looked like?
Why do you keep reminding me?
Who was on poison
detail for that one?
I was worried, man.
Not gonna happen, bro.
Ej looked at it.
He shook his head.
He says, "dude, you need a
medic," and he walked away.
[ Laughter ]
[ Buzzing ]
The bugs in this spot are hell.
I got consumed last night.
Covered -- seriously
covered in bug bites.
And they're just sitting
there, like, chewing on me.
Ow! Ooh, right on the balls.
Luke: You all right?
[Bleep] Bee stung me.
That's what it was.
That's my first bee
sting on my nuts,
so Chris -- zero, bee -- one.
[ Laughter ]
The difference in
surviving nude and surviving
with clothes is
astronomical, I think.
I would give up tools
for a pair of shoes
on any one of these challenges.
-Oh, yeah.
-I really don't like shoes.
I feel like it's how you walk.
It's not the
toughness of your feet.
It's, like, how you walk.
Eva, you actually did teach
me a lot in Madagascar,
because I was walking different.
When you're walking, you
know, when we have big shoes on,
we tend to, like, clomp around
with our feet all
over the ground,
but it's just so much
better if you take your foot
and you take that,
like, split second
to feel the ground
in front of your foot
and then transfer
your weight onto it.
When you feel the ground,
I'm not putting any weight on it.
I'm standing on my back foot.
We would walk
these long stretches,
and if you're just
plodding along,
one foot after the next,
you're just tearing
up your feet.
If I could've, you
know, protected my feet
or, you know, toughened
up my feet more,
I would have had
a much better time.
So I had to build a
box in my apartment,
and I filled it with seashells
and crushed bluestone.
All right, so, this is what
I've been walking around in.
It's a box full of
shells and stones.
And I literally walked
around barefoot in it
for like 15 minutes
4 times a day until --
I started out like 2
minutes at a time,
and then by the time I
left, I could walk around
inside of it for
like 15 minutes.
It was cutting and ripping
up the bottom of my feet
the first couple
days, and I was like,
"no, I'm gonna get through this,
'cause I am not crying
and suffering for 40 days."
I'm like, "I'm gonna make sure
my feet are good
before I get out there."
Do you think a vegetarian
could survive out here?
Shane: Not a chance in hell.
Are you a vegetarian? You are?
How do you feel about that?
I don't know.
Like, what are you gonna eat?
I hope that doesn't,
like, worry you.
Not a chance at all. Nope.
I'm not worried about it.
I was a vegetarian for 10 years.
-Oh, really?
I missed barbecue ribs too much.
[ Laughs ]
Being a vegetarian
going into this,
I did not expect to maintain
my vegetarian beliefs,
just because that's a
long time -- 40 days.
So, this time around,
I was really trying
to mentally prepare myself
to hunt, kill, and
consume an animal.
Luckily, I basically
lived like a squirrel
and harvest nuts and fruits.
You see what happens
to squirrels out there.
[ Laughter ]
Jeff: You know, if
there's people out there
thinking that they're
gonna go do this
[chuckles] They probably
shouldn't, you know?
Ej: Yeah, yeah.
We were the best-prepared
12 people on the planet,
and we were shocked
and surprised daily
on the crap we faced.
Damn, it is hot.
Hakim: It sure is.
[ Exhales sharply ]
-Hold up for a second, ej.
You doing all right?
[ Sighs ]
Yeah, I just need a breather.
Hakim: Colombia's a beast.
The heat is killer
out here, you know?
It will suck the
life right out of you.
I mean, I am beyond
dehydrated right now.
The way this thing is going on,
these cramps are so insane.
The best thing that I
could do for you guys
was to step away
from that thing.
You know, not to have
you guys just sitting around
trying to do what
you can to help me,
but really -- this was
such a big challenge.
The ego in me says "I
just want to push through
and stay here until I die."
My problem is I never quit.
This is the same issue
that I always have.
I never give up, you know?
Well, man, you'll be a
friend for life, you know?
You guys, too.
The greatest lesson I learned
out there is love is sacrifice.
This was such a big challenge,
and I mean, I love
you guys for that.
Luke: Oh, man.
[Bleep] This [bleep] bitch.
I don't feel sorry one bit,
because Chris is
a chauvinistic pig.
What the [bleep] is
wrong with you guys?
I'm saying we don't
need your help.
I don't see anything other
than a [bleep] you moment.
Alana: Just got about
one minute of battery left.
I thought it was really
exciting to see y'all roll up.
Narrator: "Naked and
afraid" has a strict policy
that survivalists cannot
interact with the crew,
and it was no different
on the "xl" challenge.
However, as this
unseen footage shows,
on rare occasions,
it's unavoidable.
Ironically, it was the crew
that needed help
from the survivalists.
Now you guys get to
come. I want to see that.
Yeah, who's got the camera now?
You want a hand?
Laura: Oh, the suspense.
It's funny that Luke's
naked right now.
da-nanana Dan-Dan-Dan
-thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
He's going in. He's going in.
Yep, Chris fischer
dive and salvage.
That was exciting.
Oh [bleep] is that a snake?
There's a snake, snake,
snake, snake, snake.
Shall we make this
quick and painless?
-Thank you, snake.
We were definitely in
a state of pure survival.
And as much as you want to
take care of everyone's needs,
there's also a part of you
that has to self-preserve.
You think I ought to share
some of this with Shane?
Guess it's your call.
At this point,
salvaging a relationship
with him is not my priority.
Feeding myself is a priority.
Shane: Right
now, I'm just trying
to get some body
heat and walk in place.
Your brain is atrophying,
and you're under a
tremendous amount of stress
that most people could
never comprehend.
And some people do
snap and lose their cool,
and you do worry about that.
Luke: She's walking
around pissed off
with a machete in her
hand -- what could be better?
We talk about all
these hard skills
that we've kind of
reconnected with as humans --
so making fire and
learning how to build shelter
and reconnecting
with these hard skills,
but we neglect those
soft skills a lot of the time,
which is that interaction.
'Cause we should
work as a tribe,
you know, speaking of humans.
But we often
aren't good at that,
'cause we haven't
lived in a community,
let alone a community
in the wilderness
looking for your own food
with all these, you know,
factors on it, so it
definitely makes it hard.
So, when I first realized
that I was gonna be
out there with more
than one person, I mean,
I'm not gonna lie, like,
I wasn't happy about it.
[ Laughs ] You know?
Because I can survive the wild,
but surviving the people is
a whole nother challenge.
I was scared. I was terrified.
I'm like, "I hope I don't
see a single person."
I was hoping I was gonna
be alone on day one.
I just don't want that
every time I kill something,
people expect me to
share between 10 people.
I mean, it was hard enough
sharing a lizard with ej
or sharing a snake
with Eva in Madagascar.
That was tough enough,
but when we have to split it,
you know, 10 ways or something,
that's a whole different story.
But at the end of the day,
I would have rather split
everything up six ways than
to not have my group out there
at the end who
had my back, who --
you know, we were
there for each other.
And even if it meant
divvying up resources,
for me, it was awesome
to have you guys there.
You know, this challenge
was so much different
than our, you know,
21-day challenge
because of that social
dynamic, and, you know,
I think the social dynamic
was the best of times,
you know, and it was
the worst of times.
Narrator: At cao verde,
Chris, Luke, and honora's
relationship began to unravel.
Honora: If someone
was really daring,
they could climb up this tree
and get to that big
branch up there.
Chris: You got to weigh
the risk-reward thing.
The risk outweighs
the reward by a lot.
After days of battling
hunger and fatigue,
honora felt marginalized
and disrespected.
I went across the river
and found two trees
that were a little bit lower,
and I climbed, like,
a 30-foot sapling
to grab a piece of fruit.
It's just
[ Sighs ]
Kind of bitter.
[ Honora laughs ]
Like, I understand if
you don't want to eat it,
but I had even, like,
said that I had climbed
30 feet up a
sapling to grab this
hanging from another branch.
And knowing that I
did that, you still, like,
chucked half the
fruit into the dirt.
And what does that mean?
It's like I literally
don't exist.
It wasn't ripe.
It didn't taste good,
so I chucked it.
I didn't realize that just
because you get something
that's not ripe that it
warrants a pat on the back.
It didn't to me.
And, then, as far
as your freak-out,
that had nothing
to do with the fruit.
It's because you
kept putting words
in my mouth and Luke's mouth,
and you freaked out because
I don't even know
why -- you're bipolar.
Whatever the
[bleep] I don't know.
I didn't even get
to finish the fruit
that I climbed 30 feet to grab.
I'll cut the [bleep] tree down.
Then you can have 100 of them.
Stop [bleep] bitching.
-I'm over it. I don't care.
-I'm not bitching.
You've been
bitching for an hour!
[Bleep] You.
She's got your knife.
Shane: Oh!
[Bleep] Both of you.
What the [bleep] man?
This is what I get for
trying to talk to my partners.
They tell me I need to tap out.
Luke: That's a sabotage
if I've ever seen one.
This [bleep] bitch.
Why it went in the river,
machete went in the river,
those guys can go
[bleep] themselves.
Honora: I felt very bullied.
And yes, that was very childish,
but I was pulling my weight.
It's just that you refused
to acknowledge it.
You put yourself
in that situation.
We didn't pick on you.
We didn't blame
you for anything.
You got mad because
Luke said, "you know what?
We have an agenda.
We need to work,"
and you wanted to sleep in.
Jeff: This is the one
thing I wanted to avoid.
We knew it was
inevitable, right?
I mean, when we heard that
there were 11 other people coming,
did we not know that
[bleep] was gonna hit the fan?
Yeah, from what I remember,
we had a conversation.
You said, "can I sit
another 30 minutes?"
I said, "yeah,
that's totally fine."
But I think if we
kind of zoom out
and look at the big picture,
what it really felt like to me
was [bleep] going to go
wrong in our situations,
whether that be socially,
whether that be
survival wise -- whatever.
You get rained on,
you don't have food.
What you, to me,
demonstrated every single
time when things went wrong is
that you went to a
place of victimhood,
and it was always
someone else's fault,
and I never saw any
ownership on your side.
What are you -- honora,
what are you doing right now?
I'm trying to help you.
You're not trying to help me.
I'm trying to have a
conversation with you guys,
and you guys are
just like tap out.
[Bleep] You're a bitch.
Did I say that? Did I say that?
That was uncalled for. I agree.
I never said any of
those things, honora.
I have tried to hard
to be -- so hard.
[Bleep] Supportive. I
have been trying to be
how is this helping
the problem, though?
Um, it's gonna
make me feel better
knowing that Chris doesn't
get out of here in 40 days.
I was really pissed,
and I don't mean to
sound like a victim,
but I'm being
completely [bleep] honest.
I felt judged right off the bat,
and to keep me in a survival
situation with an [bleep]
Who treats me with
absolutely no respect,
I had absolutely no regrets.
Again, you're just
gonna make excuses
and point fingers like
it was a witch hunt.
It wasn't.
Like I said, you had a
bad idea, we shot it down,
and if you're a survivalist,
you don't need
permission to do anything.
Don't sit here and tell me
that my ideas were bad ideas
from a survivalist
point of view.
No, they were bad ideas
'cause I am a woman
and I had those
ideas -- straight up.
Five other female partners
had never had a problem.
I value my time and energy,
and I'm not gonna waste
it on this chauvinistic pig.
I can't believe she called
you a chauvinistic pig, Luke.
That's [bleep] up.
[ Laughter ]
Me and ej -- we're
here on day 40!
[ Grunts ]
Narrator: Jeff and ej
showed what happens
when a team works well together,
like-minded in attitude
and in survival techniques.
-Victory, baby!
Narrator: However,
when the whole group
came together at piranha lake,
Jeff and ej chose
not to join the others,
and tensions flared
over scarce resources.
[ Grunting ]
Ej: You need help?
No, man.
I got this one, buddy.
Cool. Congrats.
Thanks, man.
[ Grunts ]
Yeah, baby!
[ Grunts ]
I speared it, and I
was super happy.
You know how I get when
I kill something, you know?
And I'm just so jacked
up on adrenaline
and, like, being a
man and everything.
That's the first real
moment of the challenge
when I was a complete
jerk, you know?
Before Chris showed up,
I was thinking in my head,
"okay, I can sneak
this through the jungle,
back to me and ej,
and we could eat it.
And nobody would
ever know, right?"
It was like, you know, the
devil sitting on this shoulder,
you know, god
sitting on this one.
And, so, I had to
make the decision.
Eva: I feel like we
have such a close bond
from our time in
Madagascar together,
and to think, like,
"wow, Jeff would sit there
and eat that
whole eel to himself
and not share it,
not, like, with me,
but, like, with anyone."
Because that's not you.
If I had not shared the
eel, it would have been
the worst decision of the
whole challenge for me.
But we had already
found ourselves
in two different
groups, and I was trying
to avoid the drama
that was building,
and I wanted no part of it.
I just think, because there
was two distinct groups
at that point,
that it was harder.
I think that was
part of my frustration
was I felt like you're
a very caring person,
and you are a natural
leader, and it was something
that was surprising for
me after going through
the experience in
the Amazon with you.
And we had each other's
backs that entire time.
You know, if you're
someone who views yourself
as, like, a strong person
and a strong leader,
like, you want to be pulling
everyone along with you
so that you're all strong.
And you bring up a great
point for me personally.
As I reflected back
on this thing here,
my personal regret
through this whole process
was that I feel I
missed an opportunity --
that I should have
been the uniter
and the bonder of everybody.
And I'm sorry, and I apologize
to the group for
not being that guy.
That's not me.
So, you know how
I am, so I'm sorry.
Luke: Everyone's
gonna make mistakes
when you're under
those situations,
and I think we all did
in one way or another.
Wrong, I'm gonna say
I'm wrong, and I'm sorry.
His mental state,
he's better off isolated.
That does hurt me to
hear you say that, Dani.
And I'm saying we
don't need your help.
Everyone thinks
I'm just an ass[Bleep]
I had no idea it was
that taxing on you.
Honora: We're still
getting just as much U.V.
It's the heat what [bleep]
gives you the headache.
You're put in one of
the harshest climates
and environments in
the world, but it's just
what you go through
mentally and emotionally --
you really find what
you're truly made of.
[Bleep] Flies. I'm
tired of feeding these
Luke: Everything's
eating except us.
In a lot of ways, I
think it is inevitable.
You put strangers
together in a hard situation,
conflict is gonna arise one
way or another, no question.
It's just a matter of, you
know, how do we get through it?
How do we handle it?
You guys clicked, and
I was really hurt by that,
to be honest with
you, that, you know,
once you guys had
clicked and we established
that our survival styles were
not gonna mesh very well,
I was really hurt,
'cause I was the outsider.
There's a definite
rift here, man.
The wall between us is making
me want to not be here anymore.
Eva: I think a lot
of us spent time
mentally preparing for that,
you know, group dynamic.
That's as uncharted as
what happens after day 21.
For me, surviving every day,
waking up seemed kind of easier
than having to
try to mentally --
after being depleted
of food and tired,
how was I gonna
relate to somebody?
And if you get upset
with somebody out there,
that's magnified
tenfold, I found.
It was very difficult for me.
To try to understand what
each other's idiosyncrasies
are and try to work
and build each other up
through those idiosyncrasies
when I just met them
under this pressure
cooker, it's difficult.
It was difficult for me, anyway.
Narrator: In the dense
jungle of Colombia,
Alana, Danielle, and
Shane quickly learned
how clashing survival strategies
could drive tensions
to the boiling point
and ultimately
shatter the group.
I think you're lazy.
Survival has to be lazy.
You don't go the first week
climbing trees and chopping
down every other tree you see.
That's expending your energy.
Agreed. We have
different views on survival.
I'm lazy, but I
work. I work smart.
That's fine. Well, you
know, now you can earn it.
[ Chuckles ]
Dani b.: The worst thing
to do in a survival situation
is to separate.
Shane: I'm gonna make the
40 days -- no doubt in mind.
I would bet my
[bleep] life on that fact.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Shane: Yeah, I mean, obviously,
I didn't make the 40 days,
so, you know, it was
probably a poor choice --
a decision that I made.
I am gonna stick by
what I said, that I felt
that the tension level
was beyond the point
that I was willing to
hash out the details of it.
I know my personality
is incredibly raw
and difficult to deal with
in that I have these
ebbs and flows,
and if I'm not explaining them,
then it is difficult
to deal with me.
But honestly, I didn't think
that any amount of conversation
was gonna alleviate
that pressure.
So I was like, "you know what?
I'm gonna leave
them on their own.
They're gonna have
a great time together.
I'm not in this group,
and I don't see anything
other than a [bleep] you moment,
and I never wanted
that with you.
I never wanted
that unbelievable,
cataclysmic moment again.
So, that's how I
handled the situation.
And how you feel
is how you feel.
I mean, there's no necessarily,
you know, right or wrong.
I mean, your
perception is your reality.
If you were feeling
that, you know,
we were having a great
time and leaving you out,
then in your perception,
that is exactly what
was happening.
Maybe for us, we were
trying to make the best
of a struggling situation,
and you didn't want to join us.
I mean, there's so many
different ways to look at it.
Shane: Danielle, can I
borrow the fire starter, please?
Narrator: But after
splitting off on his own,
Shane soon realized he
would need help to survive.
I can't do it alone.
Shane: I do think that
we can be successful,
the three of us, and I
would like to work together.
I want to know what
these tasks are at hand
that you think we
should all be doing.
Well, I mean, I
think it's gonna take
more than one of us to
get fish at the other hole.
That's a task that I
would like help with.
Again, I'm offering to help you
for whatever you need,
because I do need the fire starter.
Have we asked for
help once since you left?
No, I wanted to offer my help.
I'm not sure how many
times I have to say that to you.
And I'm saying we
don't need your help.
Okay, then this
conversation is over.
All right.
[ Thunder crashes ]
I just really hate that everyone
thinks I'm just an ass[Bleep]
I give everything
I have all the time.
I had no idea it was
that taxing on you.
You see, you put up
a pretty strong front.
You know, the impression
that I was getting
was that you were
trying to kind of show
how nice of a guy you
were by coming to help us.
And, you know, it
got me defensive,
and it was like, "no,
we don't need your help.
You don't need to act like
you're trying to help us."
I had no idea it affected you
that deeply at that moment.
For me to leave you,
that was a really
hard moment for me.
And for me to humble myself
and come back and say,
"yeah, I do need your help,
but I'm not here
to take from you
without offering anything back."
And that was what I
was trying to get at.
It didn't go over well,
and so I was like, "all right.
She's heated, I'm heated,
and this is not going well."
So I'm like, "this
conversation is over,"
rather than sit there
and scream at each other.
I think his personality,
his mental state,
he's better off
isolated, like he said.
But as far as his
survival skills go,
he really doesn't have any.
That does hurt me,
to hear you say that on
the diary camera, Dani.
Well, I'd said that because
you had specifically told me
that you did not
have survival skills.
I don't have the best of them.
It's not like if you put
me out there, I can't do it.
'Cause there are things
I don't know, of course.
And that's why I love
working with you guys
and doing these shows,
because I like learning.
Oh, look. Hey!
Narrator: On day 20,
Shane joined forces
with ej and Jeff.
Oh, damn.
Jeff: He dug us a freaking well.
That's awesome, dude.
-I love you guys.
-Good job.
But you at piranha
lake really showed
some solid survivability skills.
So don't sell yourself short.
I know you.
You're as good a survivalist
as anybody sitting here.
[ Voice breaking ] I was
so thankful that you guys
were willing to bring
me into your group.
I didn't know what else to do.
I didn't know how
to say thank you
because I knew you guys,
you know, would help me hunt.
And, you know,
I'm a big boy, man.
I'm 6'5" for a reason,
you know. I need protein.
In that moment, with
the kind of energy
that I'm exerting, I
need more than that.
And I didn't know
what else to do to say
that I was really appreciative
of everything that you guys did.
You know, helping
me catch the fish
when we first got
there and, you know,
trying to take care
of all of that stuff.
And then, just your
friendship was just amazing.
It just -- it -- it
was so amazing
to spend 12 days with you guys.
[ Sniffles ]
Right now, I just want to
give Shane a hug, honestly.
Can I give you a hug?
-Yeah, sure. It's all good.
Thank you.
[ Applause ]
Eva: You know, she
likes to lie about things.
Yeah, she's probably
one of those pathologicals.
Little bit of
sociopath in there.
[ Voice breaking ] You guys said
some really [bleep]
hurtful things.
[ Sighs ]
Eva: I can't write off the fact
that we've had a
really solid water source
to get us started
on this challenge.
But if we're gonna continue,
it can't continue like this.
It can't be this
constant struggle
every day for these small meals.
Luke and Chris have
a lot more resources.
We can go down that
way and just stop in
and see what kind of resources
they really have around them.
Narrator: During
the "xl" experience,
it's what the environment
did not provide
that often created
tension within the groups,
and even caused doubt in
the most confident survivalists.
There's no way we're
gonna make it in time.
It's so [bleep] hot out today.
[ Sighs ]
Dani j.: In survival,
I am at the very
beginning stages.
I have not been practicing
for nearly as long
as either of you.
So I am still in the beginning
of all that and learning,
like, "oh, I can do this" or,
you know, "could work on that."
I'm still figuring all that out.
So, Dani, I just got
to -- I just got to say.
I feel like your mood's
been really heavy lately,
and I just got to let you know
it's been pretty
much weighing on me.
Dani j.: I think
played a large role
in my self-doubt and
my confidence levels.
I was by myself for
the first four days,
and that actually
took a lot out of me.
Eva: You know, out there,
if it's not shelter,
water, fire, and food,
and if not everybody
is on that same page,
we're just all chemical -- it's
hormones, it's pheromones.
And we're not, like,
above and beyond
the animal kingdom in anyway.
Narrator: After starting
the challenge alone,
surviving in a group
was tough for Dani.
Dani j.: I'm gonna
walk on the Savanna.
Her reclusive nature
ostracized her from the group
and made her a target.
I tried to understand her
and give her a chance,
butjust she's
such a roller coaster.
You know, she likes
to lie about things.
Yeah, she's probably
one of those pathologicals.
Little bit of
sociopath in there.
So, maybe she
should just tap out.
I'm just [bleep] over her.
I don't even want
to, like, talk to her.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Hakim: It's okay. Say
what you got to say.
I don't want to say anything.
Dani, this is just my opinion,
but I do think that
it's, like, human nature,
even though we need
these group dynamics,
to almost kind of
cannibalize your partners.
Luke: I talked to her last
night about -- she was asking
if there's anything she
could do, you know.
She felt like she
wasn't doing much.
Chris: 'Cause she ain't.
I'm not a wheelbarrow
to carry somebody
through this challenge.
I got to carry [bleep] the
160 pounds left of me still.
Chris: Bottom line is
we were trying to
live as a community,
where she basically
shunned herself
and was having a
parasite-host relationship.
She brought nothing
to the table. No offense.
And that's why it made it
easy for us to turn our back.
It wasn't nothing personal.
I'm sorry if you felt that way.
But I was just the
one that said it.
I think it was most unfortunate
that it wasn't said to me.
There was so much going on,
and I had no idea that you guys
were so upset
about little things
that could have
easily been fixed.
Dani j.: I feel like
this entire group is
working against me.
And it is hard enough to
be in this position as it is.
But to have
teammates that hate you
makes it so much [bleep] harder.
It's really been nothing
but you focusing on yourself.
It all just seems to
come from a place
that isn't really
genuine and caring
and committed to the team.
It comes from a place of, like,
showboating and,
like, self-indulgence.
And it becomes nothing
but the Dani pity party.
Ej: I know, from my vision,
I wasn't at the conversations
to know the whole story.
So, you develop a
certain perception
about what you're
seeing, and I felt helpless
'cause I didn't feel
I could help, right,
'cause I didn't
know all the facts.
There wasn't an easy fix.
There wasn't, like, a band-aid
you could put on the situation.
I think that was a problem
that it didn't happen
in one instant and it couldn't
be fixed in one instant.
And at that point in the
game, when you're that far in
and you're that deep, how do
you come out of that and say,
"okay, like, we're
gonna, like, have --"
[ voice breaking ] You guys said
some really [bleep] hurtful things.
[ Sniffles ]
What the [bleep] is
wrong with you guys?
Are you [bleep] kidding me?
Like, what is wrong with you?
I'm obviously really hurt.
Obviously I'm really
hurt by the whole thing.
[ Sniffles ]
Luke: It's a rough [bleep]
situation we're in, you know.
You can't hide from it.
We strip all of these
layers of comfort away
out in this wilderness,
and our raw self comes out.
And if those -- that raw,
you know, surface is rough.
This is a scary, vulnerable
thing we're doing right now.
And, so, it's like, how do
we handle that situation?
Do we shy away from it?
Do we run away from it?
Or do we embrace it and
say, "yeah, guess what?
I did some [bleep]
stuff to Dani,
you know, and I'm gonna own it."
And that's all we can do,
and say, you know, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
[ Eva sighs ]
I didn't realize
this until just now,
but what I owe
you is an apology.
And I'm really
sorry for anything
that I did to hurt you,
and -- unequivocally.
-Thanks, mama.
[ Voice breaking ] Thank you.
He just said he's sorry
makes the world of difference.
We all did [bleep]
stuff, and it's just --
I know, and I'm so sorry
for the [bleep] stuff that I did,
and I'm sorry I
didn't pull my weight.
I wasn't gonna impose it on you.
I'm so sorry for
-- I'm just sorry.
[ Sniffles ]
And I appreciate the apology.
I really do.
So, I appreciate it.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs ]
For every one of those 40
days, you are immersed in it.
You are in the thick of it.
And then, all of a sudden,
on day 40, it's over.
Together: Colombia!
Yeah, baby!
When I think back to my
experience in Colombia,
a lot of it is laughing
at ej and Jeff
yelling about everything.
Take that, Colombia!
It was like watching two
little kids play in the woods.
'Cause we're coming for you!
Dani b.: Jeff and ej
are all about hunting
and pounding their
chests and screaming.
They brought a lot of
happiness and positivity.
We're eating tonight, baby!
And it was kind of
cute and endearing,
and also slightly
annoying sometimes.
-Yeah! Yeah!
[ Echoing ] Yeah! Ej:
Alana: I'm concerned
about my team.
[ Sighs ]
Danielle's obviously not
in good shape right now,
so I'm really
concerned about her.
It's really important
to find something
of actual sustenance
for Danielle.
[ Breathing heavily ]
Got a piece of fruit if
you want to try to eat it.
It's right here, whenever
you're ready for it.
Dani b.: It was very difficult,
and I don't even know
how I got through that
because every single day,
I could get an
infection or something.
I was always trying
to be aware of that.
I think some people
think they know
what it's gonna be like,
and they have no idea.
Yeah, yeah.
I've heard, and I'm
sure you guys all heard --
the people come up to
you, and they say how,
like, awesome it is and
how they just want to do it.
And you're like,
"no, you don't."
[ Laughter ]
These cramps are so insane.
Eva: Oh, my god.
Stitches without
anesthesia -- pretty hardcore.
Shane: Oh, this is hard.
Whatever is making
this paw print, man,
is what's stalking us at night.
You know, if somebody
was at home thinking
that they're gonna go out
and do the 40-day challenge,
I think -- I think you
better have some skills.
My one piece of
advice would be, uh
Kind of stay humble.
Better bring your "a"
game, 'cause this is real,
and it's not for
the faint of heart.
I would say, be prepared
to face all of your demons,
whether you know
they exist or not.
Be prepared for demons that
you had no idea were there.
And [ Laughs ] um, yeah.
Just be ready to
see a side of yourself
that you didn't know existed.
I'm not fulfilling my
potential right now,
and it's really frustrating.
I don't have enough food.
I've been looking everywhere.
I'm frustrated with myself.
[ Voice breaking ] I just
feel like I'm failing right now.
Congratulations, you
guys that made it the full 40.
That is such a huge
and I'm so proud of all of you.
Like, I -- seriously,
it's amazing.
Ej: Dude, there's our boats.
-Come on!
-They're coming this way!
[ Cheering ]
I felt like an NFL running back
when I seen those boats coming.
I've never seen a man
this size run that fast.
Hey! Holy [bleep]
-Hey! Hey!
Boat! Boat!
Alana: When I saw the
extraction boat, my jaw dropped.
Oh, my god, when
I got on that boat,
it was like the most
amazing feeling,
knowing that all
the suck was over.
It was just a mind-blowing,
like, life-changing moment.
[ All cheering ]
Shane: Oh, my
god, there's so many!
Look at those fruit.
Do you realize
what we all just did?
You -- holy hell, man.
The amazing rush of emotion
of completing the challenge,
I didn't want it to go away.
And so, like, the night,
you know, like, of 41 --
stayed up all night,
didn't go to bed.
Just eating oreos
and peanut butter.
Jeff: This is one of the
greatest days of my life.
And I do not want it to end,
so I am not going to bed.
[ Laughs ]
I absolutely miss it.
I mean, if somebody
came to me now and said,
"hey, would you like to go
back," I would love to go.
Like, I wish we could all
hop on a plane right now
and go back and, you
know, like -- have fun.
[ Laughter ]
Just landed in salt lake city.
About to see my girl.
I haven't seen her
in over 50 days.
This might be a
little shocking for her.
[ Voice breaking ] Oh, my god.
[ Speaking indistinctly ]
Ah, it's scratchy.
[ Smooching ]
Oh, oh!
It doesn't really
sink in until you leave
and you can look back and you
can reflect on what happened.
Oh, oh!
There she is.
My baby!
[ Voice breaking ] I missed you!
Nothing else matters
except for the fact
that we can look around
and look at each other
and say "we did that."
The one thing that
I've gained from this --
besides life-long friendships
-- was a sense of family.
You know, I wasn't sitting
there with six other survivalists.
I was sitting there
with, you know,
another brother and
a couple more sisters.
And that, for me, was
just, you know, truly epic,
to have shared and, you know,
gained friends
and family for life.
For every one of those 40
days, you are immersed in it,
and you are in the thick of it.
And then, all of a sudden,
on day 40, it's over,
and it's done, and
you're looking back on it.
And that's a metaphor for
life, because all of a sudden,
you're laying there at
your end of your days,
and you better look
back and think that you
gave it your all and
you worked 100%,
and that you left
it all on the field.
-All right.
1, 2, 3. Together: Colombia!
[ Cheering ]
Jeff: Nice job, nice job.
Who wants a cheeseburger?
[ Cheering ]
Captions paid for by
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