Naomi Osaka (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

New Blueprint

[gentle instrumental music plays]
- [bell ringing]
- [indistinct chattering]
- [inaudible]
- [camera shutters clicking]
[indistinct chattering]
[indistinct chattering]
[director] Stand by.
Roll camera!
On five,
four, three, two, one,
[camera shutter clicking]
And cut.
[indistinct chattering in Japanese]
[applause continues]
[in Japanese] In the morning of the 23rd.
We would be here.
So anytime before that.
Me, my assistant, or someone.
[indistinct chattering in Japanese]
[woman 1] It's all right. Please.
[indistinct chattering in Japanese]
[woman 1] Not particularly.
It's all right.
[man 1] Do we just need
to tuck in the hem?
[banging in background]
[Naomi in English] I should probably
try to speak Japanese more.
I speak Japanese to my mom and my sister.
[background laughter]
[Naomi] They won't say anything
about the way that I talk
'cause I have broken grammar.
But now I'm in this spotlight,
I'm thinking
maybe I'm doing something wrong
by, like, not representing
the half-Black, half-Japanese kids well.
[nostalgic music plays]
[Tamaki] I was born
in a city, a small city called Nemuro.
It's, like, a fishery town.
My dad was, like,
very big existence and very strict.
And my mom is, like,
typical Japanese wife.
Like, you have to walk
in the shadow of the husband.
[Leonard] No matter what somebody does,
as an immigrant in Japan,
you never really are full Japanese.
So we had our obstacles, you know,
within our marriage and
parental, you know,
in how they looked at us.
In choosing their names
and making sure
it's a universal name wherever they go
we wanted people to see
who they really are.
[babbling happily]
[reporter 1] Let's turn to
Grand Slam tennis champion Naomi Osaka.
[camera shutters clicking]
She's taken steps to give up
her US citizenship to play for Japan
in the 2020 Olympics.
- [reporters chatter indistinctly]
- [camera shutters clicking]
[Naomi] I've been playing
under the Japan flag since I was 14.
It was never even a secret
that I'm gonna play for Japan
for the Olympics.
So I don't choose America,
and suddenly people are like,
"Your Black card is revoked."
And it's, like,
African American isn't the only Black,
you know? And
- [indistinct background chatter]
- [camera shutter clicking]
And I don't know. I feel like
people really don't know the difference
between nationality and race
'cause there's a lot
of Black people in Brazil,
but they're Brazilian.
[indistinct chattering on TV]
[laughter in background]
[reporter 2]
This is a CBS News special report.
I'm Chip Reid in Washington,
where a curfew goes into effect
at 11 p.m. Eastern Time.
Protests across the country
intensify over the death of George Floyd.
In Los Angeles,
you can see a building on fire.
The mayor of the city says
the National Guard
will be deployed overnight,
and a citywide curfew is in effect
until 5:30 this morning their time.
In Bakersfield, California,
police officers lined up
as protesters took to the streets.
George Floyd died
this past Monday in Minneapolis
after a police officer pinned him down
with a knee on his neck
for nearly nine minutes.
That officer was arrested on Friday
and charged with murder and manslaughter.
[ball bouncing, hitting racket]
[Wim] So, um
[clicks tongue] we have
about two more weeks here, training.
Then we, uh, we're gonna leave the 17th.
[balls hitting rackets]
[Naomi] I feel like
I always had this pressure
to maintain, like, this squeaky image.
[Naomi] And not get into any controversy.
[Wim] Again, try to find the rhythm
and try to copy the good
the serve that feels really good.
[ball bouncing, hitting fence]
[Naomi] And as long as I do that,
then, um, everything's chill.
[ball hitting fence]
[Wim] You know exactly what you need
to be at your best.
I don't feel
you need a lot of help from outside.
You agree?
[Naomi] It's a bit weird 'cause
there's just this buildup
of, like, things I wanna say,
but I'm super scared.
One, two, go!
[Naomi] And I am supposed to be, like,
the, you know, a silent, good person
or whatever and just maintain the image.
[trainer] Yeah.
[ball bouncing, hitting racket]
[pensive instrumental music plays]
[Naomi] I never had the chance
to, like, go to a place
where a protest was happening.
[indistinct sounds of protest]
[distant sirens wailing]
[siren wailing]
[woman in background] Black lives matter!
[Naomi] It's different
being aware and being present.
[whistle blowing]
[siren wailing]
[man 2] That shit was up there yesterday.
- They still smashed it up.
- [man 3] It's still smoking. My bad.
[man 2] That's the, uh
What's it called? The parts store.
- [man 4] What store?
- [man 2] O'Reilly Auto Parts.
- [man 4] Oh, that's
- [man 2] Damn.
[man 3] Hell yeah.
[siren wailing]
We are in a state of emergency.
Black people are dying
in a state of emergency.
- [clapping]
- [man 5] Say that, sis.
We cannot look at this
as an isolated incident.
The reason why buildings are burning
are not just for our brother George Floyd.
They're burning down
because people here in Minnesota
are saying to people in New York,
to people in California,
to people in Memphis,
to people all across this nation,
"Enough is enough."
[Naomi] I've been always following people
and, like, um,
sort of following
blueprints of people, um
And now I feel like I
didn't really find or, like, see a lane
or a path that I liked,
and I was at a standstill.
And then I found
that you have to make your own path.
Breaking news from the NBA.
At least one team has protested
the shooting of Jacob Blake
in Kenosha, Wisconsin,
by boycotting their playoff game today.
[reporter 3] Their actions snowballed
from the NBA Bubble in Orlando
to the WNBA, Major League Baseball,
and Major League Soccer.
- [indistinct shouting]
- [ball bouncing]
[crowd cheering]
[helicopter blades whirring]
The fact of the matter is, if these issues
weren't happening in the community,
these players wouldn't be
taking these, uh, positions
and protests to the level they have.
[man 6] Very proud of the players.
I don't know the next steps.
Don't really care what the next steps are
because the first steps
are to garner attention,
and they have everybody's attention
around the world right now.
[rhythmic thudding]
[rhythmic thudding continues]
[reporter 4] Two-time Grand Slam champion
Naomi Osaka also joined the strike,
announcing she would not be competing
in today's semifinal match
at the Western & Southern Open.
I felt like
I needed to, like, raise my voice
and, um, if withdrawing from a tournament
would cause the most stir,
then, um, it's something
that I would have to do.
[Wim] We were watching the NBA teams do it
and the WNBA teams do it.
And these were people
that were able to talk as a collective,
make a decision,
have the support of their team mates.
And she was on an island and did it alone.
And no other tennis player
was willing to do it.
She was the one
that took it upon herself and stood up.
She stopped the game of tennis for a day,
which had never been done in history.
[Naomi] It was a bit frightening
to speak up.
I do feel like
it's been building for a while,
and this is what
I'm supposed to be doing in this moment.
[airplane landing]
[Naomi] Get my shoes!
Gets the job done.
What else?
[clicks tongue] Uh, um
these are all the masks.
[announcer 1] From Japan,
2018 US Open champion
Naomi Osaka.
[crowd applauds, cheers]
[reporter 5] I notice the mask.
Breonna Taylor.
We know how, you know,
you've been fighting this fight now
for at least this week.
It's been a social issue that we've been
you have brought to us.
Are we gonna see more different names,
or is this the name
you're gonna come out with every night?
[Naomi] Um, no, actually, so I have seven,
um, and it's quite sad that seven masks
isn't enough for the amount of names.
So hopefully I'll get to the finals,
and you can see all of them.
[Tamaki] I asked her,
"Who gave you the idea?"
She said, "I did."
So I was like, "Brilliant idea."
[ball hitting racket]
If some people can't understand,
then probably
somebody will have to teach those people.
[commentator 1]
Osaka coming through six-one, six-two.
When it comes to the masks,
for me, I mean,
it feels like she's standing up for me.
She made that decision on her own,
and it's the right decision.
- [cheering]
- [umpire 1] Game, set, and match, Osaka.
[Leonard] She's standing
on the right side of history.
You've said you wanna raise awareness.
Why is it important to you?
I feel like the platform
that I have right now
is something I used to take for granted,
and for me, it just I feel like
I should be using it for something.
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[commentator 2] It's Osaka
who moves into the final.
A year ago at this tournament,
you were playing a match,
and over in your box sat Colin Kaepernick,
alongside your boyfriend,
as well as Kobe Bryant,
and his birthday was this week.
[shakily] Yeah. I mean, for me,
I just always wish that I would do
something that he's proud of,
um, and I felt incredibly lucky
to have known Kobe
and to, like,
speak to him on a personal level.
So, hopefully whatever I do
he won't be mad about, and he'd be proud.
- I think he'd be thrilled for you today.
- Thank you.
Naomi Osaka, thank you so much
for the past 48 hours,
for being a leader,
and finding your voice.
[announcer 2] From Japan,
2018 champion Naomi Osaka.
From Belarus,
two-time Australian Open champion
Victoria Azarenka.
[commentator 3]
The world's largest tennis stadium
with the smallest crowd
to ever watch a major final.
This is
an absolutely unique Grand Slam final.
Historic for very challenging reasons.
Osaka serves to begin
this US Open championship match.
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria grunts]
[line judge 1] Out.
[scattered applause]
[Victoria grunts]
[line judge 2] Out!
[commentator 4]
Kind of a shaggy-looking start for Osaka.
- Osaka looks a little slow, doesn't she?
- [commentator 3] Yes.
Just not
Right now, she doesn't seem
doesn't seem to have quite the sting
that she had against Brady
the other night.
[commentator 4] It's clear
that she sees Osaka is troubled
and can't keep up with her strokes.
[Victoria grunts]
[scattered applause]
[umpire 2] Forty-fifteen.
[commentator 5] She's out of sorts,
Naomi Osaka, right now.
[commentator 3] For 25 straight years,
the first-set winner has won the title.
Only four times in that span
has the first-set loser even been able
to force a final set.
Obviously, this is just
a vastly critical moment for Osaka.
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria] Come on!
- [umpire 2] Game and first set.
- [commentator 3] How about that?
You can't say it's over,
but, I mean, it it's
it's pretty dire.
[commentator 5] Osaka has to start
doing something differently.
[applause, cheering, whistling]
[umpire 2] Fifteen-all.
[crowd applauds]
- [Naomi] Come on!
- [umpire 2] Game, Osaka.
[Victoria grunts]
Come on!
[umpire 2] Game, Osaka.
- [Victoria grunts]
- [line judge 3] Out!
- [umpire 2] Game Osaka.
- [commentator 3] Well!
- [commentator 4] This got interesting.
- [commentator 3] Yes.
[commentator 4]
The sting is back in Osaka's shots.
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria groans]
[umpire 2] Game and second set, Osaka.
Six games to three, one set all.
[commentator 3] That point,
that's the Osaka we saw Thursday night.
[Naomi] Come on!
[crowd applauds]
[camera shutters clicking]
[umpire 2] Osaka leads
five games to three. Forty-thirty.
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria grunts]
[Victoria grunts]
- [Victoria grunts, shrieks]
- Come on!
- [umpire 2] Game, set, match, Osaka.
- [commentator 3] A point to end it.
Naomi Osaka wins
her second US Open championship.
At just 22, she's emerged
as someone who is a leader in this sport,
both on court,
with three championships now,
and off court.
[applause, cheering, whistling]
Party! We party, baby!
Here we go! Three.
- We did it!
- [Corbae] Three!
[host] Seven matches, seven masks,
seven names.
What was the message
you wanted to send, Naomi?
Um, well,
"What was the message that you got?"
Was more the question, I feel like,
the point is to make people start talking.
[crowd cheering, whistling, applauding]
- [cheering intensifies]
- [party poppers popping]
[commentator 3] Congratulations,
the champion of the 2020 US Open,
Naomi Osaka.
[cheering, whistling, applause]
[cheering, whistling, applause continues]
[airplane taking off]
[dramatic music plays]
[laughter in background]
[indistinct chattering]
[Leonard] How can you have five
when I have all the fives?
[Naomi laughs]
[Mari] I don't know if we have
five fives in the deck.
- [Naomi] Uh-oh.
- [Leonard] There are five fives
[Naomi] I thought that was a six.
Why did no one call on Mari?
She only has one card.
- [Tamaki] Are you finished?
- [Leonard] Done.
- [Naomi] What?
- [Leonard chuckles]
[Naomi] This is not
[man 7] The Caribbean was this crossroads
where all these colonial powers
were vying for control.
As one defeated the other,
it took his opponent's cannons.
The Haitian indigenous army
inherited that arsenal.
And we turned it
against our former oppressors.
Haiti is founded
to consecrate that freedom,
and the Citadelle is is its guardian.
[birds singing]
[calming music plays]
[motorcycle engines idling]
[Naomi] Reminds me of Grandma.
[Mari] Every time I go to Grandma's house,
she shows me, uh,
her picture of Jesus on the cross,
and, "I'm praying for you."
"You got this."
[Naomi] Grandma says
the same thing to me when I lose.
- "All right, I'm praying for you!"
- [Mari laughs]
[Mari] Yeah, maybe it's working.
[children singing]
[singing continues]
[Leonard] As a kid,
I was always into sports.
When I was in Haiti,
I I used to play basketball a lot.
But all of that was things
that I was doing on my own.
So I was never able to have a coach
or be part of a team.
For some reason,
I still cannot comprehend that a parent
would look at their kid
and think that they're the best
in the world at this age, you know?
But it's always been that feeling.
Like, "OK, she can make it."
[Naomi grunts]
[Naomi groans]
[boy laughs]
[Naomi laughs]
[calming instrumental music plays]
[bell ringing]
[water lapping gently]
[Naomi] It's funny
'cause it when I was younger
like, 17 or something,
I always wanted the high school experience
or, like, going to college.
I think I'm not aware of the timeline,
but I think
other people my age are in college now.
And I can get that experience
through watching movies
[chuckles] like 22 Jump Street
or something like that.
And honestly,
I feel like I'm too far down this path
to even, like,
wonder what could have been.
[lilting instrumental music plays]
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