Peppa Pig (2004) s04e46 Episode Script

George's Balloon

Peppa and George have had
a day out with Granny and Grandpa Pig
Ice Cream!
It is Miss Rabbit's Ice Cream Store
Let's stop for Ice Cream
Why not? I think we diserve it
Hello there!
Hello, Miss Rabbit! Four Ice Creams please
Coming right up.
What flavours would you like?
Strawberry for me, please
Chocolate for me, please
Banana for me, please.
Dinosaur, Grawwrr!
Hoo-oo! I don't think
they have Dinosaur Ice Cream!
I think George wants a Dinosaur Balloon!
Do you not want an Ice Cream, George?
No. Dinosaur!
Ho-ho. How much is the little balloon?
Ten Pounds
Ten Pounds?
It's all for a good cause
There you go George
Hold it tight! Don't let go!
George has let go of the balloon
Maybe I'll hold this very valuable balloon
for the journey home
George loves his Dinosaur Balloon
Peppa and George have arrived back
at Granny and Grandpa Pig's House
Hold it tight this time, George.
Don't let go
Oh, George. In the world,
there are two sorts of balloons
The "Up Balloon" and the "Down Balloon"
That is an "Up Balloon"
If you let it go, it will go up and up and up,
all the way to the moon!
AHH! Got you!
Perhaps we should go indoors
before we lose your balloon, George
Your balloon will be safe in here
Hello Polly, George has got a new balloon!
Don't you pop it, Polly!
George loves his balloon
George has let go of his Balloon again!
Don't worry George.
It won't fly away because the roof is in the way!
Oh, it's gone through the door!
It's going up the stairs!
It's going into the attic!
Don't worry
There's only one way out of the attic
and that is through the roof window
Which is always keep closed
Oh, dear
The roof window is not closed
Catch it, Grandpa!
I can't, Peppa! It's in the Sky!
George, your balloon is going to the moon,
you'll never see it again
Daddy Pig has come to
take Peppa and George home
Hello! Have you had a lovely time?
Um, we bought George a Dinosaur Balloon
But George let it go
and it's flying to the moon!
There must be some way we can get it back!
Look, Polly Parrot is
flying after the Balloon!
Polly Parrot to the rescue!
Go Polly, go!
Polly Parrot has rescued George's Balloon
Who's a clever Polly?
Who's a clever Polly?
George, don't let go of your balloon, again
I know, we'll tie the string
to your wrist, George
What a good idea!
George loves his Dinosaur Balloon
Everyone loves George's Dinosaur Balloon
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