Players (2022) s01e09 Episode Script


Then, after the handshakes,
try to make it to the podium
as fast as possible.
There will be confetti,
but it should be all right.
We'll have a photographer placed there,
fan out as five, and do one lift.
Hold it for a little bit
longer than you think you will.
There will be another shot of confetti.
Then you guys can set
it down and do individual
- lifts after that.
- And, Organizm, just
maybe smile, throw a smile in there.
You might be kind of happy,
and then, Creamcheese,
um, try to look at the crowd
and not yourself on the jumbotron, yeah?
If I'm on the jumbotron,
I'm gonna look at myself, April.
Just try to include your fans on
- I don't want to see them.
- Don't do it.
No. Don't listen to her, man.
Dude, if you're if you
want to look at yourself
on the jumbotron, you look.
- See? This guy
- All right, all right, all
- right. I'm not gonna argue it.
- This guy
- You'll look, man.
- knows what's up.
- What's up, dude?
- Honest Look-look,
Look, there is nothing as
special as winning your first title.
Well, I'm looking forward to it.
Yeah, I mean, honestly,
a little part of me is rooting
- for you guys.
- Yeah?
No, no, dude, no.
Thanks. No, it's too late. You said it.
No, no, dude, you're
No, we got you, man, we got you.
- We're gonna Thank you.
- Good luck, though, good luck.
We are going to win, so
- Oh, I-I can't wait to see it.
- Be ready for that.
Can't wait to see it.
I've played
with both Foresite and Organizm,
and as long as I'm your support,
you're the better ADC.
Fugitive, baby.
I got one word for Creamcheese:
Are you kidding me?
This rivalry has been
going on for a long time,
but not with me.
No, I-I don't know why they're
doing this whole rivalry thing.
They've they should've
done the whole underdog thing.
-You know, Fugitive versus TSM,
-Oh, yeah.
- Like David versus Goliath.
- Yes, dude.
- That would've been awesome.
- People love underdogs.
That's a great Honestly,
that's such a good idea.
We're not underdogs.
What'd you say?
We're not underdogs.
Yeah. I mean, but
underdogs are cool, right?
People love underdogs.
- You seen The Mighty Ducks?
- Never.
I never get tired of winning.
Fugitive is gonna take the Nexus!
It's all over.
We'll probably win seven championships.
A two-year, $3 million contract?
He's gonna be the youngest
pro player in North America.
Creamcheese is a choke artist.
This would've
been the perfect setup to wombo combo.
Is it time for Fugitive
to move on from Creamcheese?
Something is brutally wrong
- in this team.
- This season will make
or break the Fugitive franchise.
Welcome to the game that we have
all been waiting for and what
promises to be one
of the most historic finals
in the history of the LCS
between longtime
rivals TSM
and Fugitive Gaming.
There was so much hype around this
matchup because
the storylines were endless.
Rookie of the year in his hometown.
The GOAT against his former team.
But when talking to fans,
it feels like a lot of them
were most interested
in seeing if Cream was going to
get over this hump, or if, once again,
he was gonna choke.
Over the years,
Creamcheese has developed
a reputation for shrinking
in big moments.
And Fugitive has completely
- surrendered.
- Fucking shit. Fuck.
Call it what it is:
Creamcheese is a choke artist.
Does not deliver when it matters.
Fuck. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead.
In a big game, you just can't
- count on Creamcheese.
- I can't remember
a collapse this bad.
For the most part, people never
really question Cream's talents,
they questioned his mental,
because, on the biggest stages,
we've seen multiple times where
Creamcheese just melts down.
Going into the
spring finals in our first LCS season,
nobody questioned
whether Cream was clutch.
You know, the only reputation he had
was that of a winner.
Fugitive will take the Nexus.
You just cannot stop this team.
In 2016, when we went
all the way to the finals,
Cream was the most confident
I've ever seen him.
And Morgan was a big part of that.
We found our groove that first year.
We stomped all over the LCS.
Nice, nice. Nice!
I still think that might be
my best regular season split
that I've played.
- Hey, man.
- You're the fucking man.
Our first season, we proved
that we didn't just
deserve to be in the league.
We could actually win this thing.
Fugitive gaming in their first season
as a pro team are already headed
to the NA LCS Finals
- in Las Vegas.
- The AxeBros in Vegas.
That's an awesome story.
I had never seen
Trevor or, I mean, the entire team so
excited, and Trevor
asked me if I wanted to come along, and
of course, I said yes 'cause
the tournament sounded,
like, so amazing.
And I really wanted
to see Britney Spears perform.
It's Britney, bitch!
First step into Vegas
and last time in Vegas
as non-NA champions,
- am I right, y'all?
- Yes, yeah.
Doesn't it just smell
like Vegas in the air?
We were in Vegas,
and I wanted to get us tickets
to see Britney Spears performing live,
except for all the shows
that she had were sold out,
except for that very first one.
But I was like,
"Fuck it, we're here early.
Let's just go to the show."
Oops, I did it again ♪
I played with your heart ♪
Honestly, I think that Trevor
was even more excited.
Oh, baby, baby, oops, you ♪
She, like, came out of the ceiling
and had, like, a boa constrictor
wrapped around her neck.
I'm not that innocent ♪
You hear the song on the albums.
The songs on the albums are very good.
Live, it's like
it is like the Taco Bell Cantina
version of Britney Spears.
And it's her singing.
I know people say it's not her
Like, fuck that.
It's Britney singing.
Above ♪
I'm not that innocent ♪
So the concert ends, and on the way out,
somebody at the show recognized Cream
and took a video of him.
Yeah, what's up, dude?
Yo, Britney. Oh, fuck your dick, bro.
And some fans questioned whether he
was taking the finals seriously enough.
Oh, fuck your dick, bro.
But at the time,
I didn't care that people
were tweeting about me seeing Britney
in Vegas because I truly believed
I was going to shut them up.
I believed we were going to beat TSM.
Welcome to the LCS Spring Finals in
Las Vegas, Nevada, and we've got
a great best of five coming up.
Fugitive Gaming, obviously
the hottest team
in the LCS coming against TSM.
I mean, their trophy case
is full already.
Yeah, it's really a perfect matchup
because coming into the year,
we weren't sure how
Fugitive Gaming was going
to fare against LCS competition,
but turns out
they actually do fare pretty well.
Now we have to see
if they can beat the final boss.
That's what this final sets up.
I'm really excited to see it.
We were so jacked up in Vegas,
like, we felt like we were
the new show in town, you know?
Move over, Australian penis show.
We are the new kids in town.
all that came before felt small.
This is what we worked so hard for,
sacrificed so much for,
and it was finally happening.
All right, we can go.
Wait, I'm going. Watching him?
There we go.
Fugitive Gaming comes out hot,
taking first blood.
So, we come in, AxeBros,
cave in TSM Spotlight,
first blood, first turret,
first Drake boom, boom, boom.
Our level ones were better.
Braxton was outscheming
their coach, and he wasn't even
the coach yet. He was just the top laner
planning their level ones.
That's what I'm fucking talking about.
- Way to go, Nightfall.
- Nice.
We weren't the underdogs for long.
- Nexus. Nexus.
- Fugitive will
take the Nexus for
a crucial lead in the series.
- So fucking good.
- Yes, guys. Good stuff.
That's it.
The first game gave us
all the confidence we need,
so we went out there
and we ran it back.
Go, go, go. Keep throwing it.
- Get to the Nexus.
- Yes, yes.
- Fucking nice.
- Nice. Nice!
A 2-0 lead for Fugitive.
This is what dreams
are made of right here.
- Fuck yeah.
- Wow, there you go. Way to go.
This may be one of the most dominant,
well played finals we've seen.
We were just one game away
from winning the title.
You know, the-the glory.
After winning game two,
we-we weren't even thinking
about winning game three.
We were already
thinking about winning Worlds.
Game three, and they're playing well.
- Ooh! So good.
- Nice, dude.
Nice, bro.
Up in kills, cold advantage.
Smart choices throughout.
Partway through that game three,
Fugitive was looking like
the best LCS team ever.
All right. This is great.
Good, good, good.
So, the game is basically over.
TSM is walking in completely blind.
Their Kog'Maw doesn't have flash,
so the only way he lives
is if I fuck it up.
Okay, Cream,
- whenever you're ready, buddy.
- All I had to do
was land that
headbutt-pulverize on Kog'Maw.
Look at Creamcheese at the wall.
- They don't see him.
- Ooh, this could be it.
And it would've been the perfect setup
to one of the world's
sickest wombo combos.
This is good. This is good right here.
This is great. No, no, no, it's good.
- All right, Cream, we got you.
- On you, Cream.
- Cream.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Go, go, go, damage. That's Go, go.
Oh, my fucking God.
Cream sees his moment, he goes
in, completely fucks it.
Punts the Kog'Maw to safety
and everything collapsed around him.
Everyone blows their cooldowns,
they hit nothing. It's a disaster.
Oh, my God, Creamcheese
botches the Alistar combo and Projekt's
able to free fire onto Fugitive.
He just doesn't press the second letter
on his keyboard. Like, this isn't hard.
Virtually anyone can press W then Q,
like, half-second later,
and-and the Kog'Maw's dead.
What the fuck? No, I hit my Q there.
- Shut up, shut up.
- Back, back, back, back,
- back, back.
- That has
got to be one of
the most costly, messed-up
headbutt-pulverize I've ever seen.
Completely failing the wombo combo.
That is a brutal, unforgivable
mistake by Creamcheese.
That's what they called it.
And they were right.
It is possible to screw up
We're humans but you can't,
not in the finals,
not when the pressure's on.
You're not allowed to make this mistake.
Everyone remembers Cream's
botched wombo combo,
so it's easy to forget
that we still had two more games.
You know? Two more opportunities
to win that series.
Bro, what the fuck, Brax, why
didn't you go in on the gank?
You should've TP'd.
But after that missed wombo combo,
it was clear that
Cream's mental was broken.
Where is my fucking team?
- He was tilted.
- Fuck!
Creamcheese dies again.
And there was no way
we were beating TSM.
And listen to that crowd. They're loving
- the reverse sweep.
TSM take the Nexus.
TSM take their fourth championship.
I do feel bad for the guy.
But at the time, we were just so
angry at him.
Yeah, you love to see
a finals go to all five games,
and sometimes for the victor,
the reverse sweep can be
all the more satisfying, right?
Because they're down in the gutter 0-2,
but they managed to just
pull themselves back up.
- Yeah.
- Especially games
four and five. Super dominant by TSM.
I've gone over that botched wombo combo
maybe a million times in my head.
I honestly still
don't know what happened.
99 times out of 100, I hit that.
I think when the general public thinks
of professional gamers, they think
you know, of-of, like,
these Greek gods
They're machines,
they're the best of us.
They're amazing.
But it's easy to forget that
they're human.
Creamcheese decides to give a speech
after losing a championship.
I have something
I want to say to everyone.
It's like, "How could I make this worse?
"Oh, let me give a speech that literally
no one asked for."
I've been hearing a lot
of people saying they don't
think Fugitive Gaming
has what it takes to win.
I've been hearing a lot of people
doubting us. I heard
people doubting us
even as we came on stage today.
It was tough to watch.
Trevor is like a brother to me,
and I just remember seeing him
up on that stage thinking,
"Who is this guy?"
You know? I mean, this
this isn't Trevor.
So, go ahead
Keep on doubting, 'cause we're not gonna
win just one championship.
We're not gonna win
just two championships.
We-we could, we could
Honestly, we'll
honestly, we'll probably
win seven championships.
Motherfucker, you just
lost! You just lost,
and you're gonna promise?
How about one win? How about one win
before you promise seven?
Frankly, I'm-I'm probably
the best support
to ever play the game, and
that just hasn't shown up yet,
and it will show up,
and when it does, we will
win our championships, we will win,
probably, seven championships.
I don't think people realize
how much that series
changed him. I mean, before that,
he wasn't this loud support
with the huge ego.
This is so fucking dumb.
Creamcheese is walking off the stage!
The game's not even over yet!
He was a sweet kid.
And we have Nutmilk on the floor.
- What's up?
- He was a good teammate.
I'm gonna call it right here
Best jungler in NA.
He was happy to be support.
He would tell you himself
that Foresite was the leader
of the team.
Oh, my God!
You're a fucking God.
And I think
Cream believes that all that changed
when he missed the wombo combo.
So, don't forget about me.
Do not forget about me,
'cause I'll be back.
But, for me
it all changed
when he picked up that mic.
Thank you for your time.
A lot of fans
blamed the loss on Creamcheese
going to see Britney the night before.
And it didn't help
that Foresite doubled down.
You know, we just
need to learn from this as a team
because, frankly, we were not as focused
as we should've been.
We should have been scrimming
and not seeing concerts.
Foresite knew how much Trevor loved him
and looked up to him,
but instead of defending Cream,
he threw him under the bus.
And the not-so-subtle implication
was that we would've beaten TSM
if it weren't for
his relationship with Morgan.
It's his first hike.
You're doing great. He loves it.
Beautiful nature
Look at all these dead trees.
After that loss to TSM, all I'm doing
is thinking about that wombo combo,
just playing it over and over again,
using that as my fuel,
as my motivation.
And Morgan thinks
I need to get my mind off of it,
so she buys us tickets to Paris.
Trevor said that
he needed to work harder
and not take a break,
- so he refused to go.
- And that just
became this whole big fight.
He said he didn't have time
to talk about it or us
or deal with me.
I had to
work harder than everyone else
to be the best.
This is something where he's-he's
playing, like, all hours of every day.
I couldn't have any more
distractions, you know?
So, I-I just locked myself
in the scrim room.
It just felt like this
was obviously the direction
that Trevor's life was going in.
The esports world
is where you all sort of live together.
The team lives together,
congregated in a single house.
I have been through that life.
It is not for everyone.
It became clear that Trevor's life
was now just League and only League.
And I didn't see where I really fit
into it in a long-term way.
The breakup with Morgan
really hurt him. Uh,
still does, I think, but
Foresite leaving
Even now, he won't talk about it.
I think it's too painful.
Well, the news broke
a little after MSI.
Foresite was going to play for TSM.
Foresite confirmed today
a two-year deal with TSM.
If TSM wasn't already the favorite
to win it all again,
they are now definitely
I felt like I fucked it up.
He really wanted to win
a championship, and, like,
I was out there with Morgan
seeing concerts and-and
blowing 2-0 leads, so
I don't blame him.
When Foresite left, everything changed.
I think he wanted to prove
that he could win
without Foresite, but
we all know how history played out.
Foresite is known
for all the incredible things
that he's accomplished.
And Creamcheese is mostly
known for the things he hasn't.
Oh, my fucking God.
It was tough for all of us.
I mean, to watch Foresite win
title after title without us.
The more success Foresite had,
the more pressure Cream put on himself.
Rise available, misses the knockup.
- And the black shield's
- Fuck.
On his back to safety.
There's not enough damage
Any time a new ADC came in,
Cream would make sure
they knew, "This is my team.
I am the Fugitive."
Like, why do you
think it's called Fugitive?
- Because I am the Fugitive.
- Right.
I've been building his team
since I was Nutmilk, dude.
He wanted so badly to change
the narrative about himself,
but that's not how things played out.
That's a disaster for Fugitive.
Creamcheese just does
not deliver when it matters.
When we lost to Godless in 2017,
fans talked about Britney.
When we lost again in 2018,
"Oops, Cream did it again."
I couldn't tell if I was actually
a choker or if they convinced me
that I was a choker.
It's like Inception,
but instead of a dream
it's, like, a-a bad dream.
After that first season,
it was a rough five years for Cream,
and it just broke my heart
because I knew he really blamed himself.
Is it a mental thing? Does
he have the blocker that's gonna
prevent him from ever winning
a championship?
Yeah, he does.
Let's hear it, Philadelphia!
Ladies and gentlemen, LCS fans,
welcome to the stage the defending
LCS champions, TSM!
TSM on three. Ready?
- One, two, three!
- TSM!
- Let's go.
- Listen,
I want you to forget
your history with TSM.
I want you to go out there
and I want you to make history.
- Understand me?
- All right.
You guys ready?
- Then let's do it. Let's go!
- We got this.
Playing their fifth LCS Final,
seeking that elusive first title
in franchise history,
please welcome Fugitive Gaming!
I am so excited to be here for this.
It is gonna be a banger,
TSM going up against Fugitive.
It has been a one-sided affair thus far.
Former teammates facing off here.
We have Foresite and
Creamcheese. You know there's
- some bad blood there.
- Oh, yeah.
Fugitive is so hungry
to get a title,
and Creamcheese Now paired alongside
rookie star Organizm here,
- Fuck yeah.
- Is trying to finally
get his first title
before, potentially, he retires
at the end of this year.
Fugitive, baby! Fugitive, let's go.
I mean, I was gonna come
whether he considers me
his manager or his brother,
whatever. I mean,
I'm-I'm still a fan of the team.
I'm-I'm a fan of Organizm. So
A-And I'm here to see my other
favorite player, Nightfall.
- Yay, yay.
- Yeah.
So, yeah, let's start, baby.
Fugitive, let's go.
Nine, eight
All right, we're now moments away
from the start of our
series here, and Azael,
game number one,
- right out of the gate.
- Let's get it.
And here we go.
Finals kicking off. We're underway.
We got this, we got this.
Yeah, we got this. We got this.
I think that is a lane swap forming
- What?
- In their base right now.
Look at where they're headed.
That is gonna be risky
coming out the gates.
The story of game one was coaching.
Fugitive comes out
with a throwback strategy
A lane swap
Oh, man, lane swap
hasn't been meta in so long.
I'm excited to see
if they can pull this off.
sending Creamcheese and Organizm
into the top lane, and TSM
They were not expecting it.
- Feeling good about this.
- Yeah.
Braxton had been looking for
an opportunity to try this strategy.
And with TSM leaning so hard
on their bot lane all playoffs,
he knew it was the moment
to pull off the lane swap.
- Pika, go, go, go. Pika, go.
- Go in there.
Right there, right there, there it is.
Fuck yeah, bro.
- There we go.
- Ooh! Ooh!
Fugitive catching 'em
completely off guard.
TSM was not ready for the lane swap.
Hell yeah!
Lane swap, baby. Lane swap.
They think this is their house?
Fuck your house.
Oh, just No, no, just-just a
flash flash down, flash down.
Go, go, go, go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Foresite looking
for that kill on Creamcheese
but he ain't gonna get it,
and the team is there.
- Nightfall takes him out.
- Oh!
Fugitive will take the Nexus.
Fuck yeah, let's go.
Certified banger,
but that's only game one,
and we got to see, can TSM bounce back?
- Oh, my God.
- Game one. That's one down.
- That's one down.
- Oh, we got it, we got it.
And honestly, for me,
the story of game one, Azael:
the lane swap from Fugitive Gaming
that just caught TSM
completely off guard.
Coach Braxton pulling this strategy out.
You do not see lane swap in 2021.
This is an artifact of the past.
They brought it out
and they did it beautifully
- to execute against TSM.
- That takes confidence.
TSM looking
to bring it back and tie it up.
Game two, let's do it.
This is good, guys.
We're in a good position here.
Foresite is playing a near-perfect game
and giving TSM a real advantage
early on in the bot lane.
Another strong performance
from Organizm in game two
of the series, but Fugitive
is still slipping behind
in gold and kills.
We need to find picks.
Urgot's too tanky and Samira's
- too fed for a team fight.
- Yeah, yeah,
I can shadow Tyrant, and
then maybe we can get a bounty.
Looks like a
little bit of a bait coming out
as they engage here, bringing up
- the extra man.
- He's gonna get the kill.
Nightfall shows up,
but it will be a one-for-one trade,
losing their top laner,
but it's still Nightfall
ready to go and keep this push alive.
Nightfall gets the kill and the bounty,
but it could be too late,
TSM are on the push.
He's got to get back to defend.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
- Guys, we're gonna lose 4v4.
Let me let I-I'm just
gonna go backdoor, yeah?
Go, go. Go, we'll keep them
from recalling.
Wait, they're backdooring.
They're backdooring.
Wait, Hitch, go base, go base,
go base, base, base, base.
Stop recall, stop recall!
No, no, they're trying to stop it.
Nightfall's not gonna try to defend,
he's gonna try to take the Nexus
single-handedly right now!
I'm here in the Nexus, I'm in the Nexus.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we got ourselves a base race.
- Base race. Base race.
- It's not the best.
The only way Nightfall can pull this off
is if Fugitive can defend the base 3v4.
Don't-don't die. Just don't die,
guys. Just clear the wave.
Just go, go. Get the tower.
Hit it, hit it, hit it.
I got the Nexus, all right!
- Oh, Bap is down.
- Bap is out of the picture.
I'm dead.
Oh, and Organizm
- will be quick to follow.
- Fuck.
Creamcheese, the last man standing.
I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead.
- But it's TSM
- Wait, Nightfall's
on the second tower! He's still going!
I got the second one.
- Oh, God.
- Ah
Both teams' Nexuses
- Oh, it's so close!
- In dire straits.
- Do it!
- Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Yeah, I'm just hitting the Nexus now.
Nightfall is so close! This is crazy!
Yeah I got it, I got it.
Go, go, go, go!
Come on, you got this. You got this.
Yeah, just take it,
just take it, just take it.
Nightfall will find the Nexus.
Let's fucking go! Fucking go!
- Holy shit!
- Yes!
What the fuck?!
Fugitive wins!
- Wow!
- That had to be
one of the closest finishes
I have ever seen
in a game of League of Legends.
I wasn't even breathing by the end.
And if you weren't out of breath
even watching
that race between Nightfall and TSM,
I don't know what you're tuned in for.
Let's go!
Ah, man, that was so close, bro.
This is the guy right here.
- That was so close.
- Way to read that opportunity.
- It was all him.
- That was incredible.
It was all him.
Hey, hey, guys, everyone, everyone.
I just want to say something
to you guys.
This is, hands down,
the best Fugitive team ever.
- That's right.
- The best Fugitive team ever.
One more fucking game.
- One more fucking game, okay?
- We got this.
Oh, man, Fugitive is up two-zero,
but how close
were those first two games?
- Yeah.
- This could be going either way.
We got the lane swapping game one.
We got the base race
in game two, and you have got
to keep your foot on the gas
if you are Fugitive
because TSM is clutch, and if you allow
Foresite to get into a game number five,
you know it's lights out.
Here we go, coming into game three,
and it's match point
for Fugitive Gaming.
- Nice. Yeah, I see
- There you go.
- Okay, okay, okay
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nice first blood
for Org and for Fugitive.
That's Organizm right here.
That's Percy.
- Your brother?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Oh, my God! Ugh.
Good momentum. I don't want to
I don't want to jinx it,
I don't want to jinx it, but
I'll say it, I'll say it. I think we
- No, no, no. Don't jinx it.
- No. Paul, Paul.
- Don't jinx it, don't jinx it.
- Paul, don't say it.
After I kill this turret, I'm going mid.
Fugitive overextends
on the Foresite kill, but
they'll take that one. Oh, no.
But it looks like we've got a pause.
What the fuck?
Pause in the finals.
This is why I didn't want you
- to say it, Paul! Sorry.
- I-I didn't I really
- I'm sorry.
- Literally, I didn't say that.
Around 15 minutes into the game,
XFizz calls to the refs
and asks for an official pause because
he claims his headset is not working.
We had all the momentum,
we had all the rhythm,
we had all the advantages.
But that pause
just through everything off.
During an official pause,
the refs they disable
all comms so that the players
can't, like, strategize.
So the only thing they can hear
is that white noise that
they pump into their headphones.
There's nothing you can do
but just try to stay
out of your own thoughts.
You sit there and you look up
and you're just reminded
that it's not just me
playing League, it's me
and hundreds of thousands
of people watching right now.
To see what that next move
is going to be.
Through the white noise,
we were able to hear the
A pause,
during an LCS Final in a packed arena.
That's a psychological hurdle
for everyone on that stage.
But for Creamcheese?
You know he's just thinking
about the worst day of his life.
Oh, baby, baby ♪
Oops, you think I'm in love ♪
By the time the pause
was over, we were a different team.
And it's Hitch picking up
the kill on Creamcheese.
- Fuck.
- Nice, guys, good stuff.
Creamcheese overextends
and pays the price.
Play that slow, just play that slow.
Creamcheese trying to make a play here,
but he just gives TSM another kill.
- What are you doing?
- Cream, come on.
Just-just stay in lane
and we'll be fine.
Okay, well, just land
your Q's and we'll be fine.
I just tried to stay calm.
I just tried to worry about myself
and play how I was playing,
but I can't handle
when Cream plays like shit.
- Go, go, go. On me, on me, me.
- What are you doing?
You're playing so fucking
far out of position, dude.
I don't know what you're doing.
You're so tilted.
Just wait for my angle.
And Cream goes down again.
What the fuck is he doing?
Cream, how many times do I have
to tell you to follow my calls,
- dude? What are you doing?
- Okay, well,
your calls are shit, bro.
It's not me. You're just choking again.
Foresite's Curtain Call,
gonna clean them up.
- They are running all over them.
- Yes, nice, nice.
That's what I'm talking about.
And TSM takes the win here
in game number three.
Azael, we got ourselves a series.
What a bounce back from TSM.
What the fuck?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Do you see this shit?
He just typed "oops"?
- "Oops."
- What?
You fucking see this shit?
Fucking "oops."
Foresite typed it all
all chat, like, "oops," right?
And it was obvious that he was calling
for the Britney Spears song.
I always thought that Foresite
was a nice guy,
but that was just mean.
Okay, it's okay, guys.
We can win next game.
We can win next game. It's okay.
Let's go, baby. Let's go.
Bring it in. No, bring it in.
Fucking bring it in.
Oh, shit, look.
Foresite wrote "oops" in all chat.
Let me see that.
- Cream. Cream.
- Fuck! Fuck!
Organizm is fucking griefing us.
- It's just one game.
- It's 4v6 out there.
- Man, fuck you.
- It's fucking 4v6.
- 4v6?
- Yeah, bro.
It's 4v6 'cause you're fucking choking.
- Oh, you got a big mouth now.
- All right, guys.
- He's got a big fucking mouth.
- It is just one game.
Again, I remind you,
we are winning right now.
- Barely.
- No, no, we're not winning.
He's fucking tilting like he always does
when he doesn't get his way,
so he's running out there
and he's trying to outplay Foresite.
Well, I got news for you, Cream,
you can't outplay Foresite
- because he's better than you!
- Org.
- I can beat Foresite.
- No the fuck you can't.
- Get your shit together.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
I can't be around this.
I can't fucking be around him.
I-I can't
H-He drives me fucking insane.
- I can't be around him.
- All right.
For Fugitive
Gaming fans, I think you got to be
a little bit worried here, Azael,
because they did not look good
- after that pause.
- They did not at all.
And you got to wonder, you know,
a-are they a little bit tilted
coming out of Did they get
into their head in that pause?
You know, we saw Creamcheese
not looking the same
after the pause as he was
before, but on the other side,
Foresite, he was looking clean
- Yes.
- In the rest of that game.
And not only is Foresite
Never underestimate Fugitive.
Never underestimate Creamcheese
would not
be the first time they've been
reverse-swept by TSM.
You know those thoughts
are in their head,
You know that this is on Creamcheese
just two championships.
We-we could, we could,
honestly, we'll
honestly, we'll probably win
seven championships.
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