Public Disorder (2025) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[machine clangs and whirs]
[eerie music playing]
[radio beeps and crackles]
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[man 1 over radio] Milan 2 to Dispatch.
The Senigallia, Milan, and Turin units
are all patrolling
the Val di Susa construction yard.
-[man 2] Panebianco!
-[Panebianco] What?
[man 2] Suck it!
[man 1] Protesters
have broken through the gate.
They're agitated, armed. Hundreds of them.
How the fuck are you sleeping right now?
[sighs] How the fuck are you not?
It's been 10 hours already.
There's an apartment for rent
in my building.
-I'm fine.
-[man 3 over radio] What weapons?
[man 1] They seemed to be armed
with crowbars, knives, tear gas,
Molotov cocktails.
-[man 3] Which units are on patrol?
-[man 1] Senigallia, Milan 1 and 2, Padua.
-[man 4] Mazì!
-[Mazinga] Yeah?
[man 4] When are we going in?
[music intensifies]
Just cool your jets. I'll let you know.
[man 1] Do not engage.
We don't want injuries.
[man 3] Roger.
[Mazinga] What's happening, Pietro?
What do you mean "nothing"?
You been on your phone for three hours.
-What about her?
-She left me.
-Yeah. She's fucking had it, I guess.
-[radio beeps and crackles]
-[man 1] Roma Unit.
Go ahead.
[man 1] Senigallia's ending. You're on.
We're on the move.
[radio beeps]
Let's go, Panebianco.
We're on our way.
[dramatic music playing]
[Velcro sticks]
[Panebianco] Hey, there you go.
[crowd chanting] No TAV!
The people have spoken!
No TAV. The people have spoken!
No TAV. The people have spoken!
No TAV. The people have spoken!
No TAV. The people have spoken!
No TAV. The people have spoken!
No TAV. The people have spoken!
-No TAV. The people have spoken!
-[man 1] All this shit because of a train?
-No TAV. The people have spoken!
-[Mazinga] I hate Val di Susa.
We're gonna give them
something to cry about.
…the people have spoken.
No TAV. The people have spoken.
No TAV. The people have spoken!
-No TAV. The people have spoken!
-Officer. This is Roma 3.
-Deputy Inspector Pietro Fura.
-[man 2] I know who you are.
I'm Officer De Calvi. They brought us in
from Mirafiori in Turin.
This is the main entrance to the yard.
No major threats.
I want your unit there,
with the dickheads and troublemakers.
And let me be clear. No fuckups tonight.
Our priority is making sure
none of those damn commies
break into the construction yard.
Milan 1 and 2,
as well as Padua will stay on with you.
Senigallia's clocking out. Let's move.
Helmets on, now!
[crowd] Leave! Go home!
This is Val di Susa!
-[De Calvi] Roma 3 coming through.
-Leave! Go home! This is Val di Susa!
Leave! Go home! This is Val di Susa!
Leave! Go home! This is Val di Susa!
-[Pietro] Who's the leader for Senigallia?
-Michele Nobili.
Leave! Go home! This is Val di Susa!
[male protester] Go fuck yourselves!
-Yeah! Fuck you all!
-Hey, hey! Calm down.
-[crowd shouting indistinctly]
-[radio beeps]
Roma 3! Standby!
Senigallia, step out!
[music intensifies]
Hey, Nobili,
still not wearing your helmet?
Bad habit to get into.
-[crowd] …and we will fight for it.
-Say hi to Senigallia for me.
I'll see you in Rome, Fura.
Hey! What is that, a threat?
[crowd] …and we will fight for it.
Leave us in peace! Fascists and police!
-Leave us in peace! Fascists and police!
-[Pietro] Keep a tight formation.
Leave us in peace! Fascists and police!
[Pietro] Let's show them who we are!
Roma unit, hold the perimeter.
Leave us in peace! Fascists and police!
-Leave us in peace! Fascists and police!
-You good?
I'm locked and loaded.
[woman] I'm not scared of you!
You're just pawns!
-[man 1] You piece of shit!
-[woman] You're all trash!
Fascists! You should be ashamed!
Hey! Why the fuck are you working
with these bastards?
You're a traitor, you fucking whore!
You fascist whore!
You're going to die here, go home!
Bitch! Ah! Let me go!
-Let me go!
-She's the first.
Get off of me! Bastards!
Piece of shit cops!
[Pietro] Don't break ranks!
-Form up!
[Michele] Pignarelli, tear gas!
[crowd shouting indistinctly]
[man 2] Go home!
[tense, slow music playing]
[heavy breathing]
[Mazinga] Take cover!
This is De Calvi,
we've got an officer down!
-Send in the chopper now.
-[Mazinga] Hey! Can you hear me?
Move up. Stay tight.
[dramatic music playing]
[Mazinga] Shit!
[crowd shouting]
[Mazinga] Just stay calm. Don't worry,
I'm getting you outta here. Okay?
[De Calvi] Valenti, I've got him!
You're in command of the squad now.
Got that?
Reinforce the perimeter.
Maintain your positions.
And don't charge in.
[music intensifies]
[siren wails]
[Mazinga] Move in!
[dramatic rock music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[helicopter whirs]
[Mazinga] Rome never surrenders!
[music gets slower and quieter]
[guns cocking]
[river running]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[music intensifies]
-[music stops]
[eerie music playing]
[door opens]
We need your baton.
[door creaks open]
[ominous music playing]
[door shuts]
[music continues]
[Mazinga] Pietro's undergoing
emergency surgery.
Is it serious?
The blast put a nail through his spine.
My legs are shaking
just thinking about it.
[Marta] His wife.
Someone's gotta call his wife.
I'm not very close with her.
Well, we'd better get ready.
We leave in three hours.
[music fades out]
[woman] Anna, hi…
It's Marta.
Listen, something happened to--
They already called you?
Bye, bye.
They're operating on him in Rome.
Thank you.
Get a garbage bag, would ya?
-Look at the mess you made.
Clean it up.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[sirens wail]
[sirens wail]
[tires screeching]
[dialogue not audible]
[phone beeps]
[woman] Hi, Marta.
I left just about 10 minutes ago.
Everything's fine.
She's doing her homework.
I didn't end up taking her skating
because of the bus strike.
Sorry about that.
Ah, shit.
Hi, Paola. I'm just getting home now.
I'm sorry, I didn't… leave money for you.
I'm sorry.
I'll… I'll pay you next time.
Thanks for everything.
We thought we had dispersed
the protesters.
The bomb exploded
when Pietro's back was turned.
Shrapnel and nails went everywhere.
Your bodycams. Did you hand them in?
Equipment has Pietro's bodycam.
And the other one?
They were throwing Molotovs at us, sir.
None of us could see a damn thing.
I guess it fell off,
or it came off, maybe, I dunno.
If you want to know
what happened that night, sir,
just read the shift report.
It's all in there.
And what's this about the river?
What river?
The protesters being treated at the ER
all said they were beaten near a river.
Who the hell did that?
Just listen, okay?
We were lined up down there,
trying to stop 400 people
who were charging right at us.
They were throwing everything
they could find, anything you can imagine.
And you're asking me about what?
Shift changes and rivers and bodycams?
For Christ's sake, Valenti, every time
we have a shitshow on our hands,
it's always your squad.
With all due respect,
that man is a colleague
with 30 years on the force.
And a chopper came
to airlift him outta there.
And you're worried
about four little shits?
I mean, pretty soon they'll be back home
with Daddy and Mommy.
Listen, I've known Pietro Fura a long time
and I'm sorry about what happened to him.
You don't have to be sorry.
Because our boy Pietro'll
be back real soon.
And more pissed than ever.
Mazì, just write the report
so they don't bust our balls. Okay?
[door closes]
[inhales deeply]
[girl] I do a double toe-loop,
then I spin, and do it all again.
It's all the same moves as before,
but this time I'm going backwards.
[Marta] Why?
-Keep eating.
Because I'm great at the spin.
She didn't think I could.
-Oh, yeah?
That sounds pretty cool.
Yeah, it is.
Good job.
And you? How did it go?
[Marta inhales deeply]
Same as always. [sighs]
Did you get beat up?
No, I didn't get beat up.
Hey, what is that?
It came yesterday.
[Marta] Who sent it?
Son of a bitch.
[Marta sighs]
I can't go to the post office tomorrow
so I'll give them to Paola to send back.
-No, I--
-I don't want an argument.
I'm doing it, Agata.
The scumbag's sending packages now…
-He what "Momma?”
I'm sick of him doing what he wants!
But they fit me.
-Are you done?
-I'm not hungry anymore.
Then go brush your teeth. And go to bed.
[tense music playing]
[tense music intensifies]
[female newscaster] Tensions between
police and the No TAV protesters
in Val di Susa have reached
a breaking point.
Yesterday, Thursday November 17th,
a group of No TAV protesters
marched on the construction site,
and broke through the fence
manned by police forces.
Ten protesters were injured
in the resulting clash,
some of whom were found near a river
running close to the construction site.
One police officer was also
reportedly injured in the clash.
It appears the officer was hit
by a large firecracker or cherry bomb.
-His injuries are reportedly quite severe…
-Say his name at least, you cowards.
[exhales sharply]
[whispers] Oh, man.
Did you sleep at all last night?
It should be me in the hospital.
At least I'm alone.
Ah, shut up, Mazì. You're always with us.
[elevator bangs lightly, doors open]
[Mazinga sighs]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[Mazinga] Is he… outta surgery?
Yeah. But no other news yet.
Oh, yeah. Do you need anything?
Because I can get you something to eat.
-[Anna] I'm fine.
-What about maybe for later?
I just wanted to say Pietro
didn't make a mistake.
I don't care, stop.
I'm sorry you guys, but there's…
you really shouldn't have come.
I'll keep you updated on him. Okay?
That's fine.
Send me a text when you have news.
Of course.
[Mazinga] Let's go.
[music intensifies]
So we're not seeing Pietro?
She'll let us know.
[man] Is it ready?
Come on, Sam, what are you doing?
Get a move on. Go.
-See ya, Angelo.
-See you later.
-Bye, Carlo. See you soon.
-See ya, bud.
-Hey, ugly mug, how's it going?
-Very funny, Salvatore.
Good morning.
Salvatore Lovato, we met in Val di Susa.
I'm with Pietro Fura.
I heard what happened to him. I'm sorry.
Those bastards.
He's more than just a colleague for us.
What, like a brother?
Exactly. A brother.
-What's wrong? You don't agree?
I didn't know him that well.
Why're you here anyway?
I got transferred. I'm starting today.
I guess I'll be seeing you.
[music intensifies]
What a piece of shit.
He comes into our house
just to spit on us. [sniffles]
-Who? Who did what?
-[Salvatore sighs]
-Senigallia's here.
-New guy. Just over there.
-Who's he?
[Mazinga] Nobili.
-He's famous.
-What for?
For being a snitch.
[knocking at door]
Yeah. Come on in.
[Michele] Morning.
Have a seat. [sniffles]
Excuse me.
[sniffs, sighs]
So, I know you trained
under Police Chief Manganelli.
Losing him was tough.
However, I wanna officially welcome you
to Rome's riot unit.
Renowned the world over
for our first-class dickheads.
No lack of dickheads in Senigallia either.
But I gotta tell you I'm happy to be here.
The going back-and-forth was tough.
By being stationed here,
I get to be closer to my daughter.
I see.
Nobili. Let me be straight with you.
You got a reputation for being
an old-school kind of riot cop.
And that stays with you for life.
They're gonna fuck with you.
You'll only get one chance.
You need to earn their trust
and respect in the field.
Your first assignment is in two weeks.
The Rome-West Ham match.
We're expecting 3,000 English fans.
And I'm making you the squad leader.
[man] This type of trap can be categorized
as active or passive
depending on the plant's level
of involvement in the capture.
Some carnivorous plants utilize
a passive trap that secretes mucilage
-but it's not accompanied by…
-[doorbell rings]
Whereas other plants…
-Its function as the plant’s sexual organ…
-[Mazinga sighs]
…means that standing out
is a matter of life and death.
And thus, every plant will
have flowers in different colors.
I'm Joanna, Giancarlo's wife.
[Mazinga] Giancarlo's wife?
The astonishing variety of not only…
And so why is he not here? Huh?
Your son said he'd prefer not to come.
…is part of what makes flowers
so beautiful to the human eye.
-How long have you two been married?
-Two months.
Right. Here's the dinnerware set.
I'll give you a hand
getting it downstairs.
Giancarlo said he wanted the cutlery too,
the silverware?
Ah. Yeah, well,
that should be up in the attic.
-Do you mind if we take it?
-Of course you can.
Is it a boy?
A girl.
-Have you named her yet?
He wanted me to tell you that she…
is going to have his mother's last name.
What do you mean?
I mean just that.
[sniffles, sighs]
Look, I'm sorry to bother you.
I'm coming in here
and asking for stuff and…
[tense music playing]
No, the last name thing
sounds like bullshit to me.
Maybe it's his way
of remembering his mother. No?
[scoffs lightly]
[tense music continues]
[pop music playing over speaker]
[Agata] See? They're so much nicer.
-How's your ankle?
-It's better.
Show me.
[woman] All right, girls, great job today.
I'm gonna wash my hands.
-Lace them tight.
[Marta strains]
[tense, eerie music playing]
-[music fades out]
-[breathing heavily]
["Titanium" by David Guetta playing]
[music gets louder]
You shout it out
But I can't hear a word you say ♪
I'm talking loud, not saying much ♪
I'm criticized
But all your bullets ricochet ♪
Shoot me down, but I get up ♪
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose ♪
Fire away, fire away ♪
Ricochet, you take your aim ♪
Fire away, fire away ♪
You shoot me down, but I won't fall ♪
I am titanium ♪
I am titanium ♪
[music fades out]
[shower running]
-So, hon. How did the first day go?
-The usual.
In a new precinct? "The usual”? Come on.
It always starts the same way.
At first they stare,
they're wary of you, but…
they're police, you know.
It turns me on so much
when you're like this…
Like what?
Like big bad cop.
[both moaning]
-We have time for a quickie?
[girl] Dad! Come on, they're done!
[groans] They just had to do
their sleepover here tonight, didn't they?
[girl] Dad, hurry!
They challenged us, like officially!
Oh, they challenged you.
[gentle music playing]
[both moaning softly]
[singing in Italian]
[girl 1] Emma's so good.
[girl 2] Yeah, nice, Emma.
[girl 3] Keep going!
[singing continues in Italian]
Dad, you're supposed to be singing?
No, no, no. Forget about me,
you just keep going.
[woman] Go on.
No, she's good.
[woman] Come on, you'll have fun.
-I don't need to.
-[woman] Go.
[both singing in Italian]
-Very nice!
-Dad no, I gotta stay focused.
You made me lose first place.
[all singing in Italian]
Guys, guys, guys, guys! It's everyone!
[eerie music playing]
Your first crowd control
here is gonna be with me.
Then I guess I'm in good hands.
[door opens]
[female newscaster talking indistinctly
over TV]
-We taking Pignarelli's car?
-Yeah, he just wrapped up his shift.
Where are you going with those flowers,
a graveyard?
Well, it’s what we do back home.
But it's not what we do around here.
Panebianco didn't want to come.
He said he'll start bawling.
[Mazinga] This isn't a joke,
we're all going together.
All right, I'm here.
[woman on TV] An update now on the unrest
that continues to plague Val di Susa.
We're receiving reports that 10 protesters
were injured in the riot
that recently took place outside the gates
of the TAV construction yard.
While the majority of the injuries
weren't life-threatening,
we're hearing at this hour
about the worsening condition
of the one of the protesters.
The young man, whose identity
and personal details are unknown,
has recently slipped into a coma.
While the full picture of what
happened at the site is unclear,
we are hearing reports as yet unconfirmed
that the young man in question
was found beaten on the banks of a river
not far from the construction site
and location of the protest.
Let's go.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs
has released a statement
that they are launching
a full investigation into the incident.
One police officer also remains
in critical condition at this hour,
after he was struck
by an explosive device.
The police chief in Turin
confirmed the officer's status,
but no further details
are available at this time.
The police remain on high alert,
as the possibility of other factions
taking advantage of this crisis
looms large.
Retaliation may very well take place
in Turin or elsewhere in Italy.
[dramatic music playing]
What now?
What now? What do you mean?
He's in a coma.
The kid.
What kid?
You know him?
Do you know the kid?
Because if you don't, you better wipe
that tragic look off your face.
We were never at the river.
Got that?
-Salvatore, make sure everyone knows.
-Yeah, I'm on it, boss.
[music fades out]
[machines beeping]
[all chuckling]
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards ♪
[all] All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
All cops are bastards
All cops are bastards ♪
[tense music intensifies]
[music fades out]
["N.S.E.W." by FOURA & Jalmar playing]
Tracksuit dennies
She was fine on the block like Jenny ♪
Brown and sweet like a glass of Henny ♪
Control that man
Pull strings like Jimmy ♪
No reach, no sim in the celly ♪
Back then
Only had ten channels on telly ♪
I had to keep my cool ♪
Back then
I was pushing the brr in school ♪
Woo, I'm cutting the weight ♪
Look like a joke
This ice doesn't break ♪
Couldn't afford the loaf so I take ♪
How could they relate?
They ain't been in my place ♪
Yeah, Northside
Southside, Eastside, West ♪
Pull that thing out, make you whip ♪
North, South, East, West
I pull that thing out, out you whip ♪
And make you, make you
make you whip it ♪
Make you, make you, make you whip whip ♪
Northside, Southside, Eastside, uh ♪
Pull that thing out, make you whip ♪
Woo ♪
Yeah ♪
Give me the beat
And I burn it like evidence ♪
What was his name?
I dunno, he irrelevant ♪
Like he a sponsor
Always out of it ♪
Couple years back,
That boy ended his power trip, woo ♪
I'm not sitting with them
Vision not clear, they need OPSM ♪
Seeing them fail only give me the grin ♪
They push that trash out
End in the bin ♪
Nice guys ended up last, so I sin, uh
Got me the juice and the gin ♪
She pretty, the lights
I'm not turning them dim ♪
I got no heart
Like I'm made out of tin, uh ♪
Yeah, Northside
Southside, Eastside, West ♪
Pull that thing out, make you whip ♪
North, South, East, West
I pull that thing out, out you whip ♪
And make you, make you
Make you whip it ♪
Make you, make you, make you whip whip ♪
Northside, Southside, Eastside, uh
Pull that thing out, make you whip ♪
Pull that thing out, pull that thing out
Pull that thing out ♪
Make you whip ♪
Pull that thing out, pull that thing out
Pull that thing out ♪
Make you whip ♪
Bout to flip like gymnast ♪
She won't fit in the place like Tetris ♪
Yeah, and shine like necklace
Diamonds on fleek, I'm poppin' ♪
You know that I'm here
For the Popeye like spinach, uh ♪
Tell her gimme a minute
You know I'm here for the green ♪
Like Popeye eats
Popeye eats spinach ♪
Yeah ♪
Northside, Southside, Eastside, West
Pull that thing out, make you whip ♪
North, South, East, West
I pull that thing out, make you whip ♪
And make you, make you
Make you whip it ♪
Make you, make you, make you whip whip ♪
Northside, Southside, Eastside, uh
Pull that thing out, make you whip ♪
Pull that thing out, pull that thing out
Pull that thing out ♪
Make you whip ♪
Pull that thing out, pull that thing out
Pull that thing out ♪
Make you whip ♪
Pull that thing out, pull that thing out
Pull that thing out ♪
Make you whip ♪
Northside, Southside, Eastside, uh ♪
Yeah ♪
[tense music playing]
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