Public Disorder (2025) s01e02 Episode Script
Episode 2
-[rain pouring]
-[sirens wailing]
[thunder roars]
[indistinct radio chatter]
["Sciacalli" by TY1 playing in Italian]
[song continues]
[exhales deeply]
Officer Lovato.
Please step out of the shower
and take us to your locker.
Did you hear me, Officer?
Officer Lovato!
What are you, deaf? Get outta the shower!
We're here from Special Operations.
That's an order!
Step outta the shower!
[exhales deeply]
get out of that fucking shower, now!
Sorry, I didn't catch that.
[song fades out]
[gentle, somber music playing]
[man] Good morning.
Good morning.
I'm Deputy DA for Turin, Gianmarco Levi.
Pleasure. This way, please.
[Levi] This is an order empowering us
to seize evidence
related to the Val di Susa incident,
including from your Roma 3 squad.
You'll find there's a list
of documents and personal gear
that will need to be handed
over immediately.
Naturally, if any item on the list
is found to be missing,
my team will be searching
the station from top to bottom.
Now, Commander,
I wanna make one thing clear.
I came to oversee
this operation personally
to assure your whole unit
that my investigation
is not an accusation.
It's not an indictment of the police.
But we're not condemning
the protesters either.
I'm trying to find out
who nearly killed Deputy Inspector Fura.
But also who put a kid in a coma.
Do I make myself clear?
When are you planning to start?
It's already underway.
[Mazinga] He'll walk again. Don't worry.
[Anna] No, he won't.
He's done with you.
He's done with the police.
He's done with all of it.
I was in with the doctor
and he was talking about
some experimental physio.
-For his spinal cord.
-Yeah, but Pietro's stubborn.
[Anna scoffs]
If he puts his mind to it,
he'll recover fine. You'll see.
-Just look how fast they discharged him.
Well, of course.
He was such a pain in the ass
to deal with.
[phone vibrating]
Excuse me.
[doors close]
[ominous music playing]
[door opens]
Here are those documents you requested.
Thanks. Come over here.
I wanna show you something.
So here… [clears throat]
We have the attempted murder
of the deputy inspector
by an unknown assailant.
Then, we have the 10 protesters arrested
for property damage,
resisting arrest
and unlawful demonstration.
Who all invoked
their right to remain silent.
It'll be impossible
to get any information out of them,
but from the reports,
it feels like we can deduce
they were arrested here.
Along this dirt road.
This is after the baton charge.
Although I will say,
given the chaos that night,
not to mention
the number of units present,
it's hard to understand who did what.
-Did you use this in Val di Susa?
[man] Is there anything else
you'd like to turn over to us?
Anything that might be pertinent
to the investigation
or help us identify the perpetrators
of any crimes that night?
Do you mind if we proceed
with the inspection?
No, that'd be fine. Go ahead.
[locker door opens]
[Levi] Then… we have one protester,
now in a coma,
who was attacked here on the riverbank.
The bodycam footage we've seen
from the other units involved that night
demonstrates, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that they all stopped
along the dirt road here.
So we can say with certainty
that none of them were present
at the riverbank.
But the same can't be said for your unit.
There is Inspector Fura's
bodycam footage, sir.
Yes, except the footage
is completely unusable,
because it cuts off the moment
the bomb exploded near Inspector Fura.
Additionally, as you know,
the second bodycam
your unit was equipped with
just disappeared.
Which is a real shame for us,
considering its importance.
The officer who was wearing it,
as per his statement,
lost the bodycam after he sustained damage
to his tactical vest.
They're making a real mess in there.
[man straining]
Hey! What are you doing? Stop that.
The fuck are you doing?
I'm Sergeant Valenti. That's my locker.
-Then open it.
-Let me get my keys.
[Mazinga sighs]
-This vest is new.
Never been worn before.
So, either it's your first day
or it's not from Val di Susa.
The one I had in Val di Susa
got burned, okay?
It got set on fire.
It's downstairs.
The Equipment Office has it.
And if you hurry down there to check,
it might even still be open.
[clanging echoing]
[vehicle engine revs]
What do we tell this guy?
We tell him exactly what I said
in that night's shift report.
-We clear?
-Yeah, crystal clear.
Clear as day.
[tense music playing]
[Mazinga clears throat]
[Emma on phone] Dad, I'm gonna stay
at Anita's for dinner.
It's her birthday. The girl who was
at the sleepover, remember?
[Michele] Yeah, sounds good.
But promise the three of us
will have our dinner soon.
You, me and Mom.
-Have fun, honey. Talk later. Bye.
[radio crackles on]
[male reporter] Breaking news.
There have been developments
in the Val di Susa affair.
The Turin DA's office
has opened an investigation
into the clashes between police
and the No TAV protestors.
We've received word
that over the last few hours,
special forces
have been conducting a search
of the riot police officers involved.
These riot officers are based
in units in Rome, Milan, and Padua.
A statement from the Turin DA's office
has made it clear
that these searches are being carried out
to determine who is responsible
for the violent acts
that resulted in the serious injury
of a Roman police officer
and left one protester in a coma.
[seatbelt unclicks]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
Morning, Inspector.
You have to number them all.
What's up?
Roma 3 is taking pre-game
crowd control and I'm in charge.
Will 50 tear gas cans be enough?
We need more boots on the ground,
not more weapons.
[ominous music playing]
What's this?
A seizure order
from Turin's Prosecutor's Office.
We need you to turn over
all the listed assets.
When you say "batons,"
I don't know what you mean.
We want the ones used in Val di Susa.
The ones carried by the Roma 3 unit.
[man] Hm. I gotta go see
if they're in storage.
Then find the day's mission sheets
and cross-reference the numbers
from there with the assigned batons.
It's gonna take some time.
Don't worry, we got all day.
[man] Sign here, please.
[tense music playing]
Listen up. We don't know each other yet,
but if you do your jobs like I say,
we'll make it home safe.
Oh, so we follow you?
'Cause we've already got
a pretty good idea how you do things.
By keeping everyone under control.
Via del Corso will be chaos.
You are to ignore all provocations.
Forensics is gonna be taking photos
and video to dissuade people
from trying anything.
Just like fuckin' tourists.
[Michele] I need you to remember
that all eyes will be on us.
They're expecting us to make war.
And we're not gonna give it to 'em.
Hey, sweetheart, I'm on duty tonight.
I'm turning off my cell.
But I talked to Emma. Sounds like dinner…
Well, it won't work out.
She's staying with a friend.
Anyway, that's that. I'll call you later.
You don't need your cell, Inspector?
No, Panebianco, I do not. Do you?
-I guess not, sir.
Don't bring it with you, then.
Of course, sir.
[sirens wailing]
[crowd chanting] Everywhere we go ♪
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
Everywhere we go ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go ♪
Everywhere we go ♪
One, two, three, four ♪
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive… ♪
Good evening, Inspector.
Good evening, sir. Michele Nobili.
Orders are to babysit these hooligans
until we can get them
back on the bus to the stadium.
[Michele] What's their ETA?
Should be about 30 minutes or so.
And then we'll get them outta here.
I'll park the van
in front of the Santa Maria church--
No. I want you there,
blocking off Via del Corso.
I don't want a single one of these punks
getting into the Piazza Venezia.
[crowd chanting]
We'll be too far back there.
Sir, if I may--
How long you been in Rome?
Two weeks now.
Yeah. I'd figured you were green.
[man] Let's go, Roma!
Come on, bro, hurry the hell up!
[indistinct radio chatter]
[man over radio] Suspects
were apprehended…
…news that one of the arresting officers
sustained injuries…
We've even got a woman on-duty tonight,
how inclusive.
Are you the one who ordered us
to stand back here?
-[man 2 over radio] Dispatch for Trevi.
-[man 1] Go ahead.
The buses for both teams
are arriving at the stadium now.
[man 1] Copy that.
[crowd cheering]
[tense music playing]
[horns honking]
[Mazinga] I like these guys
less and less every minute.
You can see they're all wasted, right?
And when the English get wasted,
your best bet is
to get the hell outta dodge.
-We go in for a baton charge or what?
-No room for fuckups.
No fuckups.
So we'll just stand back here,
is that it? Huh?
Because let me tell you.
That would be a fuckup.
And instead of playing the big shot,
you should be listening to me.
[crowd shouting]
Hey! Come here!
They need to see they're being filmed.
Get in closer, come on!
Let them see you.
Get their faces! Get closer!
Why you filming, fuckers?
[Mazinga over radio] Nobili?
Are we going or not?
Stand down, I repeat, stand down.
Hey! There's too many of them now!
When do the backup squads get here?
By the time backup arrives,
they'll probably be on the buses already!
[crowd cheering intensifies]
[Michele] Roma squad. Shields up!
More of them coming in
from the Piazza del Popolo!
Prepare to move.
[music intensifies]
[Mazinga] Nobili!
I told you we should've
gotten in there earlier.
-[crowd shouting]
-[music intensifies]
[horn blaring]
[man] Trevi to Dispatch,
we're under attack!
[engine revs]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[breathing heavily]
-[Michele] Pignarelli, tear gas, now!
-Moving in.
[crowd chanting]
[Michele] Valenti. Now. Go!
[music intensifies]
Take my hand!
We need cover!
Close the ranks!
Valenti, contain the rioters!
Breathe. Deep breaths.
Roma 3 requesting backup.
This is Roma 3, we need backup!
[rock music playing]
[crowd shouting]
-[shouting muffled]
-[music fades]
[shouting gets louder]
[intense, dramatic music playing]
[crowd shouting]
-[Mazinga] They'll kill us!
-[Michele] We're waiting for backup!
Move in!
Roma 3!
Roma 3!
[rioters shouting]
Go, go. Get outta here!
Officer down!
Sarri! You okay?
Breathe. Okay?
[sirens wailing]
Hey, Marta!
Look at me. It's gonna be okay.
[Salvatore] Look at me.
I'm with you, okay?
You happy now, Nobili?
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[tires screech]
[somber music playing]
That was not okay.
We're not gonna get anywhere like this.
Was that meant for us?
Or are you talking to yourself?
You didn't follow my orders, did you?
And we lost control of the piazza.
We should've charged in before.
Then, we could've taken on the Roma fans.
[Michele] That's enough, Lovato!
I'm the squad leader!
And I didn't give an order to charge!
We were supposed to wait for backup!
[Mazinga] This isn't
the Senigallia pussy unit!
What the fuck did you say?
I said this isn't the pussy unit!
You know all the other cops call it that,
don't you?
You're in Rome now!
And Rome never surrenders, okay?
We never surrender.
[chuckles lightly]
Today you had us
abandoning ship like rats.
Running away like cowards.
Maybe it's just that riot control
is not what you think it is, Nobili?
[breathing heavily]
Maybe call up someone else?
Other cops with your attitude.
Maybe they'll listen.
Because we're not working with you.
You can forget about us.
[ominous music playing]
Can I ask you something?
This Turin prosecutor's office thing…
the searching and the statements…
What are we risking?
What are you trying to say, Pignarelli?
I've got four kids
and a sick mother at home.
I can't afford to lose my job.
Why would you lose your job
because of what happened in Val di Susa?
The fuck you doing?
We've been waiting for you.
[Pignarelli] Actually, I was going home.
We're visiting Pietro. Move it.
[music intensifies]
[vending machine beeps]
[Emma on phone] Hey, Dad.
Do you think you could come pick me up
from Anita's house after dinner?
The girls might go to a club,
but I don't know if I feel like it.
Dad, are you there? Your cell's still off.
Should I wait for you?
Never mind, Dad.
It's okay. We're all going to the club.
I'm going with Anita and some friends
and then I'll stay over here.
I already told Mom.
[music fades out]
Agata, why on earth is your phone off?
We got you a phone
so we could communicate.
Call me back.
Excuse me, can anyone tell me
if I'm gonna be here all night?
[phone ringing in background]
Violence from the English fans erupted,
and police were caught
completely off-guard
by the escalating situation.
As Roma fans joined in the chaos,
police riot squads arrived on the scene,
but struggled to contain the mob,
leading to thousands in damages.
That's what happens when you have
a tourist leading the cops. [scoffs]
What? You never met a guy
like Nobili before?
The Ministry loves cops like him,
up on their high horses.
…descending capital, but it would appear
those preparations were insufficient.
With windows smashed…
If that puppet had just
let us do what we do,
if he had just let us charge in
and crack some skulls,
there wouldn't be enough
of those assholes left to fight back! Huh.
…a spokesperson said the police
were looking at all possible options.
-Wanna hear something funny?
-[Salvatore] What?
I called the Ministry yesterday
about my disability pension.
They said I had to wait
until the investigation was over.
What is there to "investigate"?
Those assholes blew me up!
[Mazinga] You got nothing to worry about.
[Pietro] Sure. Somehow it'll be my fault.
It's nobody's fault. I wrote down
exactly how it happened in my report.
You got nothing to worry about.
And plus, we all signed.
Prosecutors from Turin searched
the station this morning.
Yeah, maybe because
there's a kid in a coma, you know?
[Mazinga] Standard protocol.
I don't know if it is.
Special Forces coming into a station
only happened after Diaz.
[Pietro] So, who beat up
that commie bastard?
Wasn't us.
[Anna] I'm going out to smoke.
[footsteps recede]
[door creaks open]
What are you gonna do about Nobili?
[Mazinga] Well,
I think I'll write up a report tomorrow.
We'll all sign it,
and then take it to Manna.
That asshole's gotta know
who's in charge here in Rome.
[Salvatore] Pignarelli?
All right. We'll talk about it tomorrow.
No. There's nothing to talk about.
[phone vibrating]
Hey. Agata,
I've been trying to call you for hours.
All right, ma'am,
it's time for your X-ray.
What do you mean you're with your dad?
You're supposed to be at home.
Where are you now?
Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you.
I don't wanna hear another word.
Hey, you can't leave! You need an X-ray!
We're the last of our kind, boys.
Surrounded by yes-men
who got promoted over us.
But we all know
there are two kinds of cops.
One for the nation.
And one for the bureaucrats.
-And who are we?
-The National Police!
-I said who are we?
-[all] The Italian National Police!
-Say it again! Who are we?
-[all] The Italian National Police!
Cheers! To the National Police!
To us!
[phone ringing]
Yeah. I'm on my way.
-See ya.
-Who was that?
Marta. She's been discharged.
-Good news!
-I'll go get her.
-See ya, bro.
-Be seeing you soon.
-Yeah, yeah.
-If you need anything…
-We'll talk later. Bye, bye.
[dramatic music playing]
[keys tapping]
[music continues]
[horn honks]
Don't get out of the car.
-[Agata] Hi, Salvatore.
-[Salvatore] Hey, pumpkin.
Go see your mom, she’s waiting for you.
-How are you?
-[man] I’m okay.
-Heard about the riots. Crazy stuff.
-[car door opens]
[Salvatore] Yeah, it was madness.
[man] But you guys always work it out.
[Salvatore] I guess.
[man] Oh, sorry, this is Giulia.
-[Salvatore] Nice to meet you.
-Mom what happened to you?
[man] Do me a favor. You know Marta
better than I do at this point.
Could you tell her it's for Agata's sake?
[Salvatore] Hey, look,
that's none of my business. Okay?
I'm only here to make sure
she doesn't get out of the car.
Because if she does…
What the hell are those two talking about?
[man] Wouldn't it be better
to fight her own battles?
[Salvatore] Yeah. But it isn't up to me.
I can tell her you want to talk.
She can set up a meeting or something.
[man] That's all I'm asking.
[Marta] Salvo! We going?
What happened to your neck?
-Don't talk to me.
-[Salvatore] I knew it.
You can't just take Agata
without my permission first, okay?
-You can't do that!
-Come on. Let's go.
-You can't do that!
-I just wanted to know what happened!
[Salvatore] Get in the car.
-[Marta] You can't do that again.
-I told you to stay in the car, Marta.
[car door shuts]
[engine starts]
[Agata] Mom, it's not his fault.
[breathing heavily]
We'll talk about it more at home.
[Salvatore] Listen, we have to sign
that report for the commander.
Make sure he knows about Nobili's mess.
Who gives a shit?
Fucking read the room, Salvatore.
Does this feel like a good moment to you?
I don't give a shit
about everyone's beef with Nobili.
I'm not fucking signing a goddamn thing!
What the fuck?
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[Anna] Ivano, give me a hand.
I have to put the pillows behind his back.
Lift him up.
Easy up, Pietro, come on.
[Pietro grunts]
-[Anna] Almost…
-[Mazinga] Easy.
[Anna] Almost done. Okay.
[Pietro breathing heavily]
[sirens wail in distance]
-Oh, come on…
-Hm. You have to take them. Here.
-Drink this.
-I can do it.
[Anna sighs]
-[Anna] Have some more.
-[Pietro] I don't want any more.
-[Pietro sighs]
-[Anna sighs]
[birds tweeting]
[breathing heavily]
[phone ringing out]
-[Lena on phone] Hi, my love.
-Hey you.
-It's so late. What's up?
I really miss you.
I miss you too.
I can't sleep.
-Whatcha doin'?
-I'm in bed.
-Oh yeah?
-Yeah. Thinking of you.
I'm thinking of you.
And I'm touching myself.
What do you want?
I want you to make me
feel how big you are.
-And get turned on.
-[breathing heavily]
-And take me with those cop hands.
I haven't been a good girl. Yeah.
And what do you do to me?
Whatever you want.
I'm at your mercy, Officer.
I'll go down on my knees for you.
Fuck, Lena… I wanna see you.
Come to Rome, Lena.
Come here.
[breathing heavily]
I'll buy you a ticket.
I wanna breathe you in.
I wanna make love to you.
No, don't stop.
Don't stop.
Don't stop, Lena.
Okay, listen up.
I'm only gonna say this once,
so I advise you pay attention.
Guys with the hoodies can hit
only shields and helmets.
You, Red,
you can do whatever you fucking please.
You can strike with anything,
your hands, your feet.
And you can hit anywhere you want.
Legs, arms, and head.
Flores, use the shield
to protect yourself and Pignarelli.
-But remember, you can't use it to attack.
-Got it.
[instructor] Pignarelli,
only use the baton on Red.
Not the guys in black.
Hitting the guys in black means
you're hitting peaceful protestors.
In such a case, all you need is one person
on the street filming you,
and you're screwed. Are we clear?
-Got it.
-Squad One. Come on, get ready!
-Let's go!
[instructor] In position, let's go. Move.
["Violet Drive" by Kerala Dust playing]
Everyone ready?
In position, on my mark.
[whistle blows]
Okay, keep focused. Focus, watch out!
Stay on him. Stay on him.
-Watch it, Flores! Concentrate, go!
-[man 1] Piece of shit! You suck!
[man 1] You're not worth shit.
-You're nothing.
-[instructor] Stay on him.
I'm fucking sick of you.
Pignarelli, what the hell are you doing?
Lower that baton, come on.
Do not touch the guys wearing black,
got it?
Wake up, Flores! Lift your fucking shield.
You're gonna get Pignarelli killed.
-Go! Now!
-You gotta protect me, Flores.
-You gotta protect me.
-I'm trying, Pignarelli.
Just gimme a second.
-[man 2] Asshole!
So cold, and strange by the roadside ♪
[instructor] Stay alert.
-[music stops]
Stop busting our balls about Val di Susa.
[breathing heavily]
And take a vacation.
[woman on TV] Moving on now
to the riot several days ago,
which saw clashes between fans
of the rival clubs of West Ham and Roma.
While the game itself ended 0-0,
the riot brought chaos…
…to the Via del Corso.
A police spokesperson tells us
that thousands…
-[Daniela] Emma, why aren't you at school?
-I have a stomachache.
…reports of a few injuries.
The riot police charged with containing
the situation were unable to do so.
[knocking at door]
[Michele] I brought you
the report from Via del Corso.
Well, Valenti beat you
to the punch, Inspector.
He turned this in this morning.
[mysterious music playing]
And it's signed by the entire squad.
This is bullshit.
Be that as it may,
there's no doubt that this
was a complete disaster.
There's been two public inquiries
submitted to Parliament already.
And the chief of police is on my ass,
demanding the commissioner and I explain
what the hell happened
that led to this mess.
Need me to keep going?
Did you at least see what the team wrote?
They can write
whatever the hell they want.
The bottom line is my squad
didn't follow my damn orders.
They say you didn't charge soon enough.
So is that how things work in Rome?
They get to decide if they obey an order?
Nobili, you don't get it.
I couldn't care less about who's right
and who's wrong, you or the squad.
The issue is that you've lost
the trust of your team.
-That's their problem.
-No, it's yours.
Marta Sarri didn't sign.
That's not the whole team.
[key turns in door lock]
[door closes]
[tense music playing]
[train chugging]
[tense music playing]
-[rain pouring]
-[sirens wailing]
[thunder roars]
[indistinct radio chatter]
["Sciacalli" by TY1 playing in Italian]
[song continues]
[exhales deeply]
Officer Lovato.
Please step out of the shower
and take us to your locker.
Did you hear me, Officer?
Officer Lovato!
What are you, deaf? Get outta the shower!
We're here from Special Operations.
That's an order!
Step outta the shower!
[exhales deeply]
get out of that fucking shower, now!
Sorry, I didn't catch that.
[song fades out]
[gentle, somber music playing]
[man] Good morning.
Good morning.
I'm Deputy DA for Turin, Gianmarco Levi.
Pleasure. This way, please.
[Levi] This is an order empowering us
to seize evidence
related to the Val di Susa incident,
including from your Roma 3 squad.
You'll find there's a list
of documents and personal gear
that will need to be handed
over immediately.
Naturally, if any item on the list
is found to be missing,
my team will be searching
the station from top to bottom.
Now, Commander,
I wanna make one thing clear.
I came to oversee
this operation personally
to assure your whole unit
that my investigation
is not an accusation.
It's not an indictment of the police.
But we're not condemning
the protesters either.
I'm trying to find out
who nearly killed Deputy Inspector Fura.
But also who put a kid in a coma.
Do I make myself clear?
When are you planning to start?
It's already underway.
[Mazinga] He'll walk again. Don't worry.
[Anna] No, he won't.
He's done with you.
He's done with the police.
He's done with all of it.
I was in with the doctor
and he was talking about
some experimental physio.
-For his spinal cord.
-Yeah, but Pietro's stubborn.
[Anna scoffs]
If he puts his mind to it,
he'll recover fine. You'll see.
-Just look how fast they discharged him.
Well, of course.
He was such a pain in the ass
to deal with.
[phone vibrating]
Excuse me.
[doors close]
[ominous music playing]
[door opens]
Here are those documents you requested.
Thanks. Come over here.
I wanna show you something.
So here… [clears throat]
We have the attempted murder
of the deputy inspector
by an unknown assailant.
Then, we have the 10 protesters arrested
for property damage,
resisting arrest
and unlawful demonstration.
Who all invoked
their right to remain silent.
It'll be impossible
to get any information out of them,
but from the reports,
it feels like we can deduce
they were arrested here.
Along this dirt road.
This is after the baton charge.
Although I will say,
given the chaos that night,
not to mention
the number of units present,
it's hard to understand who did what.
-Did you use this in Val di Susa?
[man] Is there anything else
you'd like to turn over to us?
Anything that might be pertinent
to the investigation
or help us identify the perpetrators
of any crimes that night?
Do you mind if we proceed
with the inspection?
No, that'd be fine. Go ahead.
[locker door opens]
[Levi] Then… we have one protester,
now in a coma,
who was attacked here on the riverbank.
The bodycam footage we've seen
from the other units involved that night
demonstrates, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that they all stopped
along the dirt road here.
So we can say with certainty
that none of them were present
at the riverbank.
But the same can't be said for your unit.
There is Inspector Fura's
bodycam footage, sir.
Yes, except the footage
is completely unusable,
because it cuts off the moment
the bomb exploded near Inspector Fura.
Additionally, as you know,
the second bodycam
your unit was equipped with
just disappeared.
Which is a real shame for us,
considering its importance.
The officer who was wearing it,
as per his statement,
lost the bodycam after he sustained damage
to his tactical vest.
They're making a real mess in there.
[man straining]
Hey! What are you doing? Stop that.
The fuck are you doing?
I'm Sergeant Valenti. That's my locker.
-Then open it.
-Let me get my keys.
[Mazinga sighs]
-This vest is new.
Never been worn before.
So, either it's your first day
or it's not from Val di Susa.
The one I had in Val di Susa
got burned, okay?
It got set on fire.
It's downstairs.
The Equipment Office has it.
And if you hurry down there to check,
it might even still be open.
[clanging echoing]
[vehicle engine revs]
What do we tell this guy?
We tell him exactly what I said
in that night's shift report.
-We clear?
-Yeah, crystal clear.
Clear as day.
[tense music playing]
[Mazinga clears throat]
[Emma on phone] Dad, I'm gonna stay
at Anita's for dinner.
It's her birthday. The girl who was
at the sleepover, remember?
[Michele] Yeah, sounds good.
But promise the three of us
will have our dinner soon.
You, me and Mom.
-Have fun, honey. Talk later. Bye.
[radio crackles on]
[male reporter] Breaking news.
There have been developments
in the Val di Susa affair.
The Turin DA's office
has opened an investigation
into the clashes between police
and the No TAV protestors.
We've received word
that over the last few hours,
special forces
have been conducting a search
of the riot police officers involved.
These riot officers are based
in units in Rome, Milan, and Padua.
A statement from the Turin DA's office
has made it clear
that these searches are being carried out
to determine who is responsible
for the violent acts
that resulted in the serious injury
of a Roman police officer
and left one protester in a coma.
[seatbelt unclicks]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
Morning, Inspector.
You have to number them all.
What's up?
Roma 3 is taking pre-game
crowd control and I'm in charge.
Will 50 tear gas cans be enough?
We need more boots on the ground,
not more weapons.
[ominous music playing]
What's this?
A seizure order
from Turin's Prosecutor's Office.
We need you to turn over
all the listed assets.
When you say "batons,"
I don't know what you mean.
We want the ones used in Val di Susa.
The ones carried by the Roma 3 unit.
[man] Hm. I gotta go see
if they're in storage.
Then find the day's mission sheets
and cross-reference the numbers
from there with the assigned batons.
It's gonna take some time.
Don't worry, we got all day.
[man] Sign here, please.
[tense music playing]
Listen up. We don't know each other yet,
but if you do your jobs like I say,
we'll make it home safe.
Oh, so we follow you?
'Cause we've already got
a pretty good idea how you do things.
By keeping everyone under control.
Via del Corso will be chaos.
You are to ignore all provocations.
Forensics is gonna be taking photos
and video to dissuade people
from trying anything.
Just like fuckin' tourists.
[Michele] I need you to remember
that all eyes will be on us.
They're expecting us to make war.
And we're not gonna give it to 'em.
Hey, sweetheart, I'm on duty tonight.
I'm turning off my cell.
But I talked to Emma. Sounds like dinner…
Well, it won't work out.
She's staying with a friend.
Anyway, that's that. I'll call you later.
You don't need your cell, Inspector?
No, Panebianco, I do not. Do you?
-I guess not, sir.
Don't bring it with you, then.
Of course, sir.
[sirens wailing]
[crowd chanting] Everywhere we go ♪
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
Everywhere we go ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go ♪
Everywhere we go ♪
One, two, three, four ♪
West Ham are massive ♪
Everywhere we go
West Ham are massive… ♪
Good evening, Inspector.
Good evening, sir. Michele Nobili.
Orders are to babysit these hooligans
until we can get them
back on the bus to the stadium.
[Michele] What's their ETA?
Should be about 30 minutes or so.
And then we'll get them outta here.
I'll park the van
in front of the Santa Maria church--
No. I want you there,
blocking off Via del Corso.
I don't want a single one of these punks
getting into the Piazza Venezia.
[crowd chanting]
We'll be too far back there.
Sir, if I may--
How long you been in Rome?
Two weeks now.
Yeah. I'd figured you were green.
[man] Let's go, Roma!
Come on, bro, hurry the hell up!
[indistinct radio chatter]
[man over radio] Suspects
were apprehended…
…news that one of the arresting officers
sustained injuries…
We've even got a woman on-duty tonight,
how inclusive.
Are you the one who ordered us
to stand back here?
-[man 2 over radio] Dispatch for Trevi.
-[man 1] Go ahead.
The buses for both teams
are arriving at the stadium now.
[man 1] Copy that.
[crowd cheering]
[tense music playing]
[horns honking]
[Mazinga] I like these guys
less and less every minute.
You can see they're all wasted, right?
And when the English get wasted,
your best bet is
to get the hell outta dodge.
-We go in for a baton charge or what?
-No room for fuckups.
No fuckups.
So we'll just stand back here,
is that it? Huh?
Because let me tell you.
That would be a fuckup.
And instead of playing the big shot,
you should be listening to me.
[crowd shouting]
Hey! Come here!
They need to see they're being filmed.
Get in closer, come on!
Let them see you.
Get their faces! Get closer!
Why you filming, fuckers?
[Mazinga over radio] Nobili?
Are we going or not?
Stand down, I repeat, stand down.
Hey! There's too many of them now!
When do the backup squads get here?
By the time backup arrives,
they'll probably be on the buses already!
[crowd cheering intensifies]
[Michele] Roma squad. Shields up!
More of them coming in
from the Piazza del Popolo!
Prepare to move.
[music intensifies]
[Mazinga] Nobili!
I told you we should've
gotten in there earlier.
-[crowd shouting]
-[music intensifies]
[horn blaring]
[man] Trevi to Dispatch,
we're under attack!
[engine revs]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[breathing heavily]
-[Michele] Pignarelli, tear gas, now!
-Moving in.
[crowd chanting]
[Michele] Valenti. Now. Go!
[music intensifies]
Take my hand!
We need cover!
Close the ranks!
Valenti, contain the rioters!
Breathe. Deep breaths.
Roma 3 requesting backup.
This is Roma 3, we need backup!
[rock music playing]
[crowd shouting]
-[shouting muffled]
-[music fades]
[shouting gets louder]
[intense, dramatic music playing]
[crowd shouting]
-[Mazinga] They'll kill us!
-[Michele] We're waiting for backup!
Move in!
Roma 3!
Roma 3!
[rioters shouting]
Go, go. Get outta here!
Officer down!
Sarri! You okay?
Breathe. Okay?
[sirens wailing]
Hey, Marta!
Look at me. It's gonna be okay.
[Salvatore] Look at me.
I'm with you, okay?
You happy now, Nobili?
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[tires screech]
[somber music playing]
That was not okay.
We're not gonna get anywhere like this.
Was that meant for us?
Or are you talking to yourself?
You didn't follow my orders, did you?
And we lost control of the piazza.
We should've charged in before.
Then, we could've taken on the Roma fans.
[Michele] That's enough, Lovato!
I'm the squad leader!
And I didn't give an order to charge!
We were supposed to wait for backup!
[Mazinga] This isn't
the Senigallia pussy unit!
What the fuck did you say?
I said this isn't the pussy unit!
You know all the other cops call it that,
don't you?
You're in Rome now!
And Rome never surrenders, okay?
We never surrender.
[chuckles lightly]
Today you had us
abandoning ship like rats.
Running away like cowards.
Maybe it's just that riot control
is not what you think it is, Nobili?
[breathing heavily]
Maybe call up someone else?
Other cops with your attitude.
Maybe they'll listen.
Because we're not working with you.
You can forget about us.
[ominous music playing]
Can I ask you something?
This Turin prosecutor's office thing…
the searching and the statements…
What are we risking?
What are you trying to say, Pignarelli?
I've got four kids
and a sick mother at home.
I can't afford to lose my job.
Why would you lose your job
because of what happened in Val di Susa?
The fuck you doing?
We've been waiting for you.
[Pignarelli] Actually, I was going home.
We're visiting Pietro. Move it.
[music intensifies]
[vending machine beeps]
[Emma on phone] Hey, Dad.
Do you think you could come pick me up
from Anita's house after dinner?
The girls might go to a club,
but I don't know if I feel like it.
Dad, are you there? Your cell's still off.
Should I wait for you?
Never mind, Dad.
It's okay. We're all going to the club.
I'm going with Anita and some friends
and then I'll stay over here.
I already told Mom.
[music fades out]
Agata, why on earth is your phone off?
We got you a phone
so we could communicate.
Call me back.
Excuse me, can anyone tell me
if I'm gonna be here all night?
[phone ringing in background]
Violence from the English fans erupted,
and police were caught
completely off-guard
by the escalating situation.
As Roma fans joined in the chaos,
police riot squads arrived on the scene,
but struggled to contain the mob,
leading to thousands in damages.
That's what happens when you have
a tourist leading the cops. [scoffs]
What? You never met a guy
like Nobili before?
The Ministry loves cops like him,
up on their high horses.
…descending capital, but it would appear
those preparations were insufficient.
With windows smashed…
If that puppet had just
let us do what we do,
if he had just let us charge in
and crack some skulls,
there wouldn't be enough
of those assholes left to fight back! Huh.
…a spokesperson said the police
were looking at all possible options.
-Wanna hear something funny?
-[Salvatore] What?
I called the Ministry yesterday
about my disability pension.
They said I had to wait
until the investigation was over.
What is there to "investigate"?
Those assholes blew me up!
[Mazinga] You got nothing to worry about.
[Pietro] Sure. Somehow it'll be my fault.
It's nobody's fault. I wrote down
exactly how it happened in my report.
You got nothing to worry about.
And plus, we all signed.
Prosecutors from Turin searched
the station this morning.
Yeah, maybe because
there's a kid in a coma, you know?
[Mazinga] Standard protocol.
I don't know if it is.
Special Forces coming into a station
only happened after Diaz.
[Pietro] So, who beat up
that commie bastard?
Wasn't us.
[Anna] I'm going out to smoke.
[footsteps recede]
[door creaks open]
What are you gonna do about Nobili?
[Mazinga] Well,
I think I'll write up a report tomorrow.
We'll all sign it,
and then take it to Manna.
That asshole's gotta know
who's in charge here in Rome.
[Salvatore] Pignarelli?
All right. We'll talk about it tomorrow.
No. There's nothing to talk about.
[phone vibrating]
Hey. Agata,
I've been trying to call you for hours.
All right, ma'am,
it's time for your X-ray.
What do you mean you're with your dad?
You're supposed to be at home.
Where are you now?
Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you.
I don't wanna hear another word.
Hey, you can't leave! You need an X-ray!
We're the last of our kind, boys.
Surrounded by yes-men
who got promoted over us.
But we all know
there are two kinds of cops.
One for the nation.
And one for the bureaucrats.
-And who are we?
-The National Police!
-I said who are we?
-[all] The Italian National Police!
-Say it again! Who are we?
-[all] The Italian National Police!
Cheers! To the National Police!
To us!
[phone ringing]
Yeah. I'm on my way.
-See ya.
-Who was that?
Marta. She's been discharged.
-Good news!
-I'll go get her.
-See ya, bro.
-Be seeing you soon.
-Yeah, yeah.
-If you need anything…
-We'll talk later. Bye, bye.
[dramatic music playing]
[keys tapping]
[music continues]
[horn honks]
Don't get out of the car.
-[Agata] Hi, Salvatore.
-[Salvatore] Hey, pumpkin.
Go see your mom, she’s waiting for you.
-How are you?
-[man] I’m okay.
-Heard about the riots. Crazy stuff.
-[car door opens]
[Salvatore] Yeah, it was madness.
[man] But you guys always work it out.
[Salvatore] I guess.
[man] Oh, sorry, this is Giulia.
-[Salvatore] Nice to meet you.
-Mom what happened to you?
[man] Do me a favor. You know Marta
better than I do at this point.
Could you tell her it's for Agata's sake?
[Salvatore] Hey, look,
that's none of my business. Okay?
I'm only here to make sure
she doesn't get out of the car.
Because if she does…
What the hell are those two talking about?
[man] Wouldn't it be better
to fight her own battles?
[Salvatore] Yeah. But it isn't up to me.
I can tell her you want to talk.
She can set up a meeting or something.
[man] That's all I'm asking.
[Marta] Salvo! We going?
What happened to your neck?
-Don't talk to me.
-[Salvatore] I knew it.
You can't just take Agata
without my permission first, okay?
-You can't do that!
-Come on. Let's go.
-You can't do that!
-I just wanted to know what happened!
[Salvatore] Get in the car.
-[Marta] You can't do that again.
-I told you to stay in the car, Marta.
[car door shuts]
[engine starts]
[Agata] Mom, it's not his fault.
[breathing heavily]
We'll talk about it more at home.
[Salvatore] Listen, we have to sign
that report for the commander.
Make sure he knows about Nobili's mess.
Who gives a shit?
Fucking read the room, Salvatore.
Does this feel like a good moment to you?
I don't give a shit
about everyone's beef with Nobili.
I'm not fucking signing a goddamn thing!
What the fuck?
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[Anna] Ivano, give me a hand.
I have to put the pillows behind his back.
Lift him up.
Easy up, Pietro, come on.
[Pietro grunts]
-[Anna] Almost…
-[Mazinga] Easy.
[Anna] Almost done. Okay.
[Pietro breathing heavily]
[sirens wail in distance]
-Oh, come on…
-Hm. You have to take them. Here.
-Drink this.
-I can do it.
[Anna sighs]
-[Anna] Have some more.
-[Pietro] I don't want any more.
-[Pietro sighs]
-[Anna sighs]
[birds tweeting]
[breathing heavily]
[phone ringing out]
-[Lena on phone] Hi, my love.
-Hey you.
-It's so late. What's up?
I really miss you.
I miss you too.
I can't sleep.
-Whatcha doin'?
-I'm in bed.
-Oh yeah?
-Yeah. Thinking of you.
I'm thinking of you.
And I'm touching myself.
What do you want?
I want you to make me
feel how big you are.
-And get turned on.
-[breathing heavily]
-And take me with those cop hands.
I haven't been a good girl. Yeah.
And what do you do to me?
Whatever you want.
I'm at your mercy, Officer.
I'll go down on my knees for you.
Fuck, Lena… I wanna see you.
Come to Rome, Lena.
Come here.
[breathing heavily]
I'll buy you a ticket.
I wanna breathe you in.
I wanna make love to you.
No, don't stop.
Don't stop.
Don't stop, Lena.
Okay, listen up.
I'm only gonna say this once,
so I advise you pay attention.
Guys with the hoodies can hit
only shields and helmets.
You, Red,
you can do whatever you fucking please.
You can strike with anything,
your hands, your feet.
And you can hit anywhere you want.
Legs, arms, and head.
Flores, use the shield
to protect yourself and Pignarelli.
-But remember, you can't use it to attack.
-Got it.
[instructor] Pignarelli,
only use the baton on Red.
Not the guys in black.
Hitting the guys in black means
you're hitting peaceful protestors.
In such a case, all you need is one person
on the street filming you,
and you're screwed. Are we clear?
-Got it.
-Squad One. Come on, get ready!
-Let's go!
[instructor] In position, let's go. Move.
["Violet Drive" by Kerala Dust playing]
Everyone ready?
In position, on my mark.
[whistle blows]
Okay, keep focused. Focus, watch out!
Stay on him. Stay on him.
-Watch it, Flores! Concentrate, go!
-[man 1] Piece of shit! You suck!
[man 1] You're not worth shit.
-You're nothing.
-[instructor] Stay on him.
I'm fucking sick of you.
Pignarelli, what the hell are you doing?
Lower that baton, come on.
Do not touch the guys wearing black,
got it?
Wake up, Flores! Lift your fucking shield.
You're gonna get Pignarelli killed.
-Go! Now!
-You gotta protect me, Flores.
-You gotta protect me.
-I'm trying, Pignarelli.
Just gimme a second.
-[man 2] Asshole!
So cold, and strange by the roadside ♪
[instructor] Stay alert.
-[music stops]
Stop busting our balls about Val di Susa.
[breathing heavily]
And take a vacation.
[woman on TV] Moving on now
to the riot several days ago,
which saw clashes between fans
of the rival clubs of West Ham and Roma.
While the game itself ended 0-0,
the riot brought chaos…
…to the Via del Corso.
A police spokesperson tells us
that thousands…
-[Daniela] Emma, why aren't you at school?
-I have a stomachache.
…reports of a few injuries.
The riot police charged with containing
the situation were unable to do so.
[knocking at door]
[Michele] I brought you
the report from Via del Corso.
Well, Valenti beat you
to the punch, Inspector.
He turned this in this morning.
[mysterious music playing]
And it's signed by the entire squad.
This is bullshit.
Be that as it may,
there's no doubt that this
was a complete disaster.
There's been two public inquiries
submitted to Parliament already.
And the chief of police is on my ass,
demanding the commissioner and I explain
what the hell happened
that led to this mess.
Need me to keep going?
Did you at least see what the team wrote?
They can write
whatever the hell they want.
The bottom line is my squad
didn't follow my damn orders.
They say you didn't charge soon enough.
So is that how things work in Rome?
They get to decide if they obey an order?
Nobili, you don't get it.
I couldn't care less about who's right
and who's wrong, you or the squad.
The issue is that you've lost
the trust of your team.
-That's their problem.
-No, it's yours.
Marta Sarri didn't sign.
That's not the whole team.
[key turns in door lock]
[door closes]
[tense music playing]
[train chugging]
[tense music playing]