Public Disorder (2025) s01e03 Episode Script
Episode 3
[girl crying] Mama.
[tense music playing]
[crying continues]
[Marta] Agata! Agata! Hey!
Hey, hey.
Mommy's gonna get you out
really soon, okay?
-[Agata crying]
[dramatic music playing]
[crying continues]
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
[man] So.
He's asking for a couple of weekends
a month with Agata.
And a few afternoons, at his discretion.
Absolutely not.
Listen, Marta, he's not asking us to
revise the whole custody agreement, okay?
You would still have
full custody of Agata.
There is no way in hell I'm leaving
my daughter with a drunk.
Listen to me.
People change, you know?
They get help, they try to--
-They get help?
So then, when did he get help?
Do you know if he really did?
-No, I don't… I don't know. I--
-You have no idea. That's just great.
-Maybe he went to rehab.
So he's maybe no longer dangerous?
Mauro, I just need to know what we can do.
Legally speaking, very little.
-Marta. Listen.
It might be time to let Agata know
why this is all going on.
Why she ought to be afraid.
I don't understand.
If she were truly afraid of Stefano,
that is,
enough not to want to see him again,
that might be enough to tip the scales.
You're telling me that my only choice…
The only option I've got…
is for me to frighten
my 13-year-old daughter
enough that she's traumatized for life?
I was just trying to--
I have been protecting her from this
for 10 years.
-For 10 fucking years.
-I understand.
I am well aware.
But the only reason
we're out of options now,
is because we didn't
report him the first time.
What do you think I should do?
Inviting her to peruse the ER report?
Is that what you think?
You think I should show her this?
You want me to explain
to my daughter how I got this scar?
-[woman 1] Gym after lunch?
-[woman 2] Yeah.
-Oh hey, Marta.
[woman 1] It's on.
-See ya.
[woman 1] You all right to do legs
this time? I did my arms yesterday.
[woman 2] Sure, sounds good.
[woman 1] Great.
-And Marta, just so you know.
-[Marta] Mm.
-The decision is yours alone.
-[Mauro] Hm-hm?
-I know.
-See ya.
[tense music continues]
[footsteps approaching]
[woman] Emma, come with me.
Normally people go in alone,
but you can have someone with you
if you'd like.
I'll go by myself.
[door opens]
[door closes]
She didn't wash, did she?
Are you sure?
Because if she did,
the swabs won't pick up any evidence.
I asked her. She said she didn't.
[indistinct chatter]
[doctor] Have you had
consensual sex in the last 72 hours?
[Emma] No.
I had never had sex before with anyone.
Are you on birth control?
No birth control.
Did he use a condom during intercourse?
All right, Emma.
I'll proceed with the exam now.
You can lie back.
I'll be taking four samples.
One oral,
two vaginal and one rectal.
[tense music playing]
-[music fades]
-[sirens wailing]
I'm tired. Can we go home?
Sure. We can stop at home
so you can rest for a minute.
-But then straight to the police station.
-I don't wanna go.
I want you to take me home now!
[Daniela] Okay.
We'll go home.
Let's take her home.
[car engine rumbles]
[car warning beeping]
You put me on with Nobili again?
You gotta tell me why.
I've got 200 people out in Primavalle
protesting public housing being assigned
to a Moldovan family.
I need ass-kicking and diplomacy.
-Assigning the teams is my call.
-So then you're taking responsibility.
When's your interview with the DA?
It's tomorrow.
[unsettling music playing]
[man] This is the interview order.
[music intensifies]
[Levi] Take off your sunglasses, please.
I'm gonna need a piece of ID
to get your personal details.
Flores, you're here as a witness
to the events at Val di Susa.
I will remind you that you are
legally obligated to tell the truth
and that failure to do so
constitutes a crime
under Article 372 of the Criminal Code.
Is everything clear?
I can see from your service record,
that you've been serving
in the Rome unit for many years.
With honor.
[Levi] I don't doubt that.
With honor,
but also, shall we say bumps in the road?
Five instances of minor misconduct
for improper use of force.
And one for a racist post
published on social media.
Sir, I've done nothing to be ashamed of.
Nothing at all.
No doubt.
Tell me what you recall
when Deputy Inspector Fura was injured?
A loud bang.
[Levi] And then?
Nothing. My ears were ringing.
How far did you all push your charge?
I don't remember.
Into the woods?
[Levi] Did you reach the river?
-Did you get as far as the river?
No, what river?
Are you sure?
[Levi] Did you notice
an injured protester on the ground?
We didn't see anything.
[Levi sighs]
Recognize this?
It's a tactical vest from our uniform.
[Levi] Do you notice anything peculiar?
Looks like burn marks, sir.
[Levi] Exactly.
Especially here.
Am I right?
[Levi] In the same place
you usually attach
your bodycams.
[Bonamin] Yeah.
How do you think
those burn marks got there?
Really look.
Take your time.
A Molotov.
[clicks tongue] So you're saying
that it might be possible for a Molotov
to have burned the vest
but not the jacket underneath it?
Don't know about that.
This is the vest worn
by one of your colleagues
during the Val di Susa operation.
It belongs to Sergeant Valenti.
Sergeant Valenti was actually
hit by a stray Molotov.
[Levi] Did you witness
the Molotov hitting him?
Did you see it?
I did not witness the exact moment
when my colleague was struck by a Molotov,
but I did see the burn marks
on his vest after the fact.
[inhales and exhales sharply]
Mind if I ask you a question, sir?
My squad leader, Pietro Fura.
-You don't care about him?
-That's enough.
I'll be asking the questions.
Same old story, huh?
Always putting the victims on trial.
I see that you
were in the military before.
Got out after fighting ISIS and serving
in Iraq, Kurdistan and Afghanistan.
I wasn't kicked out
if that's what you're implying.
I chose to become a police officer.
Wanna tell me why you left?
Only if you want, of course.
I killed a 12-year-old boy.
Shot him in the head.
I was in Afghanistan.
I was on watch.
I spied this kid coming
at us outta nowhere.
I ordered him to stop a few times,
but nothing.
He was wearing a big backpack.
I shot him.
Right in the head.
He was killed on the spot.
So what was in the bag?
His schoolbooks.
[gentle music playing]
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music playing]
[Gianni] Morning.
Good morning.
Need a shield!
I wanted to thank you
for not signing the letter.
Well, I'm not a sheep.
[music intensifies]
-[Marta] Thanks, Gianni.
-[Gianni] See ya, Marta.
[Mazinga sighs]
So, how was everything?
-[Salvatore] He's a pain in the ass.
-Ah. How so?
It's that bodycam.
He's losing his shit
over that stupid thing. [laughs]
That's normal.
Just relax.
[indistinct radio chatter]
Do you have the bodycam?
No. No.
Don't ask me again.
Hi, everyone.
Why are you in my seat?
You're in the back today.
[Mazinga] You know why.
[indistinct radio chatter]
Is everyone here? Can we go?
We're missing Pignarelli.
Pignarelli's out on sick leave.
[Michele] Then let's get going.
[engine starts]
[dramatic music playing]
Six days ago, an apartment was assigned
to a woman from Moldova.
People are pissed.
Yesterday, she left home
to bring her children to school
and they won't let her back inside.
We've already got two units on site.
All we have to do is escort
the woman into her place.
["I'm That Guy" by Agar Agar playing]
Keep me warm ♪
There's no one,
And I'm inside their house ♪
Rabid days ♪
Get delighted ♪
There's no one
And I'm inside their house ♪
There's no food
There's no light ♪
There's no calling all the time
Inside my mind ♪
There's no food ♪
There's no way to reach the bottom
But they keep driving me out of line ♪
'Cause you don't know nothing
You don't know me, so… ♪
[crowd chanting] Gypsies, go home!
Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-[song fades out]
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Local police units already tried to bring
the woman back inside.
-But it didn't work out.
-[chanting continues]
Her apartment is that one
on the second floor.
-[man over radio] Roma 12 for Liegi.
-I read you!
We're with the family
over on Via Andersen.
You need to come to us, over.
Copy that, over and out.
The car's over there. Right, let's go.
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Out of the way. Keep moving.
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Excuse me, outta the way. Thanks. Move.
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Step aside.
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Sarri, you stay with her.
[Michele] We get the family.
Take a diamond formation
and break straight through the perimeter.
No one makes a move till I say so!
And ignore any provocations!
[crowd shouting]
We're here. They all right?
What are your names?
[woman] I'm Elena. He's David and Maxim.
Stop! Stay back!
I need you all to stay six feet back!
Stay back from the car!
Stay six feet back at all times!
[woman] Enough!
-I'm sick of this!
-[Marta] We're going to escort you inside.
So don't worry.
Just stay by my side
when we get the all clear. Okay?
[woman] We don't want you
anywhere near our families!
-[Michele] Sarri, you ready?
-[man] You went crying to the pigs?
[dramatic music playing]
[crowd shouting]
[man 1] Pieces of shit!
Stay close to me, okay? Right next to me.
[man 2] Asshole cops!
You'll never be welcome here!
You're not welcome here.
Get back!
[music intensifies]
[man 3] You can't treat us like animals!
You fuckers!
The fuck you doing?
[crowd] All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
[man 1] Pieces of shit!
All cops are bastards! ♪
[man 1] Pieces of shit!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
-All cops are bastards! ♪
-[man 1] We don't want you here!
[music intensifies]
You're a piece of shit.
Your squad leader told us
not to respond to any provocations.
-There are two frightened children.
That's enough. Come inside.
Bonamin, get in there too.
You've got a problem with me, not her.
You all stay out here.
[crowd shouting]
[Elena speaking Moldovan]
[Elena speaking Moldovan]
[Elena speaking Moldovan]
[children speaking Moldovan]
They're going to kill us.
Nothing will happen as long as we're here.
You can't watch over us forever.
-[speaking Moldovan]
[breathing heavily]
This was always gonna happen.
Anyone can see that.
It's impossible for even
a city councilor to be that blind.
Hey. I just reported it.
They'll be sending someone over,
then you can go.
[phone ringing out]
Who you calling?
Service Office.
We're gonna be here for a while, for sure.
[sirens wail]
[ominous music playing]
[Michele] How is she?
Were you able to talk to her?
[engine revs]
I dunno yet.
Looks like we could be here for a while.
Yeah. I'll call you later then. Daniela.
Give her a kiss for me.
Why'd you send the other teams home?
Because the situation is well in hand.
The Ministry says you're done.
[door opens]
[Michele] And city council?
I already told you. They're on their way.
[Mazinga over radio] When are we leaving?
Everything's calm out here.
If you leave,
they're going to break into our apartment.
[Mazinga] Nobili?
Listen, no one moves an inch
until the job is done.
You've already been here four hours!
The family's at home. Your team can go.
You don't get it, do you?
If my team leaves now,
you're gonna need
30 patrol cars parked outside!
[phone vibrating]
Yeah, they're still here.
All right, come on up.
Valenti, prepare to come inside.
All of you.
-[man 1] What do you do for a living?
-I'm a cleaning woman.
[man 1] If a person is working,
and they pay their rent and utilities,
then they have a right to enter
their own home, officer.
With all due respect,
they'll lynch her the second we go.
[man 2] You did a good job.
But we don't need you anymore.
Our job is only finished
when we can guarantee the safety
of this woman and of her kids.
And I understand that,
but what would you have us do?
We can't possibly watch them 24/7.
[male protester 1] You can't stay here!
You and your kids gotta go! You got it?
We're not leaving!
[male protester 2] We're fucking sick
of you and your fucking kids!
We're going to stay right here!
All night, all day tomorrow.
You don't belong here! Get out!
The city has to take responsibility
and admit they made a mistake.
I think you'll find that these decisions
are way above your pay grade.
-[Michele] You're wrong.
-[man 1] What is this, a joke?
For me, there's no problem
staying here for a month.
You don't get to make those decisions.
They're up to the city authorities.
You're disobeying
orders from your superiors.
Fine. How about you call
the chief of police right now
and tell him you've got cops
fulfilling their duty to protect.
[male protester 1] Get out!
You can't be here!
[male protester 2] I'm gonna take
your fucking head off!
[male protester 1] Get out!
-[protester 1] Leave!
-[protester 2] Move it!
-[protester 3] Animal! Bitch!
-[protester 2] We hate you!
-We've had enough! You hear me?
Get the hell out of Italy! Now!
-Get outta here now!
-Get out!
Fuck off! Fuck off!
Get outta here!
-[protester 3] I'll kick this door down!
[somber music playing]
[crowd shouting indistinctly]
[engine rumbles]
-[Salvatore] Hey.
-[Bonamin] What?
-You wanna grab a beer?
-No, I'm playing soccer later, sorry.
[Salvatore] Martolì.
Wanna order pizza at your place?
You've been ignoring me all day
and now you wanna order a pizza?
Fuck off, Salvo.
I think you wrote your little letter
about the wrong guy, huh?
[knocking at door]
[Emma] What?
Can I at least see you, please?
We've gotta get going now.
[sobs lightly]
Your dad knows the person
you have to speak with.
She's his friend.
Can you please just please drop it?
Tell her I changed my mind.
[Michele] It doesn't work that way.
You're gonna have to report it.
You can't make me do that.
Tell them I made it all up.
[Daniela] Okay, listen.
Call the station, talk to your friend.
Tell her that we need a little more time.
The longer we wait, the worse it gets.
Do you wanna force her to report?
[tense music playing]
[Daniela sighs]
Our daughter needs us
and we have to be there for her.
[music fades]
[Agata] Mom?
-[Marta] Mm?
Were you and Dad ever happy?
What do you mean?
In the beginning…
[Marta] I dunno, sweetie.
It's been a long time.
[Agata sighs heavily]
Dad told me the real reason
you're mad at him.
He told me about the time
when I was little…
He was taking me to daycare and
he messed up bad.
He forgot me in the car.
[Marta sighs]
Momma. I don't want you to feel sad.
[clicks tongue]
We won't talk about it anymore.
[Agata sighs]
[snoring lightly]
[items clattering lightly]
[breathing heavily]
[items clattering lightly]
[gentle, somber music playing]
[chair scrapes]
[music intensifies]
[door closes]
-[music continues]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Marta] May I?
[Marta clears throat]
Everyone's talking about
how you handled yesterday.
[Marta chuckles]
What can I say? I've got a conscience.
[music fades out]
I'm sorry for snapping at you.
I'm going through a pretty
shitty time right now.
You're under pressure from the…
the questioning?
Not really, no.
The big problems are at home, so…
Then I guess we're in the same boat.
My daughter.
I've got a daughter too.
Agata. She's 13.
So what happened?
If you wanna talk about it.
[tense music playing]
She's not okay.
She's always shut up in her room.
She never wants to talk anymore.
Her door is always closed.
[Marta] Hm.
Break down the door.
I mean…
That's what I'd do.
Even if she told me to fuck off.
-Pigna! [laughs]
-Shit. What?
You look so elegant.
-You off to a wedding?
-A funeral.
-[Salvatore laughs]
-You guys already testified?
How was it?
Piece of cake.
You're still cool, right?
I need to say anything specific?
They had me take a look at Mazinga's vest.
What do I say about the vest?
Mazinga said he got hit by a Molotov.
That's all.
There's nothing more to say.
And besides that, you stick to the story.
Don't be stupid in there.
[ominous music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[pen clicking]
Did you see today's headlines?
[Levi] You recognize the kid?
[Marta] No.
[Levi] What about now?
You recognize him?
No, I'm sorry, it's not ringing a bell.
His name is Franco Cua.
-[Marta] Mm.
-[Lei] He's the kid from the article.
I understand.
Do you mind reading the text just there,
accompanying the photo?
What, now?
[Levi] Yes. Out loud, please.
[Levi clears throat]
"Dear Editor…"
[Levi] Mm-hm.
"My name is Stefania
and I am the mother of Franco Cua,
the boy who's been
in the ICU for three weeks now,
because of the beating
he received…"
Keep going.
"…in Val di Susa. He was beaten
by unidentified police officers."
"My Franco is being kept alive
by a machine and as a mother,
I am demanding justice
for what they have done to him."
-"I want my pain to be a rallying cry--"
-[Levi] All right, that's enough.
I saw here that you have a daughter.
-Don't you?
-[Marta] Yeah.
How old is she?
I have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.
Go ahead.
[music intensifies]
[door opens]
[Levi] Pignarelli?
[Mazinga] Pigna!
I wanted to tell you, sir,
that I personally saw one
of the protesters throw a Molotov
towards Sergeant Valenti out in the woods.
And the, um, the bodycam--
Are you in the habit of answering
questions you haven't been asked?
Did someone tell you
to feed me this story?
Instruct you on what to say?
-[Pignarelli] No.
Why did you request to be put on leave?
-Mm. I don't understand.
-[Levi] There's nothing to understand.
After the events of Val di Susa,
you put in a request for sick leave.
I wanna know why.
I was injured during the training, sir.
Why are you so tense?
[Levi] Why are you so tense?
I'm not accusing you of anything.
[Marta breathing shakily]
[Mazinga] What's wrong?
Nothing, it's just that…
He showed me the photo of the kid
from Val di Susa and it was a bit…
[music fades out]
…distressing, you know?
[Marta sighs]
-Because that kid might've been--
-What is this?
What are we talking about?
You need to think about Pietro.
If that had happened to you?
How would she feel?
Do you need more time?
You can ask for time off,
no problem. They can't say shit.
[slow, somber music playing]
[breathing shakily]
I'll just go back in there
and get it over with.
[Levi] I have one last question for you.
Why did you clean your batons with bleach
after the events in Val di Susa?
Because that's what we've always done,
ever since I started here.
[Levi] You clean the batons
after every crowd control shift?
That's how it works around here.
Why would you do that?
To remove any biological evidence?
Prevent the recovery of any DNA?
Are we done here, sir?
After Fura was injured,
you were the one who ordered
the squad to charge. Is that correct?
[Mazinga] That's right, I did.
Why not wait for the order to be given
by your commanding officer instead?
He was too far away.
So I took on the responsibility.
[Levi] How far did you charge?
We ended up in the woods.
You ended up in the woods.
You're saying it's impossible
your team or any of those involved
in the operation might have reached
the banks of the river?
[Mazinga] Impossible.
So how do you explain
the kid being attacked out there?
Must've fallen out of a tree.
These kids climb up there,
then they throw stuff.
Bottles, rocks.
I learned that a few years ago
you were tried for aggravated assault,
-threats, and serious injury.
-Yes, but then I was acquitted.
[Levi] Due to the statute of limitations.
What does that matter?
How is it possible that you lost
the bodycam assigned to you?
[Mazinga] Well… did you read the report?
Yes. I read the report.
The Molotov.
Sir, have you ever been to Val di Susa?
It's a war zone.
You stand there for hours,
pummeled with rocks and bottles.
It's a war?
That's how you see it?
[Mazinga] When I joined the police force
my father was thrilled because
he wanted me to have
a life different from his.
Little did he know.
The war started a long time ago.
Nothing ever fucking changes.
Kids are in the streets.
Parents can't look
their own children in the eyes.
Because they know their kids are about to
endure the same shitty life as them.
I'm not interested in prosecuting
the entire squad.
I know that it was one of you.
But your code of silence
makes everyone guilty.
Did you find the other side
more cooperative, sir?
My point.
Your team.
You and your squad.
And the people you faced in Val di Susa.
Maybe you're not so different.
Perhaps we're all innocent.
[Levi] There's at least one difference
between you.
Actually, there has to be.
You represent the State itself.
-The request was denied.
-[Anna] I told you.
You need to do it in person.
-It's impossible online, trust me.
-How do you want me to go there?
[crockery clatters]
Very nice, bravo. Oh yeah,
that's my girl, always walking out!
-The fuck do you want?
[Pietro] Sorry. I'm not mad at you.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
Go on, finish up your wine.
[music continues]
[Marta] Hey.
She's coming down.
Thanks for letting me see Agata.
I know it hasn't been easy.
[Marta sighs]
You didn't tell her? About the hospital?
About what?
About how you sent me to the hospital
three times. Did you forget?
I have a gun now.
I didn't have this before.
And if you step even one foot out of line,
I swear I'll kill you.
You make sure my daughter has
a good time tonight. She deserves it.
[door opens]
-Bye, Mom.
[music intensifies]
[Emma crying softly]
[pop music playing faintly
through headphones]
Emma, please open the door.
[music playing faintly through headphones]
[train screeches on track]
[train horn blares]
Emma! Open the door, please!
-[music playing faintly]
-[door banging]
[Michele straining]
["Magia" by Margherita Vicario
playing in Italian]
[song continues]
-[song ends]
-[tense music playing]
[girl crying] Mama.
[tense music playing]
[crying continues]
[Marta] Agata! Agata! Hey!
Hey, hey.
Mommy's gonna get you out
really soon, okay?
-[Agata crying]
[dramatic music playing]
[crying continues]
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
[man] So.
He's asking for a couple of weekends
a month with Agata.
And a few afternoons, at his discretion.
Absolutely not.
Listen, Marta, he's not asking us to
revise the whole custody agreement, okay?
You would still have
full custody of Agata.
There is no way in hell I'm leaving
my daughter with a drunk.
Listen to me.
People change, you know?
They get help, they try to--
-They get help?
So then, when did he get help?
Do you know if he really did?
-No, I don't… I don't know. I--
-You have no idea. That's just great.
-Maybe he went to rehab.
So he's maybe no longer dangerous?
Mauro, I just need to know what we can do.
Legally speaking, very little.
-Marta. Listen.
It might be time to let Agata know
why this is all going on.
Why she ought to be afraid.
I don't understand.
If she were truly afraid of Stefano,
that is,
enough not to want to see him again,
that might be enough to tip the scales.
You're telling me that my only choice…
The only option I've got…
is for me to frighten
my 13-year-old daughter
enough that she's traumatized for life?
I was just trying to--
I have been protecting her from this
for 10 years.
-For 10 fucking years.
-I understand.
I am well aware.
But the only reason
we're out of options now,
is because we didn't
report him the first time.
What do you think I should do?
Inviting her to peruse the ER report?
Is that what you think?
You think I should show her this?
You want me to explain
to my daughter how I got this scar?
-[woman 1] Gym after lunch?
-[woman 2] Yeah.
-Oh hey, Marta.
[woman 1] It's on.
-See ya.
[woman 1] You all right to do legs
this time? I did my arms yesterday.
[woman 2] Sure, sounds good.
[woman 1] Great.
-And Marta, just so you know.
-[Marta] Mm.
-The decision is yours alone.
-[Mauro] Hm-hm?
-I know.
-See ya.
[tense music continues]
[footsteps approaching]
[woman] Emma, come with me.
Normally people go in alone,
but you can have someone with you
if you'd like.
I'll go by myself.
[door opens]
[door closes]
She didn't wash, did she?
Are you sure?
Because if she did,
the swabs won't pick up any evidence.
I asked her. She said she didn't.
[indistinct chatter]
[doctor] Have you had
consensual sex in the last 72 hours?
[Emma] No.
I had never had sex before with anyone.
Are you on birth control?
No birth control.
Did he use a condom during intercourse?
All right, Emma.
I'll proceed with the exam now.
You can lie back.
I'll be taking four samples.
One oral,
two vaginal and one rectal.
[tense music playing]
-[music fades]
-[sirens wailing]
I'm tired. Can we go home?
Sure. We can stop at home
so you can rest for a minute.
-But then straight to the police station.
-I don't wanna go.
I want you to take me home now!
[Daniela] Okay.
We'll go home.
Let's take her home.
[car engine rumbles]
[car warning beeping]
You put me on with Nobili again?
You gotta tell me why.
I've got 200 people out in Primavalle
protesting public housing being assigned
to a Moldovan family.
I need ass-kicking and diplomacy.
-Assigning the teams is my call.
-So then you're taking responsibility.
When's your interview with the DA?
It's tomorrow.
[unsettling music playing]
[man] This is the interview order.
[music intensifies]
[Levi] Take off your sunglasses, please.
I'm gonna need a piece of ID
to get your personal details.
Flores, you're here as a witness
to the events at Val di Susa.
I will remind you that you are
legally obligated to tell the truth
and that failure to do so
constitutes a crime
under Article 372 of the Criminal Code.
Is everything clear?
I can see from your service record,
that you've been serving
in the Rome unit for many years.
With honor.
[Levi] I don't doubt that.
With honor,
but also, shall we say bumps in the road?
Five instances of minor misconduct
for improper use of force.
And one for a racist post
published on social media.
Sir, I've done nothing to be ashamed of.
Nothing at all.
No doubt.
Tell me what you recall
when Deputy Inspector Fura was injured?
A loud bang.
[Levi] And then?
Nothing. My ears were ringing.
How far did you all push your charge?
I don't remember.
Into the woods?
[Levi] Did you reach the river?
-Did you get as far as the river?
No, what river?
Are you sure?
[Levi] Did you notice
an injured protester on the ground?
We didn't see anything.
[Levi sighs]
Recognize this?
It's a tactical vest from our uniform.
[Levi] Do you notice anything peculiar?
Looks like burn marks, sir.
[Levi] Exactly.
Especially here.
Am I right?
[Levi] In the same place
you usually attach
your bodycams.
[Bonamin] Yeah.
How do you think
those burn marks got there?
Really look.
Take your time.
A Molotov.
[clicks tongue] So you're saying
that it might be possible for a Molotov
to have burned the vest
but not the jacket underneath it?
Don't know about that.
This is the vest worn
by one of your colleagues
during the Val di Susa operation.
It belongs to Sergeant Valenti.
Sergeant Valenti was actually
hit by a stray Molotov.
[Levi] Did you witness
the Molotov hitting him?
Did you see it?
I did not witness the exact moment
when my colleague was struck by a Molotov,
but I did see the burn marks
on his vest after the fact.
[inhales and exhales sharply]
Mind if I ask you a question, sir?
My squad leader, Pietro Fura.
-You don't care about him?
-That's enough.
I'll be asking the questions.
Same old story, huh?
Always putting the victims on trial.
I see that you
were in the military before.
Got out after fighting ISIS and serving
in Iraq, Kurdistan and Afghanistan.
I wasn't kicked out
if that's what you're implying.
I chose to become a police officer.
Wanna tell me why you left?
Only if you want, of course.
I killed a 12-year-old boy.
Shot him in the head.
I was in Afghanistan.
I was on watch.
I spied this kid coming
at us outta nowhere.
I ordered him to stop a few times,
but nothing.
He was wearing a big backpack.
I shot him.
Right in the head.
He was killed on the spot.
So what was in the bag?
His schoolbooks.
[gentle music playing]
[music intensifies]
[music stops]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music playing]
[Gianni] Morning.
Good morning.
Need a shield!
I wanted to thank you
for not signing the letter.
Well, I'm not a sheep.
[music intensifies]
-[Marta] Thanks, Gianni.
-[Gianni] See ya, Marta.
[Mazinga sighs]
So, how was everything?
-[Salvatore] He's a pain in the ass.
-Ah. How so?
It's that bodycam.
He's losing his shit
over that stupid thing. [laughs]
That's normal.
Just relax.
[indistinct radio chatter]
Do you have the bodycam?
No. No.
Don't ask me again.
Hi, everyone.
Why are you in my seat?
You're in the back today.
[Mazinga] You know why.
[indistinct radio chatter]
Is everyone here? Can we go?
We're missing Pignarelli.
Pignarelli's out on sick leave.
[Michele] Then let's get going.
[engine starts]
[dramatic music playing]
Six days ago, an apartment was assigned
to a woman from Moldova.
People are pissed.
Yesterday, she left home
to bring her children to school
and they won't let her back inside.
We've already got two units on site.
All we have to do is escort
the woman into her place.
["I'm That Guy" by Agar Agar playing]
Keep me warm ♪
There's no one,
And I'm inside their house ♪
Rabid days ♪
Get delighted ♪
There's no one
And I'm inside their house ♪
There's no food
There's no light ♪
There's no calling all the time
Inside my mind ♪
There's no food ♪
There's no way to reach the bottom
But they keep driving me out of line ♪
'Cause you don't know nothing
You don't know me, so… ♪
[crowd chanting] Gypsies, go home!
Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-[song fades out]
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
Local police units already tried to bring
the woman back inside.
-But it didn't work out.
-[chanting continues]
Her apartment is that one
on the second floor.
-[man over radio] Roma 12 for Liegi.
-I read you!
We're with the family
over on Via Andersen.
You need to come to us, over.
Copy that, over and out.
The car's over there. Right, let's go.
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Out of the way. Keep moving.
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Excuse me, outta the way. Thanks. Move.
Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Step aside.
-Gypsies, go home! Get out of our city!
-Sarri, you stay with her.
[Michele] We get the family.
Take a diamond formation
and break straight through the perimeter.
No one makes a move till I say so!
And ignore any provocations!
[crowd shouting]
We're here. They all right?
What are your names?
[woman] I'm Elena. He's David and Maxim.
Stop! Stay back!
I need you all to stay six feet back!
Stay back from the car!
Stay six feet back at all times!
[woman] Enough!
-I'm sick of this!
-[Marta] We're going to escort you inside.
So don't worry.
Just stay by my side
when we get the all clear. Okay?
[woman] We don't want you
anywhere near our families!
-[Michele] Sarri, you ready?
-[man] You went crying to the pigs?
[dramatic music playing]
[crowd shouting]
[man 1] Pieces of shit!
Stay close to me, okay? Right next to me.
[man 2] Asshole cops!
You'll never be welcome here!
You're not welcome here.
Get back!
[music intensifies]
[man 3] You can't treat us like animals!
You fuckers!
The fuck you doing?
[crowd] All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
[man 1] Pieces of shit!
All cops are bastards! ♪
[man 1] Pieces of shit!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
-All cops are bastards! ♪
-[man 1] We don't want you here!
[music intensifies]
You're a piece of shit.
Your squad leader told us
not to respond to any provocations.
-There are two frightened children.
That's enough. Come inside.
Bonamin, get in there too.
You've got a problem with me, not her.
You all stay out here.
[crowd shouting]
[Elena speaking Moldovan]
[Elena speaking Moldovan]
[Elena speaking Moldovan]
[children speaking Moldovan]
They're going to kill us.
Nothing will happen as long as we're here.
You can't watch over us forever.
-[speaking Moldovan]
[breathing heavily]
This was always gonna happen.
Anyone can see that.
It's impossible for even
a city councilor to be that blind.
Hey. I just reported it.
They'll be sending someone over,
then you can go.
[phone ringing out]
Who you calling?
Service Office.
We're gonna be here for a while, for sure.
[sirens wail]
[ominous music playing]
[Michele] How is she?
Were you able to talk to her?
[engine revs]
I dunno yet.
Looks like we could be here for a while.
Yeah. I'll call you later then. Daniela.
Give her a kiss for me.
Why'd you send the other teams home?
Because the situation is well in hand.
The Ministry says you're done.
[door opens]
[Michele] And city council?
I already told you. They're on their way.
[Mazinga over radio] When are we leaving?
Everything's calm out here.
If you leave,
they're going to break into our apartment.
[Mazinga] Nobili?
Listen, no one moves an inch
until the job is done.
You've already been here four hours!
The family's at home. Your team can go.
You don't get it, do you?
If my team leaves now,
you're gonna need
30 patrol cars parked outside!
[phone vibrating]
Yeah, they're still here.
All right, come on up.
Valenti, prepare to come inside.
All of you.
-[man 1] What do you do for a living?
-I'm a cleaning woman.
[man 1] If a person is working,
and they pay their rent and utilities,
then they have a right to enter
their own home, officer.
With all due respect,
they'll lynch her the second we go.
[man 2] You did a good job.
But we don't need you anymore.
Our job is only finished
when we can guarantee the safety
of this woman and of her kids.
And I understand that,
but what would you have us do?
We can't possibly watch them 24/7.
[male protester 1] You can't stay here!
You and your kids gotta go! You got it?
We're not leaving!
[male protester 2] We're fucking sick
of you and your fucking kids!
We're going to stay right here!
All night, all day tomorrow.
You don't belong here! Get out!
The city has to take responsibility
and admit they made a mistake.
I think you'll find that these decisions
are way above your pay grade.
-[Michele] You're wrong.
-[man 1] What is this, a joke?
For me, there's no problem
staying here for a month.
You don't get to make those decisions.
They're up to the city authorities.
You're disobeying
orders from your superiors.
Fine. How about you call
the chief of police right now
and tell him you've got cops
fulfilling their duty to protect.
[male protester 1] Get out!
You can't be here!
[male protester 2] I'm gonna take
your fucking head off!
[male protester 1] Get out!
-[protester 1] Leave!
-[protester 2] Move it!
-[protester 3] Animal! Bitch!
-[protester 2] We hate you!
-We've had enough! You hear me?
Get the hell out of Italy! Now!
-Get outta here now!
-Get out!
Fuck off! Fuck off!
Get outta here!
-[protester 3] I'll kick this door down!
[somber music playing]
[crowd shouting indistinctly]
[engine rumbles]
-[Salvatore] Hey.
-[Bonamin] What?
-You wanna grab a beer?
-No, I'm playing soccer later, sorry.
[Salvatore] Martolì.
Wanna order pizza at your place?
You've been ignoring me all day
and now you wanna order a pizza?
Fuck off, Salvo.
I think you wrote your little letter
about the wrong guy, huh?
[knocking at door]
[Emma] What?
Can I at least see you, please?
We've gotta get going now.
[sobs lightly]
Your dad knows the person
you have to speak with.
She's his friend.
Can you please just please drop it?
Tell her I changed my mind.
[Michele] It doesn't work that way.
You're gonna have to report it.
You can't make me do that.
Tell them I made it all up.
[Daniela] Okay, listen.
Call the station, talk to your friend.
Tell her that we need a little more time.
The longer we wait, the worse it gets.
Do you wanna force her to report?
[tense music playing]
[Daniela sighs]
Our daughter needs us
and we have to be there for her.
[music fades]
[Agata] Mom?
-[Marta] Mm?
Were you and Dad ever happy?
What do you mean?
In the beginning…
[Marta] I dunno, sweetie.
It's been a long time.
[Agata sighs heavily]
Dad told me the real reason
you're mad at him.
He told me about the time
when I was little…
He was taking me to daycare and
he messed up bad.
He forgot me in the car.
[Marta sighs]
Momma. I don't want you to feel sad.
[clicks tongue]
We won't talk about it anymore.
[Agata sighs]
[snoring lightly]
[items clattering lightly]
[breathing heavily]
[items clattering lightly]
[gentle, somber music playing]
[chair scrapes]
[music intensifies]
[door closes]
-[music continues]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Marta] May I?
[Marta clears throat]
Everyone's talking about
how you handled yesterday.
[Marta chuckles]
What can I say? I've got a conscience.
[music fades out]
I'm sorry for snapping at you.
I'm going through a pretty
shitty time right now.
You're under pressure from the…
the questioning?
Not really, no.
The big problems are at home, so…
Then I guess we're in the same boat.
My daughter.
I've got a daughter too.
Agata. She's 13.
So what happened?
If you wanna talk about it.
[tense music playing]
She's not okay.
She's always shut up in her room.
She never wants to talk anymore.
Her door is always closed.
[Marta] Hm.
Break down the door.
I mean…
That's what I'd do.
Even if she told me to fuck off.
-Pigna! [laughs]
-Shit. What?
You look so elegant.
-You off to a wedding?
-A funeral.
-[Salvatore laughs]
-You guys already testified?
How was it?
Piece of cake.
You're still cool, right?
I need to say anything specific?
They had me take a look at Mazinga's vest.
What do I say about the vest?
Mazinga said he got hit by a Molotov.
That's all.
There's nothing more to say.
And besides that, you stick to the story.
Don't be stupid in there.
[ominous music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[pen clicking]
Did you see today's headlines?
[Levi] You recognize the kid?
[Marta] No.
[Levi] What about now?
You recognize him?
No, I'm sorry, it's not ringing a bell.
His name is Franco Cua.
-[Marta] Mm.
-[Lei] He's the kid from the article.
I understand.
Do you mind reading the text just there,
accompanying the photo?
What, now?
[Levi] Yes. Out loud, please.
[Levi clears throat]
"Dear Editor…"
[Levi] Mm-hm.
"My name is Stefania
and I am the mother of Franco Cua,
the boy who's been
in the ICU for three weeks now,
because of the beating
he received…"
Keep going.
"…in Val di Susa. He was beaten
by unidentified police officers."
"My Franco is being kept alive
by a machine and as a mother,
I am demanding justice
for what they have done to him."
-"I want my pain to be a rallying cry--"
-[Levi] All right, that's enough.
I saw here that you have a daughter.
-Don't you?
-[Marta] Yeah.
How old is she?
I have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.
Go ahead.
[music intensifies]
[door opens]
[Levi] Pignarelli?
[Mazinga] Pigna!
I wanted to tell you, sir,
that I personally saw one
of the protesters throw a Molotov
towards Sergeant Valenti out in the woods.
And the, um, the bodycam--
Are you in the habit of answering
questions you haven't been asked?
Did someone tell you
to feed me this story?
Instruct you on what to say?
-[Pignarelli] No.
Why did you request to be put on leave?
-Mm. I don't understand.
-[Levi] There's nothing to understand.
After the events of Val di Susa,
you put in a request for sick leave.
I wanna know why.
I was injured during the training, sir.
Why are you so tense?
[Levi] Why are you so tense?
I'm not accusing you of anything.
[Marta breathing shakily]
[Mazinga] What's wrong?
Nothing, it's just that…
He showed me the photo of the kid
from Val di Susa and it was a bit…
[music fades out]
…distressing, you know?
[Marta sighs]
-Because that kid might've been--
-What is this?
What are we talking about?
You need to think about Pietro.
If that had happened to you?
How would she feel?
Do you need more time?
You can ask for time off,
no problem. They can't say shit.
[slow, somber music playing]
[breathing shakily]
I'll just go back in there
and get it over with.
[Levi] I have one last question for you.
Why did you clean your batons with bleach
after the events in Val di Susa?
Because that's what we've always done,
ever since I started here.
[Levi] You clean the batons
after every crowd control shift?
That's how it works around here.
Why would you do that?
To remove any biological evidence?
Prevent the recovery of any DNA?
Are we done here, sir?
After Fura was injured,
you were the one who ordered
the squad to charge. Is that correct?
[Mazinga] That's right, I did.
Why not wait for the order to be given
by your commanding officer instead?
He was too far away.
So I took on the responsibility.
[Levi] How far did you charge?
We ended up in the woods.
You ended up in the woods.
You're saying it's impossible
your team or any of those involved
in the operation might have reached
the banks of the river?
[Mazinga] Impossible.
So how do you explain
the kid being attacked out there?
Must've fallen out of a tree.
These kids climb up there,
then they throw stuff.
Bottles, rocks.
I learned that a few years ago
you were tried for aggravated assault,
-threats, and serious injury.
-Yes, but then I was acquitted.
[Levi] Due to the statute of limitations.
What does that matter?
How is it possible that you lost
the bodycam assigned to you?
[Mazinga] Well… did you read the report?
Yes. I read the report.
The Molotov.
Sir, have you ever been to Val di Susa?
It's a war zone.
You stand there for hours,
pummeled with rocks and bottles.
It's a war?
That's how you see it?
[Mazinga] When I joined the police force
my father was thrilled because
he wanted me to have
a life different from his.
Little did he know.
The war started a long time ago.
Nothing ever fucking changes.
Kids are in the streets.
Parents can't look
their own children in the eyes.
Because they know their kids are about to
endure the same shitty life as them.
I'm not interested in prosecuting
the entire squad.
I know that it was one of you.
But your code of silence
makes everyone guilty.
Did you find the other side
more cooperative, sir?
My point.
Your team.
You and your squad.
And the people you faced in Val di Susa.
Maybe you're not so different.
Perhaps we're all innocent.
[Levi] There's at least one difference
between you.
Actually, there has to be.
You represent the State itself.
-The request was denied.
-[Anna] I told you.
You need to do it in person.
-It's impossible online, trust me.
-How do you want me to go there?
[crockery clatters]
Very nice, bravo. Oh yeah,
that's my girl, always walking out!
-The fuck do you want?
[Pietro] Sorry. I'm not mad at you.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
Go on, finish up your wine.
[music continues]
[Marta] Hey.
She's coming down.
Thanks for letting me see Agata.
I know it hasn't been easy.
[Marta sighs]
You didn't tell her? About the hospital?
About what?
About how you sent me to the hospital
three times. Did you forget?
I have a gun now.
I didn't have this before.
And if you step even one foot out of line,
I swear I'll kill you.
You make sure my daughter has
a good time tonight. She deserves it.
[door opens]
-Bye, Mom.
[music intensifies]
[Emma crying softly]
[pop music playing faintly
through headphones]
Emma, please open the door.
[music playing faintly through headphones]
[train screeches on track]
[train horn blares]
Emma! Open the door, please!
-[music playing faintly]
-[door banging]
[Michele straining]
["Magia" by Margherita Vicario
playing in Italian]
[song continues]
-[song ends]
-[tense music playing]