Public Disorder (2025) s01e04 Episode Script
Episode 4
[man 1] Bring in the witness!
[door opens]
-[footsteps echoing]
-[indistinct chatter]
[door closes]
Sit down. Mr. Prato.
You need to sit down. You're not helping.
Good morning.
[echoing] Good morning.
We ask that you read the witness oath.
I am aware of my responsibility.
[microphone buzzes]
[echoing] I am aware of my responsibility,
both legal and moral,
to bear witness without falsehood
and so I swear to tell the whole truth,
and not withhold from this court
any knowledge I have.
District Attorney, your witness. Go ahead.
Good morning. Thank you, Your Honor.
[inhales sharply]
Officer Nobili,
would you please tell us
what happened in the holding cells
of the Police station in Rome
on November 13th, 2014?
We made a few… arrests that day,
in the San Lorenzo neighborhood,
most of them for drug dealing.
HQ had ordered us to sweep the area.
And was Mr. Stefan Ismaili,
born in Valona, Albania,
the 31st of May, 1993,
among those arrested by you?
[Michele] Yes.
[mysterious music playing]
Please tell us what happened
in the station.
The detainee had been placed
in a holding cell
and he asked if he could use the bathroom.
Was he allowed to?
One of my colleagues told him
if he needed to go,
he could do so up against the wall.
In the holding cell?
In the holding cell, yes.
What happened after that?
When he had finished up,
the same colleague
pushed him to the ground,
and… dragged the detainee
through the urine to mop it up.
-[prosecutor] Did anyone intervene?
-[Michele] No.
No? Not even you?
[prosecutor] Please, continue.
After that.
[scoffs lightly]
Uh. Both he and another officer,
they took him and they attacked him.
[man 2] What the fuck?
[judge] Order in the court!
[prosecutor] Apologies, Officer Nobili.
Could you be more specific?
What do you mean he was "attacked?"
Was he kicked, or punched,
or slapped, or what?
All of those, sir.
[prosecutor] All of them. I see.
Officer Nobili,
are the colleagues in question
here in the courtroom today?
[prosecutor] Could you
point them out to us?
[Prato] He's lying!
He's making it all up.
It's a load of bullshit!
-Fuck you, you bastard, Nobili!
-Hey. Mr. Prato, stop.
Your Honor, let the record show
that Officer Nobili indicated wordlessly
that those responsible
for the attack on Stefan Ismaili
were Officers Paolo Montieri
and Giuseppe Prato.
-Fucking rat!
-We have families!
Fuck you!
-[microphone crackles]
-[music fades out]
[Stefania on TV] All we want is the truth.
We wanna know who's responsible
for what happened in Val di Susa.
I don't want revenge.
I want justice. Justice for me and my son.
Because what happened there
can never happen again.
The State put my Franco in a coma.
A police officer
was also seriously injured
while he was just doing his job.
If we can have justice,
it will also be for him.
Franco is only one of many victims
of what happened there.
Honestly, I feel very close to the family
of that officer, because
we're the only ones that truly understand
what the other is going through.
Our situations right now
are a lot more similar
than what politicians
and the media would have you believe.
[woman] As you are aware,
there is an investigation underway,
led by the Turin DA
It's expected to shed some light
on the events at Val di Susa.
Do you think this investigation
will deliver justice?
[Stefania] I have no doubt
the investigation will be conducted
in an open and transparent way
and that it'll be efficient.
But the only thing that I'm interested
in now is the truth.
-I need to know.
-[somber music playing]
As a mother, I must know
that I did everything I could,
everything in my power
because otherwise I'll feel guilty too.
I need to know that I never abandoned him.
Not before, not during
and not after this tragedy.
When you bring a child into this world,
you can't imagine what it is
they'll become when they grow up.
You can imagine their life
after you're gone, sure,
but you can't imagine them frozen in time,
like my son is now.
-Because losing a child--
-[Agata] I'm ready!
[Marta] I'm on the night shift tonight.
[Agata] I eat dinner with Paola
and I don't open the door to anyone
till you're back.
[music fades out]
Do you want to stay over with your dad?
For real?
[door opens]
I'll call him and ask, okay?
[vending machine whirs]
[indistinct chatter]
[gentle, tense music playing]
[sighs] You sure you don't want anything?
-[monitor chimes]
[Anna clears throat]
-[Anna] I burned myself yesterday.
[monitor chimes]
[Mazinga sighs]
[Mazinga sighs]
I heard the news on TV.
[Anna sighs heavily]
How's Pietro doing?
He'll never walk again.
Oh, shit.
Listen, Giancarlo, this is
the documentation required
for the disability retirement request.
Anna, applying for this kind of benefit
isn't done through me.
You need to make an appointment
for those requests.
Can't you at least start it now?
-I made her wait in line for an hour.
-No. It's a separate process entirely.
[Anna] Don't worry about it, Giancarlo.
I'll make an appointment.
Sorry, I was the one who insisted
on this with your father.
Fine, is it at least all in order?
Social security number, ID?
-Yes, it's all here.
-[Giancarlo] Let me take a look.
All right.
Okay. I'll take it to my colleague
and see if he can
start working on it today.
[monitor chimes]
You know I could have walked.
I'm happy to drive you. It's fine.
[sighs] Anyway, thanks, Ivano.
I know that wasn't easy for you.
[gentle, tense music playing]
How's everything with Pietro?
What can I say?
Took me ten years to decide to leave him.
When I finally do, look what happens.
You know, I'm 50 years old.
And I can't believe there's nothing else.
That there's nothing else
out there for him.
Other than the police force.
The work that poisons all of you
and everyone you know.
[music intensifies]
[Michele] It's here.
Emma. You can trust Francesca.
I've known her my whole life.
Now, it's important that you tell her
everything that happened. Okay?
-[Michele] Hey, Francesca.
-[Francesca] Michele, hi.
-[Michele] Good morning.
-[woman] Morning.
-My wife, Daniela.
-Nice to meet you.
-Hello Emma. I'm Francesca.
This is Giulia, she's our psychologist.
-Hello. Nice to meet you.
[Francesca] All right.
Let's go.
Actually, it isn't standard
for parents to be present.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
But this isn't a domestic violence case.
I'm Emma's father,
but I'm also a fellow officer.
That doesn't matter. It's protocol.
I'll be right outside
if you need anything.
[mysterious music playing]
[Michele] Wait for me downstairs.
-[Francesca] Goodbye, see ya.
-[Daniela] Goodbye.
[Francesca] Bye, Emma.
All right, I'll assemble the case file
and send it to the judge today.
But it'll take time, Michele.
You'll need to be patient,
which is a difficult thing
for the families of victims.
[Michele] What do you think?
Um… To me, the dynamics are quite clear.
They met, they liked each other.
She allowed a little intimacy
but he wanted more.
Did she meet him at the party?
Before that.
She met him through her friend Anita.
Emma gave me his first and last name,
so as soon as the judge gives
the go ahead, I'll start investigating.
What's the guy's name?
C'mon, you know me.
[door opens]
[sirens wailing]
[sirens fade out]
[door closes]
[music settles]
[indistinct chatter]
[music fades out]
Hey, look who it is! Our little angel!
-[Agata] Hi.
-How are ya?
-[Bonamin] Hi.
-[Panebianco] Coming with us?
-[Panebianco] You wanna know?
We'll shield up, throw some punches
and hit hooligans with batons.
[Marta] What are you saying?
Is that yours?
-[Bonamin] You wanna try it on?
All right, let's see how it fits.
Okay, let me see.
[Bonamin chuckles]
[Panebianco] Would you look at that.
Like a tiny Darth Vader.
[Agata and Bonamin laugh]
What do we have here?
-[Agata] Hi, Dad.
-Hi, sweetie.
-[Bonamin] Nice to meet you.
-I'm Agata's father.
-I know.
She's got skating from 4 to 8 p.m.
Don't be late to pick her up.
Make her dinner at 9 o'clock
and she needs to be in bed by 10,
you got it?
Got it. Thank you, Marta.
You're welcome.
Her toothbrush,
pajamas, everything's in there.
-I'll come and pick you up tomorrow, okay?
-[Agata] Mm-hm.
[Marta clicks tongue]
-See you. Ready?
-[Agata] Mm-hm.
-Bye, guys.
-Bye, kiddo.
See you later, Vader.
[Panebianco] Everything okay?
[tense music playing]
[music fades out]
-[birds cawing]
[toilet flushes]
[knocking on door]
-[Marta] Hey!
-[Salvatore] Hey.
Why aren't you ready to go yet?
I'm not working today.
I asked if I could have the day off.
I got things to do.
Okay, things like what?
Lena's flying out here.
Isn't that good?
-Aren't you happy?
When does she get in?
Her plane lands tonight.
She's done with her exams
and she's coming to see me.
I booked a nice room at the Hilton.
A restaurant.
I assume you also paid for her flight.
You know she's playing you, right?
What does that mean?
Did you ask someone to look into her?
-Look into her?
What are you saying?
She's been stringing you along for what?
Like six months now?
You sent her purses and jewelry,
thousands of expensive gifts.
I mean did you even run her phone number
or her name?
You're a police officer, Salvatore!
-You had the means to do it.
-'Course I had someone run a check on her.
And we're good.
You're way too trusting of others, Salvo.
People take advantage of you
and fuck you over.
It happens again and again.
You do this all the time.
What about you?
What the hell does this
have to do with me?
When's the last time you got laid?
How long since you been with a man
who doesn't slap you around?
Go fuck yourself.
[bang on door]
[keypad beeping]
I broke it down.
-The door.
Your daughter?
[machine whirs]
She was raped.
[man 1] Hey, Eddie.
-[man 2] How are ya?
-[man 3] Hey.
[man 4] Evening.
[man 5] Evening.
[man 6] Evening.
What are you talking about?
At a birthday party by some
piece of shit she already knew.
How is she?
She feels like shit. All of us do.
[tense music continues]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Panebianco] Dating sites
are the way to go.
Not as many scammers or fake model types.
[music intensifies]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[dialogue muted]
It's about time, Marta.
Now it's your turn to bust your ass.
Yeah, yeah.
Hi, guys.
[Mazinga] Finally.
[sighs] How's it going?
[Mazinga] Fine.
Should stay calm around here
until they reopen the dump.
Thanks for all your hard work.
This is for you.
-Thank you.
You want a plate of food?
-It's good stuff.
-Are you sure?
-No, thanks.
We can't let the dump reopen here,
you know?
If it were up to us.
But no one cares what we think.
-You have to take care of us all.
-Thank you, ma'am.
You've nothing to worry about.
It actually looks like
the court already ruled.
They rejected the appeal?
Our orders are
to let them have a peaceful night.
They'll get the news tomorrow.
All right.
We're clocking out.
Let's go, Flores. Come on, everyone.
-[radio beeps]
-Panebianco, prepare to enter.
[vehicle rumbling]
[tense, mysterious music playing]
[horn blares]
[mysterious music playing]
Hey, Riggio. It's Salvatore.
Yeah, sorry for calling so late.
But I really need a favor.
If I give you a flight number,
would you be able to check
the passenger list?
Appreciate it.
Okay. It's LX--
[plane roars]
[phone vibrating]
You got it?
Are you sure? Check again. Lena Cesani.
[dramatic music playing]
No, I'm here.
Everything's fine, don't worry.
No, I assure you everything is fine.
Thanks a lot
and I'm sorry for bothering you.
It was helpful. I owe you one.
Oh, wait a minute, are you still there?
If I send you a cell number,
would you be able to look up the name
and the person's address?
-[Mazinga] Hi. Pietro?
-[Pietro] Coming!
-[Anna] Here he is.
[Mazinga] I brought you this.
It was dying at my place.
I don't get much sun.
But you have tons of sunlight.
-[Anna] Aw.
--Maybe it'll pull through.
Thank you.
[Pietro] Let's go, Mazì.
Manna's got to meet the prefect at 8 a.m.
-Let me help you.
-I can handle this on my own!
[tense music playing]
I don't know what the fuck I have to go
all the way up there for.
They wanna see me or talk to me,
they can do it in Rome.
The DA wants to take you
to the location of the incident.
Why are you telling me all this?
Did they put you up to this
to convince me?
No. No, I volunteered.
The sooner we close this chapter,
the better for everyone.
Levi would like to go through
the events again
and find the person responsible
for the bomb that left you in this state.
Oh, come on. Everything was recorded
on the bodycam I had on.
Isn't that enough for all of you?
And besides,
I remember jack shit about that day.
Fura, you gotta work with me here.
The prosecutor won't let up
until you go back to the site.
And how does he propose
I get my ass up there?
In this wheelchair?
[Manna sighs] You ended up
in a wheelchair.
In Turin, we've got a boy in a coma.
And if that kid doesn't make it,
I'll be nothing but smiles.
-[man 1] Look who it is!
-[man 2] It's boss!
[man 3] I don't believe it!
-[man 5] Didn't think I'd see you so soon!
-[man 6] What a vision.
-Look at you, boss!
-Vision? Who am I, the Virgin Mary?
Someone told me
they saw you at the station.
Manna just can't live without me.
Must be love.
[Flores] We don't want
to live without you either.
[man 7] Yeah, we missed you too!
Hey, let's at least
let the guy breathe, huh?
-Looking good.
-All right then.
-See you soon.
-See ya.
-See you.
-Bye now.
[vehicle approaching]
[Mazinga] Let's go.
[Pietro sighs]
-[Mazinga] Let me give you a hand--
-I can do it on my own!
Stubborn bastard.
[door closes]
Don't ever bring me here again.
[Mazinga] Why not?
I don't ever wanna
come back to the station.
Don't you think there's more
to life than the riot unit?
You've been spending too much time
with my wife. You sound just like her.
You know I'd be dead
without the riot unit.
Now let me go.
[somber music playing]
[engine revs]
[gentle music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Flores] Mazì?
Verdict was just announced.
It's not good.
They gotta be cleared out after all.
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
-[man 1] Go, go, go!
-[man 2] Go, go, move it, move it!
[man 3] Roma 2, roll out! C'mon!
Hurry up! Let's go! Now!
[indistinct radio chatter]
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
[all] All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards! All--♪
Cut it out! Stop that!
-What the fuck?
-[radio beeps]
[man over radio] All right, Meg.
See you tomorrow. Over and out.
[dramatic music playing]
-[sirens wailing]
-[music intensifies]
[horns blaring]
[protesters shouting angrily]
[Flores] Mazì? You good?
[shouting indistinctly]
Let's clear this fuckin' place out.
Shields up!
All right, I need everybody to move!
Let's make room for the trucks to pass!
Clear the area!
Go back to your homes now!
[woman] This is our home!
We're not leaving, got it?
My house is right here! We live here!
Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on?
You're a puppet, piece of shit.
[crowd shouting]
-[music intensifies]
Valenti, what the hell are you doing?
[music calms down]
Hey, what the fuck, Mazì?
Where're you going?
[calm music playing]
[Mazinga sighs]
[breathing heavily]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
[Michele] What the fuck did you do?
You go and leave your squad without cover.
For fuck's sake, you're 60 years old.
You don't need me to explain this to you.
What kind of a fuckup cop are you?
I'm sick of the job, Nobili.
What do you want me to say?
Great, fine. You're sick of your job,
go file for retirement.
But don't you dare abandon your squad!
[breathing heavily]
Look! Look at them!
That's your squad.
But they only matter to you
when you need them to cover your ass.
I know you.
And the truth is
you don't give a shit about them!
["My Name Is Carnival"
by Jackson C. Frank playing]
I've seen your face
In every place that I'll be going ♪
I read your words like black
Hungry birds read every song ♪
Rise and fall, spin and call ♪
And my name is Carnival ♪
Sad music in the night
Sings a scream
Of light out of chorus ♪
And voices you might hear
Appear and disappear in the forest ♪
Short and tall, throw the ball ♪
And my name is Carnival ♪
Strings of yellow tears drip
From black-wired fears in the meadow ♪
And their white halos spin with an anger
That is thin and turns to sorrow ♪
King of all, hear me call ♪
Hear my name, Carnival ♪
Here there is no law ♪
But the arcade's penny claw
Hanging empty ♪
The painted laughing smile
And the turning of the style do not envy ♪
And the small can steal the ball ♪
To touch the face of Carnival ♪
[music stops]
[items clattering]
What are you doing?
Where the hell were you? Hm?
I asked what you were doing.
You can't tell? What are you, blind?
I'm leaving, Salvatore.
What do you mean, leaving?
I don't wanna end up like Pietro.
I don't wanna die in this uniform.
You get it now, huh?
You can't leave now.
First Pietro and now you?
No, Mazì! You can't go!
If you leave, it's fucking finished.
You can't walk away from this!
I don't wanna see you like this.
[door slams]
[objects being thrown]
[wipers squeaking]
[Marta] Hey.
Put on your seatbelt.
[pop song playing on phone]
It will also be for him.
Franco is only one of the many victims
of what happened there.
Honestly, I feel very close
to the family of that officer, because
we're the only ones that truly…
[Marta] What are you watching?
Um. A girl from my school doing a dance.
Yeah, it got 2,000 views.
You know I could've stayed over
with Dad again tonight.
Work was such a disaster,
it wasn't up to me.
[tense music playing]
Anyway, how was it at… at skating today?
Did you get to do your jumps?
I didn't go to my lesson.
Dad said if I didn't feel like it,
I didn't have to.
Is that okay?
That's fine.
I guess it runs in the family.
Staying at work way too late.
You and I aren't family.
We're not?
Yeah, you're right.
I was never at home.
Never there for you or your mother,
using work as an excuse--
What are doing here?
I came to apologize.
Don't apologize to me.
You should've apologized to Mom.
Ten years ago.
[tense music continues]
Emma, we have a dishwasher.
[Emma] No, I like doing it.
It helps me not to think.
[crockery clattering]
[plate shatters]
-[breathing shakily]
-[music fades out]
Mom, Dad, do you still love me?
[Daniela] Of course, sweetheart.
Of course we love you, Emma.
[crying] I still love you guys too.
But it's lot harder to show it now.
I'm sorry.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[pieces of plate clattering]
["La mia storia tra le dite"
by Michele Di Giacomo & Gianluca Grignani]
[song gets louder]
[song continues]
[song stops]
I'm sorry it's so late, Anna.
He's asleep.
What's going on? Did something happen?
I quit the force.
I'm done now. I wanted to tell you.
[sighs heavily]
Do you think I made a mistake?
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[video crackling]
[music fades out]
[phone vibrates]
What do you want?
I brought you a gift.
Why are you giving it to me?
Because I wanna see what you do with it.
Show me how a real cop would act.
But whatever it is that you decide,
just remember what it
means to do this job.
I don't think I have it in me.
I can't destroy a life over one bad call.
Those are two different things, Mazì.
You said it yourself.
I'm 60 years old.
I could make you a list
of all the people I've failed.
Of all the bullshit I've ever done.
[somber music playing]
Everyone I've abandoned.
My family.
My wife and son.
I've failed in every way.
Can't do it anymore.
I'm tired.
[train chugs]
Tomorrow I'm going on sick leave.
And after that I'll submit for retirement.
[Michele clicks tongue]
[upbeat electro music playing]
[gentle music playing]
[upbeat, dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
[haunting, dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
[man 1] Bring in the witness!
[door opens]
-[footsteps echoing]
-[indistinct chatter]
[door closes]
Sit down. Mr. Prato.
You need to sit down. You're not helping.
Good morning.
[echoing] Good morning.
We ask that you read the witness oath.
I am aware of my responsibility.
[microphone buzzes]
[echoing] I am aware of my responsibility,
both legal and moral,
to bear witness without falsehood
and so I swear to tell the whole truth,
and not withhold from this court
any knowledge I have.
District Attorney, your witness. Go ahead.
Good morning. Thank you, Your Honor.
[inhales sharply]
Officer Nobili,
would you please tell us
what happened in the holding cells
of the Police station in Rome
on November 13th, 2014?
We made a few… arrests that day,
in the San Lorenzo neighborhood,
most of them for drug dealing.
HQ had ordered us to sweep the area.
And was Mr. Stefan Ismaili,
born in Valona, Albania,
the 31st of May, 1993,
among those arrested by you?
[Michele] Yes.
[mysterious music playing]
Please tell us what happened
in the station.
The detainee had been placed
in a holding cell
and he asked if he could use the bathroom.
Was he allowed to?
One of my colleagues told him
if he needed to go,
he could do so up against the wall.
In the holding cell?
In the holding cell, yes.
What happened after that?
When he had finished up,
the same colleague
pushed him to the ground,
and… dragged the detainee
through the urine to mop it up.
-[prosecutor] Did anyone intervene?
-[Michele] No.
No? Not even you?
[prosecutor] Please, continue.
After that.
[scoffs lightly]
Uh. Both he and another officer,
they took him and they attacked him.
[man 2] What the fuck?
[judge] Order in the court!
[prosecutor] Apologies, Officer Nobili.
Could you be more specific?
What do you mean he was "attacked?"
Was he kicked, or punched,
or slapped, or what?
All of those, sir.
[prosecutor] All of them. I see.
Officer Nobili,
are the colleagues in question
here in the courtroom today?
[prosecutor] Could you
point them out to us?
[Prato] He's lying!
He's making it all up.
It's a load of bullshit!
-Fuck you, you bastard, Nobili!
-Hey. Mr. Prato, stop.
Your Honor, let the record show
that Officer Nobili indicated wordlessly
that those responsible
for the attack on Stefan Ismaili
were Officers Paolo Montieri
and Giuseppe Prato.
-Fucking rat!
-We have families!
Fuck you!
-[microphone crackles]
-[music fades out]
[Stefania on TV] All we want is the truth.
We wanna know who's responsible
for what happened in Val di Susa.
I don't want revenge.
I want justice. Justice for me and my son.
Because what happened there
can never happen again.
The State put my Franco in a coma.
A police officer
was also seriously injured
while he was just doing his job.
If we can have justice,
it will also be for him.
Franco is only one of many victims
of what happened there.
Honestly, I feel very close to the family
of that officer, because
we're the only ones that truly understand
what the other is going through.
Our situations right now
are a lot more similar
than what politicians
and the media would have you believe.
[woman] As you are aware,
there is an investigation underway,
led by the Turin DA
It's expected to shed some light
on the events at Val di Susa.
Do you think this investigation
will deliver justice?
[Stefania] I have no doubt
the investigation will be conducted
in an open and transparent way
and that it'll be efficient.
But the only thing that I'm interested
in now is the truth.
-I need to know.
-[somber music playing]
As a mother, I must know
that I did everything I could,
everything in my power
because otherwise I'll feel guilty too.
I need to know that I never abandoned him.
Not before, not during
and not after this tragedy.
When you bring a child into this world,
you can't imagine what it is
they'll become when they grow up.
You can imagine their life
after you're gone, sure,
but you can't imagine them frozen in time,
like my son is now.
-Because losing a child--
-[Agata] I'm ready!
[Marta] I'm on the night shift tonight.
[Agata] I eat dinner with Paola
and I don't open the door to anyone
till you're back.
[music fades out]
Do you want to stay over with your dad?
For real?
[door opens]
I'll call him and ask, okay?
[vending machine whirs]
[indistinct chatter]
[gentle, tense music playing]
[sighs] You sure you don't want anything?
-[monitor chimes]
[Anna clears throat]
-[Anna] I burned myself yesterday.
[monitor chimes]
[Mazinga sighs]
[Mazinga sighs]
I heard the news on TV.
[Anna sighs heavily]
How's Pietro doing?
He'll never walk again.
Oh, shit.
Listen, Giancarlo, this is
the documentation required
for the disability retirement request.
Anna, applying for this kind of benefit
isn't done through me.
You need to make an appointment
for those requests.
Can't you at least start it now?
-I made her wait in line for an hour.
-No. It's a separate process entirely.
[Anna] Don't worry about it, Giancarlo.
I'll make an appointment.
Sorry, I was the one who insisted
on this with your father.
Fine, is it at least all in order?
Social security number, ID?
-Yes, it's all here.
-[Giancarlo] Let me take a look.
All right.
Okay. I'll take it to my colleague
and see if he can
start working on it today.
[monitor chimes]
You know I could have walked.
I'm happy to drive you. It's fine.
[sighs] Anyway, thanks, Ivano.
I know that wasn't easy for you.
[gentle, tense music playing]
How's everything with Pietro?
What can I say?
Took me ten years to decide to leave him.
When I finally do, look what happens.
You know, I'm 50 years old.
And I can't believe there's nothing else.
That there's nothing else
out there for him.
Other than the police force.
The work that poisons all of you
and everyone you know.
[music intensifies]
[Michele] It's here.
Emma. You can trust Francesca.
I've known her my whole life.
Now, it's important that you tell her
everything that happened. Okay?
-[Michele] Hey, Francesca.
-[Francesca] Michele, hi.
-[Michele] Good morning.
-[woman] Morning.
-My wife, Daniela.
-Nice to meet you.
-Hello Emma. I'm Francesca.
This is Giulia, she's our psychologist.
-Hello. Nice to meet you.
[Francesca] All right.
Let's go.
Actually, it isn't standard
for parents to be present.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
But this isn't a domestic violence case.
I'm Emma's father,
but I'm also a fellow officer.
That doesn't matter. It's protocol.
I'll be right outside
if you need anything.
[mysterious music playing]
[Michele] Wait for me downstairs.
-[Francesca] Goodbye, see ya.
-[Daniela] Goodbye.
[Francesca] Bye, Emma.
All right, I'll assemble the case file
and send it to the judge today.
But it'll take time, Michele.
You'll need to be patient,
which is a difficult thing
for the families of victims.
[Michele] What do you think?
Um… To me, the dynamics are quite clear.
They met, they liked each other.
She allowed a little intimacy
but he wanted more.
Did she meet him at the party?
Before that.
She met him through her friend Anita.
Emma gave me his first and last name,
so as soon as the judge gives
the go ahead, I'll start investigating.
What's the guy's name?
C'mon, you know me.
[door opens]
[sirens wailing]
[sirens fade out]
[door closes]
[music settles]
[indistinct chatter]
[music fades out]
Hey, look who it is! Our little angel!
-[Agata] Hi.
-How are ya?
-[Bonamin] Hi.
-[Panebianco] Coming with us?
-[Panebianco] You wanna know?
We'll shield up, throw some punches
and hit hooligans with batons.
[Marta] What are you saying?
Is that yours?
-[Bonamin] You wanna try it on?
All right, let's see how it fits.
Okay, let me see.
[Bonamin chuckles]
[Panebianco] Would you look at that.
Like a tiny Darth Vader.
[Agata and Bonamin laugh]
What do we have here?
-[Agata] Hi, Dad.
-Hi, sweetie.
-[Bonamin] Nice to meet you.
-I'm Agata's father.
-I know.
She's got skating from 4 to 8 p.m.
Don't be late to pick her up.
Make her dinner at 9 o'clock
and she needs to be in bed by 10,
you got it?
Got it. Thank you, Marta.
You're welcome.
Her toothbrush,
pajamas, everything's in there.
-I'll come and pick you up tomorrow, okay?
-[Agata] Mm-hm.
[Marta clicks tongue]
-See you. Ready?
-[Agata] Mm-hm.
-Bye, guys.
-Bye, kiddo.
See you later, Vader.
[Panebianco] Everything okay?
[tense music playing]
[music fades out]
-[birds cawing]
[toilet flushes]
[knocking on door]
-[Marta] Hey!
-[Salvatore] Hey.
Why aren't you ready to go yet?
I'm not working today.
I asked if I could have the day off.
I got things to do.
Okay, things like what?
Lena's flying out here.
Isn't that good?
-Aren't you happy?
When does she get in?
Her plane lands tonight.
She's done with her exams
and she's coming to see me.
I booked a nice room at the Hilton.
A restaurant.
I assume you also paid for her flight.
You know she's playing you, right?
What does that mean?
Did you ask someone to look into her?
-Look into her?
What are you saying?
She's been stringing you along for what?
Like six months now?
You sent her purses and jewelry,
thousands of expensive gifts.
I mean did you even run her phone number
or her name?
You're a police officer, Salvatore!
-You had the means to do it.
-'Course I had someone run a check on her.
And we're good.
You're way too trusting of others, Salvo.
People take advantage of you
and fuck you over.
It happens again and again.
You do this all the time.
What about you?
What the hell does this
have to do with me?
When's the last time you got laid?
How long since you been with a man
who doesn't slap you around?
Go fuck yourself.
[bang on door]
[keypad beeping]
I broke it down.
-The door.
Your daughter?
[machine whirs]
She was raped.
[man 1] Hey, Eddie.
-[man 2] How are ya?
-[man 3] Hey.
[man 4] Evening.
[man 5] Evening.
[man 6] Evening.
What are you talking about?
At a birthday party by some
piece of shit she already knew.
How is she?
She feels like shit. All of us do.
[tense music continues]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Panebianco] Dating sites
are the way to go.
Not as many scammers or fake model types.
[music intensifies]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[dialogue muted]
It's about time, Marta.
Now it's your turn to bust your ass.
Yeah, yeah.
Hi, guys.
[Mazinga] Finally.
[sighs] How's it going?
[Mazinga] Fine.
Should stay calm around here
until they reopen the dump.
Thanks for all your hard work.
This is for you.
-Thank you.
You want a plate of food?
-It's good stuff.
-Are you sure?
-No, thanks.
We can't let the dump reopen here,
you know?
If it were up to us.
But no one cares what we think.
-You have to take care of us all.
-Thank you, ma'am.
You've nothing to worry about.
It actually looks like
the court already ruled.
They rejected the appeal?
Our orders are
to let them have a peaceful night.
They'll get the news tomorrow.
All right.
We're clocking out.
Let's go, Flores. Come on, everyone.
-[radio beeps]
-Panebianco, prepare to enter.
[vehicle rumbling]
[tense, mysterious music playing]
[horn blares]
[mysterious music playing]
Hey, Riggio. It's Salvatore.
Yeah, sorry for calling so late.
But I really need a favor.
If I give you a flight number,
would you be able to check
the passenger list?
Appreciate it.
Okay. It's LX--
[plane roars]
[phone vibrating]
You got it?
Are you sure? Check again. Lena Cesani.
[dramatic music playing]
No, I'm here.
Everything's fine, don't worry.
No, I assure you everything is fine.
Thanks a lot
and I'm sorry for bothering you.
It was helpful. I owe you one.
Oh, wait a minute, are you still there?
If I send you a cell number,
would you be able to look up the name
and the person's address?
-[Mazinga] Hi. Pietro?
-[Pietro] Coming!
-[Anna] Here he is.
[Mazinga] I brought you this.
It was dying at my place.
I don't get much sun.
But you have tons of sunlight.
-[Anna] Aw.
--Maybe it'll pull through.
Thank you.
[Pietro] Let's go, Mazì.
Manna's got to meet the prefect at 8 a.m.
-Let me help you.
-I can handle this on my own!
[tense music playing]
I don't know what the fuck I have to go
all the way up there for.
They wanna see me or talk to me,
they can do it in Rome.
The DA wants to take you
to the location of the incident.
Why are you telling me all this?
Did they put you up to this
to convince me?
No. No, I volunteered.
The sooner we close this chapter,
the better for everyone.
Levi would like to go through
the events again
and find the person responsible
for the bomb that left you in this state.
Oh, come on. Everything was recorded
on the bodycam I had on.
Isn't that enough for all of you?
And besides,
I remember jack shit about that day.
Fura, you gotta work with me here.
The prosecutor won't let up
until you go back to the site.
And how does he propose
I get my ass up there?
In this wheelchair?
[Manna sighs] You ended up
in a wheelchair.
In Turin, we've got a boy in a coma.
And if that kid doesn't make it,
I'll be nothing but smiles.
-[man 1] Look who it is!
-[man 2] It's boss!
[man 3] I don't believe it!
-[man 5] Didn't think I'd see you so soon!
-[man 6] What a vision.
-Look at you, boss!
-Vision? Who am I, the Virgin Mary?
Someone told me
they saw you at the station.
Manna just can't live without me.
Must be love.
[Flores] We don't want
to live without you either.
[man 7] Yeah, we missed you too!
Hey, let's at least
let the guy breathe, huh?
-Looking good.
-All right then.
-See you soon.
-See ya.
-See you.
-Bye now.
[vehicle approaching]
[Mazinga] Let's go.
[Pietro sighs]
-[Mazinga] Let me give you a hand--
-I can do it on my own!
Stubborn bastard.
[door closes]
Don't ever bring me here again.
[Mazinga] Why not?
I don't ever wanna
come back to the station.
Don't you think there's more
to life than the riot unit?
You've been spending too much time
with my wife. You sound just like her.
You know I'd be dead
without the riot unit.
Now let me go.
[somber music playing]
[engine revs]
[gentle music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Flores] Mazì?
Verdict was just announced.
It's not good.
They gotta be cleared out after all.
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
-[man 1] Go, go, go!
-[man 2] Go, go, move it, move it!
[man 3] Roma 2, roll out! C'mon!
Hurry up! Let's go! Now!
[indistinct radio chatter]
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
[all] All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards! ♪
All cops are bastards! All--♪
Cut it out! Stop that!
-What the fuck?
-[radio beeps]
[man over radio] All right, Meg.
See you tomorrow. Over and out.
[dramatic music playing]
-[sirens wailing]
-[music intensifies]
[horns blaring]
[protesters shouting angrily]
[Flores] Mazì? You good?
[shouting indistinctly]
Let's clear this fuckin' place out.
Shields up!
All right, I need everybody to move!
Let's make room for the trucks to pass!
Clear the area!
Go back to your homes now!
[woman] This is our home!
We're not leaving, got it?
My house is right here! We live here!
Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on?
You're a puppet, piece of shit.
[crowd shouting]
-[music intensifies]
Valenti, what the hell are you doing?
[music calms down]
Hey, what the fuck, Mazì?
Where're you going?
[calm music playing]
[Mazinga sighs]
[breathing heavily]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
[Michele] What the fuck did you do?
You go and leave your squad without cover.
For fuck's sake, you're 60 years old.
You don't need me to explain this to you.
What kind of a fuckup cop are you?
I'm sick of the job, Nobili.
What do you want me to say?
Great, fine. You're sick of your job,
go file for retirement.
But don't you dare abandon your squad!
[breathing heavily]
Look! Look at them!
That's your squad.
But they only matter to you
when you need them to cover your ass.
I know you.
And the truth is
you don't give a shit about them!
["My Name Is Carnival"
by Jackson C. Frank playing]
I've seen your face
In every place that I'll be going ♪
I read your words like black
Hungry birds read every song ♪
Rise and fall, spin and call ♪
And my name is Carnival ♪
Sad music in the night
Sings a scream
Of light out of chorus ♪
And voices you might hear
Appear and disappear in the forest ♪
Short and tall, throw the ball ♪
And my name is Carnival ♪
Strings of yellow tears drip
From black-wired fears in the meadow ♪
And their white halos spin with an anger
That is thin and turns to sorrow ♪
King of all, hear me call ♪
Hear my name, Carnival ♪
Here there is no law ♪
But the arcade's penny claw
Hanging empty ♪
The painted laughing smile
And the turning of the style do not envy ♪
And the small can steal the ball ♪
To touch the face of Carnival ♪
[music stops]
[items clattering]
What are you doing?
Where the hell were you? Hm?
I asked what you were doing.
You can't tell? What are you, blind?
I'm leaving, Salvatore.
What do you mean, leaving?
I don't wanna end up like Pietro.
I don't wanna die in this uniform.
You get it now, huh?
You can't leave now.
First Pietro and now you?
No, Mazì! You can't go!
If you leave, it's fucking finished.
You can't walk away from this!
I don't wanna see you like this.
[door slams]
[objects being thrown]
[wipers squeaking]
[Marta] Hey.
Put on your seatbelt.
[pop song playing on phone]
It will also be for him.
Franco is only one of the many victims
of what happened there.
Honestly, I feel very close
to the family of that officer, because
we're the only ones that truly…
[Marta] What are you watching?
Um. A girl from my school doing a dance.
Yeah, it got 2,000 views.
You know I could've stayed over
with Dad again tonight.
Work was such a disaster,
it wasn't up to me.
[tense music playing]
Anyway, how was it at… at skating today?
Did you get to do your jumps?
I didn't go to my lesson.
Dad said if I didn't feel like it,
I didn't have to.
Is that okay?
That's fine.
I guess it runs in the family.
Staying at work way too late.
You and I aren't family.
We're not?
Yeah, you're right.
I was never at home.
Never there for you or your mother,
using work as an excuse--
What are doing here?
I came to apologize.
Don't apologize to me.
You should've apologized to Mom.
Ten years ago.
[tense music continues]
Emma, we have a dishwasher.
[Emma] No, I like doing it.
It helps me not to think.
[crockery clattering]
[plate shatters]
-[breathing shakily]
-[music fades out]
Mom, Dad, do you still love me?
[Daniela] Of course, sweetheart.
Of course we love you, Emma.
[crying] I still love you guys too.
But it's lot harder to show it now.
I'm sorry.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[pieces of plate clattering]
["La mia storia tra le dite"
by Michele Di Giacomo & Gianluca Grignani]
[song gets louder]
[song continues]
[song stops]
I'm sorry it's so late, Anna.
He's asleep.
What's going on? Did something happen?
I quit the force.
I'm done now. I wanted to tell you.
[sighs heavily]
Do you think I made a mistake?
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[video crackling]
[music fades out]
[phone vibrates]
What do you want?
I brought you a gift.
Why are you giving it to me?
Because I wanna see what you do with it.
Show me how a real cop would act.
But whatever it is that you decide,
just remember what it
means to do this job.
I don't think I have it in me.
I can't destroy a life over one bad call.
Those are two different things, Mazì.
You said it yourself.
I'm 60 years old.
I could make you a list
of all the people I've failed.
Of all the bullshit I've ever done.
[somber music playing]
Everyone I've abandoned.
My family.
My wife and son.
I've failed in every way.
Can't do it anymore.
I'm tired.
[train chugs]
Tomorrow I'm going on sick leave.
And after that I'll submit for retirement.
[Michele clicks tongue]
[upbeat electro music playing]
[gentle music playing]
[upbeat, dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]
[haunting, dramatic music playing]
[music fades out]