Red Flags (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I pass it on to "mom".
("Sun Sex Party", Babymorocco)
Hello! Hello.
How are you doing?
Oh, my goodness with the little house,
how quiet you kept it to yourself.
What's up?
What is it, Walter?
Hi, I'm Eva.
Hi. Me, Walter.
Pleased to meet you.
Well, look, I introduce you.
I am Alba, her best friend.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you. Come in.
(Animated music)
Don't you want to?
No, I just don't like tuna.
Hey, why were you expelled?
I was fed up,
I got into a fight with Izan and was expelled.
You got into a fight.
Moves. But what happened.
And Izan has also been expelled?
No. As he is the captain.
What about you and Jorge?
Well, we have given ourselves some time.
And you want to go back to him?
No. I mean, I don't know.
I'm a little bit there with Andrea.
It's been a week since we last spoke.
But, well, whatever.
No, yes, that's it, party.
(BOTH) Party.
I think I saved it.
Are you eating pizza?
I'm going to the bathroom, okay?
Has Jorge written to you?
No. Watch this for me for a second, okay?
Érika, are you okay?
Do you need anything?
is that rum has made me sick.
Do you have to go?
No, I came looking for you alone.
Well, let's go.
Come on.
What are you doing here?
What, you throw a party
and you don't invite me?
I'm sorry, man. I tried to stop it.
I warned the manager.
Come on in, come on in.
But don't mess it up.
# With my name engraved
# and in your slave #
-Turn, turn.
Come on, come on!
(BOTH) Nothing new. Nothing new.
Come on, come on.
How cool, you.
What are you doing, Auntie? Don't bite me.
You bit me too.
I like it.
Go ahead, it's my turn.
Let's see.
Come on!
-Let's go. Here.
The roll is coming.
The two blondes.
Roll bun.
-Let's see, turn it again, shall we?
Pussy, two girls.
Are two girls going to make out?
And why not?
Why not?
Look at this one.
Come on, let's go! Of course we do.
-Very good.
-Of course, Queen.
-I don't have any problem, huh?
Come on, pussy, Toni is my friend
of all my life and Hell, no.
Leave me out of it.
But for two girls to hook up
does not mean that they are dykes.
I got involved with Brais
and I'm not straight.
Of course.
Well, well.
What's next.
Fuck the dead fly, right?
Of course you do, sweetheart.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
-I'll pass, guys.
Well, I roll again, right?
Of course.
-Come on.
Come on, let's go.
I'm not playing this game, huh?
Are you coming to the bathroom?
I don't have to go now, Alba.
Well, I'm going to see
How about Raul, because this
Okay, I'm coming too.
Well, nothing.
Are you coming or what?
Come on, I do.
Hey, you, put the cap down.
Are we going to investigate
a little out there or what?
-Yes. -Oh, my goodness,
how the child is so good at it.
Hey, but don't mess it up.
Yes, Toni, yes.
-Are you not coming?
I follow you now.
My goodness, you.
-You, you.
-Fuck, don't step on my foot.
-Ah, what a smoke I'm going.
How your friend has become.
It's a joke. They are always like that.
Like your brother and his colleagues.
Sorry for not saying anything.
That's why you go with that pose.
Yours is also a pose.
but mine is not the easy one.
(Shouts and laughter)
(Music and hustle and bustle)
Come on, come on. More, more, more.
Now with the joint.
Come in, come in, come in.
But when are you coming back?
I don't know, aunt.
Maybe in two weeks
I want to go back to him,
in two weeks I want to leave him.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But this I really need to think about.
What does it tell you?
I'm going to go get something.
But do you think
that I have a chance?
What do you say, if he passes you by?
Well, now,
but I can work it, can't I?
Yes, yes, you work.
Well, next Friday,
what do you want to do?
wait for me to finish this one first.
No, but we are going to do something, yes.
Sure. What do you feel like?
I don't know,
I'm not going to let you take me out of my village.
Well, let's go to the center.
Hey, one thing.
Toni, listen to me.
Do you want to?
Come on.
No, you hear me.
We have met
next Friday, all four.
I'm going to write it down here,
in my superagenda.
Wait, wait, wait.
The aunt. Look at her.
can we put the music there better?
No, no, it's this one, take my advice.
Yes, everything is under control.
To see the DJ.
-It's the other one.
No, that's not it.
Let's see what you have for me.
Wait. There.
Now, take it from me. This is it.
(Animated music)
Come on, handsome!
Where does it go?
Hey, it's going crazy.
-Where to?
-He's going crazy.
No, no, no.
Okay. Shall we dive?
Come on.
Are you going to jump in?
Go, go, go!
Come on, jump in!
Come on, Toni, let's go,
we want to see you in one piece.
-Come on, man.
-Good sexy!
-Come on, let's go!
Is it Jorge?
It won't stop. He's been like this all night.
And what the hell does he want?
I don't know, but he just can't stop.
to control myself. Do you know
who has made a false profile?
(LAUGHTER) That's a crappy thing to do.
Yes, yes, if not
I don't know.
never that of what?
That you are with someone
but you don't really connect?
It's like I think
I want to try new things,
but he doesn't understand that.
Right, right.
I also want to try
new things, but it's complicated.
If it is that I only
I want to fuck well.
Well, look, auntie,
let's keep this
and off we go. Come on, pull.
But where are you going so fast?
Hey, is this your room?
What is this? What is this for?
Let's see.
It is a light
for when I do the reviews.
Seriously, teach us how to make one.
Let's do a review.
Look what they just sent me.
It is a comedy,
and also hilarious.
Super short. Look at her, look at her.
Come on, give it to me,
that you are terrible at it.
No, man.
Not a chance.
Careful, don't bend my leaves,
then I mess it up.
Take it away.
Give it to me. Give it to me.
I won't bend it at all.
Walter, no. No, no, no, no!
(Music and comments)
Ojo my grandmother.
-One moment, I'll be right back.
Give me the book.
Fuck the book.
# Fear wears me down.
# But it calms me to see you
# from the other side of the screen.
# Wherever you are,
# log in.
# Send me a DM To my heart.
# Wherever you are, log in.
# Send me a DM to my heart.
# Wherever you are,
# this is not fiction.
# Send me a DM to my heart.
# Wherever you are, log in.
# Send me a DM
# to my heart.
# No emojis, no memes,
# that express how I feel about you.
# We are just one click away.
# I won't leave you in double tic.
# I send you audios, I send pics.
# Baby, with you I am happy.
# Wherever you are, log in.
# Send me a DM
# to my heart.
# Wherever you are. #
Who have left us
a bit lonely, aren't they?
Hey, do you live nearby?
-And where do you live?
# Wherever you are, log in.
# Send me a DM
# to my heart.
# Wherever you are,
# this is not fiction.
# Send me a DM
# to my heart. #
Where were you?
Cunt. Nothing. Here.
Auntie, you've left me all alone
with the heavy Pablo that one.
Why don't you answer me?
I was writing to you.
Because I left my phone behind,
in the bathroom.
But what's wrong with you today?
That there is nothing wrong with me.
Man, you're crazy.
Crazy about what?
Let's see, what do you want it for?
You look like
you like rum, don't you?
-Yes, man, I'll prepare it for you.
Auntie, I'm getting bored.
Let's go, please.
Hey, at the end you didn't tell me
where you live.
-Far away.
-Yes, but how far?
-Excuse me. Can't you see that I'm
trying to talk to my friend?
-Okay, sorry,
I just wanted to talk a little bit.
Come on, man, don't be a pain.
Let me go, okay?
But you leave it.
Can't you see that he doesn't want to
nothing with you, man?
But what's your point?
Come on, let's go. Easy, easy.
What are you worried about?
What are you, a feminist now,
after the video you sent?
What do you say?
What Anna thinks.
Which video?
Have you sent a video of Anna?
Ah, no, no, there's no hurry, love.
Stop, stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop.
Are you ok?
No. No. I don't want it that way.
I don't care,
as if there were five hundred.
You do not have to send
no fucking video.
You are not listening to me.
It is the same thing they have done to me.
Can't you see?
But, Walter, why?
I don't care, you have no excuse!
Besides, you have deceived us.
I have not deceived you.
And why didn't you tell us
before making out?
I didn't know how.
You're right, I'm sorry.
Sorry, rolled up.
Who has hooked up with whom?
No, Walter, I need you to
No. I don't care.
I don't care. You have no excuse.
Do you have the slightest idea
how Anna feels?
Anna feels exactly
how I felt!
You've made out with both of them.
You are not conscious, but you are
just like everyone else.
Do you see how you do ignore me?
I don't pass on you, Alba.
But have you seen
what's going on here?
Look, I'm getting scratched
and I want to go home. Let's go.
No, Alba.
No, I don't! I don't know you.
Well, you will see.
It is very clear to me
how much you care about our friendship.
You don't care how Anna feels!
Listen to me.
Because you only think for yourself!
What a brawl, isn't it?
-He's really pissed off.
No excuses, I didn't know what to do,
I didn't know how to react.
Don't give me any crap.
You're a fucking liar.
I couldn't do anything else,
I was getting screwed.
Toni. Hey, what's up, Toni?
You are just like them.
What's up?
What is it? Érika. Wait, what's wrong?
Let's go, please, Brais.
Love, what's wrong?
Sorry, bro,
but the video was sent by you.
Will you please leave?
Why did you do it, Walter?
They don't stop fucking with me
and call me a faggot.
I just don't know what to do.
What do you say? You, Toni.
("May B Gone", Al-V)
"You don't understand anything.
If you look like shit,
is your problem.
But don't write to me anymore."
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