Robotech (1985) s01e03 Episode Script

Space Fold

Ten years ago, a gigantic space battle fortress of unknown origin blasted through a warp-fold in hyperspace and crash-landed on Earth.
Alerted to the threat of invasion from space the people of Earth united to learn the secrets of the mysterious ship's advanced technology.
The space fortress's design and capabilities are still not completely understood.
But what Earth scientists have learnt has led to a combination of computer and robotic technology, called 'Robotech'.
The alien race, known as the Zentraedi, have followed the SDF-1 and now the Earth is under attack.
Rick Hunter, an amateur flyer caught up in the planet wide war had become an unwilling veritech fighter pilot and he has rescued the beautiful young girl named Minmei.
SPACE FOLD His old friend, Lieutenant Commander Roy Fokker has reason to belief that young Rick may be in trouble.
Rick, come in, Rick! The poor kid just had to take on more than he can manage.
Well, I can't leave him behind.
Skull leader to control.
Lisa, I am going back to pick up something I left down on the island.
Captain Kramer will take command of the fighter group until I return.
Why are you returning? Over.
Rick Hunter, in fighter VT-102 is still back on the island and I have to go pick him up now.
That pilots an imposter.
I've gone through the entire registry and I find no record of such a person.
Well, that's easy enough to explain.
He is a civilian, so he isn't listed in the military registry.
What? A civilian? But I thought-- - A civilian? | - Who is he? Thank heaven she's alive.
The alien.
I've got to go.
She might panic if she sees that.
Hope this thing will still fly.
What happened? What's wrong? Why are you trembling like that? Ah, what are you looking at out of there? What's there? - No, you mustn't look out of there! | - Why? What is it? What's wrong? - Oh my gosh! | - What is it? I hate to interrupt you two, but you can't sit around here forever.
Come on, let's go.
That big palooka seems to have formed a permanent attachment to you guys.
Amazing, isn't it? It's really incredible.
How is that for convenience? Hang on you two! This is SDF-1.
Shifting to horizontal propulsion.
Stand by for fighter pick-up.
All planes return to carrier bays.
This is Sepia-3, roger contol.
Returning the carrier bay.
Lisa, see if all of the fighters are safely aboard the ship now.
Yes, sir.
That's the last two, sir.
All fighters are accounted for except for commander Fokker and VT-102.
I don't think we have to worry about commander Fokker.
Vanessa, show me the positions of Armour One and Armour Ten on the monitor screen.
Yes, sir.
They are both approaching rendezvous point now.
- We should be making contact with them in about half an hour.
| - Very good.
Any sign of enemy craft, Claudia? No, Captain.
It's all clear.
- Excuse me, Captain.
But isn't that strange? | - What? After launching such a massive attack from orbit why isn't the enemy continuing their attack.
It just doesn't make sense, does it? That's bothering me, too.
There has to be a reason they are just playing with us.
Do you really think they're just playing with us, Captain? Yes.
They have the advantage but they don't attack.
They must have a reason.
She doesn't want to go to the ship, Roy.
She wants to go back to Macross Island! Are you crazy? The place is crawling with aliens.
It would be suicide for her to go back there.
Did she give any reason for wanting to go back? Well-- Well, I am worried about my aunt and uncle back in the shelter with the invaders all around them.
They were perfectly safe there.
The shelters are impregnable.
But I still want to go back to the island.
It's my home! I promise.
As soon as the war is over, I will take you back there personally.
What do you mean? You'll take her back? I will! Hold on a minute, Rick.
This is Skull Leader calling SDF-1.
Did you find him? He was annoying a young lady.
I have to rescue her as well.
- You rat! | - So that's our civilian pilot! I wondered how he didn't know how to fly his plane.
- Who is that old sourpuss, Roy? | - Old Sourpuss?! That old sourpuss is our control operator, Lisa Hayes.
And if she looks like an old sourpuss to you, you are not the grown-up as I thought you were, Rick.
Now listen, Commander Fokker.
You'd better have a good explanation for turning a veritech fighter over to an amateur civilian pilot.
You could be court-marshaled for this, you know.
- Ohh, she's mad.
| - As for you, Rick Hunter you're in a lot of trouble whether you know it or not! - This whole thing is her fault.
| - I think I'd apologize to her if I were you, Rick.
Women her age can get awful mean you know.
Bridge control.
This is Skull leader requesting landing instructions.
Give us a bay number, you old sourpuss.
Bring your plane into bay 504.
Recon force now returning to orbit.
- It appears that only half of them came back.
| - Where is the battle fortress now? It's passing through the atmospheric range presently.
Apparently it's on its way to rendezvous with the other ships.
What's your plan, Breetai? We could shoot them down now, but I don't want that ship damaged.
Once they're out of gravity, they can execute a hyperspace fold taking them beyond the range of our guns.
You have a point there, Exedore.
Perhaps I should apply a little restraining force in order to slow them down a bit.
Prepare a laser bombardment! Ready all guns for massive laser bombardment.
Repeat, all gunnery crews, ready your lasers for total bombard of target area.
Stand-by for order to fire.
I've got a little surprise for you, Rick.
Wait till you see it.
Here we are.
Come on! Was that really necessary Roy? She could've been hurt.
Golly Rick! Look at that! Somebody left this thing behind, so I stashed it here.
My racer.
I thought I'd never see it again! You saved it! Oh thank you Roy.
Thank you.
- thank you, thank you! | - Hey, cut it out Rick, take it easy! I just thought you'd feel more comfortable flying in this than one of our Veritechs.
It doesn't turn into a battloid.
- Oh, golly Roy! | - I've seen that plane before.
- It was in the air show this morning, wasn't it.
| - Attention all hands.
we are approaching the rendezvous with Armour One and Ten.
Report to your docking stations immediately.
All hands report to your stations.
I have to get going now.
You two stay here and don't wonder around.
If you start exploring, you will get lost.
You can't imagine how enormous this ship is, so stay put! We have perfect docking alignment.
The enemy ships are docking sir.
All right.
Tell your gunners to fire their beams between the ships.
I don't care how many of the smaller ones are destroyed.
But the large one must not be damaged.
Yes, commander.
Attention all gunnery crews, we will commence massive barrage.
Take particular care not to damage the battle fortress.
Gun commanders may fire when ready.
Vanessa, what's their position? The current attack is from the exact same location as the first one, Captain Gloval.
Their orbit is 10,000 miles from here.
Reporting, Meranda, Circe and Armour 3 were destroyed.
They're tearing our fleet to shreds.
What about our damages? - We have taken no direct hits, Captain.
| - No damage shown anywhere, sir.
- What is our position? | - We are just closing our initial orbit approaching our original position over Macross Island, at an altitude of 100 miles.
Claudia, steer for a landing on Macross Island.
At 2 thousand feet altitude, activate the fold system for a position jump.
Are you sure you want to do that, Captain? The fold system hasn't even been tested yet.
I realize how risky it is Claudia but if we stay in this position, we'll be totally defenseless.
But were not even sure how the system works! We can't just surrender Lisa, we have to try everything first! Ready the fold system for a position jump, targeting the area behind the moon.
Get your radar busy on an access check, Lisa.
We will make the jump from precisely 2000 feet above the island.
Don't we need permission from headquarters? This is an emergency.
We don't have time for that.
But Captain, you know the regulation specifically-- Sorry, sir.
I know what the regulations say.
But I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.
- I just wanted to-- | - Claudia, you've got my order! Yes sir, Captain! Attention, all hands.
Fold system stand by! Ready maximum-green energy at all power stations.
All hands to emergency positions.
Repeat, all hands to emergency positions.
This is not a drill.
Prepare for fold in T-minus five minutes, and counting.
I'm getting worried about Minmei, aren't you? I wonder where she went? Don't worry about Minmei.
She will be all right.
She just went to another shelter.
That's all.
Nothing is going to happen to anyone as smart as Minmei, isn't that right? Yeah.
Are you planning on going somewhere? I'm gonna take you back to the island like I promised.
You still want to go, don't you? Because I am not going to hang around here one-way or the other.
- Candy? | - Thanks.
| - Attention, all hands.
Fold in T-minus three minutes and counting.
| - What's a fold? Nothing to do with us.
Come on, let's go.
It's so small.
Will it hold two people? If they're very friendly, it will.
Here, put this on.
It's so cute on you.
You could start a whole new fashion.
Oh, you.
- OK, hang on to me.
| - It's awful close.
Hey, I can't see to fly if you sit there.
I'm sorry, Rick.
But it's so ti - ght-- There is nothing to be afraid of, Minmei.
I am an expert pilot.
There now, OK? We will interfold in ten seconds.
9, 8 7, 6 5, 4 3, 2.
1, 0.
Execute hyperspace fold-jump! A fold.
I don't believe it! - Impossible at that altitude! | - It may be impossible, but they did it! What will we do now commander? I want to be informed of their exact location immediately! - Now sir? | - Now.
Let's have some light in here.
Switching to backup generator, sir.
Radar shows an extreme large object just beneath us, sir.
Our jump target was the moon.
That's what your large object is.
No, it's too small to be the moon, sir.
I will put it on the monitor screen for you.
- It's coming at us! | - No, we have been moving toward it! Oh! It's Macross Island, Captain Gloval! Retro rockets, Claudia.
Maximum thrust! It's no go! I'm getting no response whatever from the computer.
Emergency! Emergency! Prepare for impact.
Prepare for impact! It's covered with ice, Captain.
Oh, look, how beautiful it is! I am getting no response at all from the fanjet.
Somehow we seem to have drifted out into deep space and that means we are in deep trouble.
- Oh, my.
Isn't it romantic? | - Yes, it is.
What's that hissing sound? Oh, it's perfectly all right.
Don't get upset about it.
You hear all kind of weird noises in these things.
I don't dare tell her it's our oxygen leaking out.
Maybe this will hold it temporally.
- Let's get out of here, OK.
| - Hey! What's your hurry? Just relax and enjoy the view.
If the boosters don't work we're sunk.
- Comfy? | - Aha.
We'd better try to find the battle fortress.
Something funny has been going on around here.
There it is.
Looks like they're still fighting down there.
Don't worry.
I forgot they close the landing bays during combat.
Maybe, maybe we can go thru the hole he made.
We just shot down the last enemy battle pod, sir.
Very good! The civilian refugees from the shelters are being brought on board now, sir.
And the medics report they are in good shape.
Thank you, Kim.
Any contact with headquarters yet? No Captain.
I have tried.
But I haven't been able to raise them.
Are you sure there's no system malfunction? Negative.
None at all, it's operating perfectly.
Give me the reading on our position.
The planet Pluto's orbit, according to the computer plot.
- The planet Pluto?! | - Is that possible? - I was against this fold all along.
| - Captain! No, no, no! Settle down, don't panic.
All we have to do is refold to get right back where we started.
- There is absolutely nothing to worry about.
| - I hope not, Captain.
- Now what? | - What's it Yes? What? It can't be.
Impossible! I will be right there! Captain? - What's happened? | - Chief engineer Lang tells me the fold system has vanished into thin air.
Sir, did you say vanished? That's what he told me.
We will never get back.
Well, now.
Going to be a long trip.
In our next episode, Rick and Minmei learn they have landed in a closed off and forgotten section of the SDF-1.
Try as they may, they can find no way out and no one aboard the ship has any idea where they are.
Time passes slowly and cruelly for the imprisoned pair as what started out to be a fun adventure turns into a deadly nightmare of hunger and exhaustion driving them to the edge of hysteria.
Don't miss "The Long Wait" the next thrilling chapter in the saga of Robotech.

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