School Spirits (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Madison's Body

Previously on "School Spirits"
Before we wrap up today,
I'm giving you an assignment.
- May I interrupt?
- What's that?
Some sample obituaries just to inspire.
We're all just trying to cross over.
I mean, Janet did it,
and she had been here since, like, 1960.
But the alternative is Dawn.
Mrs. Nears, I know it looks
like I harmed your daughter,
but nothing could be
further from the truth.
- Dawn just crossed over.
- Does anybody remember
- this happening when Janet left?
- Nope.
- Need to talk to my mother.
- Why?
I think she may have killed me.

I died a week ago ♪
There's nothing left ♪
It's caught on video ♪

The very last breath ♪
The very last breath ♪
The very last breath ♪
The internal avalanche ♪
The cave-in of mines ♪
Covering all evidence ♪
The very last time ♪
Where should I look?
Try the dresser.
She used to hide bottles in her closet.
If she took that money, it'll be in one
of her usual hiding places.
She's gotten less and less
creative over the years.
Reinventing the wheel ♪
All this searching for something ♪
When she's really desperate
she even uses my room.


Find it?
The history notebook.
That's why you're here, right?
You said you needed Maddie's notebook.
Right, yes.
I found it.
I should head back to school.


Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪

Don't forget me when I'm gone, gone ♪

Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪

I know it's not what we
thought we'd find, but
I had this when I went to look for her.
And I didn't have it
when I showed up here.
Si, she couldn't
There could be a completely logical,
non-murderous explanation for this.
Get her here.
I always know when she's lying.
I know all her tells.
If you can get her in a room with me
or with us, you can talk to her,
and we can figure out if my mom
Okay, I'll figure something out.
Yesterday, what you
said about whether or not
us figuring it out means me moving on
Don't worry about that right now.
I was being selfish.
You're never selfish.
Maddie, if it was her,
are you sure you wanna know?
- Are you insane?
That is the worst possible idea.
You know, play that out
in your head real quick.
Hi, Sheriff, I blackmailed
a teacher for money
and maybe accidentally
framed my missing best friend.
You've arrested a person who
couldn't have kidnapped her
because while they
were being questioned,
I decided to bury my
recently stolen hush money,
so you'll just have
to take my word for it?
And in addition to this all sounding
absolutely unbelievable, if we
if we confess, then what's next?
Look, I know we messed up bad.
But we're talking about our futures.
What about his?

There has to be another way. Okay?
If we go confess now without
any proof to back us up,
then it's over.
And the real killer gets away.
- And the light
- Yes.
- That she always stares at.
- Yeah.
At the same time as the goosebumps.
- It stopped flickering.
- Simultaneous goosebumps.
- You felt it too.
- Did you guys have them?
And the hum. The it was this
I mean, we we all heard the noise.
It it was impossible
to miss. [SPLUTTERING]
Nothing like that
happened when Janet left.
I mean, what what are
we missing here, Mr. Martin?
Well, no, I mean, I
I realize it's odd,
but maybe there
there's no correlation
between what happened with Janet and
and what happened with Dawn.
I mean, maybe it's entirely
different experiences.
Was there anything weird
about the day that Janet departed?
Was there any weird
sounds or or lights?
No. There was nothing strange
about the day that Janet crossed over.
She was simply there one
moment and and gone the next.
I'm I'm not sure why
this is any different.
That doesn't make any sense.
After all these years,
how can you still be so clueless?
Excuse me, Charley. I'm
I'm not sure that's fair.
But what what if looking
back isn't a bad thing?
What if it's actually the
the key to get out of here?
Why shouldn't we at least try that?
Because it's painful to
constantly be thinking about it!
To to relive it all.
Painful how?
The day I died,
I made a mistake.
I turned my back on a
student for a split second,
and there was an error, a fatal error.
There was a fire.
I managed I managed to save my class,
but not myself.
Doesn't that make you a hero then?
A martyr?
It wasn't even your fault.
I was the teacher.
I should have been
paying closer attention.
I should have known what was going on.
Instead my my students
had to live with the memory
Of seeing seeing all that.
Let's just say that I failed them,
and I don't wanna fail all of you too.

I have spent the last 60
years trying to help you all.
You know, I I may not
have chosen to be here,
but I have tried my very
best to make this time count,
to make it better for you.
He's right.
He has done a lot to try
to help us over the years.
Like mock trials and obituaries?

I realize how disappointing it is
not to have all the answers.
I wish I could be of more help.
But this this is unprecedented.
I wish I had more answers.
I don't.

It's totally weird not having
Dawn around all the time, right?
[SIGHS] Everyone is really just
upset and confused.
But you talked to her,
like, right before, um
I told her I was sorry for what she saw
during the anti-séance,
you know, sorry that
anyone treated her that way
when she didn't deserve it,
'cause she didn't.
It wasn't her fault.
We weren't always so
great to her either.
I guess she finally just
heard what she needed to hear.
What would you do if the one person
who was supposed to protect
you is the one who hurt you?
Like, the person whose only
job is to keep you safe?
I feel like for the first
time in this whole ordeal,
I'm scared of the truth.

If anybody taught me
how to face my fears,
it's you.
Come here.
I got you.
[SIGHS] It's okay.

Caught up in a moment ♪

Listing to the left ♪

How did the interview go?
What interview?
Your Northwestern interview.
Uh, yeah, it was fine. It's whatever.
I don't think I wanna go there anymore.
What do you think Maddie
would think about that?
I found out last week
that Maddie was selected
to receive the fall English award.
I know it's short
notice, but I was thinking
maybe you'd like to
accept it on her behalf.
It starts at 7:00.
You could even say a
few words, if you'd like.
No, Maddie's mom should accept it.
I'll let her know.
Got it.
Anybody got eyes on him?
Yeah, just well, confirm it with me.
What now?
Was that call about Mr. South?
What do you want, Xavier?
Come on, Dad. There is no way
that Mr. South had anything to
do with Maddie's disappearance.
I I was with him the
day that she went missing.
I I've told you this a million times.
Well, I'm busy.
I also know he couldn't
have been in those houses.
The person that I saw in the house
where you found the crowbar
jumped out of a window.
Mr. South can barely
make it up the steps
without a knee brace.
So now you're gonna come
down here and admit to me
- That you were there?
That's a bold move, Xavier,
you know, coming down here
to my office tell me that.
I should be arresting you right now.
Yeah. Yeah, Dad, maybe
you should arrest me.
Or crazy idea, do your fucking job
and arrest the actual criminal!
That's enough.
I got work to do.
Go home, Xavier.

Things were weird earlier.
I don't know, I think we
lapped weird decades ago.
Okay, what is going on with you?
Why aren't you asking more questions?
- Dawn crossed over.
- Good for her.
That doesn't help me.
Yeah, okay. But what if it could?
We were there.
Dawn found something yesterday
in the séance, right?
She must have unlocked something
something huge.
We never saw her cross over.
Yeah, but we felt it.
Right? I mean, she was able
to conjure her memories,
and she made it out.
Can't you just slow down on all of this?
See, th-this is what I'm talking about.
Where is this coming from?
You you were in some
big rush to cross over,
and and now you wanna slow down.
You're out of your depth, Charley.
- Give it up.
- You can't just shut me out.
Just give it up, Charley!
Rhonda, you can talk to me.
We're friends.
Because we're stuck here together?
Get a fucking clue, kid.

Are we early?
- There's no one here.
- Yeah.
I just thought we could
take a couple minutes,
think over what you wanna say.
No, I I don't wanna give a speech.
Oh, it's nothing big.
Just figured you might
wanna say a few words.
We can just write a few things down.
That way you don't have
to think on the fly.
Which one was hers?
Where did Maddie sit?
All right.
So, uh, guess we should start.

There. This is the address.
Wait, wasn't the last
break-in one block over?
Hey, is that door open?
Maybe the cops already came by.
It looks like it's been broken into.
Should we go in?
Uh, yeah, 'cause that's worked
so well for you in the past.
Good point.
Look, I say we just sit and watch, wait.
If there's movement or something weird,
then we got a closer look.
You know, like a stakeout.
Few hours with you guys cramped in a car
is exactly how I wanted to
spend my Wednesday night.
Are you finding anything?
Dude, this thing was
old when I went here.
[SIGHS] Dawn found something yesterday
when she looked into her past,
and Janet must have done the same.
So so maybe if we
look into their pasts too,
we can find something that
could explain all of this.
What year are you on?
Uh, 1959.
I'm trying to move backwards,
but I am not seeing
Janet's name anywhere.
She died in 1960, right?
Yeah. No, nothing of much interest
in Dawn's student file either.
You know, I
I know we weren't super close, but
I feel kind of awful
that we didn't get
to say goodbye to her.
I don't want it to
happen that way for me.
I didn't get a goodbye last time.
I do not want to just disappear.
Me either.
Even more reason for us to
understand what is going on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, wait. This is weird.
What? What is?
Uh, okay.
"Split River High School has been chosen
for a national pilot program
to protect students and teachers
from the threat of a nuclear strike."
- What?
- Uh, "A fallout shelter will
be built below the
east wing of the school,
the same location where fire destroyed
the former chemistry lab
on January 14th, 1958."
Wait, 1958.
- That must be Mr. Martin's fire.
- Yep.
Does does it mention him?
I don't see oh, yes.
Okay, uh, "Authorities determined
the fire was accidental.
Two people were killed in the fire
that overtook the lab during
a routine chemistry lesson.
Beloved chemistry teacher,
Mr. Everett Martin,
- was one of the deceased "
- Wait, two people?
He said he was the only casualty.
Um, "One student was also
killed in the fire "
um, "sophomore "
What? What what's wrong?

Janet Hamilton.
Why did they both lie to us?
Maybe we start off with what this award
would have meant to Maddie.
Not much. She always thought
this kind of thing was silly. [CHUCKLES]
Well, what do you think she would say
if she got the award?
She would say, "What's the point
if there's not a cash prize?"
Don't let her talk her way out of this.
Ask her what she remembers
about that last day.
Sandra, what do you
remember about that day
when you came to school
looking for Maddie?
Why are you asking about that?
For the speech.
I thought that if you remembered
something meaningful
She's gonna try to bail.
I shouldn't do this.
You know what? You can accept the award
and bring it by the house or keep it.
I honestly don't care.
I didn't mean to upset you.
Really? Could've fooled me.
No, she can't just leave.
Ask her about the necklace.
I I shouldn't be here.
Simon, ask her about the necklace.
Why do you have Maddie's necklace?

I know you told the cops
that you came to school
the day Maddie went missing,
which I know is true.
I saw your car.
But you said you didn't see Maddie.
I know that's a lie,
because she was wearing this
when she left study hall.
Why'd come to school that day anyway?
Maddie told me, she said
that you had to go away
in some program.
Why come back?
So that's why you were
at the house today.
Why do you have it?

I remember.

Hi, sweetie.
I found her in the hallway that day.
Why did she lie?
Why'd you lie about seeing her?
Because I
I was ashamed of what happened that day.
She found me and then
Mom, what are you
doing? Why are you here?
I don't need to be in rehab. Okay?
I'm sober. I feel great.
It was a waste of money
for me to be there.
- Mom
- Listen, I have something
really exciting to tell you.
Mom, you cannot be here.
- Maddie, stop it.
- Mom, you need to go back,
- please.
- All right, just listen to me.
- All right?
- Mom, keep your voice down.
- Please, come
- Maddie.
- What are you talking about?
- So this guy
that I was in treatment with, Alex,
he told me about these
great cabins up north.
And it's this new development,
and they're going for
a really great deal.
And so I bought us one.
That's impossible.
Okay, we don't have any money.
We had to borrow enough
to put you into rehab.
- We have money.
Okay, I don't want you to overreact,
but I used the money that we
put away when your dad died.
But it's for us, for our future,
so we can start over.
That was my college fund.
All right, well, we'll figure it out.
Okay? I mean, the schools up
there are not very expensive.
I'm going to school in Chicago.
Mom, we we talked about this.
All right, well, why
would you wanna do that?
That is very far away.
'Cause I don't wanna stay with you.

We're gonna fix this right now.
I'm gonna call him.
You know, you are being
such a brat right now
and ruining this beautiful moment.
Just give me his info.
I'll take care of it. I'll get it back.
Well, you know what, you can't.
I wrote him a cashier's
check this morning.
You know, you just need to get over it
and realize that I am the adult here.
Adults are supposed
to take care of things.
They're supposed to be
responsible for their lives,
for their kids.
No one has taken care
of me since Dad died.
You can't even take
care of yourself, Mom.
That money was
That money was for me from Dad.
It wasn't yours to spend.
It's like every day you wake up
and you find a new way to hurt me.
I have to lie to my friends every day.
I have to pretend everything is okay.
You know, I spend so much
time and energy just trying
to hide what a mess you are.
You wanna start a new life?
I've spent so long
just trying to survive this one, Mom.
You wanna take everything
that Dad gave me,
go ahead.
Take this too.

You can pawn it, probably
get 40 bucks for it.
Buy yourself a fucking welcome mat.
- Maddie
- Just leave.
Leave me alone.

And so I just left her there.
I went home.
She's telling the truth.
I was never trying to be a bad mom.
I just was.
Oh. There you guys are.
We're about to get started.
Go ahead.
I'll catch up in a minute.

She killed my spirit,
but she didn't murder me.
Then who did?

Simon, call me.
Like, as soon as you get this, call me.
Can you breathe quieter, please?
- Excuse me?
- You know what?
- Don't worry about it.
- Oh, my God.
What is your problem with me?
What, I can't even breathe now?
- Guys.
- Um, for starters,
maybe because you hooked up
with my best friend's boyfriend.
- Nicole.
- You blackmailed me.
- You blackmailed someone too.
- Great. Great.
See, right there? That's
called common ground.
You both recently blackmailed someone.
- Oh, like you're so innocent.
- Okay, let's not forget
the part you played in this whole thing,
thank you very much.
Look, we are way past the
point of no return here.
Now, all three of us have screwed up,
and all of us owe something to Maddie.
Well, this is what we can
do to make it up to her.
No more sitting and
waiting. I'm going in.
Me too.
Wait, I'll come too.
No. You stay in the car,
in case we need a getaway driver.

Dude, this place looks like it
hasn't been touched in years.
I can relate.
The article said that this was built
where the old science
wing was after the fire.
Looks like someone's touched this.
- What?
- Well, this looks like
looks like it's been moved.

Huh, what are these?
Whoa. This is like
some "Raiders of the Lost Ark" action.
What what are these?
These are our obituaries.
"Subject displays paranoia
and alleged memory loss.
Unclear if subject is
aware of cause of death.
Requires further study."
Isn't this Mr. Martin's handwriting?

Thank you, Split River Quartet.
The English department award
goes to senior Madison Nears.
Her mother is here this evening
to accept the award on her behalf.
Hi. I'm Sandra.
- Um
It's funny, this is
actually the first time
I've ever been in the gym here.
Um, Maddie didn't really do
too many school activities,
and, um, whenever she was honored
for her grades or whatever, uh
she didn't want me to come.
Um, I I know, uh,
it seemed like Maddie was
kind of hard to get to know,
and that's probably my fault.

But I I hope you all know,
even if you didn't know her very well,
though maybe it didn't seem like it,
she cared so, so much
about everything
her friends,
going to college,
She took care of me
Probably more than
she should have had to.
So I I just hope
that all of you here know,
even if you weren't close,
that Maddie would have stood up for you.

She would have helped
you if you needed it
because she was just
that kind of person.
She was really, really wonderful.
And I just wish that
someone had been there
to stand up for her.
I wish that I
I wish that I had been there for her.
Excuse me. Um, thank you.
Uh, thank you again, Ms. Nears.
Uh, how about, uh,
giving it up for the orchestra again?
The, uh, sophomore, the junior,
and the senior award winners
for this year to come up
and will each receive your award.
You know, it might not seem like it,
but you're lucky, Maddie,
lucky that you got this
This goodbye.
Yeah, I don't know if any of
it will ever make any sense.
But maybe if my mom's
ready to say goodbye,
maybe so can I.
I think I'm ready to write my obituary.
Come on.

I just wanna state for the record,
this is basically my
worst nightmare come true.
Yeah. But I'm here.
I got your back.
Just look around and see
if you can find anything
clothes, food, stuff
someone might have left
if they were squatting here.

Did you find anything yet?
I think we're gonna
get through this faster
if we just split up.
Great idea. Love that.

- Nicole.
- What?
- There's someone in here.
- What?
- I saw someone come in.
- What?
We're safe here.
Hey! Hey!
Guys, come on!
- What
- Xavier!
Hey, stop!
- Xavier!
Nicole, help!
Call 911.
"Final moments are a source
of great despair in the subject.
HYPOTHESIS: reliving final trauma
to greatest extent possible
may increase thinning
and provide access point."
I don't
This was the play that killed me.
Mr. Martin's been documenting us,
and he's been documenting our deaths.
Look, this is another
article about the fire.
"Grieving parents of
Split River sophomore,
Janet Hamilton, demand administration
be held accountable for daughter's death
after surviving students say
fire was started at the hands
of her late educator,
Mr. Everett Martin."
This says that Mr.
Martin caused the fire,
but he told us it was a student's fault.
Charley none of
these even mention Janet.
Oh, thank God, Xavier.
The ambulance is coming, okay?
Did you see him?
Did you see the guy?

Where does it hurt?
Xavier. Xavier, look at me.
Does it hurt?
What the fuck?
Xavier, you hit your head.

Xavier! Oh, my God.
No, no, no, no. Hey.
- Xavier! Xavier!
- Hey, hey.
We have to confront him.
He owes us an explanation.
What are you guys doing in here?
I told you to let this go.
You you knew about this?
You knew that he was
treating us like test subjects
and never really helping us.
You you knew.
Look, when Maddie got here
and there was all that stuff
with her friend on the outside, I
I just had this feeling.
So I started following him.

Is that
Your game ball?
- Yep.
And my letter to Emilio?
Sure is.
Right next to my acceptance
letter from Berkeley.
He's been hoarding all the objects
we had with us when we died.
I'm gonna throw up.
Are we sure it's him?
Who else knows everything about us?
Who have we sat with for
decades baring our souls to?
Who else has some
deep, secret connection
to this stupid fallout shelter?
You know, I've been fooled
by someone like this before,
and I'm not gonna let it
happen to all of us again.

- It's locked.
- Just give it a second.
It'll it'll reset.
Why didn't it reset?
I'm checking the hatch.
What are you doing here?
I have to talk to you.
Okay. I have to say something first.
When I first got here, I was
asked to write my obituary
to help me move on.
And I was finally able
to write it tonight.
And I wanna read it for you.
I was born.
It was all really hard.
But I had Simon.
I know why we have this connection,
why you're the only person
who can see me and hear me.
Because you're the
only person who's never
asked me for anything.
You've never taken
more than you've given.
You're the only person I can count on,
and you're the only person I can trust,
and you've only ever
loved me unconditionally.
And I need you to know
that I love you too, Simon,
in a way that's bigger than high school,
that's bigger than family,
bigger than life or death.
You know, nobody makes
it out of life alive.
But I'm really grateful
that I didn't have to
make it out of it alone.

Say something.
I wish that was true.
What is that?
That's the person who's been
breaking into houses across town.
It's who attacked Xavier tonight.

I don't know
if this is real, Maddie.
Maybe you're just some
fucked up coping mechanism
that I created to put off the pain
to put off the pain of losing you.
But you're alive out there,
and I lost my mind.
Simon, this is real. This is me.
No, Simon.
Simon, I'm real.
- That's my son in there.
- Why don't you ride with us?
- Come in.
- Is it that bad?

Pull the plug in September ♪

I don't wanna die in June ♪

I'd like to start
planning my funeral ♪

I've got work to do ♪
Please, Simon.
I know I can't explain
what's going on, Simon,
but I am here, Simon!
You're not crazy!
Pull the plug, make it painless ♪

I don't want a violent end ♪

Don't say that you'll always love me ♪
'Cause you know I'd
bleed myself dry for you ♪
Over and over again ♪

Please, somebody help!
- Help!
[MUFFLED] Please, somebody help me.

Help. Help!
No, I don't want to.
I don't get a choice in the matter ♪
Why would I? ♪
It's only the death of me ♪
Only the death of me ♪
Have to find out exactly what happened.
What did you feel? You have to tell me.
You have
Don't move, Janet!
No! No!
I don't wanna die too soon ♪
I think there's
good in you somewhere ♪
I'll hang on till
the chaos is through ♪

Somebody, please!
I'm here.
I'm trying to open the door.
Maddie, the back hatch is stuck too.
- We can't move it.
- Maddie, be careful!
Please, you can't trust him!
Trust who?
I'd like to plan out my part in this ♪
But you're such a narcissist ♪
You'll probably do it next week ♪
I don't get a choice in the matter ♪
Why would I? ♪
It's only the death of me ♪

It's 25.
We prefer small bills.
We need a name for the ticket purchase.
Uh, Maddie.
It's Maddie.
Doomsday is close at hand ♪
I booked the marching band ♪
To play as you speak ♪
I feel like throwing up ♪
You sit and stare
like a goddamn machine ♪
I'd have liked to plan
out my part in this ♪
But you're such a narcissist ♪
That you did it on Halloween ♪
I had no choice in the matter ♪
Why would I? ♪
It's only the death of me ♪
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