School Spirits (2023) s02e01 Episode Script
Whatever Happened to Maddie Nears?
[MADDIE] Previously on School Spirits
[GROUP] Hi Maddie.
Welcome to the Split River
High Afterlife Support Group.
[CHARLEY] We're all
just trying to cross over
I mean, Janet did it and
she'd been here since 1960.
- Simon?
- Maddie?
Can you see me?
Don't move Janet! No!
[RHONDA] I've been here for 60 years.
So whatever you did to help Janet,
I want in.
This was the play that killed me.
Mr. Martin's been
documenting our deaths.
He's been hoarding all
the objects we had with us
when we died. Who else
knows everything about us?
Hey stop!
Jacob! Call 911.
What is that?
That's the person who
attacked Xavier tonight.
I don't know if this is real
But you're alive, out there.
[WOMAN] We need a name for the ticket.
I know I can't explain what's
going on but I am here, Simon.
You're not crazy!
- It's locked.
- Maddie, be careful!
Please, you can't trust him.
Love is just a spinning wheel ♪
You were there. You knew.
I saw you in the
fallout shelter with her.
You, you were there the day I died.
You watched it happen. Why
didn't you say anything?
I, I couldn't stop it.
It was her.
Mr. Martin, what happened to me?
- No.
- [MARTIN] Yes, Janet.
[MARTIN] Yes, you know that!
You have to tell me
exactly what happened.
[JANET] I don't want to!
How did you feel?
- No, I didn't
- [MARTIN] Yes. Yes, Janet.
[MARTIN] You have to tell
me! You have to! [RATTLING]
Don't move, Janet. No! No!
No! No!
[WALLY] Maddie! Maddie!
[MADDIE] Mr. Martin, you have
to stop! You have to explain!
And take all that you can from me ♪
I will not pretend to be ♪
Anyone who's always not in love ♪
And I am back to yesterday ♪
[MADDIE] Mr. Martin?
Hey! Stop!
on, let's get out here.
Hurry up!
Where does this even go?
You don't, you don't understand.
None of you! You can't.
What do you mean? What's going on?
It wasn't meant to be this way.
Don't pursue this.
I wish I never had.
[WALLY] Hey. You okay?
Did you see where he went?
Did he say anything?
I know what happened to me.
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Gone ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Janet. Wait. It's okay. It's me.
Janet, stop.
Wait, wait, Janet.
Janet. No! No!
Please! Don't leave me!
They only have decaf.
We should tell the cops.
Decaf's a crime.
No, Nicole, we should tell
the cops it was Maddie.
We can't do that, not yet.
Oh, I'm sorry. Is next
week better for you?
We don't know what's going on.
She looked terrified.
We need to find her, talk to her.
We did find her. And look what happened.
If we tell, we've ruined her life.
I mean, we don't know
why she's been running.
We don't know if she's
in danger, in trouble.
And if we go to the police,
how do we catch them up
without exposing ourselves?
I mean, the only reason they
haven't pointed a finger at you
or me for the blackmail
and the missing money
is because the cops still
think Maddie was responsible.
I agreed to help find the person
who hurt Maddie, okay?
And I was working under the assumption
that Maddie was dead.
Now we know we were wrong.
And, in fact, Maddie
is the one hurting us.
And if she went for Xavier first,
who's to say she's
not coming for me next?
Can we at least wait
till Xavier wakes up?
I'm so sorry. You said
she ran through you?
And Mr. Martin knew this whole time.
He was there and just watched it happen.
And then you ran over
your ex with his truck?
No, that's what I'm saying, Wally.
That wasn't me. I didn't do that.
Simon showed me a photo of
someone who looked just like me,
but it wasn't me.
The last thing I remember hearing
was Mr. Martin telling her to stop.
He said a name and it
was definitely Janet.
But that doesn't make any sense
'cause Janet crossed over,
like, a year before you got here,
so she couldn't have had
anything to do with it.
Unless he lied to us about that too.
Well, when Wally was Die Hard-ing
the door off downstairs,
I tried to grab what
I could from inside,
but there's, there's some
freaky stuff down there, Maddie.
Wait, Wally did what to the door?
Oh. Oh, yeah, it was super intense
and honestly, like, pretty hot,
but, yes, he went full-on
meathead action hero
when he heard you shouting.
You know, it just sounded
like you needed help,
so I helped.
Where is he now, Mr. Martin?
I don't know.
I lost him once he got onto the grounds.
He just vanished.
What, you think he hopped the fence?
No. There's no way he could've
made it to the boundary
before I got there.
Yeah, and we know he
can't leave the school.
Well, Janet did.
Wait, what was that thing
that Dawn always talked about?
I don't know, what'd
she call it, a "walk in"?
Yeah. She said, if
you're really messed up,
it's like hanging a vacancy
sign above your head.
We found a bunch of these down there.
Mr. Martin's been keeping tabs on us.
It's everything we've ever
told him in group or out.
And he's been collecting these things,
stuff we all had with us when we died.
Get them. Get everything.
You two search the fallout shelter
and get everything
you can before he does.
Rhonda, we'll search the
campus until we find him.
If Mr. Martin and Janet
are the reason I'm here,
I wanna know why.
Twenty-minute stop.
Speak of the devil ♪
Speak of the devil ♪
Sticks and stones may break my bones ♪
Is there a place to
call for a taxi cab here?
Ah. No, sorry, hun, no cabs are here.
Where you headed?
That's okay. I'll just hitchhike.
No. No, you don't wanna do that.
That's really dangerous.
You can try one of those apps.
Might take a beat for a
car to get out this way,
but they come eventually.
Like, on your phone.
You okay, hun?
Do you need some help?
Can I call somebody or
[MADDIE] Just this, please.
[RHONDA] This is starting
to feel like a dead end.
We looked everywhere.
How are we supposed to find somebody
that doesn't wanna be found?
Make that two people
who don't wanna be found.
There's something we're not
understanding about this.
We're missing something.
Like what?
Gotta figure out how to
flush him out into the open.
If he's gonna hide from us,
maybe we have to coerce him.
With what?
Look, I don't know, Maddie, okay?
I'm grasping at straws here too.
Okay, well, what if that doesn't work?
Then I'll fucking force him out!
Okay, Rhonda, I'm angry too,
but we don't have to go
to war with the tampons.
It's fine. They're no
stranger to a bloodbath.
Besides, it'll just reset. See?
[WALLY] Oh, my God! Are you kidding me?
[RHONDA] Walter, are you okay?
[SCREAMS] Are you serious right now?
Hey! There you guys are. What the hell?
Why aren't you down
at the fallout shelter?
We got worried something happened?
Because the stupid
door still won't open.
It doesn't make any sense.
It should've reset by now.
Any sign of him?
No, we checked the east wing
of the school but nothing.
Okay, well, I got
fantastic news for you.
The hatch exit is off campus.
It's right flippin' there!
He-Man over here hurried
us out the back hatch,
but we didn't realize
that we couldn't
It's literally right
there! We can't get to it!
Right. We all bounced
back God damn it.
Okay, so we're locked out.
You know, if you two
hadn't been so rash,
I could've got to the
bottom of this myself.
But you butted in and
looked what happened?
Are you kidding me right now, Rhonda?
Yeah, I'm so sorry, Rhonda,
but maybe if you weren't snooping around
for the last few weeks
and lying to us about it,
then we would've been able to help you.
Oh, really, Charley?
You wanna call me a liar?
Who was one who decided to
only grab his journal
when leaving the fallout shelter, huh?
Sounds pretty selfish to me.
I didn't know that we weren't
gonna be able to get back in,
and for the record, I also grabbed
this creepy little leather bag,
so you're welcome for making sure
that we had something and not nothing.
[MADDIE] Guys, enough.
Right now, all the evidence
we have is locked up.
So we have to figure out how to get back
into the fallout shelter.
Wait, Maddie, you, you opened the door
when you heard Janet while
you were still alive, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay, so maybe it takes a living person
to open this thing.
- We need him.
- Who?
That may be harder than it sounds.
You're not crazy.
You're not crazy.
Everything is fine.
So exactly what level of crazy
do you think he thinks he's at?
Like mini meltdown or
No. Full mental breakdown.
Oh, okay. Awesome.
Farewell ♪
Go fuck your mother ♪
Go fuck yourself ♪
And so I walk out the door ♪
Your insults don't affect
me with my favorite coat on ♪
I know my hair looked good
in the bathroom at the bar ♪
Turns out, I left my
wallet at the bathroom bar ♪
Simon, don't freak out. I can explain.
That was maybe just a little
too much for a first attempt.
I need to walk my
dog, I'm ready to go ♪
My dog's expecting
me, I'm ready to go ♪
I hate this temperature,
I'm ready to go ♪
This music sucks to me, I'm
ready to go, oh, uh, yeah ♪
Hi. I get it. This is nuts,
but, please, the person
that you saw is not me.
Her name is Janet Hamilton.
I never liked it I
belong on the road ♪
So goodbye ♪
Not a word.
Where are you going?
Uh, I checked the pool,
the athletic complex,
nothing, so I thought I'd
check the old meeting grounds.
Wait, shouldn't you be tailing Simon?
He's in Calc, and no one died there,
so I can't talk to him
even if he'd let me.
He's avoiding me.
You okay?
Yeah, uh, just before you came here,
nothing ever really changed, you know?
Now it feels like everything has.
I guess things will just
never really be the same, huh?
Probably not.
At least we never have to go
back in there with him again.
Ah, man, what am I supposed
to do with my time now?
Forty years of him saying, "Jump"
and me asking, "How high?"
I trusted him, you know?
[MADDIE] He wasn't your coach, Wally.
[WALLY] Yeah. Right.
But what about you, though?
This is probably a lot
to wrap your head around.
Uh, yeah. I never thought
I'd have to consider
what it was like to
have someone out there,
running around in my body.
Wait, does that mean
that you're not dead?
Like, not really dead?
Sure looks like I am.
No, Maddie, does that mean
you could go back to your life?
I don't know.
Well, would you?
Oh. You better go follow him.
Uh, keep me posted if
you see you know who.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Where are you hiding, Mr. Martin?
Any idea when he'll wake up?
He's stable.
We've got him so he's comfortable.
With these kinds of injuries,
we just need to watch and wait.
But he's gonna be okay?
We were able to remove the intubation,
but we're keeping a close
eye on his breathing.
Would you like me to
send the doctor in or
- Uh, no.
- Okay.
Just hit this button
if you need anything.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
My mom and stepdad
just chewed my head off.
They're pissed.
They're asking more
questions than the cops did.
Did you tell them anything?
No, Nicole, I didn't tell them anything.
But their questions were valid.
Like what?
Like what was I doing
at an abandoned property
that they own in the
middle of the night?
But my stepdad seemed more worried
about being held liable for an accident
than about my safety,
which is, you know, fucking typical.
How's he doing?
Uh, still just watching and waiting.
Sheriff, are you okay?
You look exhausted.
No offense.
Yeah, I've just been working all night,
trying to track down the
bastard who did this to him.
There's still not much to go on, though.
Did you find anything?
Yeah, his truck.
We found it down on Lake Street,
a couple blocks from the bus station.
Don't, don't worry.
We're gonna get this guy.
He can't run from us forever.
[HARTMAN] I agree, there is
a lot of anxiety, Ms. Price.
But that's hardly surprising,
given the year the
students have had so far.
I mean, two staff members gone
and, and a student possibly killed.
Well, I'm sure it wouldn't
have to come to that, no.
Or, yes, you know, we
have another pep rally.
I love the
Are you, are you there?
I need my schedule changed.
Simon, we're halfway
through the semester.
Mr. Hartman, I need my schedule changed.
I can't be in that classroom anymore.
Every day, all I can
think about is Maddie.
It's causing me stress.
It's affecting my work.
- I don't even
- All right, fine.
Just come to the desk. Come on.
Excuse me, ladies.
So, uh, all right, which class
do you need changed?
- English and history.
- Mm-hmm.
And I'd prefer not to eat
lunch in the cafeteria.
Smooth, Simon.
I'd like to ask your permission
if I could eat in my car.
Simon, don't do this. You're being dumb.
Come on, Mr. Hartman, help me out here.
Simon, the classes are
fine, but I cannot let you
eat in your car.
Uh. How about the greenhouse?
Mr. Copeland has been asking for help
to deter students who've been imbibing
in, uh, unapproved
herbal substances, hmm,
in his free periods there.
So you could help deter.
Okay. Sounds good.
Ugh, that's not helpful at all.
God, it's so annoying
that no one died here.
[HARTMAN] Now, I want you to know
that I am only doing this
you really helped me out this year,
bringing us that
information on Mr. Anderson.
Yes, exactly. That was because of me.
Right. Happy to help.
Come on, Simon. How could this be fake
if that was real? There's
your freaking proof.
- [RHONDA] Hello!
What the fuck is going on?
Can you see anything going on here?
Can you see me? Hello!
What the hell, Rhonda?
[RHONDA] Do you understand
anything out of my mouth?
Are you Is anyone home?
How could you not have seen Mr. Martin?
What are you? Lawn ornaments?
Rhonda, what's going on?
They had to have seen something.
They were standing right
here when he disappeared.
And I know they have mouths that work!
They never shut up
with this stupid music!
Can't you see that everything
is completely fucked?
Wake up!
[WOMAN] Ten hut!
What's going on?
Is this about what Charley said earlier,
about you lying?
Why do you have to listen
to everything Charley says?
I've tried every key in this building
and I can't unlock the fallout shelter.
Okay, we'll figure it out.
But we're working on it.
Working on it?
Yeah, I thought I was working on it
and now we're in this mess.
I should've trusted my intuition.
- This is my fault.
- This isn't your fault.
We'll do it together.
We'll figure this out.
Oh, really, Pollyanna?
We'll just figure it out?
[SIGHS] Didn't seem like you were making
a ton of progress with Simon.
Hey, I'm just trying to help you.
- Don't lash out at me.
- [RHONDA] That is what I do.
I lash.
I should've learned my lesson before.
Never trust an authority figure.
They're all just
wolves in sweater vests.
Look, I didn't know
what else to do, okay?
I'm not you.
What does that mean?
You've been here a few weeks
and you let everyone in.
I can't do that. I just can't.
The night of the homecoming dance,
I saw you and Wally.
It was such a strange feeling.
And I was happy for you both,
but, at the same time, I felt so lonely.
Lonelier than I've felt in
lots of very lonely years.
Mr. Martin was off on his own,
working on something.
He had my acceptance letter to Berkeley.
The last time I saw it
was right before I died.
Where did you get that?
I apologize, I didn't, I
didn't hear you come in.
Um, you're not at the dance.
That's mine. Why do you have it?
- How did you get that?
- [MARTIN] Rhonda.
I think you've made tremendous progress.
And, eventually, you'll
be ready to move on
to, to more complex methods of research.
That's what this is.
No, not, not today, Rhonda.
Just trust me.
This is a little too advanced.
[RHONDA] But I was desperate
to know why he had my letter.
I thought maybe all I needed to do
was offer up a morsel,
a little quid pro quo.
What kind of morsel.
Maddie can talk to him.
Her friend.
They've been talking for weeks.
He can see her.
Excuse me, Rhonda.
Why did you do that?
Well, I was right, wasn't I?
He was up to something.
Later, I followed him
to the fallout shelter.
I found where he'd
been keeping my letter
all other the other
objects from our lives.
I just wanted answers.
So I stabbed you in the back
like a freaking rat fink.
And what did that get you?
A whole lot of nothing.
Look, no more lies, no more secrets.
We've just gotta be
able to trust each other.
Well, that's not my strong suit.
No shit.
Shouldn't we go back to
the hospital or something?
Why are we stopping?
Why did you drag me out here
to make a freaking phone call?
You saw it. The bus station
is crawling with cops.
And we need to know if
Maddie got on that bus, right?
Okay, well, I'll just
call the bus company.
And why couldn't you
do that from your cell?
Because I don't need my number
being traced back to this insanity.
Don't you think that's a little much?
I mean, does that thing even work?
What, you hate the idea? Fine.
I don't need your help with this.
Come on
[SIMON] Hey this is Simon
Elroy. You know what to do.
Simon. Call me. We have to talk. Please.
It's in my hair in my sleep ♪
In my hands in my teeth ♪
It's in my chair it looks like me ♪
And when it stands I take my seat ♪
It's in the air that I breathe ♪
Understand it's up my sleeve ♪
Well, in my hair it's in my sleep ♪
With my hands in my teeth ♪
Oh, my God. They do a head count!
When they let people on and off the bus,
there's a head count to make sure
no one gets left behind
during, like, bathroom
breaks and whatever.
They said the last
bus out of Split River
had one irregularity.
One person got off
but didn't get back on
at a stop out in Bingham County,
a town called, um, Rockton.
Never heard of it.
It doesn't matter. You
and Simon can go tomorrow.
Wait, tomorrow? Why not now?
Why don't we go?
Because I've already missed four classes
and my parents will go apeshit.
Besides, we don't even
know if it was her yet.
And if it doesn't work,
we are calling the police.
[MAN] And hut.
Understand it's in my sleeve ♪
[COACH] Come on, Simon. Get in the game.
Oh, no. I'm out.
With my hands in my teeth ♪
Who knew stalking
someone could be so dull?
It's time for group.
I didn't know where else to go.
Mr. Martin has reduced me
to a cliche gay best friend lackey
with a low sense of self-worth
who he thinks he can control.
Is that, is that who I really am?
- No, Charley.
- No.
Don't listen to anything that guy says.
Does it say something
about me in there, though?
Oh, no, I'm sure he saved
all of his deeply cutting Wally digs
for your own unsolicited biography.
Probably never get to read that one.
What about in here?
Self-obsessed much?
What's this?
[MADDIE] What are all these letters?
Is this some sort of
messed up board game?
- No.
- What?
Uh, meet me in the library, okay?
Take this.
It's a map. It's a death map.
Mr. Martin mapped out
all the places we died.
Well, that's not creepy at all.
All right, Maddie,
where here would Simon go
where he wouldn't know
you could talk to him?
Because you could, you could corner him
and get him to listen.
Well, we've talked in
almost all these places.
[RHONDA] Who's Y?
[CHARLEY] wait, somebody
died in the greenhouse?
Holy shit. Oh, my God.
Simon's spending his lunch
hour in the greenhouse.
[WALLY] Okay, listen to me, Maddie,
whatever you do, you gotta
make this count, all right?
This could be our last chance.
[MADDIE] Anderson's phone code,
the band uniforms, the stolen money,
Simon, you couldn't have
known all that without me.
The girl you saw in the world isn't me.
I know it sounds absolutely insane,
but that's a ghost who
died in a fire here in 1958.
What's not working. Try
a different approach.
My dad's funeral.
I know we never talked about it since.
But after you went up and saw him,
you told me that you would stay outside
in case I needed you.
You sat under that creepy birch tree.
And you wore that dumb
yellow Tommy Bahama tie
your mom got you with
the blue fish on it.
The one that made you look like
you had a timeshare in Florida.
You stayed later than everyone.
Later than my extended
relatives from Minnesota.
Later than the chaplain.
And I watched you from the window.
I couldn't come out and
see you because I was scared
that I'd cry, and I
thought I would never stop.
And when my mom told
you you should go home,
you cried too.
That doesn't prove anything.
It's not privileged information.
I haven't forgotten any of that.
Her name is Janet Hamilton.
Fucking google it.
She's the reason I'm here.
I need you.
- Oh, there you are.
- What?
Okay, I think that's a lot of attitude
for someone who hasn't
responded to a single text
in over 24 hours.
You seriously have nothing to say
about the picture I sent you?
We saw Maddie.
What do you need, Nicole?
Claire's ready to go to the cops
and tell them what
Maddie did last night,
so we have to convince her to chill
until we figure out what's going on.
That wasn't me, Simon. You
know I wouldn't do that.
Turn her in.
[NICOLE] What?
[RUTH] Quit dilly-dallying
or your father
will have supper eaten
before we've even
taken it off the stove.
Don't you dare.
Now get out of this kitchen
before I chase you out.
Careful, mother, that's
not the way to teach Janet
how to properly treat guests.
[RUTH] You're hardly a guest.
You eat here every Saturday.
Now shoo. You have a sermon to write.
You're the only person on Earth
who speaks to him like that.
Somebody has to.
While we have a moment
of privacy, come here.
What's this?
I couldn't help myself.
I saw it in the wholesale catalogue
and I thought all it needs
is a little embroidery work.
I know your parents aren't always
supportive of your interests,
but I will always be.
A lab coat.
I don't think father will like this.
Well, we'll just tell him it's an apron.
Now hurry.
Get the silverware
out and set the table.
Can't leave your mother and
brother waiting too long.
This is the one ♪
Who will cover me ♪
And lay me down ♪
On my feet ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will bring me love ♪
That I'm craving ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will keep me from ♪
My sickness ♪
This is the one ♪
Who is catching the dark ♪
And reaching for life ♪
And they seek us ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will bring me love ♪
When I'm lonely ♪
Thank you.
You might wanna wait till
you grade it to thank me.
I've been wanting to actually thank you
for, uh, homecoming,
for that letter that you found.
Yeah, I totally, totally
forgot about that.
Well, I never will.
I lost someone when I was in school too.
That letter was from him.
Reading it was pretty surreal.
It's like my friend
was right there with me.
Maybe what they say is true.
Maybe the dead never really leave us.
I'll see you tomorrow, Simon.
This is the one ♪
Who will bring me love ♪
That I'm craving ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will keep me from ♪
Myself ♪
Janet Hamilton.
I really thought I'd be
able to get through to him.
If I didn't have a low
sense of self-worth before,
I definitely do now.
It's like my homecoming
game all over again.
Called the wrong play.
Where the hell is Mr. Martin?
Where the hell is my body
It was blue.
The tie.
The fish were yellow.
You messed that part up.
I think about that day so much.
And if you are just in my head,
you would've gotten it right.
You just tell me how I can help.
I'll start on the far wall.
You coming?
Yeah. I just need a second.
I was scared you'd
never talk to me again.
Codependent much? It was, like, a day.
Hey, guys, what are these?
[MADDIE] Holy shit
[CHARLEY] How long do you
think she was down here?
Now let me tell you a story ♪
The devil he has a plan ♪
A bag of bones in his pocket ♪
Get anything you want
No dust and no rocks ♪
The whole thing is over ♪
All those beauties in solid motion ♪
All those beauties they're
gonna swallow you up ♪
Let's go ♪
Hi ♪
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi ♪
One time too many ♪
Too far to go ♪
Hi, we've come to take you home ♪
And when they split those atoms ♪
It's hotter than the sun ♪
So wake up, young lovers ♪
The whole thing is over ♪
Watch out! Touch monkeys ♪
All that blood gonna
swallow you whole ♪
Let's go ♪
Hi ♪
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi ♪
Hi ♪
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi ♪
Welcome to the waiting
room. Have a seat.
[HOST] This mythicalogical river
is used by ghostly ferrymen
to transport souls of the
dead to the underworld.
[CONTESTANT] The answer
is the River Styx.
[HOST] Correct!
Eleven points.
You staying?
[NURSE] Get the crash cart!
[MADDIE] Previously on School Spirits
[GROUP] Hi Maddie.
Welcome to the Split River
High Afterlife Support Group.
[CHARLEY] We're all
just trying to cross over
I mean, Janet did it and
she'd been here since 1960.
- Simon?
- Maddie?
Can you see me?
Don't move Janet! No!
[RHONDA] I've been here for 60 years.
So whatever you did to help Janet,
I want in.
This was the play that killed me.
Mr. Martin's been
documenting our deaths.
He's been hoarding all
the objects we had with us
when we died. Who else
knows everything about us?
Hey stop!
Jacob! Call 911.
What is that?
That's the person who
attacked Xavier tonight.
I don't know if this is real
But you're alive, out there.
[WOMAN] We need a name for the ticket.
I know I can't explain what's
going on but I am here, Simon.
You're not crazy!
- It's locked.
- Maddie, be careful!
Please, you can't trust him.
Love is just a spinning wheel ♪
You were there. You knew.
I saw you in the
fallout shelter with her.
You, you were there the day I died.
You watched it happen. Why
didn't you say anything?
I, I couldn't stop it.
It was her.
Mr. Martin, what happened to me?
- No.
- [MARTIN] Yes, Janet.
[MARTIN] Yes, you know that!
You have to tell me
exactly what happened.
[JANET] I don't want to!
How did you feel?
- No, I didn't
- [MARTIN] Yes. Yes, Janet.
[MARTIN] You have to tell
me! You have to! [RATTLING]
Don't move, Janet. No! No!
No! No!
[WALLY] Maddie! Maddie!
[MADDIE] Mr. Martin, you have
to stop! You have to explain!
And take all that you can from me ♪
I will not pretend to be ♪
Anyone who's always not in love ♪
And I am back to yesterday ♪
[MADDIE] Mr. Martin?
Hey! Stop!
on, let's get out here.
Hurry up!
Where does this even go?
You don't, you don't understand.
None of you! You can't.
What do you mean? What's going on?
It wasn't meant to be this way.
Don't pursue this.
I wish I never had.
[WALLY] Hey. You okay?
Did you see where he went?
Did he say anything?
I know what happened to me.
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Gone ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Janet. Wait. It's okay. It's me.
Janet, stop.
Wait, wait, Janet.
Janet. No! No!
Please! Don't leave me!
They only have decaf.
We should tell the cops.
Decaf's a crime.
No, Nicole, we should tell
the cops it was Maddie.
We can't do that, not yet.
Oh, I'm sorry. Is next
week better for you?
We don't know what's going on.
She looked terrified.
We need to find her, talk to her.
We did find her. And look what happened.
If we tell, we've ruined her life.
I mean, we don't know
why she's been running.
We don't know if she's
in danger, in trouble.
And if we go to the police,
how do we catch them up
without exposing ourselves?
I mean, the only reason they
haven't pointed a finger at you
or me for the blackmail
and the missing money
is because the cops still
think Maddie was responsible.
I agreed to help find the person
who hurt Maddie, okay?
And I was working under the assumption
that Maddie was dead.
Now we know we were wrong.
And, in fact, Maddie
is the one hurting us.
And if she went for Xavier first,
who's to say she's
not coming for me next?
Can we at least wait
till Xavier wakes up?
I'm so sorry. You said
she ran through you?
And Mr. Martin knew this whole time.
He was there and just watched it happen.
And then you ran over
your ex with his truck?
No, that's what I'm saying, Wally.
That wasn't me. I didn't do that.
Simon showed me a photo of
someone who looked just like me,
but it wasn't me.
The last thing I remember hearing
was Mr. Martin telling her to stop.
He said a name and it
was definitely Janet.
But that doesn't make any sense
'cause Janet crossed over,
like, a year before you got here,
so she couldn't have had
anything to do with it.
Unless he lied to us about that too.
Well, when Wally was Die Hard-ing
the door off downstairs,
I tried to grab what
I could from inside,
but there's, there's some
freaky stuff down there, Maddie.
Wait, Wally did what to the door?
Oh. Oh, yeah, it was super intense
and honestly, like, pretty hot,
but, yes, he went full-on
meathead action hero
when he heard you shouting.
You know, it just sounded
like you needed help,
so I helped.
Where is he now, Mr. Martin?
I don't know.
I lost him once he got onto the grounds.
He just vanished.
What, you think he hopped the fence?
No. There's no way he could've
made it to the boundary
before I got there.
Yeah, and we know he
can't leave the school.
Well, Janet did.
Wait, what was that thing
that Dawn always talked about?
I don't know, what'd
she call it, a "walk in"?
Yeah. She said, if
you're really messed up,
it's like hanging a vacancy
sign above your head.
We found a bunch of these down there.
Mr. Martin's been keeping tabs on us.
It's everything we've ever
told him in group or out.
And he's been collecting these things,
stuff we all had with us when we died.
Get them. Get everything.
You two search the fallout shelter
and get everything
you can before he does.
Rhonda, we'll search the
campus until we find him.
If Mr. Martin and Janet
are the reason I'm here,
I wanna know why.
Twenty-minute stop.
Speak of the devil ♪
Speak of the devil ♪
Sticks and stones may break my bones ♪
Is there a place to
call for a taxi cab here?
Ah. No, sorry, hun, no cabs are here.
Where you headed?
That's okay. I'll just hitchhike.
No. No, you don't wanna do that.
That's really dangerous.
You can try one of those apps.
Might take a beat for a
car to get out this way,
but they come eventually.
Like, on your phone.
You okay, hun?
Do you need some help?
Can I call somebody or
[MADDIE] Just this, please.
[RHONDA] This is starting
to feel like a dead end.
We looked everywhere.
How are we supposed to find somebody
that doesn't wanna be found?
Make that two people
who don't wanna be found.
There's something we're not
understanding about this.
We're missing something.
Like what?
Gotta figure out how to
flush him out into the open.
If he's gonna hide from us,
maybe we have to coerce him.
With what?
Look, I don't know, Maddie, okay?
I'm grasping at straws here too.
Okay, well, what if that doesn't work?
Then I'll fucking force him out!
Okay, Rhonda, I'm angry too,
but we don't have to go
to war with the tampons.
It's fine. They're no
stranger to a bloodbath.
Besides, it'll just reset. See?
[WALLY] Oh, my God! Are you kidding me?
[RHONDA] Walter, are you okay?
[SCREAMS] Are you serious right now?
Hey! There you guys are. What the hell?
Why aren't you down
at the fallout shelter?
We got worried something happened?
Because the stupid
door still won't open.
It doesn't make any sense.
It should've reset by now.
Any sign of him?
No, we checked the east wing
of the school but nothing.
Okay, well, I got
fantastic news for you.
The hatch exit is off campus.
It's right flippin' there!
He-Man over here hurried
us out the back hatch,
but we didn't realize
that we couldn't
It's literally right
there! We can't get to it!
Right. We all bounced
back God damn it.
Okay, so we're locked out.
You know, if you two
hadn't been so rash,
I could've got to the
bottom of this myself.
But you butted in and
looked what happened?
Are you kidding me right now, Rhonda?
Yeah, I'm so sorry, Rhonda,
but maybe if you weren't snooping around
for the last few weeks
and lying to us about it,
then we would've been able to help you.
Oh, really, Charley?
You wanna call me a liar?
Who was one who decided to
only grab his journal
when leaving the fallout shelter, huh?
Sounds pretty selfish to me.
I didn't know that we weren't
gonna be able to get back in,
and for the record, I also grabbed
this creepy little leather bag,
so you're welcome for making sure
that we had something and not nothing.
[MADDIE] Guys, enough.
Right now, all the evidence
we have is locked up.
So we have to figure out how to get back
into the fallout shelter.
Wait, Maddie, you, you opened the door
when you heard Janet while
you were still alive, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay, so maybe it takes a living person
to open this thing.
- We need him.
- Who?
That may be harder than it sounds.
You're not crazy.
You're not crazy.
Everything is fine.
So exactly what level of crazy
do you think he thinks he's at?
Like mini meltdown or
No. Full mental breakdown.
Oh, okay. Awesome.
Farewell ♪
Go fuck your mother ♪
Go fuck yourself ♪
And so I walk out the door ♪
Your insults don't affect
me with my favorite coat on ♪
I know my hair looked good
in the bathroom at the bar ♪
Turns out, I left my
wallet at the bathroom bar ♪
Simon, don't freak out. I can explain.
That was maybe just a little
too much for a first attempt.
I need to walk my
dog, I'm ready to go ♪
My dog's expecting
me, I'm ready to go ♪
I hate this temperature,
I'm ready to go ♪
This music sucks to me, I'm
ready to go, oh, uh, yeah ♪
Hi. I get it. This is nuts,
but, please, the person
that you saw is not me.
Her name is Janet Hamilton.
I never liked it I
belong on the road ♪
So goodbye ♪
Not a word.
Where are you going?
Uh, I checked the pool,
the athletic complex,
nothing, so I thought I'd
check the old meeting grounds.
Wait, shouldn't you be tailing Simon?
He's in Calc, and no one died there,
so I can't talk to him
even if he'd let me.
He's avoiding me.
You okay?
Yeah, uh, just before you came here,
nothing ever really changed, you know?
Now it feels like everything has.
I guess things will just
never really be the same, huh?
Probably not.
At least we never have to go
back in there with him again.
Ah, man, what am I supposed
to do with my time now?
Forty years of him saying, "Jump"
and me asking, "How high?"
I trusted him, you know?
[MADDIE] He wasn't your coach, Wally.
[WALLY] Yeah. Right.
But what about you, though?
This is probably a lot
to wrap your head around.
Uh, yeah. I never thought
I'd have to consider
what it was like to
have someone out there,
running around in my body.
Wait, does that mean
that you're not dead?
Like, not really dead?
Sure looks like I am.
No, Maddie, does that mean
you could go back to your life?
I don't know.
Well, would you?
Oh. You better go follow him.
Uh, keep me posted if
you see you know who.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Where are you hiding, Mr. Martin?
Any idea when he'll wake up?
He's stable.
We've got him so he's comfortable.
With these kinds of injuries,
we just need to watch and wait.
But he's gonna be okay?
We were able to remove the intubation,
but we're keeping a close
eye on his breathing.
Would you like me to
send the doctor in or
- Uh, no.
- Okay.
Just hit this button
if you need anything.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
My mom and stepdad
just chewed my head off.
They're pissed.
They're asking more
questions than the cops did.
Did you tell them anything?
No, Nicole, I didn't tell them anything.
But their questions were valid.
Like what?
Like what was I doing
at an abandoned property
that they own in the
middle of the night?
But my stepdad seemed more worried
about being held liable for an accident
than about my safety,
which is, you know, fucking typical.
How's he doing?
Uh, still just watching and waiting.
Sheriff, are you okay?
You look exhausted.
No offense.
Yeah, I've just been working all night,
trying to track down the
bastard who did this to him.
There's still not much to go on, though.
Did you find anything?
Yeah, his truck.
We found it down on Lake Street,
a couple blocks from the bus station.
Don't, don't worry.
We're gonna get this guy.
He can't run from us forever.
[HARTMAN] I agree, there is
a lot of anxiety, Ms. Price.
But that's hardly surprising,
given the year the
students have had so far.
I mean, two staff members gone
and, and a student possibly killed.
Well, I'm sure it wouldn't
have to come to that, no.
Or, yes, you know, we
have another pep rally.
I love the
Are you, are you there?
I need my schedule changed.
Simon, we're halfway
through the semester.
Mr. Hartman, I need my schedule changed.
I can't be in that classroom anymore.
Every day, all I can
think about is Maddie.
It's causing me stress.
It's affecting my work.
- I don't even
- All right, fine.
Just come to the desk. Come on.
Excuse me, ladies.
So, uh, all right, which class
do you need changed?
- English and history.
- Mm-hmm.
And I'd prefer not to eat
lunch in the cafeteria.
Smooth, Simon.
I'd like to ask your permission
if I could eat in my car.
Simon, don't do this. You're being dumb.
Come on, Mr. Hartman, help me out here.
Simon, the classes are
fine, but I cannot let you
eat in your car.
Uh. How about the greenhouse?
Mr. Copeland has been asking for help
to deter students who've been imbibing
in, uh, unapproved
herbal substances, hmm,
in his free periods there.
So you could help deter.
Okay. Sounds good.
Ugh, that's not helpful at all.
God, it's so annoying
that no one died here.
[HARTMAN] Now, I want you to know
that I am only doing this
you really helped me out this year,
bringing us that
information on Mr. Anderson.
Yes, exactly. That was because of me.
Right. Happy to help.
Come on, Simon. How could this be fake
if that was real? There's
your freaking proof.
- [RHONDA] Hello!
What the fuck is going on?
Can you see anything going on here?
Can you see me? Hello!
What the hell, Rhonda?
[RHONDA] Do you understand
anything out of my mouth?
Are you Is anyone home?
How could you not have seen Mr. Martin?
What are you? Lawn ornaments?
Rhonda, what's going on?
They had to have seen something.
They were standing right
here when he disappeared.
And I know they have mouths that work!
They never shut up
with this stupid music!
Can't you see that everything
is completely fucked?
Wake up!
[WOMAN] Ten hut!
What's going on?
Is this about what Charley said earlier,
about you lying?
Why do you have to listen
to everything Charley says?
I've tried every key in this building
and I can't unlock the fallout shelter.
Okay, we'll figure it out.
But we're working on it.
Working on it?
Yeah, I thought I was working on it
and now we're in this mess.
I should've trusted my intuition.
- This is my fault.
- This isn't your fault.
We'll do it together.
We'll figure this out.
Oh, really, Pollyanna?
We'll just figure it out?
[SIGHS] Didn't seem like you were making
a ton of progress with Simon.
Hey, I'm just trying to help you.
- Don't lash out at me.
- [RHONDA] That is what I do.
I lash.
I should've learned my lesson before.
Never trust an authority figure.
They're all just
wolves in sweater vests.
Look, I didn't know
what else to do, okay?
I'm not you.
What does that mean?
You've been here a few weeks
and you let everyone in.
I can't do that. I just can't.
The night of the homecoming dance,
I saw you and Wally.
It was such a strange feeling.
And I was happy for you both,
but, at the same time, I felt so lonely.
Lonelier than I've felt in
lots of very lonely years.
Mr. Martin was off on his own,
working on something.
He had my acceptance letter to Berkeley.
The last time I saw it
was right before I died.
Where did you get that?
I apologize, I didn't, I
didn't hear you come in.
Um, you're not at the dance.
That's mine. Why do you have it?
- How did you get that?
- [MARTIN] Rhonda.
I think you've made tremendous progress.
And, eventually, you'll
be ready to move on
to, to more complex methods of research.
That's what this is.
No, not, not today, Rhonda.
Just trust me.
This is a little too advanced.
[RHONDA] But I was desperate
to know why he had my letter.
I thought maybe all I needed to do
was offer up a morsel,
a little quid pro quo.
What kind of morsel.
Maddie can talk to him.
Her friend.
They've been talking for weeks.
He can see her.
Excuse me, Rhonda.
Why did you do that?
Well, I was right, wasn't I?
He was up to something.
Later, I followed him
to the fallout shelter.
I found where he'd
been keeping my letter
all other the other
objects from our lives.
I just wanted answers.
So I stabbed you in the back
like a freaking rat fink.
And what did that get you?
A whole lot of nothing.
Look, no more lies, no more secrets.
We've just gotta be
able to trust each other.
Well, that's not my strong suit.
No shit.
Shouldn't we go back to
the hospital or something?
Why are we stopping?
Why did you drag me out here
to make a freaking phone call?
You saw it. The bus station
is crawling with cops.
And we need to know if
Maddie got on that bus, right?
Okay, well, I'll just
call the bus company.
And why couldn't you
do that from your cell?
Because I don't need my number
being traced back to this insanity.
Don't you think that's a little much?
I mean, does that thing even work?
What, you hate the idea? Fine.
I don't need your help with this.
Come on
[SIMON] Hey this is Simon
Elroy. You know what to do.
Simon. Call me. We have to talk. Please.
It's in my hair in my sleep ♪
In my hands in my teeth ♪
It's in my chair it looks like me ♪
And when it stands I take my seat ♪
It's in the air that I breathe ♪
Understand it's up my sleeve ♪
Well, in my hair it's in my sleep ♪
With my hands in my teeth ♪
Oh, my God. They do a head count!
When they let people on and off the bus,
there's a head count to make sure
no one gets left behind
during, like, bathroom
breaks and whatever.
They said the last
bus out of Split River
had one irregularity.
One person got off
but didn't get back on
at a stop out in Bingham County,
a town called, um, Rockton.
Never heard of it.
It doesn't matter. You
and Simon can go tomorrow.
Wait, tomorrow? Why not now?
Why don't we go?
Because I've already missed four classes
and my parents will go apeshit.
Besides, we don't even
know if it was her yet.
And if it doesn't work,
we are calling the police.
[MAN] And hut.
Understand it's in my sleeve ♪
[COACH] Come on, Simon. Get in the game.
Oh, no. I'm out.
With my hands in my teeth ♪
Who knew stalking
someone could be so dull?
It's time for group.
I didn't know where else to go.
Mr. Martin has reduced me
to a cliche gay best friend lackey
with a low sense of self-worth
who he thinks he can control.
Is that, is that who I really am?
- No, Charley.
- No.
Don't listen to anything that guy says.
Does it say something
about me in there, though?
Oh, no, I'm sure he saved
all of his deeply cutting Wally digs
for your own unsolicited biography.
Probably never get to read that one.
What about in here?
Self-obsessed much?
What's this?
[MADDIE] What are all these letters?
Is this some sort of
messed up board game?
- No.
- What?
Uh, meet me in the library, okay?
Take this.
It's a map. It's a death map.
Mr. Martin mapped out
all the places we died.
Well, that's not creepy at all.
All right, Maddie,
where here would Simon go
where he wouldn't know
you could talk to him?
Because you could, you could corner him
and get him to listen.
Well, we've talked in
almost all these places.
[RHONDA] Who's Y?
[CHARLEY] wait, somebody
died in the greenhouse?
Holy shit. Oh, my God.
Simon's spending his lunch
hour in the greenhouse.
[WALLY] Okay, listen to me, Maddie,
whatever you do, you gotta
make this count, all right?
This could be our last chance.
[MADDIE] Anderson's phone code,
the band uniforms, the stolen money,
Simon, you couldn't have
known all that without me.
The girl you saw in the world isn't me.
I know it sounds absolutely insane,
but that's a ghost who
died in a fire here in 1958.
What's not working. Try
a different approach.
My dad's funeral.
I know we never talked about it since.
But after you went up and saw him,
you told me that you would stay outside
in case I needed you.
You sat under that creepy birch tree.
And you wore that dumb
yellow Tommy Bahama tie
your mom got you with
the blue fish on it.
The one that made you look like
you had a timeshare in Florida.
You stayed later than everyone.
Later than my extended
relatives from Minnesota.
Later than the chaplain.
And I watched you from the window.
I couldn't come out and
see you because I was scared
that I'd cry, and I
thought I would never stop.
And when my mom told
you you should go home,
you cried too.
That doesn't prove anything.
It's not privileged information.
I haven't forgotten any of that.
Her name is Janet Hamilton.
Fucking google it.
She's the reason I'm here.
I need you.
- Oh, there you are.
- What?
Okay, I think that's a lot of attitude
for someone who hasn't
responded to a single text
in over 24 hours.
You seriously have nothing to say
about the picture I sent you?
We saw Maddie.
What do you need, Nicole?
Claire's ready to go to the cops
and tell them what
Maddie did last night,
so we have to convince her to chill
until we figure out what's going on.
That wasn't me, Simon. You
know I wouldn't do that.
Turn her in.
[NICOLE] What?
[RUTH] Quit dilly-dallying
or your father
will have supper eaten
before we've even
taken it off the stove.
Don't you dare.
Now get out of this kitchen
before I chase you out.
Careful, mother, that's
not the way to teach Janet
how to properly treat guests.
[RUTH] You're hardly a guest.
You eat here every Saturday.
Now shoo. You have a sermon to write.
You're the only person on Earth
who speaks to him like that.
Somebody has to.
While we have a moment
of privacy, come here.
What's this?
I couldn't help myself.
I saw it in the wholesale catalogue
and I thought all it needs
is a little embroidery work.
I know your parents aren't always
supportive of your interests,
but I will always be.
A lab coat.
I don't think father will like this.
Well, we'll just tell him it's an apron.
Now hurry.
Get the silverware
out and set the table.
Can't leave your mother and
brother waiting too long.
This is the one ♪
Who will cover me ♪
And lay me down ♪
On my feet ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will bring me love ♪
That I'm craving ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will keep me from ♪
My sickness ♪
This is the one ♪
Who is catching the dark ♪
And reaching for life ♪
And they seek us ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will bring me love ♪
When I'm lonely ♪
Thank you.
You might wanna wait till
you grade it to thank me.
I've been wanting to actually thank you
for, uh, homecoming,
for that letter that you found.
Yeah, I totally, totally
forgot about that.
Well, I never will.
I lost someone when I was in school too.
That letter was from him.
Reading it was pretty surreal.
It's like my friend
was right there with me.
Maybe what they say is true.
Maybe the dead never really leave us.
I'll see you tomorrow, Simon.
This is the one ♪
Who will bring me love ♪
That I'm craving ♪
This is the one ♪
Who will keep me from ♪
Myself ♪
Janet Hamilton.
I really thought I'd be
able to get through to him.
If I didn't have a low
sense of self-worth before,
I definitely do now.
It's like my homecoming
game all over again.
Called the wrong play.
Where the hell is Mr. Martin?
Where the hell is my body
It was blue.
The tie.
The fish were yellow.
You messed that part up.
I think about that day so much.
And if you are just in my head,
you would've gotten it right.
You just tell me how I can help.
I'll start on the far wall.
You coming?
Yeah. I just need a second.
I was scared you'd
never talk to me again.
Codependent much? It was, like, a day.
Hey, guys, what are these?
[MADDIE] Holy shit
[CHARLEY] How long do you
think she was down here?
Now let me tell you a story ♪
The devil he has a plan ♪
A bag of bones in his pocket ♪
Get anything you want
No dust and no rocks ♪
The whole thing is over ♪
All those beauties in solid motion ♪
All those beauties they're
gonna swallow you up ♪
Let's go ♪
Hi ♪
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi ♪
One time too many ♪
Too far to go ♪
Hi, we've come to take you home ♪
And when they split those atoms ♪
It's hotter than the sun ♪
So wake up, young lovers ♪
The whole thing is over ♪
Watch out! Touch monkeys ♪
All that blood gonna
swallow you whole ♪
Let's go ♪
Hi ♪
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi ♪
Hi ♪
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi ♪
Welcome to the waiting
room. Have a seat.
[HOST] This mythicalogical river
is used by ghostly ferrymen
to transport souls of the
dead to the underworld.
[CONTESTANT] The answer
is the River Styx.
[HOST] Correct!
Eleven points.
You staying?
[NURSE] Get the crash cart!