School Spirits (2023) s02e02 Episode Script
Field of Screams
[MALE NARRATOR] Previously
on School Spirits.
Wake up!
You should tell the cops it was Maddie.
Claire's ready to go to the cops.
Turn her in.
It's a death map.
Her name's Janet Hamilton.
She's the reason I'm here. I need you.
Where the hell is my body?
You just tell me how I can help.
[WALLY] How long was Janet down here?
- He stands?
[REV. HAMILTON] Where did you get this?
Janet, I asked you a question.
Where did you get this?
[RUTH] For heaven's sakes,
Joe, she just woke up.
Poor gal's been studying so hard,
- she slept right through
- Mother, please.
Is it a gift from
that chemistry teacher?
Did he go to this college?
[WHISPERS] It's the, it's the
- It's the University of Chicago.
- I didn't hear you.
Mr. Martin went to the
University of Chicago.
That catalog is from
Is he encouraging you to
go to this here school?
It has a superior program
in chemical engineering.
Perhaps your brother
can take advantage of it
when the time comes.
Dale's not even interested in
There's only one person
who need attend college
in this family, Janet.
It would be better for you to apply
that overactive brain
to something useful.
Like finding a husband,
someone to take care of you.
And you could show your gratitude
by giving him a house
full of healthy children.
Or maybe I can take care of myself
and I don't want a
house full of children.
We speak with grace and respect
in this God-fearing
household, young lady.
Now, you can take care of that
so no one around here gets hurt.
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone, gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
[CHARLEY] Rhonda.
- What are you doing?
- I think this is me.
Look at the jawline.
Crooked baby finger.
Mr. Martin wrote in this notebook
that I haunt this corner
of the second floor.
Yeah, but he didn't mean literally.
Oh, no, I guess he did.
Weren't your bones buried?
How do I know? I wasn't there.
My mother could have donated my body
What the hell, Rhonda? Jesus.
This is not about you. We're
helping Maddie, all right?
What, like she's the only one of us
that's separated from her body?
At least yours is out there
sunbathing or getting a foot massage.
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
The rest of us lab rats have nothing
but the cryptic scribblings
of a devious chemistry teacher.
Yeah, who you were swapping
intel with behind our backs.
Is there anything else
you forgot to tell us?
Okay, guys, can we please stop
fighting and put this energy
into focusing on where Janet may be?
Yeah, or at least Mr. Martin.
- He's not in this building.
- How do you know that?
Because I've been around
longer than a blue M&M, Moose.
Call it intuition, but
I feel it in my bones.
Okay, you're not funny.
Also, I think I have an idea.
So, team, huddle up.
Okay, so
Here it is. This is our school.
Mr. Martin, what we're gonna do
is we're gonna fan out,
and we're gonna run a naked bootleg.
We're all gonna come inside.
Charley, you're gonna
reach around the back,
and you are gonna slip
in through the backside.
I'm gonna run a fake
Um, are you understanding any of this?
No idea, but you're blushing.
[WALLY] I'm making this confusing.
I'm making it confusing.
This is our line of scrimmage,
but imagine it upside down.
- Okay, Wally?
- Yeah?
[MADDIE] We may need to
go buy another playbook
because we've been
scouring the fallout shelter
for the last three days
and there's still no sign
of Mr. Martin or Janet.
I know, but I just thought if
we looked at the individual notes
that he kept on each of us
We have, and somehow you still think
being referred to as a devoted sheepdog
- is a good thing.
- Well, if Mr. Martin is
Gone. Mr. Martin is gone. He's gone.
Okay? He probably jumped
beyond the fence or something.
I mean, if Janet could just
climb into Maddie's body,
who knows what her Dr.
Frankenstein could do.
- Who's Dr. Frankenstein?
- Oh, dear God.
[NURSE NETTY] Almost done here.
- Do you want us to leave?
- No, you're fine.
How are you feeling?
You ready to go home.
Your father should be here soon.
You've made a remarkable recovery.
She's right.
Over the weekend, we were praying.
I even stuck a prayer card on your lamp.
[NURSE NETTY] Well, Saint
Raphael must have helped
because you are one lucky young man.
[SIMON] Hey, man.
Hey, I heard the good news.
Official discharge at 10:00 a.m.
Why didn't you wanna ride with me?
I had some stuff to take care of.
Like what? Going to the cops?
[CLAIRE] And what if he did?
We're all going to have to eventually.
- Why the cops?
- [NICOLE] Of course you would think that's a good idea.
Why don't you two just
skip in there together?
Who cares if it screws
up Maddie's future?
What's this got to do with Maddie?
They want the cops to know
that she stole your truck
so she'll never come back.
Maddie took my truck?
Backed into me?
So the person in the hood,
the person that I was chasing,
- you're saying that that was
- [SIMON] Yes.
- And also no.
- What?
What does no mean?
I know that person may
have looked like Maddie.
It doesn't mean it was Maddie.
- We have a video.
- You do?
Yeah, we all saw her face, Simon.
Maddie, or at least her spirit,
it's trapped in our school.
I mean, she can't leave,
but her body, or at
least the girl in it,
she croaked like 60-some years ago.
Her name's Janet.
And she basically stole Maddie's shell.
And we have to help her get it back
so Maddie's bones and
her spirit can reunite.
Do we have to pray for you too?
Look, I could probably
explain this a lot better.
Yeah, if you passed out mushrooms.
I know, I know, I know. I sound insane.
No, you zoomed past insane
when you said the dead
girl stole her bones.
So she's trapped in the school?
According to Maddie,
there are others with her.
She's not alone.
But every time she tries
to leave the campus,
there's like this force
that hurls them back.
So you're saying that
Maddie's a ghost and
you've spoken to her?
Okay, I'm not up for
8:00 a.m. zombie talk.
I have cheer practice
and a Spanish quiz.
Claire, the person who
hit Xavier is a stranger.
Maddie would never
intentionally back over Xavier.
Am I right, Nicole?
Right now, I might back over somebody.
You seriously have to talk to someone.
Maybe not trapped in the
school. You're delulu.
Hey, text me if you want me
to bring anything by your house.
Simon, you need to touch grass.
Who are the others?
- Trapped in the school?
- [QUINN] A teacher?
Locked her up? For how long?
We stopped counting
the scratches after 150.
Wait, she was down there for months?
We're sort of in the middle
of a family crisis right now.
Yeah, maybe you just wanna go back
to marching band practice, okay?
She said it was time to wake up.
Yeah, well, I thought
you'd toss the horn
and change into a fabric
that at least breathed.
Are those even pants?
They look like ironed AstroTurf.
They're highly resistant
to the elements.
If that's a map, I could really use one.
I kind of forgot where
the bathrooms are.
That's a map of all the places
in the school where people
- died.
- Did anyone die in a bathroom?
Oh my God, Rhonda, can
you please take her back?
- Why me?
- Because
you wake it, you buy it.
Do you know where Mr.
Martin may be hiding?
Dead chemistry teacher, about this tall,
dark hair, smells like stale coffee.
Never mind.
Okay, we need to figure
out why Mr. Martin
drew a "Y" over the greenhouse.
"Y" could be for Yuri. That
must be where Yuri died.
[MADDIE] Is that the dead kid
looping at the pottery wheel?
- [CHARLEY] Uh-huh.
- [MADDIE] We need to talk to him.
We can't. He only speaks Russian.
And he's completely out of it.
- [BAXTER] You doing okay?
- Yeah.
Listen, if you're
worried about the animal
that plowed into you
No, I'm not.
Well, good, because we're getting closer
to finding out who it was.
We tracked down a witness.
- Says they saw something.
- What did they see?
They saw someone in a
a hooded jacket around your truck.
- You got any memory at all?
- Nothing.
I barely remember that night.
[WOMAN] Here you are, Sheriff.
All right.
- I'll be right back.
- Yeah, all right.
[WOMAN] Welcome to Red
Pine County Hospital
- You looking for me?
- No.
No. Uh
There were other people
sitting in here the other night.
Tall guy in a fishing vest.
Lady with a Marge Simpson
haircut smoking a cigarette.
Uh, no one's been allowed to smoke
in this building since 2009.
[WALLY] Do you speak any Russian?
[MADDIE] I speak dictionary.
[WALLY] What'd you just ask him?
It was supposed to
be, "May I interrupt,"
but I might have just asked
him if he shaves his legs.
Do you speak any English at all?
Yuri, did Mr. Martin or
Janet ever come through here?
[WALLY] All right, I think
we're wasting our time.
This dude spent, like,
50 years inhaling shellac.
Seems like he's been
inhaling more than that.
[MADDIE] Have you
been to the greenhouse?
Green house?
Oh, jeez, if we're playing
charades, I call Charley.
Oh, yeah.
We have to talk to everyone, okay?
Mr. Martin could have been experimenting
on every dead kid in this building.
I don't think that
he was doing all that.
Someone else is running
around in my body right now,
and I have no idea where
I am. Or where she is.
I mean, where we are. It
Even if we did get her back here,
we have no idea how to undo a body swap.
Do we? We know nothing.
So please, Rhonda,
do not tell me we're wasting time.
That was him. He said that.
Hey, look.
We're not stopping until
we get answers, okay?
Right? I promise.
Why don't we go to the greenhouse,
and we can come up with a better plan
while we're not inhaling glaze? Huh?
This class could
seriously clean up on Etsy.
Like, I mean, if this
had a brim, I'd wear it.
Janet made that one.
They say the party won't be
on until I get up in the place ♪
Hey, people say my name ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
I wanna see you ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
When you walk in the room ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
I light a fire, babe ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
I make the party go boom ♪
You never see me
coming, see me coming ♪
But I knock you right off your feet ♪
We make the party go boom ♪
[CLAIRE] Sorry.
We're cool.
Mandy, can we take a water break?
- Thanks.
[WOMAN] You're better than this.
[CHLOE] What's her problem?
You should be staring her down.
Does she know how pissed her parents are
just for, like, hanging out with him?
[SIMON] I don't know what last name
she could have used to check in.
It could have been
Nears or Hamilton, but
she'd definitely be paying in cash.
[WOMAN] All right, come
on, round up, ladies.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah, thanks for your time.
Uh, I'm calling The Midway.
That nasty motel near the fairgrounds?
No way would Maddie ever sleep there.
That'd be a step up from squatting
in one of those dumps her
family used to live in.
- Whose family?
- Okay.
I'm doing a deep dive
the past couple days.
Turns out Janet Hamilton's family
Simon, stop.
You gotta stop with this
body-snatching Janet talk.
I'm serious, dude.
I'm saying this with love.
We've gotta be a team.
We can't trust Claire.
She's gonna go to the cops.
But you've gotta get it together
and speak to a professional.
[SIMON] All right. I'm headed
to Bingham County at lunch.
If you still care and wanna join
Of course I still care.
I'll drive.
What the fuck? You speak English?
Wait, and you knew Janet,
and you get to smoke in this school?
- What should I answer first?
- All of the above.
Uh, yeah. I knew Janet.
She'd come in here
every once in a while.
I spent a decade or
three trying to teach her
how to make a pitcher.
Okay, did she ever say
anything about planning
to steal someone else's
body or where she'd go
when she was in it?
If you're not from Moscow,
where did Yuri come from?
My dad is from Russia.
My mom is from Virginia.
[CHARLEY] Okay, I'm sorry.
Why did you let Mr.
Martin and everyone else
think that you didn't
speak a word of English?
Well, it got me out of his bogus
traffic school for acceptance.
Yeah, but you spent decades alone
hypnotized by a pottery wheel.
We all gotta push against
the darkness any way we can.
- Yeah, Mr. Martin used to say
- Mr. Martin was full of shit.
I don't need to spend my
time questioning why I'm here.
I've got immortal youth.
You know, no shelf life.
No chapped lips. No regrets, man.
What about you?
Um, do you have regrets?
I mean, um, you know, if
I could redo 10th grade,
I'd probably reconsider
my one-man show about Mary Todd Lincoln.
Yeah, I'd still do it,
obviously, you know,
just without the, um,
costume or the wig.
That's brave.
What about this box?
Um, did Janet make this box, too?
Okay, wow, so she also took wood shop.
She was busy.
- What's this?
- What's what?
[CLAIRE] That was fast.
I didn't expect you to be back already.
Well, I'm not.
Yeah, my dad is downloading Hartman.
Basically, once I get back to school,
I have my doctor's permission
to start falling asleep in every class.
- Finally.
How are you doing?
Me? I'm fine.
I mean, you're the one that almost died.
I did. For a few minutes.
Hey, it's good to see
you out of that place.
Hey, Claire.
If she's out there, Maddie,
I mean, you know that you
and I, we can't be together.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
I mean, of course.
Of course, I mean, if finding
out about us is what made her
- flip out and back a truck
- I deserved it.
Maybe more.
I should go.
Um, I've already
missed the first period.
- I'll see you.
- I'll see you.
So you're telling me this
was just sitting in there?
- Yeah.
- So he knew Janet?
Yes. It was under her pot in a box.
I mean, this has to be the notebook
we couldn't find, right?
The one Mr. Martin was keeping on Janet?
[MADDIE] These first ten pages
are like chemical equations.
I mean, maybe they explain why
these notebooks are still here.
And Janet's pot.
And how Mr. Martin
locked that door on us
and it didn't reset.
I might as well read this upside down.
Does any of this make sense to you?
Maddie, all the chemistry I
know I learned from the professor
on Gilligan's Island.
Where's Rhonda?
Uh, she's trying to
lose the horn player.
Does that horn player have a name?
- Yeah, horn player.
- [MADDIE] It's Quinn.
[SIMON] Maddie?
- Do we know anything more?
- No.
No, not yet, but I'm on it.
Any idea why Janet got
off the bus in Rockton?
We only know what she was running from.
Haven't figured out
what she was running to.
Maybe we gotta ask what she
might be looking for out here.
We're working on it.
Maddie, even if
Even if we find this person,
do we know if we can get your body back?
You said you heard her cries for help,
but you
you were technically
still alive that day,
walking through a boiler
room, hearing a dead girl.
I don't know.
I can only guess that
I was in a dark place.
I was in pain.
And she was too.
Maybe it's the same reason
you could see and hear me.
[BAXTER] Xavier?
Who's on the phone?
Uh, just some friends.
Happy to know I made
it out of the hospital.
Ah. You can add the
principal to that list.
He's gonna speak with your teachers.
You can work for the rest
of the week from home.
Oh, really?
I mean, I think I'd get a lot more done
if I just hung out here.
Did my make-up stuff in the library.
Well, I think you'd probably
be better off at home.
You could lie down.
Well, a library has a couch.
Seriously, I'm gonna get
nothing done in my bedroom.
It's your call, Son.
[NICOLE] Hey, so where are we going now?
I still wanna hit The Midway.
- Maybe that motel in Wammakee.
- It's like 60 miles away.
But it's still in the county.
She bought a county map.
Yeah, but I think we should maybe
Nicole, you were there. You
heard what the clerk said.
Someone who looked just
like Maddie bought a map.
A map.
Something they haven't sold in 10 years.
What's your point?
A map is something a
teenager from 1958 would buy
because they don't own a freaking phone.
They still think GPS stands
for General Postal Service.
Simon, we are not going back
to that 1958 place again.
Do you hear me?
How come you can only wrap your mind
around a ghost if it's holy?
We're both raised Catholic, Nicole.
We both believe in purgatory.
People gotta wait before they
find out where they're headed.
So why can't you believe
Maddie's still waiting
- at Split River High?
- I'm not talking about this.
Because Maddie's not dead.
Okay, that doesn't mean
she's living in her body.
Hey, hey! Nicole! Oh, come on.
[NICOLE] Get in,
but you're not allowed
to ask any more questions.
[SIMON] Okay.
Just one.
What's Brazilian Bum Bum cream,
and is that the same
thing as Butt Butter?
That's two, nerd.
Yo, they got records going back
to the day this place opened.
Is it just me, or does this look like
something carved into a pyramid?
Please don't hover.
- I hate people who hover.
- I'm not hovering.
I'm six inches away.
That's regulation
distance from our tuba.
Whoa. Guys, check this out.
Janet checked out Fahrenheit
451 like four times.
Does that mean anything?
That she liked it.
[WALLY] Make that five times.
Once for the Science Club.
You gonna be okay, Cherry Pop?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Feels like he's staring at me.
You know what?
I wanna figure out who
these science kids are,
because for all we know,
Janet could be racing
around town with one of her
egghead friends right now.
Those eggs are now 83.
Only thing racing are their pacemakers.
- This is shorthand.
- What?
That code, the loopy slashes and hooks.
My grandma was a secretary.
She taught it to me.
What are you saying? You can read that?
Well, I'm not fluent, but kind of, yeah.
Translate, please.
I don't think these sections
were written by the same person.
[CHARLEY] Of course they were.
See all this weird chicken scratch?
His A's always looked
like O's, remember?
Tuba distance, please.
I wonder if the pages
starting from back here
were written by Janet.
Because this part's
referring to Mr. Martin
in the third person.
Okay, so you think she
stole the notebook written
about her so she could write about him?
- We don't know if she stole it.
- Why was she hiding it then?
She's using the word "our" a lot.
It seems like whatever
experiment he was conducting,
they might have been a team.
- Like, um, lab partners.
- There's no way.
He kept her down there for months.
She was his prisoner.
Maybe when you found her,
but not when she wrote this.
Yo, what was going on between those two?
Looks like they both planned
on getting out of here.
[MR. MARTIN] Wow! Incredible.
How long has your grandma lived here?
She was born in the
corner room upstairs.
Well, it must be nice to
have a real sense of home.
This home, yes.
I can breathe here.
But then we have to
go back to our house,
and it's suffocating.
It smells like wet dog and cabbage.
But Grandma's house smells like
baking and cinnamon and
sweet almond extract.
Um, be careful.
Cyanide smells like that, too.
Not to everyone.
37% of the population
can't even smell cyanide.
That is not the kind of
information one learns
from a Slo Poke wrapper, Miss Hamilton.
You must read a lot.
Too much, I'm told.
People don't like girls
who know all the answers.
Wait till you get to college.
- You'll be in your element.
- Do you really think so?
No, I know so.
Once you're out of Split River,
you'll defy all these
small-town expectations.
You'll be finding new cures for disease.
- Discovering new planets.
I can't believe you just said that.
- Disease?
- [GIGGLING] Planets.
I was just thinking this morning,
what if there are more rogue
planets up there than stars?
Not too many, I hope.
We'll run out of names.
You'll now have to use Pig Latin.
Eptune-nay. Upiter-jay.
[MR. MARTIN] Reverend
Hamilton, I presume.
I don't think we've had the pleasure.
I'm Everett Martin,
- Janet's chemistry teacher.
- I know who you are.
Go inside, help your mother with supper.
[JANET] Daddy, please.
[REV. HAMILTON] So, bus break down?
Why are you driving her home?
No, Janet actually stayed
late to help me test out
- some lab equipment.
- She could have telephoned home
if she needed a ride.
Honestly, it wasn't out of my way.
You know, folks may get the wrong idea.
Grown man driving around
town with a student.
Reverend Hamilton, I assure
you, my intentions are honorable.
Um, in fact, I'm meeting my fiance
for supper at the Howard
Johnson's in Bingham.
The ideas you are planting
in my daughter's head
are far from honorable.
Sir, uh, if you're
under the impression
We're not sending Janet to college.
That would be such a mistake.
With her keen mind, she
could pursue a career
- in the sciences.
- I am well aware of her keen mind.
Yours, however,
unsettles me, Mr. Martin.
I think it's best if you
concentrate on your lessons
or you could be looking
for a teaching position
in another district.
Well, I'm glad we at least
agree on Janet's intelligence.
Wish you a good night, sir.
Does she really call
Mr. Martin her champion?
[QUINN] Yeah.
[MADDIE] Where does she say that?
How is this the same
person I heard screaming
to get away from him?
[WALLY] Something must
have soured between them.
- I don't know.
- For sure. But who knows what?
She wasn't the most reliable narrator.
[WALLY] What does that mean?
[CHARLEY] She clearly kept secrets.
I mean, there's pages
torn out of this thing.
[MADDIE] But when did she figure out
she could leave here
in someone else's body?
Okay, Quinn, maybe you
should keep reading.
No, no, no. Don't keep reading.
This is taking way too long.
Let's just go talk to the
looping exchange student.
- Not an exchange student.
- [WALLY] I know! I know!
He's a liar, and he's
a spy from Virginia.
Oh no.
Yuri, what else did
Janet trust you with, huh?
You better start talking right now,
or I'll put your whole
body on that wheel,
and I'll spin you like a bottle.
Now tell me, what was she after?
Crossing over or body snatching?
Wally, can we not start with threats?
Sorry, I actually tried chatting it up
with this Spinal Tap wannabe,
but he pretended like he didn't
understand me for 40 years!
You think Janet talked
to me about crossing over?
- She wouldn't.
- Why not, hm?
Because she knows I don't
believe in any of it.
Where do you think you're
going that's better than this?
- It's probably much worse.
- Save your lame opinions, dude.
- We're here for answers.
- Aren't we all?
But the mysteries of death
compound themselves, dude.
You always have another question.
Stop, stop, stop with
the riddles, Nowhere Man.
Listen to me. Maddie's not dead.
Okay? She's not like us.
She was just in the wrong
place at the wrong time.
And she was mugged by
your friend who was up here
hatching a getaway
plan with her teacher.
I don't know anything about that.
[WALLY] Well, I think you do,
because you sit there
all dazed and confused,
spouting wisdom like
Yoda. Well, guess what?
You're no more evolved
than the rest of us you are.
I bet you got drawers full
of stolen ketchup packets.
You caught me.
[WALLY] All right, what
else belonged to her, huh?
What else was Janet hiding?
That was Janet's.
- [MADDIE] Wally?
- Hm?
Come. Come with me.
Why are you going all aggro on this kid?
He may be telling us the truth.
I don't know what the truth is anymore.
Everything I've ever known is gone.
- I lost two coaches, two teams.
- Wally.
I spent years sitting
in that folding chair,
and I never once
questioned our damn leader.
That's not a sheepdog,
Maddie. That's a sheep.
What happened with Mr.
Martin is not your fault.
But if you end up pushing
away someone who can help us,
- that will be.
- How am I supposed to fix this for you
if I can't even leave the school?
What can I do?
I can't compete with Simon.
He's alive.
Why do you think you
have to fix this for me?
Or compete?
Simon is not your rival, Wally.
We're all on the same team.
I just wanna do something real.
I wanna give you answers.
I don't wanna sit around
like a block of cheese.
I want whatever is going
on between us to get better.
I just keep feeling
like I'm getting benched.
Wally, if you think you
have to put on a cape for me,
you're way off.
I mean, if anything,
that makes me cringe.
This is not 1983.
I've never asked anyone
to solve my problems.
And I'm not starting now.
I just wanna be more than a
mushy shoulder to cry on, okay?
That makes me feel like a total wastoid.
I have no idea what that means.
But if you think being loyal
and kind and unjaded is
something to be ashamed of,
you're wrong.
If anything, it's kind of hot.
You don't always have to
score the winning point, Wally.
At least, not for me.
Hey, did we just have our first fight?
My skeleton is freaking me out ♪
I'm in my body again ♪
Don't wanna talk about it ♪
Ever again ♪
My OCD is kicking in again ♪
Again I won't complain ♪
Again ♪
My pants are called bibbers.
I don't get it.
If Janet made this,
why isn't it resetting?
- [YURI] I don't know.
- He doesn't know.
Oh, I feel like crap.
What if we do get Janet back here,
and she sees that I
broke this in 50 pieces?
Oh my God. She's going to kill me.
- Too late.
- It's true.
Seriously, uh, don't sweat it.
Happens every day around here.
People trash everything.
Sometimes their best work.
- That's a shame.
- Uh, not really.
You got to let things go.
As soon as you give things up,
- better stuff can come to you.
- Huh.
Somebody wrote something very similar
to that in my yearbook,
except for he wasn't as eloquent.
He basically just wrote a limerick
that rhymed every word with "Venus".
Janet rhymed geranium with titanium.
- Um
- What are you talking about?
Uh, I found it in this old yearbook.
It was donated by this Science Club kid,
and Janet wrote this
really cornball poem
inviting him to watch
her string 'em in Bingham.
- String what?
- I don't know. Popcorn?
Wait, what was in Bingham?
Uh, family farm, I think. Why?
Wally, where is that yearbook?
It's in the library. Am I in trouble?
You may have uncovered
our best lead yet.
Janet got off the bus in Bingham County.
Wally, you're a genius. Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, um, we're still in the room. So
Come on, let's find that poem.
We should talk Mandy
into letting us wear the sparkly socks.
And something sparkly on our lips.
- And our hair, too.
- OK, slow down, Kristen.
We don't want to look like disco balls.
You into it?
The sparkles?
What? Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Well, we can come up
with a plan on Friday.
You're still hosting, right?
Um, that is TBD.
Things are a little tense
in my house right now.
Oh, is your mom getting another divorce?
She's just raging that
Claire went to homecoming
with a sketchy dude
who got mowed down by his
dealer in Druggieville.
Chloe, you're an ass.
[SIMON] There are nine Hamiltons.
Are you looking at census or
property listings right now?
I'm still in obituaries.
[NICOLE] Guys, can we
hit the pause button?
I mean, this farmhouse
thing feels rando.
It's not rando, though.
That may have been
where Janet felt safe.
She could have gone back,
hoping some living
relative would take her.
Wait, wait, wait. I got an address here
on Route 17, listed
under Millard Hamilton.
Guys, Hamilton's something
I can't afford tickets to.
- Not Maddie's hideaway.
- Still holding out, huh?
- Big time.
- What's big time?
That address, that's big news.
We could probably head
over there after school.
[NICOLE] I'm not going back there again.
All we came away with
is someone saying Maddie
bought a stupid map.
We don't even know if it was Maddie.
You're right. It was Janet.
Why are you nodding?
You had a concussion,
dude, not a lobotomy.
Why would Maddie hide away
in some stranger's farmhouse?
- Because it's not Maddie.
- [MADDIE] Because it's not me.
Okay. All right, guys.
Um, one more hour to get through.
After Bio, I'm hitting Route 17.
[XAVIER] I'll grab my
truck and pick you up.
No, you're still taking
sponge baths, bro.
I'll drive your truck.
Nicole, can you, uh, return
this yearbook for me, please?
Thank you.
[REV. HAMILTON] We're not
sending Janet to college.
[JANET] Now what?
Janet, what happened?
[REV. HAMILTON] Show your
gratitude by giving him
[MR. MARTIN] I need to go back in.
Yes, Janet. Yes, you know that.
[YURI] Back to vacuum?
Oh, no, I didn't bring,
um, you know what?
I would happily bring one
if it would suck the truth out of you.
Because it's a vacuum.
Some other time ♪
What do you think I'm holding back?
I mean, it's, you make
the same pot every day,
and it resets, right?
But Janet's, it didn't turn
back into a lump of clay.
It stayed permanent,
and then it broke, and
then it stayed broken.
How? Why?
I can't answer that, man.
But, um, it's not broken anymore.
Wow, you did this all by yourself.
Wow, I mean, it's
really such a good job.
Yeah, if I squint, I can
barely notice all the cracks
and bumps and slivers.
Ah, you're supposed to notice them.
It's wabi-sabi.
It's an understanding that
nothing's ever finished
and nothing's perfect.
When something breaks,
you glue it back together
and embrace its imperfections.
Yeah, the cracks and the
scars only make it stronger.
Uh, more interesting.
And beautiful.
You feel the same way about people?
You wanna make something?
- Oh, uh, no, I
- [YURI] You start simple,
like a paperweight.
- I could teach you even its
- Another time.
Yeah, anytime.
As I lay here beside you ♪
I can feel your heartbeat ♪
There's no need for our voices ♪
We're complete ♪
[WOMAN] Nicole?
I cannot on myself
when the noise is gone ♪
[WOMAN] Nicole!
How can I be myself
when I know you're gone ♪
[WOMAN] Nicole, someone is at the door!
Um, I was gonna text,
but I thought that
it'd be harder for you
to say no if I was standing here, so
Say no to what?
I need a place to crash.
Um, I had a major
blowout with my parents.
I didn't know where else to go.
You didn't try Chloe or one of your
Look, I know it seems like all I wanted
was to hurt Maddie, but
it's not true.
God, if Xavier owes
her an apology, then
then I for sure owe
her an even bigger one.
Mr. M?
Wait, wait, wait. Hey, Mr. Martin!
Hey! Wait! Mr. Martin!
[MADDIE] "Will they ever know
what I've taken from them?"
"Will they ever forgive me?"
Is that forgive or forget?
- That's forgive.
- Keep going.
What did Janet take from us?
- Damn.
- What? What does it say?
Quinn, help her. Translate.
It wasn't Mr. Martin.
Janet was the one who
took your death objects.
She's the one who hid them from you
in the fallout shelter.
Why? Did did he tell her to?
I think Janet probably stopped
taking orders a long time ago.
Why do you say that?
I don't think all
ghosts are created equal.
I mean, that pot she made,
it was probably just the beginning.
She probably figured
out a whole lot more.
Which would have threatened Mr. Martin.
So he used what he learned
from her to make her a prisoner.
And that's how he locked
us in the fallout shelter.
These crosses all over my body ♪
Remind me of who I used to be ♪
[WALLY] Okay, listen up.
I just saw Mr. Martin.
There was this big,
red light behind him,
and then he's just gone.
- He disappeared.
- You saw Mr. Martin
- in this school?
- [WALLY] Yeah.
And the way he looked, the
way he ran, he's terrified.
Because Janet got away.
Maybe he locked her up
to protect all of you.
I'm just a child ♪
But I'm not above violence ♪
My mama raised me better than that ♪
When the preacher talks ♪
That man demands his silence ♪
And daddy said shoot first ♪
Then run and don't look back ♪
So take me down to the river ♪
And bathe me clean ♪
Put me on the back
of your white horse ♪
To ride ♪
All the way to the chapel ♪
Let you wash all over me ♪
[XAVIER] Take a left up here.
So take me down to ♪
The river ♪
And bathe me clean ♪
Ooo-oooh ♪
[SIMON] What the hell?
Is this it?
[XAVIER] It has to be.
Hey, slow down.
Put me on the back of
your white horse to ride ♪
All the way to the chapel ♪
Let you wash all over me ♪
Can I help you?
Yeah, uh, we were just
trying to get around.
You can't go any further.
You got business here?
No, no. We saw the smoke.
[OFFICER] Yeah, the
fire truck's on its way.
- Is anybody in the place?
- [OFFICER] Could be.
A neighbor walked around
the property earlier today.
Thought he saw a vagrant.
You know anything about that?
Put me on the back
of your white horse ♪
To ride ♪
All the way to the chapel ♪
Let you wash all over me ♪
Yeah ♪
[MALE NARRATOR] Previously
on School Spirits.
Wake up!
You should tell the cops it was Maddie.
Claire's ready to go to the cops.
Turn her in.
It's a death map.
Her name's Janet Hamilton.
She's the reason I'm here. I need you.
Where the hell is my body?
You just tell me how I can help.
[WALLY] How long was Janet down here?
- He stands?
[REV. HAMILTON] Where did you get this?
Janet, I asked you a question.
Where did you get this?
[RUTH] For heaven's sakes,
Joe, she just woke up.
Poor gal's been studying so hard,
- she slept right through
- Mother, please.
Is it a gift from
that chemistry teacher?
Did he go to this college?
[WHISPERS] It's the, it's the
- It's the University of Chicago.
- I didn't hear you.
Mr. Martin went to the
University of Chicago.
That catalog is from
Is he encouraging you to
go to this here school?
It has a superior program
in chemical engineering.
Perhaps your brother
can take advantage of it
when the time comes.
Dale's not even interested in
There's only one person
who need attend college
in this family, Janet.
It would be better for you to apply
that overactive brain
to something useful.
Like finding a husband,
someone to take care of you.
And you could show your gratitude
by giving him a house
full of healthy children.
Or maybe I can take care of myself
and I don't want a
house full of children.
We speak with grace and respect
in this God-fearing
household, young lady.
Now, you can take care of that
so no one around here gets hurt.
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone, gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
[CHARLEY] Rhonda.
- What are you doing?
- I think this is me.
Look at the jawline.
Crooked baby finger.
Mr. Martin wrote in this notebook
that I haunt this corner
of the second floor.
Yeah, but he didn't mean literally.
Oh, no, I guess he did.
Weren't your bones buried?
How do I know? I wasn't there.
My mother could have donated my body
What the hell, Rhonda? Jesus.
This is not about you. We're
helping Maddie, all right?
What, like she's the only one of us
that's separated from her body?
At least yours is out there
sunbathing or getting a foot massage.
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
The rest of us lab rats have nothing
but the cryptic scribblings
of a devious chemistry teacher.
Yeah, who you were swapping
intel with behind our backs.
Is there anything else
you forgot to tell us?
Okay, guys, can we please stop
fighting and put this energy
into focusing on where Janet may be?
Yeah, or at least Mr. Martin.
- He's not in this building.
- How do you know that?
Because I've been around
longer than a blue M&M, Moose.
Call it intuition, but
I feel it in my bones.
Okay, you're not funny.
Also, I think I have an idea.
So, team, huddle up.
Okay, so
Here it is. This is our school.
Mr. Martin, what we're gonna do
is we're gonna fan out,
and we're gonna run a naked bootleg.
We're all gonna come inside.
Charley, you're gonna
reach around the back,
and you are gonna slip
in through the backside.
I'm gonna run a fake
Um, are you understanding any of this?
No idea, but you're blushing.
[WALLY] I'm making this confusing.
I'm making it confusing.
This is our line of scrimmage,
but imagine it upside down.
- Okay, Wally?
- Yeah?
[MADDIE] We may need to
go buy another playbook
because we've been
scouring the fallout shelter
for the last three days
and there's still no sign
of Mr. Martin or Janet.
I know, but I just thought if
we looked at the individual notes
that he kept on each of us
We have, and somehow you still think
being referred to as a devoted sheepdog
- is a good thing.
- Well, if Mr. Martin is
Gone. Mr. Martin is gone. He's gone.
Okay? He probably jumped
beyond the fence or something.
I mean, if Janet could just
climb into Maddie's body,
who knows what her Dr.
Frankenstein could do.
- Who's Dr. Frankenstein?
- Oh, dear God.
[NURSE NETTY] Almost done here.
- Do you want us to leave?
- No, you're fine.
How are you feeling?
You ready to go home.
Your father should be here soon.
You've made a remarkable recovery.
She's right.
Over the weekend, we were praying.
I even stuck a prayer card on your lamp.
[NURSE NETTY] Well, Saint
Raphael must have helped
because you are one lucky young man.
[SIMON] Hey, man.
Hey, I heard the good news.
Official discharge at 10:00 a.m.
Why didn't you wanna ride with me?
I had some stuff to take care of.
Like what? Going to the cops?
[CLAIRE] And what if he did?
We're all going to have to eventually.
- Why the cops?
- [NICOLE] Of course you would think that's a good idea.
Why don't you two just
skip in there together?
Who cares if it screws
up Maddie's future?
What's this got to do with Maddie?
They want the cops to know
that she stole your truck
so she'll never come back.
Maddie took my truck?
Backed into me?
So the person in the hood,
the person that I was chasing,
- you're saying that that was
- [SIMON] Yes.
- And also no.
- What?
What does no mean?
I know that person may
have looked like Maddie.
It doesn't mean it was Maddie.
- We have a video.
- You do?
Yeah, we all saw her face, Simon.
Maddie, or at least her spirit,
it's trapped in our school.
I mean, she can't leave,
but her body, or at
least the girl in it,
she croaked like 60-some years ago.
Her name's Janet.
And she basically stole Maddie's shell.
And we have to help her get it back
so Maddie's bones and
her spirit can reunite.
Do we have to pray for you too?
Look, I could probably
explain this a lot better.
Yeah, if you passed out mushrooms.
I know, I know, I know. I sound insane.
No, you zoomed past insane
when you said the dead
girl stole her bones.
So she's trapped in the school?
According to Maddie,
there are others with her.
She's not alone.
But every time she tries
to leave the campus,
there's like this force
that hurls them back.
So you're saying that
Maddie's a ghost and
you've spoken to her?
Okay, I'm not up for
8:00 a.m. zombie talk.
I have cheer practice
and a Spanish quiz.
Claire, the person who
hit Xavier is a stranger.
Maddie would never
intentionally back over Xavier.
Am I right, Nicole?
Right now, I might back over somebody.
You seriously have to talk to someone.
Maybe not trapped in the
school. You're delulu.
Hey, text me if you want me
to bring anything by your house.
Simon, you need to touch grass.
Who are the others?
- Trapped in the school?
- [QUINN] A teacher?
Locked her up? For how long?
We stopped counting
the scratches after 150.
Wait, she was down there for months?
We're sort of in the middle
of a family crisis right now.
Yeah, maybe you just wanna go back
to marching band practice, okay?
She said it was time to wake up.
Yeah, well, I thought
you'd toss the horn
and change into a fabric
that at least breathed.
Are those even pants?
They look like ironed AstroTurf.
They're highly resistant
to the elements.
If that's a map, I could really use one.
I kind of forgot where
the bathrooms are.
That's a map of all the places
in the school where people
- died.
- Did anyone die in a bathroom?
Oh my God, Rhonda, can
you please take her back?
- Why me?
- Because
you wake it, you buy it.
Do you know where Mr.
Martin may be hiding?
Dead chemistry teacher, about this tall,
dark hair, smells like stale coffee.
Never mind.
Okay, we need to figure
out why Mr. Martin
drew a "Y" over the greenhouse.
"Y" could be for Yuri. That
must be where Yuri died.
[MADDIE] Is that the dead kid
looping at the pottery wheel?
- [CHARLEY] Uh-huh.
- [MADDIE] We need to talk to him.
We can't. He only speaks Russian.
And he's completely out of it.
- [BAXTER] You doing okay?
- Yeah.
Listen, if you're
worried about the animal
that plowed into you
No, I'm not.
Well, good, because we're getting closer
to finding out who it was.
We tracked down a witness.
- Says they saw something.
- What did they see?
They saw someone in a
a hooded jacket around your truck.
- You got any memory at all?
- Nothing.
I barely remember that night.
[WOMAN] Here you are, Sheriff.
All right.
- I'll be right back.
- Yeah, all right.
[WOMAN] Welcome to Red
Pine County Hospital
- You looking for me?
- No.
No. Uh
There were other people
sitting in here the other night.
Tall guy in a fishing vest.
Lady with a Marge Simpson
haircut smoking a cigarette.
Uh, no one's been allowed to smoke
in this building since 2009.
[WALLY] Do you speak any Russian?
[MADDIE] I speak dictionary.
[WALLY] What'd you just ask him?
It was supposed to
be, "May I interrupt,"
but I might have just asked
him if he shaves his legs.
Do you speak any English at all?
Yuri, did Mr. Martin or
Janet ever come through here?
[WALLY] All right, I think
we're wasting our time.
This dude spent, like,
50 years inhaling shellac.
Seems like he's been
inhaling more than that.
[MADDIE] Have you
been to the greenhouse?
Green house?
Oh, jeez, if we're playing
charades, I call Charley.
Oh, yeah.
We have to talk to everyone, okay?
Mr. Martin could have been experimenting
on every dead kid in this building.
I don't think that
he was doing all that.
Someone else is running
around in my body right now,
and I have no idea where
I am. Or where she is.
I mean, where we are. It
Even if we did get her back here,
we have no idea how to undo a body swap.
Do we? We know nothing.
So please, Rhonda,
do not tell me we're wasting time.
That was him. He said that.
Hey, look.
We're not stopping until
we get answers, okay?
Right? I promise.
Why don't we go to the greenhouse,
and we can come up with a better plan
while we're not inhaling glaze? Huh?
This class could
seriously clean up on Etsy.
Like, I mean, if this
had a brim, I'd wear it.
Janet made that one.
They say the party won't be
on until I get up in the place ♪
Hey, people say my name ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
I wanna see you ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
When you walk in the room ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
I light a fire, babe ♪
Blow it up, blow it up ♪
I make the party go boom ♪
You never see me
coming, see me coming ♪
But I knock you right off your feet ♪
We make the party go boom ♪
[CLAIRE] Sorry.
We're cool.
Mandy, can we take a water break?
- Thanks.
[WOMAN] You're better than this.
[CHLOE] What's her problem?
You should be staring her down.
Does she know how pissed her parents are
just for, like, hanging out with him?
[SIMON] I don't know what last name
she could have used to check in.
It could have been
Nears or Hamilton, but
she'd definitely be paying in cash.
[WOMAN] All right, come
on, round up, ladies.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah, thanks for your time.
Uh, I'm calling The Midway.
That nasty motel near the fairgrounds?
No way would Maddie ever sleep there.
That'd be a step up from squatting
in one of those dumps her
family used to live in.
- Whose family?
- Okay.
I'm doing a deep dive
the past couple days.
Turns out Janet Hamilton's family
Simon, stop.
You gotta stop with this
body-snatching Janet talk.
I'm serious, dude.
I'm saying this with love.
We've gotta be a team.
We can't trust Claire.
She's gonna go to the cops.
But you've gotta get it together
and speak to a professional.
[SIMON] All right. I'm headed
to Bingham County at lunch.
If you still care and wanna join
Of course I still care.
I'll drive.
What the fuck? You speak English?
Wait, and you knew Janet,
and you get to smoke in this school?
- What should I answer first?
- All of the above.
Uh, yeah. I knew Janet.
She'd come in here
every once in a while.
I spent a decade or
three trying to teach her
how to make a pitcher.
Okay, did she ever say
anything about planning
to steal someone else's
body or where she'd go
when she was in it?
If you're not from Moscow,
where did Yuri come from?
My dad is from Russia.
My mom is from Virginia.
[CHARLEY] Okay, I'm sorry.
Why did you let Mr.
Martin and everyone else
think that you didn't
speak a word of English?
Well, it got me out of his bogus
traffic school for acceptance.
Yeah, but you spent decades alone
hypnotized by a pottery wheel.
We all gotta push against
the darkness any way we can.
- Yeah, Mr. Martin used to say
- Mr. Martin was full of shit.
I don't need to spend my
time questioning why I'm here.
I've got immortal youth.
You know, no shelf life.
No chapped lips. No regrets, man.
What about you?
Um, do you have regrets?
I mean, um, you know, if
I could redo 10th grade,
I'd probably reconsider
my one-man show about Mary Todd Lincoln.
Yeah, I'd still do it,
obviously, you know,
just without the, um,
costume or the wig.
That's brave.
What about this box?
Um, did Janet make this box, too?
Okay, wow, so she also took wood shop.
She was busy.
- What's this?
- What's what?
[CLAIRE] That was fast.
I didn't expect you to be back already.
Well, I'm not.
Yeah, my dad is downloading Hartman.
Basically, once I get back to school,
I have my doctor's permission
to start falling asleep in every class.
- Finally.
How are you doing?
Me? I'm fine.
I mean, you're the one that almost died.
I did. For a few minutes.
Hey, it's good to see
you out of that place.
Hey, Claire.
If she's out there, Maddie,
I mean, you know that you
and I, we can't be together.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
I mean, of course.
Of course, I mean, if finding
out about us is what made her
- flip out and back a truck
- I deserved it.
Maybe more.
I should go.
Um, I've already
missed the first period.
- I'll see you.
- I'll see you.
So you're telling me this
was just sitting in there?
- Yeah.
- So he knew Janet?
Yes. It was under her pot in a box.
I mean, this has to be the notebook
we couldn't find, right?
The one Mr. Martin was keeping on Janet?
[MADDIE] These first ten pages
are like chemical equations.
I mean, maybe they explain why
these notebooks are still here.
And Janet's pot.
And how Mr. Martin
locked that door on us
and it didn't reset.
I might as well read this upside down.
Does any of this make sense to you?
Maddie, all the chemistry I
know I learned from the professor
on Gilligan's Island.
Where's Rhonda?
Uh, she's trying to
lose the horn player.
Does that horn player have a name?
- Yeah, horn player.
- [MADDIE] It's Quinn.
[SIMON] Maddie?
- Do we know anything more?
- No.
No, not yet, but I'm on it.
Any idea why Janet got
off the bus in Rockton?
We only know what she was running from.
Haven't figured out
what she was running to.
Maybe we gotta ask what she
might be looking for out here.
We're working on it.
Maddie, even if
Even if we find this person,
do we know if we can get your body back?
You said you heard her cries for help,
but you
you were technically
still alive that day,
walking through a boiler
room, hearing a dead girl.
I don't know.
I can only guess that
I was in a dark place.
I was in pain.
And she was too.
Maybe it's the same reason
you could see and hear me.
[BAXTER] Xavier?
Who's on the phone?
Uh, just some friends.
Happy to know I made
it out of the hospital.
Ah. You can add the
principal to that list.
He's gonna speak with your teachers.
You can work for the rest
of the week from home.
Oh, really?
I mean, I think I'd get a lot more done
if I just hung out here.
Did my make-up stuff in the library.
Well, I think you'd probably
be better off at home.
You could lie down.
Well, a library has a couch.
Seriously, I'm gonna get
nothing done in my bedroom.
It's your call, Son.
[NICOLE] Hey, so where are we going now?
I still wanna hit The Midway.
- Maybe that motel in Wammakee.
- It's like 60 miles away.
But it's still in the county.
She bought a county map.
Yeah, but I think we should maybe
Nicole, you were there. You
heard what the clerk said.
Someone who looked just
like Maddie bought a map.
A map.
Something they haven't sold in 10 years.
What's your point?
A map is something a
teenager from 1958 would buy
because they don't own a freaking phone.
They still think GPS stands
for General Postal Service.
Simon, we are not going back
to that 1958 place again.
Do you hear me?
How come you can only wrap your mind
around a ghost if it's holy?
We're both raised Catholic, Nicole.
We both believe in purgatory.
People gotta wait before they
find out where they're headed.
So why can't you believe
Maddie's still waiting
- at Split River High?
- I'm not talking about this.
Because Maddie's not dead.
Okay, that doesn't mean
she's living in her body.
Hey, hey! Nicole! Oh, come on.
[NICOLE] Get in,
but you're not allowed
to ask any more questions.
[SIMON] Okay.
Just one.
What's Brazilian Bum Bum cream,
and is that the same
thing as Butt Butter?
That's two, nerd.
Yo, they got records going back
to the day this place opened.
Is it just me, or does this look like
something carved into a pyramid?
Please don't hover.
- I hate people who hover.
- I'm not hovering.
I'm six inches away.
That's regulation
distance from our tuba.
Whoa. Guys, check this out.
Janet checked out Fahrenheit
451 like four times.
Does that mean anything?
That she liked it.
[WALLY] Make that five times.
Once for the Science Club.
You gonna be okay, Cherry Pop?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Feels like he's staring at me.
You know what?
I wanna figure out who
these science kids are,
because for all we know,
Janet could be racing
around town with one of her
egghead friends right now.
Those eggs are now 83.
Only thing racing are their pacemakers.
- This is shorthand.
- What?
That code, the loopy slashes and hooks.
My grandma was a secretary.
She taught it to me.
What are you saying? You can read that?
Well, I'm not fluent, but kind of, yeah.
Translate, please.
I don't think these sections
were written by the same person.
[CHARLEY] Of course they were.
See all this weird chicken scratch?
His A's always looked
like O's, remember?
Tuba distance, please.
I wonder if the pages
starting from back here
were written by Janet.
Because this part's
referring to Mr. Martin
in the third person.
Okay, so you think she
stole the notebook written
about her so she could write about him?
- We don't know if she stole it.
- Why was she hiding it then?
She's using the word "our" a lot.
It seems like whatever
experiment he was conducting,
they might have been a team.
- Like, um, lab partners.
- There's no way.
He kept her down there for months.
She was his prisoner.
Maybe when you found her,
but not when she wrote this.
Yo, what was going on between those two?
Looks like they both planned
on getting out of here.
[MR. MARTIN] Wow! Incredible.
How long has your grandma lived here?
She was born in the
corner room upstairs.
Well, it must be nice to
have a real sense of home.
This home, yes.
I can breathe here.
But then we have to
go back to our house,
and it's suffocating.
It smells like wet dog and cabbage.
But Grandma's house smells like
baking and cinnamon and
sweet almond extract.
Um, be careful.
Cyanide smells like that, too.
Not to everyone.
37% of the population
can't even smell cyanide.
That is not the kind of
information one learns
from a Slo Poke wrapper, Miss Hamilton.
You must read a lot.
Too much, I'm told.
People don't like girls
who know all the answers.
Wait till you get to college.
- You'll be in your element.
- Do you really think so?
No, I know so.
Once you're out of Split River,
you'll defy all these
small-town expectations.
You'll be finding new cures for disease.
- Discovering new planets.
I can't believe you just said that.
- Disease?
- [GIGGLING] Planets.
I was just thinking this morning,
what if there are more rogue
planets up there than stars?
Not too many, I hope.
We'll run out of names.
You'll now have to use Pig Latin.
Eptune-nay. Upiter-jay.
[MR. MARTIN] Reverend
Hamilton, I presume.
I don't think we've had the pleasure.
I'm Everett Martin,
- Janet's chemistry teacher.
- I know who you are.
Go inside, help your mother with supper.
[JANET] Daddy, please.
[REV. HAMILTON] So, bus break down?
Why are you driving her home?
No, Janet actually stayed
late to help me test out
- some lab equipment.
- She could have telephoned home
if she needed a ride.
Honestly, it wasn't out of my way.
You know, folks may get the wrong idea.
Grown man driving around
town with a student.
Reverend Hamilton, I assure
you, my intentions are honorable.
Um, in fact, I'm meeting my fiance
for supper at the Howard
Johnson's in Bingham.
The ideas you are planting
in my daughter's head
are far from honorable.
Sir, uh, if you're
under the impression
We're not sending Janet to college.
That would be such a mistake.
With her keen mind, she
could pursue a career
- in the sciences.
- I am well aware of her keen mind.
Yours, however,
unsettles me, Mr. Martin.
I think it's best if you
concentrate on your lessons
or you could be looking
for a teaching position
in another district.
Well, I'm glad we at least
agree on Janet's intelligence.
Wish you a good night, sir.
Does she really call
Mr. Martin her champion?
[QUINN] Yeah.
[MADDIE] Where does she say that?
How is this the same
person I heard screaming
to get away from him?
[WALLY] Something must
have soured between them.
- I don't know.
- For sure. But who knows what?
She wasn't the most reliable narrator.
[WALLY] What does that mean?
[CHARLEY] She clearly kept secrets.
I mean, there's pages
torn out of this thing.
[MADDIE] But when did she figure out
she could leave here
in someone else's body?
Okay, Quinn, maybe you
should keep reading.
No, no, no. Don't keep reading.
This is taking way too long.
Let's just go talk to the
looping exchange student.
- Not an exchange student.
- [WALLY] I know! I know!
He's a liar, and he's
a spy from Virginia.
Oh no.
Yuri, what else did
Janet trust you with, huh?
You better start talking right now,
or I'll put your whole
body on that wheel,
and I'll spin you like a bottle.
Now tell me, what was she after?
Crossing over or body snatching?
Wally, can we not start with threats?
Sorry, I actually tried chatting it up
with this Spinal Tap wannabe,
but he pretended like he didn't
understand me for 40 years!
You think Janet talked
to me about crossing over?
- She wouldn't.
- Why not, hm?
Because she knows I don't
believe in any of it.
Where do you think you're
going that's better than this?
- It's probably much worse.
- Save your lame opinions, dude.
- We're here for answers.
- Aren't we all?
But the mysteries of death
compound themselves, dude.
You always have another question.
Stop, stop, stop with
the riddles, Nowhere Man.
Listen to me. Maddie's not dead.
Okay? She's not like us.
She was just in the wrong
place at the wrong time.
And she was mugged by
your friend who was up here
hatching a getaway
plan with her teacher.
I don't know anything about that.
[WALLY] Well, I think you do,
because you sit there
all dazed and confused,
spouting wisdom like
Yoda. Well, guess what?
You're no more evolved
than the rest of us you are.
I bet you got drawers full
of stolen ketchup packets.
You caught me.
[WALLY] All right, what
else belonged to her, huh?
What else was Janet hiding?
That was Janet's.
- [MADDIE] Wally?
- Hm?
Come. Come with me.
Why are you going all aggro on this kid?
He may be telling us the truth.
I don't know what the truth is anymore.
Everything I've ever known is gone.
- I lost two coaches, two teams.
- Wally.
I spent years sitting
in that folding chair,
and I never once
questioned our damn leader.
That's not a sheepdog,
Maddie. That's a sheep.
What happened with Mr.
Martin is not your fault.
But if you end up pushing
away someone who can help us,
- that will be.
- How am I supposed to fix this for you
if I can't even leave the school?
What can I do?
I can't compete with Simon.
He's alive.
Why do you think you
have to fix this for me?
Or compete?
Simon is not your rival, Wally.
We're all on the same team.
I just wanna do something real.
I wanna give you answers.
I don't wanna sit around
like a block of cheese.
I want whatever is going
on between us to get better.
I just keep feeling
like I'm getting benched.
Wally, if you think you
have to put on a cape for me,
you're way off.
I mean, if anything,
that makes me cringe.
This is not 1983.
I've never asked anyone
to solve my problems.
And I'm not starting now.
I just wanna be more than a
mushy shoulder to cry on, okay?
That makes me feel like a total wastoid.
I have no idea what that means.
But if you think being loyal
and kind and unjaded is
something to be ashamed of,
you're wrong.
If anything, it's kind of hot.
You don't always have to
score the winning point, Wally.
At least, not for me.
Hey, did we just have our first fight?
My skeleton is freaking me out ♪
I'm in my body again ♪
Don't wanna talk about it ♪
Ever again ♪
My OCD is kicking in again ♪
Again I won't complain ♪
Again ♪
My pants are called bibbers.
I don't get it.
If Janet made this,
why isn't it resetting?
- [YURI] I don't know.
- He doesn't know.
Oh, I feel like crap.
What if we do get Janet back here,
and she sees that I
broke this in 50 pieces?
Oh my God. She's going to kill me.
- Too late.
- It's true.
Seriously, uh, don't sweat it.
Happens every day around here.
People trash everything.
Sometimes their best work.
- That's a shame.
- Uh, not really.
You got to let things go.
As soon as you give things up,
- better stuff can come to you.
- Huh.
Somebody wrote something very similar
to that in my yearbook,
except for he wasn't as eloquent.
He basically just wrote a limerick
that rhymed every word with "Venus".
Janet rhymed geranium with titanium.
- Um
- What are you talking about?
Uh, I found it in this old yearbook.
It was donated by this Science Club kid,
and Janet wrote this
really cornball poem
inviting him to watch
her string 'em in Bingham.
- String what?
- I don't know. Popcorn?
Wait, what was in Bingham?
Uh, family farm, I think. Why?
Wally, where is that yearbook?
It's in the library. Am I in trouble?
You may have uncovered
our best lead yet.
Janet got off the bus in Bingham County.
Wally, you're a genius. Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, um, we're still in the room. So
Come on, let's find that poem.
We should talk Mandy
into letting us wear the sparkly socks.
And something sparkly on our lips.
- And our hair, too.
- OK, slow down, Kristen.
We don't want to look like disco balls.
You into it?
The sparkles?
What? Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Well, we can come up
with a plan on Friday.
You're still hosting, right?
Um, that is TBD.
Things are a little tense
in my house right now.
Oh, is your mom getting another divorce?
She's just raging that
Claire went to homecoming
with a sketchy dude
who got mowed down by his
dealer in Druggieville.
Chloe, you're an ass.
[SIMON] There are nine Hamiltons.
Are you looking at census or
property listings right now?
I'm still in obituaries.
[NICOLE] Guys, can we
hit the pause button?
I mean, this farmhouse
thing feels rando.
It's not rando, though.
That may have been
where Janet felt safe.
She could have gone back,
hoping some living
relative would take her.
Wait, wait, wait. I got an address here
on Route 17, listed
under Millard Hamilton.
Guys, Hamilton's something
I can't afford tickets to.
- Not Maddie's hideaway.
- Still holding out, huh?
- Big time.
- What's big time?
That address, that's big news.
We could probably head
over there after school.
[NICOLE] I'm not going back there again.
All we came away with
is someone saying Maddie
bought a stupid map.
We don't even know if it was Maddie.
You're right. It was Janet.
Why are you nodding?
You had a concussion,
dude, not a lobotomy.
Why would Maddie hide away
in some stranger's farmhouse?
- Because it's not Maddie.
- [MADDIE] Because it's not me.
Okay. All right, guys.
Um, one more hour to get through.
After Bio, I'm hitting Route 17.
[XAVIER] I'll grab my
truck and pick you up.
No, you're still taking
sponge baths, bro.
I'll drive your truck.
Nicole, can you, uh, return
this yearbook for me, please?
Thank you.
[REV. HAMILTON] We're not
sending Janet to college.
[JANET] Now what?
Janet, what happened?
[REV. HAMILTON] Show your
gratitude by giving him
[MR. MARTIN] I need to go back in.
Yes, Janet. Yes, you know that.
[YURI] Back to vacuum?
Oh, no, I didn't bring,
um, you know what?
I would happily bring one
if it would suck the truth out of you.
Because it's a vacuum.
Some other time ♪
What do you think I'm holding back?
I mean, it's, you make
the same pot every day,
and it resets, right?
But Janet's, it didn't turn
back into a lump of clay.
It stayed permanent,
and then it broke, and
then it stayed broken.
How? Why?
I can't answer that, man.
But, um, it's not broken anymore.
Wow, you did this all by yourself.
Wow, I mean, it's
really such a good job.
Yeah, if I squint, I can
barely notice all the cracks
and bumps and slivers.
Ah, you're supposed to notice them.
It's wabi-sabi.
It's an understanding that
nothing's ever finished
and nothing's perfect.
When something breaks,
you glue it back together
and embrace its imperfections.
Yeah, the cracks and the
scars only make it stronger.
Uh, more interesting.
And beautiful.
You feel the same way about people?
You wanna make something?
- Oh, uh, no, I
- [YURI] You start simple,
like a paperweight.
- I could teach you even its
- Another time.
Yeah, anytime.
As I lay here beside you ♪
I can feel your heartbeat ♪
There's no need for our voices ♪
We're complete ♪
[WOMAN] Nicole?
I cannot on myself
when the noise is gone ♪
[WOMAN] Nicole!
How can I be myself
when I know you're gone ♪
[WOMAN] Nicole, someone is at the door!
Um, I was gonna text,
but I thought that
it'd be harder for you
to say no if I was standing here, so
Say no to what?
I need a place to crash.
Um, I had a major
blowout with my parents.
I didn't know where else to go.
You didn't try Chloe or one of your
Look, I know it seems like all I wanted
was to hurt Maddie, but
it's not true.
God, if Xavier owes
her an apology, then
then I for sure owe
her an even bigger one.
Mr. M?
Wait, wait, wait. Hey, Mr. Martin!
Hey! Wait! Mr. Martin!
[MADDIE] "Will they ever know
what I've taken from them?"
"Will they ever forgive me?"
Is that forgive or forget?
- That's forgive.
- Keep going.
What did Janet take from us?
- Damn.
- What? What does it say?
Quinn, help her. Translate.
It wasn't Mr. Martin.
Janet was the one who
took your death objects.
She's the one who hid them from you
in the fallout shelter.
Why? Did did he tell her to?
I think Janet probably stopped
taking orders a long time ago.
Why do you say that?
I don't think all
ghosts are created equal.
I mean, that pot she made,
it was probably just the beginning.
She probably figured
out a whole lot more.
Which would have threatened Mr. Martin.
So he used what he learned
from her to make her a prisoner.
And that's how he locked
us in the fallout shelter.
These crosses all over my body ♪
Remind me of who I used to be ♪
[WALLY] Okay, listen up.
I just saw Mr. Martin.
There was this big,
red light behind him,
and then he's just gone.
- He disappeared.
- You saw Mr. Martin
- in this school?
- [WALLY] Yeah.
And the way he looked, the
way he ran, he's terrified.
Because Janet got away.
Maybe he locked her up
to protect all of you.
I'm just a child ♪
But I'm not above violence ♪
My mama raised me better than that ♪
When the preacher talks ♪
That man demands his silence ♪
And daddy said shoot first ♪
Then run and don't look back ♪
So take me down to the river ♪
And bathe me clean ♪
Put me on the back
of your white horse ♪
To ride ♪
All the way to the chapel ♪
Let you wash all over me ♪
[XAVIER] Take a left up here.
So take me down to ♪
The river ♪
And bathe me clean ♪
Ooo-oooh ♪
[SIMON] What the hell?
Is this it?
[XAVIER] It has to be.
Hey, slow down.
Put me on the back of
your white horse to ride ♪
All the way to the chapel ♪
Let you wash all over me ♪
Can I help you?
Yeah, uh, we were just
trying to get around.
You can't go any further.
You got business here?
No, no. We saw the smoke.
[OFFICER] Yeah, the
fire truck's on its way.
- Is anybody in the place?
- [OFFICER] Could be.
A neighbor walked around
the property earlier today.
Thought he saw a vagrant.
You know anything about that?
Put me on the back
of your white horse ♪
To ride ♪
All the way to the chapel ♪
Let you wash all over me ♪
Yeah ♪