School Spirits (2023) s02e03 Episode Script
Can't Hauntly Wait
[WOMAN] Previously on School Spirits
Maddie, or at least her
spirit, it's trapped.
This has to be the notebook
we couldn't find, right?
The one Mr. Martin was keeping on Janet.
Seems like whatever
experiment he was conducting,
they might've been a team.
[MADDIE] There's no way.
She was his prisoner.
It wasn't Mr. Martin.
Janet was the one who
took your death objects.
[WALLY] I just saw Mr. Martin.
There was this big red light behind him
and then he disappeared.
You saw Mr. Martin in this school?
[WALLY] Yeah, and the way
he looked, he's terrified.
Maybe he locked her up
to protect all of you.
[SIMON] You guys find anything?
- [CLAIRE] Nope.
- [NICOLE] Nothing over here.
- This doesn't make sense.
- [CLAIRE] Which part?
That we're searching outside
some serial killer's
crispy vacation rental?
Or that you think Maddie
somehow set fire to it?
Neither, Claire. What doesn't add up
is why Janet would wanna
go down in flames with it.
Guys, can we maybe focus less
on what to call our friend
and more on whether or not she's alive?
I mean, you said she might've
been inside last night.
Yeah, but the cops made us go home
before we could find out for sure,
which means we gotta look
for any sign she survived.
Clothing, footprints, anything.
Just keep looking.
[CORONER] I just wanna be clear.
She may be hard to positively ID.
DNA testing will help
eventually, but, uh
I understand.
Okay. I'm ready.
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
So you've hopped on the
bodysnatching bus now too?
No, not necessarily,
but you gotta admit, it's strange.
Why on earth would Maddie come here?
How about you?
What put you on the sudden
apology tour with her?
I don't know. I guess, if I ran away,
I'd want y'all to come
looking for me too.
[SIMON] You guys!
I found something.
Believe me now?
This is proof.
[SCOFFS] Of what, Simon?
That your twisted ass has gone
to one too many haunted houses?
No. That Janet was here.
And what? What, Simon, she
crawled out of her grave?
[CLAIRE] This is insane.
Where the heck is Xavier?
Guys, Janet is inside Maddie's body.
Unless you find proof she
didn't die in that fire,
Maddie's never coming back.
She might as well be
buried in this grave.
Please tell me you're not buying this.
So talked to the cops.
[SIMON] And?
Holy shit.
Xavier, what did the cops say?
It's good news. Nobody died in the fire.
Maddie I mean, Janet
definitely escaped.
Amazing. Good.
So then where the hell is she?
[CLERK] I got you.
Let me just, uh
They always put these things so high up.
Where you headed?
Far away from here.
Wow, Quinn, this is a lot.
I know, but I was kind of a huge
Veronica Mars fan when I was alive,
so murder board felt fitting.
I mean, your life was taken, right?
Right, so what now?
Oh, you know, you
lead the investigation.
Usually, it starts with a speech.
Hey! Chief has something to say.
Sorry, I always wanted to do that.
And can I call you Chief?
Uh, sure. Okay, so here's what we know.
Janet and Mr. Martin
were working together
on crossing over.
It's why they studied your traumas.
Why they collected your objects.
But why did they keep them from you?
What do they do?
And, most importantly, what turned?
Okay, so maybe the
student became the teacher.
You know, we know Janet could
stop things from resetting,
so maybe Mr. Martin got tired
of playing second fiddle.
Remind me again how any of
this helps us get Janet back.
Because if we know why these
objects were so important,
what they had to do with crossing over,
we can finish what she started.
Dangle the carrot, then she cooperates.
Classic Mars move.
And you think that,
after all these years
of our two big bads failing to crack it,
you can just flip the
crossover switch for Janet?
I don't know. That's
why we're trying to
Follow-up question, if our objects
do have something to
do with crossing over,
then where the hell is Janet's?
Again, Rhonda, I do not know,
but maybe once we
finish with the notebook,
you can lead the next
investigation, okay?
Heyo, Chief, I think
I found something here.
Um, okay, Janet mentioned "kegs,"
like, 15 times in this thing.
I'm just thinking maybe in addition
to being Mr. Martin's
secret partner or whatever,
she was also, like, like
a secret brew master.
You know, like making prison hooch.
That's not kegs, that's keys.
No, it says Oh, no,
it does say keys. Okay.
Right, okay, so let's keep cracking.
If I didn't make a
change, I'll stay the same ♪
Stuck inside this game ♪
I don't wanna play ♪
Ah Knock much?
I just found out that
you have a brother.
I do.
Yeah, we just met,
actually, uh, in the shower.
- What?
- [CLAIRE] I thought it was you
and you were taking forever,
and I'm sick of smelling like bonfire,
so I just opened the door
to tell you to hurry up,
- but, instead, it was
- [DIEGO] Hey, sis.
You wanna warn me the next time
you're having one of your
little slumber parties?
First off, slumber parties are for kids.
Second, why are you back?
Laundry. Machines at my dorm are busted
'cause some idiot decided to pee
in the part where the bleach went.
Sorry. College kids are animals.
Which you are one.
Touché. Uh, I'm Diego.
Nice to meet you again.
Uh, sorry again.
Nope. Hm-hmm. Everybody
needs to stop talking
and put on clothes, now.
Will that be cash or card today?
I'll be right back.
No! No, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
Boiler room, cafeteria, auto shop,
now it's the greenhouse.
Where the other ghosts died, right.
And you can see them too?
Nope, just Maddie.
Is she here right now?
Don't know. It's not a scar.
I feel like I should
say something to Maddie.
Just because now that
I know, it feels weird
not to, like, give her
a message or something.
There are so many more important things
we have to figure out right now.
Wait, you don't want me to talk to her?
Oh, shit, does she not wanna talk to me?
She hates me, she hates me now,
which I would too, but
[WHISPERING] She doesn't hate you, okay?
Sorry, why are we whispering?
Because she could be listening.
We can't see her. She can see us
anywhere she wants.
The last thing I want
is to deliver the message
that we lost Janet, okay?
- So
- So, so no messages.
For the love of God, no
more questions either.
[LEADER] Welcome to the regular
12:00 PM Split River meeting.
We're glad you're all here.
This is an open meeting,
and everyone is welcome,
especially newcomers.
Hello, everybody. My name is Tyler,
- and I'm an alcoholic.
- [GROUP] Hello, Tyler!
Stop. Wait.
Um. Is, is everything cool?
Sorry, I thought My mistake.
Hey, wait. I know you.
She looks familiar, right?
Oh, shit, yeah.
You are in our psych seminar, right?
Totally. God, what a sleeper, huh?
[ERICA] Did you need a ride?
We're headed back to
campus right now, actually.
Just had to stock up.
That's not necessary. Thank you.
I changed my mind.
Ooh, my God ♪
Twenty-one more minutes ♪
Ooh, so hot ♪
Meet your brand-new image ♪
Ooh, my God ♪
Just a few more minutes ♪
Ooh, so hot ♪
It'll be much clearer ♪
[ERICA] Gretchen, get this.
She picks up the cinnamon
and puts it to the side,
and I'm like, "Cinnamon's healthy.
- You put it in your coffee."
- It has health benefits.
Then she looked at me
and I looked at her,
and I was like, "You know what?"
[GRETCHEN] We're here.
I know. Processed food, the worst.
But beats a hangover tomorrow.
Oh, shit, you're totally
invited, by the way.
It starts right after the game.
Unless you're not feeling up to it.
I don't know if I'd wanna party
if I had all my shit stolen.
Did you wanna use a phone?
Yours was stolen too, right?
Or we could help you
call campus security.
Oh, no.
Uh, you don't need to do that.
They took your ID and your meal card
and everything too, right?
Here, we'll call them. Let me just see.
I said no.
I mean, no, thank you.
I'll find my way.
Come on, Simon, where are you?
What are you doing in my locker?
Sandra. Hi, sorry, I
I didn't realize that
that was your meeting.
I only just started
recently going again,
so, I mean, I could find a new one if
No. It's fine. Really.
Are you sure? 'Cause you kind of
You ran out of there, I thought maybe
it might have something
to do with, with me.
Well, it doesn't.
I know that you didn't
have anything to do
with what happened. Okay?
Hey, listen, I, um, I heard about
your speech that you made
for when Maddie won the award.
And, uh, well, I nominated her
for that, actually, 'cause
she, I mean, she was just
Anyway, I'm sorry I wasn't there.
I'm not. I was a mess,
but at least I started
going to meetings again
after that night.
Anyway, I should get going.
I have to get to the Pokegama River.
- It's a long drive.
- Okay. The river, huh?
They found a body.
Fishermen found a body,
but they haven't
identified who it is yet.
Jesus, Sandra. Uh
I really do have to go.
Okay, wait, don't
Don't do this alone.
[WOMAN ON PA] Freddie
to the main office.
Freddie to the main office please.
Where are the rest of the plastics?
No idea. I just quit
the cheerleading squad, actually.
For real? Was your body swapped?
This coming from someone
who actually believes these
kinds of things are possible.
I didn't say that.
Well, would it be so crazy
if what Simon is saying is somehow true?
Oh, yes.
- Ghosting me again? Really?
- No.
No, I'm not ghosting.
There's just nothing to report.
Uh-huh? And was Nicole
putting licorice in my locker
some kind of consolation prize?
Nicole? Why would Nicole
put licorice in your
Simon, come on, you have
to have something to report.
Didn't you go to the
farmhouse last night?
Yes. With Xavier, actually,
which is the silver lining
because he's on board.
That's good news.
And the bad news?
I know I'm just a recent
addition to the freak squad,
but this is, like, legit freaky.
Yeah, I know. Maybe you're right.
Holy shit.
Diego thinks he saw Ja Maddie.
[MADDIE] Was Janet not at the farmhouse?
Yeah, she was at the farmhouse,
but she, she burned it down.
Why would she do that?
- Uh
- [NICOLE] Simon.
[SIMON] See, the thing is, um
I actually have a new lead.
So I'm gonna go take care of that.
Don't even worry about it
because I'm all over it, okay?
Let me see.
Any updates?
Yeah. My body-snatcher
just added arson to her
rap sheet or whatever
right after hit-and-run
and grand theft auto,
so I'll be lucky if my body
is not behind bars tomorrow.
Hi, guys, have you seen this girl?
Name's Maddie.
Hey, bro, how you doing?
You know this girl at all?
He didn't even look.
So when we did this exact same thing
at the homecoming game with
the missing Maddie flyers,
you knew where Maddie
was the entire time.
Also a yes.
See, that's crazy.
[SIMON] Hey, guys, uh,
have you seen this girl?
And at the dance with Claire,
Operation Claire, was
Maddie a part of that?
Xavier, it was her idea, okay?
[NICOLE] Hey, have you seen this girl?
You got anything?
Uh, no, I was just
trying to reach Diego.
- But he must be in class.
- Yeah, he is.
Excuse me.
How would you know that?
I checked his Insta.
Who posts a selfie in
a lecture hall anyway?
Probably proud he was still awake.
Excuse me, do you have
There were a lot of sleeping
students in the background.
Wait. That's actually not a bad idea.
Hi, have you seen my friend?
So now you don't need us to
decode the notebook anymore?
No, I do, it's just taking way too long.
Janet is out there
literally starting fires,
so what I need is for
you guys to think back.
I'll get my tape.
Uh, Quinn, this one's not really
for your murder board just yet.
I just wanna know what
these guys remember.
It's kind of before your time.
Copy that.
Oh. I'll take notes.
Okay, look, I know you guys
think you don't remember anything,
but there had to be some kind of clue
that things went south between them.
Please just think.
[SIMON] Nicole, what the hell?
Your brother could've told us
how freaking big this campus is.
Took us, like, an hour to find
our way out of the library.
Okay, where could she be?
She must be hungry or tired by now.
No, there's nothing in the dining halls
and the only sleeping
students we spotted
actually go here.
Claire. Have you found anything?
She's been glued to that
thing for the last half-hour.
Claire, if that's my
brother you're texting,
your ass is on the curb.
Okay, I am not texting.
I'm looking for Maddie too.
Okay, why would a known fugitive
post a picture of themself?
She wouldn't, but somebody else might.
Just look around.
Literally everyone is posting something.
Maybe they caught
Maddie in the background.
Boom. I got her.
Hey, guys
I think Janet's at a college party.
We passed that house earlier.
It's this way. Okay, follow me.
See, girls always get in for free.
We get it, Claire. It's
not your first rodeo.
We'll check this way.
Once we find her,
what's the plan exactly?
How do we make her come with us?
I don't know, man. Look,
let's just split up, okay?
What? Why?
'Cause I'm sick of playing
fucking 20 ghost questions.
You know, I've already
found Janet. Twice, actually.
Yeah, you lost her twice.
I'm just trying to be helpful.
What the fuck? Who did that?
What are you guys? Freshmen?
Yeah, I'm sorry. That was my bad.
We can get you a refill on that.
Let's get two more
drinks. Right this way.
Sorry, cherry pop, we got nothing.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
But if I've learned anything
from investigating what happened to me,
it's that the clues are always there.
So what happened on Janet's last day?
I mean, there was the party.
- [MADDIE] Party?
- Yeah.
What? Like a goodbye type thing?
No, actually, it was her sweet 17th.
Mr. Martin was worried about
Janet's mood at the time.
So he suggested that we cheer her up.
Janet had never seen her 17th
and none of us had ever
seen a sock hop before.
Plus, it was COVID, so
the school was Siberia.
[MARTIN] Do you know why
it was called that, Charley?
A sock hop?
Uh, honestly, I just kind of assumed
it was like an outdated
'50s euphemism for sex.
No, it's because you have
to take off your shoes
to not ruin the floor.
Oh, well, that's surprisingly sweet
or should I say swell.
Okay, let's
Hey, that's the spirit,
Charley, yeah, get in it.
[WALLY] All right, Mr. M's got moves.
Oh, Jesus, he even dances square.
Rhonda as Rizzo. I
think I've died again.
And, Wally, very sharp.
Yeah, well, thank you, Charley.
You know, honestly, I think I
can get used to this, for real.
Also, I should say
that the last musical
pre-COVID was Grease,
so we had plenty of
costumes to pick through.
For better or worse.
Thanks, you two. Um, just,
yes, put those over there.
- [WALLY] Cool.
- Um, Charley.
Can you show them where
the birthday banner is
and the rest of the streamers are?
[MADDIE] Charley, what does
this have to do with Janet?
[CHARLEY] Relax, I'm getting there.
Okay, it was right after this.
I was the first one to
show up with the banner.
And that's when I noticed
the music had changed.
I look in my mirror ♪
[CHARLEY] They were dancing.
First, I thought it was,
like, sweet, you know,
and, like, maybe it was
nostalgia or something,
but then Janet said
We're still gonna tell
them tonight, right?
You promised.
[MADDIE] So they were romantic?
Did you guys see anything
romantic going on between them?
Not between them.
[MADDIE] Sorry, what?
[WALLY] Look, you have to understand
it was a very strange
time to be partying.
I mean, like Charley said,
the school was a ghost town
and that may sound like no big whoop,
but it was to me.
I didn't realize how lonely I'd be
without the living people there.
Wally, just tell us what happened.
Right, okay, so after
we were done dancing,
Mr. Martin started setting up for
Limbo! Everybody, line up!
Come on, let's go. Let's go.
[WALLY] And I was all for it.
You know I can't walk away
from a physical challenge,
but, that night, Janet
really wanted to talk.
[JANET] Can I speak to you
for a second in private?
One second.
And I don't know what about,
but I could tell she was nervous.
There's been something I've
been wanting to tell you.
Good job. All right. Good job.
I have been holding something back.
And I was hoping maybe tonight
my gift might reveal the, uh, truth.
Sorry, I I don't
know why this is so hard.
I guess what I'm trying to say
Hey, hey, hey, Janet. It's okay.
I know.
You do?
I do.
Happy birthday.
[GROUP] Ugh, Wally!
I know, I know, I know,
but, look, she was talking about a gift.
And she seemed so nervous,
I thought that maybe
that's what she wanted
for her birthday.
[QUINN] You thought that was a gift?
I mean, she did cross over
right after that, so
Except, don't we know she didn't.
[WALLY] Yeah, thank you, Quinn.
That's exactly why I didn't
wanna say anything so exposed.
The objects.
How about you, Rhonda?
Did you see anything that night?
If you saw something, anything,
please, I need to know.
Rhonda, come on, you
clearly know something.
Just tell us now.
Wow, enough with the
gestapo approach, all right?
Honestly, you were playing
double agent to us all,
- like, a week ago.
- That's true.
And you only just told us
that you told Mr. Martin
that Simon and I could talk.
Wait. What? Rhonda?
Okay, sure, but only
because I was trying
to get to the truth.
Which is what I'm trying to do now.
We said no more secrets, no more lies.
You know what? I don't need this.
Rhonda, there's a
wrecking ball named Janet
running around in my body
and you've been so sure
about what she hasn't been doing,
so if you know what she
was, the please just
She fought with him! Okay?
Is that what you wanna hear?
She wasn't romantic with
him or with you, Wally.
She was betrayed.
Please, Rhonda, tell us what happened.
[GROUP] Happy birthday to you ♪
[WALLY] Whoo! Yeah, get it!
[RHONDA] It was right after her cake.
She didn't seem thrilled to be there,
but our gifts seemed to help.
Oh. How did you know?
Well, you talk about science a lot.
- And you know we listen.
- A lot.
Thank you.
[GASPS] That's for you.
Oh, I wonder what it is.
It's a hula hoop.
- Spoiler alert.
- Thanks, Rhonda.
These were a big thing
when I was a little girl,
so it means a lot.
Also, they're an excellent example
of centripetal force
and friction working hand-in-hand.
Oh. Great.
Let's see what's next.
Okay, that one's mine.
Yeah, it's a little wet.
Goodness, that one's
dripping. It's dripping.
Yeah, that one
It was just from your time.
I thought maybe you would
like a root beer float.
Reminds you of malt shops and
soda fountains and whatnot.
It's warm.
Well, I wrapped it,
like, three hours ago.
- [JANET] It's delicious.
- Well, thanks.
Okay. Me next.
[RHONDA] It wasn't until
Janet opened Mr. Martin's gift
that something really turned.
Something was wrong.
Thanks, everyone.
Uh. Excuse me.
[RHONDA] I could tell something was up.
So I waited until things wound down.
[RHONDA] I couldn't hear everything,
but Janet was upset about the gift.
About all the gifts, it seemed.
I didn't mean to upset you, Janet.
Then why would you give it to me?
Because it's yours.
I only meant it as a symbol, right,
that we continue the work, our work!
You know it's not what I wanted.
[MARTIN] We have to think about timing.
You can't Look, okay, look.
- Let's take a breath. You're
- I'm not taking a breath.
No more experiments. You promised.
[MARTIN] I know and I'm
sorry for that, but I
[JANET] You know what?
I'll just do it myself.
- I'll give them all back.
- No, Janet, please
I'll do it right now, in fact.
Get your hands off me!
You don't know what I'm capable of.
[MADDIE] Did Janet really say that?
- Holy shit.
- That's intense.
And now she's out there,
destroying my life.
That's why he locked her up.
Because she was the real monster.
No, that's not it.
Then what? What happened?
She wasn't the monster.
She was standing up to one.
I don't understand.
Look, they may have been partners,
but the power was always his.
And she defied him.
So he silenced her, and then
When I saw his hands
on her, it was like
like Mr. Manfredo's were on me too.
All over again.
Only she was strong.
Don't you see?
She did in death what I could never do.
And then she crossed over,
so I kept it to myself
because I'm never gonna get that chance.
But she didn't cross over.
Yeah, and by the time I found that out,
you guys were already pissed at me
for keeping stuff from you.
Look, I didn't realize
what their fight was about
until I heard Charley and
Wally's stories tonight.
Charley, you heard Janet say
she wanted to tell us something.
Yeah, but she said that to me too.
Right, and then I heard them fighting
about Mr. Martin's broken promise.
They weren't fighting about our gifts.
It was our objects.
That's what Janet wanted to give back,
because what Janet really wanted
as her gift was to tell us
Was to tell us the truth.
[RHONDA] That's why Mr.
Martin locked her up.
He didn't want to come clean
about everything they've been up to.
Did he really say that?
No. I couldn't watch anymore after that.
I walked away.
And now I have to live with that too.
You wanted a trip down trauma lane?
You got it.
Thanks a lot.
I'm just living that life ♪
Do you see her?
No, maybe she's not in here.
[NICOLE] Claire. Look.
There. Go, go, go.
What's up, ladies?
You guys freshmen too?
- [NICOLE] Get out of the way.
- She's not interested.
[MAN] Oh, just one dance.
Get your hand off my friend.
[DIEGO] Yo! What are y'all doing here?
We just saw Maddie.
[CLAIRE] We can't lose her. Come on.
Oh, okay.
[MEN] Chug, chug, chug!
That'll teach you to crash, freshman!
You're still thirsty, bro?
You fall like a domino ♪
[INDISTINCT] cash a check ♪
No cushions on the side of the road ♪
[INDISTINCT] placing bets ♪
You got Wall Street in your blood ♪
Got a monster on the
job with some cigarettes ♪
Oh, hey! It's you! You came!
Yes. I was just leaving.
Wait. Is that my jacket?
- [ERICA] Gretchen.
- Stop her!
She's stealing our shit.
- [JANET] Don't touch me.
- [ERICA] Get it off her!
I said get your hands off of me!
So you can steal from us again?
Oh, that's how it's gonna be, huh?
What are you gonna do? Fight us?
You have no idea what I'm capable of.
Oh, shit, you guys!
Security's downstairs!
Everyone's gotta go now!
[NICOLE] Maddie.
[DIEGO] Welp, party's over.
Probably should bounce
before you get written up.
[CLAIRE] Shit. We're
never gonna find Maddie.
- Watch your step.
- Thanks.
Why'd she run away, anyways?
Honestly, I think it was because of me.
Then why'd you run away?
I mean, your parents must be worried.
That'd be news to me.
It's a weird thing to realize
that you're completely on your own.
I mean, welcome to college.
It's scary, but sometimes
you gotta be on your own
to figure out who you are. Right?
Sorry, that was not very helpful.
No, it was, actually.
Maddie. Maddie.
Okay, um, you're not in any trouble.
We didn't tell the cops about
the truck and Xavier's fine.
You're safe.
You can come home.
[NICOLE] Claire.
Where are you?
[DIEGO] What the hell happened to him?
I kinda party-fouled
some asshole in there
and Simon here took
the brunt of it for us.
Didn't you, buddy?
[SIMON] Did you find her?
Should we maybe go?
- Sandra.
- Mm. Oh.
Sorry. Um, the last time
I was at a river like
this was when Dave drowned.
Oh, shit. I'm so sorry.
[SANDRA] It's fine, honestly.
At least, then, I knew it happened.
But now
[DEREK] How often do you do this?
[SANDRA] The alerts?
Whenever I get them, I guess.
I was at the morgue this morning.
The morgue?
[SANDRA] Yeah, it wasn't her either.
I set the alerts up
back when Maddie first
became a missing person.
And, I guess, now
it's all I really have.
I think I thought, if I found her body,
that it would give me
some kind of closure.
This doesn't feel like
closure. This is
This is more like torture.
Look, I know that we just
I mean, who the hell am I
to judge, right, but, um
I do know
that returning to
your pain over and over
can be just as addictive
as any thing else.
Funny how it disappears
the second you give in ♪
When the world comes to terms
with the way that it spins ♪
Funny how you rearrange ♪
How your mind begins to change ♪
- Rhonda, heard the fab news.
- Congrats, you clever thing.
Hold yourself a little tighter ♪
In the arms of your old age ♪
And when nothing else is working ♪
And the air is getting thin ♪
I will hold on like the first time ♪
Feel the pulse beneath my skin ♪
I can feel it ♪
I know it's true ♪
I can hear ♪
[WOMAN] One second, dear.
[WALLY] We can't find Rhonda.
[CHARLEY] I don't think
she wants to be found.
If anyone was the monster tonight,
I guess it was me. Huh?
I pushed her too hard.
Uh, you know, I think
maybe there are just some places
that are still too painful to go.
[WALLY] But you needed answers, Maddie,
and they may not be in those notebooks.
Also, now that we know kegs aren't keys,
there's probably plenty of other words
that Wally messed up.
Woah, woah, take it easy.
Wait, Charley. Keys, the keys.
Holy shit, you guys, what
if the objects are the keys?
Go on.
Rhonda said Mr. Martin
gave Janet that watch.
But I've seen that watch before.
Mr. Martin was holding
it the day he disappeared.
And when he gave it to
Janet, she disappeared too.
Rhonda asked earlier
about Janet's object.
What if that's it?
Her key. Okay, but where does it go?
Yeah, and where'd they disappear to?
Hello, Rhonda.
Help! Somebody help!
What's this?
You're leaving me?
Are you okay?
It's not your fault. No
one could've convinced her.
Yeah. I know, I'm just
I'm tired.
Ugh, it's my Dad. I gotta get this.
And then you could drive us home.
[NICOLE] Simon, listen, I, um,
I saw Maddie too.
- [XAVIER] Hey, Dad.
- At the party.
Wait, why, why When was this?
It was right before security came.
But the girl I was looking at,
she was someone else.
This is what I've been
trying to tell you.
No, I know, I know,
but what does this mean?
That this Janet thing is real?
That fucking ghosts are real?
It means she got your licorice.
Okay. Okay. Yeah. Bye.
How am I gonna tell her
that we lost Janet?
We tell her.
Unless you still don't want my help.
Do you?
Sorry. I'm sorry.
Was that another annoying question?
Thank you.
I do.
And it feels new to me.
Not doing this alone.
You know, whatever
message that you wanna give
to Maddie, I'm happy to help too.
Thank you.
Where the hell is Janet now?
Mama used to sing ♪
Are you sure you don't want
me to drive you to your car?
Ah, parking lot's four blocks from here.
I could use the steps.
All right, well, thanks for dinner
and for coming with me.
It's nice to not feel
- Good night, Derek.
- Good night, Sandra.
I still ♪
Remember ♪
When Mama used to ♪
Sing ♪
Hi, Mom.
Oh, Maddie!
Oh, Maddie! Maddie!
[WOMAN] Previously on School Spirits
Maddie, or at least her
spirit, it's trapped.
This has to be the notebook
we couldn't find, right?
The one Mr. Martin was keeping on Janet.
Seems like whatever
experiment he was conducting,
they might've been a team.
[MADDIE] There's no way.
She was his prisoner.
It wasn't Mr. Martin.
Janet was the one who
took your death objects.
[WALLY] I just saw Mr. Martin.
There was this big red light behind him
and then he disappeared.
You saw Mr. Martin in this school?
[WALLY] Yeah, and the way
he looked, he's terrified.
Maybe he locked her up
to protect all of you.
[SIMON] You guys find anything?
- [CLAIRE] Nope.
- [NICOLE] Nothing over here.
- This doesn't make sense.
- [CLAIRE] Which part?
That we're searching outside
some serial killer's
crispy vacation rental?
Or that you think Maddie
somehow set fire to it?
Neither, Claire. What doesn't add up
is why Janet would wanna
go down in flames with it.
Guys, can we maybe focus less
on what to call our friend
and more on whether or not she's alive?
I mean, you said she might've
been inside last night.
Yeah, but the cops made us go home
before we could find out for sure,
which means we gotta look
for any sign she survived.
Clothing, footprints, anything.
Just keep looking.
[CORONER] I just wanna be clear.
She may be hard to positively ID.
DNA testing will help
eventually, but, uh
I understand.
Okay. I'm ready.
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
So you've hopped on the
bodysnatching bus now too?
No, not necessarily,
but you gotta admit, it's strange.
Why on earth would Maddie come here?
How about you?
What put you on the sudden
apology tour with her?
I don't know. I guess, if I ran away,
I'd want y'all to come
looking for me too.
[SIMON] You guys!
I found something.
Believe me now?
This is proof.
[SCOFFS] Of what, Simon?
That your twisted ass has gone
to one too many haunted houses?
No. That Janet was here.
And what? What, Simon, she
crawled out of her grave?
[CLAIRE] This is insane.
Where the heck is Xavier?
Guys, Janet is inside Maddie's body.
Unless you find proof she
didn't die in that fire,
Maddie's never coming back.
She might as well be
buried in this grave.
Please tell me you're not buying this.
So talked to the cops.
[SIMON] And?
Holy shit.
Xavier, what did the cops say?
It's good news. Nobody died in the fire.
Maddie I mean, Janet
definitely escaped.
Amazing. Good.
So then where the hell is she?
[CLERK] I got you.
Let me just, uh
They always put these things so high up.
Where you headed?
Far away from here.
Wow, Quinn, this is a lot.
I know, but I was kind of a huge
Veronica Mars fan when I was alive,
so murder board felt fitting.
I mean, your life was taken, right?
Right, so what now?
Oh, you know, you
lead the investigation.
Usually, it starts with a speech.
Hey! Chief has something to say.
Sorry, I always wanted to do that.
And can I call you Chief?
Uh, sure. Okay, so here's what we know.
Janet and Mr. Martin
were working together
on crossing over.
It's why they studied your traumas.
Why they collected your objects.
But why did they keep them from you?
What do they do?
And, most importantly, what turned?
Okay, so maybe the
student became the teacher.
You know, we know Janet could
stop things from resetting,
so maybe Mr. Martin got tired
of playing second fiddle.
Remind me again how any of
this helps us get Janet back.
Because if we know why these
objects were so important,
what they had to do with crossing over,
we can finish what she started.
Dangle the carrot, then she cooperates.
Classic Mars move.
And you think that,
after all these years
of our two big bads failing to crack it,
you can just flip the
crossover switch for Janet?
I don't know. That's
why we're trying to
Follow-up question, if our objects
do have something to
do with crossing over,
then where the hell is Janet's?
Again, Rhonda, I do not know,
but maybe once we
finish with the notebook,
you can lead the next
investigation, okay?
Heyo, Chief, I think
I found something here.
Um, okay, Janet mentioned "kegs,"
like, 15 times in this thing.
I'm just thinking maybe in addition
to being Mr. Martin's
secret partner or whatever,
she was also, like, like
a secret brew master.
You know, like making prison hooch.
That's not kegs, that's keys.
No, it says Oh, no,
it does say keys. Okay.
Right, okay, so let's keep cracking.
If I didn't make a
change, I'll stay the same ♪
Stuck inside this game ♪
I don't wanna play ♪
Ah Knock much?
I just found out that
you have a brother.
I do.
Yeah, we just met,
actually, uh, in the shower.
- What?
- [CLAIRE] I thought it was you
and you were taking forever,
and I'm sick of smelling like bonfire,
so I just opened the door
to tell you to hurry up,
- but, instead, it was
- [DIEGO] Hey, sis.
You wanna warn me the next time
you're having one of your
little slumber parties?
First off, slumber parties are for kids.
Second, why are you back?
Laundry. Machines at my dorm are busted
'cause some idiot decided to pee
in the part where the bleach went.
Sorry. College kids are animals.
Which you are one.
Touché. Uh, I'm Diego.
Nice to meet you again.
Uh, sorry again.
Nope. Hm-hmm. Everybody
needs to stop talking
and put on clothes, now.
Will that be cash or card today?
I'll be right back.
No! No, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
Boiler room, cafeteria, auto shop,
now it's the greenhouse.
Where the other ghosts died, right.
And you can see them too?
Nope, just Maddie.
Is she here right now?
Don't know. It's not a scar.
I feel like I should
say something to Maddie.
Just because now that
I know, it feels weird
not to, like, give her
a message or something.
There are so many more important things
we have to figure out right now.
Wait, you don't want me to talk to her?
Oh, shit, does she not wanna talk to me?
She hates me, she hates me now,
which I would too, but
[WHISPERING] She doesn't hate you, okay?
Sorry, why are we whispering?
Because she could be listening.
We can't see her. She can see us
anywhere she wants.
The last thing I want
is to deliver the message
that we lost Janet, okay?
- So
- So, so no messages.
For the love of God, no
more questions either.
[LEADER] Welcome to the regular
12:00 PM Split River meeting.
We're glad you're all here.
This is an open meeting,
and everyone is welcome,
especially newcomers.
Hello, everybody. My name is Tyler,
- and I'm an alcoholic.
- [GROUP] Hello, Tyler!
Stop. Wait.
Um. Is, is everything cool?
Sorry, I thought My mistake.
Hey, wait. I know you.
She looks familiar, right?
Oh, shit, yeah.
You are in our psych seminar, right?
Totally. God, what a sleeper, huh?
[ERICA] Did you need a ride?
We're headed back to
campus right now, actually.
Just had to stock up.
That's not necessary. Thank you.
I changed my mind.
Ooh, my God ♪
Twenty-one more minutes ♪
Ooh, so hot ♪
Meet your brand-new image ♪
Ooh, my God ♪
Just a few more minutes ♪
Ooh, so hot ♪
It'll be much clearer ♪
[ERICA] Gretchen, get this.
She picks up the cinnamon
and puts it to the side,
and I'm like, "Cinnamon's healthy.
- You put it in your coffee."
- It has health benefits.
Then she looked at me
and I looked at her,
and I was like, "You know what?"
[GRETCHEN] We're here.
I know. Processed food, the worst.
But beats a hangover tomorrow.
Oh, shit, you're totally
invited, by the way.
It starts right after the game.
Unless you're not feeling up to it.
I don't know if I'd wanna party
if I had all my shit stolen.
Did you wanna use a phone?
Yours was stolen too, right?
Or we could help you
call campus security.
Oh, no.
Uh, you don't need to do that.
They took your ID and your meal card
and everything too, right?
Here, we'll call them. Let me just see.
I said no.
I mean, no, thank you.
I'll find my way.
Come on, Simon, where are you?
What are you doing in my locker?
Sandra. Hi, sorry, I
I didn't realize that
that was your meeting.
I only just started
recently going again,
so, I mean, I could find a new one if
No. It's fine. Really.
Are you sure? 'Cause you kind of
You ran out of there, I thought maybe
it might have something
to do with, with me.
Well, it doesn't.
I know that you didn't
have anything to do
with what happened. Okay?
Hey, listen, I, um, I heard about
your speech that you made
for when Maddie won the award.
And, uh, well, I nominated her
for that, actually, 'cause
she, I mean, she was just
Anyway, I'm sorry I wasn't there.
I'm not. I was a mess,
but at least I started
going to meetings again
after that night.
Anyway, I should get going.
I have to get to the Pokegama River.
- It's a long drive.
- Okay. The river, huh?
They found a body.
Fishermen found a body,
but they haven't
identified who it is yet.
Jesus, Sandra. Uh
I really do have to go.
Okay, wait, don't
Don't do this alone.
[WOMAN ON PA] Freddie
to the main office.
Freddie to the main office please.
Where are the rest of the plastics?
No idea. I just quit
the cheerleading squad, actually.
For real? Was your body swapped?
This coming from someone
who actually believes these
kinds of things are possible.
I didn't say that.
Well, would it be so crazy
if what Simon is saying is somehow true?
Oh, yes.
- Ghosting me again? Really?
- No.
No, I'm not ghosting.
There's just nothing to report.
Uh-huh? And was Nicole
putting licorice in my locker
some kind of consolation prize?
Nicole? Why would Nicole
put licorice in your
Simon, come on, you have
to have something to report.
Didn't you go to the
farmhouse last night?
Yes. With Xavier, actually,
which is the silver lining
because he's on board.
That's good news.
And the bad news?
I know I'm just a recent
addition to the freak squad,
but this is, like, legit freaky.
Yeah, I know. Maybe you're right.
Holy shit.
Diego thinks he saw Ja Maddie.
[MADDIE] Was Janet not at the farmhouse?
Yeah, she was at the farmhouse,
but she, she burned it down.
Why would she do that?
- Uh
- [NICOLE] Simon.
[SIMON] See, the thing is, um
I actually have a new lead.
So I'm gonna go take care of that.
Don't even worry about it
because I'm all over it, okay?
Let me see.
Any updates?
Yeah. My body-snatcher
just added arson to her
rap sheet or whatever
right after hit-and-run
and grand theft auto,
so I'll be lucky if my body
is not behind bars tomorrow.
Hi, guys, have you seen this girl?
Name's Maddie.
Hey, bro, how you doing?
You know this girl at all?
He didn't even look.
So when we did this exact same thing
at the homecoming game with
the missing Maddie flyers,
you knew where Maddie
was the entire time.
Also a yes.
See, that's crazy.
[SIMON] Hey, guys, uh,
have you seen this girl?
And at the dance with Claire,
Operation Claire, was
Maddie a part of that?
Xavier, it was her idea, okay?
[NICOLE] Hey, have you seen this girl?
You got anything?
Uh, no, I was just
trying to reach Diego.
- But he must be in class.
- Yeah, he is.
Excuse me.
How would you know that?
I checked his Insta.
Who posts a selfie in
a lecture hall anyway?
Probably proud he was still awake.
Excuse me, do you have
There were a lot of sleeping
students in the background.
Wait. That's actually not a bad idea.
Hi, have you seen my friend?
So now you don't need us to
decode the notebook anymore?
No, I do, it's just taking way too long.
Janet is out there
literally starting fires,
so what I need is for
you guys to think back.
I'll get my tape.
Uh, Quinn, this one's not really
for your murder board just yet.
I just wanna know what
these guys remember.
It's kind of before your time.
Copy that.
Oh. I'll take notes.
Okay, look, I know you guys
think you don't remember anything,
but there had to be some kind of clue
that things went south between them.
Please just think.
[SIMON] Nicole, what the hell?
Your brother could've told us
how freaking big this campus is.
Took us, like, an hour to find
our way out of the library.
Okay, where could she be?
She must be hungry or tired by now.
No, there's nothing in the dining halls
and the only sleeping
students we spotted
actually go here.
Claire. Have you found anything?
She's been glued to that
thing for the last half-hour.
Claire, if that's my
brother you're texting,
your ass is on the curb.
Okay, I am not texting.
I'm looking for Maddie too.
Okay, why would a known fugitive
post a picture of themself?
She wouldn't, but somebody else might.
Just look around.
Literally everyone is posting something.
Maybe they caught
Maddie in the background.
Boom. I got her.
Hey, guys
I think Janet's at a college party.
We passed that house earlier.
It's this way. Okay, follow me.
See, girls always get in for free.
We get it, Claire. It's
not your first rodeo.
We'll check this way.
Once we find her,
what's the plan exactly?
How do we make her come with us?
I don't know, man. Look,
let's just split up, okay?
What? Why?
'Cause I'm sick of playing
fucking 20 ghost questions.
You know, I've already
found Janet. Twice, actually.
Yeah, you lost her twice.
I'm just trying to be helpful.
What the fuck? Who did that?
What are you guys? Freshmen?
Yeah, I'm sorry. That was my bad.
We can get you a refill on that.
Let's get two more
drinks. Right this way.
Sorry, cherry pop, we got nothing.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
But if I've learned anything
from investigating what happened to me,
it's that the clues are always there.
So what happened on Janet's last day?
I mean, there was the party.
- [MADDIE] Party?
- Yeah.
What? Like a goodbye type thing?
No, actually, it was her sweet 17th.
Mr. Martin was worried about
Janet's mood at the time.
So he suggested that we cheer her up.
Janet had never seen her 17th
and none of us had ever
seen a sock hop before.
Plus, it was COVID, so
the school was Siberia.
[MARTIN] Do you know why
it was called that, Charley?
A sock hop?
Uh, honestly, I just kind of assumed
it was like an outdated
'50s euphemism for sex.
No, it's because you have
to take off your shoes
to not ruin the floor.
Oh, well, that's surprisingly sweet
or should I say swell.
Okay, let's
Hey, that's the spirit,
Charley, yeah, get in it.
[WALLY] All right, Mr. M's got moves.
Oh, Jesus, he even dances square.
Rhonda as Rizzo. I
think I've died again.
And, Wally, very sharp.
Yeah, well, thank you, Charley.
You know, honestly, I think I
can get used to this, for real.
Also, I should say
that the last musical
pre-COVID was Grease,
so we had plenty of
costumes to pick through.
For better or worse.
Thanks, you two. Um, just,
yes, put those over there.
- [WALLY] Cool.
- Um, Charley.
Can you show them where
the birthday banner is
and the rest of the streamers are?
[MADDIE] Charley, what does
this have to do with Janet?
[CHARLEY] Relax, I'm getting there.
Okay, it was right after this.
I was the first one to
show up with the banner.
And that's when I noticed
the music had changed.
I look in my mirror ♪
[CHARLEY] They were dancing.
First, I thought it was,
like, sweet, you know,
and, like, maybe it was
nostalgia or something,
but then Janet said
We're still gonna tell
them tonight, right?
You promised.
[MADDIE] So they were romantic?
Did you guys see anything
romantic going on between them?
Not between them.
[MADDIE] Sorry, what?
[WALLY] Look, you have to understand
it was a very strange
time to be partying.
I mean, like Charley said,
the school was a ghost town
and that may sound like no big whoop,
but it was to me.
I didn't realize how lonely I'd be
without the living people there.
Wally, just tell us what happened.
Right, okay, so after
we were done dancing,
Mr. Martin started setting up for
Limbo! Everybody, line up!
Come on, let's go. Let's go.
[WALLY] And I was all for it.
You know I can't walk away
from a physical challenge,
but, that night, Janet
really wanted to talk.
[JANET] Can I speak to you
for a second in private?
One second.
And I don't know what about,
but I could tell she was nervous.
There's been something I've
been wanting to tell you.
Good job. All right. Good job.
I have been holding something back.
And I was hoping maybe tonight
my gift might reveal the, uh, truth.
Sorry, I I don't
know why this is so hard.
I guess what I'm trying to say
Hey, hey, hey, Janet. It's okay.
I know.
You do?
I do.
Happy birthday.
[GROUP] Ugh, Wally!
I know, I know, I know,
but, look, she was talking about a gift.
And she seemed so nervous,
I thought that maybe
that's what she wanted
for her birthday.
[QUINN] You thought that was a gift?
I mean, she did cross over
right after that, so
Except, don't we know she didn't.
[WALLY] Yeah, thank you, Quinn.
That's exactly why I didn't
wanna say anything so exposed.
The objects.
How about you, Rhonda?
Did you see anything that night?
If you saw something, anything,
please, I need to know.
Rhonda, come on, you
clearly know something.
Just tell us now.
Wow, enough with the
gestapo approach, all right?
Honestly, you were playing
double agent to us all,
- like, a week ago.
- That's true.
And you only just told us
that you told Mr. Martin
that Simon and I could talk.
Wait. What? Rhonda?
Okay, sure, but only
because I was trying
to get to the truth.
Which is what I'm trying to do now.
We said no more secrets, no more lies.
You know what? I don't need this.
Rhonda, there's a
wrecking ball named Janet
running around in my body
and you've been so sure
about what she hasn't been doing,
so if you know what she
was, the please just
She fought with him! Okay?
Is that what you wanna hear?
She wasn't romantic with
him or with you, Wally.
She was betrayed.
Please, Rhonda, tell us what happened.
[GROUP] Happy birthday to you ♪
[WALLY] Whoo! Yeah, get it!
[RHONDA] It was right after her cake.
She didn't seem thrilled to be there,
but our gifts seemed to help.
Oh. How did you know?
Well, you talk about science a lot.
- And you know we listen.
- A lot.
Thank you.
[GASPS] That's for you.
Oh, I wonder what it is.
It's a hula hoop.
- Spoiler alert.
- Thanks, Rhonda.
These were a big thing
when I was a little girl,
so it means a lot.
Also, they're an excellent example
of centripetal force
and friction working hand-in-hand.
Oh. Great.
Let's see what's next.
Okay, that one's mine.
Yeah, it's a little wet.
Goodness, that one's
dripping. It's dripping.
Yeah, that one
It was just from your time.
I thought maybe you would
like a root beer float.
Reminds you of malt shops and
soda fountains and whatnot.
It's warm.
Well, I wrapped it,
like, three hours ago.
- [JANET] It's delicious.
- Well, thanks.
Okay. Me next.
[RHONDA] It wasn't until
Janet opened Mr. Martin's gift
that something really turned.
Something was wrong.
Thanks, everyone.
Uh. Excuse me.
[RHONDA] I could tell something was up.
So I waited until things wound down.
[RHONDA] I couldn't hear everything,
but Janet was upset about the gift.
About all the gifts, it seemed.
I didn't mean to upset you, Janet.
Then why would you give it to me?
Because it's yours.
I only meant it as a symbol, right,
that we continue the work, our work!
You know it's not what I wanted.
[MARTIN] We have to think about timing.
You can't Look, okay, look.
- Let's take a breath. You're
- I'm not taking a breath.
No more experiments. You promised.
[MARTIN] I know and I'm
sorry for that, but I
[JANET] You know what?
I'll just do it myself.
- I'll give them all back.
- No, Janet, please
I'll do it right now, in fact.
Get your hands off me!
You don't know what I'm capable of.
[MADDIE] Did Janet really say that?
- Holy shit.
- That's intense.
And now she's out there,
destroying my life.
That's why he locked her up.
Because she was the real monster.
No, that's not it.
Then what? What happened?
She wasn't the monster.
She was standing up to one.
I don't understand.
Look, they may have been partners,
but the power was always his.
And she defied him.
So he silenced her, and then
When I saw his hands
on her, it was like
like Mr. Manfredo's were on me too.
All over again.
Only she was strong.
Don't you see?
She did in death what I could never do.
And then she crossed over,
so I kept it to myself
because I'm never gonna get that chance.
But she didn't cross over.
Yeah, and by the time I found that out,
you guys were already pissed at me
for keeping stuff from you.
Look, I didn't realize
what their fight was about
until I heard Charley and
Wally's stories tonight.
Charley, you heard Janet say
she wanted to tell us something.
Yeah, but she said that to me too.
Right, and then I heard them fighting
about Mr. Martin's broken promise.
They weren't fighting about our gifts.
It was our objects.
That's what Janet wanted to give back,
because what Janet really wanted
as her gift was to tell us
Was to tell us the truth.
[RHONDA] That's why Mr.
Martin locked her up.
He didn't want to come clean
about everything they've been up to.
Did he really say that?
No. I couldn't watch anymore after that.
I walked away.
And now I have to live with that too.
You wanted a trip down trauma lane?
You got it.
Thanks a lot.
I'm just living that life ♪
Do you see her?
No, maybe she's not in here.
[NICOLE] Claire. Look.
There. Go, go, go.
What's up, ladies?
You guys freshmen too?
- [NICOLE] Get out of the way.
- She's not interested.
[MAN] Oh, just one dance.
Get your hand off my friend.
[DIEGO] Yo! What are y'all doing here?
We just saw Maddie.
[CLAIRE] We can't lose her. Come on.
Oh, okay.
[MEN] Chug, chug, chug!
That'll teach you to crash, freshman!
You're still thirsty, bro?
You fall like a domino ♪
[INDISTINCT] cash a check ♪
No cushions on the side of the road ♪
[INDISTINCT] placing bets ♪
You got Wall Street in your blood ♪
Got a monster on the
job with some cigarettes ♪
Oh, hey! It's you! You came!
Yes. I was just leaving.
Wait. Is that my jacket?
- [ERICA] Gretchen.
- Stop her!
She's stealing our shit.
- [JANET] Don't touch me.
- [ERICA] Get it off her!
I said get your hands off of me!
So you can steal from us again?
Oh, that's how it's gonna be, huh?
What are you gonna do? Fight us?
You have no idea what I'm capable of.
Oh, shit, you guys!
Security's downstairs!
Everyone's gotta go now!
[NICOLE] Maddie.
[DIEGO] Welp, party's over.
Probably should bounce
before you get written up.
[CLAIRE] Shit. We're
never gonna find Maddie.
- Watch your step.
- Thanks.
Why'd she run away, anyways?
Honestly, I think it was because of me.
Then why'd you run away?
I mean, your parents must be worried.
That'd be news to me.
It's a weird thing to realize
that you're completely on your own.
I mean, welcome to college.
It's scary, but sometimes
you gotta be on your own
to figure out who you are. Right?
Sorry, that was not very helpful.
No, it was, actually.
Maddie. Maddie.
Okay, um, you're not in any trouble.
We didn't tell the cops about
the truck and Xavier's fine.
You're safe.
You can come home.
[NICOLE] Claire.
Where are you?
[DIEGO] What the hell happened to him?
I kinda party-fouled
some asshole in there
and Simon here took
the brunt of it for us.
Didn't you, buddy?
[SIMON] Did you find her?
Should we maybe go?
- Sandra.
- Mm. Oh.
Sorry. Um, the last time
I was at a river like
this was when Dave drowned.
Oh, shit. I'm so sorry.
[SANDRA] It's fine, honestly.
At least, then, I knew it happened.
But now
[DEREK] How often do you do this?
[SANDRA] The alerts?
Whenever I get them, I guess.
I was at the morgue this morning.
The morgue?
[SANDRA] Yeah, it wasn't her either.
I set the alerts up
back when Maddie first
became a missing person.
And, I guess, now
it's all I really have.
I think I thought, if I found her body,
that it would give me
some kind of closure.
This doesn't feel like
closure. This is
This is more like torture.
Look, I know that we just
I mean, who the hell am I
to judge, right, but, um
I do know
that returning to
your pain over and over
can be just as addictive
as any thing else.
Funny how it disappears
the second you give in ♪
When the world comes to terms
with the way that it spins ♪
Funny how you rearrange ♪
How your mind begins to change ♪
- Rhonda, heard the fab news.
- Congrats, you clever thing.
Hold yourself a little tighter ♪
In the arms of your old age ♪
And when nothing else is working ♪
And the air is getting thin ♪
I will hold on like the first time ♪
Feel the pulse beneath my skin ♪
I can feel it ♪
I know it's true ♪
I can hear ♪
[WOMAN] One second, dear.
[WALLY] We can't find Rhonda.
[CHARLEY] I don't think
she wants to be found.
If anyone was the monster tonight,
I guess it was me. Huh?
I pushed her too hard.
Uh, you know, I think
maybe there are just some places
that are still too painful to go.
[WALLY] But you needed answers, Maddie,
and they may not be in those notebooks.
Also, now that we know kegs aren't keys,
there's probably plenty of other words
that Wally messed up.
Woah, woah, take it easy.
Wait, Charley. Keys, the keys.
Holy shit, you guys, what
if the objects are the keys?
Go on.
Rhonda said Mr. Martin
gave Janet that watch.
But I've seen that watch before.
Mr. Martin was holding
it the day he disappeared.
And when he gave it to
Janet, she disappeared too.
Rhonda asked earlier
about Janet's object.
What if that's it?
Her key. Okay, but where does it go?
Yeah, and where'd they disappear to?
Hello, Rhonda.
Help! Somebody help!
What's this?
You're leaving me?
Are you okay?
It's not your fault. No
one could've convinced her.
Yeah. I know, I'm just
I'm tired.
Ugh, it's my Dad. I gotta get this.
And then you could drive us home.
[NICOLE] Simon, listen, I, um,
I saw Maddie too.
- [XAVIER] Hey, Dad.
- At the party.
Wait, why, why When was this?
It was right before security came.
But the girl I was looking at,
she was someone else.
This is what I've been
trying to tell you.
No, I know, I know,
but what does this mean?
That this Janet thing is real?
That fucking ghosts are real?
It means she got your licorice.
Okay. Okay. Yeah. Bye.
How am I gonna tell her
that we lost Janet?
We tell her.
Unless you still don't want my help.
Do you?
Sorry. I'm sorry.
Was that another annoying question?
Thank you.
I do.
And it feels new to me.
Not doing this alone.
You know, whatever
message that you wanna give
to Maddie, I'm happy to help too.
Thank you.
Where the hell is Janet now?
Mama used to sing ♪
Are you sure you don't want
me to drive you to your car?
Ah, parking lot's four blocks from here.
I could use the steps.
All right, well, thanks for dinner
and for coming with me.
It's nice to not feel
- Good night, Derek.
- Good night, Sandra.
I still ♪
Remember ♪
When Mama used to ♪
Sing ♪
Hi, Mom.
Oh, Maddie!
Oh, Maddie! Maddie!