Shake It Up! s02e05 Episode Script

Beam It Up

Hey, CeCe, aren't you excited about us both being hideous witches for Halloween? Yeah! Wait until you see my costume! Wow.
It's like looking in a mirror.
You're not a witch.
Yes, I am.
I'm just a witch with a very good sense of style.
Look, here's my tiny witch hat and here's my tiny broom.
Well, thanks for the tiny effort.
Oh, come on, it's the first time Shake It Up, Chicago! is hosting a Halloween party.
And I don't wanna be showing up looking like some green weirdo.
Not that it doesn't look great on you! I don't care if I look like a weirdo, because costume or no costume, everybody has something weird about them.
Not me.
Oh, really? See? Weird.
Hi, Henry.
Bye, Henry.
Henry, we're going trick-or-treating.
Where's your costume? I am wearing it.
For your information, I am Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr.
And now you're a ghost.
And by the way, I'm not very impressed with your costume, either.
It's not a costume.
It's the latest in candy gathering technology.
Arr! I'm a Viking! Give me candy! Now Oh, I'm a T-Rex! Oh, I'm going to eat your candy! Squawk! Or I could be a princess.
It's great! I'll be able to hit up the same people for candy over and over again.
Yes, the true meaning of Halloween.
Swindling your hardworking neighbors.
Everybody, everybody, get out on the floor It can get a little crazy when the kick hits the floor Don't knock it till' you rock it We can't take it no more Bring the lights up, bust the doors down Dust yourself off Shake it up, shake it up DJ set it off, take it up a notch All together now, shake it up, shake it up Sh-sh-sh-shake it up You got to change it up And when you've had enough Sh-sh-sh-shake it up Bring the lights up, bust the doors down All together now, shake it up, shake it up Shake it up My green lady, talking to you has beeneth captivating.
Oh! Thank you.
You can call me Rocky.
And I, D'Artagnan.
Now, alloweth me a recycled paper goblet of organic fruit punch.
Ooh! Me thinks someone likes you! I know it! And guess what? He's got a really cool brother.
Ooh! Really? Which one is he? The one in the hunchback costume.
What did I ever do to you? Come on! Just talk to the guy.
Forget what he looks like.
It's what's on the inside Yeah, yep, uh-huh.
Hey, hideous! How you doing? Happy now? Very.
Oh! Hey, look.
Instant Noodles is about to perform.
Ooh! I love that dance crew.
Thanks, Mr.
Dillon! You can pick up Henry in an hour! One quick stop before we go inside.
Oh! I saved the best for last.
Kaplan never buys enough candy, so by the end of the night, she gives out money! Trick or treat! You're not Mrs.
And you're not the pizza delivery guy.
Life's filled with disappointment.
Wait! Where's our candy? Or, if it's too late, cash.
I don't know.
I'm not from here.
I'm just Visiting.
Here's a take-out menu and a rug sample.
Oh! Oh! I get the rug sample! Yeah! Is it me, or is that kid really weird? I mean, didn't you catch those weird eyes that never blinked? And that kind of see-through skin? Well, maybe I would have if you hadn't put a sheet over my head.
You're acting ridiculous.
There's nothing strange about that kid.
Oh! Yeah, I guess you're right.
I beseech you, fair maidens.
We all must hang out on the good morrow.
I don't have my calendar with me, but I'm pretty sure my good morrow is booked.
Excuse us.
Whoa! I know what you're doing.
You don't wanna hang out with them because you think they're weird.
I don't think they're weird.
I know they're weird.
Come on.
You know I can't hang out with boys alone.
And I've done it for you.
I mean, do I really have to remind you about Baloney Breath Guy? Fine, I owe you.
Okay, so maybe we can all go to Crusty's Pizza tomorrow? Oh, fair Rocky, I cannot wait to accompany you to a meal of leavened bread, tomato sauce and cheese.
Great, now we're not even having pizza.
Do you know why Halloween candy is called "fun size"? Because "smaller than normal" sounds disappointing? No, because it's really fun to dump on the floor and make candy angels! Yay! Fun! Wow, I've never seen so much candy in one place.
That's 2,283 pieces.
I'm guessing.
You'd be really popular from where I come from.
Which is where? Jupiter.
Jupiter, Florida? Okay.
Coming, Mom! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? That he would make a formidable chess opponent? No! Then I have no idea where you're going with this.
Don't laugh, but do you think it's possible that he might be an alien? Well, there are many schools of thought on this subject, but the universe is limitless, so statistics would suggest there's a high probability that alien life does exist.
Ever heard of "yes" or "no"? You know what? I feel sick.
I think I have a temperature.
Hold on.
Let me check your forehead.
Ow! Okay, here's how it's going down.
You are gonna give this guy a chance, okay? A real chance.
So, I'm setting my watch for three hours.
Three hours? But that's, like, forevz.
No running away until you hear a beep.
Beep! It was worth a shot.
You're right.
It is.
Ow! I'll get it, Mom! Hello, humanoid.
I knew it! You are an alien! Silence! I've come to abduct you! You'll have to catch me first! Okay, you caught me.
Prepare the transfer deck.
I have our captive.
Hey, Flynn, I forgot to give you back your Zoiks! I don't know if I'm excited to be in the presence of an actual alien life-form, or if I'm just upset that Flynn figured it out before I did.
Henry, run! I can't.
I'm not wearing adequate arch support.
Sorry my spaceship is such a mess.
My robot maid is in the shop.
Holy moly! I can't believe I've been abducted by an alien! It was inevitable I'd be taken.
I bet they'll probe my brain.
Flynn, you, they'll probably just eat.
Hey, is this seat taken? Unfortunately, it is.
I met some whack-a-doo at a party last night.
Now I have to sit through a pizza with him.
Yeah, I'm the whack-a-doo.
Oh! Well, in that case, hi, I've been so looking forward to this.
Be right back.
Rocky, look.
It's Paul from last night.
Now that he doesn't have his costume on, he is totally cute! I mean, on the inside.
Oh, hey, D'Artagnan.
Hello, m'lady.
Thou musteth excuse us for our tardiness.
We were stuck on the gas-powered motor carriage.
Also known as the bus.
Um, are you going to another costume party tonight, or Nay, m'lady.
Why wouldst thou thinkest that? Oh, well, because you're dressed in the same thing you were dressed in last night.
Oh! 'Tis not so.
This is a different pair of pantaloons.
Pants! Just call them pants! All right, so let me just get this straight.
You dress like this all the time? Oh, nay.
When I joust, I wear armor.
No worries.
Same father, different mother.
Totally, completely different DNA.
And I thought I didn't want to sit through a pizza with them.
Okay! Are we ready to order? Hey, didn't you used to be a waitress at the Olive Pit? Yeah, they had to shut that place down after somebody almost died from trying to eat one of those giant meatballs.
So what'll it be? Oh! We are gonna share a Crusty's supreme pizza.
Now, I did not see it on thine menu, but does this fine establishment serveth mutton? You know, normally we do, but, unfortunately, our mutton delivery guy is about 400 years late.
Just give him the chicken wings and tell him it's quail.
That's what my dad does.
Thank you, innkeep.
Make haste and there's a shilling in it for you.
Wow! Thanks for the bus token, Prince Cheapskate.
CeCe, bathroom? Nope, I don't have to go to the bathroom.
Yes, you do.
Okay, we're just gonna sneak out of here and pretend this never happened.
Come on! Why would we do that? Because, I mean, D'Artagnan is still in his costume.
I mean, he is so You were going to say "weird," right? No.
No, I wasn't.
Oh, good, because I remember a certain someone going on and on about how you should give a person three hours to really get to know them.
Or did that just apply to me? No, it applies to me, too.
But I didn't say three hours.
I said three minutes.
Beep! Let's go.
Oh, just admit I was right, you were wrong, and this medieval nightmare comes to an end.
You know what? I do think he's weird.
Weirdly awesome! Yeah! Oh, good, 'cause you still have two hours and 53 minutes.
Let's go.
Oh, I'm sure time will just fly by.
Oh, I got a text! Ah, it is from my mother.
She is angry that I didn't tidy up my bedchamber before I left.
I must text her back.
We are so going to separate colleges.
Dearest Mother, I will take care of it upon my return before nightfall.
Exclamation point, smiley face.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Stop it! I'm having a great time.
Um, D'Artagnan, your phone is pooping in my cheesy bread.
Ooh! What's this machine do? Sequence my DNA? Close.
It's our dishwasher.
And you're annoying.
One more word, you're going back home.
But I Hey, where did Henry go? Back to your planet, probably.
Are we hearing each other without actually talking? Affirmative.
That is how we communicate on my planet.
Can you hear me when I think in a whisper? Yes.
Okay, this is totally cool.
What's next? Flying around the galaxy? No, I'm taking you back to my home planet and you're going to live there.
I guess that's cool, as long as I'm home by 6:00.
It's taco night.
Mom, we're home and we're going to watch a movie.
For some reason, Rocky didn't feel like spending anymore time out in public.
All right, whatever movie you pick, just make sure it's no longer than an hour and 23 minutes.
Ooh, 22! ARobin Hood.
Hey, we haven't seen that since last night.
Paul, if you're looking for a duel, you're going to get one.
Number one rule is there is no talking during the movie.
Or after.
Well, why just watch the movie when you can be the movie? I don't know what he's about to do, but it's going to be awesome! I have brought the a present, fair Rocky.
Oh, I was right.
It is awesome! Rocky, I cannot wait to see you in that.
Oh, I am not putting that on.
That is just so Is the word you're looking for "weird"? Yes, it's weird.
Weird to wear without a hat! Well, asketh and ye shall receiveth.
I think someone found something to wear on photo day.
How many times do I have to tell you, alien dude, I gotta get home.
I hope you're not going to complain the whole time.
We have an 18-year flight ahead of us.
My neck is kind of stiff.
Would you mind if I take off my head? Yes, I would! Now slow down, E.
Why do you even want me to come to your planet? Because our most valuable energy source is candy and you've proven yourself to be the best candy gatherer in the universe.
That is so flattering, but I can't leave Earth.
See, I took the class pet home this weekend, and if that gerbil is not back by Monday, big trouble! Okay.
I guess, in that case, I can just replicate you.
Make copies of you.
Oh! Whoa! This kind of tickles! Okay, I think I'm okay.
I'm okay, too.
Wow, has anyone ever told you you are extremely good-looking? I mean Oh, I'm okay! Oh, everything is back to normal.
Hello, young lord.
Come joineth us and hear the tale of Robin Hood.
I would, but I'm in the middle of a really bad dream and I kind of just want to get through it.
Come on, Flynn! Wake up! Wake up! I'm having a nightmare! You and me both.
So, have you had enough and you're ready to admit I'm right? Ah! Thank goodness! I cannot take another My watch isn't beeping.
No, 'tis my timepiece.
This farce is at an end.
Brother, let us be off.
Half brother.
Wait, uh, leave? What are you talking about? I was trying to expand his horizons.
All he ever does is hang with these freaky Renaissance fair girls, so when he met you at the dance He begged me to give you a chance.
And I agreed to three hours.
The longest three hours of my life! What? No, no, no, no, no.
I was the one giving you three hours.
Do not shame yourself in front of me, for we were never meant to be.
Now, as for the dress, I shall have my footman fetch it on the morrow.
Our dad'll pick it up.
Wait, we can still hang, right? I mean, we have a lot of things in common.
We both do not like your brother.
Don't take this the wrong way.
You're a nice girl, but that snort thing is really weird.
Really? Now it goes off? So, uh, anyway, um, where were we? You were going to say I was Huh? I was what? I was what-what-what? You were right, CeCe.
Yeah! I just want to forget this whole thing ever happened.
It's on my head, isn't it? Oh! Hey, look, it's for you.
He says, "The dress is dry cleaneth only.
" And my bishop takes your queen.
Checkmate! Checkmate? Check boring! Again? This is crazy.
I've never lost this many games in a row.
If I didn't know any better Flynn, stop.
What? Well, for a minute, before we got to know you, we actually thought Excuse me.
He actually thought.
That you were an alien.
An alien? That's ridonkulous.
- He's starting it.
- No he - I said he - Okay.
Shake it up
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