Sight Unseen (2024) s02e01 Episode Script
Runaway Bride
Previously on Sight Unseen
[MAN] Leber's Neuropathy
is unpredictable.
You're already clinically blind.
- I know this is hard.
Are you okay?
Civilian consultant?
I want to stay in the field
with full autonomy
my tools, my tech.
It's called "Eyes Up".
The camera connects you to
a guide that "sees" for you.
Eyes Up! Sunny Patel. How may I assist?
- Do you hear that?
- There's a deadbolt
two inches up, to your left.
[SUNNY] Tess! You're
moving too fast. Slow down.
[SUNNY] I have agoraphobia.
The only way that I can leave home
is through Eyes Up.
You're more than an app
you're my partner.
[SUNNY] I know you're spying on me!
[TESS] She's living
under an assumed name.
She went into hiding and she used me!
I think she's been framed
- and I think it's an inside job.
- Hello?
Why are you here? What's going on?
It can't wait. It's too dangerous.
Dangerous for who?
Can I trust you?
[JAKE] I'm taking 'er in.
All right, Sunny. Get
me off this damn thing.
This beach looks pretty treacherous.
Watch your footing, Tess.
[JAKE] Hey. Nice shoes.
[SUNNY] Jake's giving
you a hand, right side.
You probably wouldn't have wore 'em,
if you could actually
see this place, but yeah.
- Listen.
- Let me help you.
My guide loves the shoes more than me,
so if you want to stay dry,
you should probably just follow my lead.
Welcome to Survivor
the "No Weddings and a Funeral" edition.
Okay, you're mixing genres,
but that tie, however,
is disturbingly on-point.
Yeah, all right. Guys!
Rocks to your left,
tide pool to the right,
body straight ahead.
[TESS] Leo, what do we got here?
[LEO] Not enough.
The tide's on the rise, so
we combed the shoreline first,
and team's on its way back to the woods,
and no access road to this point.
So, it's likely she was
dropped by boat, right?
[LEO] Boat seems probable.
Any idea who she is?
Well, no I.D., no
missing persons reports.
No clue. She was called in
at, uh 7:10 this morning.
A commercial fisherman
saw something in the surf.
It's just strange that nobody's
called in a missing bride.
[TESS] Maybe they don't
know she's missing yet.
Face up.
Bruising around the throat.
There's a deeper gash
on her left forearm.
No other visible injuries.
Her dress is torn in multiple places.
Looks wet.
She's so alone.
[TESS] What are we looking at here?
Well, our bride's been
immersed at least 24 hours.
She has abrasions and contusions
to her arms and back.
It's not a boating accident?
I mean, it could be, but the bruising
looks like possible strangulation.
I-I'd have to get her to my lab.
So we are looking at
a probable homicide?
- Yeah. It's leaning that way.
- Any tattoos,
anything to indicate where
she might have come from?
No. Nothing. I mean,
her dress is vintage.
Wearing an engagement ring.
[JAKE] Check it for a jeweller's mark.
- Sunny, talk to me about her hands.
- Yeah.
Uh, they're plain, but short, manicured.
Rough beds, though.
Kind of like yours. [CHUCKLES]
Whoever she dressed up for,
she must've really loved 'em.
[BENNETT] Whoever she dressed up for
- is our most likely suspect.
you think she put her
faith in the wrong person?
I certainly don't think she
expected to end up this way.
- All right, keep me updated.
No one belongs out here like this.
What's he doing here?
Well, he's my boss, so
he gets to go wherever he wants.
Look, Sunny, until we
figure this thing out,
we are just gonna keep our
heads down and do our jobs.
[JAKE] Let's make the assumption
that she was dropped by boat.
I mean, she could've been
brought in from anywhere, right?
Yeah. So
why not weigh her down?
Why leave her here,
where everyone can see her?
[JAKE] I don't know.
We have to play the percentages here.
Okay, we gotta canvass the marinas,
we gotta find
[SNAPPING] the boat.
"Find the boat"?
There's nothing but wind and waves.
[TESS] What if there was no boat?
There's something in the shadows ♪
[MATT] Why am I always your go-to
for these long-shot
theories and wild hunches?
What're you talking about?
This is our thing.
We're not "a thing," Tess.
- Ouch!
- Okay.
Sorry, Sunny. I'm a bear during finals.
Okay. Look.
Jake and Leo think the body
was transported to the beach
by boat.
Could be right
but I think she drifted there,
and as an independent consultant,
it's my job to think outside the box.
Oh, well, I'm not a cop
- and I'm not your boyfriend
so why am I here?
Because you are the smartest guy I know!
And the Marine Unit
wants to slow-walk us
'cause they're pissed
we nabbed the case.
[SUNNY] Mostly, she wants to be right.
Wait. See, I can relate to that.
All right. Ahem.
I'm pulling the dominant
currents from the region.
Now, do you mind telling me why?
The body was scraped up pretty bad.
It was seen near the channel
by a commercial fisherman.
I'm thinking she drifted there.
I think the surf rolled
her against the rocks
till she ended up in the tideline.
Okay, so we follow the
currents to an onshore location
where the body would
hit the water within
- The last 48 hours.
- 48.
The strongest current would've
carried her to your bay
right there.
[SUNNY] Thanks, Professor.
Two miles upstream.
Near Lion's Bay.
[SUNNY] We're looking
for a path to the shore.
Okay. Watch your step.
There's tree roots to your right.
How long have we been at this?
Well, we knew it was
gonna be a long shot.
Two steps, 45 degrees left.
All right. Well
if Jake is right,
and the body was transported by boat,
then she could've come
from literally anywhere.
Well, combing the marinas, and
looking for security footage
could take literally forever.
Pan the camera left?
I see something further down the path.
It's eerie.
It's set for a small outdoor ceremony,
but it looks abandoned.
Take a few steps forward.
Is that a shrine? Crosses?
This could be the wedding site.
There's a white wooden arch.
There's eight chairs.
Wilted flowers
and what is that? Ribbons?
Caught in the branches
like little ghosts.
I see something on the
arbour. Just go up?
Further to the right. A little higher.
Is it a business card?
It fell behind you.
- Just turn around
- [MAN] Hello?
Sorry. It's a man.
- He's smiling at you.
- Didn't mean to startle you.
Just here to do a pick-up.
Wedding rentals? Lowell's Events?
I'm Tess Avery.
I'm a consultant with Metro PD.
Police? Something happen?
Were you here yesterday?
Just for the set-up.
I heard the bride didn't even show.
Happens more often than you'd think.
Cold feet?
Yeah. Probably.
Do you have any contact
info for the couple?
All payments go through the office.
It's closed on weekends, though.
So, I'm just a bit late,
if you don't mind
Oh, you can't touch anything here.
It's a crime scene now.
One of our detectives
will call the office.
All right.
Suit yourself.
So that's how it ends?
Her picture-perfect wedding
comes down to some guy who
doesn't even know her name
picking up chairs?
No, this isn't how it ends
this is where we start.
Gonna call in Jake, get Forensics here.
You and I keep going
with our grid search.
We are gonna find
whoever killed this woman
and put 'em away.
That's how it ends.
Well, I'm sure that Jake
is gonna be very happy
to be in the loop.
Now let's find that card.
Camera down.
To your right.
What is that?
"D&D Flowers."
Just give me a sec.
Who is it?
[KYE] I know you can see me, Sunny.
There's a package for you,
and, so, I, um I'm
bringing it to you.
[SUNNY] Well, that's
usually how it works.
- Yeah
- Thanks, Kye.
Hey. Uh, can we, um
You think I could
come in, so we could
Sorry. I can't.
Busy, busy. Big case.
Yeah. No, yeah.
I'm busy too. Mahmoud called in sick,
and Mr. Solomon's on a rampage,
a-and Vicky's ferret
got out again, so if
You know, maybe we can swap
war stories later, yeah?
I feel like yours will
be better than mine.
Depends on where you find that ferret.
You know, I couldn't help but notice
that that package is
from a security store
Just work stuff.
- [THUD]
[KYE] Okay, well, I
should get going then.
Well, this florist
still isn't answering.
Hey, Tess, is your
guide still that woman
who saw Bennett's name
on her attacker's phone?
Uh, Sunita Sharma?
"Sunny." Yeah.
Bennett said he was trying
to get the attacker to reveal himself,
find out who he was working for.
You believe Bennett,
because he's always had your back?
I get it. Yeah.
Trust can blindside you,
Tess. We need proof, right?
- "We"?
- I am with you.
I saw those files before
they were scrubbed,
and I think that your guide was framed.
But if I'm gonna stick
my neck out for her
against Bennett
Can I meet this Sunny?
Give up my secret weapon?
Hey. Leo.
- I found something!
- Okay?
Red convertible. Mmph!
Sexy little thing.
Looks like it was driven off the road.
Somebody sideswiped it.
Okay. Where?
Not half a mile from the wedding site.
A hiker spotted it.
[TESS] Could be our dead bride's.
The license plate, uh,
is registered to a
"Meg Lewis" from Oregon.
I've put a request in
for her driver's licence,
but it'll take time, it's cross-border.
That's good work.
Uh, has F.I.S. determined
the paint colour
of the other car?
Yep. I've put a B.O.L.O. out
for blue cars with front-end damage.
Okay, so they run her off the road,
they strangle her,
then they dump the body in the ocean?
I'm definitely thinking
crime of passion here.
At least we've got some traction.
We find who hit her, we find our killer.
And I saved the best for last.
I think I found where she was staying.
Sending the address for the B&B.
[GINA] Meg Lewis? Yes. She's my fiancée.
[JAKE] I'm afraid we have bad news.
No, no. This is all some
kind of, uh, a mistake,
no, Meg is coming back. She's just
hang on, she's just scared.
I'm sorry, we know this
must be such a shock
Mm-mm. She's gonna text me back.
You said scared?
What was she scared of?
She's in denial.
Gina? What was Meg scared of?
Commitment! I don't know!
What? You never heard of cold feet?
[JAKE] Ms. Matheson, we understand
that this must be
very difficult for you,
but try to hear what we are saying.
We suspect foul play.
Now, Meg was found on a
beach opposite the inlet
where the car was discovered.
We don't have all the information yet,
we suspect that she was run off the road
and killed.
It's hitting her.
She looks broken.
[QUIETLY] Give me some details.
The bed's unmade, there's
clothes everywhere.
Take a few steps forward.
There's a table.
Reach forward.
There are two wedding rings.
We didn't think we should see each other
before the ceremony.
When she never showed up, I just
thought she bailed on me.
Wait. There's something carved in them.
- Numbers.
You know, when we got married,
we had our names engraved.
Got it.
Oh, god.
Gina, can you think of anyone
who might've wanted to hurt her?
Absolutely not.
We run a coffee shop
[SUNNY] Oh, you dropped the camera.
It's just under the table.
Meg always called us
"the world's most ordinary couple".
- Were you?
- Yeah.
I mean, we
just thought we'd get
out of there for
our wedding
we'd go get married someplace new,
so I'm just, uh
waiting for her to
walk through that door.
[SUNNY] If she's not telling the truth,
she's a great actor.
I've lost some people, too.
You gotta take it one
minute at a time, Gina.
We're gonna need to take a statement.
And we're gonna need
you to identify the body.
No, no, no.
This can't be happening.
This can't be the last
time that I see her
like this, here.
Can you tell us about the
first time you saw her?
Uh, we met at a garden centre.
I was picking up a plant for my mom
and, uh, I had hayfever
sneezing, and
This beautiful lady said "Bless you."
And then, by the fourth sneeze,
she just started laughing.
That was Meg.
[SUNNY] Nice story. Are we buying it?
We're gonna need you to
stay in town for a little while.
Yeah, I'm I'm not leaving
till you find out who did this,
whatever it takes.
Hey. So Gina's story checks out.
Gina Matheson and Meg
Lewis booked the room
and the wedding rentals two weeks ago.
They got no flags on their credit cards.
Uh, the do have a small coffee shop
in Riley, Oregon, just like she said,
and apparently, they serve
a killer rhubarb tart.
All right, well, we
know it's not the tart,
so who would want to kill one of them?
I tracked down some
of the wedding guests
before they returned to Oregon.
Got the five of them coming in tomorrow,
and they put Gina at the wedding site
at the time of the murder
she's not a suspect.
- You're welcome.
- Okay. What about the florist?
Still no answer.
All right, I'll check them out myself.
Maybe grab some jasmine while I'm there.
Hey, why don't you let
me drive you? I'll, uh
we can get some burgers on
the way back or something.
- Yeah, sounds good.
- I'll do a double
no cheese, peppers, extra pickle,
sauce barbecue yam fries
- [SUNNY] Hey, Tess
- [JAKE] I'm not getting you a hamburger.
I've been looking at Meg's socials.
So far, nothing not on Gina either.
Old-school, huh?
Well, Gina did say
they lived simple lives.
We'll have to ask her about that.
D&D Flowers. Looks closed.
Yeah. That's pretty damn closed.
- [SUNNY] Tess, there's somebody on the floor.
- The gate's open.
- There's someone on the floor.
- What? Hold on.
Is anybody here?
I got no pulse. He's cold.
All right, don't move.
I'll check out back.
Is something burning?
No, I don't see anything on my video.
[JAKE] It's clear.
Hey, you okay?
I'm fine. I thought I saw something.
I'm gonna call it in.
[PHONE] Call from Jake Campbell.
Jake. What does Rae have?
Okay, so what we've got
is one Robert Oliver.
He provided the flowers
for Meg and Gina's wedding.
Looks like he died
from blunt-force trauma.
So he was beaten to death?
Okay, this has to be
connected to the bride killing.
We got a time of death?
- Rae will confirm at autopsy.
- What about prints? Murder weapon?
Forensics is working
a rush on the scene.
Great. They're escalating it.
I'm coming down to the station.
And do what?
Get some rest,
wait for the reports. Just
we're gonna find this guy.
Seriously? He's already
dropped two bodies.
Let's make sure that
there's not a third.
Tess, are you doing okay?
I-I you looked pretty shaken up
at the scene today. I'm just
yeah, I was thrown for a second. I
I think I don't like
the smell of jasmine
as much as I thought.
Maybe we could get together
and brainstorm?
I mean, yeah, I
I would love to. I-I can't, I
Right. I'll see you tomorrow.
[SUNNY] Who are you, "Meg Lewis"?
Hey! Still coming up empty
on the Megan Lewis front.
Do we use work to avoid other stuff?
Um like what?
Our diets? Or relationships? Or
- our pasts?
- That one. Yeah.
Well, mine sure as
hell caught up to me
in my apartment, holding a gun.
But Sunny, that guy is dead.
What are you doing?
I'm listening. You
should try it sometime.
You're in my ear 15 hours a day!
All I do is listen.
Look, you clearly have
something on your mind.
If you don't want to talk, then fine.
I'm sitting on a curb
and the yard near me
is so full of jasmine,
it's all I can smell.
The night your mom died?
Matt sent me this weird text.
I knew right away something was off.
I couldn't make myself move.
Probably sat there an hour
before I got up the nerve to go home.
When I did
it was
flames, sky-high.
Nothing left.
I know it was her deadbeat boyfriend.
I always told myself I'd go after him.
Oh, Tess
you were just a kid.
You're not responsible.
Maybe we're both haunted.
From the damage of the vehicle
we know Meg Lewis was run off the road.
Autopsy confirms she was strangled,
and we believe the body
was dumped in the ocean
not far from the accident.
Do you have evidence?
Rae narrowed the time
of death of our bride,
and it fits with peak tide.
What Tess did is she
took the ocean charts
and tracked the currents back
from where the body was found
to the location of the wedding.
- Which is how we found the car.
- Mm-hmm, and Rae just confirmed
that the florist was killed before Meg.
Looks like our guy put up a fight, too.
[BENNETT] So, someone used the florist
to get the location
of the ceremony site?
- That's correct.
- Yeah, and kill Megan Lewis.
The question is, why?
Time to dig deeper.
Yeah. It is.
"Time to dig deeper."
- [HUSHED] Hey.
- What?
Talk to me about what Bennett said.
He thinks he knows who framed Sunita
that he was laying a trap,
that's why his name showed
up on the attacker's phone.
What he didn't know
is that the guy already
had her location.
- [JAKE] You believe him?
- That's a good question. Do we?
Look, until I get some
proof I don't know.
Anything new on the florist?
Uh, Forensics is still processing.
What about the wedding guests?
Apart from the fact that the
bride never made it to the altar,
- no one saw anything unusual.
- [JAKE] Okay.
The couple had no enemies. Well-liked.
Okay, what about family?
Dig into the tree
find any rotten fruit?
That's the thing there's no tree.
[JAKE] There was no
family at the wedding?
That's very weird.
Or a blessing but maybe
that's just my family.
Anyway I thought that maybe the
family didn't approve of the marriage,
but that's not it.
It's the guests themselves.
None of them knew the couple
for more than three years.
[JAKE] Okay, but Gina and Meg
are both in their late-30s.
Surely, they've got friends that
have known them longer, right?
The cut-off is three years.
As if they just suddenly
- Appeared.
- Appeared.
Tess that's it!
They killed you
and I ran.
And you ran too, didn't you?
[MATT] I think I found something.
The numbers in the
rings that Sunny sent me
were latitude and longitude.
- Simple, right?
- Right.
- Totally.
- Wrong.
Four digits were missing,
so I wasn't able to
pinpoint an exact location
I figured it must be somewhere
significant to the couple.
So, our top candidates
in the search grid
are Elgin Park,
a Stop 'N' Sip,
and Surrey Courthouse.
The courthouse!
I did a reverse-image
search on Meg Lewis,
just going on a hunch,
and I found a single photo.
Sending it to you now.
I thought it was a mistake,
because the name didn't match,
but I think it's her it's Meg Lewis.
I'll take your word for it.
[MATT] I'll search the court database.
There she is.
Our dead bride Assistant
Prosecutor Megan Sabata
same face
Different last name.
She was hiding her identity.
If Megan Lewis is Megan Sabata,
and Gina knew it, she's
she's been lying this entire time.
Jake we need to pick up Gina now!
Cleaned out.
She's gone.
Everything's gone.
She's in the wind.
All right, did we spook Gina,
or does she think someone's after her?
Ah, but Meg Lewis was the target, right?
Someone she convicted was released,
tracked her down, and got their revenge.
Bennett's got the Media Unit
broadcasting her photo on socials.
We got no hits yet.
This is gonna be like trying to
find a needle in a stack of needles.
[SUNNY] Just going through
the microcam footage.
I keep feeling like
maybe I missed something.
Tess. Gina has a gun!
- [TESS] What?
- [SUNNY] In the motel room,
you dropped the camera under the table.
I caught a frame of the gun
taped to the bottom of the table.
I mean, I'm looking at it right now.
So they must've had the gun there
before Meg's death.
Call logs from the florist's are in.
- Let's hear 'em.
- Mila Pearce,
Thomas Riku, Eric Saiid,
Leona Rossi, John Anderson
Wait. "Rossi".
One of Meg's cases
the defendant was named, uh
"Tanis Rossi".
Pulling up the mugshots.
It's Gina!
Gina was the defendant
in Meg's last case as a prosecutor.
I I'm texting it to you.
Her real name is Tanis Rossi.
Gina Matheson is Tanis Rossi.
Meg ran away with the
defendant she was prosecuting.
They were both hiding their identity.
So much for "the world's
most ordinary couple."
- Deadbolt
second deadbolt, third
deadbolt, fourth deadbolt,
chain the chain's staying on.
Sunny, the man that attacked you
is dead.
You killed him. You saved my life.
Could we celebrate a little bit,
maybe get rid of one of these deadbolts?
Or just lose the chain?
- [THUD]
You're free.
The person who paid to have
me killed is still out there
and you're the one
who brought the wolf to my door.
I I can't
Just take take a tiny step,
and I will walk with you.
Just take the tiny first step.
You gotta do it.
Sunny? Sunny!
Did your daughter have a
pre-existing relationship
with the prosecutor who
tried her case, Ms. Rossi?
You're gonna have to
dumb it down for me, hon'.
Your daughter was up on fraud
charges for a real-estate scam.
Was she sleeping with the Prosecutor?
I wouldn't know anything about that.
Well, Meg got the case thrown.
She presented inadmissible evidence.
That's the lawyer Tanis
AKA Gina was gonna marry.
That whole year was
too much.
It was three years ago.
It's not like we talked a lot.
She called me, she said
that she was getting married,
she was happy.
She didn't even tell me who.
But she told you about the wedding?
Asked me not to come.
Typical Tanis.
Your daughter hurt a lot of people,
running multiple pyramid schemes.
Was there ever any
particular name she mentioned,
anyone she was worried about?
I'd help you if I could
but I'm not sure I ever
really knew my daughter.
Not even back then.
I thought she was on
the run from the law.
Turns out it was with the law.
Our stack of needles just gets bigger.
We could be looking for one
of Meg's felons, or Gina's vics.
Gina defrauded at
least six people, right?
In one of the cases,
one family was absolutely devastated
mother files for divorce,
father hung himself.
Two grown sons
uh, one lives out of the country.
The other, uh, a "Moore
Woodall" of West Van,
actually has a record
of assault on Gina.
Apparently, during the trial,
he had to be pulled
off of her by security.
- Jake, this could be it!
- Mm-hmm.
That was when Meg went on the run,
even though she had never
backed down from a case before.
See what I'm saying?
But if Gina is the one
who destroyed his family,
why go after Meg?
By killing the woman she
loved, he'd be destroying Gina?
Or maybe he got the wrong bride?
Either way, Mr. Woodall
is our new best lead.
[JAKE] Let's go talk to him.
Someone's forced the lock.
Mr. Woodall?
I see him through the
back door he's outside.
[JAKE] Can you hear me?
[JAKE] Gina, put down the weapon!
[SUNNY] Gina's holding
a gun on Moore Woodall.
[JAKE] You do not want to do this.
He took everything from me.
Gina, let us help you.
You killed her.
I'm not a killer.
I didn't have anything
to do with what happened.
I don't believe you.
Think about Megan!
She wanted to protect you, right?
Give you a new life?
You kill him and all that goes away.
You're reaching her.
She believed that you could change.
[JAKE] Gina, please.
Come on.
It's up to you now.
Put the gun down.
[WOODALL] She should be locked up.
I mean, what would've happened
if you guys hadn't shown up?
That woman, she took
everything from our family
and, pfft got off scott-free.
No justice, no remorse!
- I wasn't gonna hurt him.
- You had a gun to his head.
I wanted him to admit
what he did to Meg!
I don't even know who Meg Lewis is.
What about "Megan Sabata"?
The prosecutor from Gina's trial?
That's who she's talking about?
I knew I would [BANGS TABLE]
hurt people, but I never imagined
it would unravel the way that it did.
That man killed the love of my life!
They're married?
They never made it to the altar.
Prosecutor was killed.
Where were you two days ago?
I was in Honolulu with my family.
You think I did this?
You just said it yourself
Gina destroyed your family.
We know that your
father committed suicide,
and when Gina ran off
with the very prosecutor
who was supposed to deliver
your family justice
it's possible
I mean, is there anyone
else who would want her dead?
If it wasn't Moore, it
was his brother, Sam.
They both sent me death
threats during the trial.
I wasn't lying about the garden centre.
Meg hadn't even been
assigned the case yet!
We tried not to fall in love,
and then we tried to keep
our relationship under wraps,
all it would've taken is one slip,
one sighting.
How did he find her?
They were tracing your mom's calls.
I called my mom from the florist.
It was the most
important day of my life.
I just I wanted her to know that
I was happy. I thought
that would be safe.
The autopsy
indicates that the florist
was beaten before he died.
We think he told them
where the ceremony was.
So two people are dead because of me.
- Do we believe her?
- Do we need to?
What's important is
that we get Meg's killer.
[JAKE] And Moore's alibi checks out.
He was in Honolulu, just like he said.
I just cut the interview short.
I got a call from Border Services.
The younger brother Sam Woodall?
Crossed into Canada three days ago.
- Our bingo card's filling up.
- Yep.
Let's use Gina to our advantage.
If she's right,
Sam's not done with her,
so if he goes after her,
he's our killer.
You're talking about a sting?
[TESS] With Gina as the bait.
Let's do it.
[OFFICER] Keep your head
up. We need you to be seen.
We are tracking a suspicious
car following our targeting vehicle.
Still a way's out.
[BENNETT] Do you have an I.D.?
[OFFICER] Nothing
yet. Still too far out.
Where's my mother?
In a safehouse.
She'll be fine.
[OFFICER] We have eyes
on the suspect's car
approaching the target address.
Do you think you're
defined by your worst day?
I think
I think who you were doesn't matter.
It's about who you are now.
[OFFICER] Blue sedan is
pulling into the driveway.
[OFFICER #2] The driver
is exiting the vehicle.
[OFFICER #3] Move, move, move!
[BENNETT] Do you have him?
[OFFICER] We got him.
What Gina, what are you doing?
Hey! Get back in the car!
I just need to see his face.
- Gina!
- [JAKE] Abort, abort!
It's not Sam Woodall in the
car. It's his brother, Moore.
We got the wrong guy.
Oh, my god. It's the guy
from the wedding venue.
He's Sam! He's the brother.
This is Avery! I need backup.
Suspect is on-site and on the move!
He must have been here the whole time.
What do you see?
Nothing it's a cornfield.
There's a tractor at 11:00.
Tess, what are you doing?
- I need a weapon!
- Oh, wait, I see something
a wrench
it's under the seat of the tractor.
- Ow!
- Tess, you need to wait for backup.
He's after Gina, not me.
What the hell?
What is this?
Sunny, are you seeing this?
Seeing what?
Tess! Don't!
We can't lose him!
[SUNNY] Do you hear anything?
I can't tell who.
Movement 2:00!
Who is it?
I can't tell.
Please tell me you're not gonna
Shh! Quiet!
Tess, it's Sam!
Gun. 10:00.
It's Gina.
She has the gun.
I never meant to hurt your family.
What are you gonna do?
Kill me?
You killed my wife,
and I can't let that go!
- [SUNNY] Tess!
- Down! Get down on the ground!
Gina, it's over.
- [♪♪]
It's time I faced the past.
Take responsibility.
You're doing the right thing.
[GINA] I know.
Everything Meg touched,
she changed for the better.
Especially me.
I'm gonna try and do the same thing.
So Moore showed up to
stop his brother from killing Gina.
Apparently, he called the
police first, but the 9-1-1 operator
had no idea whatsoever about the sting.
[TESS] What's this?
What I promised you a name.
- From my old boss, Taylor.
- Oh, Taylor
the guy who promoted you
to look the other way?
Despite what you might
think, Taylor was a solid cop.
Yeah, I have my doubts about that.
He was under the thumb
of someone higher up
the circle of life
but now that he's with us, he can
help us find out where this begins.
I want to work with you to uncover
why Rigby Daniels was killed.
[SUNNY] Liar.
Oh, Rigby.
I wish you would've told
me what you were hiding.
We did pretty good today.
Yeah, you sure did.
[TESS] Are you admitting
that I actually kicked ass?
[JAKE] As much as it
pains me to say, yes.
Though I do think you've
got a little bit of an edge
with that secret weapon of yours.
You might want to introduce
me to her sometime.
Oof. Keep dreaming, Campbell.
[MIA] What are we drinking to?
Want me to take a guess?
Well, this is fun, isn't it, Wilbur?
I've been seeing things.
What, hallucinating?
- You been taking drugs?
- No. I saw fire.
And I couldn't smell smoke,
and I couldn't feel heat,
so I know it wasn't real,
but it looked so real
it was like I could see again.
Okay. Those things that you're seeing,
are they in focus?
- How did you
- It sounds like Charles Bonnet Syndrome
uh, visual hallucinations
caused by the brain's
adjustment to sight loss.
Okay, so I'm going crazy?
No. Nothing exists in a void.
Your brain isn't getting any information
from the optic nerve,
so it's drawing from past experiences
to fill in the blanks.
For me, it's cats [LAUGHS]
skittering away into corners.
Does fire mean something to you?
I know how terrifying this can be,
but it gets better.
It can be useful.
Kind of helps you tune
into how you're feeling.
It's like having a
therapist in your own head.
Whatever happened to
good old-fashioned denial?
This fire
let's just say it's
a reminder of my mom.
I take it you two didn't
have the best relationship?
Here's to the people who make us
look at what we don't want to see.
Previously on Sight Unseen
[MAN] Leber's Neuropathy
is unpredictable.
You're already clinically blind.
- I know this is hard.
Are you okay?
Civilian consultant?
I want to stay in the field
with full autonomy
my tools, my tech.
It's called "Eyes Up".
The camera connects you to
a guide that "sees" for you.
Eyes Up! Sunny Patel. How may I assist?
- Do you hear that?
- There's a deadbolt
two inches up, to your left.
[SUNNY] Tess! You're
moving too fast. Slow down.
[SUNNY] I have agoraphobia.
The only way that I can leave home
is through Eyes Up.
You're more than an app
you're my partner.
[SUNNY] I know you're spying on me!
[TESS] She's living
under an assumed name.
She went into hiding and she used me!
I think she's been framed
- and I think it's an inside job.
- Hello?
Why are you here? What's going on?
It can't wait. It's too dangerous.
Dangerous for who?
Can I trust you?
[JAKE] I'm taking 'er in.
All right, Sunny. Get
me off this damn thing.
This beach looks pretty treacherous.
Watch your footing, Tess.
[JAKE] Hey. Nice shoes.
[SUNNY] Jake's giving
you a hand, right side.
You probably wouldn't have wore 'em,
if you could actually
see this place, but yeah.
- Listen.
- Let me help you.
My guide loves the shoes more than me,
so if you want to stay dry,
you should probably just follow my lead.
Welcome to Survivor
the "No Weddings and a Funeral" edition.
Okay, you're mixing genres,
but that tie, however,
is disturbingly on-point.
Yeah, all right. Guys!
Rocks to your left,
tide pool to the right,
body straight ahead.
[TESS] Leo, what do we got here?
[LEO] Not enough.
The tide's on the rise, so
we combed the shoreline first,
and team's on its way back to the woods,
and no access road to this point.
So, it's likely she was
dropped by boat, right?
[LEO] Boat seems probable.
Any idea who she is?
Well, no I.D., no
missing persons reports.
No clue. She was called in
at, uh 7:10 this morning.
A commercial fisherman
saw something in the surf.
It's just strange that nobody's
called in a missing bride.
[TESS] Maybe they don't
know she's missing yet.
Face up.
Bruising around the throat.
There's a deeper gash
on her left forearm.
No other visible injuries.
Her dress is torn in multiple places.
Looks wet.
She's so alone.
[TESS] What are we looking at here?
Well, our bride's been
immersed at least 24 hours.
She has abrasions and contusions
to her arms and back.
It's not a boating accident?
I mean, it could be, but the bruising
looks like possible strangulation.
I-I'd have to get her to my lab.
So we are looking at
a probable homicide?
- Yeah. It's leaning that way.
- Any tattoos,
anything to indicate where
she might have come from?
No. Nothing. I mean,
her dress is vintage.
Wearing an engagement ring.
[JAKE] Check it for a jeweller's mark.
- Sunny, talk to me about her hands.
- Yeah.
Uh, they're plain, but short, manicured.
Rough beds, though.
Kind of like yours. [CHUCKLES]
Whoever she dressed up for,
she must've really loved 'em.
[BENNETT] Whoever she dressed up for
- is our most likely suspect.
you think she put her
faith in the wrong person?
I certainly don't think she
expected to end up this way.
- All right, keep me updated.
No one belongs out here like this.
What's he doing here?
Well, he's my boss, so
he gets to go wherever he wants.
Look, Sunny, until we
figure this thing out,
we are just gonna keep our
heads down and do our jobs.
[JAKE] Let's make the assumption
that she was dropped by boat.
I mean, she could've been
brought in from anywhere, right?
Yeah. So
why not weigh her down?
Why leave her here,
where everyone can see her?
[JAKE] I don't know.
We have to play the percentages here.
Okay, we gotta canvass the marinas,
we gotta find
[SNAPPING] the boat.
"Find the boat"?
There's nothing but wind and waves.
[TESS] What if there was no boat?
There's something in the shadows ♪
[MATT] Why am I always your go-to
for these long-shot
theories and wild hunches?
What're you talking about?
This is our thing.
We're not "a thing," Tess.
- Ouch!
- Okay.
Sorry, Sunny. I'm a bear during finals.
Okay. Look.
Jake and Leo think the body
was transported to the beach
by boat.
Could be right
but I think she drifted there,
and as an independent consultant,
it's my job to think outside the box.
Oh, well, I'm not a cop
- and I'm not your boyfriend
so why am I here?
Because you are the smartest guy I know!
And the Marine Unit
wants to slow-walk us
'cause they're pissed
we nabbed the case.
[SUNNY] Mostly, she wants to be right.
Wait. See, I can relate to that.
All right. Ahem.
I'm pulling the dominant
currents from the region.
Now, do you mind telling me why?
The body was scraped up pretty bad.
It was seen near the channel
by a commercial fisherman.
I'm thinking she drifted there.
I think the surf rolled
her against the rocks
till she ended up in the tideline.
Okay, so we follow the
currents to an onshore location
where the body would
hit the water within
- The last 48 hours.
- 48.
The strongest current would've
carried her to your bay
right there.
[SUNNY] Thanks, Professor.
Two miles upstream.
Near Lion's Bay.
[SUNNY] We're looking
for a path to the shore.
Okay. Watch your step.
There's tree roots to your right.
How long have we been at this?
Well, we knew it was
gonna be a long shot.
Two steps, 45 degrees left.
All right. Well
if Jake is right,
and the body was transported by boat,
then she could've come
from literally anywhere.
Well, combing the marinas, and
looking for security footage
could take literally forever.
Pan the camera left?
I see something further down the path.
It's eerie.
It's set for a small outdoor ceremony,
but it looks abandoned.
Take a few steps forward.
Is that a shrine? Crosses?
This could be the wedding site.
There's a white wooden arch.
There's eight chairs.
Wilted flowers
and what is that? Ribbons?
Caught in the branches
like little ghosts.
I see something on the
arbour. Just go up?
Further to the right. A little higher.
Is it a business card?
It fell behind you.
- Just turn around
- [MAN] Hello?
Sorry. It's a man.
- He's smiling at you.
- Didn't mean to startle you.
Just here to do a pick-up.
Wedding rentals? Lowell's Events?
I'm Tess Avery.
I'm a consultant with Metro PD.
Police? Something happen?
Were you here yesterday?
Just for the set-up.
I heard the bride didn't even show.
Happens more often than you'd think.
Cold feet?
Yeah. Probably.
Do you have any contact
info for the couple?
All payments go through the office.
It's closed on weekends, though.
So, I'm just a bit late,
if you don't mind
Oh, you can't touch anything here.
It's a crime scene now.
One of our detectives
will call the office.
All right.
Suit yourself.
So that's how it ends?
Her picture-perfect wedding
comes down to some guy who
doesn't even know her name
picking up chairs?
No, this isn't how it ends
this is where we start.
Gonna call in Jake, get Forensics here.
You and I keep going
with our grid search.
We are gonna find
whoever killed this woman
and put 'em away.
That's how it ends.
Well, I'm sure that Jake
is gonna be very happy
to be in the loop.
Now let's find that card.
Camera down.
To your right.
What is that?
"D&D Flowers."
Just give me a sec.
Who is it?
[KYE] I know you can see me, Sunny.
There's a package for you,
and, so, I, um I'm
bringing it to you.
[SUNNY] Well, that's
usually how it works.
- Yeah
- Thanks, Kye.
Hey. Uh, can we, um
You think I could
come in, so we could
Sorry. I can't.
Busy, busy. Big case.
Yeah. No, yeah.
I'm busy too. Mahmoud called in sick,
and Mr. Solomon's on a rampage,
a-and Vicky's ferret
got out again, so if
You know, maybe we can swap
war stories later, yeah?
I feel like yours will
be better than mine.
Depends on where you find that ferret.
You know, I couldn't help but notice
that that package is
from a security store
Just work stuff.
- [THUD]
[KYE] Okay, well, I
should get going then.
Well, this florist
still isn't answering.
Hey, Tess, is your
guide still that woman
who saw Bennett's name
on her attacker's phone?
Uh, Sunita Sharma?
"Sunny." Yeah.
Bennett said he was trying
to get the attacker to reveal himself,
find out who he was working for.
You believe Bennett,
because he's always had your back?
I get it. Yeah.
Trust can blindside you,
Tess. We need proof, right?
- "We"?
- I am with you.
I saw those files before
they were scrubbed,
and I think that your guide was framed.
But if I'm gonna stick
my neck out for her
against Bennett
Can I meet this Sunny?
Give up my secret weapon?
Hey. Leo.
- I found something!
- Okay?
Red convertible. Mmph!
Sexy little thing.
Looks like it was driven off the road.
Somebody sideswiped it.
Okay. Where?
Not half a mile from the wedding site.
A hiker spotted it.
[TESS] Could be our dead bride's.
The license plate, uh,
is registered to a
"Meg Lewis" from Oregon.
I've put a request in
for her driver's licence,
but it'll take time, it's cross-border.
That's good work.
Uh, has F.I.S. determined
the paint colour
of the other car?
Yep. I've put a B.O.L.O. out
for blue cars with front-end damage.
Okay, so they run her off the road,
they strangle her,
then they dump the body in the ocean?
I'm definitely thinking
crime of passion here.
At least we've got some traction.
We find who hit her, we find our killer.
And I saved the best for last.
I think I found where she was staying.
Sending the address for the B&B.
[GINA] Meg Lewis? Yes. She's my fiancée.
[JAKE] I'm afraid we have bad news.
No, no. This is all some
kind of, uh, a mistake,
no, Meg is coming back. She's just
hang on, she's just scared.
I'm sorry, we know this
must be such a shock
Mm-mm. She's gonna text me back.
You said scared?
What was she scared of?
She's in denial.
Gina? What was Meg scared of?
Commitment! I don't know!
What? You never heard of cold feet?
[JAKE] Ms. Matheson, we understand
that this must be
very difficult for you,
but try to hear what we are saying.
We suspect foul play.
Now, Meg was found on a
beach opposite the inlet
where the car was discovered.
We don't have all the information yet,
we suspect that she was run off the road
and killed.
It's hitting her.
She looks broken.
[QUIETLY] Give me some details.
The bed's unmade, there's
clothes everywhere.
Take a few steps forward.
There's a table.
Reach forward.
There are two wedding rings.
We didn't think we should see each other
before the ceremony.
When she never showed up, I just
thought she bailed on me.
Wait. There's something carved in them.
- Numbers.
You know, when we got married,
we had our names engraved.
Got it.
Oh, god.
Gina, can you think of anyone
who might've wanted to hurt her?
Absolutely not.
We run a coffee shop
[SUNNY] Oh, you dropped the camera.
It's just under the table.
Meg always called us
"the world's most ordinary couple".
- Were you?
- Yeah.
I mean, we
just thought we'd get
out of there for
our wedding
we'd go get married someplace new,
so I'm just, uh
waiting for her to
walk through that door.
[SUNNY] If she's not telling the truth,
she's a great actor.
I've lost some people, too.
You gotta take it one
minute at a time, Gina.
We're gonna need to take a statement.
And we're gonna need
you to identify the body.
No, no, no.
This can't be happening.
This can't be the last
time that I see her
like this, here.
Can you tell us about the
first time you saw her?
Uh, we met at a garden centre.
I was picking up a plant for my mom
and, uh, I had hayfever
sneezing, and
This beautiful lady said "Bless you."
And then, by the fourth sneeze,
she just started laughing.
That was Meg.
[SUNNY] Nice story. Are we buying it?
We're gonna need you to
stay in town for a little while.
Yeah, I'm I'm not leaving
till you find out who did this,
whatever it takes.
Hey. So Gina's story checks out.
Gina Matheson and Meg
Lewis booked the room
and the wedding rentals two weeks ago.
They got no flags on their credit cards.
Uh, the do have a small coffee shop
in Riley, Oregon, just like she said,
and apparently, they serve
a killer rhubarb tart.
All right, well, we
know it's not the tart,
so who would want to kill one of them?
I tracked down some
of the wedding guests
before they returned to Oregon.
Got the five of them coming in tomorrow,
and they put Gina at the wedding site
at the time of the murder
she's not a suspect.
- You're welcome.
- Okay. What about the florist?
Still no answer.
All right, I'll check them out myself.
Maybe grab some jasmine while I'm there.
Hey, why don't you let
me drive you? I'll, uh
we can get some burgers on
the way back or something.
- Yeah, sounds good.
- I'll do a double
no cheese, peppers, extra pickle,
sauce barbecue yam fries
- [SUNNY] Hey, Tess
- [JAKE] I'm not getting you a hamburger.
I've been looking at Meg's socials.
So far, nothing not on Gina either.
Old-school, huh?
Well, Gina did say
they lived simple lives.
We'll have to ask her about that.
D&D Flowers. Looks closed.
Yeah. That's pretty damn closed.
- [SUNNY] Tess, there's somebody on the floor.
- The gate's open.
- There's someone on the floor.
- What? Hold on.
Is anybody here?
I got no pulse. He's cold.
All right, don't move.
I'll check out back.
Is something burning?
No, I don't see anything on my video.
[JAKE] It's clear.
Hey, you okay?
I'm fine. I thought I saw something.
I'm gonna call it in.
[PHONE] Call from Jake Campbell.
Jake. What does Rae have?
Okay, so what we've got
is one Robert Oliver.
He provided the flowers
for Meg and Gina's wedding.
Looks like he died
from blunt-force trauma.
So he was beaten to death?
Okay, this has to be
connected to the bride killing.
We got a time of death?
- Rae will confirm at autopsy.
- What about prints? Murder weapon?
Forensics is working
a rush on the scene.
Great. They're escalating it.
I'm coming down to the station.
And do what?
Get some rest,
wait for the reports. Just
we're gonna find this guy.
Seriously? He's already
dropped two bodies.
Let's make sure that
there's not a third.
Tess, are you doing okay?
I-I you looked pretty shaken up
at the scene today. I'm just
yeah, I was thrown for a second. I
I think I don't like
the smell of jasmine
as much as I thought.
Maybe we could get together
and brainstorm?
I mean, yeah, I
I would love to. I-I can't, I
Right. I'll see you tomorrow.
[SUNNY] Who are you, "Meg Lewis"?
Hey! Still coming up empty
on the Megan Lewis front.
Do we use work to avoid other stuff?
Um like what?
Our diets? Or relationships? Or
- our pasts?
- That one. Yeah.
Well, mine sure as
hell caught up to me
in my apartment, holding a gun.
But Sunny, that guy is dead.
What are you doing?
I'm listening. You
should try it sometime.
You're in my ear 15 hours a day!
All I do is listen.
Look, you clearly have
something on your mind.
If you don't want to talk, then fine.
I'm sitting on a curb
and the yard near me
is so full of jasmine,
it's all I can smell.
The night your mom died?
Matt sent me this weird text.
I knew right away something was off.
I couldn't make myself move.
Probably sat there an hour
before I got up the nerve to go home.
When I did
it was
flames, sky-high.
Nothing left.
I know it was her deadbeat boyfriend.
I always told myself I'd go after him.
Oh, Tess
you were just a kid.
You're not responsible.
Maybe we're both haunted.
From the damage of the vehicle
we know Meg Lewis was run off the road.
Autopsy confirms she was strangled,
and we believe the body
was dumped in the ocean
not far from the accident.
Do you have evidence?
Rae narrowed the time
of death of our bride,
and it fits with peak tide.
What Tess did is she
took the ocean charts
and tracked the currents back
from where the body was found
to the location of the wedding.
- Which is how we found the car.
- Mm-hmm, and Rae just confirmed
that the florist was killed before Meg.
Looks like our guy put up a fight, too.
[BENNETT] So, someone used the florist
to get the location
of the ceremony site?
- That's correct.
- Yeah, and kill Megan Lewis.
The question is, why?
Time to dig deeper.
Yeah. It is.
"Time to dig deeper."
- [HUSHED] Hey.
- What?
Talk to me about what Bennett said.
He thinks he knows who framed Sunita
that he was laying a trap,
that's why his name showed
up on the attacker's phone.
What he didn't know
is that the guy already
had her location.
- [JAKE] You believe him?
- That's a good question. Do we?
Look, until I get some
proof I don't know.
Anything new on the florist?
Uh, Forensics is still processing.
What about the wedding guests?
Apart from the fact that the
bride never made it to the altar,
- no one saw anything unusual.
- [JAKE] Okay.
The couple had no enemies. Well-liked.
Okay, what about family?
Dig into the tree
find any rotten fruit?
That's the thing there's no tree.
[JAKE] There was no
family at the wedding?
That's very weird.
Or a blessing but maybe
that's just my family.
Anyway I thought that maybe the
family didn't approve of the marriage,
but that's not it.
It's the guests themselves.
None of them knew the couple
for more than three years.
[JAKE] Okay, but Gina and Meg
are both in their late-30s.
Surely, they've got friends that
have known them longer, right?
The cut-off is three years.
As if they just suddenly
- Appeared.
- Appeared.
Tess that's it!
They killed you
and I ran.
And you ran too, didn't you?
[MATT] I think I found something.
The numbers in the
rings that Sunny sent me
were latitude and longitude.
- Simple, right?
- Right.
- Totally.
- Wrong.
Four digits were missing,
so I wasn't able to
pinpoint an exact location
I figured it must be somewhere
significant to the couple.
So, our top candidates
in the search grid
are Elgin Park,
a Stop 'N' Sip,
and Surrey Courthouse.
The courthouse!
I did a reverse-image
search on Meg Lewis,
just going on a hunch,
and I found a single photo.
Sending it to you now.
I thought it was a mistake,
because the name didn't match,
but I think it's her it's Meg Lewis.
I'll take your word for it.
[MATT] I'll search the court database.
There she is.
Our dead bride Assistant
Prosecutor Megan Sabata
same face
Different last name.
She was hiding her identity.
If Megan Lewis is Megan Sabata,
and Gina knew it, she's
she's been lying this entire time.
Jake we need to pick up Gina now!
Cleaned out.
She's gone.
Everything's gone.
She's in the wind.
All right, did we spook Gina,
or does she think someone's after her?
Ah, but Meg Lewis was the target, right?
Someone she convicted was released,
tracked her down, and got their revenge.
Bennett's got the Media Unit
broadcasting her photo on socials.
We got no hits yet.
This is gonna be like trying to
find a needle in a stack of needles.
[SUNNY] Just going through
the microcam footage.
I keep feeling like
maybe I missed something.
Tess. Gina has a gun!
- [TESS] What?
- [SUNNY] In the motel room,
you dropped the camera under the table.
I caught a frame of the gun
taped to the bottom of the table.
I mean, I'm looking at it right now.
So they must've had the gun there
before Meg's death.
Call logs from the florist's are in.
- Let's hear 'em.
- Mila Pearce,
Thomas Riku, Eric Saiid,
Leona Rossi, John Anderson
Wait. "Rossi".
One of Meg's cases
the defendant was named, uh
"Tanis Rossi".
Pulling up the mugshots.
It's Gina!
Gina was the defendant
in Meg's last case as a prosecutor.
I I'm texting it to you.
Her real name is Tanis Rossi.
Gina Matheson is Tanis Rossi.
Meg ran away with the
defendant she was prosecuting.
They were both hiding their identity.
So much for "the world's
most ordinary couple."
- Deadbolt
second deadbolt, third
deadbolt, fourth deadbolt,
chain the chain's staying on.
Sunny, the man that attacked you
is dead.
You killed him. You saved my life.
Could we celebrate a little bit,
maybe get rid of one of these deadbolts?
Or just lose the chain?
- [THUD]
You're free.
The person who paid to have
me killed is still out there
and you're the one
who brought the wolf to my door.
I I can't
Just take take a tiny step,
and I will walk with you.
Just take the tiny first step.
You gotta do it.
Sunny? Sunny!
Did your daughter have a
pre-existing relationship
with the prosecutor who
tried her case, Ms. Rossi?
You're gonna have to
dumb it down for me, hon'.
Your daughter was up on fraud
charges for a real-estate scam.
Was she sleeping with the Prosecutor?
I wouldn't know anything about that.
Well, Meg got the case thrown.
She presented inadmissible evidence.
That's the lawyer Tanis
AKA Gina was gonna marry.
That whole year was
too much.
It was three years ago.
It's not like we talked a lot.
She called me, she said
that she was getting married,
she was happy.
She didn't even tell me who.
But she told you about the wedding?
Asked me not to come.
Typical Tanis.
Your daughter hurt a lot of people,
running multiple pyramid schemes.
Was there ever any
particular name she mentioned,
anyone she was worried about?
I'd help you if I could
but I'm not sure I ever
really knew my daughter.
Not even back then.
I thought she was on
the run from the law.
Turns out it was with the law.
Our stack of needles just gets bigger.
We could be looking for one
of Meg's felons, or Gina's vics.
Gina defrauded at
least six people, right?
In one of the cases,
one family was absolutely devastated
mother files for divorce,
father hung himself.
Two grown sons
uh, one lives out of the country.
The other, uh, a "Moore
Woodall" of West Van,
actually has a record
of assault on Gina.
Apparently, during the trial,
he had to be pulled
off of her by security.
- Jake, this could be it!
- Mm-hmm.
That was when Meg went on the run,
even though she had never
backed down from a case before.
See what I'm saying?
But if Gina is the one
who destroyed his family,
why go after Meg?
By killing the woman she
loved, he'd be destroying Gina?
Or maybe he got the wrong bride?
Either way, Mr. Woodall
is our new best lead.
[JAKE] Let's go talk to him.
Someone's forced the lock.
Mr. Woodall?
I see him through the
back door he's outside.
[JAKE] Can you hear me?
[JAKE] Gina, put down the weapon!
[SUNNY] Gina's holding
a gun on Moore Woodall.
[JAKE] You do not want to do this.
He took everything from me.
Gina, let us help you.
You killed her.
I'm not a killer.
I didn't have anything
to do with what happened.
I don't believe you.
Think about Megan!
She wanted to protect you, right?
Give you a new life?
You kill him and all that goes away.
You're reaching her.
She believed that you could change.
[JAKE] Gina, please.
Come on.
It's up to you now.
Put the gun down.
[WOODALL] She should be locked up.
I mean, what would've happened
if you guys hadn't shown up?
That woman, she took
everything from our family
and, pfft got off scott-free.
No justice, no remorse!
- I wasn't gonna hurt him.
- You had a gun to his head.
I wanted him to admit
what he did to Meg!
I don't even know who Meg Lewis is.
What about "Megan Sabata"?
The prosecutor from Gina's trial?
That's who she's talking about?
I knew I would [BANGS TABLE]
hurt people, but I never imagined
it would unravel the way that it did.
That man killed the love of my life!
They're married?
They never made it to the altar.
Prosecutor was killed.
Where were you two days ago?
I was in Honolulu with my family.
You think I did this?
You just said it yourself
Gina destroyed your family.
We know that your
father committed suicide,
and when Gina ran off
with the very prosecutor
who was supposed to deliver
your family justice
it's possible
I mean, is there anyone
else who would want her dead?
If it wasn't Moore, it
was his brother, Sam.
They both sent me death
threats during the trial.
I wasn't lying about the garden centre.
Meg hadn't even been
assigned the case yet!
We tried not to fall in love,
and then we tried to keep
our relationship under wraps,
all it would've taken is one slip,
one sighting.
How did he find her?
They were tracing your mom's calls.
I called my mom from the florist.
It was the most
important day of my life.
I just I wanted her to know that
I was happy. I thought
that would be safe.
The autopsy
indicates that the florist
was beaten before he died.
We think he told them
where the ceremony was.
So two people are dead because of me.
- Do we believe her?
- Do we need to?
What's important is
that we get Meg's killer.
[JAKE] And Moore's alibi checks out.
He was in Honolulu, just like he said.
I just cut the interview short.
I got a call from Border Services.
The younger brother Sam Woodall?
Crossed into Canada three days ago.
- Our bingo card's filling up.
- Yep.
Let's use Gina to our advantage.
If she's right,
Sam's not done with her,
so if he goes after her,
he's our killer.
You're talking about a sting?
[TESS] With Gina as the bait.
Let's do it.
[OFFICER] Keep your head
up. We need you to be seen.
We are tracking a suspicious
car following our targeting vehicle.
Still a way's out.
[BENNETT] Do you have an I.D.?
[OFFICER] Nothing
yet. Still too far out.
Where's my mother?
In a safehouse.
She'll be fine.
[OFFICER] We have eyes
on the suspect's car
approaching the target address.
Do you think you're
defined by your worst day?
I think
I think who you were doesn't matter.
It's about who you are now.
[OFFICER] Blue sedan is
pulling into the driveway.
[OFFICER #2] The driver
is exiting the vehicle.
[OFFICER #3] Move, move, move!
[BENNETT] Do you have him?
[OFFICER] We got him.
What Gina, what are you doing?
Hey! Get back in the car!
I just need to see his face.
- Gina!
- [JAKE] Abort, abort!
It's not Sam Woodall in the
car. It's his brother, Moore.
We got the wrong guy.
Oh, my god. It's the guy
from the wedding venue.
He's Sam! He's the brother.
This is Avery! I need backup.
Suspect is on-site and on the move!
He must have been here the whole time.
What do you see?
Nothing it's a cornfield.
There's a tractor at 11:00.
Tess, what are you doing?
- I need a weapon!
- Oh, wait, I see something
a wrench
it's under the seat of the tractor.
- Ow!
- Tess, you need to wait for backup.
He's after Gina, not me.
What the hell?
What is this?
Sunny, are you seeing this?
Seeing what?
Tess! Don't!
We can't lose him!
[SUNNY] Do you hear anything?
I can't tell who.
Movement 2:00!
Who is it?
I can't tell.
Please tell me you're not gonna
Shh! Quiet!
Tess, it's Sam!
Gun. 10:00.
It's Gina.
She has the gun.
I never meant to hurt your family.
What are you gonna do?
Kill me?
You killed my wife,
and I can't let that go!
- [SUNNY] Tess!
- Down! Get down on the ground!
Gina, it's over.
- [♪♪]
It's time I faced the past.
Take responsibility.
You're doing the right thing.
[GINA] I know.
Everything Meg touched,
she changed for the better.
Especially me.
I'm gonna try and do the same thing.
So Moore showed up to
stop his brother from killing Gina.
Apparently, he called the
police first, but the 9-1-1 operator
had no idea whatsoever about the sting.
[TESS] What's this?
What I promised you a name.
- From my old boss, Taylor.
- Oh, Taylor
the guy who promoted you
to look the other way?
Despite what you might
think, Taylor was a solid cop.
Yeah, I have my doubts about that.
He was under the thumb
of someone higher up
the circle of life
but now that he's with us, he can
help us find out where this begins.
I want to work with you to uncover
why Rigby Daniels was killed.
[SUNNY] Liar.
Oh, Rigby.
I wish you would've told
me what you were hiding.
We did pretty good today.
Yeah, you sure did.
[TESS] Are you admitting
that I actually kicked ass?
[JAKE] As much as it
pains me to say, yes.
Though I do think you've
got a little bit of an edge
with that secret weapon of yours.
You might want to introduce
me to her sometime.
Oof. Keep dreaming, Campbell.
[MIA] What are we drinking to?
Want me to take a guess?
Well, this is fun, isn't it, Wilbur?
I've been seeing things.
What, hallucinating?
- You been taking drugs?
- No. I saw fire.
And I couldn't smell smoke,
and I couldn't feel heat,
so I know it wasn't real,
but it looked so real
it was like I could see again.
Okay. Those things that you're seeing,
are they in focus?
- How did you
- It sounds like Charles Bonnet Syndrome
uh, visual hallucinations
caused by the brain's
adjustment to sight loss.
Okay, so I'm going crazy?
No. Nothing exists in a void.
Your brain isn't getting any information
from the optic nerve,
so it's drawing from past experiences
to fill in the blanks.
For me, it's cats [LAUGHS]
skittering away into corners.
Does fire mean something to you?
I know how terrifying this can be,
but it gets better.
It can be useful.
Kind of helps you tune
into how you're feeling.
It's like having a
therapist in your own head.
Whatever happened to
good old-fashioned denial?
This fire
let's just say it's
a reminder of my mom.
I take it you two didn't
have the best relationship?
Here's to the people who make us
look at what we don't want to see.