Sight Unseen (2024) s02e02 Episode Script
About a Boy
[SUNNY] He was married.
We were having an affair.
They killed you
and I ran.
[JAKE] I think that
your guide was framed.
- What's this?
- What I promised you a name.
He can help us find
out where this begins.
- Yeah, I have my doubts about that.
- [BENNETT] I want to work with you,
to uncover why Rigby Daniels was killed.
[SUNNY] I have agoraphobia.
The only way that I can leave
home is through Eyes Up.
[TESS] It was like I could see again.
I saw fire.
Like the night your mom died?
I know it wasn't real,
but it looked so real.
[MIA] It sounds like
Charles Bonnet syndrome.
Visual hallucinations caused by
the brain's adjustment to sight loss.
Does fire mean something to you?
Tess, are you here?
[JASMINE] Remy, are
you having a fun day?
[REMY] Yeah.
When are Mom and Dad coming home?
Today! Are you excited?
All right, no more being on the phone
once we get home, Remy
your mom didn't want you
on it too much.
These windows
Jasmine, can we get ice cream?
[JASMINE] Hey! Stop! Stop!
There's something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] So, what do you think it means?
Because I make it out into the hallway,
and then I get into the elevator,
and then, it starts plummeting,
and then the bald guy's there,
and he's attacking me,
just like he did when he broke in.
It's probably about your
fear of leaving your apartment
and the guy who assaulted you in it.
Oh, she's giving you a Kleenex.
Thanks, Sigmund. So what should I do?
Because I feel like I'm getting
re-traumatized every night,
and I'm exhausted.
[TESS] I would never take
my own advice, but, uh
you thought about therapy?
Maybe talking to someone?
I'm talking to you.
Yeah, your blind client.
I'm not good at this.
The fiery embers that I've been seeing?
I'm not exactly opening up about those.
Did you just make this about you?
Yeah. I guess I did.
I rest my case.
[SUNNY] Oh. There's
Jake. He's at his desk.
Six paces ahead.
Three, two, one
let the games begin.
What is this?
- Coffee.
- I can see that.
Don't say I'm never there for you.
He's smiling.
He's taking.
He's sipping.
He doesn't like it.
[COUGHS] Always there
to get my order wrong.
- What
- And it says "Jack" on the cup!
Well, maybe that's the cup's name.
At least I'm consistent.
At least the flirting's consistent.
Oh, Amber Alert
missing six-year-old
boy in a black SUV.
Can't we ever have nice things?
Hey, Leo. Yeah. I saw the
Yeah. Got it. Thank you.
Sounds like a carjacking.
Leo's already there, if you wanna
[TESS] Come on, Campbell! Keep up!
Tag along?
You ever think about having kids?
All the time. You?
What's the worst that could happen?
I know it's a coping mechanism,
but you guys are very dark.
Missing boy's name is Remy Darrow.
The nanny has been watching him
while his parents were
house-hunting in Chile.
They were already in
the air when it happened,
so we can't get a hold
of them till they land.
It's not exactly a live-in
nanny/luxury car kinda neighbourhood.
[LEO] We got a B.O.L.O. out
on the kid and the car
last seen going westbound,
and no one's got eyes on the carjacker.
No, busted and never replaced.
[JAKE] Of course.
They said the kid had a phone?
Yeah, we've been trying to ping it,
but it's switched off or dead.
Six-year-olds with smartphones
whatever happened to
walkie-talkies, huh?
All right, let's talk to the nanny.
[LEO] This way.
Name's Jasmine Lim. You guys good?
I got unis canvassing the neighbourhood.
I'm gonna roll with
patrol see if we get lucky.
[TESS] Yeah. Let's all
cross our T's on this one.
Ms. Lim? My name is Detective Campbell.
This is Tess Avery.
Want to tell us what happened?
I don't know.
Remy was on his phone in the back,
and I went to go clean the windows,
and then, when I turned
around, the car just drove away.
Does the family live nearby?
Across the river North Delta.
I usually come here because
the gas is a lot cheaper.
I mean, who would do this
who would just take a little boy?
Ms. Lim
it's a high-end SUV,
so they were probably
just interested in the car,
didn't even notice Remy.
With any luck, they dropped
him off somewhere safe,
we'll recover him soon.
Tell you what. Why
don't you come with me?
- Let's walk through what happened, okay?
- Okay.
[SUNNY] If she's involved,
she's a very good actress.
She seems really upset.
There's a couple of mechanics inside.
Maybe one of them know something.
I'm texting you Remy's photo.
11:00, six paces ahead.
Hey there. That SUV that was stolen
this morning, with a kid inside?
Anybody see anything?
I didn't see anything.
You a cop? You seem different.
So did you see who
took the kid or the car?
Nah no. The guy knows something.
He's looking away.
Okay, well, I'm not a cop,
but I can introduce
you to one real quick.
Do you recognize this kid?
I seen him before.
That lady brings him here a bunch.
He's talking about the nanny.
What do you mean, "a bunch"?
Like, every few days,
but this week, like, every day.
They visit some muscle-bro
around the corner.
Green house. You can't miss it.
[SUNNY] And the "best
supporting actress" award goes to
Okay, so, we're at the front
the door of the place now.
Just want to ask you a
couple questions, sir!
[MAN INSIDE] Uh, yeah! Just a second.
- [JAKE] Stop! Police!
- [SUNNY] Tess, what's going on?
Tess! He's coming your way!
[SUNNY] I see him in the mirror.
He's coming from behind you.
Wow. That was satisfying.
Nice take-down.
- I try.
Leo, you are on speaker.
We got eyes on the car.
Police! Show your hands!
Looks empty.
Keys in the front seat.
[DARKLY] No kid.
Start the clock.
What does that mean
"start the clock"?
[TESS] They ditched the vehicle.
In abduction cases, after two hours,
survival rate drops to 40%.
This isn't a carjacking.
It's a kidnapping.
I understand that,
but I've got a kidnapped
child, a ticking clock,
and not enough manpower.
All I'm asking for
is a little help here.
I tried that already!
That's why I'm calling you.
I see.
Is that you, or him, talking?
Can I quote him on that?
Will that be his official position
on missing children come next election?
And this What? Hello?
[TESS] Let me guess.
No cameras, no witnesses,
nobody remembers a child
complaining he was being kidnapped?
Pretty much.
In broad daylight, lots of people
So this guy is probably
not threatening to the kid,
he's definitely unremarkable
to everyone else.
He's gotta be someone he knows.
Forensics are processing the car.
The upside no clear signs
of violence or struggle.
Wherever this kid is,
there's a good chance
he's still in one piece.
[SUNNY] It's amazing
what passes for good news some days.
What are you thinking, so far?
[TESS] I'm thinking premeditated.
The kidnapper grabs the child
at a place where he's seen repeatedly,
a location with no cameras
and then he swaps out the stolen car
for another one no one's
gonna be looking for,
and leaves that at a different
location with no cameras.
So which way'd they go?
[SUNNY] The parking lot is near
on-ramps to all the major highways.
You wanna flip a four-sided coin?
I'm gonna keep looking for
leads and witnesses here.
Jake's finishing up at the station
with the nanny and the boyfriend.
[TESS] Okay. Sounds good.
Patrol's bringing the parents
back from the airport now.
They just found out
their son was kidnapped.
I'm meeting them at their home.
- [LEO] Good luck.
- Yeah, thanks.
[SUNNY] Nice neighbourhood.
Watch the curb.
Nice houses.
Someone spray-painted the word "liars"
on the Darrows' fence.
Might explain the "for sale" sign.
Call from Jake Campbell.
Jake. I'm at the Darrows' home.
What do you got on the
nanny and the gym rat?
Uh, that they're pretty stupid,
but they're not kidnappers.
So, the nanny was taking the kid
on secret visits to her boyfriend's
while she was supposed to be on the job,
and the boyfriend
has some old B-and-E
charges from back in the day,
which is why he got spooked and he ran.
[TESS] So why she's
probably about to get fired.
there's a couple looky-loos
across the street.
Jake, I'm gonna check in with
the neighbours while I wait.
Okay, sounds good. I will see you there.
[SUNNY] Street's clear.
Ten paces ahead.
[TESS] Hey. Good morning.
- Hi.
- I'm Tess Avery.
I'm a consultant with the police.
So you're neighbours with the Darrows?
Uh, yeah, for years.
Known Remy since he was a baby.
Uh, this is Rita, who lives next door.
D-Do they know who took him?
[TESS] Well, the
investigation is ongoing.
You guys know anything
about that graffiti?
It was their general contractor.
They fired him a few weeks ago.
It's been a nightmare ever since.
Yeah, I feel bad.
They hired him off my recommendation,
after he did my kitchen
said he was doing good work,
then I guess he just turned a corner,
started acting erratically.
Tell me more about that.
Well, last time he was here,
he keyed their car, and then,
this just shows up this morning.
I can't believe it.
I was talking to them last week
about taking 'em all fishing.
What are the parents like?
[SUNNY] Patrol car's
pulling up behind you.
Oh, Tim and Lisa are the best.
They throw a barbecue every year,
and invite the whole street.
Yeah, we share the odd
beer, shoot the breeze.
They're good people.
- Yeah. He just works too hard.
[SUNNY] Tess, the parents are here.
Thank you for your
time. We'll be in touch.
Sometimes, I wish you delivered
candygrams for a living.
[TIM] Why would Jasmine take
him there what was she thinking?
What do you know about
that graffiti on your fence?
It must've been our contractor.
We fired him a couple of weeks ago,
and he's just been
harassing us ever since.
Paul Reinburg.
You think he could've done this?
Uh, I-I'm checking socials.
I'd like to talk to him.
Paul taking Remy that
just doesn't feel right.
Why did you fire him?
[TIM] We weren't happy with the work.
I mean, we were, at first,
but then it's like he
became a-another person,
and he didn't react
well when we let him go.
- Why are you moving?
- Uh
Tim got a promotion at his firm,
so we'll be moving around for a while.
Yeah, I design roadways.
We'll be in Santiago for about a year,
Lisbon after that, and then who knows?
I c-can't believe
that this is happening.
I can't believe that we could lose him
after everything that
we've gone through.
We're not gonna lose him.
Lisa had some miscarriages.
Yeah, we did the whole IVF thing.
It was It was hard.
And then when we had
Remy, and he was healthy
And happy!
Always happy.
He was our little miracle.
Made us a family.
He made us whole.
We can't lose him.
- No.
- Okay? We can't.
Find our boy.
Bring him home. Please.
They're sincere, Tess.
We're gonna do everything we can,
and I'm gonna need Paul's
contact information from you.
Tess! Remy's phone just pinged.
- I've been pinging it all morning.
- [TESS] What?
It turned back on and now it's moving.
Jake's on his way, right?
Yeah, I'm calling him right now.
What's happening?
Get out of the car!
Get out of the car!
Hands. Hands!
Where's the boy?
- What's going on?
- Where's the phone?
- Where's the phone?
- What phone? What phone?
My phone?
[JAKE] It's okay.
Give me the phone.
Harper, where did you get that?
Where did she get this?
Where'd she get it?
I don't know! I-I don't know!
Jake, talk to me.
Is it Remy? Did you find him?
[JAKE] We found his phone
in a family's minivan.
Looks like the kidnapper planted it
there when he was switching vehicles.
Remy's still out there.
We spoke to the family
who found the boy's phone.
Their story checks out
they were shopping at a grocery store
across the street from
where the SUV was recovered,
and cameras put them at a diner nearby
at the time of the abduction.
Okay, so the kidnapper slipped the phone
into one of their bags?
[SUNNY] It's a good way to
get us looking the other way.
What about the phone itself
anything useful on it?
Not unless you like collecting Pokemon.
I've got B.O.L.O.'s out on
the boy and the contractor
over radio and TV,
digital highway signs.
I've got patrols scouring
and I'm coordinating with the RCMP.
we're running out of time.
It's been over two hours.
This kid could be 200 miles away by now.
- Sir, we need that second car.
Okay, got it.
We just got sent a ransom message
to the Department's general inbox.
What should I say?
Hi, Mom, hi, Dad. I love you.
See you soon, bye!
million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
Oh, my God.
Tess, I have an idea.
- What do you need?
- Come on! I'm your oldest friend.
Why do you assume I need
something every time I call you?
I'm sorry.
How are you? What's up?
I need something.
I'm sending you a recording
of a ransom message.
The voice has been altered.
Sunny's sending you audio samples
of everybody that we talked to today
a couple more later, if we're lucky.
- Mm-hmm.
- I know this is crazy, but
can you alter their voices,
see if you any of them match
the one on the recording?
You're right, it is crazy.
Don't you have police
techs for this stuff?
Sure. Are you gonna tell me
they're better, or faster, than you?
A favour and flattery? Wow!
Who's missing?
A six-year-old boy.
I'm on it.
Jake just found him
he's bringing him in.
- The boy?
- The contractor.
We found him at the rooming house.
We spotted the pickup
with the busted tail light.
[TESS] Come on, Paul.
You should get that fixed
if you're gonna kidnap kids.
- What?
- Come on. Where is he?
- Where's who?
- Remy. Where is Remy?
Who is Remy?
Oof. You had a couple
of drinks this morning?
It's not morning if
you haven't gone to bed,
and I have no clue what
you're talking about.
[RECORDING] 2 million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
Whatever happened to cutting
the letters out of a magazine?
Man, there's just so many
reasons it's you, you know?
I mean, that beef you
had with the Darrows
destruction of property,
keying the car
spray-painting the fence.
I never spray-painted the fence.
I never spray-painted their fence.
- I don't think he's lying.
- Where were you this morning?
At home. You can ask
anybody at the house I'm staying at.
We partied all night,
and I never left until
you guys hauled me out.
There's something I don't
quite understand here.
Why would a lovely couple like that
let a car accident like you
anywhere near their home?
I know that I've hit
a bit of a rough patch
since my girl kicked me out
but you'd be surprised
at how nicely I clean up.
I'm a structural engineer by trade.
I'm a third-generation
carpenter by blood.
Professionally, no one touches me.
Oh, see, that's funny,
'cause the Darrows said
they fired you for bad work.
They fired me
because she was into me.
Hey! I called her on it,
and all of the sudden
I'm the creep, right?
What's she gonna say?
Of course she's gonna say "bad work".
What's she gonna say
"sexual chemistry"?
And he's probably just as bad as she is.
"Long hours," you
know? Like, every night.
I grew up with that garbage.
Like, I'm sorry those
people lost their boy.
He seemed like a nice kid.
But karma's a bitch, and
some people don't
deserve their children.
Okay, let me see if
his story checks out.
I'm gonna circle back
to the crime scene.
what if he checks out?
Where does that leave us?
Then we're back to square one
and time's running out.
You think it's true what he said about
how some people don't
deserve their kids?
Probably. Do you?
I know my dad stepped out on my mom.
At least, I guess he did.
He was gone more than he was around.
Maybe she cheated on him, too.
I don't know. Maybe none of it matters.
Or all of it matters.
I used to think I was the
reason they were unhappy.
Why would it be your
fault? You were a kid.
I don't know. It's just what I thought.
You know, you said you
were bad at feelings,
but you seem all right to me.
Don't tell anyone.
Mm! It's Matt.
See? Fast.
[MATT] Easy there!
I haven't matched a suspect
to the recording yet
there's a million variables but
I did clean up those other artifacts,
and it is not just static.
I sent it to Sunny. Check it out.
2 million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
Sounds like clinking glasses.
Like toasts at a dinner
party or something.
Where were they a wedding?
[MATT] All right, let me get
back to the voice-matching.
Okay? Just thought this might help.
Thanks. I owe you.
Not for this, you don't.
Just bring that kid home.
[LISA] We tell him to put his
toys away when he's done,
but it's like he has
selective hearing, you know?
You're moving to Chile.
Was Remy excited about that?
Sure. It's an adventure, right?
I don't think she wants to go.
How are things with
you and your husband?
We're fine.
Doing great.
Before Remy was born, we went
through it, but we're good now.
"Went through it." That
sounds sounds like a lot.
Well we both made mistakes,
but, you know, in those early days,
we fought a lot, but
in the end, we fought for each other.
We spoke to your contractor.
He made it sound like
there was something more?
He made a couple passes
at me and I said no.
And you didn't think to tell us that?
Or tell your husband?
I didn't want Tim to do anything stupid.
Do anything stupid, or think
you were doing something stupid?
Have you ever lost a baby?
Or two? Or three?
It's dark, and sad and lonely.
Tim and I started avoiding each other.
He would work late or
say he was,
and I was stuck here at home.
We took turns hurting each other.
We never talked about
it, but we both knew,
and it was meaningless that was
[VOICE SHAKES] that was the point.
But after Remy was born, it all stopped.
We've worked hard to leave it behind.
So I wasn't about to just
let it all collapse again
because I was nice to some guy
who couldn't read social cues.
Hey, listen, we don't have
time to talk about this,
so I need you to be
honest with me right now.
Are you sure it all stopped?
Your husband makes a lot of money.
You guys have a pre-nup?
Does it say anything about infidelity?
'Cause a couple-million-dollar ransom
can go a really long way
Tess, what are you doing?
I know you're just doing
your job, or think you are,
but if you think I
could do that to my son,
then you don't know me at all.
Nothing is more
important to me than Remy.
So I don't know what you're
doing here, talking to me,
instead of out there, finding him.
I decide what's important.
So you and your husband
are gonna write down
the name of every partner you've had,
and send it to me.
Look, I know we're under the gun,
but she is in the deepest
trauma of her life,
and you can't just
What, Sunny? I just what?
I'm not saying it's your fault.
I'm saying she's fragile, right? So
90% of child kidnappings
are committed by a parent.
They weren't even in the country, Tess!
Yeah, that's the perfect time
for them to hire somebody
else to do it for them.
- Stairs.
- Look, I never said
this job would be pretty,
so if you want to help me,
toughen up.
It's about being tough, Tess.
It's about being objective.
Is this even about them,
or is this about you and your parents?
You want to talk objective?
I'm not the one who
slept with a married man.
We have no credible suspect,
this kid was taken four hours ago,
and I don't even know
if he's still alive.
Yeah. I'm aware of that.
It's Jake.
He's on his way back.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
- Listen.
- It's fine.
Clinking glasses?
Like toasts at a dinner party
Where's Where's that coming from?
Across the street, at
the neighbour's house.
He has some of those, um
Japanese floaty-hanging
things on the porch,
and they're clinking in the wind.
Play Matt's version
of the ransom message.
- 2 million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
It's the neighbour.
The neighbour took Remy.
Is there a car out front?
Tell me if you see anybody.
There's no car in the driveway.
No movement inside.
Tess, what are you doing?
Tess, please, just wait for Jake.
Wait for backup.
Or just break in with a rock.
A child's life is in danger.
Just help me search the house.
It looks empty.
Stairs up, to your right.
Tess, please.
Tess, I don't like it in here.
Please, can we go?
Tell me what I'm seeing.
It's empty.
We got to search the basement.
Tess, come on.
Please, let's just wait for backup.
[TESS] I can't find a lightswitch.
Got it! [CLICK]
Just tell me what you see, Sunny.
I don't know. It's cluttered. It's
Okay, there's There's,
uh, there's a train set.
a desktop computer.
There's an empty juice box.
Something on the other
side. What is that?
[TESS] What?
A child's toothbrush. Just get closer.
[GASPS] Oh, my God!
His screensaver it's Remy
it's all photos of Remy, Tess.
He's been watching him for years.
Dispatch this is Major Crimes S1.
We got a suspect in
the Remy Darrow case.
All units, be on the
lookout for one Ian Murphy
I repeat, one Ian Murphy.
He was hiding the boy at his residence,
but now they're on the run.
Come on, Ian. Where are you?
He mentioned fishing earlier.
I'm scanning the outdoor footage.
His SUV has a marina sticker on it.
- Jake.
He's got a boat. He could
be headed for the water.
Let's get to him first.
[SUNNY] His car was there
when you came to talk to Lisa.
Sunny, can you find his cell number?
We might be able to track him.
All right, sending descriptions
of the suspect's boat and vehicle now.
Update the city-wide alert.
He's on the move, he's got the child,
and is considered armed and dangerous.
I need all hands on
deck RCMP, everyone.
I want this kid back alive.
[DISPATCH] Units at the marina confirmed
the registration of his boat,
but it's not at its slip.
It's been missing since yesterday.
- Yesterday? You're sure?
- Positive.
Choppers are searching,
but nothing so far.
He's probably tied it up
somewhere off the grid,
and he's got a headstart.
Yeah. Okay. Well
if I had to guess, he probably
doesn't want any attention.
He'll be driving slow,
following traffic laws.
We got speed on our side.
There's two other public access points
where he could've put it in.
The closer one has busier roads,
but the further one is more secluded.
It's 20 kilometres up the coast.
Got it. That's gotta be it.
Jake, there's a boat
ramp 20 clicks ahead.
[JAKE] Okay. Let's cut him off there.
Hey, Tess?
What are you thinking? You're quiet.
I know everything in the basement
points to a bad place,
but something is off
we're missing something.
Like what?
I'll review the footage again.
Jake, we gotta get this kid back.
We will. We have to.
If you had a son, what
would you name him?
It was my grandma's maiden name.
Okay. What about a girl?
Uh, I don't know.
What's your middle name?
Anything but Eleanor.
Wait a second. There he is!
- Major Crimes S1 to Dispatch.
We got eyes on the suspect.
All units converge on my six.
Suspect is turning into a logging road.
We are in pursuit. I repeat
we are in pursuit.
[DISPATCH] Copy that.
[SUNNY] Okay, I am sending
Ian's number to you now.
Who are you? How did you find me?
[SOFTLY] Hey, Ian. This is Tess Avery.
Remember we talked earlier?
The detective?
Listen. How's Remy doing? Is he okay?
Yeah. Yeah, he's asleep.
I told him his folks
said we could go fishing.
I told him we're having an adventure.
He's having a great day, I swear!
That's good. That's really good, Ian.
Push mute.
If we don't end this soon,
this will be over, okay?
If we push him into a corner,
he's gonna do something dangerous.
[JAKE] All units hang
back and wait for my word.
Do not make your presence
known until my say-so,
do you understand?
Ian, listen to me.
You need to pull over and let Remy go.
No. I cannot do that.
[SUNNY] Tess? I found something.
Next to the bag with
the toothbrush in it,
there was a box.
A DNA kit.
I saw the photos on the computer.
I saw the toothbrush.
I saw the DNA paternity test.
How long have you known
you were Remy's father?
It was just one time.
We never talked about it.
I never wanted to cause a problem.
I never wanted to be a father.
Okay, I get that.
I get that.
But something has changed.
Something changed your
mind. What was that?
He was born
and I saw him.
Then I couldn't stop wondering.
I tried being happy, just
watching him grow up
saying hi.
Then I saw the "for sale" sign,
heard they were leaving the country,
and I, uh
I panicked.
I just couldn't imagine
him not in my life.
How about fighting for custody?
You ever been a kid in a custody battle?
It sucks!
How do you think Remy's
gonna feel when he learns
he'll never see his parents again?
I don't know.
Okay. You know what?
Talk to me about that ransom note,
that spray paint
was that to throw us off?
Make us think it was the contractor?
Get you guys going the other direction,
And maybe go down the
coast, into the States?
Kind of lay low and start fresh?
Look, I knew it was a long shot, but
he's the only good
thing I have in my life.
Ian, listen to me.
You don't have him.
We got cops everywhere.
There are more on the water.
No, I'm sorry. I can't stop.
Yeah, I can't let go.
[SUNNY] Tess, they're
on the edge of a cliff.
All right, we go in slow and low.
Do not draw unless
you absolutely have to.
We do not want to spook this guy.
[TESS] Ian, listen to me
if Remy's okay, we can still
work something out with you.
We can get you help, okay?
Look, you might be
his biological father,
but this is your one chance
right now to be his dad.
Isn't that the best thing for Remy?
I can't.
All you've got to do
is get out of the car
and we'll all keep Remy safe together.
Door's open.
You're doing great, Ian!
Just get out of the car,
keep your hands where we can see them,
and we'll bring Remy home for you.
He just got out of the car.
[SUNNY] He's getting Remy.
Where's the boat?
Change of plans.
Uh, your folks, uh. they got back early,
and th-they sent these
police officers here
to give you a ride home.
How cool is that, huh?
- I thought
- Hey, Remy?
Feel like going for a ride in a cop car?
[REMY] I thought we were going fishing.
Another time.
[JAKE] Come on, pal.
[IAN] Hey!
I had a really nice day with you.
Me too.
[REMY] Whoa
[SUNNY] It's over.
[REMY] Is this a real police car?
It's got real sirens inside.
- You wanna play with those?
- Yes!
[JAKE] Yeah?
[REMY] Yeah.
You're back!
You're back!!
Of course we are, silly!
Are you hungry?
- Yes!
- Yes?
Should we go get you some food?
- Yes!
- [LAUGHS] Okay.
He doesn't know?
- No, he doesn't.
- That he was kidnapped?
He has no idea.
Uh who?
Your neighbour across the street.
You know why he did it?
I've made a lot of mistakes in life.
You know, the truth is, I
I didn't really know who I
was until I became a father.
Remy taught me a lot
about what matters
and what doesn't.
So, I'd like to go
be with my family now.
Wait. You really don't care?
I care
very much.
Thanks for bringing
our son home safe to us.
He, uh
he has my wife's eyes.
You know, some people work
so hard just to figure things out
some work twice as hard
not to know anything.
[SIGHING] Ah come on.
We got a report to write.
I'd really love to help you with that,
but I'm just a lowly consultant now.
Yeah, yeah, get in the
car, Lowly Consultant.
Tess, what you doing here?
I don't need anything
this time.
I wanted to say thank you for today.
You know, you really made a difference.
Everything ended okay, right?
You got the kid home safe?
Yeah. Yeah, we did.
So, then
what's wrong?
You know how, when I was a kid,
my dad walked away for
all the wrong reasons?
And whatever mistakes this guy made
today, he walked away
for all the right ones.
I mean, can you imagine
your biggest problem growing up
being that too many people love you?
Come here.
Is that cologne?
Is this your "date" sweater?
It's possible that
I'm expected somewhere.
Okay, who's the girl?
- Come on. I'll walk you out.
- Come on!
- Just give me a name.
- No.
I'll background check for you.
- No, thank you.
- I want to keep you safe.
It's okay.
[VOICE MESSAGE] Hey, this is Sunny!
I'm for sure home,
so I probably just don't want to talk.
Leave a message.
Hey. It's me.
Uh, listen, sorry about
what I said before.
You know me, I'm really
good at this feelings stuff.
Anyway that dream you keep having
with everything you've been through,
I think that's PTSD.
you should talk to someone about that.
Someone who's not me.
Hi. I'm Sunny.
Sorry I'm late.
[TEACHER] No problem.
Let's start by seeing
your natural form, Sunny.
Someone's coming at you
show me your one-two jab.
One-two, one-two
One-two, one-two
I like that power, but
you're pulling back.
- Bennett.
- Lieutenant.
Agent Mitchell speaking.
You know, your work
phone is always busy.
You trying to avoid me?
Are you calling to threaten me?
- Because I'm done with
- No need to be defensive, Lieutenant.
I'm simply following protocol.
Of course you are.
This investigation is going forward,
with or without your cooperation.
Do you understand that?
- Understood.
- I don't need
to recommend a temporary suspension
- while this thing
- That won't be necessary.
I'll be there.
God, I'd recognize the sound
of that awful typing anywhere.
thought you could use some company.
You miss me already, huh?
Well, someone's gotta make sure
you don't screw up that report.
You did miss me.
Is that a smile I hear, Jake Campbell?
Here's to you.
There's something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There's something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] He was married.
We were having an affair.
They killed you
and I ran.
[JAKE] I think that
your guide was framed.
- What's this?
- What I promised you a name.
He can help us find
out where this begins.
- Yeah, I have my doubts about that.
- [BENNETT] I want to work with you,
to uncover why Rigby Daniels was killed.
[SUNNY] I have agoraphobia.
The only way that I can leave
home is through Eyes Up.
[TESS] It was like I could see again.
I saw fire.
Like the night your mom died?
I know it wasn't real,
but it looked so real.
[MIA] It sounds like
Charles Bonnet syndrome.
Visual hallucinations caused by
the brain's adjustment to sight loss.
Does fire mean something to you?
Tess, are you here?
[JASMINE] Remy, are
you having a fun day?
[REMY] Yeah.
When are Mom and Dad coming home?
Today! Are you excited?
All right, no more being on the phone
once we get home, Remy
your mom didn't want you
on it too much.
These windows
Jasmine, can we get ice cream?
[JASMINE] Hey! Stop! Stop!
There's something in the shadows ♪
[SUNNY] So, what do you think it means?
Because I make it out into the hallway,
and then I get into the elevator,
and then, it starts plummeting,
and then the bald guy's there,
and he's attacking me,
just like he did when he broke in.
It's probably about your
fear of leaving your apartment
and the guy who assaulted you in it.
Oh, she's giving you a Kleenex.
Thanks, Sigmund. So what should I do?
Because I feel like I'm getting
re-traumatized every night,
and I'm exhausted.
[TESS] I would never take
my own advice, but, uh
you thought about therapy?
Maybe talking to someone?
I'm talking to you.
Yeah, your blind client.
I'm not good at this.
The fiery embers that I've been seeing?
I'm not exactly opening up about those.
Did you just make this about you?
Yeah. I guess I did.
I rest my case.
[SUNNY] Oh. There's
Jake. He's at his desk.
Six paces ahead.
Three, two, one
let the games begin.
What is this?
- Coffee.
- I can see that.
Don't say I'm never there for you.
He's smiling.
He's taking.
He's sipping.
He doesn't like it.
[COUGHS] Always there
to get my order wrong.
- What
- And it says "Jack" on the cup!
Well, maybe that's the cup's name.
At least I'm consistent.
At least the flirting's consistent.
Oh, Amber Alert
missing six-year-old
boy in a black SUV.
Can't we ever have nice things?
Hey, Leo. Yeah. I saw the
Yeah. Got it. Thank you.
Sounds like a carjacking.
Leo's already there, if you wanna
[TESS] Come on, Campbell! Keep up!
Tag along?
You ever think about having kids?
All the time. You?
What's the worst that could happen?
I know it's a coping mechanism,
but you guys are very dark.
Missing boy's name is Remy Darrow.
The nanny has been watching him
while his parents were
house-hunting in Chile.
They were already in
the air when it happened,
so we can't get a hold
of them till they land.
It's not exactly a live-in
nanny/luxury car kinda neighbourhood.
[LEO] We got a B.O.L.O. out
on the kid and the car
last seen going westbound,
and no one's got eyes on the carjacker.
No, busted and never replaced.
[JAKE] Of course.
They said the kid had a phone?
Yeah, we've been trying to ping it,
but it's switched off or dead.
Six-year-olds with smartphones
whatever happened to
walkie-talkies, huh?
All right, let's talk to the nanny.
[LEO] This way.
Name's Jasmine Lim. You guys good?
I got unis canvassing the neighbourhood.
I'm gonna roll with
patrol see if we get lucky.
[TESS] Yeah. Let's all
cross our T's on this one.
Ms. Lim? My name is Detective Campbell.
This is Tess Avery.
Want to tell us what happened?
I don't know.
Remy was on his phone in the back,
and I went to go clean the windows,
and then, when I turned
around, the car just drove away.
Does the family live nearby?
Across the river North Delta.
I usually come here because
the gas is a lot cheaper.
I mean, who would do this
who would just take a little boy?
Ms. Lim
it's a high-end SUV,
so they were probably
just interested in the car,
didn't even notice Remy.
With any luck, they dropped
him off somewhere safe,
we'll recover him soon.
Tell you what. Why
don't you come with me?
- Let's walk through what happened, okay?
- Okay.
[SUNNY] If she's involved,
she's a very good actress.
She seems really upset.
There's a couple of mechanics inside.
Maybe one of them know something.
I'm texting you Remy's photo.
11:00, six paces ahead.
Hey there. That SUV that was stolen
this morning, with a kid inside?
Anybody see anything?
I didn't see anything.
You a cop? You seem different.
So did you see who
took the kid or the car?
Nah no. The guy knows something.
He's looking away.
Okay, well, I'm not a cop,
but I can introduce
you to one real quick.
Do you recognize this kid?
I seen him before.
That lady brings him here a bunch.
He's talking about the nanny.
What do you mean, "a bunch"?
Like, every few days,
but this week, like, every day.
They visit some muscle-bro
around the corner.
Green house. You can't miss it.
[SUNNY] And the "best
supporting actress" award goes to
Okay, so, we're at the front
the door of the place now.
Just want to ask you a
couple questions, sir!
[MAN INSIDE] Uh, yeah! Just a second.
- [JAKE] Stop! Police!
- [SUNNY] Tess, what's going on?
Tess! He's coming your way!
[SUNNY] I see him in the mirror.
He's coming from behind you.
Wow. That was satisfying.
Nice take-down.
- I try.
Leo, you are on speaker.
We got eyes on the car.
Police! Show your hands!
Looks empty.
Keys in the front seat.
[DARKLY] No kid.
Start the clock.
What does that mean
"start the clock"?
[TESS] They ditched the vehicle.
In abduction cases, after two hours,
survival rate drops to 40%.
This isn't a carjacking.
It's a kidnapping.
I understand that,
but I've got a kidnapped
child, a ticking clock,
and not enough manpower.
All I'm asking for
is a little help here.
I tried that already!
That's why I'm calling you.
I see.
Is that you, or him, talking?
Can I quote him on that?
Will that be his official position
on missing children come next election?
And this What? Hello?
[TESS] Let me guess.
No cameras, no witnesses,
nobody remembers a child
complaining he was being kidnapped?
Pretty much.
In broad daylight, lots of people
So this guy is probably
not threatening to the kid,
he's definitely unremarkable
to everyone else.
He's gotta be someone he knows.
Forensics are processing the car.
The upside no clear signs
of violence or struggle.
Wherever this kid is,
there's a good chance
he's still in one piece.
[SUNNY] It's amazing
what passes for good news some days.
What are you thinking, so far?
[TESS] I'm thinking premeditated.
The kidnapper grabs the child
at a place where he's seen repeatedly,
a location with no cameras
and then he swaps out the stolen car
for another one no one's
gonna be looking for,
and leaves that at a different
location with no cameras.
So which way'd they go?
[SUNNY] The parking lot is near
on-ramps to all the major highways.
You wanna flip a four-sided coin?
I'm gonna keep looking for
leads and witnesses here.
Jake's finishing up at the station
with the nanny and the boyfriend.
[TESS] Okay. Sounds good.
Patrol's bringing the parents
back from the airport now.
They just found out
their son was kidnapped.
I'm meeting them at their home.
- [LEO] Good luck.
- Yeah, thanks.
[SUNNY] Nice neighbourhood.
Watch the curb.
Nice houses.
Someone spray-painted the word "liars"
on the Darrows' fence.
Might explain the "for sale" sign.
Call from Jake Campbell.
Jake. I'm at the Darrows' home.
What do you got on the
nanny and the gym rat?
Uh, that they're pretty stupid,
but they're not kidnappers.
So, the nanny was taking the kid
on secret visits to her boyfriend's
while she was supposed to be on the job,
and the boyfriend
has some old B-and-E
charges from back in the day,
which is why he got spooked and he ran.
[TESS] So why she's
probably about to get fired.
there's a couple looky-loos
across the street.
Jake, I'm gonna check in with
the neighbours while I wait.
Okay, sounds good. I will see you there.
[SUNNY] Street's clear.
Ten paces ahead.
[TESS] Hey. Good morning.
- Hi.
- I'm Tess Avery.
I'm a consultant with the police.
So you're neighbours with the Darrows?
Uh, yeah, for years.
Known Remy since he was a baby.
Uh, this is Rita, who lives next door.
D-Do they know who took him?
[TESS] Well, the
investigation is ongoing.
You guys know anything
about that graffiti?
It was their general contractor.
They fired him a few weeks ago.
It's been a nightmare ever since.
Yeah, I feel bad.
They hired him off my recommendation,
after he did my kitchen
said he was doing good work,
then I guess he just turned a corner,
started acting erratically.
Tell me more about that.
Well, last time he was here,
he keyed their car, and then,
this just shows up this morning.
I can't believe it.
I was talking to them last week
about taking 'em all fishing.
What are the parents like?
[SUNNY] Patrol car's
pulling up behind you.
Oh, Tim and Lisa are the best.
They throw a barbecue every year,
and invite the whole street.
Yeah, we share the odd
beer, shoot the breeze.
They're good people.
- Yeah. He just works too hard.
[SUNNY] Tess, the parents are here.
Thank you for your
time. We'll be in touch.
Sometimes, I wish you delivered
candygrams for a living.
[TIM] Why would Jasmine take
him there what was she thinking?
What do you know about
that graffiti on your fence?
It must've been our contractor.
We fired him a couple of weeks ago,
and he's just been
harassing us ever since.
Paul Reinburg.
You think he could've done this?
Uh, I-I'm checking socials.
I'd like to talk to him.
Paul taking Remy that
just doesn't feel right.
Why did you fire him?
[TIM] We weren't happy with the work.
I mean, we were, at first,
but then it's like he
became a-another person,
and he didn't react
well when we let him go.
- Why are you moving?
- Uh
Tim got a promotion at his firm,
so we'll be moving around for a while.
Yeah, I design roadways.
We'll be in Santiago for about a year,
Lisbon after that, and then who knows?
I c-can't believe
that this is happening.
I can't believe that we could lose him
after everything that
we've gone through.
We're not gonna lose him.
Lisa had some miscarriages.
Yeah, we did the whole IVF thing.
It was It was hard.
And then when we had
Remy, and he was healthy
And happy!
Always happy.
He was our little miracle.
Made us a family.
He made us whole.
We can't lose him.
- No.
- Okay? We can't.
Find our boy.
Bring him home. Please.
They're sincere, Tess.
We're gonna do everything we can,
and I'm gonna need Paul's
contact information from you.
Tess! Remy's phone just pinged.
- I've been pinging it all morning.
- [TESS] What?
It turned back on and now it's moving.
Jake's on his way, right?
Yeah, I'm calling him right now.
What's happening?
Get out of the car!
Get out of the car!
Hands. Hands!
Where's the boy?
- What's going on?
- Where's the phone?
- Where's the phone?
- What phone? What phone?
My phone?
[JAKE] It's okay.
Give me the phone.
Harper, where did you get that?
Where did she get this?
Where'd she get it?
I don't know! I-I don't know!
Jake, talk to me.
Is it Remy? Did you find him?
[JAKE] We found his phone
in a family's minivan.
Looks like the kidnapper planted it
there when he was switching vehicles.
Remy's still out there.
We spoke to the family
who found the boy's phone.
Their story checks out
they were shopping at a grocery store
across the street from
where the SUV was recovered,
and cameras put them at a diner nearby
at the time of the abduction.
Okay, so the kidnapper slipped the phone
into one of their bags?
[SUNNY] It's a good way to
get us looking the other way.
What about the phone itself
anything useful on it?
Not unless you like collecting Pokemon.
I've got B.O.L.O.'s out on
the boy and the contractor
over radio and TV,
digital highway signs.
I've got patrols scouring
and I'm coordinating with the RCMP.
we're running out of time.
It's been over two hours.
This kid could be 200 miles away by now.
- Sir, we need that second car.
Okay, got it.
We just got sent a ransom message
to the Department's general inbox.
What should I say?
Hi, Mom, hi, Dad. I love you.
See you soon, bye!
million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
Oh, my God.
Tess, I have an idea.
- What do you need?
- Come on! I'm your oldest friend.
Why do you assume I need
something every time I call you?
I'm sorry.
How are you? What's up?
I need something.
I'm sending you a recording
of a ransom message.
The voice has been altered.
Sunny's sending you audio samples
of everybody that we talked to today
a couple more later, if we're lucky.
- Mm-hmm.
- I know this is crazy, but
can you alter their voices,
see if you any of them match
the one on the recording?
You're right, it is crazy.
Don't you have police
techs for this stuff?
Sure. Are you gonna tell me
they're better, or faster, than you?
A favour and flattery? Wow!
Who's missing?
A six-year-old boy.
I'm on it.
Jake just found him
he's bringing him in.
- The boy?
- The contractor.
We found him at the rooming house.
We spotted the pickup
with the busted tail light.
[TESS] Come on, Paul.
You should get that fixed
if you're gonna kidnap kids.
- What?
- Come on. Where is he?
- Where's who?
- Remy. Where is Remy?
Who is Remy?
Oof. You had a couple
of drinks this morning?
It's not morning if
you haven't gone to bed,
and I have no clue what
you're talking about.
[RECORDING] 2 million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
Whatever happened to cutting
the letters out of a magazine?
Man, there's just so many
reasons it's you, you know?
I mean, that beef you
had with the Darrows
destruction of property,
keying the car
spray-painting the fence.
I never spray-painted the fence.
I never spray-painted their fence.
- I don't think he's lying.
- Where were you this morning?
At home. You can ask
anybody at the house I'm staying at.
We partied all night,
and I never left until
you guys hauled me out.
There's something I don't
quite understand here.
Why would a lovely couple like that
let a car accident like you
anywhere near their home?
I know that I've hit
a bit of a rough patch
since my girl kicked me out
but you'd be surprised
at how nicely I clean up.
I'm a structural engineer by trade.
I'm a third-generation
carpenter by blood.
Professionally, no one touches me.
Oh, see, that's funny,
'cause the Darrows said
they fired you for bad work.
They fired me
because she was into me.
Hey! I called her on it,
and all of the sudden
I'm the creep, right?
What's she gonna say?
Of course she's gonna say "bad work".
What's she gonna say
"sexual chemistry"?
And he's probably just as bad as she is.
"Long hours," you
know? Like, every night.
I grew up with that garbage.
Like, I'm sorry those
people lost their boy.
He seemed like a nice kid.
But karma's a bitch, and
some people don't
deserve their children.
Okay, let me see if
his story checks out.
I'm gonna circle back
to the crime scene.
what if he checks out?
Where does that leave us?
Then we're back to square one
and time's running out.
You think it's true what he said about
how some people don't
deserve their kids?
Probably. Do you?
I know my dad stepped out on my mom.
At least, I guess he did.
He was gone more than he was around.
Maybe she cheated on him, too.
I don't know. Maybe none of it matters.
Or all of it matters.
I used to think I was the
reason they were unhappy.
Why would it be your
fault? You were a kid.
I don't know. It's just what I thought.
You know, you said you
were bad at feelings,
but you seem all right to me.
Don't tell anyone.
Mm! It's Matt.
See? Fast.
[MATT] Easy there!
I haven't matched a suspect
to the recording yet
there's a million variables but
I did clean up those other artifacts,
and it is not just static.
I sent it to Sunny. Check it out.
2 million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
Sounds like clinking glasses.
Like toasts at a dinner
party or something.
Where were they a wedding?
[MATT] All right, let me get
back to the voice-matching.
Okay? Just thought this might help.
Thanks. I owe you.
Not for this, you don't.
Just bring that kid home.
[LISA] We tell him to put his
toys away when he's done,
but it's like he has
selective hearing, you know?
You're moving to Chile.
Was Remy excited about that?
Sure. It's an adventure, right?
I don't think she wants to go.
How are things with
you and your husband?
We're fine.
Doing great.
Before Remy was born, we went
through it, but we're good now.
"Went through it." That
sounds sounds like a lot.
Well we both made mistakes,
but, you know, in those early days,
we fought a lot, but
in the end, we fought for each other.
We spoke to your contractor.
He made it sound like
there was something more?
He made a couple passes
at me and I said no.
And you didn't think to tell us that?
Or tell your husband?
I didn't want Tim to do anything stupid.
Do anything stupid, or think
you were doing something stupid?
Have you ever lost a baby?
Or two? Or three?
It's dark, and sad and lonely.
Tim and I started avoiding each other.
He would work late or
say he was,
and I was stuck here at home.
We took turns hurting each other.
We never talked about
it, but we both knew,
and it was meaningless that was
[VOICE SHAKES] that was the point.
But after Remy was born, it all stopped.
We've worked hard to leave it behind.
So I wasn't about to just
let it all collapse again
because I was nice to some guy
who couldn't read social cues.
Hey, listen, we don't have
time to talk about this,
so I need you to be
honest with me right now.
Are you sure it all stopped?
Your husband makes a lot of money.
You guys have a pre-nup?
Does it say anything about infidelity?
'Cause a couple-million-dollar ransom
can go a really long way
Tess, what are you doing?
I know you're just doing
your job, or think you are,
but if you think I
could do that to my son,
then you don't know me at all.
Nothing is more
important to me than Remy.
So I don't know what you're
doing here, talking to me,
instead of out there, finding him.
I decide what's important.
So you and your husband
are gonna write down
the name of every partner you've had,
and send it to me.
Look, I know we're under the gun,
but she is in the deepest
trauma of her life,
and you can't just
What, Sunny? I just what?
I'm not saying it's your fault.
I'm saying she's fragile, right? So
90% of child kidnappings
are committed by a parent.
They weren't even in the country, Tess!
Yeah, that's the perfect time
for them to hire somebody
else to do it for them.
- Stairs.
- Look, I never said
this job would be pretty,
so if you want to help me,
toughen up.
It's about being tough, Tess.
It's about being objective.
Is this even about them,
or is this about you and your parents?
You want to talk objective?
I'm not the one who
slept with a married man.
We have no credible suspect,
this kid was taken four hours ago,
and I don't even know
if he's still alive.
Yeah. I'm aware of that.
It's Jake.
He's on his way back.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
- Listen.
- It's fine.
Clinking glasses?
Like toasts at a dinner party
Where's Where's that coming from?
Across the street, at
the neighbour's house.
He has some of those, um
Japanese floaty-hanging
things on the porch,
and they're clinking in the wind.
Play Matt's version
of the ransom message.
- 2 million or the boy's dead.
Wait for instructions.
It's the neighbour.
The neighbour took Remy.
Is there a car out front?
Tell me if you see anybody.
There's no car in the driveway.
No movement inside.
Tess, what are you doing?
Tess, please, just wait for Jake.
Wait for backup.
Or just break in with a rock.
A child's life is in danger.
Just help me search the house.
It looks empty.
Stairs up, to your right.
Tess, please.
Tess, I don't like it in here.
Please, can we go?
Tell me what I'm seeing.
It's empty.
We got to search the basement.
Tess, come on.
Please, let's just wait for backup.
[TESS] I can't find a lightswitch.
Got it! [CLICK]
Just tell me what you see, Sunny.
I don't know. It's cluttered. It's
Okay, there's There's,
uh, there's a train set.
a desktop computer.
There's an empty juice box.
Something on the other
side. What is that?
[TESS] What?
A child's toothbrush. Just get closer.
[GASPS] Oh, my God!
His screensaver it's Remy
it's all photos of Remy, Tess.
He's been watching him for years.
Dispatch this is Major Crimes S1.
We got a suspect in
the Remy Darrow case.
All units, be on the
lookout for one Ian Murphy
I repeat, one Ian Murphy.
He was hiding the boy at his residence,
but now they're on the run.
Come on, Ian. Where are you?
He mentioned fishing earlier.
I'm scanning the outdoor footage.
His SUV has a marina sticker on it.
- Jake.
He's got a boat. He could
be headed for the water.
Let's get to him first.
[SUNNY] His car was there
when you came to talk to Lisa.
Sunny, can you find his cell number?
We might be able to track him.
All right, sending descriptions
of the suspect's boat and vehicle now.
Update the city-wide alert.
He's on the move, he's got the child,
and is considered armed and dangerous.
I need all hands on
deck RCMP, everyone.
I want this kid back alive.
[DISPATCH] Units at the marina confirmed
the registration of his boat,
but it's not at its slip.
It's been missing since yesterday.
- Yesterday? You're sure?
- Positive.
Choppers are searching,
but nothing so far.
He's probably tied it up
somewhere off the grid,
and he's got a headstart.
Yeah. Okay. Well
if I had to guess, he probably
doesn't want any attention.
He'll be driving slow,
following traffic laws.
We got speed on our side.
There's two other public access points
where he could've put it in.
The closer one has busier roads,
but the further one is more secluded.
It's 20 kilometres up the coast.
Got it. That's gotta be it.
Jake, there's a boat
ramp 20 clicks ahead.
[JAKE] Okay. Let's cut him off there.
Hey, Tess?
What are you thinking? You're quiet.
I know everything in the basement
points to a bad place,
but something is off
we're missing something.
Like what?
I'll review the footage again.
Jake, we gotta get this kid back.
We will. We have to.
If you had a son, what
would you name him?
It was my grandma's maiden name.
Okay. What about a girl?
Uh, I don't know.
What's your middle name?
Anything but Eleanor.
Wait a second. There he is!
- Major Crimes S1 to Dispatch.
We got eyes on the suspect.
All units converge on my six.
Suspect is turning into a logging road.
We are in pursuit. I repeat
we are in pursuit.
[DISPATCH] Copy that.
[SUNNY] Okay, I am sending
Ian's number to you now.
Who are you? How did you find me?
[SOFTLY] Hey, Ian. This is Tess Avery.
Remember we talked earlier?
The detective?
Listen. How's Remy doing? Is he okay?
Yeah. Yeah, he's asleep.
I told him his folks
said we could go fishing.
I told him we're having an adventure.
He's having a great day, I swear!
That's good. That's really good, Ian.
Push mute.
If we don't end this soon,
this will be over, okay?
If we push him into a corner,
he's gonna do something dangerous.
[JAKE] All units hang
back and wait for my word.
Do not make your presence
known until my say-so,
do you understand?
Ian, listen to me.
You need to pull over and let Remy go.
No. I cannot do that.
[SUNNY] Tess? I found something.
Next to the bag with
the toothbrush in it,
there was a box.
A DNA kit.
I saw the photos on the computer.
I saw the toothbrush.
I saw the DNA paternity test.
How long have you known
you were Remy's father?
It was just one time.
We never talked about it.
I never wanted to cause a problem.
I never wanted to be a father.
Okay, I get that.
I get that.
But something has changed.
Something changed your
mind. What was that?
He was born
and I saw him.
Then I couldn't stop wondering.
I tried being happy, just
watching him grow up
saying hi.
Then I saw the "for sale" sign,
heard they were leaving the country,
and I, uh
I panicked.
I just couldn't imagine
him not in my life.
How about fighting for custody?
You ever been a kid in a custody battle?
It sucks!
How do you think Remy's
gonna feel when he learns
he'll never see his parents again?
I don't know.
Okay. You know what?
Talk to me about that ransom note,
that spray paint
was that to throw us off?
Make us think it was the contractor?
Get you guys going the other direction,
And maybe go down the
coast, into the States?
Kind of lay low and start fresh?
Look, I knew it was a long shot, but
he's the only good
thing I have in my life.
Ian, listen to me.
You don't have him.
We got cops everywhere.
There are more on the water.
No, I'm sorry. I can't stop.
Yeah, I can't let go.
[SUNNY] Tess, they're
on the edge of a cliff.
All right, we go in slow and low.
Do not draw unless
you absolutely have to.
We do not want to spook this guy.
[TESS] Ian, listen to me
if Remy's okay, we can still
work something out with you.
We can get you help, okay?
Look, you might be
his biological father,
but this is your one chance
right now to be his dad.
Isn't that the best thing for Remy?
I can't.
All you've got to do
is get out of the car
and we'll all keep Remy safe together.
Door's open.
You're doing great, Ian!
Just get out of the car,
keep your hands where we can see them,
and we'll bring Remy home for you.
He just got out of the car.
[SUNNY] He's getting Remy.
Where's the boat?
Change of plans.
Uh, your folks, uh. they got back early,
and th-they sent these
police officers here
to give you a ride home.
How cool is that, huh?
- I thought
- Hey, Remy?
Feel like going for a ride in a cop car?
[REMY] I thought we were going fishing.
Another time.
[JAKE] Come on, pal.
[IAN] Hey!
I had a really nice day with you.
Me too.
[REMY] Whoa
[SUNNY] It's over.
[REMY] Is this a real police car?
It's got real sirens inside.
- You wanna play with those?
- Yes!
[JAKE] Yeah?
[REMY] Yeah.
You're back!
You're back!!
Of course we are, silly!
Are you hungry?
- Yes!
- Yes?
Should we go get you some food?
- Yes!
- [LAUGHS] Okay.
He doesn't know?
- No, he doesn't.
- That he was kidnapped?
He has no idea.
Uh who?
Your neighbour across the street.
You know why he did it?
I've made a lot of mistakes in life.
You know, the truth is, I
I didn't really know who I
was until I became a father.
Remy taught me a lot
about what matters
and what doesn't.
So, I'd like to go
be with my family now.
Wait. You really don't care?
I care
very much.
Thanks for bringing
our son home safe to us.
He, uh
he has my wife's eyes.
You know, some people work
so hard just to figure things out
some work twice as hard
not to know anything.
[SIGHING] Ah come on.
We got a report to write.
I'd really love to help you with that,
but I'm just a lowly consultant now.
Yeah, yeah, get in the
car, Lowly Consultant.
Tess, what you doing here?
I don't need anything
this time.
I wanted to say thank you for today.
You know, you really made a difference.
Everything ended okay, right?
You got the kid home safe?
Yeah. Yeah, we did.
So, then
what's wrong?
You know how, when I was a kid,
my dad walked away for
all the wrong reasons?
And whatever mistakes this guy made
today, he walked away
for all the right ones.
I mean, can you imagine
your biggest problem growing up
being that too many people love you?
Come here.
Is that cologne?
Is this your "date" sweater?
It's possible that
I'm expected somewhere.
Okay, who's the girl?
- Come on. I'll walk you out.
- Come on!
- Just give me a name.
- No.
I'll background check for you.
- No, thank you.
- I want to keep you safe.
It's okay.
[VOICE MESSAGE] Hey, this is Sunny!
I'm for sure home,
so I probably just don't want to talk.
Leave a message.
Hey. It's me.
Uh, listen, sorry about
what I said before.
You know me, I'm really
good at this feelings stuff.
Anyway that dream you keep having
with everything you've been through,
I think that's PTSD.
you should talk to someone about that.
Someone who's not me.
Hi. I'm Sunny.
Sorry I'm late.
[TEACHER] No problem.
Let's start by seeing
your natural form, Sunny.
Someone's coming at you
show me your one-two jab.
One-two, one-two
One-two, one-two
I like that power, but
you're pulling back.
- Bennett.
- Lieutenant.
Agent Mitchell speaking.
You know, your work
phone is always busy.
You trying to avoid me?
Are you calling to threaten me?
- Because I'm done with
- No need to be defensive, Lieutenant.
I'm simply following protocol.
Of course you are.
This investigation is going forward,
with or without your cooperation.
Do you understand that?
- Understood.
- I don't need
to recommend a temporary suspension
- while this thing
- That won't be necessary.
I'll be there.
God, I'd recognize the sound
of that awful typing anywhere.
thought you could use some company.
You miss me already, huh?
Well, someone's gotta make sure
you don't screw up that report.
You did miss me.
Is that a smile I hear, Jake Campbell?
Here's to you.
There's something in the shadows ♪
Cuts you like an arrow ♪
There's fire in your blood ♪
Hanging from that hope ♪
But everybody knows ♪
There's something in the shadows ♪