Strike the Blood (2013) s01e20 Episode Script

Renkinjutsushi no Kikan Hen Ichi

1 That was a rather violent way to knock, wasn't it? Well, you gave me a warmer welcome than I expected.
You're Pleased to meet you, Kanase Kensei-san.
My name is Kou.
Amatsuka Kou.
I do recall a student by that name under Nina Adelard.
That will save us some time.
In that case, you must also know why I've come here, yes? You will give me my master's keepsake.
Wiseman's Blood I see The one who destroyed Adelard's monastery was This time, I'm taking back the other half of my body that my master stole from me! A shikigami? It broke my barrier Training Camp This is delicious! Ice cream from RR's really is the best! The rich flavor and mild aftertaste are just heavenly! Jeez I wondered what this important favor was that you wanted, and it was carrying your bags? Well, training camp is coming up.
I've got a lot to do to get ready.
And I can't shop when I'm loaded down with bags.
I'm treating you to ice cream to thank you, so stop complaining and tag along.
Yeah, yeah.
But training camp, huh? I guess it's already that time You went last year, too, didn't you? Yeah.
It takes 11 hours to get to the mainland by boat, and it's a really stuffy place.
It wasn't all that great.
I don't care! I'm just looking forward to sleeping over with everyone! Right? Bet you're glad you get to attend the training camp, too, huh? Yes.
I had given up on going, but the Lion King Organization contacted me this morning.
They said Schneesturm Wolfin's powers would be sealed for four days starting at midnight the day after tomorrow, so I'd be freed from my observer duties in the meantime.
Taking my eyes off of you worries me, though Don't worry about me.
Count yourself lucky.
Just enjoy your time off.
Are you that eager to have me gone? I didn't mean that Yukina-chan, let's go in that store! Okay.
Hey, Himeragi We've gotta be careful what underwear we take on a trip, too.
Oh, Kojou-kun, you wait out here.
I wouldn't go in there if you asked me to! You're really not coming? I wanted to know what type you liked Er, I don't really have a preference G-Go on.
Nagisa and Himeragi are waiting.
Good grief That silver-haired girl is quite pretty.
Is she your girlfriend? I smell blood And who are you? You don't look like a talent scout.
Oh, me? I'm a seeker of truth.
What is this guy?! You can block that? You're not human, I see.
I was hoping to kill you in a way that wouldn't draw attention Are you trying to take Kanase? No.
I only wanted to use her as an offering.
An offering? Oh? It looks like you don't know what happened at Adelard's monastery five years ago.
What does that mean? Nothing you need to worry about.
Before you learn the truth you'll die! Are you all right, Senpai? Y-Yeah Thanks.
You saved me.
Who is he? A "seeker of the truth.
" Seeker I see.
A Schneewalzer You're a Sword Shaman of the Lion King Organization? Come to think of it, I heard that you're observing the Fourth Progenitor.
What's he doing? His arm I thought so.
He's an alchemist! A Sword Shaman and the Fourth Progenitor? Looks like I'm at a disadvantage.
I guess giving up on eliminating Kanase Kanon is the prudent choice.
Stop! Hey, Red Checkers! Don't, Senpai! He turned the tree into metal? What was that guy? Damn! Did that alchemist want Kanase-san? Yeah.
He said something about an incident at a monastery five years ago.
A monastery? Anyway, we can look into that later.
Um Thanks, Himeragi.
I only did what was expected of me.
I'm your observer, after all.
Well, that, and your front.
My front? Senpai! Don't tell me you just thanked me for N-No! I wasn't thanking you for giving me an eyeful or anything! I understand that that's the kind of lewd person you are! You don't! You don't understand at all! That's why taking my eyes off of you worries me! Jeez! Sorry, Natsuki-chan.
There's something I wanted to ask Master is not present.
She departed earlier for the police station.
Oh Hey, Astarte, homunculi are created through alchemy, right? Affirmative.
Then maybe you know.
What is it that alchemists want? Ultimately, they seek to surpass human limitations and approach godhood.
Godhood? To achieve nearly eternal lives, while retaining their physical bodies.
There have been several instances of this in the past.
One is you.
The Fourth Progenitor, born as a human, who later acquired the powers of a vampire.
Another is Wiseman's Blood.
What is that? Details unknown.
It is said that Nina Adelard used the power of the Wiseman's Blood she created to obtain an immortal body and unlimited magical power.
Adelard? An alchemist of long ago.
She is a being of legend.
Were she alive, she would be over 270 years old.
It looks like you don't know what happened Adelard's monastery five years ago.
Adelard's monastery? Oh, now that you mention it, I think it was called that.
That haunted building behind Lookout Park? There was a huge accident there a long time ago, right? Do you know what caused it? I don't remember.
I was in grade school at the time.
Huh? It doesn't turn up in a search Well, it's old news.
Maybe there's no data on it left.
I'm searching the Manmade Island Management Corporation archives.
It must have been erased.
This makes me suspicious.
Anyway, you called me here just to ask me that? Don't you have anything else to ask me? With the training camp coming up she's going to be away for a while, right? So I was thinking if you wanted well Sorry, Asagi.
I'm skipping afternoon classes.
Cover for me.
Huh? Hey, Kojou! Wait! Why are you following me? What about you? Why are you ditching school? Well, the cats Huh? Cats? If she's been bringing more of them there Kojou! N-No, Kojou not here Quiet! To think you ditched classes so you could pin your classmate down in a place like this.
You've got guts, Akatsuki Kojou.
I misjudged you.
And not in a good way.
Aiba, you've got to be more selective.
This is the problem with girls who look bitchy, but are lifelong virgins.
Leave me alone.
And I don't look bitchy.
Anyway, Natsuki-chan, what happened? Why is the Island Guard Don't call me Natsuki-chan.
A shikigami? Himeragi's? You're not to breathe a word of this to anyone.
Do you remember Kanase Kensei? Yeah.
He was being held at the Island Management Corporation for observation, but two days ago, he was attacked.
He survived, but he's in critical condition.
Was the attacker an alchemist with a red and white checkered hat? You know Amatsuka Kou? I didn't know his name.
But I met him yesterday.
It seemed like he was after Kanase.
I see.
Looks like Kanase Kanon will need to be kept under guard, after all.
But don't tell them anything.
It's safer if they go to the training camp as planned.
So they take shelter outside of Itogami Island, while we catch the criminal? Is there any way I can help? What should I do? Yes there is something I'd like you two to do.
What? I want you to take supplementary classes.
With triple the intensity to make up for ditching today.
That's what you meant?! Honestly I can't believe you went out there without telling me! And you went with Aiba-senpai! When I thought about what would happen if Kanase ran into Amatsuka Kou there, I couldn't just sit around.
What would you have done if you actually had run into him? The one in the most danger would have been Aiba-senpai! Sorry, Himeragi.
I wasn't thinking.
You can say that again! During training camp, I'll be with Kanase-san.
You just lay low and don't try to butt in.
I got it.
And don't drink any other girls' blood.
I promise.
So I want you to stop worrying about others and just enjoy your time off.
Then, before I go, I have a favor to ask.
H-Himeragi Is this I'm sorry, Senpai.
I'm a little nervous.
Actually, this is my first time, too.
Wait, Himeragi! Is this an order from the Lion King Organization? Yes.
They told me to get it out of the way before leaving Itogami Island.
"Get it out of the way"? The Lion King Organization would go that far to alleviate my lust? Senpai, I'm sorry Would you close your eyes for a moment? Service Time Rest Stay H-Himeragi But isn't there a sort of process to these things? Or preparation? You should value yourself more— Just be quiet and close your eyes, please! You can open them now.
We're here.
I had to guide you so we could get past the privacy barrier.
This is the Lion King Organization.
Or, more precisely, it's the Itogami Island branch office.
What brings you here today? Kirasaka?! No you're not her.
Who is that? The teacher's shikigami.
I believe it was made in the image of Sayaka-san.
A shikigami? But she looks totally human! And why is she dressed like a maid? It is a penalty dealt to subordinates who are under suspension for using equipment without permission.
Quite effective, don't you think? So that's the real Wiseman's Blood? Yes, though it's still sleeping, so right now it's just a lump of metal.
But That's the Hard Core? By transferring one's consciousness into it, one can merge with Wiseman's Blood and still retain one's own ego.
By replacing one's own body with metal that cannot die, one can achieve something close to eternal life.
It's the culmination of alchemy, which my master achieved.
With that power, I could give those bastards at headquarters who threw me out to the sticks what they deserve! Well done, Amatsuka! I am grateful to you.
When I nearly died in the incident five years ago, you saved me.
And thanks to that, I was able to make this dummy core.
Don't worry.
I will reward your loyalty once that power is mine.
It has been a long time, Teacher.
I, Himeragi Yukina, have arrived.
And the lance? It is here.
"Teacher"? Isn't that a cat? That's her familiar.
She herself is probably still at High God Forest.
She is my teacher, Endou Yukari-sama.
It appears Schneesturm Wolfin has accepted you.
However, you rely too much upon your sight.
Looking ahead only to be swept away makes you only half an observer.
I have the lance.
As of this moment, you are freed from your duties as observer to the Fourth Progenitor.
You should live like a normal kid to recharge yourself now and then.
With all due respect, Teacher, I am still worried.
Can't you allow me to continue serving as his observer? And that boy is the Fourth Progenitor? Seems that way.
I apologize for calling you here.
I wanted to meet and speak with you once, to express my gratitude.
Gratitude? For saving Avrora.
Senpai! You know her? We just have a bit of a connection.
Still, that sleeping beauty was in a pitiful state.
I'm grateful that you saved her.
And to think Not only did you save Avrora, but you managed to tame the straight-laced Yukina! Not bad for such a wimpy-looking kid.
H-He hasn't "tamed" me! Damn cat Sorry to call out of the blue.
I wanted to ask a favor.
A favor? Do you remember the earrings you gave me for my birthday? Huh? Oh, those blue ones you made me buy for you? They're turquoise blue! I think I lost one of them when I was arguing with you today.
I'm looking for it now.
I want to find it before it gets dark.
Could you help me out? Idiot! You're not near the monastery now, are you?! Brilliant! It's actually moving! I can feel it! I can tell! My body is melting into it! So this is the great alchemist, Nina Adelard! Her consciousness preserved within the Hard Core has awakened.
If she isn't destroyed, we can't acquire Wiseman's Blood.
That's what the dummy core is for! Now, begone, Nina Adelard! M-My body is being devoured! Amatsuka, do something! Amatsuka! No need to worry.
It'll be over soon.
I've waited for this moment, Master! Without your Hard Core, Wiseman's Blood is no more than scrap iron.
But, once awakened, you are immortal which means To take it, I must destroy you from the inside before your awakening is complete! Like this! Stop! Amatsuka! Anyway, just get out of there! The earring doesn't matter! It does matter! Those earrings meant a lot to me! I'll buy you all the earrings you want later! Just get away from there! Now! Then, can it be something besides earrings? Like a ring? It doesn't have to be an expensive one At this point, anything is fine! Just— Asagi! What was that sound?! I don't know What is that thing? It looks like blood Or mercury A woman? Oh? This is a problem.
Looks like I've been spotted.
Oh, well.
You'll die soon, anyway.
It can't be She got away? I guess it's not that easy after all.
Hey! What happened, Asagi? Answer me! Hey! Sorry Kojou.
Looks like I messed up Asagi! Hey, Asagi! Say something! Hey! Hey! Asagi! Asagi! Next Time Get a hold of yourself, Senpai! If you don't, it would be too sad for Aiba-senpai! If you go on a rampage for her sake and everything ends, she would Return of the Alchemist II "Return of the Alchemist II.
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