Taaza Khabar (2023) s01e04 Episode Script
I am here for work
Oh, yes.
Come in.
Wait. Take off your slippers.
-He is just a kid.
-It's okay.
-Hey! Wait!
Don't touch that.
Yes, go ahead.
I am Alpana.
You wanted someone
to help out at home, didn't you?
What can you do?
I know how to cook.
I can also wash utensils.
Sweeping, dusting and cleaning
clothes I can do all of it.
How much do you
charge per month?
How could I say that?
It would be better if you decide.
Alright. How about this?
You work here for 10 days.
Then we will see, okay?
Hey! Don't stand
so close to the TV.
You will get glasses, understand?
Sweet kid. Does he go to school?
No He will go next year.
He couldn't attend this year.
What can I say
We didn't have the money for it.
20 people have fallen ill
in China after drinking bat soup.
I mean, they will
fall ill tomorrow.
Hey Tyson! What did you
put in this soup?
You don't get bats here.
I have added frogs from
the rain, completely fresh.
It's a joke.
Oh, and Tyson, if there
is any food left over
then please pack it for me.
There are some kids on
the footpath who will eat it.
Okay, Mehboob.
Do you know that
party-hopping Shetty?
He is going to
become the Deputy CM.
If I had stayed with Shetty
then I could have been
ruling over Mumbai today.
Even if he was the
President of America
I still wouldn't give a shit.
Here you go, Mehboob.
This smells so good.
You are an amazing cook Tyson!
Starting next week Tyson
is not a cook anymore.
He will be our personal chef.
You look like you are
in a great mood Vasya!
Oh, man! Vasya's on top of his game.
The cricket tournament
is starting tomorrow.
We will use this Taaza Khabar
to do betting.
No, we won't do that.
We don't need to do
anything other than this.
There is a lot of money here.
But how do we find a bookie?
I have a brother-in-law
who does all these
illegal things like betting.
Sajid uncle?
Sajid uncle will be accompanying
us to heaven then.
-Hello Irfan?
Is Sajid Syed around?
-He is my brother-in-law.
He told me to speak to you.
-About what?
-I want to bet money.
You want to bet money?
What is your name?
Name Name
-Okay, Mr. Vardaan.
How much is Mr. Vardaan betting?
Five lakhs. On England
winning the toss.
Five lakhs under the name Vardaan.
ENG 143/1
Ben will lose his
wicket at 99.
More Add
Yes. Two lakhs under Vardaan.
Transfer done.
This phone is for
two and a half lakhs?
Yes, and all of
this too. Thank you.
There is no need for this
pointless spending.
It's not pointless dad!
This is our office now!
Tell us the price
before billing.
They will.
Let's go.
It looks like a very
expensive brand, Vasya.
Heroines wear these dresses.
And now you will wear them.
Welcome, sir.
I like that bag.
Boss, come here.
-Yes sir?
-Show us the bag, please.
That bag costs 25,000 rupees, sir.
-So what? Choose another.
Hey, watch it in Hindi!
It's time to learn English.
It will help.
Do you have a charger?
-Find a charger.
Do you have a micro-USB charger?
-Do you?
Hey! Madhu creations.
Aunty, could I get a charger?
Thank you.
-Give me a kiss.
-Give me a kiss!
This bag is for 25,000?
Hey! Come here.
Yes, you! Come here.
-Yes sir?
-What do you like?
-Put it on India.
-Two lakhs on India.
You like that. Give me one.
That's for 30,000!
Give me four.
And you go get your friends.
-Go ahead.
-Just go.
Hurry up.
Put four lakhs on India.
Hide it!
Nobody says a single word.
I will talk to the
police in Marathi.
I say good Marathi.
Sorry, I forgot to tell you.
I ordered food.
Yeah! Yes!
-Yay! Yeah!
-Let's order more food.
-Order more food.
-We won!
You took everything.
So why did you leave that suit?
That's mine, asshole.
-Oh wow!
-He escaped from a zoo.
He started a new job.
He is working really hard.
-Take this.
-Do I have to safeguard it?
No, this is your mother.
-And clothes for him.
I don't want your clothes
or your money. Now get out.
You aren't doing anything
wrong are you, my son?
This is the first time that
everything is going right.
You can rest now.
There is no need to work anymore.
I will come back in a few days
and take you with me.
Hey! Hey! Pick that up.
Don't get mad. I will keep it.
You don't need to worry about it.
You have never come to
her room before,
Shetty sir.
I never needed to.
But now this room
smells like her.
Bloody prostitute.
That prostitute
and everything she could do
I taught her those things.
This tea is really good.
Thank you, Tyson.
Where were you?
I went to the public
toilet opposite the hotel.
-I can't use these English toilets.
And even if I do it messes
up the pressure.
And even then
I don't know how to wash it.
Since there's no tap.
You should be happy when
you say these things.
Learn to be grateful
for the things you have Peter.
I should be grateful that
I can't wash my ass?
-Crazy kid.
Property rates in Mumbai will
go down in the next few weeks.
How long will we stay in hotels?
Let's buy a house for ourselves.
Besides, I am tired
of eating all this hotel food.
Yes sir?
Is Billimoria home?
Yes, come in.
This is beautiful.
This will be fun.
Who is this aunty?
That is the old man's wife.
How does your mother handle
such a large house all alone?
My mother handles my father.
And he is a much
bigger pain than this.
Yes Kaneez, I am coming.
Uncle, I am Vasant.
Alpana's son.
She used to work here.
Yes! What is all this?
She won't come to work. Why not?
She won't be working anymore.
Because I make money now.
Then why don't you put up a
speaker and dance in your slums?
Don't come here to ask for work.
I am not here to ask for anything.
I am here to buy it.
I want to buy your house.
You worthless fool.
Did you come to my
house intoxicated?
Get out you bum!
What do you want?
Tell me. What do you want?
Here you go.
I have more where
that came from.
Just say it.
Listen motherfucker.
Even if you give me all
the money in the world.
I still won't sell this house.
This is my wife's house.
Kaneez! That is why
I named it Kaneez.
After my death, I will turn
this house into a shelter for dogs.
And the souls of both my Kaneez'
will rest here.
Now get out. Get out!
Pick it up.
Get out. Stop staring at me.
Move it.
You too.
-Get out.
-Listen to me.
Get lost!
The next time I come
here to buy this place
I won't even give you
the time to change clothes.
Get lost.
Don't you dare show up at
my house or near my Kaneez.
Vasya Forget
Hey! Why are you
acting like a child?
Vasya, you know that
no matter where your
mother stays she will be happy.
Fuck Taxis. I want a car.
-Yes, we will buy it.
-I want a car!
How do you like this, sir?
"Some people say I am fat"
"Some people say I am thin"
Show me one that is for 50.
How do you like this, sir?
Show me something
that costs 1 crore.
How do you like this, sir?
No. Done. Done.
We will take it.
I am what I am ♪
And I'll be what I want to be ♪
Don't you mess around ♪
In my affairs, baby ♪
Don't you point your fingers at
Me, me, me ♪
How is it going Shazia?
You look happy today.
Did Wasim message you?
No, I was looking
at colleges in USA.
Didn't I tell you Shazia?
You can study whatever
you want in Mumbai.
No matter how much it costs.
-But Dad!
-I won't let you move away from me.
Mehboob, if you want
your children to do well,
you can't tie them down.
Not everyone has a gift.
I wish I had a father like you.
Mine kicked me out of my house.
I bet you deserved it.
A briefcase full of money
found near the Pune highway.
Let's go get it then!
I will make 10 times that
money by the time we get there.
A tire factory in Chinchpokli
catches on fire.
-Nine wounded.
-Let's go tell them in advance.
I will call the fire brigade.
Forget it, Mehboob, that's not
our job. Those guys will handle it.
Okay, well I am leaving.
Should I drop you
somewhere Mehboob?
-Yes baby?
-Can I tell you something?
I know that you're not Russian.
Baby I am.
I am Russian.
Take it off.
Come on.
Can I tell you something else?
real name
is Raja AKA Peter Chaturvedi.
-Yes, my queen.
Come down.
Mother! I have been
honking for so long
What happened to him?
Where were you? Why haven't
you come home for so many days?
I was busy with work.
How did this happen?
The factory he works at
There was a fire there today!
I have said it so many times,
stop going to work.
There is no need to--
I do need to!
You need money to
run a household.
I don't want this
bastard's dirty money.
-Forget it, let's go to the hospital.
-Don't touch me.
What is your problem with me?
The fact that you're
successful now.
Isn't that what you
wanted to hear?
I know everything that
whore makes you do.
If you get involved
in shady businesses
then some thug will
take your life someday.
-I am not doing anything illegal!
-Then why won't you come home?
Why won't you come home?
Get out. Go.
Why are you bothering me?
You stink of money!
Get out of here.
Do you want me to fail just because
you turned out to be a failure?
You were burned a
long time ago, Dad.
My life was going so well ♪
Where did it all go wrong ♪
All your joy has been set ablaze ♪
While you ask yourself ♪
Where did you lose it all? ♪
I asked for a guiding light ♪
To show me the way ♪
But instead all you gave me ♪
Were ashes and smoke ♪
Dad, I know that you
don't like betting
and all of these things.
I am not doing it for myself.
This is all for you, my child.
If my own shortcomings got in
the way of your studies
then I would have
regretted it my entire life.
Even though
you have given me quite the scare
with this America conversation.
Just watch, I will make you proud.
Yeah, that's the right attitude.
From today onwards you
guys will sew clothes for me.
Everyone will be
paid for their work.
Your account with Aunt
and with me will
remain separate.
I own a designer company.
Madhu Creations.
What do you think?
It sounds just like you.
Phones for everyone.
Did you win the lottery?
She didn't.
I did.
She is my lottery.
Are you involved
in something shady?
You're the one who runs a brothel
and you think I am shady?
I support women who can't
support themselves.
Or do you take advantage of them?
You have been doing betting
these days, haven't you?
I heard.
If you are truly magic
then why play around
with these fools?
Let me take you to the real table.
With high stakes.
Kismet bhai.
Oh, my my! How have you been?
Yes Aunt, tell me.
-How are you?
-First class.
This is Vasya.
Mr. Vardaan.
I have five guys who win a lot.
I know all about you.
You see that guy on the
blue chair on the fourth PC?
He has been handling your bets
for the last two weeks.
I know all about you.
But now that the
stakes are getting higher
I knew you would show up in person.
-How do you know?
Destiny! I know everything.
Betting is just a
side business for me.
Actually, I can arrange everything.
From fake notes to
social media followers.
I am the problem-solving
I know everything.
-Not more than me.
-Tell me,
how can I change your destiny?
Go ahead.
I have already changed it.
All I need is to make a big bet
for tomorrow's match.
How much?
50 lakhs.
Think they will win?
I think so.
Then bet one crore.
Why bet small?
He took a trip to
Khandala with her.
Madhu, I am afraid.
Am I God?
God knows everything.
And so, do I.
He can change people's fate.
So, can I.
Nobody can stop Him.
No one can stop me either.
I don't believe in God.
I am coming.
Vasant Gowde?
Come here, motherfucker.
All my dreams lay shattered ♪
All your joy has been set ablaze ♪
While you ask yourself ♪
Where did you lose it all? ♪
I am here for work
Oh, yes.
Come in.
Wait. Take off your slippers.
-He is just a kid.
-It's okay.
-Hey! Wait!
Don't touch that.
Yes, go ahead.
I am Alpana.
You wanted someone
to help out at home, didn't you?
What can you do?
I know how to cook.
I can also wash utensils.
Sweeping, dusting and cleaning
clothes I can do all of it.
How much do you
charge per month?
How could I say that?
It would be better if you decide.
Alright. How about this?
You work here for 10 days.
Then we will see, okay?
Hey! Don't stand
so close to the TV.
You will get glasses, understand?
Sweet kid. Does he go to school?
No He will go next year.
He couldn't attend this year.
What can I say
We didn't have the money for it.
20 people have fallen ill
in China after drinking bat soup.
I mean, they will
fall ill tomorrow.
Hey Tyson! What did you
put in this soup?
You don't get bats here.
I have added frogs from
the rain, completely fresh.
It's a joke.
Oh, and Tyson, if there
is any food left over
then please pack it for me.
There are some kids on
the footpath who will eat it.
Okay, Mehboob.
Do you know that
party-hopping Shetty?
He is going to
become the Deputy CM.
If I had stayed with Shetty
then I could have been
ruling over Mumbai today.
Even if he was the
President of America
I still wouldn't give a shit.
Here you go, Mehboob.
This smells so good.
You are an amazing cook Tyson!
Starting next week Tyson
is not a cook anymore.
He will be our personal chef.
You look like you are
in a great mood Vasya!
Oh, man! Vasya's on top of his game.
The cricket tournament
is starting tomorrow.
We will use this Taaza Khabar
to do betting.
No, we won't do that.
We don't need to do
anything other than this.
There is a lot of money here.
But how do we find a bookie?
I have a brother-in-law
who does all these
illegal things like betting.
Sajid uncle?
Sajid uncle will be accompanying
us to heaven then.
-Hello Irfan?
Is Sajid Syed around?
-He is my brother-in-law.
He told me to speak to you.
-About what?
-I want to bet money.
You want to bet money?
What is your name?
Name Name
-Okay, Mr. Vardaan.
How much is Mr. Vardaan betting?
Five lakhs. On England
winning the toss.
Five lakhs under the name Vardaan.
ENG 143/1
Ben will lose his
wicket at 99.
More Add
Yes. Two lakhs under Vardaan.
Transfer done.
This phone is for
two and a half lakhs?
Yes, and all of
this too. Thank you.
There is no need for this
pointless spending.
It's not pointless dad!
This is our office now!
Tell us the price
before billing.
They will.
Let's go.
It looks like a very
expensive brand, Vasya.
Heroines wear these dresses.
And now you will wear them.
Welcome, sir.
I like that bag.
Boss, come here.
-Yes sir?
-Show us the bag, please.
That bag costs 25,000 rupees, sir.
-So what? Choose another.
Hey, watch it in Hindi!
It's time to learn English.
It will help.
Do you have a charger?
-Find a charger.
Do you have a micro-USB charger?
-Do you?
Hey! Madhu creations.
Aunty, could I get a charger?
Thank you.
-Give me a kiss.
-Give me a kiss!
This bag is for 25,000?
Hey! Come here.
Yes, you! Come here.
-Yes sir?
-What do you like?
-Put it on India.
-Two lakhs on India.
You like that. Give me one.
That's for 30,000!
Give me four.
And you go get your friends.
-Go ahead.
-Just go.
Hurry up.
Put four lakhs on India.
Hide it!
Nobody says a single word.
I will talk to the
police in Marathi.
I say good Marathi.
Sorry, I forgot to tell you.
I ordered food.
Yeah! Yes!
-Yay! Yeah!
-Let's order more food.
-Order more food.
-We won!
You took everything.
So why did you leave that suit?
That's mine, asshole.
-Oh wow!
-He escaped from a zoo.
He started a new job.
He is working really hard.
-Take this.
-Do I have to safeguard it?
No, this is your mother.
-And clothes for him.
I don't want your clothes
or your money. Now get out.
You aren't doing anything
wrong are you, my son?
This is the first time that
everything is going right.
You can rest now.
There is no need to work anymore.
I will come back in a few days
and take you with me.
Hey! Hey! Pick that up.
Don't get mad. I will keep it.
You don't need to worry about it.
You have never come to
her room before,
Shetty sir.
I never needed to.
But now this room
smells like her.
Bloody prostitute.
That prostitute
and everything she could do
I taught her those things.
This tea is really good.
Thank you, Tyson.
Where were you?
I went to the public
toilet opposite the hotel.
-I can't use these English toilets.
And even if I do it messes
up the pressure.
And even then
I don't know how to wash it.
Since there's no tap.
You should be happy when
you say these things.
Learn to be grateful
for the things you have Peter.
I should be grateful that
I can't wash my ass?
-Crazy kid.
Property rates in Mumbai will
go down in the next few weeks.
How long will we stay in hotels?
Let's buy a house for ourselves.
Besides, I am tired
of eating all this hotel food.
Yes sir?
Is Billimoria home?
Yes, come in.
This is beautiful.
This will be fun.
Who is this aunty?
That is the old man's wife.
How does your mother handle
such a large house all alone?
My mother handles my father.
And he is a much
bigger pain than this.
Yes Kaneez, I am coming.
Uncle, I am Vasant.
Alpana's son.
She used to work here.
Yes! What is all this?
She won't come to work. Why not?
She won't be working anymore.
Because I make money now.
Then why don't you put up a
speaker and dance in your slums?
Don't come here to ask for work.
I am not here to ask for anything.
I am here to buy it.
I want to buy your house.
You worthless fool.
Did you come to my
house intoxicated?
Get out you bum!
What do you want?
Tell me. What do you want?
Here you go.
I have more where
that came from.
Just say it.
Listen motherfucker.
Even if you give me all
the money in the world.
I still won't sell this house.
This is my wife's house.
Kaneez! That is why
I named it Kaneez.
After my death, I will turn
this house into a shelter for dogs.
And the souls of both my Kaneez'
will rest here.
Now get out. Get out!
Pick it up.
Get out. Stop staring at me.
Move it.
You too.
-Get out.
-Listen to me.
Get lost!
The next time I come
here to buy this place
I won't even give you
the time to change clothes.
Get lost.
Don't you dare show up at
my house or near my Kaneez.
Vasya Forget
Hey! Why are you
acting like a child?
Vasya, you know that
no matter where your
mother stays she will be happy.
Fuck Taxis. I want a car.
-Yes, we will buy it.
-I want a car!
How do you like this, sir?
"Some people say I am fat"
"Some people say I am thin"
Show me one that is for 50.
How do you like this, sir?
Show me something
that costs 1 crore.
How do you like this, sir?
No. Done. Done.
We will take it.
I am what I am ♪
And I'll be what I want to be ♪
Don't you mess around ♪
In my affairs, baby ♪
Don't you point your fingers at
Me, me, me ♪
How is it going Shazia?
You look happy today.
Did Wasim message you?
No, I was looking
at colleges in USA.
Didn't I tell you Shazia?
You can study whatever
you want in Mumbai.
No matter how much it costs.
-But Dad!
-I won't let you move away from me.
Mehboob, if you want
your children to do well,
you can't tie them down.
Not everyone has a gift.
I wish I had a father like you.
Mine kicked me out of my house.
I bet you deserved it.
A briefcase full of money
found near the Pune highway.
Let's go get it then!
I will make 10 times that
money by the time we get there.
A tire factory in Chinchpokli
catches on fire.
-Nine wounded.
-Let's go tell them in advance.
I will call the fire brigade.
Forget it, Mehboob, that's not
our job. Those guys will handle it.
Okay, well I am leaving.
Should I drop you
somewhere Mehboob?
-Yes baby?
-Can I tell you something?
I know that you're not Russian.
Baby I am.
I am Russian.
Take it off.
Come on.
Can I tell you something else?
real name
is Raja AKA Peter Chaturvedi.
-Yes, my queen.
Come down.
Mother! I have been
honking for so long
What happened to him?
Where were you? Why haven't
you come home for so many days?
I was busy with work.
How did this happen?
The factory he works at
There was a fire there today!
I have said it so many times,
stop going to work.
There is no need to--
I do need to!
You need money to
run a household.
I don't want this
bastard's dirty money.
-Forget it, let's go to the hospital.
-Don't touch me.
What is your problem with me?
The fact that you're
successful now.
Isn't that what you
wanted to hear?
I know everything that
whore makes you do.
If you get involved
in shady businesses
then some thug will
take your life someday.
-I am not doing anything illegal!
-Then why won't you come home?
Why won't you come home?
Get out. Go.
Why are you bothering me?
You stink of money!
Get out of here.
Do you want me to fail just because
you turned out to be a failure?
You were burned a
long time ago, Dad.
My life was going so well ♪
Where did it all go wrong ♪
All your joy has been set ablaze ♪
While you ask yourself ♪
Where did you lose it all? ♪
I asked for a guiding light ♪
To show me the way ♪
But instead all you gave me ♪
Were ashes and smoke ♪
Dad, I know that you
don't like betting
and all of these things.
I am not doing it for myself.
This is all for you, my child.
If my own shortcomings got in
the way of your studies
then I would have
regretted it my entire life.
Even though
you have given me quite the scare
with this America conversation.
Just watch, I will make you proud.
Yeah, that's the right attitude.
From today onwards you
guys will sew clothes for me.
Everyone will be
paid for their work.
Your account with Aunt
and with me will
remain separate.
I own a designer company.
Madhu Creations.
What do you think?
It sounds just like you.
Phones for everyone.
Did you win the lottery?
She didn't.
I did.
She is my lottery.
Are you involved
in something shady?
You're the one who runs a brothel
and you think I am shady?
I support women who can't
support themselves.
Or do you take advantage of them?
You have been doing betting
these days, haven't you?
I heard.
If you are truly magic
then why play around
with these fools?
Let me take you to the real table.
With high stakes.
Kismet bhai.
Oh, my my! How have you been?
Yes Aunt, tell me.
-How are you?
-First class.
This is Vasya.
Mr. Vardaan.
I have five guys who win a lot.
I know all about you.
You see that guy on the
blue chair on the fourth PC?
He has been handling your bets
for the last two weeks.
I know all about you.
But now that the
stakes are getting higher
I knew you would show up in person.
-How do you know?
Destiny! I know everything.
Betting is just a
side business for me.
Actually, I can arrange everything.
From fake notes to
social media followers.
I am the problem-solving
I know everything.
-Not more than me.
-Tell me,
how can I change your destiny?
Go ahead.
I have already changed it.
All I need is to make a big bet
for tomorrow's match.
How much?
50 lakhs.
Think they will win?
I think so.
Then bet one crore.
Why bet small?
He took a trip to
Khandala with her.
Madhu, I am afraid.
Am I God?
God knows everything.
And so, do I.
He can change people's fate.
So, can I.
Nobody can stop Him.
No one can stop me either.
I don't believe in God.
I am coming.
Vasant Gowde?
Come here, motherfucker.
All my dreams lay shattered ♪
All your joy has been set ablaze ♪
While you ask yourself ♪
Where did you lose it all? ♪