Taaza Khabar (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


Come on. Hurry up
or it will start.
Ten minutes uncle, please.
Let's go.
I love you very much.
And I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.
I love you too, Priya.
-Very much. Yes.
Hey, Vasya?
What is happening here?
What is happening here?
Both my phone screen and
my luck is messed up.
Mr. Bhosle's answer
is option B.
Oh yeah!
Tarawa is the right answer.
Tarawa is the right answer!
You have just won
1 crore rupees!
My God! Come up here, please.
Here is your cheque
for 1 crore rupees.
What? Have you lost your mind?
Let go of me!
Whatever is destined,
will definitely come true.
I just have to make
people think that
it happened because
I wanted it to.
What are you doing here?
Get out! Go!
Aunt is right there.
What are you doing?
Screw Aunt.
When did you start smoking?
Vasya? Get out of here!
What are you doing?
I wanted to earn 9 lakhs!
-I just made 30 lakhs.
-Very good. Now leave.
I told you didn't I Madhu?
I can see the future.
-I know everything.
-Fine, you know everything.
-I know everything.
-You know everything,
but you can't handle
your liquor. Now go.
-I am leaving!
I came here to book
an appointment for tomorrow.
Come to the bakery
tomorrow at 11.
I am holding a conference.
We will choose new partners and
start a company.
Fine, now get out.
Don't touch me.
The next time I touch you
will be when we walk out of here.
-Am I right?
Just agree with him!
-Now shut up and go.
Bye ladies.
Look, here comes Vasya ♪
The innocent and mellow Vasya ♪
He can brighten any night, Vasya ♪
He is so playful ♪
He is so mischievous ♪
I have a boon.
I am going to
change your life.
And if he agrees, I will
change his life too.
Yeah, do that.
Oh, God.
Do I have to support
two drunks now?
Go to sleep!
Sorry, mother.
Go to sleep, okay?
They stopped making
this model Vasya.
-So, what now?
-You won't get a display for this.
But I have the same piece
lying around somewhere.
You can buy that instead.
-How much is it for?
Here is what you do.
Take the screen off the
new phone and stick it on this.
Have you lost your mind?
Just do it. Hurry.
Time is waiting for me.
You want to do this
in the morning?
Lower. A bit lower.
Turn it off, you pervert.
-I will call you back.
-Look, I fixed the display.
What? You should have
just bought a new phone!
This phone is blessed.
Look, I don't believe
in superstitions.
Get lost!
That reminds me.
How is your dad?
Same old issues.
No liquor, no food,
only stress.
You have such a powerful blessing.
But you're still
crying like a whore.
That reminds me.
Madhu isn't here yet.
The exhibition centre
caught on fire
Hey, if you guys bring up
boons and blessings again
Wait a minute Madhu.
Let them speak.
Go ahead Vasant but hurry up.
I have to deliver
a large order.
I am starting a new business.
That's great!
I owe you guys a lot.
So, I would like to offer
you guys an opportunity
to join me as partners.
Great, but what exactly
will you be doing?
-Let's start. Start.
You guys saved my Dad's life.
Stop lying asshole.
My dad never died.
I mean he did.
He died a little bit.
I mean he is
still alive.
I lied
I lied to get the money.
Which we would use to
I mean we were going
to start a business.
But once we found out
about his boon
we figured something else out.
So, we used that money
to party at Taj.
-Where? Where did you party?
-At Taj.
-They partied at Taj.
-This is what was left
-3,000 rupees.
Yes, this is 3,000.
Thank you. Sorry.
This is not right, Peter.
I trusted you.
I gave you the money
during a tough time
because your father passed away.
I mean, that is what you said.
-Who is that?
-Shut up. Idiots.
Can I go now?
Wait a few minutes.
You will soon find out why.
They will tell you why.
Mr. Bhosle can't speak.
How could he tell us?
He won't say a word. I will.
You said the answer
starts with 'T'.
Two of the answers
started with 'T'.
Your input was unnecessary.
That is why you won't
get a single rupee from me.
But at least 'T' was right!
I removed two options
out of four, didn't I?
At least give me something.
I won't give you anything.
I won't pay you even
when I get the money.
But I will give it to this whore.
I will give her a tight slap!
Hey! You are sleeping
with my husband aren't you?
Hey! He comes to me.
I don't call him!
He comes to me because
he doesn't get any at home.
How do you know how much
he gets at home?
He gets a lot at home!
You're wearing a dress
by Madhu Creations
and you want to fight with Madhu?
I will burn it!
-Just try it.
-You and this dress!
My husband.
And my money.
Stay away from both.
Let's go.
And all of you, inside now!
I have a boon.
On this phone,
I receive news from all over
the world before it even happens.
My destiny has now been changed.
But I won't leave you guys behind.
Wherever we might end up,
we will do it together.
Whether that is a five-star-hotel
or the morgue.
Famous singer Kavi Kapoor's
songs have been banned.
An actress named Eliza D’Souza
had her MMS leaked.
Do you have a picture?
PL Co-Operative Bank
goes under. Bank closed down.
Lakhs of people lost their money.
Hey, stop kidding around Vasya.
That bank has all my life savings.
You have one hour Madhu.
Withdraw your money.
How could a bank close down?
I don't believe you.
It says it right here.
-Yes, Aunt?
-Where are you?
I am close by, I am coming.
Shetty is here. Hurry up.
Why would I hire you if I
loved getting fucked over?
I am coming.
It's Shetty. I have to go.
Well, I have heard enough.
I have to go to the
Exhibition Centre.
I have a stall there.
Don't go there, Mehboob.
I read about it in the news.
Your news can go to hell.
-My order is ready.
-Forget about that.
There will be a stampede there!
This is for your own good.
I don't need your help.
Hey Peter.
Will you help me out or
should I do this alone?
There are two more
boxes inside. Go fetch them.
Sorry, I will get them.
We have to put it
in the tempo.
Hey! Aunt sent us.
So? What?
Where is the money she gave you?
-I will bring it with me tomorrow.
-Why don't you pick up her calls?
-I was busy with work.
-Cleaning toilets?
-Who the hell are you?
-Sit down, you little shit.
This is my area, now get lost.
Will you shit on us if we don't?
You son of a
Don't you fuckers understand?
I have a boon! A boon!
No need to worry. I am fine.
Everything has gone to hell, Vasya.
What did Shetty do?
All the money from my business
All the girls in the area
kept their money in that bank.
You didn't withdraw your money?
Why not? I told you, didn't I?
You do have a
divine blessing Vasya!
Yes, I didn't believe you either.
Sorry Vasant
I borrowed money to make
so much Kheema pav.
What do I do with that?
How much do you have?
Why did we come here, Vasant?
I read about it on the app.
This strike is going
to last all night.
They have been
so hungry all day
that they would even enjoy
Peter's lollipop.
Yeah! Hey
What did I do?
Look Vasant.
I have to give 25,000
rupees to Mr. Shafi.
Who I borrowed money from
to make all this food.
But if we sell everything
do you know how much we will profit
even after returning the money?
19,360 rupees.
Damn. This girl is a calculator.
How much will you sell one for?
The price is the
same as the bakery.
Kheema pav for 40
and samosa for 25.
These are airline people.
Kheema pav for 70
and samosa for 30.
Who buys kheema pav for 70?
Let's go. Kheema pav! Kheema pav!
-Mumbai's best kheema pav.
Kheema pav for 70
and samosa for 30.
Kheema pav! Kheema pav! Kheema pav!
Bro, do you have a
better plan than hard work?
I mean,
if we have to work so hard then
what is the point of your boon?
There was something called
Crypto on this in the morning.
But I couldn't
understand any of it.
Some coin has
suddenly shot up in price.
What did you say?
It's a type of currency.
It's like the stocks. Show me.
It says, 'Top Coin' here.
It is going to go up
15 times in the evening.
That's amazing!
So, will that help us or not?
Okay, so according to your news,
if we were to invest in the
Top Coins right now.
Then their value can go up
by 15 times today.
15 per cent?
Not per cent, 15 times!
That means if you invest 1
you get 15 back.
15 back?
And where will we
get the cash from?
Not cash, card.
Or Net Banking.
Shazia, this mobile just
got internet.
Now you want to add banking?
That's different.
Can you shut up?
Wait a minute.
Wasim? Hi!
Listen, I need your help.
I need
Two lakhs from your account.
-Shut up!
-Who is he?
He is a good kid.
-He is a good kid.
Look, we will have a
lot of money by tonight.
So that is when we will take
our share and return double to you.
No, it's nothing illegal baby.
-She said ,baby.
-No, she didn't.
-Yes, she did!
-No, she didn't.
Okay, great.
Okay, bye.
We got the money.
Look, if dad yells at me
then this deal is cancelled.
Please, dad.
Cryptocurrency market
taken by storm.
Some currencies go down
while others go sky-high.
Top Coin breaks all records
by going up 15 times overnight.
Shazia! Mehboob!
What is going on Vasant?
Enough. Enough.
From now on, all our bank accounts
will be handled by Shazia.
what is it that people do with
partners and clients?
Relations. You are
in charge of that.
-What about me?
-You can do whatever you want to.
But I want everything
we made this time.
I want to get Madhu out of there.
-Yes Vasant.
-No, wait a minute.
It's not that easy.
The money is still in the bank.
We still need to withdraw it.
And how do we do that?
We will get Madhu out of there,
but at least save some
money for the party!
"Whoever comes here"
"Where will they end up?"
"The dreamers have
put fate on the line"
"Who can tell the future?
We are all stuck in the present"
"This money is like
an addiction, my dear"
"Something is about to happen
on this glorious night"
"Something is about to happen"
"On this glorious night"
This has Shetty's money.
And there is enough
for you to quit this
business and start a new life.
-What drugs are you on?
-Count your money.
I am taking Madhu with me.
For how many hours?
For the rest of our lives.
The distance between you and me ♪
Felt like a brand-new dream ♪
The distance between you and me ♪
Felt like a brand-new dream ♪
Lowered gazes and incomplete
conversations spent waiting for you ♪
Sleepless nights
spent waiting for you ♪
Pull me ♪
Close to you ♪
Put me ♪
To sleep ♪
Where are we going?
Bring me to the
festival of dreams ♪
Tell me. Where are we going?
Way past our limits!
Bring me to the
festival of dreams ♪
Let's get lost together ♪
My nights felt empty ♪
I felt incomplete ♪
Your company makes me feel ♪
Like spending every
moment with you ♪
Like a falling star ♪
I prayed to God for you ♪
Why are you doing all this?
For you.
For myself.
What do you mean?
Whatever I asked for in life
I didn't get it.
But now I will take what I want.
You are the start.
What I want next is the world.
Pull me ♪
Close to you ♪
Put me ♪
To sleep ♪
Bring me to the
festival of dreams ♪
I don't have my own room yet.
Bring me to the
festival of dreams ♪
I will adjust.
Bring me to the
festival of dreams ♪
Let's get lost together ♪
Why? Are you the boss?
Here, eat this. Hey Reshma!
Hey Reshma!
Eat it. Come on. Hey Reshma!
Hey! Listen!
I have some good news.
Come here. Here have some.
The new party has given me a seat.
Now your Shetty sir
will go straight from
Corporater to CM.
Here. Have some sweets
and hurry up and call Madhu.
Vasya took Madhu.
He threw the money at me
and she left with him.
She didn't leave.
That deadbeat took her
against her will.
I love her.
I was going to take her with me.
She is mine.
She is mine!
Mine. Mine.
Eat as much as you want Madhu.
So, Vasant, where
will Madhu live?
In my heart.
Really? And where will she sleep?
Where will she shit?
In your heart?
Okay, so what now?
What next?
No! No more plans.
Didn't we make so much money?
Come on, Dad.
Your generation is never satisfied.
Come on, cough it up.
Give me 10 bucks.
How do you know what is
going to happen in the next ball?
The next ball? Just watch.
The next ball will be a four.
-Let's bet 100.
-You're on.
Four! Look at that!
I am so lucky today.
Why don't you make
a bet with me for 500?
I think India will win.
Hey man. England need
10 runs from 30 balls.
England will win.
Oh man, even an
idiot can figure that out!
Then why don't you do it?
Fine, let's do it!
-Fine, you're on.
Will there be a twist in the story?
There it is.
A twist in the story.
Never seen anything like it
in the last 10 years.
The next ball
a fast ball that stunned everyone!
A big appeal and the
umpire is on their side.
In just two balls, India
And India has snatched a victory
from the jaws of defeat.
Hey you freeloader, come on.
Cough it up.
I don't care. Come on.
Give me the money.
-Give me the money.
-Hey, behave yourself.
Come on. Pay up.
Don't tell me how to behave.
Look at this!
I know what we're going to do next.
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