Taaza Khabar (2023) s02e02 Episode Script
(Peter) We'll be cutting a cake
in your honour today.
How about "RIP Vasya" on top?
Happy birthday, asshole.
Hmm. Happy birthday.
Did you cut a cake?
Yes, just did.
What's up?
Life's in the shithole again.
Did you get any Taaza Khabar?
Zilch. All the news has dried up.
- I barely get network here.
- (girl) Help!
(Peter) Network doesn't necessarily
mean you'll still get Taaza Khabar.
(man 1) Which way did she go?
I'll call you back.
(girl) Help!
(panting heavily)
- (man 1) Catch her. Catch her.
- (man 2) Come on.
Come on.
Which way did she go?
(music rises)
- (metal clangs)
- (gasps)
Where is she?
- Over there.
- Come on.
(music turns fast-paced)
- Stop. Catch her. Catch her.
- No. Let me go.
- Bring her along.
- Leave me.
- Come on.
- Let me go. Leave me.
- Catch her. Throw her in there.
- Leave me.
Leave me.
- (wailing)
- Stop screaming.
- No. Leave me.
- Stop screaming.
- You like to run, don't you?
- Leave me. Let me go.
(thrilling music)
(man screams)
(glass shatters)
(Vasant screams)
(metal clangs)
(Vasant groaning)
- Get away from here.
- (car alarms blaring)
- Rascal.
- Go.
- Motherfucker.
- Run!
We'll show you.
(car alarms blaring)
(car door thumps)
There's some water inside.
Drink it.
Do you live here?
Aren't you scared?
Of whom?
Uh thugs and ghosts.
When you lose everything,
fear is one of them.
What is your name?
(soft music)
I wanted to pray for you.
Prayers have no effect on me.
Wait and watch, brother.
Soon you will gain
everything you once lost.
Brother Vasya.
(mysterious music)
(trembling and clanking)
Vasya, when did you
get this fucking blessing?
Die, asshole!
- (Taaza Khabar notification)
- (girl) Wait and watch, brother.
Soon you will gain
everything you once lost.
Untie me, sir.
Give me my phone sir.
Shall I tell you a story?
Two thousand years ago,
there lived a king.
Just like you.
He fell ill.
He said, "Any doctor who cures me
"will possess half my empire."
Then along came a mendicant.
He pulled out a few herbs
from his pocket
and concocted a potion.
The king said, "I won't drink this
concoction made by his dirty hands,"
and had him thrown
out of the palace.
While storming out, the mendicant
poured the potion on a plant.
Six months later, the king died.
But the tree is still alive.
- (Vasant) What was the word he used?
- (Peter) "Moral."
Yes, the moral of the story.
Don't be deceived
by my appearance, sir.
I can change your destiny.
(chuckles lightly)
This conversation has gone so deep
that I feel I'll lose myself in it.
Now, what will it be?
Your money or your life?
You don't let me die
peacefully either.
You have 15 days
to return the money.
I'll pay back your one billion.
It's ₹5 billion.
Elections are around the corner.
Political parties need money
for election campaigns.
If I look after them,
they will take care of me.
My car, bungalow, my friends' homes,
you took everything.
That was punishment.
This is settlement.
Two weeks. ₹5 billion.
Make this news viral.
"Kismat who dealt in illegal
businesses commits suicide."
Let's go, Peter.
What "Let's go, Peter," asshole?
I am tied up!
Untie him.
How will we fucking give him
₹5 billion?
We must end this
once and for all.
What fucking ancient stories
were you telling him?
And when did you
get your blessing back?
Our lives have become
worse than stray dogs.
Tell me.
It's a fucking miracle.
Let me explain.
But first,
let's deal with this Yusuf.
That was the first time
I saw a live murder.
My ass is in tatters.
Wait just a second.
(song playing on phone)
What are you laughing at, Qureshi?
Can you dance like this?
- Who is calling now?
- (phone ringing)
Watch this.
She has really nice moves.
Back to work, guys.
- Come.
- Hello.
(Vasant) How are you, sir?
- Who is this?
- Vardaan.
Your old friend.
Making prank calls to a cop.
Do you want to end up in jail?
Check your message.
Two groups will fight
at this gambling den.
One of them is
a wanted fugitive Teja.
Go, arrest him.
You will be the hero.
Even you are a fugitive
and the most wanted.
Sir, act on the news
that benefits you.
If you're looking for bigger gains,
then meet me in the afternoon at
Koliwada public toilet.
In front of
the Koliwada public toilet.
- Where?
- In front of the Koliwada public toilet.
(in Marathi) See you soon.
- Mange, start the car.
- Yes, sir.
I think something's going down
at a gambling den.
Wait a second.
What excuse are we going to
tell Mom and Dad?
Just keep walking.
I'll do the talking.
- Okay.
- Looks like someone thrashed him.
Why are they staring at us?
- Give me your handkerchief.
- Handkerchief?
Take this.
- Can't let them see the blood.
- I need one too, fucker.
Stop bothering me.
(Ikka) Yes, boss.
He's here.
Speak to him.
(Yusuf) Listen, Ikka will
keep an eye on your house.
To keep an eye on your parents
so your ass will stay in line.
Go on.
Weren't we already in enough trouble
that we ran into him?
- How are you?
- I am good.
You knew everything, didn't you?
I'll tell you everything tonight.
Under the blanket.
Don't worry.
You deserted us again.
Vasu, whatever trouble you are in,
just tell us.
They weren't letting us go.
They forcefully made us stay.
We had to call Julie eventually.
That's when they discharged us.
Vasu wanted a cup of tea,
so we went to Lonavala--
Out with the truth, Peter!
Peter and I are in a fix.
We borrowed money
from some gangsters.
So they abducted us.
Good God.
That's why I was in hiding.
But I am here now.
I will repay everything.
Yes, I am under a lot of debt.
What They
They are going to
stay here with you.
They'll look after you
until I return their money.
Once this matter is resolved,
we can return to our bungalow.
Where are they going to sleep?
On our heads?
I'll set up an apartment for them.
Bachelor pad and all.
Sir, let's go.
Julie, you too.
Have you eaten?
(melodious flute music)
This kid is unbelievable.
I'll cook something for you.
Take a shower first.
(Ashok) Why don't you
give him a shower?
Give the little child
an oil massage.
Since he's made
such great achievements.
I've still kept your old clothes.
Ignore him.
(door creaks)
Hurry up with the money.
Or your old folks will have to
take an early trip to heaven.
Saleem, come here.
(boy) Let's go. Let's go.
Got him. Stop. Stop.
- Come on. Come on.
- Yes, got him.
Take a leak at the back.
I didn't come here to take a leak.
Mind your business.
Why don't you check, sir?
Maybe you have to.
Do you want a thrashing?
Believe me, sir.
You have to take a leak.
Julie, you were looking like butter.
I wanted to lick you.
I am not trying to butter you up.
Call you back later.
How are you, sir?
How are you alive?
How are you an inspector?
You should have investigated.
You believed what this fucker said.
Right. You testified that
he was murdered.
Sir, this
- Let it go, sir.
- Did you jump a signal, motherfucker?
(Vasant chuckles)
"Let it go, sir."
You falsely testified for a murder.
Arrest him.
What? Say something.
Enough of this.
That bookie Kismat was murdered.
I know. We are taking action.
Don't take action.
Make some arrests.
I know who the killer is.
Who is it?
Yusuf Akhtar.
Should have said Thanos instead.
Couldn't you take some other name?
It is what it is.
I am a witness.
He blew his brains out
in front of me.
This news can shock the city.
I have an old habit
of shocking the city.
Is the news confirmed?
It's breaking news.
I'll look into it.
Hey where to?
I want to buy clothes.
This place sells women's clothes.
And I dress like a woman.
(sewing machines rattling)
Look over there.
(mellow music)
The only reason ♪
I left ♪
The only reason ♪
I left ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
The only reason I left ♪
I didn't want you to think ♪
I am heartless ♪
I didn't want you to think ♪
I am heartless ♪
I wanted to
Reassure your heart ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
- The only reason I left ♪
- (slaps)
So, you've been alive
all this while.
For staying alive?
What I did at the New Year party
was awfully wrong.
But I've been through
a lot too, Madhu.
Not as much as me.
Let's put everything behind us.
Okay, done.
Even you.
Look, I'll fix everything.
Fix everything?
Maybe I would have believed you
had you said, "I'll fix
some things or try to fix things."
But "I'll fix everything."
Look at us, Vasya.
Nothing is okay.
In fact, if you can get some things
on track again, we'll die peacefully.
Nothing ever gets
completely fixed in our case.
As the saying goes,
"A poor man's destiny
lies in the shit hole."
For instance, Amina,
the girl I share a room with,
her husband left her
after knocking her up.
She has a child who's sick.
In fact, his illness is so serious
that there is only one injection
that can treat it.
And that single injection
costs 180
₹180 million!
The illness is called SMA.
₹180 million?
What a joke.
That's her life.
We go and feed him every day.
Good food.
Milk powder and all that.
The poor boy is only
one and a half years old.
He will die.
And I feed him every day
with my own hands.
Do you know why?
Because I feel he'll suddenly
leave me one day,
and I won't be able to say goodbye
to him, like I couldn't say to you.
(sombre music)
And listen
I am sorry.
Sorry for falling in love with you.
It was a huge mistake.
I want to build a good life
for myself.
Do some good work.
I'm being promoted to
junior designer next year.
Life will tread slowly,
but it's better that way.
I don't want to see you again.
Because if you do,
I'll call the cops.
Where is Mehboob bhai?
Why? Do you want to
face more humiliation?
(door creaks)
- Aunty.
- Yes.
- Aunty. Where are you going?
- What?
What is it? I'm going nearby.
He has run out of
his blood pressure medicines.
And the doctor has prescribed
more medicines. I have to get them.
You don't have to go anywhere.
Go back inside.
Good God. Does your security
have to be so tight?
Okay, fine.
Hold this.
Take this.
Get these for me. Meanwhile,
I'll make some tea for everyone.
Out of my way.
Don't keep the change.
Give it back to me.
- Crazy woman.
- What?
They are not security.
They are the goons
whom your son scammed.
I know.
But if I take good care of them,
they will not bother Vasu.
Oh, God.
Can you win them over
with a single cup of tea?
No, I'll keep making tea for them.
And what good will that do?
will grow ashamed.
As the saying goes,
something-something loyalty.
I'll serve them tea.
Feel free to do what you want.
- You've sold your brains--
- I know everything!
Everyone has brains except for me.
(car honking)
When did you buy this scooter?
I was offered a collaboration.
They asked me to create five reels.
I said, "I'll make ten.
Give me a scooter."
You guys are sorted.
That's how it is with influencers.
Lots of freebies.
Eventually, when I cross a million
subscribers, I'll get a vehicle.
And a four-wheeler at that.
For free.
How many do you have right now?
I see.
So you'll definitely get a car in
the next 10 years. (chuckles)
(laughs sarcastically)
- Was that a joke?
- Let's go.
Mehboob bhai. Go, talk to him.
That Julie's been driving me crazy
for a single reel.
I'll call her back. You go.
Listen I have something
to tell you.
What is it?
What are you doing?
Thank you
for taking care of my parents.
If it wasn't for you
I'd have been dead for real.
I am supposed to make a reel.
Don't make me emotional.
I'd have to do touch-ups again.
Go on.
This has less sugar.
- And this one is with normal sugar.
- One mild, please.
How much?
I wouldn't be sad if they had
taken everything quietly.
But they destroyed my bakery.
burned down Madhu's workshop.
It seemed like that rascal
was burning us alive.
And they severely thrashed Peter.
Oh, Allah.
It's okay.
It wasn't that serious.
No, it was.
Lying down, sitting up.
Kicks, punches
Enough, Mehboob bhai.
You don't have to remind me.
Even the thought of it
brings the pain back.
I died to save you.
I didn't know he would
personally take revenge.
That is how the world is, Vasant.
Crime and debt have to be repaid.
Otherwise, you're not allowed
to even die peacefully.
You always talk sense
when your ass is on the line.
(waves crashing)
Leave all that.
How is Shazia?
With God's grace, she is okay.
She is in America,
studying at the university.
And she doesn't know
everything is destroyed here.
I paid one quarter's fee.
Soon three months will be up,
and she will have to return.
She won't have to come back.
How, Vasant. I cannot--
The boon is back.
I've already accepted
a lot from you.
Money and
I came here
to take something, not give.
I want your help, Mehboob bhai.
I am neck-deep in debt.
And his goons are keeping
a watch on my parents.
Mehboob bhai, please let it go.
Okay. Let's go.
I never differentiated
between you and Shazia.
But you always differentiated
between money and relationships.
I've been repaying
my debt in instalments,
but I won't do the same
with relationships, Mehboob bhai.
(sentimental music)
You won't betray me again, will you?
Or people will lose faith
in friendships.
Let's leave this wisdom
and cycle here.
I have news. We must go to Gorai.
Gorai? Why?
Listen to this.
"Whale vomit found on Aksa Beach.
"Worth millions.
Three men arrested."
Could those three men be us?
Hey, what's that?
Hey! Confirm. Confirm.
My heart says this is whale puke.
How can you be so sure?
It's used to make perfumes
and medicines.
It has a specific scent.
Shit! It's dog shit!
Oh, man.
Leave it.
What to do? How do we find it?
I saw it on the internet.
It's like a candle
What is it called?
- Wax.
- Wax.
And it becomes hard as a rock
after it dries up.
Unnecessarily, I picked up shit
three times.
Patience. We'll find it.
Enough of this mischief.
Let's look ahead. Come on.
(Peter) "Look ahead."
We've been walking for an hour.
- Peter.
- What?
Keep your phone on.
I'll check if there
is anything around the boat.
Peter. Come here, you two.
- Did you find it?
- Yes.
- Let's pack it up quickly.
- Yes.
We'll pack everything up
in a minute.
Not all of it.
Let's leave some behind.
Why should we leave
this expensive stuff behind?
We cannot change the news.
The police must find something.
I have an idea. You two pack
this up and get out of here.
Hurry up.
I'll be right back.
- That's all.
- This one.
- We've got enough.
- Look at the shape.
You're so greedy.
Come on.
This stuff is amazing.
- Yeah, bro.
- Sit over here carefully.
I think I am drunk today.
I keep telling you not
to cross the line. Come on.
(claps) Sir!
I want to know if you know someone.
- Amber has come out of the water.
- Amber!
- Amber!
- Where? Where?
- Back here.
- Over there?
Let's go. Let's go.
- Thank you, brother.
- Okay.
Be careful.
The police are everywhere.
- Okay, brother.
- Come on.
- Thank you.
- Let's go.
(newsreader) In recent news,
a bookie who ran several
betting and illegal businesses
has committed suicide.
His body was recovered
from a warehouse.
What's puzzling is
this is the fourth suicide
connected to this case.
A police investigation
is in full swing.
Keep watching Jankari 24X7.
Vasya, where do we sell this stuff?
Selling this stuff is illegal.
This thing can only be sold
where access is difficult.
- Pakistan?
- No.
(Mehboob) Idiot.
Remember what Shazia said
Dark Web.
But how will we get Shazia here?
Not her. We'll get Waseem.
What? Why will we call him here?
That boy
will tell Shazia everything.
He won't say a word.
They both are on a break.
What do you mean by "break"?
It means
their love story is on pause.
Is it because of our condition?
What is his problem?
He's going to be your son-in-law.
There he is.
He looks all cleaned up.
- Greetings, uncle.
- Hello. Hello.
What brings you here?
You guys called me here.
Not at all. We didn't call you.
Are you done?
(Taaza Khabar notification)
Where can we sell this vomit?
I know a crooked man.
(Mehboob coughing)
(knock on door)
I wanted to buy a perfume.
The showroom is closed, aunty.
Come back later.
Give it.
Here you go.
Can you show me something stronger?
Get lost, asshole!
Nonsense. This is why.
This is why
I never fucking help anyone.
Speak up.
We have whale vomit.
How did you get your hands on it?
- Aksa Beach--
- Madh Island.
We have a supplier near Madh Island.
They are right, boss.
Weigh it.
(machine beeps)
Two and a half kilos, boss.
₹2.5 million.
The market rate is
₹10 million per kilo.
So the rate comes to ₹25 million.
I already have seven kilos
lying with me in the fridge.
Sell it for me.
Vasant Gawde the millionaire
is selling fish vomit.
You have such a bad reputation
in the market
that no outsider
will ever deal with you.
Uncle, can't you give us
a better deal?
Thirty and that's final.
What else do you have?
Tiger claws?
Elephant tusks?
Eye of a bat.
Do you have monkey balls?
I am going through a bad phase.
Whatever I used to touch
would turn to gold.
Now it only turns to shit.
You think ₹30 million is shit.
I owe ₹5 billion, Mehboob bhai.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
And boons alone don't work, Vasant.
One also needs good luck.
I think
your luck isn't on your side.
Leave all that.
We'll give this money to Shazia
and pay her fees.
Make your father-in-law understand.
- (phone buzzing)
- What father-in-law?
- What?
- Yes.
(police) Come to the police station
and give your statement.
You guys go ahead.
I'll make that Yusuf pay.
- (Peter) Careful.
- Get lost.
See you later. Taxi.
(exciting music)
Waiting for so long
Not me.
So, will you give a statement?
in your honour today.
How about "RIP Vasya" on top?
Happy birthday, asshole.
Hmm. Happy birthday.
Did you cut a cake?
Yes, just did.
What's up?
Life's in the shithole again.
Did you get any Taaza Khabar?
Zilch. All the news has dried up.
- I barely get network here.
- (girl) Help!
(Peter) Network doesn't necessarily
mean you'll still get Taaza Khabar.
(man 1) Which way did she go?
I'll call you back.
(girl) Help!
(panting heavily)
- (man 1) Catch her. Catch her.
- (man 2) Come on.
Come on.
Which way did she go?
(music rises)
- (metal clangs)
- (gasps)
Where is she?
- Over there.
- Come on.
(music turns fast-paced)
- Stop. Catch her. Catch her.
- No. Let me go.
- Bring her along.
- Leave me.
- Come on.
- Let me go. Leave me.
- Catch her. Throw her in there.
- Leave me.
Leave me.
- (wailing)
- Stop screaming.
- No. Leave me.
- Stop screaming.
- You like to run, don't you?
- Leave me. Let me go.
(thrilling music)
(man screams)
(glass shatters)
(Vasant screams)
(metal clangs)
(Vasant groaning)
- Get away from here.
- (car alarms blaring)
- Rascal.
- Go.
- Motherfucker.
- Run!
We'll show you.
(car alarms blaring)
(car door thumps)
There's some water inside.
Drink it.
Do you live here?
Aren't you scared?
Of whom?
Uh thugs and ghosts.
When you lose everything,
fear is one of them.
What is your name?
(soft music)
I wanted to pray for you.
Prayers have no effect on me.
Wait and watch, brother.
Soon you will gain
everything you once lost.
Brother Vasya.
(mysterious music)
(trembling and clanking)
Vasya, when did you
get this fucking blessing?
Die, asshole!
- (Taaza Khabar notification)
- (girl) Wait and watch, brother.
Soon you will gain
everything you once lost.
Untie me, sir.
Give me my phone sir.
Shall I tell you a story?
Two thousand years ago,
there lived a king.
Just like you.
He fell ill.
He said, "Any doctor who cures me
"will possess half my empire."
Then along came a mendicant.
He pulled out a few herbs
from his pocket
and concocted a potion.
The king said, "I won't drink this
concoction made by his dirty hands,"
and had him thrown
out of the palace.
While storming out, the mendicant
poured the potion on a plant.
Six months later, the king died.
But the tree is still alive.
- (Vasant) What was the word he used?
- (Peter) "Moral."
Yes, the moral of the story.
Don't be deceived
by my appearance, sir.
I can change your destiny.
(chuckles lightly)
This conversation has gone so deep
that I feel I'll lose myself in it.
Now, what will it be?
Your money or your life?
You don't let me die
peacefully either.
You have 15 days
to return the money.
I'll pay back your one billion.
It's ₹5 billion.
Elections are around the corner.
Political parties need money
for election campaigns.
If I look after them,
they will take care of me.
My car, bungalow, my friends' homes,
you took everything.
That was punishment.
This is settlement.
Two weeks. ₹5 billion.
Make this news viral.
"Kismat who dealt in illegal
businesses commits suicide."
Let's go, Peter.
What "Let's go, Peter," asshole?
I am tied up!
Untie him.
How will we fucking give him
₹5 billion?
We must end this
once and for all.
What fucking ancient stories
were you telling him?
And when did you
get your blessing back?
Our lives have become
worse than stray dogs.
Tell me.
It's a fucking miracle.
Let me explain.
But first,
let's deal with this Yusuf.
That was the first time
I saw a live murder.
My ass is in tatters.
Wait just a second.
(song playing on phone)
What are you laughing at, Qureshi?
Can you dance like this?
- Who is calling now?
- (phone ringing)
Watch this.
She has really nice moves.
Back to work, guys.
- Come.
- Hello.
(Vasant) How are you, sir?
- Who is this?
- Vardaan.
Your old friend.
Making prank calls to a cop.
Do you want to end up in jail?
Check your message.
Two groups will fight
at this gambling den.
One of them is
a wanted fugitive Teja.
Go, arrest him.
You will be the hero.
Even you are a fugitive
and the most wanted.
Sir, act on the news
that benefits you.
If you're looking for bigger gains,
then meet me in the afternoon at
Koliwada public toilet.
In front of
the Koliwada public toilet.
- Where?
- In front of the Koliwada public toilet.
(in Marathi) See you soon.
- Mange, start the car.
- Yes, sir.
I think something's going down
at a gambling den.
Wait a second.
What excuse are we going to
tell Mom and Dad?
Just keep walking.
I'll do the talking.
- Okay.
- Looks like someone thrashed him.
Why are they staring at us?
- Give me your handkerchief.
- Handkerchief?
Take this.
- Can't let them see the blood.
- I need one too, fucker.
Stop bothering me.
(Ikka) Yes, boss.
He's here.
Speak to him.
(Yusuf) Listen, Ikka will
keep an eye on your house.
To keep an eye on your parents
so your ass will stay in line.
Go on.
Weren't we already in enough trouble
that we ran into him?
- How are you?
- I am good.
You knew everything, didn't you?
I'll tell you everything tonight.
Under the blanket.
Don't worry.
You deserted us again.
Vasu, whatever trouble you are in,
just tell us.
They weren't letting us go.
They forcefully made us stay.
We had to call Julie eventually.
That's when they discharged us.
Vasu wanted a cup of tea,
so we went to Lonavala--
Out with the truth, Peter!
Peter and I are in a fix.
We borrowed money
from some gangsters.
So they abducted us.
Good God.
That's why I was in hiding.
But I am here now.
I will repay everything.
Yes, I am under a lot of debt.
What They
They are going to
stay here with you.
They'll look after you
until I return their money.
Once this matter is resolved,
we can return to our bungalow.
Where are they going to sleep?
On our heads?
I'll set up an apartment for them.
Bachelor pad and all.
Sir, let's go.
Julie, you too.
Have you eaten?
(melodious flute music)
This kid is unbelievable.
I'll cook something for you.
Take a shower first.
(Ashok) Why don't you
give him a shower?
Give the little child
an oil massage.
Since he's made
such great achievements.
I've still kept your old clothes.
Ignore him.
(door creaks)
Hurry up with the money.
Or your old folks will have to
take an early trip to heaven.
Saleem, come here.
(boy) Let's go. Let's go.
Got him. Stop. Stop.
- Come on. Come on.
- Yes, got him.
Take a leak at the back.
I didn't come here to take a leak.
Mind your business.
Why don't you check, sir?
Maybe you have to.
Do you want a thrashing?
Believe me, sir.
You have to take a leak.
Julie, you were looking like butter.
I wanted to lick you.
I am not trying to butter you up.
Call you back later.
How are you, sir?
How are you alive?
How are you an inspector?
You should have investigated.
You believed what this fucker said.
Right. You testified that
he was murdered.
Sir, this
- Let it go, sir.
- Did you jump a signal, motherfucker?
(Vasant chuckles)
"Let it go, sir."
You falsely testified for a murder.
Arrest him.
What? Say something.
Enough of this.
That bookie Kismat was murdered.
I know. We are taking action.
Don't take action.
Make some arrests.
I know who the killer is.
Who is it?
Yusuf Akhtar.
Should have said Thanos instead.
Couldn't you take some other name?
It is what it is.
I am a witness.
He blew his brains out
in front of me.
This news can shock the city.
I have an old habit
of shocking the city.
Is the news confirmed?
It's breaking news.
I'll look into it.
Hey where to?
I want to buy clothes.
This place sells women's clothes.
And I dress like a woman.
(sewing machines rattling)
Look over there.
(mellow music)
The only reason ♪
I left ♪
The only reason ♪
I left ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
The only reason I left ♪
I didn't want you to think ♪
I am heartless ♪
I didn't want you to think ♪
I am heartless ♪
I wanted to
Reassure your heart ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
Was because
I could come back to you ♪
- The only reason I left ♪
- (slaps)
So, you've been alive
all this while.
For staying alive?
What I did at the New Year party
was awfully wrong.
But I've been through
a lot too, Madhu.
Not as much as me.
Let's put everything behind us.
Okay, done.
Even you.
Look, I'll fix everything.
Fix everything?
Maybe I would have believed you
had you said, "I'll fix
some things or try to fix things."
But "I'll fix everything."
Look at us, Vasya.
Nothing is okay.
In fact, if you can get some things
on track again, we'll die peacefully.
Nothing ever gets
completely fixed in our case.
As the saying goes,
"A poor man's destiny
lies in the shit hole."
For instance, Amina,
the girl I share a room with,
her husband left her
after knocking her up.
She has a child who's sick.
In fact, his illness is so serious
that there is only one injection
that can treat it.
And that single injection
costs 180
₹180 million!
The illness is called SMA.
₹180 million?
What a joke.
That's her life.
We go and feed him every day.
Good food.
Milk powder and all that.
The poor boy is only
one and a half years old.
He will die.
And I feed him every day
with my own hands.
Do you know why?
Because I feel he'll suddenly
leave me one day,
and I won't be able to say goodbye
to him, like I couldn't say to you.
(sombre music)
And listen
I am sorry.
Sorry for falling in love with you.
It was a huge mistake.
I want to build a good life
for myself.
Do some good work.
I'm being promoted to
junior designer next year.
Life will tread slowly,
but it's better that way.
I don't want to see you again.
Because if you do,
I'll call the cops.
Where is Mehboob bhai?
Why? Do you want to
face more humiliation?
(door creaks)
- Aunty.
- Yes.
- Aunty. Where are you going?
- What?
What is it? I'm going nearby.
He has run out of
his blood pressure medicines.
And the doctor has prescribed
more medicines. I have to get them.
You don't have to go anywhere.
Go back inside.
Good God. Does your security
have to be so tight?
Okay, fine.
Hold this.
Take this.
Get these for me. Meanwhile,
I'll make some tea for everyone.
Out of my way.
Don't keep the change.
Give it back to me.
- Crazy woman.
- What?
They are not security.
They are the goons
whom your son scammed.
I know.
But if I take good care of them,
they will not bother Vasu.
Oh, God.
Can you win them over
with a single cup of tea?
No, I'll keep making tea for them.
And what good will that do?
will grow ashamed.
As the saying goes,
something-something loyalty.
I'll serve them tea.
Feel free to do what you want.
- You've sold your brains--
- I know everything!
Everyone has brains except for me.
(car honking)
When did you buy this scooter?
I was offered a collaboration.
They asked me to create five reels.
I said, "I'll make ten.
Give me a scooter."
You guys are sorted.
That's how it is with influencers.
Lots of freebies.
Eventually, when I cross a million
subscribers, I'll get a vehicle.
And a four-wheeler at that.
For free.
How many do you have right now?
I see.
So you'll definitely get a car in
the next 10 years. (chuckles)
(laughs sarcastically)
- Was that a joke?
- Let's go.
Mehboob bhai. Go, talk to him.
That Julie's been driving me crazy
for a single reel.
I'll call her back. You go.
Listen I have something
to tell you.
What is it?
What are you doing?
Thank you
for taking care of my parents.
If it wasn't for you
I'd have been dead for real.
I am supposed to make a reel.
Don't make me emotional.
I'd have to do touch-ups again.
Go on.
This has less sugar.
- And this one is with normal sugar.
- One mild, please.
How much?
I wouldn't be sad if they had
taken everything quietly.
But they destroyed my bakery.
burned down Madhu's workshop.
It seemed like that rascal
was burning us alive.
And they severely thrashed Peter.
Oh, Allah.
It's okay.
It wasn't that serious.
No, it was.
Lying down, sitting up.
Kicks, punches
Enough, Mehboob bhai.
You don't have to remind me.
Even the thought of it
brings the pain back.
I died to save you.
I didn't know he would
personally take revenge.
That is how the world is, Vasant.
Crime and debt have to be repaid.
Otherwise, you're not allowed
to even die peacefully.
You always talk sense
when your ass is on the line.
(waves crashing)
Leave all that.
How is Shazia?
With God's grace, she is okay.
She is in America,
studying at the university.
And she doesn't know
everything is destroyed here.
I paid one quarter's fee.
Soon three months will be up,
and she will have to return.
She won't have to come back.
How, Vasant. I cannot--
The boon is back.
I've already accepted
a lot from you.
Money and
I came here
to take something, not give.
I want your help, Mehboob bhai.
I am neck-deep in debt.
And his goons are keeping
a watch on my parents.
Mehboob bhai, please let it go.
Okay. Let's go.
I never differentiated
between you and Shazia.
But you always differentiated
between money and relationships.
I've been repaying
my debt in instalments,
but I won't do the same
with relationships, Mehboob bhai.
(sentimental music)
You won't betray me again, will you?
Or people will lose faith
in friendships.
Let's leave this wisdom
and cycle here.
I have news. We must go to Gorai.
Gorai? Why?
Listen to this.
"Whale vomit found on Aksa Beach.
"Worth millions.
Three men arrested."
Could those three men be us?
Hey, what's that?
Hey! Confirm. Confirm.
My heart says this is whale puke.
How can you be so sure?
It's used to make perfumes
and medicines.
It has a specific scent.
Shit! It's dog shit!
Oh, man.
Leave it.
What to do? How do we find it?
I saw it on the internet.
It's like a candle
What is it called?
- Wax.
- Wax.
And it becomes hard as a rock
after it dries up.
Unnecessarily, I picked up shit
three times.
Patience. We'll find it.
Enough of this mischief.
Let's look ahead. Come on.
(Peter) "Look ahead."
We've been walking for an hour.
- Peter.
- What?
Keep your phone on.
I'll check if there
is anything around the boat.
Peter. Come here, you two.
- Did you find it?
- Yes.
- Let's pack it up quickly.
- Yes.
We'll pack everything up
in a minute.
Not all of it.
Let's leave some behind.
Why should we leave
this expensive stuff behind?
We cannot change the news.
The police must find something.
I have an idea. You two pack
this up and get out of here.
Hurry up.
I'll be right back.
- That's all.
- This one.
- We've got enough.
- Look at the shape.
You're so greedy.
Come on.
This stuff is amazing.
- Yeah, bro.
- Sit over here carefully.
I think I am drunk today.
I keep telling you not
to cross the line. Come on.
(claps) Sir!
I want to know if you know someone.
- Amber has come out of the water.
- Amber!
- Amber!
- Where? Where?
- Back here.
- Over there?
Let's go. Let's go.
- Thank you, brother.
- Okay.
Be careful.
The police are everywhere.
- Okay, brother.
- Come on.
- Thank you.
- Let's go.
(newsreader) In recent news,
a bookie who ran several
betting and illegal businesses
has committed suicide.
His body was recovered
from a warehouse.
What's puzzling is
this is the fourth suicide
connected to this case.
A police investigation
is in full swing.
Keep watching Jankari 24X7.
Vasya, where do we sell this stuff?
Selling this stuff is illegal.
This thing can only be sold
where access is difficult.
- Pakistan?
- No.
(Mehboob) Idiot.
Remember what Shazia said
Dark Web.
But how will we get Shazia here?
Not her. We'll get Waseem.
What? Why will we call him here?
That boy
will tell Shazia everything.
He won't say a word.
They both are on a break.
What do you mean by "break"?
It means
their love story is on pause.
Is it because of our condition?
What is his problem?
He's going to be your son-in-law.
There he is.
He looks all cleaned up.
- Greetings, uncle.
- Hello. Hello.
What brings you here?
You guys called me here.
Not at all. We didn't call you.
Are you done?
(Taaza Khabar notification)
Where can we sell this vomit?
I know a crooked man.
(Mehboob coughing)
(knock on door)
I wanted to buy a perfume.
The showroom is closed, aunty.
Come back later.
Give it.
Here you go.
Can you show me something stronger?
Get lost, asshole!
Nonsense. This is why.
This is why
I never fucking help anyone.
Speak up.
We have whale vomit.
How did you get your hands on it?
- Aksa Beach--
- Madh Island.
We have a supplier near Madh Island.
They are right, boss.
Weigh it.
(machine beeps)
Two and a half kilos, boss.
₹2.5 million.
The market rate is
₹10 million per kilo.
So the rate comes to ₹25 million.
I already have seven kilos
lying with me in the fridge.
Sell it for me.
Vasant Gawde the millionaire
is selling fish vomit.
You have such a bad reputation
in the market
that no outsider
will ever deal with you.
Uncle, can't you give us
a better deal?
Thirty and that's final.
What else do you have?
Tiger claws?
Elephant tusks?
Eye of a bat.
Do you have monkey balls?
I am going through a bad phase.
Whatever I used to touch
would turn to gold.
Now it only turns to shit.
You think ₹30 million is shit.
I owe ₹5 billion, Mehboob bhai.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
And boons alone don't work, Vasant.
One also needs good luck.
I think
your luck isn't on your side.
Leave all that.
We'll give this money to Shazia
and pay her fees.
Make your father-in-law understand.
- (phone buzzing)
- What father-in-law?
- What?
- Yes.
(police) Come to the police station
and give your statement.
You guys go ahead.
I'll make that Yusuf pay.
- (Peter) Careful.
- Get lost.
See you later. Taxi.
(exciting music)
Waiting for so long
Not me.
So, will you give a statement?