Taaza Khabar (2023) s02e03 Episode Script

Vardaan 2.0

(birds chirping)
Hello, bhai.
How was your yoga retreat?
- What shithole did you put me in?
- Why?
All this meditation
has made me more agitated.
They charged me millions
to put me on a vegetarian diet.
My body is craving some meat.
Don't worry, bhai.
We'll have a feast tonight
in your honour.
How is Swati?
She hasn't slept all night
anticipating your return.
Speak to her yourself.
Hello. Swati.
I haven't heard your voice
for 11 days.
(laughs softly)
I hate these yoga retreats!
But as Yusuf said,
"It's good for your soul."
I'll be there in two hours.
And is the business under control?
Yes, bhai.
The land in Mahabaleshwar
has been cleared for DK Builders.
The construction of the mall
will begin in a month.
And Manek Lal Housing Society
now belongs to us.
And what about the two old folks
in A-wing?
They had to commit suicide.
So, others left because of them.
Well done. Well done.
- Get in.
- (car door opens)
You are amazing, Yusuf.
Any particular bonus
you want on Diwali next month?
Whom do you want revenge against?
Twenty-two years ago,
your brand-new watch stopped working
and you went to a shop
to get it repaired.
They had a repairman, Yakub.
You gave him your watch and
said, "Have it fixed by tomorrow."
The next day,
when you came to collect your watch,
the repairman couldn't find it.
(breathes deeply)
You burnt him alive
along with the shop.
How do you know?
It was this watch, right?
That repairman, Yakub,
was my father.
I mischievously stole that watch
from my father's shop and hid it.
Ikka. Stop the car.
Are you deaf?
Ikka, stop the car!
He hasn't heard your voice
for 11 days.
Now they all heed my voice.
Ikka, stop the car.
(birds chirping)
I raised you, Yusuf.
It's all right.
Everyone makes mistakes.
You decide.
(gun fires)
BOON 2.0
(Reshma) Record my statement.
I saw Vasya making bets with Kismat
and saw Madhu murder him.
Should I record her statement?
- Sir, I--
- (phone ringing)
That's not the case, sir.
Let me explain--
The cops in Mumbai
are known for their loyalty.
But Manoj's loyalty lies with us.
You are still thinking
like a petty thief.
First, you stole whale vomit
and sold it to the perfume guy.
Tomorrow you might start searching
for the mythical serpent stone.
If I'm dealing with assholes,
then say it now.
I'll get rid of you
and move on to my next job.
Because this is not
how you accumulate ₹6 billion.
- Six?
- Fine for being a wise guy.
Now, listen carefully.
Don't try anything new.
Give the money to Reshma,
and she will close the case.
Otherwise, her statement
can put your lover behind bars.
Well, I am busy.
I've to plan an agitation
in a rally.
And all these things cost money.
So, stop looking for vomit.
He was looking for you
but crossed paths with me.
That picture with Madhu Shetty.
That was me.
Can't help it.
Don't worry.
I'll send you your share.
Poor Madhu.
She looked happier at my brothel.
(clicks tongue)
Look at her condition.
Sir, let Madhu go.
Come, madam.
Sign here.
And yes, in case you travel outside
for business, then inform us first.
Listen to me, Madhu.
- Madhu, listen--
- Don't touch me!
I dropped everything to come here
and save you.
And you are ignoring me.
I was supposed to go
to the hospital.
That child is sick.
But I got held up here
because of you.
You can't save someone
who's destined to die.
And someone who should
have stayed dead has come back.
(Taaza Khabar notification)
The app should be called bad news
instead of breaking news. Fuck.
(Julie) Hi, guys. Welcome to Ju-Peter,
and this is Julie.
So, today's "Get Ready With Me"
is with this new lipstick.
Let's try this.
She is from Ghatkopar.
She is not a real foreigner.
She wears a wig.
- Damn it! Spoilt my mood.
- (door opens)
- Fuck. Give me a cigarette!
- Quiet.
So, a lot of you guys have asked me
to rate this lipstick.
Four stars for this lipstick.
Don't forget to like, comment
and subscribe.
That's it?
What are you doing?
(Ashok exhales)
What is this?
Money. What else?
don't worry.
We have resumed our jobs.
I have started doing the dishes
and cleaning in the neighbourhood.
And I have started
English tutoring again.
I tutor a boy at his house,
and other boys go there
to get tutored too.
₹15,000 in total.
Ten from me
and five from your mother.
Throw it on their bloody faces.
And we'll pay the rest back
in a couple of months.
We'll handle it.
Vasu, your parents are still alive.
Everything will be all right, child.
Don't pamper him too much.
Or he will get in
more trouble outside.
He is just like his mother.
(Taaza Khabar notification)
Hey, Vardaan, any breaking news?
(Peter) Amazing.
(rap song playing)
- Where are you?
- Right here.
- Where here?
- Here.
- Where are you?
- The usual place.
- Which place?
- Just tell me what you want.
Leave it. Do you know
any private taxi drivers?
Taxi? It can be arranged.
Okay, then do it.
I'll see you tonight.
Okay. I am going live.
Now, hang up.
- (rap song continues)
- (Peter exclaiming)
- Waseem.
- Yes, brother.
Can you arrange ₹100,000?
Yes, brother. I'll get it done.
What are your names?
Do you enjoy doing this job?
Are you enjoying
returning the money?
I don't have a choice.
What is your story?
Shut your mouth.
Or you'll end up with broken bones.
I was only asking out of curiosity.
I have to repay Yusuf bhai's money.
It's a huge amount.
But I keep missing out on
the small jobs worth a few million.
If you guys can give me a hand,
I can offer you 50%.
(Rajat whispers) Fifty percent?
I bet Yusuf bhai
doesn't offer so much.
Our job is to keep an eye on you.
Don't try to screw with us.
Get lost.
But what is the offer?
Nothing important.
The LBL Bank's cash van
will blow a tyre
outside Borivali National Park's
main gate.
I see.
₹10 million in cash will go missing.
10 million?
And three thieves will rob it.
One, two
I got this breaking news.
I am not making it up.
The scene will go down at 8:00.
Be there by 7:30 for safety's sake.
I see. And who's going to keep
an eye on your old folks?
Where do you think they will go?
Put up a video camera in the corner.
I can set it up for you.
(Kasim) What if Yusuf bhai
finds out?
(Rajat) Yusuf bhai wouldn't know
if we don't tell him.
Isn't that right, Vardaan bhai?
- Bravo, Rajiv--
- Rajat.
Yes, Rajat.
Don't trust him.
He will get us in trouble.
He gets all the breaking news
before time.
Remember the earthquake?
Mumbai will see unseasonal
rain showers at 7 o'clock.
If it does, the news is solid.
You guys decide what to do.
Die a slave or
live like a king.
Julie, listen to me carefully.
Keep Mom and Dad's passports ready.
Waseem will be here
around 7:00 or 7:15.
He will take them to the airport
and make them board the flight.
When is he coming?
And how will they leave?
Leave it.
Don't get involved in all this.
But where are Mom and Dad going?
Like I said, don't get involved.
The more people know
the more danger they will be in.
One more thing. Ikka will tell you
to keep the video call on.
Keep the video call on?
What are you saying, Vasya?
I am going to lie down.
My head is exploding.
If I don't lie down now,
I'll fucking die.
(bed creaks)
(lightning strikes)
(Rajat) Julie, we'll be back soon.
Keep the video call on.
Thank you, Vasya bhai!
Thank you, Vasya bhai.
Love you!
Let's go. Let's go.
10 million!
(laughs loudly)
Hurry up. Come on.
Hurry up. Come on.
10 million is on the line.
Drive faster, you cunt.
We'll be bigger than Yusuf bhai
and buy a bigger car.
(Peter) This Mumbai weather
is so unpredictable.
On-off, on-off,
just like this jalopy.
Why did you bring him along?
Do you have an objection?
He's collateral with the taxi.
The taxi belongs to a friend of his.
He wouldn't lend it
without him intervening.
"Why did you bring him along?"
What did you mean by that?
Okay, sorry.
- Shall we?
- Yes.
Don't go above 30.
He said it will break down.
The location is somewhere here.
It's too dark.
It's scaring the shit out of me.
Then get off here. Mehboob bhai.
Yes, get off. I'll drive.
No, I am okay.
Keep going.
The plane will crash any second.
Plane crash?
And you're telling me this now?
Several lives will be lost, Vasant.
Mehboob bhai,
it's a limited-seater plane
What is it called? Private cargo
or something like that.
What limited seater?
Human lives are precious.
Be it 6 or 600.
And what are we looking for?
A box filled with drugs
worth ₹1.5 billion.
Good God.
Are we going to sell
drugs now for money?
Do you expect me to earn ₹6 billion
in 6 days through honest hard work?
Are you out of your mind,
Mehboob bhai?
(distant explosion)
(plane flies overhead)
Step on it. It's here!
- Is that thing going to crash?
- Yes, that's it.
Now take a left.
How much longer?
It might start raining again.
Almost done.
(gun cocks)
(Ikka) Hey, get back. Move back.
(fire crackling)
(electricity crackling)
(car doors open)
(doors close)
(Peter) I have never even
stepped inside a plane.
(Mehboob) People must be dying
in there.
Careful, Vasant.
That thing might explode.
Careful. Careful.
(Vasant) Look over there.
You check here.
Hey! Careful.
Anybody inside?
The pilot.
Good God.
(Mehboob) Allah! Vasant,
there's a guy here!
- Is he alive?
- He's still breathing.
He's alive.
(Vasant) We'll call an ambulance
for them before we leave.
(Mehboob) Hurry up.
It's a foreigner.
Call the police or someone.
- Yes, we will.
- He may make it.
(Mehboob) Hello. Hello.
Get this off him.
Accident. Accident.
Safe. Safe.
You are in India. India.
Found it.
Found it?
Found it!
(whoops in excitement)
Let's quickly get out of here.
His people must be on the way.
Mehboob bhai,
did you call the ambulance?
Yes Okay.
I spoke to them.
They will be here soon.
- I'll give you a hand.
- (car engine starts)
(Mehboob) Careful.
This is my mansion.
It's pretty big.
Sit down.
I'll make some eggs for everyone.
You can take a shower if you want.
I'll get you some clothes.
Your clothes will float on me.
(both laugh)
I still have your old clothes.
Remember we used to spend
Saturday nights at my old place.
Songs and whatnot.
So, when I changed houses,
I brought some of the memories
with me.
I'll get you towels first. Come.
Oh, Khusrau, the river of love ♪
Runs in strange directions ♪
One who jumps into it drowns ♪
And one who drowns gets across ♪
Needed your signatures
on the Mahabaleshwar case papers.
It's a celebration
Yes, a celebration ♪
Did Vasya send
his next instalment?
It's a celebration
Yes, a celebration ♪
It's a celebration
Yes, a celebration ♪
Today is a celebration ♪
Today is a celebration ♪
If you are done eating,
open this thing up.
- We celebrate at my beloved's house ♪
- (phone ringing)
Yes, sir?
(Yusuf) Are you on the job?
Yes, boss. I am on it.
I see.
Got my hands on a big loot.
What big loot?
What did you get your hands on?
Drugs. Worth ₹500 million.
500 million won't cut it. Find more.
I'll call you if I find anything.
Today is a celebration ♪
Today is a celebration ♪
Is any of our consignment due?
Not yet.
But it's on the way.
Why wasn't I informed?
This time we had no orders
from Swati didi.
It's a celebration
At my beloved's house ♪
See you.
- (song continues)
- (hacksaw grinding)
It's not opening. Fuck!
Give it here.
Vasant, why did you say
₹500 million?
This consignment
is worth ₹1.5 billion.
What is our profit
if we hand over everything to him?
Drugs? Are you going to accept
this unlawful money?
There exists a grey space
between lawful and unlawful.
And I want out of it, Mehboob bhai.
Today is a celebration ♪
Hold it.
It's a celebration
At my beloved's house ♪
It's a celebration
At my beloved's house ♪
It's a celebration
Yes, a celebration ♪
It's a celebration
Yes, a celebration ♪
Today is a celebration ♪
Looks like fucking medicine.
Today is a celebration ♪
(Peter) Who mistakes medicines
for drugs?
Who are you going
to fucking sell this to?
Chemists or gangsters.
Let's inject ourselves with
a couple of these and lie down.
Be quiet.
It says these are FDA drugs.
I thought
Medicines worth ₹1.5 billion
Must be for cancer.
Hello. Shazia, listen.
Shazia? Are you out of your mind?
Don't drag Shazia into this.
Did anyone ask for our permission?
She doesn't know
what happened to me.
She knows everything.
She didn't even call you.
Your only joy was her happiness.
She couldn't take that.
(door opens)
Yes, brother.
I have a question.
What is Zolgensma?
Where did you find Zolgensma?
Breaking News is back.
I found 10 injections
worth 1.5 billion.
But I don't know
what to do with them.
Zolgensma is the most expensive
injection in the world.
What is it for?
It's for a disease called SMA
found in kids,
where children die of nerve damage.
This one injection can cure it.
But, brother,
we can't sell it on the Dark Web.
It has no buyers.
Because, although it's readily
available, people can't afford it.
That's why all the poor
and middle-class kids in the world
depend on crowdfunding,
to get enough money
for this injection.
Wait a second. What is crowdfunding?
It's charity done on the internet.
- You know what.
- What?
Make a list of children
receiving this crowdfunding.
Find nine such children
who direly need this.
But don't you have ten injections?
I need the tenth injection.
Today is a celebration ♪
Today is a celebration ♪
Today is a celebration ♪
Today is a celebration ♪
- (man) Give potatoes quickly.
- (Taaza Khabar notification)
Thank you.
This is just the beginning.
Wait and watch.
I got ten injections.
I told Shazia to make
a list of children who need it.
Three of them get it for free, and
the remaining get it for 50% discount.
So, you found ways
to make money from the poor.
Look, you've lost your mind.
Instead of saying thank you,
you are preaching to me.
I am just telling you the truth.
Madhu, truth is something
that costs dearly
to the buyer and the seller.
Leave it.
At least say "I Love You"
for the sake of it.
I am different from you, Vasya.
I can see that.
(Madhu breathes deeply)
I will pay for it.
I don't want so many favours
from you in a single night.
Okay, fine.
I won't get poor
if I pay for this Chinese food.
The Chinese food you got
from Peter's stall was much better.
I cannot cling to the past.
Right. What you say
and think is right!
Mind your business!
(message tone beeps)
I put Mom and Dad in a taxi.
But the flight to Thailand
is four hours late.
(notification beeps)
(intense music)
(automated voice) is speaking
to someone else
Pick up.
Pick up, Mehboob bhai.
is speaking to someone else.
Call back later.
- Madhu
- Call back later.
- Peter
- (phone ringing)
Where are you?
Still here. Are you all right?
What can happen to me?
Are you drunk?
No. No.
I was worried about you.
I was also worried about you when
you wouldn't come home all night.
I couldn't sleep. (chuckles)
I never told you.
I miss you, Father.
Me, too.
Can I ask you a question?
I am not a good son, am I?
You are better than me.
I couldn't look out for you,
but you took care of me.
Can I give you some advice?
Don't ever be like me.
Be a good father.
- (car tyres screech)
- What happened?
We'll continue this conversation
at home.
(man) Come on.
Let's meet at the big house.
Gawde Nivas.
Until then,
your parents are my guests.
Yusuf bhai?
Please don't do anything
to my parents. I am coming--
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