Taaza Khabar (2023) s02e04 Episode Script

Sab Dhuan

(mournful band music playing)
What a sudden way to go, right?
He looked hale and
hearty until recently.
Screwing with people.
And now dead without a warning.
May God never bless his soul.
He was a father figure to me,
but not my father.
Hierarchically speaking,
everything now belongs to me.
But I don't want to give you
any rights by marrying you.
You have no more business here,
nor are you of any use.
So I am sending you to Mumbai.
Dilip bhai looks
after my business there.
And he's also joining
a new political party.
Keep him entertained.
And provide us with
all the information.
But I want to stay here.
Unfortunately, Swati.
If only respect and
status were so easy to get,
wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?
(Yusuf) Khusrau, the river of love
runs in strange directions.
One who jumps into it drowns,
- And one who drowns gets across.
- (door opens)
Welcome, Vardaan sir.
Let's see whether your boat sinks
or sails through.
Your friend Ikka has
been waiting for you.
Let them go, Yusuf bhai.
This is between us.
We'll settle this.
Stop keeping secrets now!
Yusuf bhai told us everything.
How could you go to such lengths?
He is very sorry, Yusuf bhai.
Very sorry.
I've also spoken to him
about the instalments.
We will send him ₹15,000
every month without fail.
I have given him my word.
Your parents are very naive
and decent people.
How did you turn out like this?
Money matters
can always be settled,
but what about my reputation?
What's done is done? Let him go.
How can I let him go?
He'll quietly sit at the urinal
and make an honest living.
All that is fine.
But thanks to him,
two of my men died,
and look at his condition.
See what the leopard did to him.
He's just a kid who made a mistake.
And he deserves to be
punished for that.
Isn't it?
- (slaps)
- Don't hit him.
Don't lay a finger on him,
(in Marathi) Mom, please leave.
(in Marathi) Just go.
- (in Marathi) Just go. Take her inside.
- (Ashok) Come on.
- Don't worry about him.
- (Alpa) My Vasu.
- Vasya will be fine.
- (sobbing)
(Ashok) He doesn't own the city.
My men won't be running
after you anymore.
We have your parents.
Now you will run after us.
Please, bhai, let me explain.
I was arranging your money.
I see.
That's why you were giving
50% discount on the injections.
He saved a child's life.
When there's a noose around your neck,
that's not the time to do charity.
We will pay back your money.
Slap her hard.
Slap her!
(slaps lightly)
You call that a slap.
Slap her like this. (slaps hard)
Slap her!
Hit her like this!
I didn't enjoy that.
(slapping continuously)
(breathing heavily)
(gun clanks)
You choose.
No, sir.
I will pay back all the money: yours,
the party's, the campaign's, all of it.
Give me one chance, please.
Sir, please.
- Sir.
- Ikka.
He refuses to choose.
So pick one.
- (slashes)
- (intense music)
(groans in pain)
Never trust a guy who can
betray you once.
Dump the body outside
some government hospital.
The poor guy committed suicide
due to mounting debt.
Now it's ₹10 billion.
Seven days.
(music fades out)
- (vehicles honking)
- (indistinct chattering)
(utensils clanking)
(knock at door)
Are you all right?
- (sighs)
- (Shazia laughs)
- Are you all right?
- Absolutely.
You didn't inform me
that you are coming.
- Is this any way to surprise me?
- Father.
How is everyone?
Ten billion?
How are we going to
pay him 10 billion?
I thought I'd go back
by the next term.
Of course, you will.
Does this mobile record 4K videos?
And what is all this?
Why did you ask her to get this?
We can't look so shabby
all the time.
And where did you get
the money to buy this?
From our injection money.
Our? Our injection money?
Using someone's helplessness
to fulfil your own wishes.
I don't want any of this.
Keep it.
I guess this is the last time
we're getting any of this.
Did you transfer ₹4.2 million
to Yusuf?
Waseem got it done.
Taaza Khabar now has
a new search feature.
Whenever I type anything,
it shows some random news.
What have you tried so far?
Money. Cheque.
We must think out of the box.
Which field has the
most money these days?
- Reels.
- Politics.
Try sports.
"National Sports Council chairman
"Raman Mukhopadhyay's
son gets kidnapped.
"Kidnappers demand
₹1 billion in ransom."
Are we going to kidnap someone?
We'll throw him a birthday party.
Shut up!
It's wrong, Vasant.
Is it right to
detain my Mom and Dad?
Mehboob bhai, those who have
food on their plates can be judgemental.
If the poor and defenceless think
about rules, they will end up dead.
So, do you want to die
or commit more sins and stay alive
so that we can apologise later?
(traffic noise)
Even your college must
have such nice cafes.
I used to work in one of them.
- Here's your order, ma'am.
- I also ordered a brownie.
Thank you.
Since when did you
develop such a sweet tooth?
Since life became bitter.
Don't say that.
- Eventually, things will--
- Get better.
Or, eventually, things will get worse
and we won't feel the pain anymore.
- Hi, sir.
- Can I have a vanilla latte decaf
- Okay.
- with almond milk?
No sugar, no whipped cream.
Sure, sir.
Nice ambience.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Order?
- No, no, it's okay. No rush.
- Sure?
- Yeah.
(upbeat music)
Your coffee, sir.
Mine? Thank you. Thank you.
What the fuck, man!
- I am so sorry.
- Look where
- Shit, man.
- Shucks.
Aren't these the Funkman
Y2K World Series limited editions?
Wait. You're into sneakers too?
Actually, I am the whole and
sole supplier for Funkman for India.
What? Really?
We decide
which shoes get hyped here.
Oh, my God.
All that drops are happening--
(whispers) I am dropping them.
Oh, my God.
I can't believe it.
Wait, I have to take your number.
Can I?
Only for the shoes.
- I mean, we'll Please.
- (both chuckle)
961 85
- Anything you want?
- No, no, thank you.
- Come, come.
- Yeah, thank you.
- You know, Harsh?
- Yeah.
Actually, I am in a bit of a rush,
but my new stock has arrived.
- It's in the parking lot nearby.
- Oh, wow.
- Do you want to have a look?
- Yes, please.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Come.
- Okay. (chuckles)
Quite a creepy place, nah. (chuckles)
Are you UK8 by any chance?
More than half of the world is UK8.
(both laugh)
just because I spoiled your shoes,
- one pair is on me.
- Really?
Come before I change my mind.
Oh, my God. Thank you for
spilling coffee on my shoes.
(Harsh) Hey who is it?
Leave me. Leave me.
What are you doing?
- Hold him.
- Leave me. Leave me.
- Stand straight.
- Papa!
(phone ringing)
Hello. Who is this?
Currently, I am the most
valuable man in your life.
Because I have something
valuable to you.
What rubbish.
Guys, he's in the mood to
hear rubbish.
Papa. Papa. I just wanted
some new sneakers,
- but they sneaked on me.
- Son.
- Son, give him the phone.
- Papa.
Do you know who I am?
I've done my research on you.
I wouldn't kidnap a beggar's child.
What do you want?
We can't steal his brains.
So give us money.
Now, listen--
No, sir. You listen to me.
One billion only.
Son, are you new to this business?
Why? Has he been kidnapped before?
₹1 billion?
Arranging that kind of
money immediately is impossible.
Raman Mukhopadhyay.
Chairman of Sports Council.
A guy who trades hundreds of billions
during the Common Health Games
is crying over one billion.
I'll arrange something.
But you won't harm my son, Harsh.
Six o'clock in the evening,
behind Sarita Cinema.
(in Marathi) And don't be late, sir.
- We have a tight schedule.
- Don't harm my son, okay?
- Hello.
- (phone line disconnects)
Stop, Peter.
(Harsh) Let me go.
Where are you guys taking me?
- Leave.
- (phone ringing)
Your breaking news is crossing over
in my business, Vardaan bhai.
What happened, bhai?
What happened?
I had invited Raman home
so my boys could kidnap his son.
But you got to him before us.
I am doing it for you.
His father is ready to pay.
We were not going to demand money.
We were going to
make his stupid father
quit his post at the sports council
in exchange for his son.
But by demanding money from him,
you did me two favours.
Handover the boy to us
and go find another job.
And listen, any breaking news about
the Mahabaleshwar Land scam case?
(typing on keypad)
Some relief for you.
The charge sheet will
be sent to the Supreme Court.
Great. Marvellous.
Then how about reducing one billion
for this kidnapping, bhai.
Now you've to pay nine billion.
And what about the money
received by selling injections?
(phone line disconnects)
So Mumbai's most prolific
kidnapping gang has returned.
Please come in. Welcome.
Please come in.
What did you get in exchange?
I told you. Didn't I?
But no one listens to me.
(Shazia) Let it go, Father.
Should I make tea?
(Madhu) No. Leave it.
(phone keyboard typing clicks)
You are one antique piece, Vasya.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
It's the same shop owned by Umesh.
Goyal Antique.
He threw me out of his shop.
I checked, brother.
These stocks did rise, but
they are already in the upper circuit.
There are no sellers.
Oh, Allah.
I did bet money on it, but that horse
was already everyone's favourite.
So, it's not much of a win.
The jackpot code is 9219L.
We won the jackpot,
but the money will
be credited after 90 days.
(Peter) Good God.
Why didn't you tell me before?
I ate 25 chocolates.
(Madhu) Who told you to eat them?
You were supposed
to check the wrappers.
How do I look?
Vasya, we are going out tonight.
It's our #one-month anniversary.
So, we're going out to celebrate.
One month?
Thank you.
I'll get a pastry for you.
Go ahead.
(door opens)
(door closes)
Can we make this possible?
Arrange for the money.
We cannot stop trying.
And what if we fail?
I'll deal with it.
I won't let any harm
come to any of you.
If you are such a lone warrior,
why did you desert us
when we needed you?
I did it for everyone's benefit.
Can you swear on that, Vasya?
Was it for everyone or
only yourself?
I ran away to save my life
for everyone's sake.
And will you desert us again
if we don't get the money?
Whatever is the outcome now,
I won't leave you or anyone again.
You can't keep a promise.
Are you willing to trust me?
(sentimental music)
How did you get funds
from Swati for this?
I didn't get it.
She gave it to me.
Elections are around the corner.
If women don't understand
each other's pain, who else will?
We rescued these poor girls
and gave them a roof,
and used that to promote
my social service.
That's okay.
But what was your share?
She gave me 120 million.
And what did it cost to
build the foundation?
30 million.
Is everyone ready?
Cultural show!
Ms. Swati will also watch
the practice.
We still have to pay him 9 billion.
but how?
Car, horse, money,
luxury, antique
I tried all the words.
I don't know what else
to type in this search box.
Try typing Praful Thapar.
Are you going to kidnap him next?
(typing on keyboard)
(clicks tongue)
Azim Khan?
Vikram Kher.
Who are these people?
My old clients.
The shady millionaires.
They were always in the news
for the wrong things.
I thought maybe this is our chance
to make some money from them.
The diamond king,
Vikram Kher, the brand
The tax department is going to
conduct a raid, sir.
Your driver and CA will be
the first to get arrested.
And then it will be your turn.
You'll be gone for a long time.
- Who is he?
- Vasant Gawde.
He's a power broker.
He works for
all the powerful politicians.
He has all the information.
He has connections with
all the top people.
Even your favourite position
was on the top with me.
Isn't it, Madhu?
It's like this.
He gets all the information
before time.
The decision is yours.
I can stop this raid if you want me to.
And also save you
from going to jail.
And in exchange, you want money?
I always thought you
liked spreading your legs.
Didn't think you would make me
spread my legs today.
Better spread them wide
and pay the money, asshole.
Otherwise, your ass will be up there,
twinkling with the stars.
Is this the way to talk?
Why don't you call
your driver and CA?
If they answer, I am wrong.
And if it's switched off, the
income tax people are coming for you.
The number you are calling is
not reachable. Please try again later.
How are you going to save him?
The news won't change.
- The number you are calling
- I am only selling him hope.
Please try again later.
(tense music)
Fuck. Fuck.
How much?
- One and a half billion.
- One and a half.
The total value of
my tax fraud is five billion.
We are saving you
for less than half.
I don't have any money.
(clicks tongue)
Then see you in jail.
Can't imagine the jail food
What about my cars?
Are they worth
one and a half billion?
I have a couple of credit cards.
You can withdraw money.
Talk some sense into him, Madhu.
Shall we talk in the bedroom?
I can't perform in this condition.
Let's go.
(suspenseful music)
What are you looking at, Madhu?
Turn on these lights.
You would always point
at these paintings,
and say, "You are facing billions."
- But they are--
- Always made me wonder
what's so special about them.
Who's the artist?
Have you ever heard their names?
- These are French and Italian--
- How much are they worth?
50 million. Each.
Nine billion rupees.
Wherever you go next,
be respectful to women.
It's trending these days. Feminism.
If you run into some lunatic,
she will chew your balls.
Wrap them up.
- I
- Order to go.
What was the hurry to meet?
You gave us a week.
But we got the job done in two days.
What is this?
It's a painting. Antique.
Bought from the black market.
50 million dollars. Each.
Nine billion rupees.
Our scores have been settled.
A urinal manager pays off
his debt using art.
You see, sir. I am never wrong.
I see.
These are worth nine billion?
- (camera shutter clicks)
- (message beeps)
Vardaan got these antique paintings.
They are worth 10 billion.
You can hang them in
your office or sell it off.
(message beeps)
My Mom and Dad.
- (receding footsteps)
- (exhales)
(message beeps)
Here comes breaking news.
(Swati) Since you like poems,
here are a few lines for you.
It goes like this,
casting pearls before swine..
My dealer says the original
paintings are in London.
These are fakes.
But you can buy them for 10 billion.
The boy made a fool of you.
(Alpa gasps)
You choose.
- (gunfire)
- (Alpa screams)
Inconvenience is a test of grit.
And pain is the stepping stone
to success.
Now, I've made you successful.
Father. Father.
(Alpa) Open your eyes.
(in Marathi) What happened?
Get up.
Vasya, what's wrong with your father?
Why isn't he speaking?
(mournful music)
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