Taaza Khabar (2023) s02e05 Episode Script

Aakhri Daav

(woman) Mr. Sanjay.
Swati madam is calling you.
See you later, Yusuf bhai.
(inquisitive music)
Did you tell Ms. Swati
I've been waiting for over an hour?
Yes, sir.
(telephone ringing)
Sir, Swati madam is ready for you.
(Swati) Are these papers ready?
- Have you checked everything?
- Yes, madam.
You can leave. I'll check them.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Yusuf bhai, it's you?
I've been waiting for over an hour.
Your peon offered me.
(chuckles lightly)
The party wants you to handle
the promotions and protests.
Ten billion is too less.
Will need around fifteen.
Please do it. Please.
You can always make a profit
in your shipment business.
You've come pretty far.
Men have a sharp mind
but a weak heart.
That was also the case
with Christopher.
I've taken over
Dilip's responsibilities
so that I don't get deprived
by any Yusuf ever again.
Are you humiliating me?
You see, Yusuf bhai,
if only respect and
status were so easy to get,
wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?
(Manoj) Hand me
yesterday's newspaper.
(cop) Sir, the hospital called.
He needs an NOC for
his father's cremation.
(Alpa) Vasant,
what's wrong with your father?
(Manoj) What is the cause of death?
(stutters) It's murder sir.
(Manoj) But the body will
be sent for post-mortem.
No one will lay a finger on Yusuf bhai.
They will all come after you.
And your father's body
will keep rotting in the morgue.
(Alpa wailing)
- Now, tell me how your father died.
- (gunshot echoes)
It was a suicide, sir.
(Manoj) Looking at your actions,
no one will get suspicious
of why your father killed himself.
And the body must
be cremated within city limits.
You're not allowed to leave the city.
Are you listening?
Yes. Give him the paper.
Fine, I'll ask him.
Do you want to cremate him or
(emotional music)
Dad hated waiting.
Perform a miracle.
Tell him to get up.
Tell him I won't stop him
from drinking alcohol period.
But just come home.
Tell him
(Taaza Khabar notification)
Ashok sir?
Shazia, are you not
talking to him?
You talk to him.
- Look, dear
- (tsks) Please, Father.
What happened between you two?
Why don't you ask Shazia?
What is wrong?
(car halts)
(clicks tongue)
I was deeply saddened to hear.
It was so sudden.
Why hold the memorial service here?
What about Gawde Nivas
(clicks tongue)
You built this huge mansion
but couldn't enjoy it.
(whispers) Yusuf said to tell your son
to pay every penny back.
Or you will have to hold
another memorial service.
Take care, aunty.
Yusuf has sent some snacks.
Have it distributed.
Make sure everyone's fed.
Where is Andheri's garbage dumped?
I got news
during my father's funeral.
Some five-star hotel staff
threw away
a memory card which has
bitcoins worth ₹1,000 billion.
The garbage gets dumped in Deonar.
However, the Deonar landfill
spans 100 hectares.
The memory card is so tiny.
- I am going.
- We are also coming.
No, you guys wait here.
This is my fight.
He was like our father too.
(car halts, doors open)
(doors close)
(Peter) Where are we going to
look for it in this, Vasya?
Vasya has become a loner.
Hey, junkie.
Does the garbage get
dumped here randomly,
or is there a separate spot
for Andheri?
I am smoking the pot,
and you seem to be high.
What do we do now, Mehboob bhai?
Vasant, there is a way.
When the next lot
arrives from the hotel,
their garbage bags
will have names on them.
We can find out.
That's a good idea, Mehboob bhai.
Right, Vasant?
I wander aimlessly ♪
Not knowing
Where these paths will take me ♪
- Look properly.
- (Peter) I am looking.
I wander aimlessly ♪
Not knowing
Where these paths will take me ♪
Wish someone would ♪
Hold my hand or
Ask what my condition is ♪
Everything looks faded away
Where do I look? ♪
- Hey, mister.
- Yes.
Have you seen a chip?
No, sir.
You know, it's the size
of a mobile memory card.
How do you expect
to find it here?
My dreams shattered on their own ♪
And scattered them ♪
- Every happiness is jealous of me ♪
- Should I ask that goat?
Enough nonsense.
Asking where I deserted them ♪
(Mehboob) Vasant.
We should leave.
It will be nightfall soon.
But we didn't find the memory card.
We'll earn a few thousand bucks
by selling him.
Bring him along.
I even decided
on a name for the goat.
- (bleats) Meh-ssy.
- What?
He's a goat.
- Who names their goat like that?
- (car engine starts)
You don't comment about names.
Even your name has "boob."
(Peter bleats) Meh-boob.
(Mehboob) Quiet. Drive.
Don't worry, Amina.
Call me if you need money.
(goat bleating)
Listen, I'll call you back
in five minutes.
(car doors open and close)
(Madhu) Why did you bring a goat?
(Madhu) What are you doing?
Waiting to fall asleep?
Aren't you tired?
If only tiredness
would help me sleep.
You know, Dad wouldn't sleep.
Not until I returned home.
How tired he must have felt?
When I was little,
Mom used to keep a piggy bank.
And Dad would spend
that money on booze.
One day, he saw me playing
cricket on the ground.
I got scared and ran away.
The next day,
Dad broke her piggybank again,
and Mom was sad as always.
But I didn't go out to play,
and my Dad came home early.
He came inside,
gave me a new cricket bat and said,
"Your high is better than mine."
And he wasn't even drunk that day.
Dad always strived hard.
But he always lost to himself.
Am I also going to lose?
You don't have an option, Vasya.
I am pregnant.
I am in my third month.
I was going to tell you
at the New Year's party, but
I didn't let you.
I am sorry, Vasya.
What for?
That fake painting
got your father
It's not your fault.
Doesn't matter what you do
Anyone can try, pray or strive,
but destiny cannot be averted.
(emotional music)
I love you, Madhu.
I love you.
Vasya, where are you going?
Nothing special.
I just got breaking news.
The farmhouse of an MLA
from the Opposition party
is going to be raided.
This news is worth Yusuf's time.
Involves money and politics.
Stay calm when you see him.
(Indian classical music playing)
(anklets jingle)
(door opens)
Mom okay?
(classical music continues)
Reshma's mother was
a popular Kathak dancer,
who eloped with a tabla player.
Her living conditions and
her father didn't give her a choice.
Girls coming from broken homes
often get mixed up
in this profession.
Like Reshma.
Since life gave her a second chance,
she's learning to dance like her mom.
(slurps and exhales)
People are not bad, conditions are.
That's a lie.
People are bad.
Bravo, Reshma.
Well done, kids. (claps)
We'll be performing
all over the country.
It will bring fame to the institution,
and help us do our job.
Politics in the name of charity.
So, what brings you here?
There's a job.
It's big.
What's it worth?
You can earn
a great deal of respect.
What if the news
turns out to be wrong?
I'm never wrong.
Like that painting?
Let's put past sorrows aside
and tread towards a new tomorrow.
(Yusuf) Dilip was the party chief.
A couple of years later,
Swati married Dilip
and became the party head
before he died
so the power remains in my hand.
But as the saying goes,
"A woman scorned"
She made Dilip
fall in love with her
and took over his entire business
and power.
My pawn has become
a hurdle in my path.
Is he the one
giving you a hard time?
He has news beneficial to us.
- Shetty sir's--
- May God bless his soul.
There will be a raid at
the farmhouse of one of his MLAs.
₹5 billion in cash
will be recovered.
We can use this news
to defeat the competition.
Are you contesting the elections?
So? Isn't this news worth your while?
What does he want in exchange?
If we can call it even
One billion. Today at 6 p.m.
The raid will happen in Pune.
This will turn
the entire election around.
You decide.
Wait in the car.
I'll be right back.
You didn't tell me
about the shipment.
You said
I can earn from the shipment.
That promise was made
before the cricket finals.
Everything has changed now.
Any news about drugs?
Drugs as in medicines?
Drugs as in weed, hash, cocaine,
MDMA, narcotics.
Okay. Let me check and
get back to you.
For now, send me the details for Pune
and get to work.
Hire a rickshaw from outside.
- (car engine starts)
- (door closes)
What story can I make
for this army knife?
We've to make three reels
and two posts.
You know what, start recording.
Can be used anywhere, anytime
and for anything.
From chopping fruits
to opening parcels.
- For 10% discount
- Use code JU-PETER
- 1-4-3.
- 1-4-3.
Cut it. Done.
- Where is Mom?
- She's at the hospital.
- Why?
- Shazia called.
Madhu fell sick at work.
A woman's problem probably.
Congratulations, brother.
- Congratulations.
- She is fine.
Thank you. You too.
Madhu is all right.
Why didn't you tell me?
I felt embarrassed.
Your father used to say
For a tree to grow new leaves,
it has to shed the old ones.
A new leaf is coming.
Before he arrives,
end all these problems.
I can't see another vulnerable person
being born in my family.
Go on.
I said go.
Don't take too much stress. Okay?
- And come for regular check-ups.
- Yes. (door opens)
Who are you?
I am the child's
Okay. Okay. Please come.
(door closes)
It's the biggest
breaking news of my life.
(mobile notification beeps)
(Yusuf) The job's done.
The party is very happy.
On this note, I'll lessen
₹1.1 billion from your tab.
See, you brought good luck.
Ask your mom if she will marry me.
I will be a good father.
I will be the best father
in the world.
Tell her that.
Tell her.
Will you marry me?
(Taaza Khabar notification beeps)
You made me struggle so much.
And I'll apologise even more.
See you later.
(Peter) Check for
vegetables in the fridge.
(door opens)
- There's only spinach.
- (door closes)
I have the biggest breaking news!
(classical music playing)
It's worth ₹15 billion.
Stashed away
in a dilapidated building.
And you want to go find it?
I can try.
And you guys don't have to bother.
If I get caught
I'll rot in jail.
(classical music continues)
We've already been through so much.
Stop it, Vasant. Just stop!
Even after paying everyone,
we'll have five billion.
And when are we supposed to do it?
Today. Right now.
You guys wait here.
Be there with a minivan
when I call.
- Be ready.
- But
(classical music continues)
You were amazing, sister.
I have a job.
You didn't come here
only to compliment me.
Say it.
I have breaking news,
which can turn Yusuf's life around.
Or ours.
How much?
(intense music)
(Peter) Vasya.
You trusted Reshma.
But it's a good thing.
More people means
the job gets done faster.
Isn't that right, Reshma?
Everyone, start looking.
Come on.
(clicks tongue)
(Yusuf) All preparations
are done.
Swati doesn't know.
If anyone finds anything, tell me.
Are you all right?
We found the consignment.
It's the original stuff.
And also good.
He's found the drugs.
Now he will kill us.
This is very unfair.
- Quiet.
- Right.
You found the stuff.
Now our scores are settled.
There is no need for this.
For what?
Bringing us here
Death is inevitable.
You have to face it one day.
Yours is today.
And anyway, I don't need you guys.
I've arranged for other people
to transport the stuff.
- (Yusuf) Pick it up.
- (henchman) Yes.
- (tyres screeching)
(dark music)
What is your name?
Brother Vasya.
(ominous music)
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