Taaza Khabar (2023) s02e06 Episode Script

Aapki Marzi

- (on TV) The first triumph for England.
- (whooping and laughs)
(man) He nailed it!
Sending New Zealand's
most in-form player back.
Yusuf bhai.
₹50 million from me.
(phone ringing)
- ₹150 million from me.
- (phone rings)
Great. Right, Kismat.
(phone ringing)
1:10? Fine. I am on.
- (clapping)
- Amazing, direct hit!
Fantastic, Yusuf bhai.
This is amazing.
(on TV) If they want to win
the match now
Six on the next ball.
Do you have a boon, Yusuf bhai?
I get every news before time.
Do you have some kind of setting?
Just luck, Raman bhai.
Another shocker, both openers
are back in the dugout.
Keep betting. Keep betting.
One hundred and fifty million.
I trust Yusuf bhai.
- (phone ringing)
- (man) I bet more, Yusuf bhai.
The batsmen are ready
Yeah, Kismat.
Are you sure?
Bet everything on New Zealand.
(suspenseful music)
New Zealand.
(on TV) The shot's in the air.
Can the fielder get under it?
That's a dropped catch.
Can you believe it?
Catch dropped.
The batsmen take two runs
Will the throw be on the mark?
- (tense music)
- The ball's headed for the boundary.
And England owns this match,
winning the trophy
because of an overthrow!
(man) Yusuf bhai.
What just happened?
I lost all my money.
(tense music)
(man 1) Yusuf bhai, you could have
asked if you wanted the money.
In our business,
we take the public for a ride,
not each other.
You stripped us naked.
Come on. Let's go.
(man) Thought he could play God.
Let's go!
(Yusuf) Kismat, that Vardaan
turned out to be wrong.
I lost
all the party's election money.
He ruined my entire business.
Call him. Call him.
I'll make a conference call.
(Kismat) Vardaan, you lost everything
in a single night.
What to do, Kismat?
It's bloody bad luck.
Children, what are
we supposed to do?
(insects buzzing)
I'll tell you.
We'll open our bags
and quickly fill them with
those powder packets over there,
and close them up.
One more thing.
Listen to me carefully.
We will climb aboard Swati's bus.
Don't be scared.
No one's going to check us.
Between the bus and the hotel room,
keep the bags closed.
Don't open it on the way
or share with anyone.
In the morning, we will get dressed
and leave for Pune.
Then, Nagpur the following day
and then
For the cultural show.
But always remember
to keep the bags closed.
Do not give them to anyone else.
Come on, let's fill up the bags.
Come on.
(suspenseful music)
(yells) Are you deaf?
Fill up the bags!
Sangeeta, fill up the bags.
this doesn't seem right.
I see.
Why are you dragging
the children into this?
This is their school.
This is where they graduate
to become like Madhu.
Didn't she tell you?
She was as old as her
when she came to me.
- And didn't I train her well for you--
- Enough, Reshma!
Shut up!
Rather than disfiguring them
and making them beg on the streets,
I gave them a place
to stay and a new life.
This is their way of repaying me.
How is it wrong?
Child, what is wrong?
Don't be scared.
No need to be scared.
She has nothing against you
except for your fear.
- Run away.
- Really?
Why didn't you run away?
Hunger forces you to endure cruelty.
If one of you goes to the police--
The police will put them in an NGO.
And the NGO is mine.
If they unite against you,
there will be no NGO you can go to.
Their hearts, minds
and lives are broken.
You try putting them together.
(captives scream)
(girl) Vidushi! What happened?
Back. Back.
Get back!
Reshma. Reshma.
Don't force the children.
Look, children.
All those who don't
want to do this job
can stand on this side. Understood?
(yells) Now!
Fire brigade.
Call the fire brigade.
(intense music)
There's a lot to go. Hurry up.
We should be leaving too.
The police will be here soon.
I read it on Taaza Khabar.
We will get arrested.
(suspenseful music)
Tie them up.
They talk too much.
Seize their phones.
And the girl?
We will take care of her.
You take care of yourself.
(faucet dripping)
(insects buzzing)
(indistinct chatter)
This building is about to collapse.
- What do you mean by collapse?
- (Mehboob) Who is going to collapse?
That's why you made me
call the fire brigade.
Why didn't you
tell us earlier, Vasya?
Why did we come here
if the building was going to collapse?
- (Mehboob) Fire brigade--
- (Madhu) Why did you make the transfer?
- What transfer?
- What happened?
What transfer are
you guys talking about?
I got 2 breaking news.
(suspenseful music)
(Yusuf) Any news about drugs?
Drugs as in medicines?
Drugs as in weed, hash, cocaine,
MDMA, narcotics.
Okay. I'll check.
(car engine starts)
Yes. Listen.
- Yes, brother.
- (Vasya) It's a big job.
Waseem and you arrange for
hospital uniforms and an ambulance.
("Paisa" playing)
(vehicle halts)
- (message notification)
(song continues)
(Vasya) Madhu will suddenly
faint at her workplace,
and you guys will pick her up.
Madhu. Madhu.
(song continues)
I will also come along.
No, ma'am. Sorry.
Her blood pressure is too low.
I think she's been infected
by the new variant.
Sorry, we'll have to
quarantine here.
- Close the door.
- No one can accompany her.
(door closes)
(Vasya) From there, head straight
to the ice factory.
I pulled some strings.
There will be no guard there.
(song continues)
(wood creaks)
(Vasya) The drugs are hidden
in ice. Load it onto the ambulance.
But leave some of it behind
because the news has to come true.
Reach the location I sent you.
It's a dilapidated building.
Hide the drugs
on the second floor.
Waseem, cover it up.
- (Vasya) -And leave immediately.
- Let's go.
I will deal with the rest.
(Peter) And the other news?
This building is going to collapse.
I hid the consignment here
and asked Reshma for help.
Because I knew
she would backstab me
and bring Yusuf here.
Vasya, how were you planning
to get out of all this?
I was going to jump
from the second floor.
I would have broken a leg and would
have to limp for the rest of my life.
But now you guys are here.
And the kids.
(stutters) When is the building
going to collapse?
Maybe 20 minutes.
My father told me to join the army.
I could have died for the country.
Not in an earthquake like this.
(clicks tongue)
What did you say?
What? If I was in the army,
I would been a martyr.
(Peter) He's lost his mind.
Where is your army knife?
The one you made a video of.
(suspenseful music)
(crickets chirping)
Vidushi isn't speaking
at all, sister.
At least get her some water.
Right away.
Swati madam, sorry for
disturbing you at this late hour,
but I have some bad news.
Your entire shipment was
confiscated because of that Vardaan.
Had I been
in charge of this, then
Yusuf bhai.
Where is my promotion?
Safely waiting with 10 kilos
of cocaine and your old friend Vasya.
(Mehboob) Be careful
Peter Peter.
(Vasant) Are you going to
cut my hand?
Go see Yusuf bhai.
I will check on them.
(Madhu) Careful. Careful.
(Vasant) Set the timer for 15 minutes
and keep telling me the time.
- (Shazia) Okay, done.
- (Vasant) Shh!
Someone's coming.
(door opens)
(knife piercing)
(henchman groans)
(high-octane music)
Hurry up. Let's go.
Let's go
(man 2) What's happening in there?
Is everything all right?
Hurry up. Hide.
(tense music)
(henchman grunting)
(Peter) Give me
(Mehboob screams)
Vasant, catch him.
Go back.
(Madhu) Vasya he'll fall.
(Shazia) Vasya, he'll fall.
The bus will go to Pune tomorrow
(all) He'll fall.
- (man screams)
- (all gasp)
(loud thud)
What are you all looking at?
Back to your seats.
(insects buzzing)
She must be taken
to the hospital, sister.
There is time for that.
But she has lost a lot of blood.
Then let her bleed.
Please, sister. Help Vidushi.
Help people once,
and they get addicted
to asking for help.
And when you don't help them,
they learn to help themselves.
Did you understand or not?
Want to play games?
(both gasp)
(Vasya) Yusuf!
The game's over.
- Vasant!
- Don't move!
- I have a bad aim.
- (Mehboob) No, no.
I'll aim at your leg
and blow your brains out.
There is still
a lot of goods left here.
We can split it.
Look, boy.
I am giving you a new life.
Can you give me a new father?
Wait stop
- Stop
- (gunshots going off)
(high-octane music)
Look out.
(thuds loudly, screams)
(grunting in pain)
- Sangeeta, untie me.
- Let's go.
- (chair creaks)
- Untie me.
- Come on.
- Sangeeta, untie me.
Listen to me. Untie me.
Sangeeta, untie me.
Catch him.
Let go.
(glass shatters)
(Mehboob) Leave it.
(screams) Vasya.
(intense music)
Stay back.
(breathing heavily)
You bloody
I'll show you
(glass breaks)
Sister, why are we going upstairs?
To save brother Vasya.
(children screaming)
Madhu, take the children and run!
(gun cocks)
(intense music)
(man 3) Heads down.
No one will lift their heads.
(tense music)
I said heads down.
(wood creaks)
(children screaming)
Come on. Run.
Which location did they say exactly?
(siren blaring)
There is no fire here.
You must be mistaken.
I think some kid was pranking us.
Come on, turn the vehicle around.
Careful. Careful.
Shazia, the fire brigade's leaving.
Only nine more minutes to go.
What do we do?
Go with the girls. Leave.
- (gunshot)
- (children scream)
(Shazia) Madhu!
(wood clatters)
No one moves.
Sit back down. Come on.
Are you deaf?
No one moves.
Sit down.
(children screaming)
(siren blaring)
Turn it around.
Turn the vehicle around.
(children screaming)
Children, hurry up.
Fire brigade.
Let's go that way.
Come on.
(siren blaring)
Help. Fire brigade.
(high-octane music)
Shazia, take the children
someplace safe.
- And you?
- Vasya is alone.
But your arm--
The bullet only grazed it.
You go.
Only seven minutes are left.
(fireman) Wait, madam!
You can't go that way.
(fire crackling, whooshing)
(gun cocking)
Madhu, no!
Vardaan bhai.
I think she's looking for you.
No more smart moves.
(Manoj) Hands up. Hands up.
Move back.
Back. Stay back.
Asshole, you move and I shoot.
Throw the gun away.
Throw it.
(tense music)
(knife piercing)
Let go of the knife.
Let go of the knife.
Madhu, run!
Asshole, you move
and I'll slice him open.
Vasya, only four minutes are left.
Let's go.
It's the countdown to your death.
Mehboob, get them out of here.
We're not going anywhere without you.
Let's go.
Madhu, we don't have time.
Try to understand.
(yells) Mehboob bhai, Peter, go!
No, Vasya, come with us.
Madhu, I'm done running.
Let me take a stand today.
(sighs) Maybe this is my destiny.
We'll have to end this cycle.
Otherwise, tomorrow our child
will come looking for him.
(Mehboob) Let's go, Madhu.
We're running out of time.
Not for you or me alone
Leave for us.
(voice cracks) For us
(Mehboob) Madhu, let's go.
- Go!
- Let's go, Madhu.
We're running out of time.
Breaking news.
This building is about to collapse.
(knife clatters)
(Yusuf) Manoj!
- (fireman) Move to the back.
- (Mehboob) Shazia!
Move back. Move back.
- Come
- Hurry up.
Come, child.
(Shazia) Father!
(fire crackling)
It's all about time, my friend.
But never trust time.
(woman) Go on, son.
You'll be free of all dependencies.
(Yusuf) Time is no one's friend.
It can change at any instance.
(Ashok) Didn't I tell you?
Someday some junkie will shoot you.
You know you are like me.
(Vardaan lady) This shall be
your blessing and curse.
In a clash of hatred,
guns always decide the winner.
(breathing heavily)
(Ashok) Don't become a father
like me.
Be a better father.
The world's an illusion
It's a delusion ♪
What God's decided for you
Cannot be changed ♪
Your sins and merits
Will no longer matter ♪
On the path of karma
Don't give in to greed ♪
On the path of karma
Don't give in to greed ♪
Your soul's rusted
Faced the scorching sun ♪
Wandering like a bubble ♪
Looking for a speck of mercy
Wandering to find a cloud ♪
- Wandering like a bubble ♪
- (both scream)
Wandering like a bubble ♪
(Yusuf grunting in pain)
I pardon your debt completely.
Let's end this fight.
Broken are the lines ♪
- Tell me.
- Of your destiny ♪
Broken are the lines
Of your destiny ♪
The rich have more problems
Than those in poverty ♪
Don't be so attached to the world
It's just a toy ♪
Take the advice of saints
You come across on the way ♪
Take the advice of saints
You come across on the way ♪
Your choice.
- (concrete thudding)
- (laughing)
Your soul's rusted
Faced the scorching sun ♪
- (laughs louder)
- Wandering like a bubble ♪
- Vasya!
- Vasya!
(debris whooshes)
(electricity crackling)
(screams) Vasya!
(Madhu) Vasya!
(electricity crackling)
(suspenseful music)
(electricity crackling)
Wandering like a bubble ♪
Wandering like a bubble ♪
Wandering like a bubble ♪
Wandering like a bubble ♪
(newsreader) Let's speak
with Inspector Rathore,
who solved this case.
(Manoj) The police were tracking
Reshma for the past few days
because, as per our information,
she was running
a drugs and human trafficking ring
using social service as a front.
Yesterday we received a tip-off
that she was coming to this building
with the children from
the Ladli Kanya Foundation.
So we intercepted her.
But the building collapsed
and all her men were killed.
But the children have been rescued,
and Reshma has
been arrested alive.
And we've also recovered
a bus full of drugs.
(woman) Who is behind all this?
Is it a political party?
(newsreader) Breaking news
coming in.
The police have received orders
to start a detailed investigation.
We are waiting to see who is
behind such a vast smuggling ring.
Stay with us on--
(clicks tongue)
What happened?
What happened?
Where are you going?
(goat bleating)
(dramatic music)
Heard about the goose
that laid golden eggs?
He's the goat
that lays golden chips.
- (Vasya) I got a piece of news
- (Taaza Khabar notification)
A memory card
with bitcoins worth millions
was found in goat shit in Deonar.
That's why we went to Deonar.
(Peter) Let's ask this goat.
(Mehboob) Don't talk nonsense.
Poor thing must be lost.
- (goat bleating)
- Leave it.
We'll make a few grand
by selling him.
Let's take him home for now.
Yusuf was watching us.
That's why I didn't
tell anyone beforehand.
As the saying goes, a person
should be good when times are bad.
But my craftiness came to my aid.
- (Vasant) Keep doing it.
- Do it. Julie will clean it.
(goat bleating)
Do you do this every day?
What life is this?
It started from shit,
and it's back to shit again.
Quiet. Quiet.
(suspenseful music)
(Madhu) Vasya, you are a magician.
Magic is a sleight of hand.
This is a miracle.
(everyone cheering)
Yusuf is dead.
And my score
with him is settled.
Don't come after me, madam.
Because I know
what you make little girls do
in your foundation.
(mellow music)
(joyous music)
(tinkling of bangles)
Feed the children properly.
(Peter) I'll feed them and
give them food to take home.
Don't worry.
(birds chirping)
What will Vardaan do now?
He will try to become Vasant again.
(Madhu) What now?
Mansion to urinal?
(Vasya) From shade to sun.
(Madhu) What do you mean?
(vehicle approaching)
(Vasya) Shall I tell you a story?
(Madhu) That same old story?
Once there was a king and a queen.
(Vasya chuckles) No.
There was a beggar.
Weak, poor, starving.
One day, someone gave him a seed
instead of money, which he planted.
The seed turned into a tree.
- Then came fruits, flowers
- (Taaza Khabar notifications)
and shade.
(Taaza Khabar notifications beeping)
With the fragrance of the flowers,
the strength from the fruits,
and the cool shade,
the beggar turned into a king.
(Taaza Khabar notifications beeping)
Then he stopped leaving
the shade of the tree.
But eventually,
everything started to rot.
Flowers, fruits and the king.
(Taaza Khabar notification)
And do you know what happens
when you eat rotten food?
(Madhu) What?
(Vasya) Intoxication.
That tree was karma, not destiny.
(intense music)
Before my karma affects my child,
I am going to cut down that tree.
(Madhu) And will this
fix everything?
(Vasya) Maybe.
(Madhu) And where will we go
after doing all this?
(phone buzzing, ringing)
(ringing continues)
Tell me. Where will we go?
(Vasya) Beyond our limits.
("Paisa" playing)
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