Teen Titans Go! (2013) s03e35 Episode Script

Operation Dude Rescue (Part 1)

"Operation Dude Rescue: Part 1" [OPENING THEME PLAYING.]
Ooh, here they come.
- Good day, ladies.
- My, my, my, you are looking lovely.
- Um, thank you.
- Uh, okay.
Careful, mamas.
There's a moist spot on the floor, - and I don't want you to step in it.
- A moist spot? I perhaps have over hydrated myself, miladies.
He pee-peed himself and upon the floor.
- Indubitably.
- Ew! Gross! - Please, allow me.
- This door was not here before.
We just had it installed so we would have something to open for you l-l-ladies.
After you.
- Ladies.
- Ladies.
- You must be cold.
- I'm fine.
Here, take my coat.
But, we are not the cold.
Are you cold, mama? Heres, take my coat.
- We don't want your coats! - Here, take my other coat.
- Take my spare coat.
- Get away from us! - Take my flannel.
- Take my windbreaker.
- Pea coat.
- Leather jacket.
- Raincoat.
- Blazer.
- Poncho.
- Jean.
No, mine.
It's warmer.
- No, my coat, I say.
- Allow me.
Why are you acting like this? Perhaps they are infected with the worms that eat the brains, causing behaviors of great strangeness.
Is that it? You guys got brain worms giving you strange behaviors? There are no brain worms in us, milady.
Well, I do actually have worms in me, but not in my brains.
This strange behavior is called ALL: Chivalry.
Chivalry is where dudes be gentlemens and do things for ladies.
Like give you our coats and open doors.
Chivalry is dead.
- Terrible news.
- My condolences, here take another coat.
Chivalry will never die.
Because being a gentleman never goes out of style.
Yeah, checks me out, I'm such a gentleman.
So gentle.
Well I'm a gentler man.
You feel me little buddy? Of course you don't.
I'm gentle.
You call that gentle? I'm the gentlest man.
My entire body is a [INHALES.]
butterfly kiss.
ALL: Gentle.
Ew! This whole chivalry thing is creeping me out.
Crime alert.
ROBIN: It's The Brain, and he's up to something big.
Then let us bring the pain to The Brain! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Ladies, please, allow us.
- Are you serious? - What kind of gentlemen would we be if we didn't handle this ourselves? Uh, the kind that treat us like equals? Aw! Sounds like someone's cold again.
Here, take this coat.
Now that you're nice and warm, please, miladies, allow us to handle this.
Gentlemen, go! [MUSIC.]
That was remarkably easy.
Where are the tough ones? - You mean the ladies? - We handled this for them because we are the gentlest men around.
They possess so much strength and good sense, it seems unwise to face me without them.
This fool don't understand chivalry.
Ha! I encourage you to get comfortable as you will be here for a long, long time.
Hello, ladies.
Sorry we aren't home yet.
We got a little sidetracked.
We got captured, yo! But don't worry your pretty little heads about it.
We'll bust out of here and be back by dinner.
ALL: Gentlemen, out.
Does this chivalry entail the boys being easily apprehended - and then saved by the ladies? - Looks like it.
But don't worry.
I've got a plan.
RAVEN: To rescue the boys, we'll have to disable the security system.
Then we'll have to take out the massive army [FIRING.]
of robot guards.
With the guards out of the way, the only thing standing between us and the dudes, is a giant metal door that we'll have to break through.
- Then we save the boys - Ooh, yeah! get them home safe and make fun of them for getting captured and being stupid.
That is a plan with very much of the charm.
But we are only two.
We need the team.
I've got a few people in mind.
Come on.
So how are we getting out of here, yo? If only there were more gentlemen around to help.
Don't worry, this gentleman has the perfect plan.
You snuck in a lock pick? Genius.
You're going to remote hack the security systems? - [CHUCKLES.]
So good.
- No.
We are going to do nothing.
- Nothing? - Exactly! We sit here until we get old.
- That's not really an escape plan.
- That is where you're wrong.
ROBIN: Nobody likes old prisoners.
They're depressing and gross.
Therefore, once we're old, The Brain will let us go.
That's when we find a time machine, come back here and rescue our young selves.
That plan is so good! I must say, I am super-impressed! Now let's settle in.
We've got a lot of waiting ahead of us.
- Many of the helloes to you friend Jinx.
- What's up, ladies? We about to have another crazy girl's night out? - Sort of.
- I was thinking, we can all drink milkshakes, then make each other laugh so hard [ALL LAUGHING.]
the milkshake comes out of our noses.
We're thinking of something even crazier.
And we can't do it without you.
- Are you in? - What about the milkshakes? - If there is time, we'll do it after.
- I'm in.
I do have the one question.
Why do you have a bucket? I'll show you.
- Hello, Rose.
- Raven.
What do you losers want? Ooh, calling us losers.
So good.
You're being sarcastic.
Let me catch my breath.
I haven't had a belly laugh like that in years.
Look, it wasn't my best put down.
Can't believe how much I've missed you.
Missed you too.
We need your help.
I'm not into helping.
There will be the having of the milkshakes afterwards.
- [SIGHS.]
- Joy.
Now let us do the group hug.
Hey Terra.
Ugh, what stinks? Oh.
I don't know, maybe it's all the garbage you throw in here.
We're here because we need your help.
After you imprisoned me here, there's no way I'd help you.
What if we let you out of the trash hole? Not interested.
Then enjoy living in the world of the garbage forever.
You called my bluff, - I'll help you.
- Joy! But I'll also have my revenge.
- RAVEN: Revenge? - What? [CHUCKLES.]
I didn't say revenge.
But you were doing the evil hand rubbing.
They were just, uh, a little cold.
Now, let's go.
Dude, where's that time machine you promised? Sorry we're late.
This one kept making us stop for potty breaks.
- What? - He said we were late on account of my weak bladder.
- What? - I said Just push the button and get us out of here.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold your horses, sonny.
We'll just walk on over there and push that button.
It's a They make these things so far across the hall now.
Come on, older me.
The lights not glowing on it, I wonder if it works.
I guess I'll try it.
What? Now let's see, where did I put my glasses.
Ah, so many buttons.
Just push the button and get us out of here.
OLDER ROBIN: I don't want to go down.
- Oh, come on.
- We're so close.
Ah There you go.
All right, ladies, let's do this.
Operation Dude Rescue is a go.
Or, we can pause here in order to build the suspense.
Well, what do you guys think? Should we take a vote? [OVERLAPPING CHATTER.]
Let's do it! We'll pause here and build up the suspense.

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