Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s02e02 Episode Script

8910-002 - The Incredible Shrinking Turtles (1)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power They're the world's most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell and they're green Hey, get a grip.
When the evil Shredder attacks these turtle boys don't cut him no slack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool, but rude Gimme a break.
Michelangelo is a party dude Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power Season 2, episode 2 THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING TURTLES Oh, great.
I've just been dedaisied.
And you'll be pushing up daisies if we don't improve our jungle fighting techniques.
Shredder could show up any time, any place.
Man, Leonardo, you are such a downer.
I believe you were saying something about improving our technique ? Very funny, Donatello.
It's Shredder ! We're ready for you, Shred-head.
Ready to say uncle ? Chill out, dude ! Come on.
It's me.
Michelangelo ? For sure, dudes.
Had you going there for a while, though, didn't I ? Where'd you get the mask ? Hey, i made it from an old pizza tray.
Where else ? What was that ? It's some kind of spaceship.
Major notion ! It's gonna crash ! Let's go, turtles ! We've got to get him up fast ! Up you go, guy.
He's still alive.
Let's get him to shore quick ! Man, this is one freaky-looking alien.
He probably thinks you're pretty weird, too.
What have those meddlesome turtles stumbled upon now ? Quick ! Boil some water.
We're not delivering a baby, dimbo.
I heard it in a movie.
The eye of Zarnov You must find the 3 fragments of the eye of Zarnov.
Fragments ? fell to the earth.
When they are joined, the possessor will have power undreamed of In your world.
Undreamed of power ? I like the sound of that.
But how can we find these fragments ? They could be anywhere.
With this crystal converger You can track the energy released by each fragment.
Hurry Before they fall into evil hands.
Once assembled, their power cannot be stopped.
Farewell, earthlings.
Oh, whoa, man.
He He's gone.
Just the way those turtles will be once i locate those fragments.
Turn left.
Now right.
Make up your mind, will you ? I can't help it.
This crystal tracker is very sensitive.
See if that gizmo's got a setting for food, bud.
I could use a pizza break.
Will you cool it with the pizzas ? We're after something big.
Well, all right, then.
Just make it a family-sized pizza.
The fools ! They're leading me to the fragments.
Baxter ! Connect me with Krang in Dimension X Immediately ! But my cone is melting in the sun.
Silence, toad ! Do as i say and now ! As you wish, master.
Yes, Shredder ? What is it now ? Good news, Krang.
I will soon have the weapon with which to destroy the turtles.
You have promised this before and but this time, I shall be successful.
If only i could have my foot soldiers.
The answer is no, not until you bring the turtles to me on a plate.
Until then, stop wasting my precious time ! Oh, blast that bodiless brain ! Nice, Baxter.
The converger is telling us to turn here, Leonardo.
A garbage truck ? There it is ! And there it goes.
Ok, turtles, it's up to us.
Are you suggesting that we go climbing through that garbage ? Hey, it's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.
True, but how come that someone's always got to be us ? Does that answer your question ? Ok, guys ! Last one in is a rotten tomato ! Innocent fools.
As usual, they're in over their heads.
Look, guys.
Jackpot ! If you don't mind, I'll take that ! Shredder ! Hey, give that back ! Come and get it, mutants.
With pleasure, tin face.
One down, three to go.
Say adios, dipstick.
You're about to get dusted.
What ?! I'd say the tables were turned.
My turn, bozo.
A simple challenge.
Saved by the shell.
See if you can handle me, Shredder.
Mere child's play.
Net result, Oh, i made a funny.
Now to cut you down to size.
So much for the free ninja lesson.
I have won this fragment in clean combat.
You mean dirty combat ? What's happening ? I don't know, but it's, like, Mondo beyond-o ! Well, an unexpected power.
It's Shredder ! He's getting bigger ! Wrong, Leonardo.
We're getting smaller ! That must be the power of the fragment.
It makes things shrink.
Ah, great.
At last i have you meddlesome turtles right in the palm of my hand.
Now to crush you meddlesome turtles One by one ! Guess again, frying pan face.
Blast you ! Stand still, you little shrinkers.
What do we do now, Leonardo ? This thing is getting heavy.
I say it's time to haul shell.
Come back and fight like men, you mutants ! You guys go on.
I can't run any farther.
Never ! We'll make our stand here ! Kind of like custer did ? Who needs foot soldiers when a single foot will take care of you insects ? Here comes the cavalry ! Look out ! No.
It can't be.
They've escaped.
But i have the first fragment of the eye of Zarnov, and soon its limitless power shall be mine ! We've gotta make it home before we get even smaller.
And quick.
We're shrinking faster Than a pair of cheap underwear.
Ok, the coast is clear.
Hey, watch it, Bigfoot ! We made it.
Oh, thanks a lot, fella ! Cheer up, turtles.
At least things can't get any worse.
Oh, no ? Scope that out ! A watering truck ! Head for the high ground ! I've got news for you.
The high ground is too high.
Remember, we're at home under the water.
Just keep telling me that ! There's gotta be an easier way to get home than this.
It would seem we have quite a large problem.
Please, sensei, must you use the word "large" ? And one that requires immediate action.
April, this is Splinter.
Please respond.
Remember, we at channel 6 news have to be decisive, daring, Able to make split-second decisions.
April, are you there ? Did you say something ? Who ? Me ? April Yes, you.
You are needed most urgently.
It's an emergency.
I've got to go, mr.
It's a hot story.
Go ? Go where ? We're right in the middle of a meeting.
You said yourself we've got to make split-second decisions.
Ciao ! But that was only a speech ! Unlimited power ? Rubbish.
You have given me nothing but empty promises.
But, Krang, I have destroyed the turtles as you ordered.
Lies ! Lies ! Lies ! Where is your proof ? Like many a turtle before them, they have been flushed down the sewers.
Talk is cheap.
What i want is indisputable evidence.
Is my word not good enough ? Precisely.
Your word is not good enough.
But If proof is what that maniac medulla wants, then proof he shall have ! Thank you, April, for answering my call.
We must find Shredder and that alien fragment before he uses it to do further damage.
Those poor turtles.
Less than 6 inches high.
We interrupt this commercial to bring you a special bulletin.
Interrupt a commercial ? It must be big news ! The empire state building is actually shrinking.
Shredder ! Precisely.
Now he's turned that fragment on innocent people.
Hang on, Splinter.
Next stop, the Empire State Building.
It's being reported that this is just one of many midtown buildings that have been shrunk.
Come on, mister ! Hurry ! You're the last one left ! Ah, the alien crystal has done its work beautifully.
Oh, yes, master.
And this will be the crown jewel in my collection.
Now Krang will have to send me my foot warriors.
It's hopeless.
By the time we get there, Shredder will be gone.
We must retrieve the alien crystal, or i dread to think what may befall the city.
Well, one good thing about being tiny Yeah, one slice of pizza is enough for all of us.
Like, speak for yourself, dude.
Oh, no ! Look ! It's a tidal wave ! Why are we running ? It's just your average sewer trickle.
Sure, but we're no longer your average-size mutant turtles.
Quick, turtles.
Climb aboard ! I didn't know they made bars of soap this big.
It must be the large family size, huh ? Speaking of things that are large A sewer snake ! What a way to go.
We're not swallowed yet.
Let's do lunch again sometime.
Oh, nice going, Leonardo.
Now we're traveling economy class.
Shredder ! Shredder, this had better be good.
I'm much too busy for your time-wasting conversations.
The talking is over.
This time, I will show you deeds.
Behold ! Is this some sort of joke ? I asked for petrified turtles, and bring me toy buildings ! And i want them now ! Blast that grotesque ganglion ! Might i suggest this ? What in blazes is that monstrosity ? An invention of mine.
A heat-seeking turtle scope.
It'll locate them no matter how tiny they are.
Oh, excellent.
Now go, and don't come back without those mini-amphibians.
Never fear, master.
They're as good as captured.
Well, it looks like we're not the only ones shrinking.
The soap is, too.
Hold it, guys.
We've got more serious problems.
Oh, yeah ? Like what ? Like that.
A storm drain ! And we're headed right for it ! Oh, what a bummer.
No soap, no hope.
Hang on.
We're going over ! Buds ! That was definitely a radical ride.
Now all we've got to worry about is getting to shore.
We've got bigger problems than that, Leonardo.
You're always looking for trouble.
Oh, yeah ? Well, this time, the trouble's looking for us.
It's moby dick's big brother ! I promise, dude, I'll never eat another anchovy pizza again.
I got news for you.
You may never eat another pizza period ! What's going on ? Well, what do we have here ? Why, it's a rare species of soon-to-be extinct turtles.
Something tells me we were better off with the fish.
This is most strange.
What is it, Splinter ? I left the turtles at home.
Yet I sense they are close by.
The connection between sensei and student is very strong.
I hope you're wrong.
In their present condition, they wouldn't last long in a neighborhood like this.
Yes, they are now quite close.
My bond with the turtles has not diminished, even if they have.
Please, turn here.
There ! That is ! Well, Krang, what have you to say now ? Perhaps i have underestimated your evil abilities after all.
My thoughts exactly.
What have you to say now, mini-mutants ? You'll never get away with this, Krang ! Well, you got to admit it sounded good.
And now, Krang, for your viewing pleasure, you shall witness the final agonizing moments of the turtles' demise.
Splendid ! Let the show begin.
If I had hands, they'd be sweating in anticipation.
Can't we discuss this like human beings ? Nice try, Donatello.
Sayonara, turtles.
Splinter ! Yes, Shredder.
Your old sensei has returned to teach you a new lesson.
Feeble rodent.
I will do the teaching.
Infernal technical difficulties ! And just when the show was getting interesting.
Not bad for a rusty, old has-been.
One with a face made of metal should not use the word "rusty.
" Hey, let me out of here ! Try again, Shredder.
I intend to ! Oh, what a ride.
My brain feels like tofu.
April, over here.
We're behind this big hunk of junk.
Turtles, is that you ? Yeah, what there is of us.
I can't believe it.
You're so tiny.
Look, April, this is no time for small talk.
Quick ! Aim that crystal at us.
A second jolt might reverse the effect.
You mean we might get bigger ? Well, we can't get much smaller, Einstein.
It's worth a try.
Advantage Shredder.
It's useless to struggle against the Shredder grip of steel.
Quick, April, turn on the beam ! I'm not sure how.
Neither are we.
It just sort of happened.
Something's happening, but i don't know what ! Whoa, man.
Yeah, it feels like an intergalactic tanning booth.
It's working.
We're starting to grow.
Smothered by a cheese-wrapping machine.
A fitting end for a rat.
What ? It stopped ! While I have just started.
The crystal ! You may have won this time, Splinter, But i still have this ! Quickly, master ! This way ! Till the next time, turtles.
Au revoir ! He's getting away with the crystal.
We must stop him.
It is useless to try.
He is gone.
I feel we failed you, master.
It is all part of the learning process, Leonardo.
Even our mistakes can serve as teachers.
And just as mysteriously as it started, this entire shrinking business stopped.
Hopefully one day the true story behind this incredible event can be revealed.
The same day we turtles can walk around the city like regular people.
Speaking of things shrinking, so is my stomach.
Where the heck is Michelangelo With those pizzas ? Yeah ! He sure is taking his sweet time.
All right, dudes, it's scarfing time ! All right ! I'll do the slicing.
Hey, just scope out these babies.
Babies ? These things haven't even been born yet.
Is this some kind of a sick joke ? Well, ask Splinter.
It was his idea.
I had them specially made for my small students To remind them they still have a long way to grow.

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